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Chapter 893 Cheng Lu: Xiao Youran, I have done my best for you

Chapter 893 Cheng Lu: Xiao Youran, I have done my best for you


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 893 Cheng Lu: Xiao Youran, I have done my best for you

  . Qiao’s father’s punch was very sudden.

  If it were someone else, they might get punched if they were caught off guard.

  Last time at Mu Zhilan’s house,

  Qiao’s father was holding a kitchen knife and wanted to chop people.

  How could Xu Xiuwen not be on guard against Qiao’s father?

  He dodged Qiao’s father’s punch with an agile dodge.

  Without waiting for Qiao’s father to punch again,

  Xu Xiuwen raised his foot and kicked Qiao’s father’s left calf.

  Qiao’s father felt pain and his left leg immediately bent down.

  Xu Xiuwen did not take advantage of the situation to pursue him, but frowned and scolded: “Get out of here before I get angry!”

  Qiao’s father barely stood up and heard Xu Xiuwen’s words.

  His face instantly became extremely ugly.

  He clenched his fists tightly, as if he was about to punch someone at any time.

  But considering the difference in strength between the two sides,

  Qiao’s father finally did not continue to punch him.

  But he did not mean to give up.

  Father Qiao suddenly shouted loudly: “Everyone, come and see, this man stole my wife and now beats people up. Is there any justice in the world…”

  His voice was very loud.

  Chinese people always like to watch the excitement.

  The noise made by Father Qiao immediately attracted the attention of the people around him.

  There were customers in the store, pedestrians passing by the door, and customers from the snack bar next door.

  Seeing more and more people gathering.

  Xiuwen’s face became more and more gloomy.

  At this time, a man in the crowd suddenly asked: “What’s going on?”

  Father Qiao immediately shouted loudly that Mu Zhilan had cheated.

  After hearing his words, some onlookers who did not know the truth immediately cast contemptuous and shameful eyes at the three people.

  There were also some rational people who did not listen to Father Qiao’s words.

  The same man asked, “Young man, tell me what happened?”

  Xu Xiuwen said calmly, “This man’s words are not to be trusted. Sister Mu and I are innocent, and the world can bear witness to this. But this man doesn’t work, and has been out gambling for a long time. Every time he comes home, he must ask for money. If Sister Mu doesn’t give it, he will beat her up. Sister Mu has decided to divorce him. He didn’t agree, so he started to make trouble and even threw dirty water at her…”

  Qiao’s father was originally very proud of himself.

  Adultery and cheating, once this hat is put on, it is difficult to wash it off.

  As a result, Xu Xiuwen’s thinking was clear, and he explained the whole thing in a few words.

  Hearing the discussions of the people around him and seeing the eyes of many people who had come to their senses.

  Qiao’s father thought to himself that it was not good.

  Qiao’s father immediately retorted, “Don’t listen to his nonsense. If it wasn’t true that my wife cheated on someone, how could I admit it to her face.”

  Although Qiao’s father said so.

  But the onlookers were more willing to believe Xu Xiuwen.

  There was no other reason.

  Father Qiao’s clothes were sloppy, he had no posture, and his face was rat-like, with a pair of cunning eyes.

  didn’t look like a good man at first glance.

  On the other hand, Xu Xiuwen.

  His facial features with thick eyebrows and big eyes made people feel very comfortable.

  More importantly, his temperament.

  He just stood there quietly, like an upright pine and cypress.

  People couldn’t help but believe him.

  The man who had just spoken suddenly turned to Father Qiao and said, “I despise men who beat their wives the most in my life, and you don’t work, you only know how to gamble, which really makes us men lose face.”

  Father Qiao was dumbfounded when he heard it.

  Why didn’t everyone speak to him?

  And the man’s words also poked his sensitive self-esteem.

  Father Qiao suddenly yelled, “cnm, what are you talking about? He stole my wife, you don’t understand the situation

  , just shut up!” Father Qiao’s scolding made some people who were originally hesitant about who to believe suddenly clear.

  People with this kind of quality seem to be people who will commit domestic violence.

  For a time, many passers-by pointed at Father Qiao and talked about him.

  Father Qiao became more and more unhappy and started shouting, “What does it have to do with you? Get out of here, all of you…”


  Xiuwen, who was standing by, saw this scene and raised his mouth slightly.

  At this time,
the owner of the restaurant finally stood up.

  However, as soon as he came out, he wanted to drive Father Qiao away, saying that he was delaying their business.

  The onlookers cheered when they heard it.

  Only Father Qiao’s face turned red.

  He was almost angry to death!

  Father Qiao stared at Xu Xiuwen with red eyes, and suddenly shouted, “I’m going to fight you!”

  Then he rushed towards Xu Xiuwen.

  He waved his fist towards Xu Xiuwen.

  Father Qiao’s fist was too slow for Xu Xiuwen.

  He dodged it easily.

  At the same time, he stretched out his foot to trip Father Qiao.

  Father Qiao’s body immediately fell to the ground.

  He didn’t stop until he hit the table leg.

  Seeing Father Qiao fell flat on his face,

  the onlookers laughed.

  Liu Ruo was worried when she saw that Father Qiao was going to hit someone.

  After seeing the look on Qiao’s father’s face, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately couldn’t help laughing.

  Mu Zhilan didn’t laugh, but she was also relieved.

  Then she looked at Qiao’s father with disgust.

  The restaurant owner asked Xu Xiuwen if he wanted to call the police.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Forget it, I won’t bother with such a person.”

  He turned to look at Mu Zhilan and Liu Ruo and said, “Sister Liu, Sister Mu, let’s go.”

  Liu Ruo immediately stood up and walked to Xu Xiuwen.

  Mu Zhilan hesitated for a moment and also walked over.

  Seeing this, Qiao’s father immediately scolded, “You stinky bitch, you are not allowed to leave, come back to me quickly!”

  Mu Zhilan naturally wouldn’t listen to him.

  Father Qiao was about to get up.

  But it seemed that he had been hit hard just now, and he felt a little dizzy for a while…

  After Xu Xiuwen paid the money and left, the three of them went directly back to Ruowen Building.

  In the manager’s office.

  Mu Zhilan walked up to Xu Xiuwen and said apologetically: “I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. I made him find this place and cause you trouble.”

  Xu Xiuwen was a little surprised, and then he smiled.

  ”Sister Mu, you are too polite to say that.” ”


  ”There is no but, don’t worry, he can’t hurt you with me here. If he harasses you again, tell me and I’ll find someone to teach him a lesson.”

  Mu Zhilan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

  ”It’s getting late, so you should rest early, we’re leaving.” Xu Xiuwen said. Mu Zhilan


  Xu Xiuwen saw that she seemed to have something to say.

  Liu Ruo also saw it.

  Liu Ruo took the initiative to say: “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  After Liu Ruo left.

  Xu Xiuwen said: “Sister Mu, what do you want to say?”

  Mu Zhilan didn’t know what he was thinking.

  A blush appeared on her plump cheeks.

  She whispered, “Why did you tell him that I want a divorce?”

  ”If you don’t divorce, do you still plan to continue living with that kind of person?”

  Mu Zhilan shook her head, “But Xiaogang…”

  She didn’t continue.

  Xiuwen said, “Xiaogang will understand you.”

  Mu Zhilan didn’t say anything. Xu

  Xiuwen looked at her like this, feeling a little disappointed.

  ”Speak, what do you think?”

  ”I… I want to think about it again…”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “What are you thinking about? Don’t think about it!”


  Xu Xiuwen was firm, “Since you can’t make a decision, then I will make the decision for you. This marriage must be divorced. If you don’t divorce, don’t talk to me anymore in the future.”

  Mu Zhilan was startled by Xu Xiuwen’s tone.

  She was a little worried, and looked carefully at Xu Xiuwen’s expression. He didn’t seem to be angry, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  As a traditional woman, although her marriage was not happy, she always wanted to stick to it.

  Now Xu Xiuwen helped her make a decision.

  Mu Zhilan suddenly felt relieved.

  It was as if the burden that had been weighing on her shoulders for a long time was lifted off at once.

  She felt much more relaxed.

  ”Do you want to listen to me or not? Say something!” Xu
Xiuwen said impatiently.

  Mu Zhilan’s heart tightened, and she subconsciously said, “Listen… I listen to you. Don’t be so fierce…”

  The latter sentence was soft, which could easily make people misunderstand that she was acting like a spoiled child.

  After she said it, Mu Zhilan also felt a little regretful.

  She usually didn’t speak like this.

  Why did she act like this in front of Xu Xiuwen…

  I can only say that Xu Xiuwen’s maturity and reliability often make people forget his age.

  This is more or less.

  Xu Xiuwen showed a satisfied expression.

  ”I’ll accompany you to ask him for a divorce later.”

  Mu Zhilan nodded, “I see.”

  ”Okay, you take a rest, I’m leaving.”

  ”I’ll take you…”

  ”No, you take a rest.”

  Under Xu Xiuwen’s strong tone, Mu Zhilan didn’t dare to refute.

  She reminded, “Be careful when driving at night.”


  Go downstairs and come to the parking space outside the hotel.

  Liu Ruo is already waiting here.

  Liu Ruo said, “Xiao Xu, it’s getting late. You should go back. I have to go back too.”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “Aunt Liu, I’ll drive you.”

  ”No need… I can just ride my bike back.”

  Perhaps because of what he said to Mu Zhilan,

  he said in a tough tone, “Hurry up and get in the car. Don’t make me angry.”

  As soon as he said this.

  Xu Xiuwen reacted immediately.

  The other party was Liu Ruo, his future mother-in-law, not Mu Zhilan.

  When he was hesitating whether to explain.

  He heard Liu Ruo say: “Okay.”

  For strong men, women have a kind of obedience in their bones.

  Xu Xiuwen walked to the driver’s seat.

  Liu Ruo wanted to sit in the back seat, hesitated for a moment, and walked to the co-pilot.

  After getting into the car.

  Xu Xiuwen secretly glanced at Liu Ruo’s expression.

  The latter seemed to be not angry at all.

  He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  The distance back to Liu Ruo’s community was not long or short.

  On the way, Xu Xiuwen did not say much to Liu Ruo.

  In a blink of an eye, the car drove to the downstairs of Liu Ruo’s residence.

  Xu Xiuwen stopped the car and turned to Liu Ruo and said: “Auntie Liu, we’re here, you go back, I won’t go up.”

  Liu Ruo was stunned when she heard the words, and then asked: “Aren’t you going up to sit for a while?”

  ”It’s so late, I won’t disturb Auntie Liu to rest.”

  Liu Ruo suddenly asked: “You haven’t eaten enough just now?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect Liu Ruo to suddenly ask him this question.

  He hesitated for a moment, but nodded in agreement.

  Seeing this, Liu Ruo smiled.

  Liu Ruo was really pretty.

  Unlike the sisters An Shishi and An Shuishui,

  they had oval faces.

  Liu Ruo had an oval face.

  The oval face has always been the face of a classical beauty.

  The proportions of her eyebrows, eyes, and facial features were also very perfect, with curved willow-leaf eyebrows and a hint of mature and charming temperament at the corners of her eyes.

  Her upright nose bridge and round nose tip gave people a sense of intimacy.

  Her smile gave people a gentle and kind feeling.

  Liu Ruo said, “You go up, I’ll go downstairs to give you food.”

  ”That’s not good…” Xu Xiuwen had a strange expression.

  Liu Ruo smiled and glanced at him, saying, “What’s wrong with that? It’s okay. I don’t mind the trouble.”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t mean that.

  But it was hard to explain.

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated and said, “Then I’ll trouble Aunt Liu.”

  Liu Ruo smiled again when she heard that.

  Xu Xiuwen turned off the car and followed Liu Ruo upstairs.

  After arriving at home.

  Liu Ruo said, “You watch TV first. I’ll go downstairs and call you when I’m done.”


  Xu Xiuwen turned around and sat down on the sofa.

  He didn’t watch TV, but took out his phone and took a look.

  His girlfriends all sent him text messages.

  He was too busy to reply before, but now he replied one by one.

  Seeing An Shishi’s text message, Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment.

  In the text message, An Shishi asked him if he had quarreled with Xiao Youran.


  Time went back to the morning.

  After Xiao Youran left Jiangning Garden, he went straight back to the dormitory.

  The other three were in the dormitory at this time.

  Except for An Shishi who was still sleeping in bed.

  Song Siyu and Cheng Lu had both gotten up.

  Xiao Youran returned to the dormitory and saw Cheng Lu and Song Siyu.

  She immediately remembered what happened last night.

  ”Cheng Lu! I have something to ask you!”

  Xiao Youran couldn’t help it after all.

  Cheng Lu heard the voice and turned to look over in confusion.

  After hearing the voice, Song Siyu also looked over here immediately.

  Xiao Youran stared into Cheng Lu’s eyes and asked, “Was it Xiao Xu who had lunch with you yesterday?”

  Cheng Lu was startled.

  Xiao Youran knew?

  Considering that she didn’t go back to the dormitory last night, she should have gone to see Xu Xiuwen.

  Maybe she knew it from Xu Xiuwen.

  Thinking of this, Cheng Lu no longer had the idea of ​​hiding it.

  She nodded and admitted it.

  It’s true!

  Xiao Youran subconsciously clenched her fist.

  Even if the nails sank into the flesh.

  She didn’t feel any pain.

  Song Siyu roughly understood what was going on.

  Knowing that Xu Xiuwen had lunch with Cheng Lu yesterday.

  Song Siyu felt a little sour in her heart.

  After school started, Xu Xiuwen had never taken the initiative to accompany her for lunch.

  And Cheng Lu actually agreed.

  Are they together again?

  ”Cheng Lu, why did you lie to me?” Xiao Youran almost gritted her teeth and said.

  Cheng Lu frowned slightly and said calmly: “When did I lie to you?”

  Xiao Youran said: “Yesterday at noon, I clearly asked you if someone had lunch with you. You said that you came to the cafeteria alone. How do you want to explain it?”

  Cheng Lu said: “I did go to the cafeteria alone, as for him…” Paused


  ”He insisted on following me, and there was nothing I could do.”

  Cheng Lu’s tone was very flat.

  But it didn’t sound like that to Xiao Youran and Song Siyu.

  They just thought Cheng Lu was showing off.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t accompany them for lunch, but he kept pestering Cheng Lu.

  Doesn’t that mean he likes Cheng Lu more in his heart?

  Xiao Youran’s eyes suddenly turned red.

  She asked Xiao Xu if he could have lunch with her yesterday morning, but Xiao Xu said he didn’t have time.

  But he secretly pestered Cheng Lu and insisted on having lunch with her.

  Is Cheng Lu more important than her in his heart?

  Xiao Youran couldn’t accept this.

  Although Cheng Lu’s nickname is Iceberg Beauty.

  But her heart is softer than many girls.

  Seeing Xiao Youran like this, although he is a love rival, he is also a roommate, so she feels a little bit sorry.

  Cheng Lu hesitated for a moment, and then explained: “You don’t have to think too much, there is nothing between him and me.”

  This explanation only made Xiao Youran feel a little better.

  She suddenly turned to look at Song Siyu and asked: “You didn’t go back to the dormitory several times before. You went to see him, right?”

  Song Siyu was stunned when she heard it.

  She was watching the show, but she didn’t expect that the anger would suddenly burn on her.

  Hearing Xiao Youran’s words, Song Siyu was a little flustered.

  ”Youran, I don’t understand what you mean. I didn’t come home several times before, and there were reasons. The first time was a department activity, and we went to KTV to sing all night, and the second time was…”

  ”Okay, you don’t have to say it.”

  Xiao Youran interrupted Song Siyu directly.

  She glanced at Song Siyu, then at Cheng Lu, and suddenly tears flowed down.

  ”I have known Xiao Xu for 19 years. He is mine. Why are you trying to snatch him from me? I beg you, please don’t snatch Xiao Xu from me, okay?”

  Xiao Youran suddenly cried, catching Cheng Lu and Song Siyu off guard.

  The two girls were hesitating whether to say something to comfort her.

  Then they heard Xiao Youran’s words.

  The two girls were stunned for a moment.

  Then they showed different expressions.

  A hint of sarcasm flashed in Cheng Lu’s eyes.

  It was true that Xiao Youran knew Xu Xiuwen before her.

  But she was the first to be with Xu Xiuwen.

  Xiao Youran was the third party.

  Now Xiao Youran was blaming her, which made Cheng Lu speechless and unhappy.

  Song Siyu felt guilty.

  Since they met on the first day of school, she and Xiao Youran have become very good friends, almost inseparable.

  But she fell in love with her best friend’s boyfriend.

  He also secretly lingered with Xu Xiuwen.

  Sometimes, Xu Xiuwen even talked on the phone with Xiao Youran for a long time.

  She also rode on Xu Xiuwen or knelt on the bed, making it impossible for Xu Xiuwen to concentrate on chatting with Xiao Youran.

  Song Siyu always felt guilty towards Xiao Youran.

  But she never thought about quitting or leaving Xu Xiuwen.

  Even if Xu Xiuwen asked her to die immediately, she might not hesitate at all.

  But she couldn’t leave him.

  She loved Xu Xiuwen

  so much. Cheng Lu looked at the tearful Xiao Youran and said calmly: “After breaking up, I never took the initiative to contact him once, let alone pester him. Xiao Youran, I have done my best for you. Don’t forget how you treated me in the beginning!”

  Xiao Youran’s heart tightened instantly.

  When Cheng Lu was still Xu Xiuwen’s girlfriend.

  She pestered Xu Xiuwen behind Cheng Lu’s back in various ways.

  Not only in terms of time and space.

  But also in terms of body.

  Even their breakup was because of that time when Cheng Lu ran into her and Xu Xiuwen…

  Cheng Lu glanced at Xiao Youran’s expression and continued, “Yesterday, he suddenly found my study room. I asked him to leave several times, but he didn’t want to go. Xiao Youran, instead of begging me, you might as well take care of him…”

  Xiao Youran was silent.

  The atmosphere fell to the bottom at this moment.

  But Song Siyu had to express her opinion.

  She pursed her lips and said, “Youran, I don’t know if you don’t believe me, but I really didn’t snatch Xiao Xu from you.”

  What she said was not a lie.

  Because she only wanted to be Xu Xiuwen’s lover.

  She never thought of replacing Xiao Youran’s position.

  Of course, it didn’t count as snatching away…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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