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Chapter 889: An Accidental Calculation

Chapter 889: An Accidental Calculation


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 889 An Accidental Calculation

  In a hotel not far from Cartnord Prison, the Desert Eagle lying flat on the bed suddenly woke up.


  The startled voice startled the Comedian who was operating the drone, and he hurriedly switched the camera angle.

  ”Why are you yelling so loudly–”

  ”I told you to stare at someone, what the hell are you staring at?” The Desert Eagle jumped up from the bed and slapped him on the back of the head and snatched the tablet computer.

  The overhead view of the prison was normal, but the Comedian’s expression of having done something wrong seemed to confess everything.

  Looking at the frustrated Desert Eagle, the Comedian coughed and asked nervously in a low voice.

  ”…What happened?”

  The Desert Eagle said with a gloomy face.

  ”You lost the target! Just now, Taran posted on the forum that he even visited the base of the Enlightenment Society.”

  The Comedian widened his eyes.

  ”Fuck?! So fast?”

  The Desert Eagle slapped him on the back of the head again in frustration.

  ”Stop the fucking shit, change the place quickly.”

  The Comedian covered the back of his head and said in confusion.

  ”Where to?”

  Sha Diao cursed.

  ”The Marshal’s arsenal! The Enlightenment’s branch in Evernight Harbor! Fortunately, that fool also left the address on the forum, otherwise we would have been waiting for nothing.”

  The Comedian breathed a sigh of relief and then became excited again.

  ”What’s next? We just rush in? Kill them all at once!”

  It’s a bit difficult for two people to raid the Enlightenment’s base, but it’s not completely impossible.

  As long as you prepare in advance, you can give it a try!

  Sha Diao narrowed his eyes.

  ”Are you a pig? We have to follow the clues to find bigger clues, instead of cutting off the clues we have finally found! That Martin, and the thing called ‘death potion’, have not surfaced yet.”

  The Comedian asked in confusion.

  ”Then… what’s the next step?”

  After putting the things into the travel bag, Sha Diao said concisely.

  ”Change to another place and continue to wait.”

  Since the location of the base has been found, the next task is simple.

  As long as they keep an eye on that place, they can always wait for Martin to show up.

  But to be honest, the performance of the [Taran Raider] was somewhat beyond his expectations.

  He originally regarded that guy as a brick to test the waters, but he didn’t expect that the brick would hit the opposite nuclear submarine.

  It’s hard not to wonder if this guy is using something…


  ”Wasteland OL” official website forum, [Taran Raider/Fountain Commander] private chat mailbox.

  Taran Raider: “Big brother, help me! QAQ”

  Fountain Commander: “…Who are you?”

  Taran Raider: “Brother, do you remember the sending head operation in Luoxia Province? I sent heads to your brother Battlefield!”

  Fountain Commander: “Well, that was a long time ago… What happened to you? I declare in advance that I don’t want to borrow money, you can earn it by doing tasks yourself. (Sweat)” Taran Raider

  : “I’m not borrowing money, I just want to ask you for advice. The thing is, a few days ago I received a hidden task to investigate the information related to enlightenment and death potion. The current situation is that I have infiltrated the Enlightenment Society and become a disciple…”

  Fountain Commander: “Isn’t that good? You are much more awesome than Battlefield. We spent so much effort to push his ass but didn’t push him up.” He

  broke into the Enlightenment Society in just a few days. This guy is a talent.

  The Fountain Commander was also secretly surprised. It seems that the newcomers of that year have grown up.

  Taran Raider: “Hey, you don’t know, maybe I joined the club too quickly, and the old man who brought me in obviously didn’t trust me, so he gave me a drug-hunting mission as a test… But I just came to Evernight Harbor, I’m unfamiliar with the place, where can I find that thing?”

  Fountain Commander: “Emm… I can’t help you if you ask me, I haven’t been to such a far place, and I’m not an undercover agent. But in theory, this game won’t deliberately give you an unsolvable mission to do. You should recall carefully all the clues you encountered in the entire task chain, and think about what can be used, such as characters that can be used.”

  Taran Raider, who was sitting in front of the computer, was stunned, and repeatedly pondered the words sent by the old man in the fountain.

  ”Usable characters…”

  Two names subconsciously jumped out of his mind.

  One is Alman, and the other is Nok, who was introduced to him by Alman.

  The former is a serious businessman, who probably doesn’t know much about drugs and can’t help him much.

  The mercenary named Nok might be able to help him, but it’s still a question whether he’s still alive…


  A name suddenly popped up in Taran’s mind, the “Morse” who had chased him for several blocks!

  It would be a dream to investigate such a big case in Yongye Port, where he was unfamiliar with the place, relying on his own strength.

  But with the help of the local gangs…

  maybe it would work!

  His mind was completely open, and Taran excitedly clenched his fists next to the keyboard, and his thoughts turned quickly.

  Seeing that Taran hadn’t replied for a long time, Quanshui typed a line of words on the keyboard uncertainly.

  ”It seems that you already have an idea?”

  Taran, whose mind was open, replied excitedly.

  ”Thank you!”

  Looking at the message on the screen, Quanshui typed a line of words in reply with a smile.

  ”You’re welcome… Although I don’t think I can help much.”


  Taran, wearing a helmet, returned to the line.

  Lying flat on a single bed, he suddenly opened his eyes, turned over and sat up from the bed, got up and walked to the entrance, and opened the door.

  This is the northern part of Evernight Harbor, a hotel not far from the Marshal’s Arsenal.

  The assistant assigned to him by “Guide” Daniel is sitting at the door of his guest room.

  This person’s name is Kant, and it is said that he is a veteran who participated in the 300,000th Corps. He fought against the gray mutants in the desert. After retiring, he joined the garrison. At the same time, he joined the Enlightenment Society and became a glorious “disciple”.

  Of course, this is just his resume on the surface. His real resume is that he is an agent of the intelligence department of the garrison.

  In addition to cooperating with Taran to perform routine tasks, the task assigned to him by Daniel also includes collecting clues about the latter’s secret contact with the Alliance. The

  ”snake oil” smuggling case has an unclear connection with the forces supported by the Alliance.

  Daniel judged that in order to gain their trust, the spies of the Alliance might sell out some of the interests of the supported forces to them.

  In this process, the “wasp” they put in the “cocoon” will inevitably try to get in touch with the intelligence department of the Alliance.

  Looking at the target who came out of the room in high spirits, Kant extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand and cast an inquiring gaze.

  ”Have you rested well?”

  Taran nodded and said happily.

  ”I’m well, go out with me.”

  Kant raised his eyebrows slightly, looked up and down at this guy, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

  ”…It seems that you already have a plan.”

  ”It must be!”

  ”Is it convenient to disclose it?”

  Taran did not answer, but gave him a confident look and said with a beaming eyebrow.

  ”Just follow me.”

  Kant looked confused as he watched Taran walk towards the stairs with big strides.

  He was sure that this guy had never left his sight.

  Even when this guy closed the door to rest, there was a radio team nearby monitoring the whole process, and they would report to him immediately if they found any abnormal situation.

  When did this guy get in touch with the alliance?


  he had already noticed his situation?

  Kant was a little undecided for a while.

  But in order not to reveal the flaws, he calmed down and followed him, planning to see what happened first.

  At the same time, on the 4.5th floor of the “Marshal’s Arsenal” hotel, Daniel, who had followed the entire plan, also frowned. Watching the two people leaving on the surveillance screen, he then looked at the intelligence staff on the side and gave an order in a deep voice.

  ”…Search the target room, and be careful not to leave any traces.” The staff member nodded quickly

  to accept the order




  Shortly after Taran and his partner left the hotel, a group of hurried intelligence officers rushed into his room and conducted a carpet search.

  However, the results of the search surprised them. They did not find any suspicious clues.

  Daniel smoked three cigarettes in a row but still could not figure out what the problem was.

  He was sure that the big fish that was hooked must have contacted the alliance, but he could not find any clues to prove his speculation.

  Even in this era where gravitons can be manipulated, the transmission of information still needs to rely on a medium.

  They can’t communicate with superpowers, right? !

  While the garrison of Evernight Harbor was confused because they could not find any clues, [Taran Raider] had already entered Blackwater Lane with his followers.

  The two turned a corner next to the Horseshoe Tavern and walked straight to Knok’s house.

  At the same time, in Knok’s home, Morse, the boss of the Hyena Gang, was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, looking through the clues that his younger brothers had tortured out of a drug addict.

  His top thug York “Doctor” was sitting opposite him at the moment, with an expression that he wanted to say something but didn’t dare to.

  Unlike the optimistic boss, he always felt that being involved in the dispute between the Alliance and the Legion was not a good thing.

  As if he had sensed what his subordinates wanted to say, Morse spoke in a chatty tone.

  ”York, do you know what the biggest gap between us and the Iron Hand Gang is?”

  York was stunned and answered subconsciously.

  ”…Because they run the largest nightclub and casino in Blackwater Lane?”

  Morse grinned, turned a page of the notebook in his hand, and shook his head gently.

  ”You are wrong, because they have a backer.”

  York frowned.

  ”…Backer? You mean…the boss behind Tony?”

  There was indeed such a rumor in Blackwater Lane that there was a big figure of the Willant behind the Iron Hand Gang.

  But York always felt that it was a rumor, and it was very likely that Tony spread the rumor himself for bluffing. After all

  , no one had ever seen that big man, and he didn’t think any big man would look down on the interests of Blackwater Lane.

  However, his boss obviously had a completely different view.

  Looking at York who was half-believing and half-doubting, Morse said in a slow voice.

  ”The boss behind Tony has connections in the army, so he can run the largest nightclubs and casinos, taking money out of the pockets of the scum in Blackwater Alley and making money from the pockets of the Willants… Especially the latter, the latter is the real gold mine. However, without the acquiescence of the Willants, we don’t even have a chance to touch it.”

  ”Although we have many young men who can fight, it is meaningless to be able to fight. We can only get the leftovers that the big guys look down on from Blackwater Alley… Did you see the submachine guns in their hands? If our brothers can also have one, we will not lose to them, but there are some things that money alone can’t buy, and even if you buy them, you can’t use them as blatantly as they do.”

  ”If we also have a backer, we won’t be worse than them.”

  Ninety-nine percent of the wealth in Evernight Harbor is concentrated in the hands of the Willants.

  Blackwater Alley, which accounts for one-third of the entire settlement, does not even have one percent of the wealth.

  However, the emergence of the Enlightenment Society gave him a chance to rise.

  He has lived in the local area for so many years, and he has never even heard of the name of this organization, but this organization has quietly penetrated into the interior of the Southern Legion!

  This backer is powerful enough!

  Of course, knowing things that should not be known is not without risks.

  He might be silenced and die in a deserted alley.

  However, if he succeeds and lets the mysterious organization hiding in the shadows see his ability and value, he and his brothers will become legends of Blackwater Alley!

  A legend more glorious than the Iron Hand Gang!

  Just as he was thinking this, there was a light knock on the door.

  York, who was sitting opposite him, reached out to the table and picked up the shotgun with a huge short barrel, but was stopped by Morse’s action of putting his index finger on his lips.

  ”The person I’m waiting for is here.”

  After saying this, he smiled and got up from the chair, walked to the entrance and opened the door.

  Sure enough, the guy standing at the door was the one he had chased for several streets a few days ago.

  ”Mr. Taran, I’m glad we meet again.”

  Being able to come out of the notorious Cartnod Prison is enough to show the power of the Enlightenment Society.

  While saying this, Morse looked at the man standing behind Taran.

  There was a disgusting smell on him, which was very similar to a certain type of people he often dealt with.

  Considering that there were people from the Enlightenment Society even in Cartnod Prison, he reasonably speculated that this guy should be a cop from the garrison.

  Looking at this NPC who had tricked him, Taran curled his lips with a fake smile.

  This guy is still here.

  Although he did come to find Morse, he didn’t give this guy any good face.

  This is a negotiation skill that he learned from the Internet.

  Before taking out the carrot, you have to knock the other party twice.

  ”I can see that you are really happy. I thought you would give me a 7mm as a gift.”

  Morse coughed.

  ”It’s just a misunderstanding. I’m also working for the Garrison. They issued a wanted order, so we have to help them deal with it. I hope you understand… and you’re safe, aren’t you?”

  Kant frowned.

  The cooperation between the Garrison and the gang forces is the unspoken rule of Evernight Harbor. He didn’t want this guy to speak freely to outsiders.

  Taran was not surprised by his statement, but just glanced into the room.

  There was no surprise. The Hyena Gang was here, including the bald guy with a “dimpled chest.”

  ”Where is Nok?”

  Hearing the unfamiliar name, Kant immediately perked up, but Morse grinned.

  ”That drug addict borrowed a sum of money that he shouldn’t have borrowed, and now he’s in a bad condition… Are you sure you want to see him again?”

  Taran clicked his tongue and thought to himself, “As expected. ”

  Seeing the big fish slip away, Kant’s eyebrows twitched and spoke in a low voice.

  ”You guys… don’t you take the garrison seriously?”

  Having guessed the identity of this cop, Morse was not panicked at all and said with a smile.

  ”Is it me who doesn’t take you seriously, or you who don’t take us seriously? Do I need to explain this?”

  Without waiting for Kant to answer, he put away the smile on his face and went straight to the point.

  ”Let’s be frank. I know you are from the Enlightenment Society. You need people to work, and my brothers and I need work to do. Why don’t we cooperate? My ability is much better than that drug addict.”

  The air was quiet in an instant.

  Kant’s pupils dilated slightly, and then his eyes narrowed into a slit, staring at Morse, like a hawk aiming at its prey.

  However, it didn’t take long before the sharpness hidden in his eyes turned into confusion. Is

  this guy also a member of the Wasp Project?

  No… If that was the case, Daniel would have told me in advance.

  But wait!

  If this guy is not an insider of the Wasp Project, how does he know his identity? !

  If he is a member of the Enlightenment Society, then he must know that his identity is fake.

  And if he is not a member of the Enlightenment Society, nor a member of the Wasp Project, then it is even more impossible for him to know about the Enlightenment Society… unless he is a member of the Enlightenment Society.

  The results of the two loops contradict each other, and Kant’s brain crashed in an instant.

  Taran was not surprised at all. After all, in his cognition, the infiltration of the Enlightenment Society into the Southern Legion has reached an astonishing level and has almost become an open secret.

  From the moment he stepped into the prison, he got into the information cocoon built by the Southern Legion. Morse’s reaction was simply normal in his opinion. At most, his attitude of making the words clear was a bit abrupt.

  ”You want to cooperate with us?” Looking at this cunning hyena, Taran raised his eyebrows with interest.

  Morse curled his lips and said with a smile.

  ”Who doesn’t want to? As long as you join you, no matter how outrageous your wish is, it can be fulfilled.”

  ”Well… that’s true, then I want to hear what your wish is.” While saying this, Taran was secretly surprised in his heart. He didn’t expect that the Enlightenment Society had this ability.

  Kant was the same.

  He, an operator of the intelligence department of the garrison, didn’t know that there was such an organization in Evernight Harbor that could cover the sky with one hand.

  If this rumor is not groundless, it is a clue worth paying attention to.

  Seeing that Taran has extended an olive branch to him, Morse was not polite and straightforward.

  ”My wish? My wish is that my name can become a legend in Blackwater Alley… This is simple for you, isn’t it? Just let me take over the business of other gangs.”

  Kant sneered.

  ”Do you think this is possible?”

  Morse smiled indifferently.

  ”What’s impossible? We don’t need you to do anything, we just need you to acquiesce in some things… Isn’t it always like this? Even if no one does the work of picking up manure, the manure will not disappear out of thin air. You hand over those dirty jobs that are inconvenient to do to me, which will be beneficial to the stability of Evernight Harbor.”

  Seeing that his assistant seemed to want to say something, Taran quickly put his hand on his shoulder and shook it hard to hint him not to talk too much.

  They are not here to discuss the future of Blackwater Alley, but to solve the problem of “snake oil”.

  ”Well, there’s no point in arguing about this… I think Mr. Morse is right. Even if we kill all the flies in Evernight Harbor, new flies will come from other places. Mr. Morse, I have only one request for you. Do not kidnap the Weilants or sell drugs to them. Can you do it?”

  After hearing this serious advice, Morse finally smiled brightly.

  ”No problem. I can restrain my men and even help you maintain law and order and find lost Weilants. I can even promise you that Blackwater Lane will become a playground for Weilants in the future, not a stinking ditch that no one wants to approach except rats… Just like now, it is even more smelly than a stinking ditch without anyone managing it.”

  Kant couldn’t control his sneer again. Taran, who was standing beside him, coughed in time to interrupt Morse’s empty promise.

  ”You are free to do whatever you want. I don’t need you to paint a rosy picture for me. I am not interested in the future of Blackwater Lane… Now, I need you to prove your worth. Do you understand what I mean? You touched our informant. We don’t care about the life or death of the drug addict named Knok, but you’d better finish his work, otherwise we will be very unhappy, everyone will be.”

  After hearing Taran’s words, Morse was not surprised at all.

  He had long guessed that Knok was an informant of the Enlightenment Society, and the latter admitted this under his torture.

  It was just a pity that he found Knok at an unfortunate time. Before Knok contacted the Enlightenment Society, he failed to ask what the Enlightenment Society wanted to do with the drug addict.

  Restraining the excitement in his heart, he lowered his posture like a real servant, nodded slightly and said respectfully.

  ”… Understand, just regard it as my compensation to you. If I do my job well, I hope that the unpleasantness that happened between us before can be written off.”

  ”No problem.”

  Taran agreed immediately, gave a look to the assistant next to him, and took him straight into the house.

  When he passed by a room, he saw someone lying in a pool of blood and had died.

  The skinny body was like a hollowed-out corpse. Even if this guy was still alive, he was probably only half a breath left.

  Taran smacked his lips lightly, not looking at the unfortunate drug addict, but just looking at Morse who had stopped and said concisely.

  ”Recently, an addictive product called snake oil has appeared in Evernight Harbor. According to our intelligence… it is the Alliance who are behind it.”

  ”They use this evil hallucinogen to squeeze the pensions of the veterans of the Willant people and try to intensify the contradictions within us.”

  Morse frowned slightly.

  ”… What does this have to do with your Enlightenment?”

  ”The Southern Legion is our ally. Of course, we can’t just watch them being defeated by our enemies… especially by such evil and dirty means.”

  Taran slightly modified what Daniel said to him, then turned to the gang leader in front of him, paused for a moment and continued.

  ”What I want you to do is simple. Find the source of snake oil and the evidence of the alliance’s involvement… This shouldn’t be difficult for the future underground emperor of Blackwater Alley, right?”

  Morse was hesitant at first, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, a happy smile suddenly appeared on his face.

  ”Difficult? You underestimate my ability… Snake oil, right? Let me think, I have it… I happen to know a guy who is doing this business, and the scale of the business is not small.”

  Taran was ecstatic in his heart, but he didn’t show it on his face. He just looked at him approvingly.


  Unlike Taran, who was restrained, Morse’s smile became brighter when talking about his old enemy.

  ”The famous Tony, the leader of the Iron Hand Gang, made a lot of pensions from the veterans of the Weilant through ‘snake oil’… As for whether he has any connection with the Alliance, I don’t know. I just heard that the boss behind him is quite powerful.”

  ”Of course, I dare say that the boss behind him is definitely not comparable to you real adults, otherwise they would not do traitorous things and get involved with the people of the Alliance.”

  ”If you are interested in his business, I can not only take you to find him, but also take you to the place where he does business…”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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