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Chapter 890 Fighting Poison with Poison

Chapter 890 Fighting Poison with Poison


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 890 Fighting Poison with Poison

  Two trucks were parked in an open space near the wilderness in the northern suburbs of Yongye Port.

  The compartments of the trucks were open, and inside were a bunch of assault rifles that were polished to a shiny black. The

  Hyena Gang members standing in front of the trucks stared with their eyes wide open, especially York, who had a ditch on his chest. Looking at one of the large-caliber shotguns, his greedy pupils were almost glowing green.

  These weapons are all standard equipment of the Corps.

  In addition to the common “Blade” assault rifle, there is even a 7mm caliber “Tear” light machine gun!

  The latter is a new light weapon equipment designed by the Southern Corps Equipment Manufacturing Bureau for the Pala Province War Zone according to the needs of the front-line battlefield.

  At present, this machine gun has been put into production, and the first batch of products has been shipped to the warehouse of Yongye Port.

  What is interesting is that this extremely repressive light machine gun has not been used by the front-line troops yet, but it has been given to the gang members in Blackwater Lane first.

  Four “disciples” of the Enlightenment Society stood beside the two trucks, staring at the villains intently.

  They were of course not real disciples of the Enlightenment Society, but agents of the intelligence department of the garrison.

  They hated these villains from the bottom of their hearts. However, for the sake of higher interests, they had to lower themselves and cooperate with these guys.

  Kant was the same.

  He looked down on these dirty hyenas from the bottom of his heart, but he had come to this point, so he could only bite the bullet and continue.

  His eyes drifted to Taran who was standing aside. He extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, threw it on the ground and stepped on it.

  ”…I have to remind you that if this batch of arms flows into the civilian population, it will have a great impact on us.”

  Taran laughed, but said in his heart, “It’s none of my business,” but on the surface he still pretended to be a liar.

  ”I know, but no matter what, they are less threatening than those addictive drugs, right? Let those social scum kill each other. Can they still turn the world upside down? No matter how capable they are, they can’t do anything better than a 902mm cannon?”

  These words made Kant feel a little relieved.

  At the same time, Morse came forward to count the equipment and returned to Taran and Kant with a bright smile.

  His attitude was much more respectful than before, like a vicious dog that recognized its master.

  If he had doubts about the strength of the Enlightenment Society before, now he only had admiration in his heart.

  Two trucks of munitions.

  Without the relationship of the garrison’s senior leaders, this would be a big deal!

  ”Are these weapons enough?” Taran said with a smile, looking at the tamed hyena.

  ”Enough, it’s more than enough!” Morse smiled happily and nodded respectfully, saying, “Give me half a day, and I promise to give you a satisfactory explanation.”

  Two trucks of munitions!

  It’s enough to arm two hundred-man teams!

  Not to mention a small character like Tony, he even has the confidence to go to the front line and kill a thousand-man team!

  ”You’d better do so.” Kant looked at him meaningfully, turned around and returned to the car parked not far away.

  Taran smiled and patted Morse on the shoulder, with an admiring expression on his face.

  ”Do a good job, this is your token of joining the club!”

  Restraining the joy in his heart, Morse nodded and accepted the order.



  At this moment, Tony did not realize that before the garrison targeted his business, a mentally ill mad dog had accidentally targeted him first.

  In the southwest corner of Blackwater Lane, in the center of the crowded slums, there is a canning factory.

  The doors and windows of the factory are covered tightly with curtains. At first glance, it looks like a factory that has closed down due to poor management.

  However, if you lift the curtain and walk inside, you will find a scene of bustling activity.

  Gang members armed with live ammunition stood at the entrance of the factory, and just behind the entrance they were guarding, there were rows of long tables, just like an assembly line that was running continuously.

  A group of laborers from Borneo Province were busy working on the assembly line.

  They crushed the tranquilizers issued by the logistics department to the wounded into powder, and then separated them in extraction bottles. Then several experts wearing chemical protective clothing extracted the valuable ingredients from them and concentrated them into dark green crystals.

  Even though the working environment here is harsh and lacks the necessary production protection, these laborers from Borneo Province still work hard without complaint.

  After all, the hourly wage here is three times that of their hometown work. Working hard here for a day is equivalent to working for a week in their hometown.

  The natives in the desert can endure the hardships without complaint, and even feel that they have taken a huge advantage.

  The gang members who supervised the production were smoking on the side, and they were unwilling to get too close to the “production workshop”.

  A lot of chemicals are needed in the purification process, and some of them are volatile and harmful.

  Most of the Brahmans can no longer smell it, but they can smell it very pungently.

  Next to the container on the second floor, a burly man was looking through the cargo list.

  Two younger brothers with PU-9 submachine guns slung around their waists followed him, and in front of him stood the manager of the factory.

  From the flattering smile on the manager’s face, it is not difficult to see the difference in identity and status between the two parties.

  And the fact is indeed so. The burly man is Tony’s top general, known as “Skull Crusher” Lagu.

  He was a wrestler in the underground boxing ring. Because he won a match that he shouldn’t have won, his legs were broken. Later, he was taken in by Tony and installed with military prostheses, thus becoming a member of the Iron Hand Gang.

  Although his muscular body makes him look like a rough man, the fact is just the opposite.

  Because of his meticulous work style, rough but meticulous style, and loyalty, Tony soon handed over the most profitable business of the Iron Hand Gang to him.

  While flipping through the inventory list in his hand, Raggu asked the manager in front of him.

  ”How is the production of the new batch of goods going?”

  The manager reported with an eager smile on his face.

  ”Fifty kilograms have been produced so far! This group of workers from the Borneo Province are becoming more and more skilled, and their production efficiency has doubled compared to when they first came here. The speed at which we purchase raw materials can hardly keep up with their speed of work.”

  ”Not bad.” Raggu nodded in approval, but soon changed the subject and said, “Wait until this batch of raw materials is consumed, give the workers two days off, and stop production in advance.”

  ”Stop?” The manager was stunned for a moment and said worriedly, “But the boss–“

  ”That’s what the boss meant.”

  Seeing the concerns in the manager’s eyes, Lagu smiled faintly and continued.

  ”The efficiency of recovering small pills from those big soldiers is too low, and the cost of purification is too high, and secrecy is also a problem. Our boss has managed to get the supply from the first-tier supplier, and we can directly use snake grass to produce snake oil in the future.”

  The manager was shocked, and then an ecstatic expression appeared on his face.

  ”Really?! That’s really… great! If we can directly use raw materials to produce snake oil, our production capacity can be increased five times than now – oh no, it’s even possible to increase ten times!”

  Lagu smiled and patted his shoulder.

  ”I’m glad you understand. I need you to redesign a production line to produce old products with new raw materials.”

  The manager puffed out his chest and said with a beaming face.

  ”This is simply too easy, leave it to me with confidence-”

  Before he finished speaking, a deafening explosion suddenly came from outside the factory.

  The roaring sound made everyone freeze in place, including the Borneo workers standing in front of the long table, whose faces all changed.

  They looked at their fellow countrymen beside them, exchanging panicked glances.

  ”What happened?”


  ”Damn… Is there a war here too?!”

  Just as they were shouting in panic, a gunshot suddenly exploded in the factory.



  Raggu, who was holding a gun at the roof, roared angrily, and the rough voice instantly quieted the chaotic factory.

  ”…Put the flammable and explosive materials into the warehouse, then squat by the wall with your hands on your head, and don’t run around and get hit by stray bullets! I won’t take your heads off!”

  ”Security personnel, take your guns, it’s time for you to take action to calm the situation, get ready to follow me!”

  As he finished speaking, he reached out and pulled up the manager who was squatting on the ground with his hands on his head, and pushed the coward towards the stairs.

  ”And you! Go inform the boss! Get up and run, damn it!”

  ”Yes, yes!” The manager shouted in a panic, his voice was out of place. He

  had never seen such a scene before.

  He quickly rushed downstairs, rushed into the security room, grabbed the phone, and reported the situation here to the boss.

  At this moment, there were crackling gunshots outside the factory, and the attackers had already fought with the security guards outside.

  Laggu, who was standing in the factory, lit a cigarette for himself, walked to a window, pulled open the curtain and looked outside the window.

  The firepower on the opposite side was extremely fierce, and all of them were holding automatic rifles, which beat his group of brothers holding submachine guns so hard that they couldn’t raise their heads.

  What are these guys? !

  Due to concerns about the rebellion of aliens, the Southern Legion has always strictly controlled the weapons of aliens.

  If you are an alien, unless you have become a centurion or above in the regular army, it is almost impossible to legally obtain the weapons of the regular army, and even if you get them, you can’t hold them openly.

  Lagu thought for a long time but couldn’t remember that there were still ruthless people in Blackwater Lane who could get military assault rifles, and they could get so many at a time.

  His boss paid a lot of price to get a batch of PU-9 submachine guns to show off!

  However, this does not mean that he is afraid of these people!

  Looking at the fire outside the factory area getting closer and closer, Lagu was unusually calm, without any panic.

  Others don’t know the relationship between his boss and the military, but he knows it very well.

  If it is an action by the military or the garrison, they can’t have no news at all.

  Then there is only one possibility, these guys are either their enemies! Or they are people who have set their sights on their business!

  Thinking of this, Lagu’s expression turned cold, and he waved to his younger brother beside him, dragging out the double anti-aircraft machine gun stored in the warehouse.

  The caliber of this thing is 30 mm, and one shell can break a person in two.

  The boss told him not to use this thing if he can, after all, it will be very troublesome to use it.

  But since the other party has already made a real move, it’s not his fault!

  ”Drag it! Window, quick!”

  Lagu roared in a low voice, urging his younger brother to put it on the window, then turned over and sat on it, and stuffed the curved magazine into the slot with a “click”.

  Two black and thick gun barrels stretched out of the window. Lagu turned the winch hard and aimed the caliper at the few minions leaning behind the bunker and shooting into the factory area.

  A trace of ferocity appeared on his face, and then he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

  ”Bang bang bang–!!!”

  A series of deafening explosions echoed in the factory area, and thick tracers were like arrows from a string!

  In front of the 30mm machine gun, the half-man-high low wall was like paper.

  The four gang members were instantly smashed into pieces with the bunker, and their bloody limbs and rubble were scattered all over the ground.

  Seeing the machine gun aimed at him, the guy holding the assault rifle was so scared that he lost his soul and ran away, but he was still chased by the shells and crushed into a pool of bloody fragments.

  The bloody and cruel scene scared the gang members who were fighting at the scene.

  Whether it was the people of the Iron Hand Gang or the members of the Hyena Gang wearing scarves, they all stood there with cold hands and feet, forgetting to open fire for a while. After all,

  they are not regular troops. Usually, fighting is fighting, but who has ever seen such a powerful thing? !

  Not only were these gang members scared, but even Kant, who was standing not far behind them, was also shocked.

  As an agent of the Intelligence Department, this was the first time he heard that there was such a big guy hidden in Blackwater Alley! ?

  Who sold this thing to them! Is

  that guy crazy? !

  Looking at the corpses scattered in front of the factory, Lagugu was completely bloodthirsty.

  The numbness in his arm muscles made him feel as if the pieces of meat were chopped by his own hands.

  He emptied his magazine and replaced it with a new one, then aimed the two thick barrels at the factory wall.

  Looking at the group of fleeing minions, he laughed heartily.

  ”Hahaha!!! Go to hell!”

  The sound of gunfire resounded through the factory square again, and the Hyena Gang members who were besieging the factory fled in panic.

  Seeing his men being killed and wounded continuously, Morse’s eyes were red, and he snatched the Iron Fist rocket launcher from the hands of his subordinates beside him.

  ”Damn it! I’ll fight you!”

  When it comes to madness, no one in the entire Blackwater Alley can compare to him.

  He howled and rushed forward, and while the anti-aircraft gun didn’t notice him, he pulled the trigger at a distance of 200 meters.

  A thick flame burst out from the slender iron pipe, dragging a huge rocket towards the window.

  Seeing the rocket flying towards him, Lagugu’s eyes widened, and he almost instinctively jumped to the side. The

  exploding metal jet instantly penetrated the gun shield of the anti-aircraft gun, and blew the entire receiver structure into a pool of scrap metal.

  The detonated ammunition scattered like fireworks, whizzing around in the factory, and one of them almost fell into the warehouse where flammable and explosive materials were stored.

  Lagugu was frightened and broke into a cold sweat, and his heart was still in shock.

  He stuck his head out of the window and saw Morse’s annoying face and crazy laughter.

  ”Hahahaha! Tony, you hid it so well. I didn’t expect you had such a big thing in your trouser pocket! It must have cost a lot of money!”

  Looking at the rocket launcher tube in Morse’s hand, Lagu shouted in shock and anger.

  ”Morse, are you fucking crazy?! Do you know what you are doing?”

  ”Tsk, it’s a small minion.”

  Seeing the head sticking out of the window, Morse smacked his tongue and suddenly lost the desire to pretend. He threw the hot launcher tube to the little brother beside him.

  ”Brothers, rush in! Don’t hold back if you resist, just leave a few obedient ones alive!”

  Seeing that the other big guys had stopped firing, the Hyena Gang, which was on the verge of collapse, regained their morale and rushed up with a roar.

  Morse looked back at the direction of Taran and Kant, winked at the latter, and then took the rifle and went into the battle himself, leading a group of gang members into the factory.

  There were crackling gunshots in the factory.

  Soon the sound of the submachine gun died down, leaving only the sound of the automatic rifle.

  Although the furious Laggu fought desperately, he was outnumbered after all. He was shot three times in the chest and fell to the ground with his eyes bulging out.

  Seeing their leader dead, the minions of the Iron Hand Gang immediately squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads.

  Listening to the noisy gunshots, Taran felt his blood boiling in his chest, and he wanted to show off his skills himself.

  Taking a deep breath to suppress his restless emotions, Taran looked at the assistant standing beside him with a beaming face, and said in a tone with a hint of boasting.

  ”These people are quite useful, aren’t they? If we use our own people, there might be a lot of casualties.”

  Kant nodded reluctantly, tightly shutting his mouth and not saying a word.


  Seeing that he didn’t say anything, Taran patted him on the shoulder.

  ”Let’s go and take a look at our spoils.”

  Throwing down this sentence, Taran took the initiative to walk ahead without waiting for Kant’s answer, and walked towards the factory where the gunfire had stopped.

  When he reached the door of the factory, a bloody smell hit him in the face.

  He fanned his nose with his palm, and saw Morse, covered in blood, walking down the stairs with a head in his hand.

  Looking at Taran standing at the door of the factory, Morse grinned and threw the head in his hand to the ground.

  ”The skull crusher, Raggu, Tony’s confidant, it’s a pity that the guy himself is not here.”

  The head looked like it was chopped off with a fire axe, and there were marks of blunt force trauma on the neck.

  Taran clicked his tongue lightly, without any sympathy in his heart, just looked up into the factory.

  ”Have you found the snake oil?”

  Morse grinned and whistled.

  ”We caught the person with evidence. Here are not only the production and inventory lists, but also the Brahman laborers responsible for producing addictive drugs… I wonder if the latter can prove the relationship between this batch of goods and the alliance.”

  Taran coughed lightly.

  ”This is too far-fetched. There are Brahman laborers everywhere. This clue alone can’t prove anything… We need more clues, preferably clues that point directly to the Alliance.”

  ”Tsk, what a hassle.”

  Scratching the back of his head with his bloody hand, Morse looked back at the factory and shouted at the brothers who had already controlled the entire factory.

  ”York, you take your men to stay where they are, and the others search!” An

  energetic roar soon came from the factory.


  About thirty gang members quickly took action and searched through the boxes and cabinets in the factory.

  As this group of minions searched, they soon found new clues.

  Following the footsteps of a younger brother, Taran and Morse and his group soon came to a secluded warehouse.

  This is probably a place where waste materials are discarded. Several half-man-high plastic boxes are filled with empty medicines and medicine plates made of tin foil.

  Picking up an empty medicine bottle from the ground, Kant frowned, and then his pupils shrank slightly.


  Hearing the unfamiliar words that came out of his mouth, Taran quickly cast an inquiring look at him.


  Kant’s Adam’s apple moved, and he squeezed out a sentence.

  ”…It’s Sharon, a sedative specially developed by the Logistics Department to treat the mental trauma of the wounded.”

  There is no doubt.

  This is the raw material for making snake oil!

  However, why did the prescription drugs issued by the Logistics Department appear here, and there were so many of them!

  In fact, when he saw the anti-aircraft gun, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

  And after seeing these empty medicine bottles, the bad premonition in his heart became stronger.

  This business for the veterans of the Willant people may have a military background behind it…

  If this is true, this trouble will not only be his superior Daniel, but even his superior’s superior, the chief of the garrison, Captain Willoughby, may not be able to handle it.

  Kant felt that his heartbeat was about to freeze.

  However, in addition to fear, he was more confused.


  Why was it not the Alliance who poured poison into their mouths, but the people who claimed to care about them the most?

  His Adam’s apple moved up and down, and his shoulders trembled.

  ”…What’s wrong with you, man?”

  Taran put his hand on his shoulder and frowned in confusion.

  Morse didn’t say anything, because at this moment his little brother ran over and said to him in a panic.

  ”There’s a living person hiding in the security room! It’s the manager of this factory!”

  Morse grabbed his collar and pulled him in front of him.

  ”Where is he?”

  The little brother said in a panic.

  ”He locked himself in! The door is too strong, we can’t get in.”

  ”What a waste!”

  Morse cursed and wanted to ask someone to bring a rocket launcher, but he remembered that he only had one rocket, and his expression suddenly became awkward.

  But at this moment, a big man from the Enlightenment Society resolved his embarrassment.

  ”Use this thing.”

  Taran kicked the package of soda next to him with the tip of his shoe, and a smirk appeared on his face.

  There is nitric acid, sulfuric acid, and glycerin here… It’s a tough job to use a glass flask to process it.

  It may be difficult for others, but it’s too easy for an old player like him.

  Although Morse was confused and didn’t understand what he meant, he immediately reacted after watching him operate for a while, and gave him a thumbs up with sincere admiration.

  People with knowledge are admired everywhere, even in places like Blackwater Alley.

  After putting the processed formula in a glass jar, Taran carried two glass jars directly to the door of the security room and personally inserted detonators into the two jars.

  After walking to a safe distance, Taran didn’t say a word and pressed the detonator directly.

  There was a loud “bang”, and the flames of the explosion instantly collapsed the entire wall of the security room, leaving only a lonely explosion-proof door lying intact on the ground.

  The power of the explosion perfectly met Taran’s expectations, and even exceeded his expectations.

  The whistling shock wave not only pushed the people who retreated to the “safe distance” out, but also covered everyone’s faces with dust.

  The manager in the security room was obviously dead, and the people in the abandoned factory were also thrown to the ground.

  Kant struggled to get up from the rubble, cursing, and got up from the ground. He sniffed, but his face changed instantly.

  ”It’s poisonous! Damn it–”

  His reminder was obviously a step too late.

  Everyone, including Morse and Taran, sniffed subconsciously, and then their consciousness was covered by a transparent film, and everything in front of them became illusory.

  Taran vaguely realized what was happening, but before he could react, his consciousness fell into darkness, and then he felt something wrapped around his head.

  He took off the game helmet with a confused look on his face, looked around at the familiar furnishings around him, and couldn’t help but blurt out a curse.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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