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Chapter 893 Kidnapping

Chapter 893 Kidnapping


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 893 Kidnapping

  The setting sun shrank into a dot on the skyline, and sank into the sea with the afterglow of dusk.

  It was finally time to get off work, and Captain Willoughby finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  What a terrible day.

  After the explosion at noon, he first received a call from the secretary of the Minister of General Affairs of the War Zone of Borneo Province, and then was turned away at the Governor’s Office.

  The old fox Yahui had agreed clearly before, but now he turned his face and denied it. With a sentence of “you can do it yourself”, he threw all the work of cleaning up his ass to him.

  Fortunately, he is a captain of ten thousand men, and there is still a way to continue to pass the pot down.

  Pushing the chair away from the desk, Willoughby hummed a tuneless little song and left the garrison building.

  Along the way, people greeted him from time to time, and he smiled and nodded in response.

  He enjoyed the feeling of being respected.

  Especially when his dignity was wronged in other places, those flattering smiles always made him feel a little relieved.

  What a pity.

  His “Wasp” plan was obviously a genius plan, and it was about to succeed.

  But who would have thought that the people below would act on their own and investigate the wrong people in the case that should not be investigated, and even alarmed the General Affairs Department… Now it can only be said that he was unlucky.

  Just as he was lamenting that everything was not going well, a black car stopped steadily in front of him.

  This was the garrison’s car.

  Willoughby was slightly stunned, and he didn’t remember that he had arranged for a driver to pick him up.

  Just then, the door of the back seat suddenly opened, and an unexpected face appeared behind the door.

  There was a happy smile on that face, as if watching the prey falling into the trap.

  And the muzzle of the gun hidden in the shadows made his heartbeat and breathing freeze involuntarily.

  ”…Mr. Willoughby, please act a little more naturally.”

  While speaking, Taran pointed the gun at him and gently patted the seat next to him.

  ”Then sit next to me obediently.”

  Finally realizing what happened, Willoughby’s face gradually lost color.

  Not daring to gamble whether there were bullets in the gun, he stretched out his shaking hands to hold the car door, and sat tremblingly next to the “wasp”.

  It was at this moment that he noticed the man sitting in the driver’s seat, or rather the vaguely familiar face.

  Willoughby’s eyes widened in an instant, and there was obvious disbelief in his pupils.

  He had seen this guy before!

  This guy was from the garrison!

  But he couldn’t remember what this guy’s name was, after all, there were too many people who greeted him every day.

  ”You, you are–”

  ”Kant, don’t bother to think about my name, you won’t remember it.” Kant glanced at the interior mirror and replied casually.

  The indifferent expression was like not caring at all, but Willoughby was pleasantly surprised as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

  ”You are from the intelligence department of the garrison–”

  ”Yes, I am also a disciple of the Enlightenment Society.”

  Enlightenment Society?

  Willoughby’s head was confused for a moment, and he looked at him in astonishment, and it took a long time for him to squeeze out a word from his mouth.

  ”Are you…crazy?”

  However, Kant didn’t want to explain to him. He just started the car and threw a sentence to Taran who was sitting in the back seat.


  Willoughby widened his eyes in horror and grabbed the door handle to escape, but found that the car door was locked.

  Taran naturally couldn’t let him escape. He took out the wet towel he had prepared in advance and rushed over, pressing his mouth and nose tightly.

  Not long after, Willoughby, who was pressed down by him, was motionless, leaving only even and steady breathing.

  After confirming that this guy was still alive, Taran put the towel stained with dark green crystals into a plastic bag and sealed it, then looked at Kant who had already started the car.

  ”…What’s next?”

  ”Go to the radio station,” Kant calmly lit a cigarette, “I have something to ask him.”


  On the other side, the garrison intelligence department.

  After half an hour of busy work, Daniel finally cleaned up the disguised base of the “Enlightenment Society” and returned to the team with all the staff who performed the finishing work and the recovered information.

  The Wasp plan came to an end. The next decision was whether to keep or go the thirty Alliance passengers detained in the Cartnord prison.

  Daniel took the hastily completed documents and planned to report the matter to Captain Willoughby. After all, the entire Wasp was operated by him, and the head of the intelligence department was just an executor.

  However, when he arrived at the door, he found that the office door was tightly closed.

  At this moment, Captain Willoughby’s secretary happened to pass by in the corridor. Daniel saw him and stopped him and asked.

  ”Where is Captain Willoughby?”

  The secretary pointed to his watch and said impatiently.

  ”What time is it now? Captain Willoughby has left work early. If you have something to do, come back tomorrow.”

  Hearing that the commander had left work, Daniel’s expression was a little strange, but he still nodded.


  He thought Captain Willoughby would wait for him for a while, but he didn’t expect that the adult was more anxious to get off work and go home.

  It seems that he thought too much.

  After bidding farewell to Captain Willoughby’s secretary, Daniel glanced at his watch and decided to take the information back to the office of the Intelligence Department.

  However, at this moment, he saw his assistant running over in a panic.

  ”Oh no, something happened!”

  Looking at the assistant who was running out of breath and the pale face, Daniel frowned.

  Not daring to waste time, he asked immediately.

  ”What’s the situation?”

  The panting assistant swallowed his saliva and said as if he had seen a ghost.

  ”The disappeared signal… reappeared.”

  Disappeared signal?

  Daniel was stunned for a moment. At first, he didn’t react to what it was. Until his eyes fell on the document in his hand, he suddenly realized that it was about the car with the bomb installed.

  His heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he pushed away the assistant who was blocking him and rushed to the direction of the Intelligence Department.

  The car didn’t explode!

  Someone blocked the signal!

  But why? !

  His mind was filled with countless puzzles, and every possibility pointed to the worst result.

  When he rushed to the intelligence department office, he saw everyone talking in surprise.

  Without time to think about it, he grabbed the nearest staff member and asked anxiously.

  ”Where is Kant? Where is that guy Kant!”

  The staff member had a nervous expression on his face and shook his head in panic.

  ”I, I don’t know… He hasn’t shown up. The last contact was near Cartnode Prison.”

  ”Nonsense! I made that call. How could I not know that he had been to Cartnode Prison!”

  Daniel reached out and grabbed his collar, cursing with spit flying.

  ”Go find someone for me! Immediately! I want to know where he is now and why he didn’t detonate the bomb!”

  ”Yes, yes!” Hearing this unreasonable request, the staff member almost cried and answered.

  Daniel hurriedly let him go, and then quickly walked to the side of a terminal and pressed the shoulder of the staff member who was about to get up from the terminal.

  ”Where is the car now?”

  The staff sitting in front of the terminal swallowed and answered nervously.

  ”We just located its signal. It is crossing Road 14. The destination should be northwest of Evernight Harbor…”

  Since there is no satellite, they can only use the method of plane positioning signal to determine the location of the target.

  That is, first calculate the direction and relative distance of the signal source, and then determine the location of the signal source on the map according to the location of the signal receiving point.

  This positioning method has a large error, and there will be a certain lag depending on the complexity of the road conditions.

  Daniel’s brain was working fast, and he kept muttering.

  ”Northwest of Evernight Harbor… northwest of Evernight Harbor… what is there?”

  A staff member sitting next to him said in an uncertain tone.

  ”… Could it be a radio station?”

  Radio station?

  Daniel was stunned, his pupils suddenly contracted, and a terrible idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

  If it was a radio station, he probably guessed what the guy was going to do…

  but why?

  Seeing that the leader of the planning team did not speak, the staff swallowed and continued nervously.

  ”…The signal from the locator can be received, the bomb should not have been dismantled yet, and they can’t defuse the bomb while driving. If we dial that number now, we can blow up the target… What for?”

  Daniel didn’t say anything.

  The plan has gone out of control. He doesn’t even know who is sitting in the car. Even if he dials the number, he may not be able to stop the out-of-control train.

  Just when he was stunned, the head of the intelligence department suddenly rushed in from outside.

  The man who was always calm, at this moment, his face was full of panic.

  He strode forward and grabbed Daniel’s shoulder.

  ”Have you seen Captain Willoughby?”

  Looking at the pair of bloodshot eyes, Daniel was frightened for a moment and shook his head subconsciously.

  ”No, I went to find him, but his secretary told me that he had already left work–”

  Before he could finish his words, the head with bloodshot eyes rudely interrupted him.

  ”Someone said that he was seen in a black car at the entrance of the garrison building. The license plate number is exactly the one we reported damaged! What the hell are you doing?!”

  The moment Daniel heard this, he felt as if a 100-kilogram bomb had exploded in his brain, and his mind went blank with a buzz.

  Not only did that idiot not kill the Wasp, he also kidnapped all their superiors!

  He and the spies of the Alliance kidnapped a captain…

  and it was during wartime!

  This is no different from rebellion.

  His face was as pale as toilet paper. Daniel felt that all the strength in his body had been drained away, and his body softened and he almost collapsed to the ground.

  Looking at the mad section chief, he squeezed out a word from his trembling lips.

  ”…They are heading to the radio station in the northwest of the city. If we rush over now… maybe we can stop him.”

  The section chief of the intelligence department pushed him hard and shoved him to the door of the office.

  ”Then what the hell are you waiting for? Hurry up and get going!”

  ”If our commander loses a hair, I will kill you myself!”

  Daniel ran out of the door with a horrified look on his face. He had no doubt that his section chief was not joking. If Captain Willoughby really had any mishap, that guy would definitely kill him without hesitation.

  Without stopping, he took a dozen intelligence officers and rushed to the northwest urban area of ​​Evernight Harbor without saying a word.

  Along the way, he was praying that Kant, the idiot, would not do anything stupid.

  At the same time, he kept dialing the contact number with the communicator, trying to get in touch with Kant.

  However, the latter seemed to have expected him to do this, and simply turned off the communication equipment, without any intention of communicating with him or stopping at the brink.

  ”Damn it!”

  Daniel, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, pounded the car door hard, with anger burning in his pupils.

  At the same time, the black car carrying Captain Willoughby had arrived at the door of the radio station.

  At this moment, it was already dark, and most of the staff at the radio station had already gone off work.

  Looking at the car parked at the door, the security guard on duty walked up and asked as a matter of routine.

  ”Who are you?”

  Kant skillfully took out his ID from his arms and waved it in front of him twice.

  ”The garrison is investigating a case. Open the door.”

  When the security guard heard that it was the garrison, he didn’t have any doubts at all. He hurriedly trotted back to the duty booth and opened the railing across the middle of the road.

  Kant stepped on the accelerator and drove the car in. Instead of going to the garage next to it, he drove straight to the bottom of the square five-story building in front of him.

  He turned off the engine and pulled the handbrake, and at the same time grabbed the Pu-9 submachine gun under the co-pilot seat, and looked back at Taran who was sitting in the back seat.

  ”You carry him on your back and follow me.”

  Finally, the most exciting part came, and Taran excitedly gave him a reliable look.

  ”Got it.”

  It’s a pity that this operation was too hasty.

  If he had been given another two or three days to prepare, and he could have mobilized the thirty brothers in the prison, and called back the two confidants who had run out of the settlement, he might have been able to create a bigger wave of fireworks.

  Kant nodded, and without further nonsense with him, he stepped out of the car door, then raised the barrel of the gun and fired a burst of bullets into the sky.

  The sudden sound of gunfire startled everyone around, and they all ran out as if their lives were lost.

  The security guard standing in the duty room was dumbfounded, staring at the man with the submachine gun in amazement, not knowing what this guy was going to do.

  Just then, Daniel and his men finally arrived at the scene.

  Looking at Captain Willoughby who was dragged out of the car, his eyes turned red in an instant, and he yelled at Kant who was holding a submachine gun.

  ”Kant! Are you crazy?! What the hell do you want to do?!”

  While giving the order, Daniel looked at his teammates and sent a team to the back of the radio station to prevent Kant from using this building to get rid of the pursuers and escape. However,

  he didn’t know that the loyal subordinate in front of him had no intention of escaping at all.

  This is the battlefield he chose for himself, and it is also the last battlefield.

  That is why, facing the furious roar of his boss, Kant’s expression did not change at all, as if he didn’t hear it.

  Taran, who was carrying Willoughby on his back, was confused by the angry roar.

  What’s going on?

  He thought this was the plan of the Enlightenment Society, but the reaction of the “guide” Daniel told him that it was obviously not the case. What

  confused him most was that he couldn’t even tell whether this was an internal conflict between the Southern Legion or the Enlightenment Society.

  At this moment, he seemed to have “skipped” a large part of the plot, and when the fight was about to start, he couldn’t tell which side was the enemy and which side was the friend.

  ”Come over here.”

  Looking at Kant who was waving at him, Taran finally decided to follow him first.

  He didn’t know what this NPC was going to do, but he had promised this guy that he was ready.

  And just as he stepped into the building, the car they were riding in suddenly exploded with a bang and turned into a burning fireball in the explosion.

  The blazing flames illuminated Taran’s confused face, and only then did he vaguely realize something.

  His identity might have been exposed long ago…

  Kant’s next sentence confirmed his guess.

  But he didn’t understand why this Willant stood on his side.

  ”…They installed a bomb in the car. According to the plan, you have died at the door of Cartnord Prison.

  ”We will release your compatriots, but we will not acknowledge your existence…including the entire Wasp Project.”

  Taran swallowed.

  ”…Wasp Project? ”

  Kant nodded, briefly explained the content of the entire plan, and confessed everything to them.

  In short, the garrison did not know the existence of the Enlightenment Society. They only learned from the superior intelligence department that there was such an organization composed of residents of the shelter in the Great Desert, and this organization was suspected of mastering this unfinished super weapon.

  So their respected garrison commander had an idea, forged an Enlightenment Society base in the “Marshal’s Arsenal”, and tried to use this cocoon to extract more information about the Enlightenment Society and the super weapon from him.

  Things actually went very smoothly, but unfortunately they found clues that they shouldn’t have found, and a big shot far outside the Evernight Port took action to destroy all their clues.

  After listening to Kant’s statement, Taran showed a helpless expression on his face.

  ”… After all this time, you got the information about the Enlightenment Society from me.”

  Kant said concisely.

  ”Part of it, right, and part of it came from the archives of Yavent City and Triumph City. ”

  Taran was silent for a while, then he sighed and said.

  ”…I have worked in vain.”

  Kant raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”…Are you really a spy from the Alliance?”

  ”Spy? I am the commander of the Desert Corps,” Taran grinned, “Of course, you can also think that I am bragging, but I will not admit it anyway.”

  Kant smiled noncommittally, with an expression of disbelief clearly written on his face.

  If this guy can be the commander of the corps, then he must be a commander of ten thousand men!

  However, he did not tear down this guy’s stage, but just calmly glanced at the increasing number of vehicles and guards outside the window, and then said calmly.

  ”I’m sorry to involve you. Although I have thought about letting you go, I need teammates.”

  Taran grinned.

  ”Why apologize, such an interesting thing may not happen once in a lifetime, not to mention that you treat me as a teammate. ”

  That calm look, it’s as if he didn’t care about life and death.

  Kant glanced at him in surprise, and suddenly smiled.

  ”I’ve always heard people say that the residents of the Alliance’s shelters are a bunch of weirdos… Now I believe it.”

  ”Not entirely, but you’re unlucky to run into someone as unreliable as me,” Taran freed his hand to scratch the back of his head, then weighed the guy on his back, “So what now? Are you going to beat this guy up to vent your anger, or use him as a hostage to get a ship to the Alliance?”

  ”Neither,” Kant shook his head and continued in a slow pace, “I told you my plan from the beginning… The Willant people have heard enough lies, and now they need to hear some truth. ”

  At the same time, outside the radio station, more and more garrison guards completed their assembly.

  Daniel was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and so was the head of the intelligence department, as well as the heads of other departments.

  There were only two people occupying the radio station, but the hostage in their hands happened to be Captain Willoughby. No

  one could afford the responsibility of accidentally injuring the hostage, but dragging it on like this was not a solution.

  Just then, the loudspeaker on the roof of the main building of the radio station suddenly sounded abruptly.

  The harsh FM sound made everyone present couldn’t help but stand up.

  Especially Daniel, who was standing on the front line with a gun.

  After a moment, Kant’s voice came from the radio.

  ”Listen, everyone outside, your commander, Captain Willoughby, is in my hands now. If you don’t want him to encounter any accidents, you’d better stand still and don’t move. ”

  ”My request is very simple, just stand there, don’t do anything, and give me two hours. “

  ”Two hours will be enough!”

  ”I will use these precious two hours to do a special interview with our respected Captain Willoughby.”

   I have a cold… I feel dizzy and uncomfortable


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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