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Chapter 896 The rainstorm buried everything

Chapter 896 The rainstorm buried everything


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 896 The rainstorm buried everything.

  The noisy gunshots were like thunder, and the tracers that shuttled through the streets were like flying rainstorms.

  As usual in gunfights, Morse, with a group of younger brothers, stood at the forefront of the gunfight.

  But what was different from usual was that he was holding a “Rip” light machine gun with a bullet belt in his hand!

  The ferocious muzzle sprayed fierce firepower, and the thick and long flames burned the thugs of the Iron Hand Gang like torches

  , making it impossible for them to open their eyes. First, he fired a burst of bullets at the room on the roof of the casino. Looking at Tony who escaped from the window, Morse pointed the muzzle of the gun at the main entrance of the casino, laughed crazily, and pulled the trigger.

  ”Go to hell! Hahahaha! You bastards of the Iron Hand Gang!”

  The whistling rain of bullets instantly tore the closed door apart. The thugs hiding on both sides of the main door had no chance to get out of the bunker to fight back. They could only retreat in panic and look for other stronger bunkers.

  A thug holding a PU-9 submachine gun was unable to dodge and was hit by a machine gun bullet on the shoulder. His entire arm was torn off, leaving only half of the bloody humerus.


  The screams of a pig being slaughtered sounded at the entrance of the casino, and were soon drowned out by the roar of gunfire.

  Morse was not the only one who took action. Hundreds of Hyena Gang members were holding assault rifles in their hands, and at this moment, they all opened fire at the casino run by Tony.

  The nearby civilians and gamblers had never seen such a scene before. They were all shocked by the sudden situation and fled the neighborhood near the “last game” as if their lives were lost. In

  less than five minutes, the entire street was empty, leaving only the gang members fighting.

  Facing the Hyena Gang’s automatic fire, the Iron Hand Gang members were beaten and couldn’t raise their heads.

  Although the PU-9 submachine guns in their hands are also good at street fighting, the 9mm submachine gun bullets are far inferior to the 7mm rifle bullets and machine gun bullets in terms of power and penetration.

  Moreover, the garrison has invested heavily in the Wasp Project… at least it was so before.

  With the current firepower level of the Hyena Gang, it would not be shameful even if they were pulled to the front line of the Borneo Province, let alone dealing with a group of gang members roaming the streets.

  The accumulated firepower swept down half of the wall, and the sound of gunfire on the street stopped for a while.

  The outer defense line of the Iron Hand Gang has collapsed, and the remaining personnel have all retreated into the casino building.

  Looking at the dozen or so bodies lying behind the concrete rubble, Morse smiled and waved forward.

  York, holding a “Blade” assault rifle, bit a burning cigarette butt, with his bravery, led a dozen of his brothers to rush into the door of the casino.

  Bang bang bang gunshots broke out again, and everyone quickly took shelter nearby, then poked their rifles out of the shelters and fired at the approximate location of the gunshots on the opposite side.

  Looking at the younger brothers who had already controlled the gate, Morse calmly inserted a new belt of ammunition into the light machine gun whose barrel was already smoking, and then loaded it with a click.

  ”Tonny! Your grandfather Morse is here! Hahahaha!”

  The butt of the machine gun rested on the shoulder guard of the bulletproof armor, and Morse also held a cigarette in his mouth. While striding towards the door, he pulled the trigger and fired at the flickering firelight across the hall.

  The face illuminated by the firelight was full of hideousness, like a devil crawling out of the abyss.

  And the places swept by his machine gun were all like being baptized by a typhoon, leaving only broken limbs and messy debris on the ground.

  Leaning against a marble column, the security chief of “The Last Round” had a face full of fear, and the submachine gun tucked under his elbow kept shaking, and he didn’t dare to stick his head out to fight back.

  Seeing more and more brothers falling, he gritted his teeth and shouted into the intercom hanging on his shoulder.

  ”Boss! The firepower of that madman is too strong! The brothers can’t stand it anymore–”

  Before he finished speaking, Tony’s roar came from the other end of the intercom.

  ”Then give it your life! Reinforcements are coming soon, and you must keep them out!”

  Tony, who had already rushed to the second floor, roared into the intercom and heard the gunshots coming from under his feet. He felt his heart trembling.

  He didn’t know where these idiots got so much firepower, nor did he know what the Enlightenment Society was, let alone why the Enlightenment Society targeted him.

  He only knew one thing, if he couldn’t get rid of this trouble, he would be finished!

  And he was completely finished!

  If the man sitting in the box lost a hair, all the gangs in the entire Blackwater Alley would suffer!

  No one would be able to save him by then!

  Listening to the gunshots getting closer and closer, Tony gritted his teeth and wanted to reason with the person downstairs, but he couldn’t say the name of the guest upstairs, so he could only yell downstairs.

  ”Morse! What the hell do you want to do! First you blew up my factory, and now you come to my casino to make trouble, I didn’t provoke you!”

  Seeing no response from downstairs, he swallowed his saliva and lowered his posture.

  ”Do you want money? I’ll give it to you! Tell me the number! I’ll give it to you now!”

  Perhaps hearing the cowardice in his voice, there was a wanton laugh from downstairs.

  ”Money? Do you think I’m a beggar? Tony, you underestimate me, I want everything you have!”

  Tony was stunned when he heard this, and immediately got angry.

  ”Don’t be too much! I’m giving you face!”

  Morse downstairs pouted and mocked.

  ”Too much? Don’t be ridiculous. We are all working for big shots. Do you think I will let you go for a few dinars? Today it’s either you or me!”

  He will soar into the sky like a maggot with wings and become a real big shot.

  By then, it will not only be Blackwater Lane.

  The whole Evernight Port will leave his legend!

  Tony’s expression froze on his face, and then gradually became distorted.

  ”…This lunatic.”

  His brain was in chaos. At first he thought that the guy was just talking nonsense, but when he heard the firm voice, he couldn’t help but hesitate.

  Why haven’t the garrison come yet?

  If it was normal times and there was such a big commotion, the guards would have driven over in assault vehicles.

  Could it be that the Enlightenment Society really has a powerful background? !

  It’s a pity that Peter didn’t explain to him what happened in the northwest city area. He was not a Willant, so he was not interested in listening to what the Willant people were talking about on the radio all day.

  The entire northwestern city area was in chaos. All the guards and even the garrison troops in the city had gathered there, except for the combat troops stationed at the port who were about to go to the front line.

  At this critical moment, naturally no one would care about the movement in Blackwater Alley.

  Not to mention a gang fight, even if someone dropped a nuclear bomb here, no one would care.

  While Tony was in doubt, Morse became more certain of his guess. The person standing behind him had already overwhelmed Tony’s backer, and even had a smile on his face that showed he was sure of victory.

  The coward who was smearing plaster on his face didn’t dare to show his face until now, and was completely suppressed by him unilaterally. The people in the garrison seemed to be blind and ignored the movement in Blackwater Alley, even though he had put a machine gun under the opponent’s nostrils. Is

  there anything that can better illustrate the strength of the Enlightenment Society than this? With

  his confidence doubled, he was even crazier than before. Following the sound from upstairs, he pointed the muzzle of the gun at the ceiling, laughed wildly, and pulled the trigger to fire randomly.

  Of course, the bullet couldn’t penetrate the cement between the floors, but it still scared Tony who was standing on it.

  Seeing more and more “hyenas” rushing into the casino, and the gunfire downstairs getting louder and more intense, he could only desperately urge his men to fill up.

  However, his thugs are also human.

  Everyone joins the gang to seek wealth, and the more humble ones just seek self-protection. No one has ever thought of really risking their lives.

  Seeing that the garrison had not made any movement for a long time and reinforcements were not coming, the morale of the thugs guarding the first floor of the casino finally collapsed. They abandoned their positions and fled in panic.

  The Iron Hand Gang is finished.

  Even Tony’s most loyal men have no doubt that their doomsday has come.

  The factory in the suburbs was bombed, the head of the “skull crusher” was chopped off, and their leader dared not even fart, and even warned them not to cause trouble for the other side.

  And now, the other side did not even give them the opportunity to “behave with their tails between their legs”, and directly came to their door with a machine gun.

  Their boss has been abandoned by the backers behind him.

  There was only one explanation left…

  All the smart people had run away, and the rest were either confused, or not sober, or too sober.

  Seeing the thugs guarding the first floor dead or fleeing, Morse grinned, but did not chase them. He just fired a burst of bullets in the direction of their escape, then left the bunker and walked towards the stairs with a group of his brothers over the corpses on the ground.

  However, perhaps he was too arrogant, or perhaps he was too excited to relax his vigilance, so that when he noticed the panting coming from behind the cabinet, a young man had already rushed out with a PU-9 submachine gun.


  He shouted to dispel the fear, and while shouting, he pulled the trigger and fired.

  The random shooting did work a little, and several bullets hit Morse’s chest when he was caught off guard.

  However, the 9mm bullet could not penetrate the military bulletproof armor on the latter.

  The madman who was hit by a burst of bullets just shook his body, staggered a few steps and leaned against the bunker.

  At the same time, the brothers following Morse all reacted and shot at the ignorant young man, shooting him into a sieve.

  York rushed to Morse’s side first and asked nervously.

  ”Boss! Are you okay?”

  Morse grinned and stood up from the ground by grabbing his arm.

  ”It’s okay.”

  As he said that, he swept the back of his hand across his chest, and saw the broken bullets fell to the ground with a clang.

  Seeing that the boss was fine, the brothers around cheered and whistled.

  Morse grinned and shouted at the empty stairwell.

  ”Tony! All your people are dead! How long are you going to hide? Hahaha, don’t kill yourself, I still want to talk to you.”

  There was no response from upstairs.

  Morse waved his hand without further ado, and led his men forward.

  The young man who had fired at him earlier was lying in a pool of blood, his mouth twitching like a stranded goldfish.

  York pulled out his pistol and shot him, but looking at the gradually empty eyes, Morse frowned.

  Too much alike.

  The young man’s eyes looked very much like his former self.

  At that time, he was also a young man with nothing but ambition and ruthlessness. He only thought about one thing all day, that is, how to show off in front of the boss and risk his life to make a name for himself.

  The only difference was that this guy closed his eyes when he fired, which was the last thing you should do when sitting at the gambling table.

  So, he, who won the bet, stood here, and he was destined to lie on the ground.

  Including Tony upstairs.

  His eyebrows began to twitch again, and Morse walked straight upstairs without stopping.

  To his surprise, Tony did not hide, but stood in the lobby on the second floor with a look of despair.

  ”You’re crazy…Morse, do you know what you’re doing? We’re all doomed.”

  Morse raised his eyebrows slightly and sneered.

  ”You’re the one who’s doomed…After tonight, I’ll be the new master of Blackwater Alley.”

  ”Haha, I actually lost to a madman…hahaha…ahhh!”

  Tony suddenly laughed out loud, but soon he couldn’t laugh anymore, and fell to the ground, holding his thigh that was bleeding profusely.

  The pistol was smoking, and York spat on the ground, staring at Tony who was twisting on the ground with a face full of flesh.

  ”Stop pretending, I’ve been displeased with you for a long time.”

  Tony, who curled up on the ground like a dead dog, didn’t speak, and his pale lips couldn’t say anything, only twitching occasionally.

  The bullet shot through his artery, and within a few breaths, the blood had soaked his pants red.

  ”Bandage him up. My friends and I still have some questions to ask him. Remember, I want to live.”

  Morse threw this sentence to the younger brother beside him and continued to walk upstairs.

  The whole battle was as easy as a textbook. He crushed the Iron Hand Gang to death effortlessly, and not even a few brothers died.

  After tonight, he will become a legend in the entire Blackwater Alley. Everyone will remember his name and who he is working for.

  As for who Tony’s backer is, it doesn’t matter to him anymore. Since the black hand behind the scenes sent him here, it will naturally help him solve the troubles later. However

  , Morse still has another confusion in his heart, that is why Tony did not run away, but chose to stand there and wait to die.

  He didn’t believe that the cunning guy didn’t leave a way out for himself. There must be more than one escape route hidden in this casino.

  Unless –

  that arrogant guy never thought that he might lose, or there was a reason why he couldn’t escape no matter what.

  With curiosity, he walked upstairs with a machine gun, checked each room, and finally found a locked door.

  He knocked on the door politely, but there was no movement in the room, but the nicotine smell coming from the crack of the door exposed that there was someone hiding inside.

  York and the other brothers who followed him looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

  The guy inside still had the mind to smoke.

  This was not taking them seriously at all.

  ”VIP room.”

  Morse looked back, grinned at his brothers, and then kicked open the closed door.

  With a bang, the door fell heavily to the ground. He walked in with a machine gun on the door panel, and saw a man with a cigarette in his mouth sitting on the sofa in front of him.

  He was a Weilant.

  His expression was somewhat surprised, but not the slightest bit of fear. He even took off his cigarette butt and lightly tapped the ash.

  The calmness of the superior made Morse feel a little afraid, but soon the fear was replaced by a restless anger. Why is

  this guy not afraid at all!

  Why is he looking at him like a dog!

  ”Good shot.”

  After tapping off the ash on the cigarette butt, Peter looked at Morse with a little appreciation.

  ”I suddenly like you a little.”

  Morse narrowed his eyes slightly, then tightened his mouth and raised it slightly, moved away the smoking barrel, leaned forward and nodded slightly, like a decent gentleman.

  ”…I wonder what this person’s name is?”

  Peter smiled lightly and said in a neutral tone.

  ”Tony never asks such stupid questions. He only does what he should do, knows what we let him know, and then takes his share.”

  Morse clicked his tongue lightly and shook his head.

  ”Tsk, tsk, tsk, that guy is in such a bad state. He is now lying on the floor twisting like a maggot.”

  Hearing Tony’s miserable condition, Peter showed an indifferent expression and even smiled faintly.

  ”Really? I didn’t expect him to be so loyal, even though he is a bit useless.”

  Morse’s eyes narrowed into a slit, and his eyes were like a letter spit out by a venomous snake.


  ”Isn’t it?” Peter shrugged his shoulders and said in a matter-of-fact tone, “He can’t handle even the smallest things. His neck was bitten off by the garrison dog. He is like a piece of mud that can’t be pasted on the wall. My patience is almost gone.”

  At this point, he paused and looked at Morse standing at the door with interest.

  ”I find that you are more capable than Tony, but not as smart as him… But this is not important to us. Would you consider working for us?”

  ”Work for… you?” Morse was stunned, and suddenly laughed out loud, “And then be like that dead dog below? Don’t make fun of me, man, I am a member of the Enlightenment Society, who do you think you are?”

  Peter narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of murderous intent flashed from his eyes.

  Except for Dickens, no one dared to talk to him like this.

  ”The Enlightenment Society… What is that? I have never heard of it.”

  Morse sneered and said teasingly.

  ”Your level is too low, of course you haven’t heard of it… Do you know why there is such a big commotion outside, but the garrison has no reaction at all?”

  Looking at Peter with a look of surprise, Morse did not wait for his answer and continued slowly.

  ”An invisible hand is manipulating everything behind the scenes. With your vision, you can’t even see its existence… Of course, as a disciple, I can only see the tip of the iceberg, but even this tip of the iceberg is enough to crush you to death.”

  Peter looked at him blankly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

  ”What are you talking about? Is your brain broken–”

  Before he finished speaking, the muzzle of the gun that was suddenly aimed at him spewed out flames.

  Peter, who was shot several times, groaned and rolled over, and the sofa under his butt was shot into a hornet’s nest.

  The muzzle of the gun rose with the recoil, and the bullets swept all the way to the ceiling. Morse let go of the plane.

  He walked to the side of the corpse with a grim smile, picked up the bloody cigarette butt, and held it in his mouth.

  ”Sorry, it went off accidentally.”

  York also followed him in and spat at the “blood man” lying on the ground.

  ”You tired of living, who allowed you to talk to my boss like that!”

  Peter, lying on his back, stared with his eyes wide open, his chest was bloody.

  He would never believe until his death that these bastards dared to attack him.

  And they did it on the territory of the Willant people.

  Morse had no time to deal with this guy, so he searched his body and found no information about his identity, so he pouted and threw him aside.

  From now on, this “last game” is his property.

  The gamblers in Evernight Harbor will not care what happened here, nor will they care how much blood has flowed on the tile floor.

  When they clean up this place, those gamblers will pour in as usual.

  Of course, it’s not just the casino.

  He will accept all of Tony’s industries, and use the gold earned from those industries to turn this Blackwater Lane into the most prosperous city that never sleeps in the entire desert!

  And he, Morse –

  will redefine the order here and become the uncrowned king of this city that never sleeps!

  This was not what he dreamed of, but it was an indirect way to realize his dream.

  Standing in front of the broken window, Morse squinted his eyes gently, enjoying the evening breeze blowing in his face and admiring the afterglow of the enthusiasm.

  York walked to his side, his fleshy face full of excitement and admiration.

  ”Boss… what’s next?”

  ”Well… let me think,” Morse turned around and walked to the side of the corpse, kicking the immobile leg, “Drag this guy away, maybe our friends will be interested.”

  His work was done.

  That Taran and Kant should come to find him… or the Enlightenment will send someone else.

  Morse was not in a hurry at all, because he had already won the bet.

  However, at this moment, a warning suddenly rose from his heart, so that cold sweat even seeped out of his back.

  What’s going on?

  Is there something wrong?

  His thoughts turned quickly, and at this moment, a short buzzing sound came from outside the window, and then York’s head standing by the window was smashed into a watermelon, and he fell to the ground with a “bang”.

  ”York!!! No! Damn, sniper!”

  Morse’s eyes turned red in an instant, and he yelled at the top of his voice and hurriedly evacuated the room.

  At the same time, after a few short “chi chi chi chi” gunshots, the second floor of the entire casino had turned into a sea of ​​blood.

  A group of soldiers armed to the teeth filed in from the door.

  They were all wearing exoskeletons, and the equipment from head to toe was enough to make the cannon fodder on the front line drool with envy.

  Purge team!

  As one of the tactical trump cards of the legion, the armed configuration of the Southern Legion has a completely different idea from that of the Eastern Legion.

  The latter still continues the cluster tactics of strength in numbers, while the former is closer to the enterprises on the East Coast to a certain extent.

  Tony, lying in a pool of blood, only had half a breath left.

  Gasping for breath, he raised his drowsy eyelids and looked at the boots in front of him.

  He stretched out his hand with all his strength, leaving a bloody handprint on the boot, trying to grab something.

  At the same time, he made intermittent pleas.

  ”… I tried my best.”

  ”I did everything you asked me to do… I just beg you… let my family go… they don’t know anything…”

  The soldier didn’t say a word of nonsense, and the muzzle of the gun with a silencer was against his head. A clean gunshot made him lie back in the pool of blood.

  The soldier pressed his index finger on the side of the helmet, exhaled a breath of cold air, and reported concisely.

  ”The second floor is cleared.”

  A moment later, a reply came from the communication channel.

  ”The militants are moving from the fifth floor to the fourth floor. They are near the safe passage… No hostages have been found.”

  ”Got it.”

  The man replied neatly, waved his hand towards the stairs, and then went straight to the safe passage on the side.

  The soldiers who occupied the second floor immediately split into two groups and advanced towards Morse. After

  discovering this group of uninvited guests, the “hyenas” who were counting the spoils quickly picked up their weapons and fired at the group of soldiers who were armed to the teeth.

  However, facing this group of well-trained soldiers, they couldn’t even delay time and were all shot through the skull.

  The battle was completely one-sided!

  Morse, who had retreated to the fourth floor, was full of fear on his face.

  The gunshots from downstairs reminded him that it was no longer safe downstairs, but he was trapped here and had nowhere to escape.

  After exiting the safe passage, he leaned against the corner of the stairwell and shouted loudly at the downstairs.

  ”Damn! Who are you?!”

  The group of people did not respond.

  They were like cold killing machines, harvesting lives one after another cleanly and neatly.

  Looking at the brothers who continued to be killed and wounded, a deep sense of powerlessness crept into Morse’s heart.

  I can’t just die here!

  Especially to die in such an unclear way!

  His usual madness rushed to his head again. He cursed and yelled, threw down the machine gun hanging on his shoulder, then used his shoulder to knock open the window and jumped directly from the fourth floor.

  This height is enough to cripple a person even if he doesn’t die.

  However, perhaps it was not his fate to die. His shoulder first hit a shed to shelter from the rain, and then rolled into the bucket of swill in a street restaurant.

  The restaurant’s door was tightly closed, and the whole street was silent, as if he was the only one left.

  I don’t know when it started, but it started to rain lightly from the dark sky, and the dense dripping sound seemed to drown him.

  Morse has never been so embarrassed.

  Even when he was the most miserable.

  He stumbled and ran away like a frightened trapped animal, but he didn’t know where to run.

  Who were those people?

  Why did they want to kill him?


  where were the people from the Enlightenment Society?

  It seemed as if he was hallucinating in front of his eyes, and the road under his feet gradually became nothingness, as if he had returned to that unrealistic dream.

  In that dream, he was a surgeon, running an ordinary clinic.

  Blackwater Alley had been peaceful for decades, without endless gang fights.

  He had a sensible son and a lovely daughter. Although he was not a competent father, he was at least more reliable than his father, at least he never brought a bottle of wine home.


  He also let out a low roar from his mouth, trying to drive the chaotic image out of his mind.

  That was not what he wanted! He

  had never thought of having these weaknesses.

  However, he didn’t know why he saw these fucked-up things in that dream, and even had the idea of ​​coming for another second.

  At this moment, a figure appeared in the distance.

  The man was wearing a raincoat, underneath which was a shiny black exoskeleton and a compact assault rifle.

  Morse’s face was filled with despair, but when he saw that the other party did not shoot, hope was rekindled in his heart.

  The man reached out and gently lifted the brim of his raincoat, as if to see his face more clearly.

  Morse heard a soft sigh, and his steps slowed down involuntarily.

  ”Ah… I shouldn’t sympathize with a guy like you, but what can I say… I have no grudge against you.”

  After a pause, the man put his hand on his shoulder.

  ”Keep running, leave this to me.”

  Morse stared at him blankly, and a hint of doubt gradually appeared in his clear pupils, but he still asked tremblingly.

  ”…Are you from the Enlightenment Society?”

  ”Yes.” The Comedian patted Morse’s shoulder gently and said concisely, “You know where to go.”

  He wasn’t sure, after all, that idiot Desert Eagle wasn’t as reliable as he thought… although he himself wasn’t a reliable person.

  Anyway, that guy made a reasonable analysis based on the intelligence collected by the Desert Corps, sorted out the clues one by one, and judged that Morse might really know something about the Enlightenment Society.

  Otherwise, it would be hard to explain why this guy would gamble so much, bet his entire fortune, and work so hard for this illusory bait.

  Although it would be a better choice to ask in person, it was too late.

  From the explosion of the bomb at the radio station to now, only two and a half hours had passed.

  Hearing the words of this stranger, hope rekindled in Morse’s eyes.

  The Enlightenment Society really didn’t give up on him!

  His chaotic memory gradually became clear, and he remembered the dark alley.

  ”… I’ll leave it to you.”

  Finally, he looked at the stranger in the raincoat with gratitude, and turned and ran hurriedly towards the drizzling rain.

  At the same time, a group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons also chased out of the “last round” casino.

  The communication channel was filled with noisy exchanges.

  ”Damn… Peter is dead!”

  ”Mission failed.”

  ”Someone jumped out of the window on the fourth floor and escaped.”

  ”This guy is lucky enough to not die from the fall.”

  ”Leave it to me, you guys collect the body.”

  The sniper lying on the roof took a deep breath and replied in a cold tone.

  The rain was not heavy, which had little impact on the vision, and there were not many people on the street. His scope quickly locked onto the figure running along the street.

  However, just as he was about to pull the trigger, someone suddenly patted his shoulder.

  ”Hey, what are you looking at.”

  The sniper was stunned and turned his head suddenly, but was grabbed by the collar by a hand, the microphone on the helmet was torn off, and he was thrown directly from the six-story building.

  Hearing the muffled sound coming from downstairs, Sha Diao stretched his neck to look downstairs, and saw that the man lying on the ground with his arms and legs spread out had stopped moving, and he whispered a sin.

  Without any apology, he lay down behind the sniper rifle.

  His eyes moved to the side of the scope, Sha Diao reached out and pressed his ear, cleared his throat and said.

  ”The sniper is in place, but there is no support… The finishing work is left to you, I have to keep an eye on the ‘bait’.”

  At the same time, on the other side, on the street in the distance, the Comedian who was waiting quietly estimated that the pursuers would soon arrive, so he took out a time bomb from the exoskeleton.

  This is for finishing.

  After all, the Alliance and the Legion have not officially started a war, and he is an illegal immigrant, so it would be a bit troublesome if he was discovered.

  After presetting the time of death, he skillfully inserted the bomb into the tactical strap on his back waist.

  Listening to the voice coming from the communication channel, he replied without any surprise, and then closed the communication.

  ”Okay, got it, I have to be a corpse again.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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