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Chapter 89: Hidden Dangers at the Thousand Blade Pond

Chapter 89: Hidden Dangers at the Thousand Blade Pond


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 89 Hidden dangers of the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond.

  Crunch, crunch—

  the sound of breaking that makes your teeth ache, constantly echoes in the house.

  Yang Shifei was secretly shocked. This person is actually swallowing weapons alive? !

  Instead of stuffing it all into his throat, he used his teeth to bite off and crush the long sword piece by piece, and then swallowed it down, which made people wonder what kind of terrifying structure his teeth and throat are.

  Even Yan Lingshuang frowned at this scene.

  Although the sword was broken by her finger, it was not comparable to ordinary weapons. This person can bite the sword body with his teeth, so he must have a strong cultivation.


  Not long after, the strange man quickly ate the entire sword body, and finally even the hilt was torn and bitten.

  He raised his head and let out a long breath, as if he was particularly satisfied. From the angle, it can be vaguely seen that this person’s face is covered with horrible bloodstains, as if it is festering.

  Yang Shifei pondered the identity of this person, but gradually felt a little strange.

  The air in the room became colder and colder, as if a cold wind was blowing.

  After being poked lightly on the arm, Yang Shifei lowered his head slightly and saw Yue Rui in his arms mouthing to him:

  ”——Same kind.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes suddenly froze.

  This person, is actually a similar existence to Yue Rui and the others? !

  As his mind raced, he pressed down the arm of Yan Lingshuang beside him and mouthed: “Capture this person.”

  Yan Lingshuang nodded slightly, suddenly flew down, and stabbed the opponent’s face with one finger!

  The strange man was caught off guard and subconsciously raised his hand to block.

  But before his fingers and palms touched, a terrifying sword energy suddenly burst out from Yandi’s fingertips!

  The strange man was shocked by the air force and flew backwards. His back hit the window wall and smashed two walls, rolling into the garden more than ten feet away.

  The wall collapsed with a bang, and smoke and dust rose up.

  But Yan Lingshuang was slightly surprised at this time: “This body is so strong?”

  In the smoke and dust, the strange man actually stood up staggeringly, spitting out blood.

  Yan Lingshuang slapped the sword case behind her, and the blue-white long sword flew into her hand, and she stepped out of the ruins with the sword in her hand.

  Yang Shifei jumped down from the beam holding Yue Rui, but saw the strange man raised his head and roared, startling all forces in the front hall.

  The next moment, he turned around and ran away!

  Yan Lingzhuang was amazed at this and quickly chased after him.

  The two were incredibly fast, and they turned into two streams of light and rushed to the roof in the distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  Yang Shifei looked in the direction of the distance, his brows furrowed.

  This sword-swallowing weirdo is probably not inferior to Jiang Songbo in strength.

  ”Leave first.” Yue Rui in her arms whispered, “Many people are here.”

  ”Okay.” Yang Shifei didn’t stay any longer, and quickly turned over and jumped out of the yard.

  Zhou Qinglin and Yu Mingde both died on the spot, and I’m afraid there will be a lot of chaos.

  Yang Shifei used Yue Rui’s true power to bypass the crowd, ran hundreds of feet, and quickly returned to the VIP bedroom.


  There was a roar from Tianlu Mountain, like an explosion.

  Yang Shifei’s face was slightly stiff. The noise of Emperor Yan’s pursuit was too loud. Is

  that sword-swallowing monster so difficult to deal with?

  Tan Xiang happened to push open the bedroom door at this time, and saw two people standing in front of the door. She couldn’t help but be startled: “Who’s outside…”

  ”It’s Emperor Yan chasing a strange man.”

  Yang Shifei said calmly in a low voice: “The other party exudes a foul smell, and seems to be the same kind as you.”

  But Yue Rui shook her head again at this time: “The smell on that person is stinky. He doesn’t look like us.”

  She seemed to think of something, and clapped her hands lightly: “It’s more like the one we met in the palace at that time.”

  Yang Shifei’s eyes moved slightly: “So, it’s a warrior tainted with filth?”

  Luo Xian’er walked out from behind Tan Xiang, frowned and said: “This person is very powerful to be able to let Emperor Yan chase all the way?”

  ”Should be no less powerful than Jiang Songbo.” Yang Shifei made a guess secretly, his expression became more solemn: “And we saw with our own eyes that this person crushed a sword and ate it, which is not like ordinary people.”

  Looking at the man’s strange face and behavior, it is very likely that he is a madman who has entered the devil stage and has been exposed to filth for a long time.

  Yang Shifei said in a deep voice: “Moreover, Yue Rui and I just explored the Xu Kingdom area and found eight people who were infected by the filth.”

  Luo Xian’er lowered her eyes slightly: “In this case, the influence of the filth will soon spread here.”

  The two of them felt heavy-hearted for a moment. The situation in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond might become quite chaotic.

  Tan Xiang whispered, “Miss, do you want to support Emperor Yan?”

  ”——No need.”

  A breeze blew, and a figure landed in front of the door.

  Everyone looked over, and Yan Lingshuang walked out of the dark, sighing helplessly, “That man ran all the way, with no intention of fighting at all. In the end, he was allowed to escape into the inner sect, and the mechanism was activated to seal the entrance.”

  ”You also heard the explosion just now. All the elders and saints

  of the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond are rushing here. I can’t explain it, so I can only retreat first.” Yan Lingshuang whispered, “But that man is very familiar with the inner sect route. Either he has studied it carefully, or he is from the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond.”

  Yang Shifei’s face became darker.

  If this demon warrior is from the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond, it means that filth has long been spread inside the sect!

  ”I’ll go to Miss Qiu to explain this matter.”

  Yang Shifei said in a deep voice: “She knows the harm of filth, so she can help to investigate everyone in the inner sect and find that person.”

  He put Yue Rui down from his arms, rubbed her head, and let her go back to the house to rest first.

  ”I’ll go with you. If there is any accident, there will be someone to take care of it.” Luo Xian’er glanced at Yan Lingshuang: “Do you want to come with us?”

  ”Forget about tonight. I was seen by many people running back and forth just now. I’m afraid I’ll get into trouble if I’m identified. Stay here for the time being and help you take care of these two little girls.”

  Yan Lingshuang put the long sword back into the box and said calmly: “If there is any accident, I will go to help you.”

  Not long after, Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er had arrived at the entrance of the inner sect.

  Many forces have gathered here, all communicating secretly, guessing what happened in the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond, which just caused a loud noise.

  ”——Miss, Young Master Yang.”

  Old Yan walked quietly from the crowd with a heavy face: “Do you two know?”

  ”It’s related to filth.” Yang Shifei whispered: “And the contaminated people hid in the inner sect.”

  Old Yan’s face changed immediately: “That was originally from the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond, or…”

  ”We have to investigate carefully. But you must be prepared first, there may be many more in the front hall.”

  At the same time, several figures walked out of the inner sect’s gate and bowed to everyone present: “I’m sorry, everyone. Someone intended to sneak into my inner sect’s secret place tonight, accidentally triggered the mechanism, and has been frightened and forced to retreat–”

  Yang Shifei took Luo Xian’er and walked around the crowd and came to a sword servant.

  ”Miss, can you take us to see Saint Envoy Qiu?”

  Looking at the red jade token handed over, the sword attendant checked it twice, hesitated a little, but finally nodded: “Please follow me, but you two must not walk around casually.”

  ”Please rest assured, we have important matters to discuss with the Saint Envoy.”

  As the three people stepped into the inner sect, someone outside the gate noticed it and shouted: “Why can those two enter the inner sect!”

  ”They have the token of the Saint Envoy, so they are naturally qualified.”


  The noisy sound behind gradually faded away. After walking a hundred feet, Yang Shifei soon saw a vast training ground. Many people gathered here and were whispering.

  Obviously, the disciples of the inner sect were also startled by the loud noise.

  As a tall and graceful figure walked along the corridor, the disciples in the training ground stopped talking and lowered their heads, not daring to look at them.

  ”Saint Envoy, what is tonight…”

  ”Don’t panic, let me go and ask.”

  Qiu Buhuan was elegant and noble, with a long skirt dragging on the ground and a cold face. He walked towards the sect hall surrounded by two sword attendants.

  ”Saint Envoy Qiu!”

  At this time, the sword servant led Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er to come quickly: “Your two friends have been brought here!”

  Qiu Buhuan looked back in confusion, and his beautiful eyes soon brightened.


  ”Let’s make it short.”

  Yang Shifei hurriedly said: “The person who just broke into your inner sect has been corrupted by filth and is very likely to have been possessed by a demon!”

  Qiu Buhuan’s smile suddenly stopped, as if he had thought of something, and his face was shocked.

   Today’s three updates are finished~


  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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