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Chapter 898: Big Fish in Yongye Harbor

Chapter 898: Big Fish in Yongye Harbor


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 898 Big Fish in Evernight Harbor

  The unconscious guy is called Niles.

  Sha Diao found a certificate issued by the Weyland people to aliens in his home, with this name written on it, and a long string of surnames behind it.

  Whether it is a real name or a pseudonym, it doesn’t matter to him, it’s just a code name anyway.

  He only needs to know that the guy tied to the chair is a member of the Enlightenment Society, and this shabby house hidden in Blackwater Lane is the base of the Enlightenment Society in Evernight Harbor.

  This is enough.

  After waking up from a coma, Niles raised his heavy eyelids, stared at the guy who was rummaging around in his house, and said in a hoarse voice.

  ”…Who are you?”

  ”Desert Eagle.”

  Taking a jar from the cabinet, Sha Diao looked inside and found that there were several large-denomination dinars in it. His eyes lit up immediately, and he poured them out and stuffed them into his pocket.

  Niles looked at the guy who was stealing in front of him with a dark face, biting out a word from between his teeth.

  ”…What is that?”

  ”Just think of it as a code name. I’m a resident of Shelter 404.”

  Hearing this, Niles’ eyes narrowed and he suddenly grinned.

  ”Residents of Shelter 404… Hehe, you guys really chased us far, reaching to the southernmost part of the Great Desert.”

  Desert Eagle laughed and said casually.

  ”There’s nothing we can do. Our hands are longer. You guys just have to bear with it.”

  Niles: “…”

  Seeing that he didn’t say anything, Desert Eagle continued.

  ”What about you guys? Are you still the same as before? You don’t even have your own settlement now?”

  Niles sneered.

  ”We don’t need that kind of thing.”

  Sand Sculpture raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

  ”Oh? Then what do you need?”

  Niles: “You don’t need to know.”

  Sand Sculpture: “Tsk, aren’t you killing the conversation?”

  As if he realized that this guy was trying to get him to say something, Niles closed his eyes and stopped talking.

  After a few probing words, Sha Diao got no response, so he left him aside and turned his attention back to the cabinet in front of him.

  However, to his disappointment, he searched through all the cabinets and drawers in the house, but found nothing except two hundred dinars.

  This base was so simple that it looked like a real slum shack, so Sha Diao couldn’t help but wonder if there was any secret passage or secret door hidden in it.

  ”…Speaking of which, don’t you have that kind of memory extractor at home?” Sha Diao couldn’t help asking after patting the dust off his hands.

  Hearing this funny question, Niles snorted and sneered.

  ”That’s contraband from the Prosperous Era. Do you think it’s something that’s everywhere?”

  Sha Diao looked at him twice more in surprise.

  ”So powerful?”

  ”There are so many powerful things… It’s a pity that I’m just a guide. And don’t say I don’t have it. Even if I do, why should I tell you?” Niles looked at the guy who wasted his efforts with an idiotic look, but soon realized that he seemed to have said something too much, and immediately shut up with a sullen face.

  However, the desert eagle didn’t care and just shrugged his shoulders.

  He could guess with his toes that the guy in front of him was the “guide” and didn’t need the latter to explain himself. What

  he really wanted to know was something else.

  For example, the “death agent”.

  Another example was the researcher named Martin.

  ”…I just think that this will make our communication easier. Or do you want me to use more traditional means to pry the contents out of your mouth.”

  Niles said with a sneer.

  ”If you have the ability, try it.”

  The Desert Eagle didn’t waste any words and took out a thumb-sized glass bottle from his pocket.

  Niles’ pupils shrank slightly, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

  Seeing his nervous look, the desert eagle just smiled and said in a soothing tone.

  ”Don’t be nervous, I’m a civilized person. Although there are many ways to torture people on the Internet, I won’t do it unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

  Although his comfort was sincere, Niles’s expression did not show any sign of relaxation, and his Adam’s apple rolled up and down.

  ”…What is that thing in your hand?”

  Sha Diao did not explain, but walked straight to him, grabbed the head that was tilted back in fear with one hand, and used the other hand to pick up the cork at the mouth of the bottle with his thumb, and directly pushed it into his nostrils.

  ”…Something that can make you have a good dream, it will let you see what you desire most in your heart.”

  ”Wait, wait a minute–”

  Niles’ eyes showed a trace of panic, and he struggled desperately to avoid it.

  However, in front of the awakened people of more than 30 levels, the little strength he struggled with was not even enough to help. He

  poured some into both nostrils of this guy, and Sha Diao covered his mouth for a while, and after confirming that he was full, he put away the empty bottle.

  He bought this snake oil from the black market, and he didn’t expect it to come in handy so soon.

  ”This thing should be able to make him sleep for five or six hours… Let me think, what should I do next…”

  Just when Sha Diao was worrying, there was a light knock on the door outside.

  The rhythm of the knock was very special, three long and two short, like some kind of secret code.

  Sha Diao immediately perked up, walked to the door with low footsteps, and while holding the door handle, his right hand reached for the pistol with silencer on his waist.

  At the same time, on the other side of the door, Andrew, wearing a raincoat, put his face next to the crack of the door and said in a hoarse voice.

  ”…My identity may be exposed. A guy named Morse found me. That guy is the leader of the Hyena Gang. He saw through my identity as a disciple. I suspect that we were exposed when we met. This area seems to be their territory.”

  ”But fortunately, that rubbish seems to have misunderstood something and thought the Enlightenment Society was something else… something that the garrison made him think of.”

  ”I don’t know what the other Willant people want to do, but anyway, that guy is a trouble. Before things get out of control, we have to find a way to make him shut up… It’s best to shut up forever.”

  After saying these words, Andrew quietly waited for the guide’s response.

  After a moment of waiting, a hoarse voice came from behind the door.

  ”Come in and talk.”

  Hearing this, Andrew was slightly stunned, with a half surprise on his face.

  He had always been passing messages at the door. The number of times Niles invited him into the house was few and far between, and usually during some secret gatherings.

  He was undecided.

  And at this moment, the door in front of him, which would never be opened normally, suddenly opened a crack for the first time.

  A black gun muzzle was pointed at his forehead, causing him to stop breathing involuntarily.

  ”You, you are…”

  Good guy, it’s really the gourd baby saving grandpa – bah, no, it should be said that he was sleepy and sent a pillow.

  The sand sculpture didn’t say any nonsense, grinned and stretched out his hand to grab the collar of the “pillow”, and pulled him directly in from outside.

  ”Come in.”

  … ”

  Wasteland OL” official website.

  Just when most people were discussing the war situation in the Borneo Province, a post about Yongye Port suddenly appeared in the eyes of the spectators.

  The poster who had the last laugh was naturally [Desert Eagle], and the title of the post was also quite eye-catching –

  [Big news! The big fish in Evernight Harbor has been found! ]

  Desert Eagle: “…I found the Enlightenment Society’s base in Evernight Harbor in Blackwater Alley! The person in charge of the base is called Niles, and his title or position is ‘Guide’, which is equivalent to a middle-level cadre of the Enlightenment Society!”

  ”This guy is very tight-lipped and refused to confess anything. I fed him snake oil and planned to keep him hanging for two days to see what would happen. Fortunately, not long after that, a disciple who came to contact him showed up on his own.”

  ”According to the clues he gave, I found a removable tile under the empty water tank in the toilet. There was a ladder underneath, and climbing down was to the basement. There is an elevator in the basement that goes directly to a depth of five or six hundred meters underground!”

  ”Even more shocking is yet to come! There is actually a subway tunnel from the Human Union era under this settlement! Maybe this thing is not called a subway, but it is something similar after all.”

  ”I speculated that the Enlightenment Society should be transporting personnel and equipment to Evernight Harbor through this tunnel, so they kept moving forward with the guy named Andrew… Interestingly, this guy was so cowardly that he begged for mercy with tears and snot. If it weren’t for his nose, I wouldn’t believe he was a Willant.”

  ”We encountered a few mutant scorpions on the road, but there were not many of them. They were probably spread from the Great Desert. Anyway, after we dealt with them, we came to a relatively open area, which was suspected to be a waiting room.”

  ”According to that disciple, the disciples of Evernight Harbor hold gatherings here regularly, and the time of the gatherings is mainly determined by the guide, and the time of the next gathering is not yet determined.”

  ”I’m thinking about whether to send out a false message in the name of Nileus to wipe out the Enlightenment Society in Evernight Harbor. Maybe I can find the guy named Martin… But now is an extraordinary period, and Nileus is still unconscious, so I’m afraid we have to think about this matter carefully.”

  ”Let’s put this matter aside for now. There are bigger surprises yet to come. I found a lot of information in the base. Among them are personnel files, inventory lists, and even some professional documents that I can’t understand.” ”

  Although I really want to post the contents of the documents here, unfortunately I can’t translate many of the technical terms, and there is no relevant reserve in VM’s offline language library. It may take until next year to type them out word by word. However, from some fragments, I can see words such as “experiment” and “virus”, which should be related to “killer.”

  ”To make an immature assumption, perhaps the Enlightenment Society found that restarting the world through neutron annihilation is not feasible, so they changed their original strategy and planned to achieve their goal through viruses modified by genetic technology… However, what is confusing is that this method is obviously extremely risky for them.”

  ”Or have they made breakthrough progress in the field of biology, and the related progress has enabled them to master some technology that we don’t understand? I don’t know. Andrew was also confused. He frankly admitted that he joined the Enlightenment Society just because of women and money.”

  ”This kind of person should be easy to bribe, so I pulled out the file about him from the archives, wrote down his home address in front of him, and then let him go.”

  ”It is also worth mentioning that the keyword ‘Apocalypse’ appeared many times in the reports I found in the archives. I tried to search for related entries in the terminal, but did not find many valuable clues.”

  ”I can only try to understand… that Apocalypse should be a senior figure in the Enlightenment Society. For some reason, the leadership of their leader ‘Guixu’ was weakened, or perhaps with the acquiescence of Guixu himself, the opinions of this Apocalypse became the guiding opinions for some grassroots members of the Enlightenment Society to perform their tasks.”

  ”I have copied the electronic documents stored in the terminal into the VM and can share them at any time. However, Yongye Port is currently in a special period. The Weilant troops have blocked the entire settlement, and it may be difficult to slip out. I plan to stay there and continue to observe for a while… Maybe I can find an exit to the outside of the settlement from the collapsed tunnel. ”

  “The above is the intelligence I have investigated in Yongye Port. If anyone can let me take a ride back to Jingalon Port to report, I will be very grateful!”

  After the post was sent, dozens of replies quickly jumped out.

  Among them were those who urged for updates, those who praised me, and of course there were also those who were furious and shouted “Fuck!”.

  Talan Raider: “Fuck! Wait, how come you got the mission too? !”

  Junichiro Shokawa: “Are you surprised? Are you surprised? (Funny)”

  Medical Miracle: “You have no martial ethics!”

  Pickled Fish: “MMP! Boss! Our mission was intercepted! (Shocked)”

  Medical Miracle: “Boss, can you do this?”

  Angry Fatty Liver: “Hey, I sacrificed in vain.”

  Talan Raider: “? ? What the hell, are you pointing your guns at the wrong people? We are in the same group! (Angry)”

  Junichiro Shokawa: “It’s so fucking real. (Funny)”

  Fang Chang: “Actually, you don’t need to get excited. Generally speaking, as long as the task is finally completed, no matter who completes it by what method, the person who receives the task will receive a reward. It’s just that the proportion of the reward will be different depending on how each person promotes the progress of the task. (Squinting smile)”

  Fountain Commander: “+1, and your task is not completed yet. This is at most a stage result. It’s too early to be happy now. By the way, why don’t you consider forming a team? I think you have a tacit understanding. (Funny)”

  Taran Raider: “What a tacit understanding, I’m bleeding and sweating in the front, and this guy is just hiding behind and taking advantage.”

  Desert Eagle: “Tsk, you are so embarrassed to say that you are bleeding and sweating, is it fun to be walked around by NPCs? (Rolling eyes)”

  Taran Raider: “MMP! I won’t bullshit you… Send me the coordinates of your base, the Willant people have started searching the city, let the brothers hide for a while.”

  Desert Eagle: “I sent you a private message. I’m just short of someone to take over my post. If it’s convenient, please get me some snake oil. I’ll figure out how to pry open that Nileus’ mouth.”

  Taran Raider: “I’ll think of a way… Oh, by the way, where’s Morse, have you seen him?”

  Desert Eagle: “Dead.”

  Taran, who was sitting in front of the computer, was slightly stunned, and his hands on the keyboard stopped.


  Although it was expected, he still felt a little empty when he heard about the guy’s ending.

  There are no living legends in Evernight Harbor.

  Maybe that guy, like Kant, has also become the governor of a star…


  (Thanks to the leader “CaptPaterno” for the reward!!! Happy National Day brothers! I’m almost well from the cold. I was so busy typing at home that I forgot about the Mid-Autumn Festival. I updated 8,000 words the day before yesterday. Today is the transition chapter. Please take half a day off to go back and reunite with my family.)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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