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Chapter 9 Under the Moon

Chapter 9 Under the Moon


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 9 Under the Moon

  Yang Shifei fell silent.

  Founding a sect?

  Could it be that this rich young woman was tired of making money by running a restaurant and cloth shop, and set her sights on the training fees collected by opening a sect?

  But seeing the other party’s calm and cold face, Yang Shifei silently swallowed his teasing words.

  This expression did not seem to be a joke.

  ”Why does Miss Luo want to do this?”

  Yang Shifei was a little puzzled: “Are you interested in martial arts?”

  ”To be honest, I also practiced martial arts in the past.”

  ”Ah?” Yang Shifei was stunned: “But you said before that the Luo family is not a martial arts family.”

  Luo Xian’er tilted her head: “It’s just that I practiced privately, I can’t be considered proficient.”


  Yang Shifei touched his chin: “But even if the girl practices martial arts, what does it have to do with founding a sect?”

  ”This is my little wish.” Luo Xian’er considered for a while: “If it succeeds, it will also comfort the spirit of my mother in heaven.”


  Yang Shifei was stunned.

  It seems that there are still some secrets in the Luo family that are unknown to outsiders. Will it be related to the identity of the other party’s female ghost?

  But it is not easy to investigate it now, so I simply change the subject: “Why did the young lady ask me for this matter?”

  ”We are helpless.”

  ”Has there been an accident?”

  ”We have tried to open a sect, but it didn’t go well.”

  Luo Xian’er slightly tightened her sleeves, lowered her eyes and sighed: “The news spread out, but no one was interested. Even if there were people who came to the door, they were all people with bad intentions, and they were all urged and driven away by Tan Xiang. Within ten days, the news of recruiting disciples fell into the sea.”

  I understand, the business failed.

  Yang Shifei suddenly realized.

  ”So the young lady came to me and wanted to try again?”

  ”Yes.” Luo Xian’er said softly: “I see that the young master is smart, and I think there will be other ways.”

  ”Miss Luo overestimates me.”

  Yang Shifei smiled: “If I really have any brilliant ideas, how can I be empty-handed now and need your help.”

  Moreover, opening a sect is not something that can be achieved by just talking.

  Not only does a sect need to have a skill, but also power, connections, money and status are indispensable. Even if a sect is established and disciples are accepted, a lot of energy will be spent on careful management in the future, which is by no means easy.

  ”However, although you want to create a sect, you don’t limit the number of disciples, right?”

  Yang Shifei thought: “Since it is impossible to accept many disciples, it is better to accept only one disciple and teach him strictly. One teacher and one disciple, this is not a “sect”. If the disciple is talented and makes a name for himself in the world in the future, the name of the sect can also spread everywhere.” ”


  Luo Xian’er was silent for a long time, and a bright color flashed in her eyes.

  Just when Yang Shifei was relieved, he saw the other party looking up.

  ”Young master, I have an unwelcome request.”

  ”.Please say it.”

  Luo Xian’er’s delicate face showed a serious look: “I want to accept you as a disciple.”


  Under the bright moon, the sky became darker.

  Yang Shifei adjusted his training clothes and looked back at the slender figure walking out of the main hall with a strange expression.

  He didn’t take the matter of accepting disciples seriously.

  After all, the two sides still had an “engagement” hanging on their shoulders, and it would be inappropriate to become master and apprentice.

  Wouldn’t it be awkward if the two sides became a couple in the future?

  But this young lady had some thoughts because of this. She said that they were not master and apprentice for the time being, but just guiding her in martial arts training, and she couldn’t refuse.

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help but say, “I may not have a good talent in martial arts.”

  ”It doesn’t matter.” Luo Xian’er stroked her long skirt and shook her head, “I don’t care.”

  ”.Since Miss Luo insisted, do you want to hold a ceremony to become a disciple?”

  Yang Shifei smiled helplessly, “I remember that other sects have this process.”

  Luo Xian’er looked at him for a moment and said softly, “No need. Young master, just practice martial arts, I’ll watch from the side first.”

  ”Then I’ll trouble Miss Luo.”

  Yang Shifei put away his thoughts, opened the secret book and took a look, and felt a little relieved.

  ”Chuan Lin Sandie Gong” is an external martial arts, which includes three styles: fist and palm, body movement, and sword movement, and emphasizes the overlapping of strength and continuous offensive. The technique is not only described in words, but also with pictures, which looks quite simple and practical.

  At least you can understand it.

  Even though there was a beautiful woman watching silently not far away, Yang Shifei was not embarrassed at all at this time, and focused all his attention on studying the technique.

  He thought carefully, and gestured with one hand in front of him from time to time, and then nodded suddenly.

  Although this technique is not profound, and even feels simple after reading it several times. But the basics described in it are very beneficial.

  For Yang Shifei, who has never been exposed to martial arts and has been relying on himself to figure it out these days, this is no different from a precious treasure.

  He imitated the technique and posed in a posture, and recalled the scene of the enemy at that time, silently correcting his various movements, waist, back, arms, legs. Every force point has a magical effect, and after several attempts, it feels even more magical.

  ”——This is not right.”

  A soft voice sounded in his ears.

  As the sweet and fragrant breeze blew across his face, a white jade hand quietly reached out and gently pulled his sleeve.

  Yang Shifei paused, and saw Luo Xian’er walking beside him from the corner of his eye. He followed her instructions and lowered his arm slightly.

  ”When exerting force, don’t be too tense.”

  Luo Xian’er’s lips moved slightly, and her voice was even more light and ethereal: “Although it can make the force more fierce, it loses a bit of agility. It will be easy to reveal flaws when fighting against others in the future.”

  Yang Shifei thought about it and tried to perform the Forest Crossing Skill again. It was indeed smoother.

  When he was fighting with the man in black, the cold air in his body circulated on its own, almost making the whole body’s strength able to be controlled freely, as if it was guiding him to make the most correct and effective attack and defense.

  This point, as Luo Xian’er pointed out, needs to be kept in mind.

  ”Young Master has a good understanding.”

  Luo Xian’er clapped her hands gently and said, “Although this martial arts is simple, it is commendable that someone who has just started martial arts can figure it out in less than half an hour.”

  Yang Shifei lowered his arms and sneered, “Miss Luo is exaggerating, and…”

  He picked up the secret book next to him and flipped to the second half, “Although I can understand the description of ‘internal cultivation’, unfortunately I still can’t imitate it at all.”

  Although this martial arts book is for external families, it also records the matching internal skills. But

  no matter how Yang Shifei tried to stimulate the coldness in his body according to the description, he couldn’t move, let alone ‘filling the dantian with internal force’.

  ”Maybe the young master is a little special.”

  Luo Xian’er said softly: “As far as I know, a warrior is initially in the ‘Body Tempering Realm’, and needs to temper the muscles, bones, blood and flesh of the whole body. When the whole body is full of qi and blood and the tendons and veins are gradually opened, it can barely extract a trace of internal breath to travel throughout the body, gradually cultivate internal force to gather in the dantian, and finally become an internal martial artist.”

  She pursed her lips: “But the young master has never been exposed to martial arts, but he has a physique that surpasses the body tempering, and can even defeat internal martial artists. This is far beyond the reach of ordinary people. Maybe he is different from others in terms of refining internal force.”

  Yang Shifei’s face was subtle when he heard it.

  He knew very well that his strong physique was not born, nor was it acquired through training. It was entirely the result of the cold air,

  but now it was not easy to explain the origin of the cold air to the other party, so he could only nod silently.

  He glanced at the contents of the secret book again, thinking that he could only continue to practice in this way to see if he could forcibly refine a trace of internal force with his physique.

  ”Young Master, don’t be discouraged. Practicing martial arts is hard work. If you keep persisting, you will eventually gain something.”

  Luo Xian’er’s eyes moved slightly: “Why don’t I demonstrate it once, so that you can have a reference?”

  Yang Shifei was a little surprised: “Miss Luo has also learned this skill?”

  ”Yes, I have practiced it a little.”

  Luo Xian’er raised her slender hands and performed the “Three-fold Skill of Piercing the Forest”.

  Yang Shifei couldn’t help holding his breath, staring at the charming phantom dancing under the moon.


  In his opinion, the scene in front of him was more like a dance than a martial arts.

  The black-haired girl’s hands shuttled like a spirit snake, and her feet moved under her skirt like dancing steps. The plain white long skirt was more like a lotus blooming, fluttering and swaying with the graceful figure. As a result, the already proud hips and waist were tightened, showing her gracefulness.

  But if you look closely, you can see that there is also a hint of fierceness and swiftness hidden under the enchanting dance posture. The slender jade hands continuously hit the surroundings, and the strength was released, with crisp sounds.

  After she had finished all the moves, Luo Xian’er finally stopped and exhaled slightly.

  Yang Shifei woke up as if from a dream, and immediately applauded and praised: “Miss Luo is really good at martial arts!”

  ”Did you see anything?”


  Facing Luo Xian’er’s gaze, Yang Shifei was stunned, and his mind subconsciously flashed the other party’s swaying and exquisite figure, and he immediately looked embarrassed: “You have seen many of my shortcomings before, thank you Miss Luo for personally solving my doubts.”

  Although he still remembered the terrifying scene of the other party’s head bursting, the vivid and beautiful figure at the moment still made it easy for him to have wild thoughts.

  Yang Shifei had to admit that he was a superficial man who only looked at appearance.

  Oh, yes, not just appearance.

  ”Young Master.”

  Luo Xian’er spoke again, but her tone was three points heavier.

  Yang Shifei responded immediately, but heard the other party say coldly: “As far as I know, martial arts practice cannot be done behind closed doors. Sometimes, learning from others can improve martial arts attainments. Why don’t we give it a try?”

  After that, Luo Xian’er took a stance without saying anything: “Young Master, there is no need to hold back, please.”

  Looking at the other party’s indifferent beautiful eyes, Yang Shifei understood and shut up.

  In this world, martial artists are not divided into men and women.

  Since Miss Luo wants to test my weight, I must perform well and not let the other party look down on me.

  Thinking of this, he slowly took a horse stance, closed his eyes and meditated.

Seeing this,

  Luo Xian’er secretly admired.

  Although a little lustful, it is normal for young people to be full of energy. And he is indeed very talented in martial arts. Not only is his physical body strong, but his character is also good.

  But in the early stage of practice, he needs a little frustration and can’t let him be too proud.

  Without untying the “bind”, with the martial arts practice he can show now, I think it is enough to deal with it-

  Yang Shifei’s body suddenly moved.


  Luo Xian’er’s pupils shrank suddenly, and she saw a tall figure several feet away suddenly move over, and his left arm fiercely blasted out!

  The terrifying strong wind blowing in her face messed up her hair. When the fist was almost close to her face, she suddenly reacted and came to her senses. She was about to dodge, but was surprised by an inexplicable chill that enveloped her whole body, making her body stiff.

  At the critical moment, Yang Shifei hurriedly stopped, and his palm almost brushed the other’s face and lifted a piece of black hair.


  Luo Xian’er opened her beautiful eyes wide and staggered two steps as if frightened.

  Yang Shifei was embarrassed for a while, and carefully held the other’s shoulders: “No, are you okay?”

  Luo Xian’er raised her face slightly, with a complicated look.

  The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, and the girl murmured softly: “Otherwise, you should be my master?”

  Yang Shifei: “.”

  The little rich woman seemed to have lost confidence because of herself.

  (End of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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