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Chapter 902: The Places I Have Been to During Those Years

Chapter 902: The Places I Have Been to During Those Years


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 902: The Places I Have Visited in Those Years In

  the past, when Chu Guang led the army in person, in order to leave enough hope for the people who stayed behind, he would always leave with a big fanfare in the Iron Heart, and then return with a big fanfare with victory and glory.

  But this time was different from usual.

  Chu Guang left quietly, taking only X-16 and Lu Bei’s group with him, and bought tickets to book a carriage in a low-key manner without disturbing anyone else.

  After all, he was not going to fight this time, but just to see where he had fought before and what it looked like now.

  Since he usually appeared in public, he always wore that azure power armor, so when he took off that iconic equipment, not many people could recognize him at a glance.

  With the holographic imaging equipment that can fine-tune the appearance, no passenger realized that he was sitting on the same train with the Alliance’s managers until the train started.

  Chu Guang went to the bathroom on the way, and after a while, he heard people queuing in the aisle outside the door talking.

  ”Where are you going, buddy?”

  ”To Haiya Province!”

  ”Haiya Province, the development there is really good. Several settlements have brought many immigrants from the west. I plan to buy a building there and collect rent.”

  ”Great minds think alike, bro! I heard that many people there are still living in containers. When several settlements develop and there are more job opportunities, the rental market will definitely be hot!”

  ”Are you going there to buy a building, too?”

  ”That’s not the case. Hehe, I’m going to build a building!”

  ”Oh! A project contractor! Nice to meet you! Ahem… I forgot my business card in my bag. Look at my memory.”

  ”It’s okay, I forgot it in my bag too. Let’s leave a phone number and have a meal together when we are free.”

  Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile with relief when he heard that the residents of the alliance were so wealthy.

  At this time two years ago, the alliance authorities issued a lot of bonds to release liquidity, and now this money has flowed into the wallets of the residents of the alliance through the production process.

  Now the residents of the alliance are taking this wealth to invest in the newly reclaimed land, helping those immigrants who have just joined the alliance to live a better life and create more wealth with them.

  Life was getting better and better.

  However, not long after, an inappropriate voice came in through the crack of the door.

  ”Stop bragging, you two are so rich, why don’t you buy a plane ticket?”

  Obviously, there were more than one person who was dissatisfied with the two people’s bragging, and there were echoes in the aisle.

  ”That’s it!”

  ”Your prosthesis was taken from the coal mine! Even the anti-rust paint hasn’t fallen off. I’m afraid you will resign after the operation.”

  ”A thief who stole taxpayers’ money, bragging!”

  The two were speechless and glared at the guy who started the trouble first, and left without saying a word.

  Chu Guang, who was squatting on the toilet, had a slightly embarrassed expression.


  Even in Dawn City, poverty has not been completely eliminated.

  It’s too early to show off now, and the Alliance still has a long way to go.

  But think about it from another perspective. At least at present, ordinary people in the Alliance still have dreams of changing their current lives and becoming rich, and are willing to take steps to pursue them, instead of thinking that it is an unattainable daydream, or only dare to think about it when lying down.

  This is actually quite good.

  Compared with the residents of Dawn City, the residents of the South Sea Alliance and Silver Moon Bay are much more restless. Some of them have even caught up with the players and walked ahead of the version.

  Restlessness is not a bad thing, but a driving force for social progress.

  As for the wealth pursued by ordinary people, it is not a scourge in itself, but a catalyst for accelerating social progress.

  Only when they are monopolized will they become poison that harms the entire alliance.

  And preventing them from being monopolized is also one of the things Chu Guang is currently doing.

  Not occupying the bathroom for too long, Chu Guang used the holographic camouflage system to slightly modify his appearance, and then left the bathroom and gave it to the people queuing behind.

  After returning to the carriage, he passed the security check at the door, turned off the holographic camouflage system, and then went straight back to the VIP box in the middle of the carriage.

  X-16 made him a cup of black tea, gently placed it on the table, and then stood aside with a tray.

  Xiao Qi, holding his cheeks, sat on the table and asked curiously with his head tilted.

  ”Master, isn’t there a toilet in the carriage? Why are you still going outside?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”I suddenly want to see the lives of ordinary people, isn’t that good?”

  Xiao Qi asked puzzledly.

  ”Can’t you see Dawn City?”

  ”You can see it, but Dawn City is not the only city in the Alliance. There are many people living in places we can’t see.” Chu Guang took a sip of black tea and placed the teacup on the bumpy tray. “Besides, what we see in the office is definitely different from what we see in real life.”

  Not quite agreeing with this statement, Xiao Qi pursed her lips gently.

  ”Well… Actually, even if you are sitting in the office, Xiao Qi can see it for you.”

  Although the current conditions in the wasteland cannot launch satellites, the hummingbird drone controlled by the shelter server can be regarded as a “low-altitude satellite” in another sense. The

  small spherical shell will hardly attract anyone’s attention when flying at an altitude of more than 10 meters, and the 360-degree wide-angle camera can take in the entire area without blind spots.

  A long, long time ago, when “players” and “NPCs” were not so reliable, it served as a communication repeater for VM and Chu Guang’s eyes to observe the situation inside and outside the settlement.

  ”I’m not doubting your ability, we’re not talking about the same thing.” Looking at Xiao Qi who was pouting slightly, Chu Guang replied with a smile, and then cast his eyes out the window.

  The train has been away from Qingquan City for a while, and the station just passed seems to be the last station in the south of the River Valley Province.

  After passing through a tunnel, the rugged mountain road seemed to have reached the end, and the slowly moving train gradually increased its speed.

  Looking at the familiar scenery, Chu Guang had some memories in his mind, and asked casually.

  ”What’s ahead?”

  Xiao Qi, holding his cheek, answered in a pleasant voice.

  ”After crossing the river ahead is Jinchuan Province, there seems to be a small town that worships lizards, rats and people.”

  Chu Guang’s heart moved, and he blurted out.

  ”It’s called Dust Town.”

  Xiao Qi opened his eyes in surprise.

  ”Eh? Master, do you still remember?”

  Chu Guang laughed.

  ”It’s only been a few years, how can I forget so quickly.”

  That was where the Jungle Corps had fought, and that battle seemed to be the first battle of the Boltgun.

  In that battle, they successfully thwarted the Qi tribe’s raid on the survivor settlements around Jinhe City, and moved the residents of Dust Town to a safe place.

  Later, a large number of Alliance troops went to the battlefield from here, heading to Jinchuan Province to fight against the Torch Church and its mutant vassals.

  But then again, it’s only been two or three years, and the changes here are so great that he can’t recognize it.

  The rumbling sound rolled over the undulating waves, and the train crossing the river then went over hills one after another. The endless plains and gentle slopes soon came into Chu Guang’s sight.

  But the scenery that came into his eyes at this moment was even more shocking than before.

  He saw that the land that was originally uninhabited in his impression was now covered with golden rice fields.

  The heavy ears of rice bent the rice stalks, and golden waves appeared with the breeze.

  September is the harvest season, and Dust Town is also the busiest time of the year.

  Large machines pushing rollers plowed back and forth in the fields, and the places where the tracks and rollers rolled over were like hair trimmed by a barber, with only a layer of hair like burrs left.

  Those were chopped straws.

  The machines following them will mix them with nitrogen fertilizer and mix them into the soil to prepare for the next round of farming.

  In addition to the rice fields, there are orchards with kamu trees and other tree species in the distance, which are also managed by gardening robots produced by Giant Stone City.

  Although there are only a hundred households in Dust Town, relying on this mechanized planting technology, the cultivated area exceeds the land reclaimed by more than 10,000 people of the Xilan Expeditionary Force.

  Looking at the townspeople in the distance who were putting the rice ears into sacks after threshing, Chu Guang said with some emotion.

  ”I didn’t expect that Jinchuan Province also uses mechanized planting systems.”

  I remember that when the Alliance first came here, the people working here were still serfs, and the tools they used were still hoes.

  The local farmers would rather buy a few more propeller planes that the Alliance had eliminated than replace them with more efficient tractors. Later, due to the chaos caused by the torch, they and their serfs were almost taken away in a wave.

  Of course, the situation in Dust Town is somewhat different from other local settlements.

  Since Garbage Jun and his other two friends bought some equipment for the locals out of their own pockets, and later helped them sell the grain they produced to Giant Stone City, this is probably the first place in the entire Jinchuan Province to promote mechanized agriculture.

  In other settlements, such as Ma Fu Town, the situation may not be so exaggerated.

  Seeing that Chu Guang was very interested in the machines for cultivating the land, X-16, who was standing by with a tray, introduced them like a tour guide.

  ”That is the combined harvesting system designed by Giant Stone Heavy Industry.”

  Chu Guang was slightly stunned.

  ”Giant Stone Heavy Industry?”

  X-16 nodded and continued.

  ”In June this year, Mr. Ibers separated the production of heavy mining equipment, agricultural machinery, and rail transportation vehicles from the production line of Giant Stone Military Industry, and established a new company separately, hiring a human CEO to run it. At present, this subsidiary has become a new profit growth point for Giant Stone Military Industry, and plans to be listed on the Dawn City Exchange.”

  It is not only Lister’s Lister Group that has walked out of the giant wall. The former giant of Giant Stone Military Industry is also using its own methods to walk out of the towering wall.

  However, Chu Guang has not paid attention to the business of Giant Stone Military Industry outside the military industry.

  The last time he met with Ibers was when he took the lead in negotiating the cooperation business with Beidao Heavy Industry on behalf of the alliance authorities.

  Of course, it may be that the cooperation with Beidao Heavy Industry brought new inspiration to Ibers.

  Since changing to a new owner, the bionic man who has passed the scrap period seems to have slowly become normal again.

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”Very good, but I didn’t expect that guy to be interested in things other than weapons.”

  The dark mirror flickered slightly, and X-16 continued in a calm tone.

  ”My father said that only when the value of land is squeezed to the extreme, people will fight for land again… Suppressing the price of food and increasing the birth rate is also a long-term consideration for opening up sales for Giant Stone Military’s weapons.”

  Chu Guang choked on the black tea at his mouth and coughed.

  ”Cough… The price of food is not the only factor that affects population birth. I think he seems to think too much.”

  X-16 nodded and said thoughtfully.

  ”Is that so… That’s it.”

  Chu Guang didn’t think that this guy really understood what he said, but he didn’t care much.

  Ibers’s problem of fearing chaos in the world is not a one-day or two-day thing. It was like this long before he met that guy.

  The train drove all the way to the vicinity of Dust Town and stopped at a simple station.

  Two passengers chose to get off here. From their appearance, they seemed to be backpackers from Ideal City.

  When Chu Guang looked out the window, he saw the wall outside the station.

  The low wall that was originally made of granite and cement had become a neat, beautiful and more reliable concrete wall.

  The locals did fulfill their original wish and rebuilt a larger and more beautiful village on the ruins.

  There was a relief carved on the main gate of the high wall, which showed a huge death claw, a fat rat, and a man in a cloak.

  They were regarded as patron saints by the residents of this small town, and they were also landmarks for tourists in Ideal City to take photos and check in.

  It is worth mentioning that although the mutant tribes in the nearby area have been killed to extinction by players, there are still alien species wandering here from time to time.

  Although the Alliance’s mind interference device can disperse the alien species, due to some things that happened before, the locals are more willing to trust the shotguns and the walls they built by hand than the mind interference device, so they still continue the tradition of building turrets.

  Since there were not many passengers getting off here, the train only stopped for three minutes before resetting and continued to move towards the direction of Singularity City.

  It used to be the logistics transit base for the alliance’s southward troops in Jinchuan Province, but now it has become the most populous settlement in Jinchuan Province, even more populous than the southernmost Weifu City.

  To be honest, this was actually beyond Chu Guang’s expectations.

  Originally, in his imagination, the Singularity City, where everything is managed by AI, will serve as a large drug rehabilitation center of the Alliance. While helping the locals get rid of their dependence on Naguo, it also means helping the locals get rid of the “giant baby” problem.

  They can’t always expect someone to manage them, they should find ways to live like a human being.

  As a result, Chu Guang didn’t expect that the population here has ushered in a wave of explosive growth, from the initial tens of thousands of people to an astonishing 200,000.

  Unlike other settlements, Hanshuang also accepts everyone who chooses to stay here.

  Although there is no Alliance ID card here, and there are no silver coins for work, the advantage is that you never have to worry about survival and what to wear every day. You can stay here as long as you want, even for a lifetime.

  The only requirement is that you can’t come back after leaving.

  And except for the luggage deposited when depositing and a small amount of silver coins converted according to the score, nothing can be taken away from here.

  As for the passengers.

  You can rest in the hotel near the station, or visit the farm, but you can only stay for one day, and basically you will not have contact with the locals.

  In order to ensure fairness in a certain sense, even the staff of the station hotel are all bionic people imported from Ideal City.

  The train stops here for a little longer, and the flow of people getting on and off here is much denser than the previous stations. The hurried footsteps come and go on the tiled platform. However

  , unlike the several stations in the southern part of the Valley Province, most of the passengers getting off here are backpackers from Ideal City, and few are immigrants who plan to settle here.

  Especially those backpackers from Ideal City.

  They seem to have a particularly strong interest in this settlement with unique rules and a special origin with Kangmao Group. Excitement and even fanaticism are written on their faces. Chu

  Guang also learned from Mole Brother’s post later that the “cloud friends” on the cloud at the end of Ideal City seem to regard this place as a kind of sociological experimental base.

  Not only do they have an unusually high evaluation of it, they even regard it as the ultimate form of human social development-

  that is, a perfect utopia where AI dominates and manages everything and there is no more exploitation of people.

  The equality here is even further than the alliance.

  The local people have achieved a complete equality, and have achieved an incredible balance between production and consumption.

  However, Chu Guang said that the residents of Ideal City are still too full.

  There are countless people in the wasteland who envy their lives, and even players from the peaceful world are amazed at their prosperity, but they regard a remote place in the wasteland as their spiritual home.

  Of course, this is their freedom.

  The Alliance has made a lot of Cr from Ideal City through tourism income, so he certainly has no reason to complain.

  Planning to stay here for one night and meet old friends who have not seen each other for a long time, Chu Guang took X-16 and Lu Bei and his party to get off the train in a low-key manner, and then went straight to the official passage.

  To be honest, the changes here are also great, but not as amazing as Dust Town.

  After all, there were vast farmlands and orchards here, and now those farms and orchards are still the same, but the area has expanded a lot.

  In addition, the biggest change is the infrastructure in the settlement and the housing of the residents.

  A wide road leads from the entrance of the settlement to the manor at the deepest part of the farm, and on both sides are uniform street lights, green belts and prefabricated concrete buildings.

  These buildings are divided into square communities, with green parks for people to rest, boiler rooms for hot water supply, and unified canteens.

  Between several larger communities, there are larger public facilities such as schools, libraries and hospitals.

  Chu Guang is certainly not unfamiliar with those concrete buildings made of prefabricated panels. After all, this thing was an emergency solution he came up with to solve the housing problem of the wastelanders.

  Today, prefabricated concrete buildings are also one of the pillar industries of Giant Stone City. They are even sold as far as Jingalon Port and even Tiandu in Borneo Province.

  But what is intriguing is that Giant Stone City, which has survived the crisis and become rich by relying on this business, has long stopped building new things, and has even been considering exporting this backward production line to Borneo Province, where demand is strong.

  However, even the residents of Boulder City probably didn’t expect that due to the skyrocketing housing demand in Singularity City, this backward production line that should have been eliminated was retained.

  When Chu Guang stepped into Singularity City, Han Shuang, who was working in the manor, immediately noticed him and greeted him at the door of the manor with Eclipse in surprise.

  ”Dear manager, what brings you here?”

  ”Long time no see, come to see you.”

  Looking at Han Shuang and Eclipse in maid outfits, Chu Guang smiled and nodded, and continued.

  ”The changes here are too big. When I first came in, I thought I missed my stop… until I saw you. Speaking of which, you are the same as before, without any change.”

  ”Of course, my pursuit of art is eternal, and the artists of the alliance can always bring me different surprises.” Han Shuang

  gracefully lifted the hem of her skirt and turned around. There was a confident smile on her face, but soon a trace of sadness appeared.

  ”It would be great if the survivors of Singularity City could be like the others in the Alliance. I tried to teach them art, but although they tried to accept it… they rarely gave me that kind of… sorry, I don’t know how to describe that feeling.”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on Chu Guang’s shoulder, interrupted.

  ”… The intellectual plug-in is burning?”

  Han Shuang’s eyes lit up, and he continued to talk nonstop.

  ”Yes, it’s the feeling of the intellectual plug-in burning! Of course, I’m not tired of my current job, but their creativity is either to enlarge the elements I provide them in a stereotyped way, or to shrink them in a stereotyped way, and I always feel that there is a lack of novelty.”

  Chu Guang coughed lightly after hearing this.

  ”You can’t have both. Some buffs… I mean traits, are contradictory in themselves. You can only choose one from them.”

  ”Contradictory?” Han Shuang was slightly stunned for a moment, lowered his head and thought, “Is it contradictory? But logically… it doesn’t seem to be contradictory.”

  Chu Guang was silent for a while, and gave an answer that he was not sure about.

  ”Perhaps this is the biggest difference between humans and machines. Humans are not creatures that follow logic or mathematical laws.”

  ”Then what do they follow?”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”Maybe it’s intuition, maybe it’s instinct.”

  Unlike machines that are designed for a certain purpose, humans do not come into this world with a purpose.

  In other words, the meaning of life is actually found in the process of life, rather than being preset.

  But this question is too philosophical, and he is not sure whether the bionic man in front of him can really understand it.

  At this moment, a soft voice suddenly came from behind Han Shuang.

  ”It’s not that hard to understand… Dad’s farm used to be like this, I don’t think it has changed much here.”

  ”Yin Yin?”

  Looking at the little girl who came out from behind Han Shuang, Chu Guang showed a surprised expression on his face.

  He was about to smile and say politely, “You have grown taller,” but soon remembered that her height would not grow anymore, so he changed his words.

  ”Are you feeling okay? New body.”

  Yin Yin nodded gently and said in a low voice.

  ”I have adapted… But I always feel that after becoming a robot, every day seems to have lost its meaning.”

  Hearing her answer, the expressionless Eclipse suddenly corrected her.

  ”It’s a bionic man, we are different from robots.”

  Yin Yin made a helpless expression, as if saying “Just take it as it is.”

  That mature and sensible look is distressing.

  After experiencing a huge change in her life, she seemed to have become as precocious as Xiaoyang.

  Looking at Yinyin with a helpless face, Chu Guang pondered for a while and said in a gentle tone.

  ”You need to find the meaning yourself, but we can’t help you with this… But I believe you can find it, just like Han Shuang next to you.”

  Although he was not sure whether she could still be considered a child, he still hoped that she would not slide into the abyss of nihilism.

  Yinyin nodded gently, not knowing whether she understood his kindness, but just said in that pleasant voice.

  ”Well, I know, Mr. Administrator, although I don’t envy Sister Han Shuang’s strange hobby at all… By the way, respected Mr. Administrator, is Xiaoyang okay?”

  Chu Guang touched her head and said with a smile.

  ”Then I don’t know, I just heard that she has seen her father and went to school like other children in Shuguang City. If you miss her, I suggest you go to see her directly.”

  Yinyin’s expression suddenly became uneasy.

  ”… I will go.”

  Chu Guang could probably guess the troubles in her heart, but that was her own business.

  He stood up and looked at Han Shuang again, saying politely.

  ”I’m sorry that I didn’t make a reservation. My trip south this time is not a formal trip… Can you prepare some rooms for me? I plan to stay here for one night.”

  Han Shuang smiled brightly and said in an enthusiastic tone.

  ”No problem. Usually, there are only me, Yin Yin and Eclipse in this manor. What we have the most here is empty rooms… Please follow me, respected manager.”

  Chu Guang nodded, and then followed Han Shuang and walked into the manor where the Burning Legion had fought.

  From the moment he stepped into the manor, he noticed that Lu Bei’s hands were always on his waist, and his eyes were nervously looking around, as if there was someone hiding in the bushes.

  Especially when he walked to the building of the annex, the expression on his face was as tight as a string.

  The Alliance’s planes had landed here, and bullet holes could even be seen on the wall next to it.

  Looking at the appearance of this young man, Chu Guang couldn’t help but smile and said with a smile.

  ”Did you find anything?”

  Unexpectedly, Chu Guang noticed his little action. Lu Bei’s face immediately turned red with embarrassment, and he reached out to scratch the back of his head.


  ”It’s already 214 years ago, and the battles here have been over for a long time.”

  Chu Guang reached out and patted him on the shoulder gently, saying in a gentle tone.

  ”I told you before we set out that we are just here to take a look, not to fight.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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