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Chapter 900 The Rising Fire

Chapter 900 The Rising Fire


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 900 The Rising Fire

  ”…Dear residents of Evernight Harbor, good morning, I am Yahui, the Governor of Evernight Harbor.”

  ”I am very sorry to take up your precious time, but it is our unshirkable responsibility to maintain the order and peace of Evernight Harbor, so please give me two minutes to explain the current situation we are facing…”

  ”About a few days ago, Captain Willoughby of the garrison approved the implementation of the Wasp Plan, which aims to obtain the intelligence we need from the Alliance’s spies.”

  ”Objectively speaking, this is actually a good plan, and we almost succeeded. Unfortunately, at the last moment, Kant, the key executor of the plan, was instigated by the Alliance’s spies and concocted a tragedy in our settlement that made our loved ones sad and our enemies happy.”

  ”This is a shameful betrayal! Not only is it a betrayal of the Willant people, but it is also a betrayal of the Marshal! However, I cannot blame all the problems on the evil of the Alliance. I must admit that the Governor’s Office also bears a certain responsibility.”

  ”The Wasp Project has serious security risks. Captain Willoughby, who disregarded the safety of life and property of the residents of Evernight Harbor and took rash actions, is to blame. I solemnly announce here that the Governor’s Office has now relieved him of his post as the chief of the garrison, and after being relieved of his post, he will be transferred back to the Colonial Affairs Bureau of Yavent City to await his fate.”

  ”In addition, starting tomorrow, I will also be suspended for a month to reflect on myself, and the position of governor will be temporarily handed over to my deputy, Captain Amirs…”

  In addition to the dismissal of Captain Willoughby and the suspension of the governor, the Governor’s Office also announced a series of measures.

  Including listing snake oil as an illegal drug, such as prohibiting the private resale of “Shalun” distributed free of charge by the Logistics Department, etc.

  In addition, in order to hunt down the Alliance spies hiding in Evernight Harbor, the garrison expanded the blockade of the northwest city to Evernight Harbor.

  During the blockade, the passenger channel and post office facilities of Evernight Harbor will be temporarily closed, and those who want to leave the settlement and go to the Great Desert will also need a customs clearance certificate stamped by the Governor’s Office.

  The power to issue the certificate lies in the hands of the acting governor, Amirswanf.

  Not only that.

  In view of the fact that the criminals hiding in Blackwater Lane took advantage of the fire to rob during the “radio station riot”, the Governor’s Office announced that they would launch a rectification operation in Blackwater Lane and entrusted the rectification operation to the 40th Mechanized Infantry Team.

  Yahui, who read the script, did not mention the specific behavior of taking advantage of the fire, but he explicitly and implicitly linked it to the residents who died near the radio station.

  However, perhaps because he was aware of the persuasiveness of his words, although he denounced the thugs in Blackwater Lane, he did not dare to say how many people the thugs killed, but just confused it with vague words.

  Although it was said at the beginning that it would only take two minutes, by the time Governor Yahui finally finished speaking all the resolutions of the Governor’s Office, a full half an hour had passed.

  In a sense, this may also indicate that this notice itself is part of the art of satire.

  This guy doesn’t say a word of truth.

  And he had been lying since the word “dear”.

  However, although the respected Governor-General lied a lot in the broadcast, it was true that the Southern Army was serious.

  At the same time as the broadcast, the 400,000-man team that surrounded Blackwater Alley also received an order from the headquarters. Twenty

  teams of 100 people went deep into the slum without house numbers from five directions under the cover of armored vehicles and searched house by house.

  All those whose homes were found to have weapons were thrown into the Cartnord Prison, and those who could not be detained in the prison were directly taken to the suburbs.

  With the sound of gunshots, rows of corpses fell, and trucks carrying living people went in one after another, but no living people came out.

  Of course, there were some damned guys among them, but the vast majority of innocent people became the targets of venting anger.

  Due to the documents signed by the Governor’s Office, the power of trial and the command of the purge operation have been placed in the hands of the headquarters.

  The young men of the 400,000-man team who were responsible for executing the order were already blood-curdling. From the initial hesitation to the end, they would not even frown.

  They were able to be ruthless to their compatriots, not to mention these foreigners.

  Just when the Willant people in Yongye Port shared a common hatred for the authorities and the garrison, the hatred of the foreigners towards the Willant people reached an unprecedented level.

  And the man painted on the wanted posters posted all over the streets and alleys has unknowingly become the idol of countless young men in Blackwater Alley.

  It is said that the man named Morse single-handedly challenged an entire team of purge teams.

  And he also killed a thousand men!

  Those Willant people don’t seem to be anything great.

  Now it’s not just the Poros who think so, these survivors from the Great Desert are also gradually beginning to think so in their hearts…


  The tavern in the port area.

  Although a lot of things have happened in the past two days, the business here has not been affected at all.

  After all, most of the customers who drink here are soldiers who are about to go to the front line, and they are under the command of the front-line command and are not subject to the rules and regulations of the Governor’s Office.

  Even because of what happened during this period of time, they have accumulated a lot of pressure and become more drinkable than usual, and the wine business of the entire port is better than usual.

  Of course.

  Public security is another matter.

  In the dimly lit corner, Meta glanced at the drunkards outside the window who were communicating with their fists, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”I thought you were serious.”

  The Willant people sitting opposite him smiled faintly.

  ”We are indeed serious, but we are more tolerant of our compatriots. If you don’t believe it, you can go to Blackwater Lane and take a look. I believe you will have a deeper understanding.”

  His name is Sewell. He is the head of the Equipment Management Section of the Logistics Department. Tony, the “informer”, was trained by him.

  Now Peter is dead, Tony is also dead, and he has become the only one who can reconnect the broken thread.

  Although the Minister of General Affairs did not say anything, the vacant secretary position has already explained everything-

  Minister Dickens has not yet found a suitable candidate.

  Whoever can get things done beautifully and take all the risks for the leader will be the best choice for the next secretary.

  He certainly won’t miss this opportunity to soar to the sky.

  In terms of political skills, General Gullion is indeed no match for Dickens, the commander of the army. Although the latter made a series of promises to him, those promises are actually no different from nonsense.

  How can you say that you will never do something again if you have never done it before?

  After listening to Sewell’s words, Meta laughed out loud.

  ”You? Are you tolerant to your compatriots? Did I hear you right?”

  He had seen everything that happened in the past two days, and this made him look down on these hypocritical guys even more.

  The Willants are supreme?

  That was just a lie to trick the Willants into dying.

  The things you really care about don’t need to be repeated like chanting a mantra, and these racists are the ones who don’t care about the lives of their own people the most. On the other

  hand, the family association that has jumped out of racial boundaries is the one who really cares about their compatriots. Not just compatriots, they treat every family member as warm as spring, just like their own children, calling them affectionately, and truly caring about them.

  Facing Meta’s ridicule, Sewell, who was sitting opposite him, just smiled indifferently and retorted sarcastically.

  ”You heard it right. Compared to the people of the Valley who died at the hands of the survivors of the Valley Province, the people of the Palau who died at the hands of the survivors of the Palau Province, and the people of the Palau who died at the hands of the Willant people, they are at most a fraction… Do you need me to help you recall what you have done?”

  Meta narrowed his eyes.

  ”No need for that. We remember our own history much better than you do. And don’t blame us for the stupid things that pigs like Lassi and Abusek did. We are different from them.”

  Sewell’s mouth curled up with a playful smile.

  ”Really? Then let’s just take it as it is.”

  He didn’t come here to talk nonsense with this Palau man.

  But if this guy used his brain to think about why he could sit here and talk nonsense with him, he should have figured out some problems.

  They even arrested the people of the alliance first, let alone the identity of a mere Golden Gallon Port?

  Although he did not think that his superior, Minister Dickens, was a good person, there was no doubt about one thing – winning the current war was the common interest of all parties within the Southern Corps. At most, there were certain differences in the way to achieve victory and personal interests.

  If Shahrukh was really smarter than Lasi and Abusek, Minister Dickens would never have made this money.

  After all, if that were the case, General Gurion would not have just warned, and the bombers and ground troops would have been called up long ago. No

  matter how many mountains there are in Snake State, it is not as good as the three northern states connected to the Zhuobar Mountain Range and scattered with tropical forests. The harder the bones, the harder they have to chew.

  In other words, Captain Dickens and General Gurion agreed that Shahrukh was a weak straw bag.

  Of course, Snake State is not without capable people.

  For example, Gopal, the former staff officer of the Gray Wolf Army, a subordinate of the Empire’s “God of War” Alayyan, and the current commander of the Snake State War Zone Border Army, is one of the ruthless people.

  But that is another matter.

  ”Mr. Meta, let’s talk about business.”

  Seeing Sewell getting serious, Meta’s expression also became serious.

  ”You say.”

  Sewell took a sip of ice water and continued slowly.

  ”The conditions set by Tony and you remain the same, but illegal things will be much more expensive than legal things. You have to give us a 20% discount on the original supply price.”

  Meta whispered.

  ”I can’t make the decision on this matter. I will report to my superiors. Is there anything else?”

  Sewell put down the water cup and continued slowly.

  ”Also, Tony is dead, and we need a new partner to be responsible for distribution. However, with the current situation in Blackwater Lane, it is difficult for us to cooperate with local foreigners, and they may not trust us.”

  Meta’s eyes flashed with excitement, but he carefully hid it.

  ”Are you going to give it to us?”

  Sewell smiled meaningfully, took out a public bidding document from his arms and threw it in front of him.

  Looking at Meta who reached out to take the document, he continued to speak concisely.

  ”We plan to renovate Blackwater Lane. All the projects will require about 10,000 to 20,000 workers. Since violent organizations will definitely emerge from this, why don’t we keep them under our control? What do you think?”

  ”Leave the laborers to me,” Meta carefully took the documents, looked at Sewell and continued seriously, “By the way, what about the customs? What did that Kuluan say? Do you need me to contact him?”

  He was just being polite, but in fact he would rather hear the answer “No”, after all, he really didn’t want to deal with the Weilantes.

  However, the other party’s answer was beyond his expectations.

  ”He quit.”

  ”Quit?” Meta opened his eyes in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

  Sewell’s expression was a little complicated, and he didn’t seem to want to mention this matter.

  ”…Yes, to be precise, he resigned and planned to leave Evernight Harbor forever, with his friends.”

  Meta’s Adam’s apple moved.

  ”Where to?”

  Sewell shrugged.

  ”Who knows? The port has been closed recently, and there is not a single flight… Actually, I am more curious about how he plans to leave here.”

  ”This guy knows about what happened between us. Is it really okay to let him go?” Meta lowered his voice, and a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes. “If it is not convenient for you to do it, I can-”

  ”Mr. Meta, you are a smart man, but this is not Xilan. Remember not to be too smart, otherwise you will die one day without knowing how.”

  Sewell took out a cigarette, struck a match and lit it.

  Looking at the stunned eyes through the swirling smoke, he put the matchbox in his hand on the table, gently pushed it in front of Meta, and continued in a serious tone.

  ”Peter messed up things, and he deserved to die, but you also saw that this matter is not over, and we will still avenge him.”

  ”He is a Weilant, which is only one aspect, but more importantly, you and I will retire one day… So don’t do things too radically.”

  ”He left without letting anyone down, and this matter ends here.”


  Kant died in the early morning of the first weekend in August.

  Due to the Legion’s blockade of the northwestern city, people never saw his body or his face.

  However, less than three days after his death, his name appeared in the streets of Evernight Harbor.

  The veterans stranded in Evernight Harbor and all the citizens who sympathized with him left his name on the wall in the form of graffiti.

  He was a true hero.

  Even in death, he will live forever in the hearts of the residents of Evernight Harbor.

  The lackeys of the Evernight Harbor authorities and the garrison washed the walls over and over again, but the graffiti and words were repainted over and over again, and continued to spread outside the northwest city, even in unexpected forms.

  For example, it was carried out through more soul-stirring music.

  The Weilants are not all muscle-brained guys. They also have their own artistic cells and humanistic spirit, otherwise they would not have evolved from a group of cannon fodder to a united nation.

  It is worth mentioning that the glorious change a century and a half ago seemed to have started with the death of a Weilant.

  The dawn always appears when the night is extremely dark, but I don’t know if they still need a foreigner to save them this time.

  The blocked northwest city is adjacent to Street No. 3 of the radio station.

  Carver looked at the unsightly words on the wall and felt like a thorn in his back.

  In fact, he felt more confused than offended.

  He thought he was the pride of the Weilants.

  However, more and more compatriots regarded them as a shame.

  ”How much money did these bastards get paid to do such a shameful thing?” The gunner cursed, took off the white spray paint hanging on his waist, and wiped off the insulting slogan. The

  commander looked around, lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

  ”You are wasting your energy, there are psoriasis everywhere here… I bet that as soon as we leave here, someone will paint a new one right after us.”

  The communicator whistled and teased.

  ”The people in the command center are not very smart. In my opinion, they should give us a brightly colored spray gun.” The

  commander grinned.

  ”It’s useless. Even if you paint it black, they can write it with white.”

  The gunner put the spray gun back to his waist after finishing his work and cursed.

  ”Then let’s pretend to leave and then turn back… I want to see which brat is against us.”

  ”Then you’ll have something to see. At least half of the people in the entire settlement are unhappy with us,” the driver smiled faintly and glanced at the windows with closed curtains around him. “I bet there are at least ten pairs of eyes watching us…”

  ”Luckily, there’s no gun hidden behind the curtains. At least things haven’t gotten that bad yet. I don’t want to fight with my own people.”

  Carver didn’t say a word. He listened to his teammates’ arguments in silence, but he was thinking about other things.

  He was thinking about his tractor.

  Somehow, he suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with farming. At least he would never encounter so many bad things on his farm.

  He had never missed home so much.

  But maybe he didn’t miss home, but just wanted to escape from this place that made him doubt his beliefs…


  The northwest urban area of ​​Evernight Harbor was full of soldiers patrolling with guns, and Carver’s team was just an inconspicuous one among them.

  While the queue at the junction of the city was forming a long queue, the dock of Yongye Port was also crowded with people.

  There were large families in groups of three or five, newlyweds, or single young people.

  Their occupations, classes, and social identities were different, but they all carried large and small bags without exception, looking like they were going to leave and never come back. A

  similar thing seemed to have happened once eight months ago.

  But this time was different from the past. The Willant people in Yongye Port did not leave the colony to reunite with their families, but because a series of measures taken by the authorities made them feel uneasy, and they also completely lost their confidence in the Southern Legion.

  It is worth mentioning that, except for the soldiers and officers in the establishment who need to obey the orders of their superiors, the Willant citizens who do not hold positions in the Legion system can migrate freely in the territory of the Legion. This is a power granted to them by the Marshal a long time ago.

  However, due to the executive order signed by the Governor overnight before leaving office, all passenger flights at the port have been cancelled.

  Looking at the crowd blocking the pier, the manager of the passenger transport bureau was sweating profusely and shouted at the crowd stopped by the security personnel.

  ”Go back, there are no flights leaving here recently. When they resume, there will be a broadcast to notify you.”

  A man carrying a suitcase pointed to the passenger ship docked at the pier and shouted angrily.

  ”Why can those ships leave?”

  The manager of the passenger transport bureau shouted with a headache.

  ”Those ships are transporting supplies! They are going back to the east soon. Do you plan to go with them? Then go and ask the captain! As long as you don’t regret it!”

  When he heard that it was a ship going to the east, the man immediately shut up and didn’t say anything.

  The east…

  that’s the wasteland.

  Even if the actions of the Evernight Port authorities are shameful, he would not run to the wasteland to face the dead claws that eat people without spitting out bones just to get rid of those hypocritical guys.

  Facing the envious eyes on the shore, Alman felt half ashamed and half fortunate.

  It goes without saying what he was ashamed of. As for what he was thankful for, before coming here, he was worried that the authorities of Yongye Port would requisition his fleet, so he specifically asked the logistics department for a document approving his departure.

  Although his worries were unnecessary, the Yongye Port authorities did not lack ships for transporting supplies, and there was no need to requisition the passenger ship in his hands, but no one expected that a series of events would happen later.

  In short, thanks to the certificate issued by the front-line logistics department, he did not have to pay attention to the executive order signed by the Governor of Yongye Port, and could leave the freight channel unimpeded.

  However, the people at the Port Passenger Transport Bureau also told him that after leaving the port, he would not be allowed to come back until the blockade ended.

  As for when it would end, he needed to inquire at the post office or port passenger transport bureau in other colonies.

  In addition to Alman and his family, there were some passengers on the ship who did not choose their destination.

  Most of them were residents of the northwestern urban area.

  For most residents of Yongye Port, Governor Yahui and Captain Willoughby were at most hypocritical villains, but for them, those people were not only villains, but also murderers!

  Many of them lost their relatives and friends that night, but they waited for a long time but received no further news.

  They would rather face the cannibalistic aliens and predators than those smiling but treacherous guys – even though Alman told them that it was not that exaggerated, and that there were indeed more aliens in the eastern provinces than in the western provinces, but they were not more dangerous than the Great Desert.

  It is worth mentioning that although most of the refugees were not rich, there were a few who were extremely wealthy.

  For example, a fellow named Fili was a local jeweler in Evernight Harbor, and it was said that his business was quite large.

  It was said that both of his sons died that night, and this made him and his wife completely disillusioned with the guys who betrayed the marshal.

  This time, he not only took all his belongings with him, but also took out 200 million dinars and 8 million silver coins from the bank in Yongye Port and loaded them onto the ship.

  Alman was a man who had seen the world, but it was the first time he saw so many golden dinars piled in front of him.

  Even if he didn’t count other belongings, the gold coins alone weighed a thousand tons!

  It was a good thing that the bank in Yongye Port could take them out!

  In order to transport these properties, the guy not only hired two security teams, but also rented a ship from Alman’s fleet.

  For the sake of his compatriots and the Silver Moon Goddess, Alman did not have the greed to take advantage of the fire, but only signed a transportation contract at 120% of the market price.

  This was actually proposed by the other party.

  After all, it was an extraordinary period now, and raising the price was also a way to buy peace of mind. Seeing that he had thought it through, Alman gladly accepted it.

  However, the passenger who surprised him the most was not the jeweler named Fili, but a lame customs officer.

  The fleet blew the whistle and left the port under the eyes of everyone.

  Looking at Kuran standing next to him, Alman said in a rather unexpected tone.

  ”…I didn’t expect you to get on my ship.”

  ”Don’t talk about you, I didn’t even think about it myself, I still remember that I was a centurion.” Kuran laughed at himself and said with a complicated expression.

  The Legion is hopeless.

  Even if they conquer a thousand worlds, ten thousand worlds, the situation of the Weilant people will not change at all.

  They will systematically produce termites, and those termites will control them like iron wire worms, systematically create open enemies for them, and suck their flesh and blood.

  The Marshal broke the chains imposed on them by the War Construction Committee, but they will eventually have to face their own shackles.

  If the survivors oppressed by the Weilant people are not liberated, the Weilant people will not be finally liberated.

  ”…By the way, will the Alliance arrest me?”

  After all, they had just thrown a group of Alliance blue gophers into prison not long ago.

  Alman smiled when he heard this.

  ”I don’t think they will be so petty. If they really do that, I will definitely find a way to get you out…”

  After a pause, he said in a serious tone.

  ”Of course, if you are worried, you can actually get off the ship at Jingallon Port or the South Sea Alliance. The people there are not bad either.”

  Kuran grinned and said casually.

  ”No need, I’m kidding.”

  As he said this, he squinted at the gradually receding port, and the fellow Willant people who stood at the port and watched them leave.

  ”I want to follow you to the place called Settlement No. 1 to have a look.”

  Everyone thought that the turmoil in Evernight Port had ended here, and the Southern Legion had successfully controlled the situation, but he didn’t think so.

  This war is not over yet, and it has just begun.

  He remembered more than just a name.

  He will come back…

   Some friends, please don’t be too outrageous. Even if you use Stellaris or Warhammer as a reference, it is more similar than using reality as a reference. How can something that is fundamentally different become the same? Please be a little more restrained, thank you.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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