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Chapter 899 The Night Will Not Be Too Long

Chapter 899 The Night Will Not Be Too Long


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 899 The Night Will Not Be Too Long

  ”…Last night, a riot broke out in the northwest city. Two armed rebels took advantage of the shift change to occupy the radio station building, attempting to incite rebellion and overthrow the rule of Marshal Julius…”

  ”The chaotic situation has been basically controlled and the rebels have been shot dead.”

  Alman stayed in front of the radio all night until the sun rose from the window the next day, but he didn’t close his eyes.

  The garrison of Yongye Port first used anti-aircraft guns and rain bombs to shoot down the clouds in the sky. After finding that they still couldn’t control the situation, they immediately handed over the command to the front-line combat troops stationed in the port area.

  It is said that this was an order issued by Governor Yahui himself, and it was also a shameful betrayal of the local residents

  by the Yongye Port authorities. The 40th Mechanized Infantry Brigade and the 60th Armored Brigade, which rushed to the northwest city to reinforce, immediately launched an armed suppression after arriving.

  Although the radio station of the port area command said that they only fired warning shots over the heads of the crowd, there were also private radio stations claiming that the streets were full of blood.

  It was only ten kilometers away from his home, and it was only a 20-minute drive by car.

  Alman felt mixed emotions, as if a stone was pressing on his chest. He wanted to say something but couldn’t.

  The sun still rose as usual, but the long night of Evernight Port had already arrived.

  It wasn’t even just Evernight Port.

  Things that needed to be covered up before no longer needed to be covered up. Those guys who were angry about the death of their compatriots were equally ruthless when they pulled the trigger on their compatriots.

  The bottom line was broken step by step.

  At this moment, he looked back at the tragedy in Xifan Port and suddenly realized that it was not a heinous thing.

  Even the dusk before nightfall was euphemistic, not as ruthless as it was now.

  However, his heart was not all pessimistic.

  When everyone was chasing bread, there were still people who chose faith unswervingly.

  The man named Kant stood up.

  And not only him, many people stood up.

  Although the legion eventually executed him, there were still tens of millions of people alive, and he lived in the hearts of tens of millions of people.

  What he could do was to preserve this power and let it play a role at a critical moment, rather than consuming it in a fuel-adding uprising.

  The Weilantes would never abandon their heroes, including himself, and would not forget that name.

  In this way, at least their nights would not be longer than those of the Brahmans…

  At this time, the door of the study room opened slightly, and a little head quietly hid behind the door, looking at the father sitting in front of the radio.

  The expression on that face kept changing, sometimes sad, sometimes full of hope.

  Little Ruby hesitated for a while, and called softly in a low voice.

  ”… Dad?”

  Hearing the voice coming from the door, Alman realized that his daughter was standing there, so he turned off the radio that was still chattering nonsense, and looked at her in surprise.

  ”Ruby? You got up so early.”

  Seeing that her father had found her, Ruby, who was holding a pillow in her arms, freed her little hand to push open the door and sneaked in from outside the study.

  The sleepy look was adorable. Ruby yawned for a long time and climbed onto her father’s knees skillfully.

  ”Mom said Dad had something to talk to Ruby about, but Ruby was too sleepy and fell asleep while waiting.”

  Looking at his daughter’s confused appearance, Alman stroked the hair on her forehead with heartache.

  ”Sorry, Dad was going to find you, but something happened suddenly…”

  ”It’s okay,” Ruby raised her lips slightly, said generously, and even comforted her father in return, “Ruby also encountered this situation. When she found a novel she liked, she hid under the quilt with a flashlight to read it secretly, and ended up reading it until dawn…” Halfway through, Ruby

  seemed to realize that something was wrong, and she closed her mouth as if she came to her senses.

  I didn’t expect this little guy to do such a thing, Alman said sweatily.

  ”…Don’t do this again in the future. Forget it this time, I won’t tell mom.”

  ”Hehe.” Ruby smiled shyly and stuck out her tongue, trying to look aside to get away with it.

  Looking at his innocent and lovely daughter, Alman couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, temporarily putting aside the heavy worries in his heart.

  However, putting it aside is only temporary.

  After all, humans cannot become creatures living in a vacuum, and they are even more dependent on soil, water, air and nutrients than plants.


  Looking at her father with a serious expression, Ruby tilted her head slightly.


  Alman pondered for a long time, and finally spoke in a serious tone.

  ”Dad… wants to take you and mom to a very far place.”

  To Alman’s surprise, his daughter’s eyes did not show the fear and uneasiness he was worried about, but instead showed a little curiosity about new things.

  She blinked and asked with interest.

  ”What is a very far place?”

  Alman thought about it and tried to speak in an objective way.

  ”On the east side of the Middle Continent, on the southern coast of the Seaside Province, there is a place called Settlement No. 1… Of course, it’s just a temporary name. The Alliance’s managers said they hope the local residents will name their own settlements.”

  In fact, the name is not a big deal, but for some reason, it has become the most profound impression of that place in his heart, apart from the piles of containers.

  After hearing what her father said, Ruby’s eyes lit up and she said excitedly.

  ”Then when we go there… can Ruby also give him a name?”

  Unexpectedly, his daughter’s focus was so strange. After a moment of stunned silence, Alman couldn’t help but smile and rubbed her messy hair lovingly.

  ”Of course… but other people also have their own ideas. Who will be adopted in the end will probably have to be voted on.”

  Ruby’s eyes sparkled and said.

  ”Wow… sounds so interesting! Then… can you canvass for votes?”

  ”Yes, but others will canvass for votes, so don’t hold too much hope.”

  Alman coughed lightly, trying to correct the topic that had gone off track.

  ”These are not the main points. The main point is that although the development there is good, the conditions are definitely not as good as here… You are also a member of this family, and Dad is most worried about you, so Dad wants to hear your opinion.”

  ”Don’t worry, Ruby, and Ruby thinks that’s not a big deal,” Ruby shook her little head vigorously, her bright eyes flashing with excitement and expectation, “When we first arrived at Xifan Port, there was nothing, right? Later, there were many beautiful houses… Everything will be there.”

  In the worldview of children, houses seem to be things that grow out of the soil.

  Alman couldn’t help but laugh and cry, but he just happened to know such a naive guy.

  The wine merchant who started out as a fake vodka, the unlucky guy who lost his first pot of gold on the “Golden Route” of the Western Legion.

  It has been several months, and I don’t know if his plan is on track.

  Seeing that her father hadn’t spoken for a long time, Ruby asked in an expectant voice.

  ”When are we leaving?”

  Looking at his daughter who supported him, Alman showed a comfortable smile on his face and said with a smile.

  ”It should be in the next few days.”

  His captain should have rested enough. Whether to move with him or keep his family here to make money, that guy should have considered it.


  In the northwest urban area, roadblocks were placed on the main road near the central urban area.

  Two wheeled armored vehicles were parked on the side of the road, with their thick gun barrels laid flat forward, emitting a cold and eerie light in the morning sun.

  Soldiers armed to the teeth stood around the checkpoints, scanning the approaching crowd in a vigilant manner.

  Kant was shot dead at two o’clock yesterday morning.

  As for who fired the gun, it is unknown. Anyway, when he was dragged out of the radio station, he was already a corpse, piled up with other corpses on the street.

  Unfortunately, the awakened person who exchanged fire with the garrison centurion team was not caught.

  Three people came to meet him, and after one of them was shot dead, the guy took advantage of the chaos to escape into Blackwater Alley.

  According to the intelligence provided by the garrison, the guy’s name is Taran, and he is suspected to be a spy for the Alliance.

  It is worth mentioning that after the garrison cleared Taran of suspicion through the Wasp Project, he was reclassified as a spy according to the needs of the military.

  In fact, the garrison may have guessed right, after all, the guy’s skills are really amazing.

  But this is actually not important anymore.

  Now the authorities of Yongye Port and the Southern Corps are facing even greater trouble.

  There are far more bodies lying on the street than the twenty casualties they claimed in the broadcast.

  Even if they have urgently cut off the channels of communication between Yongye Port and the outside world, it is difficult to completely suppress this matter.

  At present, the entire northwest urban area has been temporarily controlled, and the two streets near the radio station have been completely blocked.

  All people entering and leaving the city must show proof of their address and place of work.

  In addition to the necessary registration, those entering and leaving the city must also sign a letter of commitment not to enter the blockade area, pass a security check procedure, and hand in weapons, cameras and everything else that can be used to record the truth.

  At the same time, the 40th Mechanized Infantry 10,000-man Brigade dispatched logistics vehicles to transfer residents in the blockade area and transport the bodies scattered on the street.

  The 607th Thousand-man Brigade of the 60th Armored 10,000-man Brigade was responsible for executing the blockade order for Block No. 12.

  Looking at the dissatisfied and even hateful eyes of his compatriots, Carver, who was holding a rifle, felt a burst of heat on his back, and wanted to pull up his collar to cover his face.

  When passing through the security checkpoint, an old man filled out the form and suddenly looked up at him.

  ”Why did you fire at them? They were clearly speaking for you. Or do you think you can fight for the rest of your life, and never retire when you’re old?”

  Facing that hateful look, Carver’s breath seemed to freeze for a moment.

  The frozen air seemed to block his throat, making him unable to speak.

  ”I, it wasn’t me… who fired the gun.”

  He tried to explain far-fetchedly, although he did not point the gun at anyone that night, but was drunk in the port area, and was not woken up by his teammates until the middle of the night to go to work.

  The old man did not mean to let him go, but stared at his eyes and his high nose bridge.

  ”I was also a soldier, serving in the 370,000th Corps, guarding the marshal’s border… I didn’t expect that I would protect such a group of insects. I’m really ashamed of you.”

  The old man was pulled away by a soldier with a cigarette butt hanging on the side before he finished speaking.

  ”Okay, old man, stop talking. Fill out the form and go in. If you have any questions, go complain to the guys in the 400,000th Squadron. Don’t force me to detain you.”

  ”Do you think I’m afraid? I’m not even afraid of mutants, so why would I be afraid of cowards like you who attack civilians? A hundred people can’t even take down a radio station, and they don’t dare to go to court.”

  After being forcibly dragged aside, the old man laughed when he heard the words, stretched out his hand to lift up his trouser legs, revealing a scar on his calf where a piece of meat was missing. “Did you see it? Rookie. They cut off this piece of meat from me and roasted it in front of me, and I didn’t frown.”

  The soldier’s eyebrows and stomach twitched together, but he didn’t argue with the old guy. He just took advantage of the fact that others hadn’t noticed the commotion here and rudely kicked him out of the checkpoint. There are

  too many people here.

  Some live in the northwest city and need to go to the main city to work, and some go home from the port area after the night shift.

  Not counting the troops stationed there, there are hundreds of thousands of people in Yongye Port.

  Whether in the Southern Legion or in the wasteland, this population is not a small number.

  The soldier with the cigarette butt in his mouth is Carver’s tank commander, but their vehicle did not enter the settlement.

  Looking at his superior, Carver couldn’t help asking.

  ”… Doesn’t Evernight Harbor have its own garrison? Why do we, the combat troops, have to carry out this crappy mission?”

  He joined the army to expand the territory for the Southern Legion, not to become the enemy of his compatriots.

  ”Can’t you even figure this out?”

  Looking at Carver’s “demented” eyes, his tank commander with the cigarette butt in his mouth grinned and said.

  ”Because you are going to the frontline soon, if I were your superior, I would also give you this dirty job. First, you won’t talk nonsense, and second, you will soon be bloodthirsty on the frontline. Even if you can come back alive, you won’t think it’s a big deal, just the hypocrisy of a group of old soldiers and ordinary people. Maybe you will fall in love with Sharon, fall in love with snake oil… From another perspective, it is indeed a placebo that can help you get rid of the troubles of reality.”

  The gunner who had been silent whispered.

  ”…Do you think Kant is right?”

  ”Of course not, it’s too extreme,” the commander shook his head and grinned, “but to be honest, in a situation like his, I can’t think of any more gentle means.”

  The gunner retorted.

  ”How could there not be? When you become a sergeant of ten thousand—”

  the commander said casually.

  ”Then you become that jerk Willoughby, right? The guy who lied with his eyes open on the radio. I bet that guy’s ideas might not be different from yours when he was a sergeant of ten. He first went along with the crowd and then stayed clean… Use your brain to think about it, how could such a thing be possible.”

  The gunner fell silent. Although he didn’t agree, he couldn’t think of any rebuttal.

  Carver was the same. He took a deep breath and pulled his collar up.

  This morning was too long.

  He stood here for a long time, and the sun only rose a little.

  Although he had always felt that the days in the rear were so difficult, the torment in his heart had never been as strong and painful as it was at this moment…


  It was just past morning in Yongye Port, and it was almost noon in Xifan Port.

  A few hours ago, an urgent telegram from Yongye Port was delivered to the command headquarters of the war zone of Borneo Province.

  At this moment, the Minister of General Affairs, Captain Dickens, stood at the door of General Gullion’s office with an awkward look on his face, and waited for about half an hour.

  Finally, the door opened.

  Looking at the theater staff and the captain of the guard who came out, Dickens couldn’t help sweating on his forehead.

  Although the theater general affairs department in charge of logistics matters is not under the jurisdiction of the theater command, but is directly loyal to the general command, and he himself is not Gullion’s direct subordinate, but as the highest commander of the theater, and there is such a big problem in logistics, Gullion also has the right to hold him accountable.

  He has already explained it to the general command, but he is still undecided on Gullion’s side.

  Just when Dickens was feeling uneasy, the office secretary who came out of the door right after him looked at him and said.

  ”Captain Dickens, General Gullion, please come in.”

  Listening to the relaxed tone, Dickens understood the signal released by Gullion, slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and followed the secretary into the door.

  Sitting behind his desk, General Gullion was carefully reviewing the documents in his hands.

  Hearing the footsteps coming from the door, he raised his head and met Dickens’s eyes.

  ”Please sit down, Captain Dickens.”

  Captain Dickens forced a stiff smile from his face and sat on the sofa in the office.

  ”…Thank you.”

  Gullion nodded, looked directly into his eyes, and his eyes gradually became serious.

  ”You have heard about the incident in Evernight Port.”

  Dickens’ breathing stagnated, and an embarrassed expression appeared on his face.

  ”I heard about it…”

  Looking at the embarrassed head of the General Affairs Department of the War Zone, Gullion did not mean to let him go, and continued aggressively.

  ”Aren’t you going to explain it to me?”

  Unexpectedly, this guy suddenly became serious. Dickens felt a headache, but he still said it with a stiff face.

  ”…The course of events is just as you have read in the telegram. The garrison of Yongye Port had an internal conflict and occupied the radio station, which eventually led to the chaos. Fortunately, the local garrison handled it in time and the chaos has been brought under control… That’s what happened.”

  General Gullion sneered.

  ”Has the headquarters accepted your statement?”

  Facing General Gullion who was pressing step by step, Dickens said angrily.

  ”Accepted… I reported to the headquarters as soon as possible, and only after getting the documents did I dispatch the front-line troops stationed there. Otherwise, how could I have commanded them? In fact, this matter is also a misunderstanding. If the garrison had not taken the initiative to come up with the Wasp Plan, and an intelligence officer had not been high, it would not have turned out like this.” “A

  mistake?” Gullion looked at him meaningfully, and suddenly sneered, “…Why do I feel that it is my own fault?”

  Dickens, the commander of the army, looked a little stiff.

  ”Sorry… I don’t understand what you mean.”

  ”Sharon, do I need to say more?”

  Gurion stared into his eyes. The unfathomable look made Dickens, who had finally breathed a sigh of relief, tense up again.

  ”… You mean the medicine for treating symptoms of mental trauma? Is there any problem with that?”

  Gurion squinted his eyes.

  ”What’s the problem? Isn’t the content of the broadcast clear enough? Do you want me to play the backup file for you again?”

  ”I really don’t know about this! The development of the drugs was done by the technicians below. As for the hallucinogens, I didn’t participate. It was all Peter’s decision… I just found out that he was involved with the local gang forces. This kind of person is simply the scum of the Willant people. If I had known earlier, I would have killed him with my own hands!”

  When saying this, Dickens had an indignant expression on his face, as if he really held the gun in his hand.

  However, General Gurion, who was sitting opposite him, sneered in his heart.

  I just found out that it’s okay.

  He was not naive enough to think that this guy had just heard about this.

  Now putting all the problems on the dead is nothing more than trying to stop the loss.

  However, what made him angry was not entirely because these guys in the logistics department were doing small tricks again, but more because they were actually doing business with their enemies!

  This is what Gu Liong could not tolerate the most.

  Even if the warlords of Shezhou are used to wandering around without fighting, and do not pose much threat to the front line of the Southern Legion, the ever-expanding armed forces are always a hidden danger.

  Every gold coin that flows from the Southern Legion to the Borneo Province will eventually become a bullet shot at the Willant people.

  However, Gu Liong is a person who knows the overall situation after all.

  Looking at the Dickensian captain who was suppressed and dared not breathe, he finally let this termite go gently.

  First, he did not have enough strong evidence, and second, the front-line troops could not afford the risk of the logistics department being rotten, and he himself had to consider this guy’s connections in the general headquarters.

  Now is not the time to deal with this guy.

  When the war is completely won, he will go to Triumph City to receive the reward with two more stars on his shoulders, and he will naturally settle accounts with these traitors.

  ”I have two requests. First, remove all medicines containing snake grass ingredients, whether it is Sharon or something else, from the list of the logistics department.”

  ”Second… I won’t say it clearly, you know it in your heart.”

  General Gullion looked at Dickens, the captain, meaningfully.

  Dickens knew that he was hinting at the transaction with the warlord of Snake State, and nodded nervously.

  ”I understand…”

  No matter what, he had to pass this hurdle first.

  After getting Dickens’ promise, Gurion nodded, picked up the pen on the table again, and waved it gently.

  ”It’s okay, you can go.”

  The Air Force’s bombing plan for Tiandu was not carried out smoothly, and only some useless rotten houses were blown down.

  He needed to redraft a new plan, and then seriously think about how to win the current battle, but he had no time to waste precious time on these bugs.

  Dickens breathed a sigh of relief, not realizing that his back was soaked with cold sweat.

  Walking towards the stairs, he cursed in his heart.

  Bluffing thing, you want to scare me with a broadcast?

  Just wait and see.

  Sooner or later, I will teach you a lesson!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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