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Chapter 903 Population Migration

Chapter 903 Population Migration


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 903 Population Migration

  Although Chu Guang had done a lot of flag-raising things, this time his mouth did not show any signs of being effective.

  Singularity City is very safe.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that it is much safer than any other settlement in the alliance.

  Not only that, the time here seems to have slowed down, and even the birds that occasionally fly by are leisurely and enviable.

  Under the coordination of AI, not only have people reached the highest level of harmony, but even people and other species have achieved “no harm” co-prosperity.

  Agricultural zoning to the west of Singularity City.

  Looking at the farmer sitting lazily on the ridge of the field in the distance and the sparrows eating a buffet not far from him, Chu Guang, who was walking with Han Shuang, recorded this moment like a world-famous painting with his camera.

  After grinning, he suddenly sighed.

  ”…To be honest, I didn’t think you could succeed at the time. I even planned your failure and how to take over the mess here later.”

  His worries were not unreasonable.

  After all, the original residents of this settlement were not good people. There were even some cunning and treacherous people and lackeys who had surrendered to the Torch.

  In terms of moral standards, some of the “mixed-bloods” who were excluded by the mutant tribes might have higher moral character than them. The only

  truly innocent people might be those who were rescued from the mutant tribes and raised as livestock by the Alliance.

  However, in contrast, the captives who were rescued did not even have the most basic social attributes, let alone the ability to take care of themselves.

  These two types of people belong to the group with the highest “assimilation cost” in the Alliance society.

  In order for them to play a positive role in society, the public resources needed to be consumed are three times or even more than the average level.

  Including but not limited to free prosthetics from the refugee home, sweeping the shelves and dumplings at the rescue station, and cheating other wastelanders who had just joined the Alliance, etc.

  However, the miracle is that Singularity City successfully digested them.

  Or to be more precise, their “free and easy” nature and Singularity City’s strict and outrageous rules unexpectedly adapted to each other.

  Hearing Chu Guang’s praise, Han Shuang smiled shyly and proudly.

  ”You are too kind… Although you think we have done well, in fact, in my opinion, we are still far from the final success.”

  Chu Guang glanced at it.

  ”What is the final success?”

  Han Shuang said in a gentle tone.

  ”At least it should allow us to operate independently without relying on the help of the outside world.”

  Chu Guang was stunned and laughed.

  ”This goal… is really too ambitious. Not to mention you, no settlement in the alliance can do it.”

  ”Right, so Singularity City still has a long way to go…” Han Shuang sighed softly, “To be honest, I sometimes think pessimistically that this may be an unattainable goal.”

  Chu Guang asked a little unexpectedly.

  ”Are you also pessimistic?”

  ”I am a bionic man, not a robot. The 1% calculation probability is the threshold of my emotional control. If it is lower than this threshold, I will feel frustrated.”

  Han Shuang nodded, sighed softly and continued.

  ”Our cultivated land has increased threefold, and grain production has increased several times. People’s lives are extremely rich, but we still find it difficult to get rid of our dependence on the outside world.”

  ”More than that, there are always two distinct situations here. Some people are full of energy, but always plan to leave here, while the other part of the people are listless. Although they will not plan to leave, they will become more and more dependent on our care. On the one hand, they passively complete the tasks we assign and reduce energy consumption to adapt to the minimum living standard we provide. In the end, they are more like machines than machines, but far less efficient than machines.”

  Although in principle, people who leave Singularity City cannot take anything away from Singularity City, and the proportion of converting labor points into silver coins is pitifully low, knowledge and skills are not things, and they can be said to be almost free in Singularity City.

  In addition to sleeping at the specified time, people can freely use their spare time.

  People who are eager to leave here will spend a lot of their free time on learning knowledge and skills. However, paradoxically, this part of people is what Frost most hopes to keep.

  Although it also tried to purchase some hobbies from Ideal City and reward these talents within the framework allowed by the Alliance Constitution, it only delayed their departure and did not change the final result.

  In fact, Singularity City has become a production base for supplying professional talents and cheap food products to the Alliance, and has not nurtured a new social form that can surpass the Alliance or other settlements in the wasteland in all aspects.

  Once the input of external innovation is lost, this closed settlement will become a pool of stagnant water and enter a vicious cycle of “spiral downward”.

  Chu Guang also noticed it suddenly.

  The automation penetration rate here is not as high as that of the Dust Town next door.

  Han Shuang, who was standing next to Chu Guang, suddenly asked abruptly.

  ”Is it human nature?”

  Chu Guang thought about it and gave an ambiguous answer.

  ”Maybe, maybe not.”

  Han Shuang looked at him intently and asked to get to the bottom of it.

  ”My intellectual plug-in tells me that you have a better answer… Please don’t hesitate. You are one of the most far-sighted organisms I have ever seen. Your opinion is very valuable to me.”

  Hearing this strange remark, Chu Guang made a helpless expression and sighed.

  ”How should I put it…’Better’ is a false proposition in itself. Most real problems do not have standard answers or optimal solutions, only relatively appropriate solutions. In my opinion, your confusion is more like a natural law than human nature.”

  Frost: “Natural law?”

  Chu Guang nodded and cast his eyes on the golden mountains in the distance.

  ”We have come to more than one conclusion in the past tens of thousands of years, but no conclusion can solve all the problems we have encountered in all historical periods.”

  ”I am more inclined to believe that the absolutely perfect method has never existed from the beginning.”

  ”The Human Union was once close to perfection, and the prosperous era satisfied all our imaginations of the future in the old times. However, the result of the straight upward trend is the straight fall we see now.”

  Looking at Frost, who was lost in thought, Chu Guang suddenly changed the subject and smiled and patted its shoulder.

  ”However, the exploration of the ‘ultimate proposition’ itself is not meaningless… Whether it is physics or sociology, we will always have unexpected discoveries on the road to perfection, and this is far more beneficial than standing still.” ”

  Keep going, maybe one day in the future, the alliance will need you to save it.”

  He prepared many baskets for his eggs. In addition to the alliance, there is also the South China Sea Alliance.

  As long as there are enough methods to choose from, you can always find the right one.

  Even if the existing methods don’t work, the future alliance can create new methods.

  He believes that his children have such potential.

  And this power that can keep the alliance forever young is much more useful than leaving more legacies for his descendants to squander.

  Feeling the warmth coming from the palm of his hand, the surprised Frost suddenly understood what he meant in an instant, and a knowing smile appeared on his face.

  ”I am so ashamed. I didn’t expect that my confusion would need my client to answer it for me… Thank you, I will remember your advice and keep going.”

  It seemed to have a new understanding of its work and regained its enthusiasm.

  Chu Guang smiled and nodded, saying in a gentle tone.

  ”I feel relieved when you say that.”


  Chu Guang spent the whole afternoon visiting Singularity City. In addition to the farms here, there were also local clothing factories and soda factories.

  The factories here are similar to farmland. The enthusiasm for production is not high, but it is enough to meet the needs of the settlement itself.

  There was no conversation that night.

  Chu Guang slept until dawn after returning to the villa. After saying goodbye to Han Shuang, Eclipse, and Yin Yin, he went straight to the station outside Singularity City.

  Most of the passengers waiting in front of the platform were those who got off the train yesterday.

  In addition, there were also some young men or middle-aged people carrying suitcases of the same style. Their demeanor and temperament were like players who had just walked out of the novice village, with a look of confidence.

  No matter what the reason for them to come to Singularity City, it seems that they have cheered up and are ready to get back on the road.

  At this time, Chu Guang accidentally noticed that in addition to the wastelanders from the wasteland, there were also some residents of Ideal City standing at the registration office at the entrance of the settlement.

  Those people seemed to be the same group of passengers who got off the bus as him.

  After a day of investigation, they did not leave with their compatriots in the tour group who were still reluctant to leave, but seemed to have decided to stay and join the big family of Singularity City.

  Chu Guang was very curious about what they were thinking, so he used a holographic camouflage device to modify his appearance and walked to one of the young men wearing plain glasses to talk to him.

  ”Brother, do you think life here is good?”

  Chu Guang’s processed voice did not make him hear anything unusual, and the latter seemed to be very talkative and answered him with a hearty smile.

  ”What’s wrong with it? My room in Ideal City is only 20 square meters, with no windows, and only a vent for air conditioning and hot air. Even if I work hard all my life, I may not be able to let real sunlight shine into my room… But here, I just need to lie on the ground to get it.”

  Looking at this overly optimistic young man, Chu Guang kindly reminded him.

  ”But there is no Endpoint Cloud here, and there probably won’t be one in the future.”

  ”That’s even better. I’ve long been tired of staying in a virtual world without a sense of boundaries. The AI ​​there is all obedient like a puppet, and the real person’s virtual shell is as ugly as it can be…including myself. To be honest, I came here just to get away from the Endpoint Cloud,” the young man laughed heartily, shrugged his shoulders and continued, “Besides, this is not a very difficult choice. Anyway, you can leave when you get tired of it.”

  In fact, the last sentence is the key point.

  Hearing the young man’s answer, Chu Guang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry for a while. What

  he was most worried about at the beginning was that people would treat this “drug rehabilitation center” as a sanatorium, but now it seems that what he was worried about seems to have happened.


  this doesn’t seem to be a bad thing.

  The conversation he had with Han Shuang yesterday actually not only affected Han Shuang, but also some of his own thoughts changed slightly in silence.

  Even if the thing he was worried about finally happened, it doesn’t mean that it will definitely bring the worst expected result.

  Even if he had made all the preparations in advance and eliminated the hidden dangers before they happened, the final result might not necessarily be what he wanted.

  After chatting with the talkative young man for a few words, he slowly returned to the entrance of the official passage.

  Just at this time, the southbound train just pulled into the station, and Lv Bei, dressed in formal clothes, walked to his side in a low-key manner.

  ”Mr. Guan…, our reserved carriage has arrived at the station. My colleagues in the carriage have checked it in advance. Please follow me.”

  Looking at Lv Bei with a serious face, Chu Guang nodded and said with a smile.

  ”Okay, let’s go, don’t let other passengers wait for a long time.”

  Until Chu Guang sat down in the reserved compartment, the group did not attract the attention of any passengers.

  The next stop is Weifu City.

  After Weifu City and Shifeng Mountain, it is Haiya Province, which is adjacent to the southern sea area… I heard that there are a lot of people there recently.

  Due to the “shock treatment” plan he adopted for the eastern provinces at the beginning of the year, a large number of wastelanders moved to the ten settlements along the coast of Haiya Province.

  In addition to a large number of wastelanders, there are also survivors from the Borneo Province and even the Weylanders from the Legion.

  Some of them are expeditionary forces who chose to retire and stay there, and some have come across the ocean to escape or pan for gold.

  The space elevator and gravity well project has brought huge employment opportunities and business prospects, and the continuous influx of immigrants has brought technology, wealth and labor.

  This asset is much richer than the “Meissner Effect Armor” sold to the Alliance by Maf Town.

  In particular, the South Sea Alliance has gradually emerged from the shadow of the civil war with the help of the Mammoth Country laborers.

  This survivor force, which was also hatched by the residents of the shelter, is like an engine that has regained its second spring, using the two hundred years of technical reserves and offshore construction experience as fuel to drive the development of the entire southern sea coastal area!

  Today, the Seaside Province is gradually replacing the Golden Gallon Port and Mammoth City in the Borneo Province and becoming the next emerging market sought after by investors.

  Moreover, unlike when the industrial owners of the Alliance first rushed to the Golden Gallon Port, today’s Alliance is no longer the same in terms of production methods or financial tools.

  The miracles that are born there may be even more amazing than those in the Borneo province.

  Chu Guang took a copy of the “Survivor Daily” issued by Settlement No. 1 from X-16. It was printed by the printer on the train.

  He unfolded the newspaper on his thigh and shook it, then looked at the headline of the newspaper. It

  showed a lame veteran of the Willant, wearing the uniform of the Southern Legion, standing under the sign of the Refugee House with a dusty face, queuing up to receive a free prosthetic. Except

  for the second-rate editors of the “Survivor Daily” in Dawn City, the “Survivor Daily” in most regions is quite good at drawing satirical cartoons.

  Including the

  one in Boulder City. The caption below the picture was even more ironic.

  [Unprecedented “population migration”! The “Nest of Salvation” transport ship arrived at Settlement No. 1! ]

  It can be seen that the editor who wrote this report should be a member of the Moon Clan.

  Although this man has restrained his emotions in his wording and expression in order to ensure objectivity, a hint of disgust can still be seen between the lines.

  Chu Guang raised his eyebrows slightly, and a surprised expression appeared on his face.

  ”Are these people immigrants from Evernight Harbor?”

  Xiao Qi, who was sitting on his shoulder, nodded and said.

  ”I think so… There seems to be a post on the forum that mentions them.”

  Chu Guang knew the post that Xiao Qi was talking about.

  About half a month ago, a guy named [Taran Raider] serialized a short story on the forum, recording the two legends of Evernight Harbor and Blackwater Lane.

  This short story just wrote about the Enlightenment Society, and the “guides” hiding in Evernight Harbor and their ulterior demise plan have just revealed the tip of the iceberg.

  Chu Guang is also following that post, but at present, his “Desert Corps” that suddenly appeared has not made much progress.

  The blockade of Evernight Harbor and large-scale suppression activities are still continuing, and it seems that they are not in a good position to take any extraordinary actions rashly.

  In that post, there was a mention of a businessman named Alman and his “Nest of Salvation”. It is said that the twelve ships are carrying a full 5,000 people and thousands of tons of gold.

  After Chu Guang learned about the situation, he sent a telegram to Li Minghui, instructing his fleet not to accidentally hurt these civilians.

  But he didn’t expect that these twelve ships were sailing so fast and had already arrived…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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