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Chapter 892 Disillusionment

Chapter 892 Disillusionment


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 892 Disillusionment

  At the Governor’s Mansion in Yongye Port, Governor Yahui was reviewing documents as usual.

  At this moment, there was a gentle knock on the door.

  Hearing the knock, Yahui’s heart sank slightly.

  Just two hours ago, he had asked his secretary to turn down all meeting requests that were not scheduled in advance during today’s working hours, but the knock on the door still rang.

  It seems that this knock on the door is probably something that neither he nor his secretary can refuse…

  ”Come in.”

  Almost at the moment of asking for entry, the man at the door pushed the door and walked in.

  ”Long time no see, Mr. Governor.”

  Looking at the man in military uniform at the door, Yahui also made a warm smile on his face.

  ”Long time no see… Mr. Peter, what brings you here?”

  Although the rank of the man named Peter in front of him was only a thousand-man captain, as a ten-thousand-man captain, he did not dare to neglect him at all.

  The reason is simple.

  This person is the secretary of Dickens, the general affairs director of the Southern Legion’s Borneo Province War Zone.

  This position is not small.

  Although Yahui himself is also a captain of ten thousand men, and a two-star captain of ten thousand men, in the system of the legion that emphasizes military merit, the rank of the chief in the administrative system is naturally one level lower than that of the officers in the military system, and there are other divisions within the military. Although the

  general affairs of the war zone is not considered a combat organization, it is after all in the military system, and it is a front-line war zone, and its rank is much higher than that of him, the governor of the colony. The

  key is that Yongye Port happens to be on the supply line of the front-line war zone. As the governor of the colony, he has the obligation to cooperate with the other party to complete all the needs of raising supplies.

  Even if the two parties are not in a relationship of superiors and subordinates, he has to lower his posture.

  After all, if the hat of “hindering the front-line logistics” is put on at that time, his career will not only end here, but also have a lot of trouble.

  It is precisely because of this that he has such a headache in his heart.

  Looking at Yahui with a warm smile, Peter just smiled faintly, and then said meaningfully.

  ”I heard that Yongye Port seems to be a bit uneasy recently.”

  Yahui sighed in his heart that the visitor was indeed not friendly, but he still pretended to be confused and asked,

  ”This… what do you mean?”

  Peter said directly without any intention of beating around

  the bush. “I heard that the explosion at noon seemed to have blown up a factory.”

  Yahui made a look of realization and said with a smile.

  ”It is true… I heard that there was a gang fight, but it was just an abandoned factory and no unrelated casualties were caused.”

  Although several gang members and stowaways died, those things are not considered human beings at all.

  In Yongye Port, only the affairs of the Willant people are big things, and everything else is trivial.

  Peter obviously acquiesced to this statement, but he was not very satisfied with Yahui’s answer.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly and asked with a smile.

  ”Gang fight, but why did I hear… the intelligence department of the garrison was also involved.”

  Stared at by that scrutinizing gaze, Yahui felt his scalp tingling slightly, and cursed the idiot Willoughby, the chief of the garrison, over and over again in his heart.

  ”There are indeed some hidden secrets in this, but–”

  Before he finished speaking, Peter, who was standing in front of him, raised his hand to stop him from speaking.

  ”Mr. Governor, I am only here to convey the opinion of Captain Dickens. He thinks… you are a little bit off the mark.”

  ”In addition, the anti-aircraft guns that should have been sent to the front line appeared in the slums of Evernight Harbor. We have to suspect that there is some kind of interest transfer behind this.”

  After hearing this, Yahui couldn’t help but curse in his heart that he was shameless.

  Who is behind the interest transfer!

  These days, the thief is the first to cry thief.

  Looking at Peter, who seemed to be smiling, he said in a calm voice.

  ”…I will notify the garrison.”

  Peter nodded gently.

  ”No need, I have communicated with Captain Willoughby before coming here.”

  After leaving this sentence, he turned and walked towards the door.

  This arrogant move made Yahui’s eyes flash with annoyance.

  But thinking that he didn’t need to argue with a thousand-man captain, he finally suppressed his anger.

  It is impossible for a secretary to do so many things on his own initiative, unless the master behind him instructs him.

  This is a warning from the General Affairs Department, and it may even come from Minister Dickens himself.

  ”… A guy who relies on the power of others.”

  Watching the back figure disappear outside the door, Yahui cursed in a low voice, grabbed the phone on the table, but didn’t know who to call, so he threw it back fiercely.

  At this moment, his secretary walked in from outside the door trembling.

  ”Mr. Governor… I wanted to stop him, but–”

  ”It’s not your fault, it’s none of your business.”

  Yahui waved his index finger in annoyance and threw down a sentence to get rid of him.

  The secretary hesitated for a while, then spoke in a low voice.

  ”Captain Willoughby wants to see you–”

  Yahui interrupted his chattering impatiently.

  ”Let him go! Do what he should do.”


  You have to choose between faith and bread, and it is not just some unknown little people working in the customs who need to make a choice, but also those big people.

  It’s just that the latter can usually see much more information than the former.

  That’s why the latter has already made a choice when the former is still struggling.

  For the whole afternoon, the calm Evernight Harbor was in a peaceful turmoil.

  The inconspicuous abandoned factory was like a full gunpowder barrel, filled with all the timid dreams.

  Whether it’s the Willant people who have lost their faith or the Willant people who still have faith.

  At the gate of Carterod Prison, at dusk.

  Kant, who was about to get in the car parked at the gate, suddenly received a call from Daniel, and his hand stopped on the handle that had just been pulled open.

  He said to Taran who was following behind him to wait, and he walked aside on the pretext of something.

  At this moment, the voice coming through the headset made his heart sink slightly.

  The boss who had just told him to continue to execute the plan a few hours ago suddenly changed his tone.

  The thing he was most worried about had happened.

  ”…The operation was canceled.”

  His Adam’s apple moved, and he struggled to squeeze out an unnecessary question from his throat.


  ”Captain Willoughby called the Intelligence Department and canceled the Wasp Project… It is obvious that our ‘cocoon’ has hit a wall that is much harder than us.”

  Daniel’s voice was a little tired and a little self-deprecating.

  Kant knew what he wanted to say but didn’t say it out loud. The prey they were targeting had obviously taken the bait, but now they said they wanted to give up…

  He really didn’t want to give up just like that, so he couldn’t help asking.

  ”Then have you explained it to the section chief…”

  Daniel sighed deeply.

  ”I explained it, but it’s useless. I heard that it was pressure from the General Affairs Department of the theater. The whole plan was deployed by Captain Willoughby himself. He should have explained everything that can be explained. It would be redundant for us to report it to the higher authorities.”

  General Affairs Department…

  Kant held his breath for a while, and spoke slowly after a long time.

  ”What about our Wasp?”

  Daniel was silent for a while.

  ”The head of the Intelligence Department talked about this issue with Captain Willoughby. They reread the documents provided by Triumph City and came to a new conclusion… Maybe the Torch Project was not actually completed. This project was a bad project from the beginning.”

  As if to convince himself, he continued.

  ”… This actually makes sense. After all, neither Triumph City nor the Eastern Legion paid enough attention to the weapons mentioned in the plan. Expecting to intercept this non-existent secret weapon may have been our wishful thinking from the beginning… or it could be said that it was Captain Willoughby’s wishful thinking.”

  Similar things have happened before, and even happened more than once.

  It’s just that due to the survivor bias, only successful plans will be remembered by people.

  In fact, the majority of cases fail due to various reasons.

  The more carefully prepared and complicated the plan is, the more so.

  Daniel stretched out his hand and pinched his brow, and continued on the phone.

  ”As for the wasp… I put a bomb in the car. You can activate it by adding a zero to the number I called and dialing it. You can do it yourself.”

  That guy is probably not a spy from the Alliance, but an ordinary resident of the shelter.

  If Daniel was just vaguely suspicious at the beginning, he was almost certain of this after so many people tested him.

  Only this explanation can explain why he didn’t reveal any flaws.

  However, this guy has been involved in so many operations, and they can’t just ask him to leave the country politely.

  Once that guy comes to his senses, they will become a laughing stock in everyone’s mouth.

  Even for the face of the Southern Legion, they have to keep him here.

  Kant was silent for a while and said in a low voice.

  ”I know.”

  After hanging up the phone, he stood there and waited for a long time before returning to the side of the car.

  The “spy from the Alliance” was already sitting in the car… In fact, it can no longer be said that the guy is a spy, but only that he is a guy with a not normal brain.

  No matter how many lies the Survivor Daily tells, it cannot prove that the Triumph or the Southern Army Victory are little white rabbits that can’t lie. Using one person’s lies to prove another person’s honesty is in itself a kind of stupidity.

  At first he thought it was just a lame excuse made up by the spy, but now it seems that this guy might really think so.

  Kant didn’t know how to describe his feelings, but it was too stupid to travel across the ocean and risk his life for such a stupid reason.

  Just like now.

  He only needs to dial a number, and the guy sitting in the car will turn into a black corpse.

  After that, whether it is blamed on the Enlightenment Society or gang members, or no explanation is given, this matter is over.


  is it really good to end like this?

  A terrible thought suddenly appeared in Kant’s mind.

  In fact, he who holds the “remote control” has another choice… a choice that cannot be called a happy one for everyone, but for him, it can be regarded as a very gratifying choice.

  That is to make this bomb that is destined to explode explode more violently, let it “boom” into fireworks in the center of the trouble, and use the last second of the countdown to play its due value… rather than quietly drowning in a hidden corner as everyone expected.

  Kant, who was looking at the car, suddenly remembered the bizarre dream.

  The picture in his vision seemed to be torn apart, and then flickered like a slide, and gradually overlapped with the 500th world he conquered.

  But these are not the main points.

  The real main point is –

  ”I am the hero of the Weyland people…”

  He whispered softly, and his turbid pupils became more and more determined, as if he was determined to do what he was going to do next.

  Just like a real heavy addict, a guy who was hopelessly addicted to hallucinations.

  He silently recited his own name, and instead of dialing the number that ended everything, he turned on the signal jammer, walked forward, opened the door of the car, and sat in the driver’s seat.

  You have to choose between bread and faith.

  And he has made his own choice…

  Looking at Kant who finally “cheered up” again, Taran showed a bright smile on his face.

  ”…Are you ready, man?”

  Glancing at the face in the rearview mirror, Kant’s mouth curled up with a rare smile.

  This madman is the same as always.

  But isn’t he the same at this moment?

  In that flickering vision, the narrow road turned into an endless red carpet, and at this moment, he was covered with medals and was walking on that pilgrimage road.

  And what he is doing is exactly what he longs to do.

  ”I am a veteran of the 300,000th Brigade. From the moment I joined the army, I was ready to dedicate my life to the marshal… I should be the one asking you this, are you ready?”

  ”Haha, do you even need to ask about that?” Taran was stunned when he heard that, then he laughed out loud and said cheerfully, “Let’s go, don’t waste time.”

  ”Very good.” Kant lit a cigarette for himself and started the engine of the car skillfully.

  Taran said excitedly.

  ”Shall we go find that Tony now?”

  Kant grinned and curled his lips in disdain.

  ”That kind of small shrimp is not worth mentioning, and that’s Morse’s job. The troubles of Blackwater Lane should be solved by Blackwater Lane itself. Tonight is the best time, and no one will disturb them.”

  ”Similarly, the troubles of the Willant people should be solved by the Willant people themselves… While there is still some time left, I will take you to do something big.”

  After saying that, he suddenly seemed to remember something and added a sentence at the end.

  ”By the way… This is the order of the Enlightenment Society. Our mission is not over yet. We have to dig out the termite that is sucking blood on our backs.”

  Taran really didn’t have the interest to ask more questions, but just raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”A big deal? How big?”

  ”Captain Willoughby, the commander-in-chief of the Evernight Harbor Garrison… Reliable intelligence shows that he is the traitor hiding in our team. At the very least, he can help us find that guy.”

  Kant, biting the cigarette butt, narrowed his eyes and squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth.

  ”… It’s 5:30 in the afternoon now, and he will be off work in 15 minutes. I will park the car in front of his unit later, and you will be responsible for inviting him to get in the car.”


  As the surveillance signal disappeared, Daniel no longer cared about the wasp scattered outside.

  Kant would arrange everything for him, and then return to the team with the last file.

  As for himself, what he had to do now was to clean up the “battlefield” and finish this hastily ended operation.

  On the other side, the Comedian, who was squatting not far from the “Marshal’s Arsenal”, yawned.

  This time he didn’t feel embarrassed to be distracted, and he didn’t relax his surveillance work for a moment.

  However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed that a large group of people came out of the “Enlightenment Base” that he was monitoring.

  There were about thirty people, all of them in a hurry, carrying large and small bags of documents.

  In just a few minutes, a sign saying “Closed” was hung at the door of the hotel.

  This outrageous scene made him widen his eyes involuntarily, not knowing what was going on.

  Without any hesitation, he immediately logged off and told his teammates who were recuperating about the situation online.

  At the same time,

  at the door of Cartnode Prison. Not long after Kant started the car and drove away, Morse regained his freedom surrounded by a group of younger brothers.

  Those pairs of admiring eyes made Morse intoxicated, as if he had really become the emperor of the underground world of Evernight Harbor.

  Being able to come out of the notorious Cartnode Prison safely is itself a great legend in the eyes of the aliens in Blackwater Alley.

  The previous legend was Tony.

  And now, it is Morse’s collection.

  A burly man walked up to Morse and York and bowed his head respectfully.

  ”Congratulations, boss.”

  Ignoring the prison guards behind him, Morse grinned, patted the back of his little brother’s head, then pulled his head closer and whispered in his ear.

  ”… Let the brothers get ready, we have a score to settle with the guys from the Iron Hand Gang.”


  The sturdy man looked solemn, nodded respectfully, then turned to the group of minions and shouted.

  The minions were excited and in high spirits, just like real hyenas ready to go to war!

  The sky was covered with dark clouds, covering the dimness of the horizon, and a fierce rainstorm was brewing quietly.

  If the Willant people still have bread and faith to choose from, then the rotten people living in Blackwater Alley don’t even have the opportunity to choose.

  Blackwater Alley is not an alley, but a general term for all the streets in Evernight Harbor that “have neither house numbers nor drainage systems.”

  It is not a planned urban area, but a natural decay under the “sewage outlet” of Evernight Harbor.

  People living here can either be assimilated by the stinking thing, or they can only grow wings desperately.

  Even if they grow wings, they are just flies, but it is better than rotting with other garbage.

  Standing in front of the door of Cartnod Prison, Morse completed the pre-war mobilization to his brothers.

  The shouting voice and flying saliva made him look like a real vicious dog.

  However, at this moment, he didn’t know that the “Enlightenment Society” he was loyal to had disappeared without a hair left because of a word from a big man.

  And the “disciple” status he earned by gambled his own life and the lives of a group of neighbors has become a complete joke.

  If the car exploded in front of the prison, he might suddenly wake up, and then tremble with his tail between his legs and wait for the wind to pass.

  However, fate played a joke on him. The hand that pushed him to his current position went crazy before him…

  Their target was the “Last Round”, the biggest brothel in Blackwater Lane. It was the largest gambling den in Evernight Harbor and the headquarters of the Iron Hand Gang.

  It was needless to think that Tony must be pulling out his hair in worry after such a big thing happened. It

  was too troublesome to pull out the hairs one by one. He could make an exception and help this guy for free.

  After completing the mobilization for the war, the brothers gathered at the gate of Cartnode Prison and dispersed. The

  guards who were standing at the gate of the prison in full battle array breathed a sigh of relief and suppressed the sticks in their hands.

  The cockroaches in Blackwater Lane dared to make trouble at the gate of Cartnode Prison. It was the first time they had seen such a scene.

  I don’t know who gave them the courage…

  Everyone whispered and talked to each other, only the warden with a stern face did not say anything.

  He knew who gave these guys the courage to ignore Cartnode Prison.

  It was precisely because of this that he only led his men to stand at the door, instead of calling for support from the garrison or leading his men to charge forward.

  After all, who could guarantee that this group of jumping cockroaches was not part of the plan?

  Since the big shot of the garrison said that they could be used, then let it be.

  At least before receiving new notice, he had no reason to arrest people on his own initiative.

  The brothers around him left one after another, and Morse, who had finished his glory, was ready to go home to get his stuff.

  At this moment, he suddenly saw a familiar face among the prison guards.

  A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he walked up with a smile and patted the guy on the shoulder.

  ”Hey, brother, now I am also a disciple.”

  Looking at the vicious dog staring at him, Andrew’s brain crashed in an instant, his face turned pale, and he even forgot that he was a superior Willant.

  There was only one thought left in his mind-

  why would the hawk dog raised by the garrison recognize him? !

  Morse did not stay here for long, and said hello and left in a chic manner, leaving only Andrew, who was stunned, standing there, surrounded by pairs of eyes.

  The warden frowned.

  Like other guards, he cast his scrutinizing eyes on the oldest employee in Cartnord Prison.

  ”Do you know that guy?”

  Andrew shook his head in fear and stammered.

  ”No, I don’t know…”

  The warden frowned, but didn’t say anything. After all, this guy always looked so timid.

  But unlike him, the others in guard uniforms began to whisper.


  What are disciples?


  On the other side, Morse, in a good mood, had returned to the base of the Hyena Gang and picked up the “Tear” light machine gun that had not been used in the battle at noon.

  He swore.

  He would use this thing to leave a deep impression on the guy who threatened to attend his funeral.

  When he thought of the face twisted by fear, he couldn’t help but get excited, and he wanted to shoot a few rounds at the roof to test the feel.

  Just at this moment, he suddenly felt a twitch in his eyebrows, and then a tingling sensation like an electric current crept to his left eye, making his vision blurry.


  Morse dropped the machine gun in his hand, groaned in pain, and put his hand on his eyes.

  Seeing this, York hurriedly walked up and asked.

  ”Boss, what’s wrong with you?”

  Shaking his groggy head, Morse frowned and said.


  York still looked at him with some worry, but he didn’t dare to say more nonsense.

  At this moment, Morse suddenly seemed to remember something, looked at York and asked.

  ”By the way, York…what did you see in that dream in the afternoon?”

  York was stunned for a moment, and the ugly face full of flesh suddenly became shy.

  The bald man with a scar on his chest scratched the back of his head and laughed embarrassedly.

  ”I’m not afraid of you laughing at me…I…dreamed of my old mother.”

  Morse was speechless for a while, stunned for a long time, and suddenly laughed out loud.

  ”Hahahaha! You are…really talented.”

  Looking at the boss who laughed at him, York looked helpless.

  After a long pause, he suddenly seemed to think of something and said with a smile.

  ”By the way, boss…after we take over Tony’s business, can we do some of that stuff?”

  The big brother of the Enlightenment Society only warned them not to do business with the Willant people, but never said that they were not allowed to do this business.

  The name Snake Oil is too casual.

  If it is changed to “Dream” or “Aurora”, they may earn more than Tony.

  ”Can you be more promising, damn it?” Morse slapped him on the head in frustration, “What can’t you do with money? Why do you need that thing?”

  York, who was slapped, had an innocent expression on his face. He knew why the boss taught him a lesson.

  He saw the final end of those useless people with his own eyes, and even broke many necks himself.

  But the problem is… this is not a problem that can be solved by money alone.

  He didn’t think so much, just wanted to finish the meal he dreamed of.

  The bastards in Blackwater Alley didn’t always have meat to eat, especially when he was still a little bastard. His mother used the money she earned at night to stew a pot of oxtail soup for him. The smell made him drool and his eyes sparkled.

  Standing at the kitchen door, he talked with her for a long time, talking about many things, including the present and the future… and since burying her, it was the first time he was so relaxed.

  Seeing that the dish was about to be cooked, he woke up from the dream he was dreaming.

  If only he could have one more second…

  just one second.

  ”Boss, what did you see?” York suddenly became curious.

  He always felt that the boss was much more promising than himself and should dream about more interesting things.

  However, Morse, who loaded the machine gun, was a little impatient and just replied perfunctorily.

  ”It has nothing to do with you.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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