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Chapter 90: National Day Holiday

Chapter 90: National Day Holiday


Author: What’s wrong

  Chapter 90: The National Day Holiday

  The National Day holiday began in the bright morning.

  Early in the morning, Zhou Chao rushed to the airport with his luggage. His home was the farthest from Linchuan, and he was more enthusiastic than anyone else about going home.

  Contemporary college students are so strange. When they applied for college, they thought that the farther away the better, they would go to a strange place to enjoy freedom and let themselves go. As a result, they became depressed when the holiday came, because not only was the journey long, but the travel expenses were also very expensive. Whenever they faced this situation, they would call themselves idiots without mercy.

  The school in the neighboring province could feel the freedom, but they had to cross half of the territory and go to a place where others were tired of living. People

  like Zhou Chao, who lived frugally on weekdays, spent all their living expenses on plane tickets when the holiday came.

  ”Brothers, I’m leaving!”

  ”Old Zhou, remember to take the garbage down!” Cao Guangyu shouted while sitting on the bed.

  Zhou Chao cursed: “Damn, it’s so early in the morning, and you’re so annoying when you open your mouth!”

  ”Then I wish you a safe journey.”

  ”If you have a safe journey, the plane will fall!”

  Jiang Qin also got up at this time, slowly put on his clothes, slowly opened a bag of yogurt, slowly sucked it, and slowly started to wash.

  Zhou Chao held a suitcase in one hand and a garbage bag in the other, looking extremely envious.

  Jiang Ge is such a jerk, you really can’t help but admire him. He chose a school close to home, which seems to be boring, but he feels superior when he is on vacation.

  ”Old Jiang, I’m leaving!” Zhou Chao raised his voice, wanting to get Jiang Qin’s blessing.

  Jiang Qin grinned with a toothbrush in his mouth: “Go away, remember to bring local specialties when you come back, or I won’t open the door if you don’t bring local specialties.”

  ”One asked me to throw away the garbage, and the other asked me to bring local specialties, what a piece of shit!”

  Zhou Chao cursed and opened the door, carrying the suitcase and garbage bag and walked out with a huff.

  After a while, Jiang Qin finished washing and walked out of the dormitory.

  His train ticket was for the afternoon, so he didn’t need to rush during the lunch break, so he planned to have breakfast with the rich lady first, then take her to the general office to get the certificate, and then go to 208 to arrange the holiday tasks, and then meet up with Guo Zihang at the train station.

  Feng Nanshu wore a long skirt with a student-like feel today, revealing a small section of her white and smooth calves, which undoubtedly showed her rare purity and agility.

  ”Jiang Qin, has my boss’s wife got the certificate?”

  ”I’ll take you to ask after dinner.”

  Jiang Qin looked at her moist face, moved his fingers, and finally resisted the urge to go forward and pinch it.

  Damn, young people are really weird. They have some inexplicable impulses when they just get up and go to bed. They want to pinch everything they see. Sooner or later, they will be finished.

  Feng Nanshu said okay, and then followed him step by step to the cafeteria. The hem of her skirt floated under the pull of her footsteps, attracting the attention of countless passers-by.

  ”Little rich girl, when are you going home?”

  ”I’m leaving at three in the afternoon.” Feng Nanshu said, biting the end of his chopsticks.

  ”Uncle Gong is going to drive you away, isn’t it better to leave earlier?”

  Feng Nanshu looked at him quietly, but you’re leaving at half past two.

  Jiang Qin picked up a piece of beef brisket and handed it over: “I heard from Uncle Gong that you’re going to Shanghai to see an uncle on the eleventh. Who is the uncle?”

  ”My father.” Feng Nanshu opened her little mouth and ate the beef brisket he fed her, her eyes rippling with water.

  ”Then why are you going to school in Jeju? The educational conditions in Shanghai are much better than those in Jeju, right? You weren’t really kicked out by your family, were you?”

  Feng Nanshu’s little spoon paused for a moment, and she spoke in a soft tone: “Because Jeju is my mother’s hometown.”

  ”Then you won’t go back to Jeju for the whole eleventh?”

  ”I have to go back. I want to go back and sneak away with you soon, but I don’t know when I can go back.”

  Jiang Qin didn’t ask any more questions, because he could clearly feel that the little rich girl was not very interested in going to see her father, so he fed her twice in a row, making her happy again.

  Then he looked at the tip of his chopsticks, and then at the poster on the opposite wall, which had a line of slogans written on it, which roughly meant that sharing a pair of chopsticks with others was a very unhygienic habit, and advocated the use of public chopsticks.

  Jiang Qin sucked his chopsticks and thought to himself, isn’t this clean and hygienic?

  Halfway through the meal, Gao Wenhui also came to the cafeteria. After she got her meal, she sat down, but she didn’t make a lot of noise like before, but was surprisingly quiet.

  But her eyes kept looking back and forth between Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu, her eyes full of curiosity.

  How could she hold back?

  Fan Shuling also said that Jiang Qin was a scumbag, but she didn’t think that was necessarily the case. He was just a gentleman who liked to touch feet.

  ”Gao Wenhui, you always stare at me. Aren’t you afraid of eating rice into your nose?” Jiang Qin glanced at him.

  The smile on Gao Wenhui’s face gradually disappeared: “I knew that being a light bulb would not end well!”

  After breakfast, Jiang Qin brought the little rich woman to the entrepreneurship base to get the certificate, but the ending was very tragic.

  Because Cao Xinyue said that there was a problem with the form filled out last time, Feng Nanshu was left to fill it out.

  ”Junior sister, this startup fund cannot be written as given by Jiang Qin, and the purpose of the startup cannot be written as Jiang Qin being the boss’s wife.”


  Feng Nanshu’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and the pleasure fed by Jiang Qin disappeared immediately.

  At the same time, Jiang Qin went to 208 and called everyone to have a meeting together.

  The school beauty contest is now halfway through, and the popularity has almost reached its peak. In addition, most students will leave school during the National Day holiday, so the subsequent traffic will inevitably go downhill.

  So in these seven days, the entire project team has only one thing to do, which is to stabilize the traffic.

  The content team needs to continue to provide content and disperse the traffic of the contest to the confession wall, anonymous tree holes and other interest areas to form conversions.

  When the National Day holiday is over, the school beauty contest will announce the final results, and there will still be a small peak in traffic.

  However, the retention rate after the small peak is still unknown, so we must make preparations for both situations.

  One preparation is to prepare another event when the traffic continues to decline, and the other preparation is to continue to negotiate business cooperation when the retention rate is high enough, and expand to the entire university town.

  ”Boss, we don’t have enough staff here.”

  Wei Lanlan raised her hand to speak, because there are more and more merchants who need to be negotiated now, and there are only two people in the marketing team of the external editor, she and Tan Qing, who are really too busy.

  ”Then recruit more people after you come back. The university has no shortage of people. It’s best to recruit some people with electric cars who can travel far.”

  Jiang Qin finished speaking and announced the end of the meeting. He found that Sunai was staring at him: “Boss, your membership has expired.”

  ”When did it expire?”

  ”Last night.”

  ”Do you watch it every day? You knew it just expired?” Jiang Qin looked disgusted.

  Dong Wenhao looked at Sunai with some curiosity: “What membership expired?”

  ”Nothing, the website building video membership.” Sunai pushed his glasses.

  ”Your technical team is too hard, right? You write code during the day and watch videos to learn at night?”

  Sunai and Jiang Qin laughed together, showing their fake smiles to the fullest, which made Dong Wenhao stunned. He thought, what did I say wrong again?

  After the meeting, Jiang Qin came down from the second floor and planned to go to the general office to find the little rich woman. As a result, he found that the little rich woman was standing in front of the window, holding an A4-sized certificate in her hand, cold and cute.

  ”Did you get the certificate?”

  ”I got the wrong one. It’s not the boss lady certificate, it’s the self-employed certificate.”

  The boss lady certificate and the self-employed certificate, nothing is the same except the certificate. Feng Nanshu was visibly unhappy.

  His expression of cold unhappiness was really oppressive.

  ”No, it’s the internship period.”


  Jiang Qin took the entrepreneurship certificate and took a look at it: “Just like being friends, you have to go to a certain extent to become good friends, just like us.”

  Feng Nanshu looked at him expressionlessly, thinking to himself, you treat me as a fool.

   Read more! ! !


  (End of this chapter)


Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2023 Native Language: Chinese
Struggling until the age of thirty-eight without being able to afford a house. Facing the need to pay a dowry of three hundred thousand in order to get married. Living frugally for most of his life, working to the point of his liver breaking. But, where was his money? Who in the world earned all the money away? Jiang Qin, filled with countless resentments, is reborn at the age of eighteen. The only thought upon opening his eyes was to start a business and make money. He snatched back the love letter he had given, flipped it over, and under the shocked gaze of the school belle, wrote three lines: I shall never work a job again! I just want financial freedom, never to be a s*ave! As for love? Not even dogs would bother with that!


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