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Chapter 895 Bread or Faith

Chapter 895 Bread or Faith


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 895 Bread or Faith


  With a sharp gunshot breaking the silence, the battle in the radio station building officially kicked off.

  A team of ten people quickly broke into the building and exchanged fire with the armed personnel who were entrenched in the building.

  This short exchange of fire lasted less than five minutes, and the ten-man team that rushed into the building was blown out by the dust and noisy gunfire.

  Not only that, the original full-strength ten-man team suffered more than half of casualties, and two seriously injured soldiers were carried out horizontally.

  Looking at his subordinates who were evacuated in a panic and the wounded who were dragged out, the centurion’s face was full of astonishment, and then the astonishment turned into anger.

  ”A bunch of trash! Ten people can’t catch two people, what the hell are you doing!”

  Facing the officer’s curse, the ten-man evacuated from the building had a face full of panic, but still explained with a stiff upper lip.

  ”Not two people… just one person, but that guy is too fast, maybe he is an awakened person…”

  Hearing this, the centurion narrowed his eyes.

  The Awakener…

  It seems that he has really caught a big fish.

  No longer embarrassing his subordinates, he took off the communicator hanging on his shoulder and gave an order in a deep voice.

  ”Team Two, Team Three, Team Four, pay attention, it’s your turn.”

  A uniform answer came from the communication channel.


  As the order was issued, the three teams of ten people rushed forward again with murderous intent.

  Looking at the building so close, the centurion’s mouth curled up a hint of a grim smile.

  Ten people can’t get in!

  Then thirty people!

  He still doesn’t believe that he can’t kill this grasshopper!

  At the same time, Taran, who was hiding in the building, was calmly changing the magazine of the assault rifle he picked up.

  To be honest, this group of Weilant people are well equipped, with exoskeletons and bulletproof armor. If it weren’t for the good penetration of the centurion’s pistol, he might not be a match for that group of people with just a PU-9.

  However, when it comes to combat literacy, they are more than a little worse than the soldiers on the front line of the Borneo Province. If they were replaced by the latter, he might find it more difficult.

  Of course, even if he had full confidence in his combat power, he had to admit that in the face of this absolute numerical gap, his failure was only a matter of time.

  Kant could no longer be counted on. That guy was unwilling to fight with his compatriots and was determined to die.

  He couldn’t persuade that guy, and he didn’t know how to persuade him. He even felt in his heart that this might be the best ending.

  To be honest, he himself didn’t know what he was struggling for.

  It is the honor of a hero to die as a hero.

  At least tonight he has lived in the hearts of the people of Evernight Harbor, and he will probably not be forgotten for a long time.

  However, when he thought that the NPCs in this game could not be resurrected, Taran regretted thinking so.

  He didn’t want this guy to die like this.

  After playing the game for so long, this was the first time he encountered such a NPC that suited his taste.

  Looking at the three teams that came in from the front and back doors respectively, he took a deep breath and grinned.

  ”…After all this time, the armored vehicle is just a decoration.”

  Perhaps because they were in the city, the group of Willant people couldn’t let go. The armored vehicle parked outside didn’t fire at him, but only sent infantry to attack.

  Taran kicked open a door, reached out and grabbed a cabinet, lifted it out like a chicken, and then threw it at the entrance of the stairs.

  With a click, he loaded the rifle, took a deep breath, and prepared for the battle again. He pulled the trigger the moment the dense footsteps rushed into the stairwell.

  ”Bang, bang, bang!”

  In a flash, the close combat began again!

  Unlike the first exchange of fire, the Willant people’s offensive this time was obviously much more cautious, and Taran’s situation was obviously much more difficult than before.

  Watching the flickering fire advancing from the second floor to the third floor, the centurion standing outside the radio station finally raised a hideous smile at the corner of his mouth.

  Just as he expected.

  A trapped beast is just a trapped beast after all.

  At the same time, not far from him, the chief of the garrison, Captain Willoughby, was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, constantly wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  Although he wanted to tear up Kant, who was broadcasting live to him, he knew that the guy’s life or death was no longer important, what was important was how to deal with the aftermath.

  Now most of the Willant people in Yongye Port know what the comfort pills given to veterans by the Logistics Department of the General Affairs Department are, and how those bigwigs make money from the insurance of the wounded through those expensive hallucinogens that have no therapeutic effect.

  Why those injured soldiers cannot be properly resettled, the answer is already obvious.

  Because their money was spent in inexplicable places and finally flowed into the pockets of the vested interests.

  Those small pills popular in the black market of Yongye Port are not because of the “strategic dumping” of the alliance, but because of the flood of “Shalun” on the market.

  The gang members recovered the excess comfort pills from the veterans, and also took them from the logistics department to make more potent “snake oil” to squeeze the last drop of oil from the survivors of Evernight Harbor.

  Whether it was the Willants or the aliens in Blackwater Alley, everyone was a victim of this systematic exploitation!

  Looking at Governor Yahui, whose expression became increasingly unfriendly, Willoughby’s face became more desperate.

  Perhaps he would not have to wait until the sun rises tomorrow before he would have to throw away the hat on his head.

  Unconsciously, there were suddenly many more people on the street who had nothing to do with the commotion.

  Most of these people were Willants, including drunkards and citizens who had walked out of their homes.

  At first, Willoughby thought that these guys were just here to watch the fun and did not take it seriously.

  Until more and more people gathered on the street, and the expressions on their faces became increasingly unfriendly, Willoughby suddenly realized that bigger troubles were about to come.

  Seeing the look in Yahui’s eyes, Willoughby could only call a few guards to follow him, and walked forward with gritted teeth, shouting at the growing crowd.

  ”What are you doing standing here! This is not a place to watch the fun, go back to your homes!”

  The voice did not disperse the crowd, but made them gather more and more.

  A retired veteran stepped forward, pointed at Willoughby with his red rosacea, and said in a questioning tone.

  ”You are Willoughby.”

  Under normal circumstances, Willoughby would never bow to a drunkard, but the crowd around him forced him to lower his posture and speak in a communicative tone.

  ”It’s me…what’s wrong?”

  The veteran pointed at his nose and asked in an impolite tone.

  ”Then let me ask you, are you telling the truth?”

  Willoughby’s expression froze, and beads of sweat broke out from his temples, but he still pretended to be calm and explained.

  ”…It was forced by the situation. That idiot forced me to say it. If you turned on the radio, you should have heard it. He threatened me with a bomb…threatened his superiors.”

  The veteran’s expression did not change at all, and he still stared at him straight.

  ”You didn’t deny it, so it’s the truth, right?”


  Willoughby was about to defend himself when a bottle flew out of the crowd and almost hit his head.

  The guards behind him hurried forward and stopped the increasingly excited crowd.

  At the same time, a shout came from the crowd.

  ”Traitor! You betrayed the Willant people! You also betrayed our marshal!”

  ”I didn’t–”

  ”Then release the people inside! You can confront each other openly again!”

  ”That’s right! Release the people!”

  The roaring sound was like waves, hitting the chests of the guards one after another.

  Facing their indignant compatriots, the guards showed hesitation on their faces.

  They are also Willant people.

  Not only that, many of them are veterans who have retired from the front line like Kant.

  And the questions Kant asked on the radio were also questions they had kept in their hearts for many years.

  Rather than saying that they couldn’t muster the courage to face the crowd, it is better to say that they were more tormented in their hearts why they stood on the opposite side of their compatriots instead of standing with them.

  Looking at the crowd that was pressing step by step, Willoughby was speechless and became more and more panicked.

  He had no doubts.

  If I were caught by these guys, I would definitely be torn to pieces by them!

  At this moment, a shrill whistle sounded not far away, and five troop transports, escorted by an armored vehicle, arrived at the edge of the crowd.

  They were the second hundred-man team of the city defense army who came to reinforce.

  No one expected that a small radio station would be so strong. A hundred-man team gnawed at the building for more than ten minutes, but failed to take it down.

  Under pressure from the General Affairs Department, the commander of the city defense army dispatched another hundred-man team and allowed them to use explosives to blow up the building when necessary.

  A head popped out of the armored vehicle that was blocked outside the crowd, holding a loudspeaker and shouting at the crowd.

  ”People watching the excitement in front, please make way! You are blocking the road!”

  The centurion squatting in the armored vehicle obviously didn’t understand the situation.

  It didn’t matter if he didn’t shout, but as soon as he shouted, the crowd around him instantly boiled, and squeezed in front of the armored vehicle and refused to make way.

  Looking at the garbage and bottles thrown randomly, the centurion quickly covered the top cover of the armored vehicle’s turret and retreated into the vehicle.

  ”Cease fire!”

  ”Release them!”

  The deafening roar penetrated the vehicle body, shaking the steel plate faintly.

  Looking at the indignant faces outside the observation window, the members of the armored vehicle all had expressions as if they had seen a ghost, exchanging surprised glances with each other.


  ”Are these guys crazy?!”

  Not only the soldiers who came to reinforce were stunned, but also the soldiers who were deadlocked on the front line.

  They could be sure that their opponent was only one person.

  However, it was that madman who relied on the two assault rifles he had snatched in his hands to repel their attacks for five times!

  If they did underestimate that guy at the beginning and suspected that he was letting him go, they all showed their true abilities in the subsequent rounds of attacks, but still failed to attack the third floor. The

  battle situation was deadlocked for a while.

  Looking at the group of crestfallen wounded, the centurion in command was so angry that his nose was crooked.

  He strode to the front of Willoughby, the ten thousandth captain, and shouted at him without caring about his rank.

  ”Let your guards drive away those guys who are in the way! Our reinforcements can’t get to the scene!”

  Being pointed at and yelled at by a centurion, Willoughby was furious, but he had no way to deal with it.

  Who wants the other party to be in the army?

  And he was just a garrison, assigned to a local department, not even a local army.

  Holding back the fire in his heart, he shouted in a low voice.

  ”I know, I have already given the order… but the number of people I have is not enough. Do you know how many people are crowded on the street outside?!”

  Centurion: “Then transfer some more people over!”

  Willoughby said angrily.

  ”I’m just a centurion, I don’t really have 10,000 people under my command! I’ve already called in all the guards in the city, but they’re still blocked outside and can’t get in! You’re angry at me, why don’t you ask your superiors to think of a solution!”

  There were at least 20,000 to 30,000 citizens gathered outside.

  At first, they only blocked one street, but now they’re blocking the street!

  Now that all the guards in the city have been transferred to this area, what he’s most worried about now is not this radio station, but the security of other districts.

  It’s hard to guarantee that someone won’t take advantage of the situation at this time, and if something goes wrong, it will be on his head in the end.

  He’s already in enough trouble, and he doesn’t want to add some inexplicable charges to himself.

  ”Damn it!”

  Looking at his subordinates who continued to be injured and killed, the centurion cursed, pulled out the pistol at his waist and walked to the front of the crowd.

  Willoughby was shocked when he saw this, and instinctively wanted to stop them, but it was too late.


  ”Everyone, disperse! Those who don’t want to die, don’t come here to get in the way! You are rebelling!”

  The red-eyed centurion fired a shot into the sky, and it was this shot that completely angered the crowd that was in a stalemate with the guards.

  They were the Weilants.

  The gene of not fearing death flowed in their blood, and how many bullets could there be in the pistol magazine?

  The veterans at the front knew much more than the rookies. When they heard the gunshots, they rushed forward immediately, and the originally stable front was instantly broken.

  Faced with the angry crowd, the guards finally chose to surrender. Since they did not shoot from beginning to end, people did not make it too difficult for them, and just rushed towards the centurion who fired the gun.

  Looking at the surging crowd, the face of the centurion Willoughby was completely desperate.

  Including Governor Yahui who hid in the reconnaissance car, he had never seen such a scene and was scared silly. He just urged the driver to drive and crash into the place with few people.

  Taran, who was shot several times, squatted on the fourth floor of the radio station, looking at the boiling crowd outside the window, with a surprised expression on his face, and unconsciously said “Fuck”.

  Kant did not call on his compatriots to unite, but when he spoke for them, his compatriots did not choose to stand by and watch, but still stood up bravely for him.

  Taran now understood why these big-nosed people could defeat the War Construction Committee that inherited all the heritage of the Human Alliance…

  The genes engraved in their blood vessels are not just about killing, but also about honor and dignity.

  The Weyland people will never abandon their heroes.

  They can be saved…

  ”This fight was not in vain… Well, haha, this life is worth it!”

  Looking at the gunshot wound on his body, Taran smiled and suddenly understood the old players’ words “Don’t pay too much attention to the sequence level”, otherwise you will miss a lot of things.

  Maybe it’s not Versailles, but the feeling they have experienced after experiencing countless deaths.

  They have left countless indelible traces in this world, which has surpassed those pale numbers by a lot.

  Using the butt of the gun to support his body and stand up from the ground, Taran thought that what happened next had nothing to do with him, so it would be better to find a place to deal with his body.

  At this moment, a familiar shout suddenly came from downstairs.

  ”…Captain! Are you up there?”

  ”A guy named Junichiro Shokawa said you’re in trouble and asked us to come and pick you up!”

  ”Squeak a sound while you’re still alive.”

  Hearing that voice, Taran was stunned at first, and then his face showed ecstasy.

  ”Fuck! I’ve finished fighting, and you’re finally here!”


  Blackwater Alley, “Last Round” Casino.

  Usually, when it gets dark, the largest casino in Evernight Harbor is crowded, but tonight, there is a rare sign of closing at the door.

  The gamblers with pockets full of gold coins cruised back and forth in front of the door, but when they saw that the door showed no sign of opening, they returned in disappointment.

  At the same time, in the VIP room on the roof of the casino, a man with a high nose bridge was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed.

  He held a communicator in his hand, and his face was full of gloom.

  After a moment, he cursed in a low voice and threw the communicator on the table.

  ”Damn, what a bunch of rubbish… they can’t even handle such a small matter!”

  Tony, who was standing aside, didn’t dare to breathe or interrupt the furious man. He just kept a flattering smile on his face and waited quietly.

  This man’s name was Peter. He was of great status. Although he was only a captain of a thousand men, he was the secretary of the director of the General Affairs Department of the Battle Zone of the Borneo Province.

  Even the governor of Yongye Port had to give this guy some respect, not to mention a ruffian like Tony.

  In front of this big shot, he didn’t even have the qualifications to sit and talk.

  By the way, it is worth mentioning that the man sitting in front of him was not his real backer.

  The big shot who supported him had never shown his face in front of him. He had always been sending messages through his subordinates to help him solve troubles outside of business and collect money.

  And this Peter was the one with the highest status he had ever seen.

  Tony could only guess who the backer behind him was based on his own guesses, and even if he guessed it, he didn’t dare to say it out loud, let alone let the backer do things for him.

  Those people were just eyeing his industry, hoping to use him to do something, and on this basis, they would give him some convenience.

  If his requests were too much or too troublesome, those people would not mind changing to a cleaner glove.

  In fact, if there was no accident in the business, Peter would not come here in person.

  What he didn’t expect was that within a few hours after he left the Governor’s Mansion, there was a big mess in the garrison.

  Being kidnapped by his own men…

  It would be better to shoot himself with a gun!

  The trouble didn’t stop there. The broadcast aroused the indignation of the people in Yongye Port, causing the reinforcements to be blocked in the street.

  The army that had arrived at the scene was not very smart. A team of 100 people couldn’t take down a radio station, and could only watch the situation get bigger and bigger.

  Peter took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and then cast his eyes on Tony who was standing beside him.

  ”How is the matter of the snake grass handled?”

  Seeing Peter talking to him, Tony hurriedly said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, sir. Everything has been done! The warlords of Snake State will open a special route for us, and the customs in Yongye Port have also been arranged! In the future, we can directly use snake grass to process snake oil, and no longer need to use those small pills to purify it… Although our processing plant has suffered some losses, it has little impact on us.”

  After a pause, Tony lowered his voice again.

  ”In addition, according to your instructions… We got the group of Brahman laborers out of the Cartnord prison and took them to the suburbs for disposal.”

  The factory is neither the industry of the Logistics Department nor the General Affairs Department, but it belongs to someone in this profit chain.

  They just bypassed the Logistics Department by improving the production process and production technology, but did not bypass anyone in this profit chain.

  Only the raw materials have changed.

  They can produce more addictive “snake oil” more efficiently, without having to collect the prescription drugs prescribed by the Logistics Department from those veterans.

  Because of the change in supply and demand, they hope that the veterans will eat the “Sharon” that they have too much to put, open up the market for the more potent “snake oil”, and make more money from the veterans’ pensions.

  After all, most of the wealth of the Southern Legion is concentrated in the hands of the Weylandts, and it is too inefficient to squeeze dinars from foreigners.

  Not only that, they also no longer need those Brahman laborers.

  They know too much.

  And they have already shown their faces, and it will be troublesome if they go to jail again for the same reason.

  Instead of giving them a boat ticket home, it is better to directly compensate the warlord behind them and ask the latter to send a new batch of laborers.

  Anyway, the last thing that the Borneo Province lacks is people, so they can be sent over together with the snake grass.

  Hearing that the matter has been settled, Peter breathed a sigh of relief and nodded calmly.

  ”Not bad.”

  Tony smiled.

  ”I will do it, don’t worry!”

  After looking at this good dog with appreciation for a few more times, Peter grinned, and suddenly his heart moved, and he continued.

  ”Really? Then I will ask you to do another thing.”

  Tony’s face became serious and said respectfully.

  ”Don’t worry, sir, as long as it is something you order, I will do my best to do it!”

  Peter smiled faintly and ordered.

  ”In the northwest city area, there was some trouble in the neighborhood near the radio station. A group of drunkards blocked the road. You take some people over, remember to bring weapons, create some chaos to drive people away, and let our troops go in.”

  Tony was stunned.

  ”Is that all?”

  ”That’s all.” Peter took a sip of the black tea on the table and said softly, “A few people can die, but not too many, and don’t do it in front of the garrison and the army… Otherwise, you can prepare a few scapegoats and do whatever you want.”

  The Weilantes were unwilling to shoot at their compatriots, so they just found a group of foreigners.

  He didn’t have so many obsessions.

  Those who should be killed still had to be killed. You can’t be soft-hearted just because the other side was an unarmed civilian.

  After reading Peter’s eyes, Tony nodded in understanding and smiled.

  ”Got it!”

  This kind of thing was too easy for him. He just had to arrange a few gunmen to stand in the distance and shoot, and if that didn’t work, he would rush up and throw a few Molotov cocktails.

  But this guy was really cruel.

  The people living in the northwest city should be Weilantes. Usually, his brothers would walk around there. Not to mention going there to cause trouble, they didn’t even dare to stay there.

  Just when Tony was about to arrange things, a loud explosion suddenly came from outside the window.

  Hearing this noise, everyone in the room was stunned, and their expressions froze on their faces.

  At the same time, unbridled laughter came from afar, mixed with arrogant shouting.

  ”Tony——! Hahaha! Your grandfather is here to attend your funeral!”

  Hearing this mad dog-like cry, Tony’s face changed instantly, and he hurriedly walked to the window.

  As he expected, the madman from the Hyena Gang was standing directly across the street.

  And his old rival Morse was holding a newest “Tear” light machine gun in his hand.

  Seeing the muzzle of the gun aimed at him, Tony was frightened and hurriedly left the window. At the same time, he took off the walkie-talkie tied to his waist and yelled at the thugs in the casino.

  ”Damn it, stop that madman! Don’t let him get close!!”

  At the same time, a burst of bullets swept towards the window, leaving a string of bullet holes on the ceiling with crackling sounds.

  Dodging to the corner of the room, Peter stared at Tony who was half squatting on the ground in amazement, and said in shock and anger.

  ”What’s going on outside?”

  ”Morse,” Tony’s lips turned pale with anger, and he gritted his teeth, “It’s the Hyena Gang… Those idiots got in touch with the Garrison, just like they took the wrong medicine. Oh, right, our suburban factory was blown up by these guys!”

  Peter’s eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.


  How dare those weaklings in the Garrison –

  just as he thought about it, the devil-like laughter came from outside the window.

  ”… Didn’t expect that I’m now a disciple of the Enlightenment Society, and I have a backer! Hahaha!”

  ”How dare you come out and fight me in an open battle!”

  … Enlightenment Society?

  What the hell is that? !

  Peter’s brain crashed for a long time, and he didn’t react for a long time.

  But he was a thousand-man captain after all, and he wouldn’t be scared by a group of villains.

  After kicking Tony out of the room, he locked the door neatly, then calmly picked up the communicator that had fallen on the table before, and pressed a few buttons.

  Putting the communicator to his ear, he gave the order in a concise manner.

  ”…I’m in a bit of trouble here, send a cleanup team over.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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