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Chapter 904: Hugging Left and Right

Chapter 904: Hugging Left and Right


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 904 Hugging on both sides

  Xu Xiuwen drove the two girls to a nearby park.

  He parked the car on a small road in the park. He

  turned off the engine and the lights.

  The car suddenly became dark.

  Xu Xiuwen opened the door and got out of the car, walked to the back, and then sat in the back seat.

  He said to Tang Weiwei who was sitting in the passenger seat: “Weiwei, you also come and sit in the back.”

  Tang Weiwei hesitated for a moment, and then did as she said.


  The back seat became a situation where Xu Xiuwen sat in the middle, with Tang Weiwei and Shen Minyao sitting on the left and right.
Xu Xiuwen was not polite, and directly

  hugged the girls on

  both sides.
And both hands were around the girls’ slender waists.

  The palms were even on the girls’ lower abdomen.

  Xu Xiuwen was only thinking about taking advantage of them and didn’t say anything

  . The girls seemed to have forgotten to speak, and they were quiet and didn’t say a word.



  Shen Minyao suddenly turned on the small light in the car.

  ”Xu Xiuwen! Where are you touching your hands?” Shen Minyao scolded. Xu Xiuwen

  chuckled and took his hand back.

  Shen Minyao bit her lip and said, “Rogue!”

  Xu Xiuwen retorted, “How can I be called a rogue? I didn’t do anything.”

  ”How dare you say you didn’t…”


  Shen Minyao saw that Xu Xiuwen didn’t seem to want to admit it, and she felt helpless.

  She turned her head to look at Tang Weiwei beside her and said, “Weiwei, you don’t care about him!”

  Tang Weiwei’s face was also red at this moment.

  When Xu Xiuwen touched Shen Minyao’s body just now, he didn’t let her go.

  But she didn’t react as strongly as Shen Minyao.

  Although the shame in her heart was about to bury her, she still resisted and didn’t stop him.

  After all, he had done more excessive things.

  And from Shen Minyao’s reaction. Did

  they seem to have developed to that point?

  She thought about it and felt that it was possible.

  First of all, the reactions of the two did not seem to be acting.

  Secondly, the time they had been together was not long after all.

  Tang Weiwei was Shen Minyao’s roommate.

  She naturally knew that Sister Minyao only looked open and bold, but in fact she was still very conservative in her bones.


  Shen Minyao was surprised to see Tang Weiwei didn’t speak.

  What was Weiwei thinking?

  After Tang Weiwei stopped thinking, she explained in a low voice, “Sister Minyao, I can’t control him either.”

  Shen Minyao heard this and said unconvincedly, “I don’t believe that the two of us can’t control him alone!” Xu

  Xiuwen immediately replied, “I can control him, I can control him…”

  Shen Minyao showed a satisfied look and said, “Then you are not allowed to take advantage of us without our consent in the future.”

  ”If you don’t want to take advantage, then I can go find Yue’er at most.”

  Shen Minyao was a little unhappy to hear such shameless words.

  She frowned and stared at Xu Xiuwen.

  Xu Xiuwen said, “You don’t let me take advantage, and you don’t let me go find Yue’er?”

  Shen Minyao said speechlessly, “Xu Xiuwen, are you a pervert reincarnated? I’ve never seen anyone more hungry than you!”

  ”Food and sex are human nature, I’m just following human nature.”

  Shen Minyao felt that she couldn’t argue with him.

  The atmosphere was a little quiet because of this.

  Seeing this, Tang Weiwei said to Shen Minyao: “Sister Minyao, I’m actually fine.”

  What she meant was that she could accept Xu Xiuwen taking advantage of her.

  Hearing what Tang Weiwei said, Shen Minyao became even more helpless.

  Even Weiwei had turned against her.

  What else could she do?

  She glanced at Xu Xiuwen. As

  , the latter showed a smug smile.

  Shen Minyao didn’t want to be “annoying” like this.

  But for some reason, her possessiveness seemed to be getting stronger and stronger.

  Shen Minyao snorted: “They are them, I am me, anyway, you are not allowed to touch me casually.” Xu Xiuwen nodded and

  said: “Okay, then you go down and take a walk, leave some time for me and Weiwei.”

  ”Xu Xiuwen!”

  ”Xu Xiuwen…”

  The former was said by Shen Minyao.

  She was angry at Xu Xiuwen’s words.

  Is he so hungry?

  The latter was said by Tang Weiwei.

  She was shy.

  It’s okay for him to take advantage of her secretly, but it’s too embarrassing to tell others.

  Xu Xiuwen saw the expressions of the two girls and laughed: “Just kidding.”



  Then, Xu Xiuwen was no longer in a hurry to take advantage.

  He hugged the two girls and chatted.

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly thought of something and asked: “What did your sister say? When will she come to the south?”

  Shen Minyao was stunned when she heard it, and then replied: “She hasn’t decided yet. She said she would think about it again.”

  ”What else are you considering?”

  Shen Minyao suddenly asked: “Xu Xiuwen, why do you insist on my sister coming to the south? She is also doing well in the north. She can work in customs in the future.”


  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t say it. If your sister didn’t come to the south, something would happen after graduating from college, right?

  Let’s not talk about whether Shen Minyao believed it or not.

  The key is that Xu Xiuwen didn’t know the specific day and place of her sister’s accident.

  Naturally, it was not easy to remind her.

  The most worry-free way is to let the other party leave the north and come to the south.

  Feeling Shen Minyao’s curious eyes, Xu Xiuwen explained: “My career is still developing, and I need someone I can trust to help me. Your sister, of course I can trust her.”

  Shen Minyao thought of many reasons.

  But she didn’t expect Xu Xiuwen to give such a reason.

  She was stunned for a moment.

  Then a layer of crystal appeared in her eyes.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know her sister, so of course he wouldn’t trust her sister for no reason.

  Because he trusted her, he trusted her sister.

  Shen Minyao was very moved.

  ”I know, I’ll persuade her again.”


  After chatting for a long time.

  Shen Minyao suddenly asked: “What time is it now?” Tang Weiwei glanced

  at the time, “It’s almost 11 o’clock.”

  ”It’s so late, we have to go back.”

  Although it’s said that if you come back late, you can ask the dormitory aunt to open the door.

  But if you go back too late, the dormitory aunt may be asleep.

  Then the door can’t be opened.

  Xu Xiuwen suggested: “It’s so late, why don’t you go to my place.”

  Shen Minyao looked at him warily, “Do you want us to warm your bed again?”

  ”I still want to, but if you don’t want to, you can sleep in the next room.”

  Shen Minyao thought about it and agreed.

  Seeing that Shen Minyao agreed, Tang Weiwei didn’t object.

  So Xu Xiuwen drove the two girls back.

  At this moment, in the dormitory 601,

  only Su Yanyan’s bed was occupied.

  She waited and waited, but Tang Weiwei and Shen Minyao never came back.

  She looked at the time and it was almost 11 o’clock.

  I guess they won’t come back tonight!

  Su Yanyan sighed in disappointment.

  This dormitory suddenly became colder than usual.

  After returning to Jiangning Garden,

  Xu Xiuwen said, “If you are sleepy, go to bed early.”

  Shen Minyao said, “I’ll take a shower first.”

  While Shen Minyao was taking a shower, Xu Xiuwen pulled Tang Weiwei into the bedroom.

  He sat on the edge of the bed, holding Tang Weiwei’s slender waist with his hands.

  Tang Weiwei leaned sideways and sat on his legs, with her hands on her legs, looking a little nervous.

  Looking at the shy blush on the girl’s face, Xu Xiuwen swallowed his saliva unconsciously.

  Tang Weiwei felt Xu Xiuwen’s gaze and said shyly, “Sister Minyao is still here.”

  Xu Xiuwen resisted the urge to kiss her and said, “She’s taking a shower and won’t be able to wash for a while.”

  Tang Weiwei stopped talking immediately, lowered her head, and didn’t know what she was thinking.

  Tang Weiwei’s appearance, among the girls Xu Xiuwen knew, can at least be in the top three.

  It’s not an exaggeration to say that she is in the top two.

  Even Cheng Lu and Xiao Youran can’t suppress Tang Weiwei.

  It’s just that she was too low-key before and didn’t pay attention to dressing up, so she looks mediocre.

  It’s different from Xiao Youran’s iconic melon-shaped face.

  Tang Weiwei has an oval face, the whole face line is very soft, and the jaw line is also very beautiful.

  And the facial features are the finishing touches everywhere.

  First, the signature crescent eyes, when she smiles, it looks like a crescent bay, very lovable.

  The smart eyes make her every move, every frown and smile look lively and lively.

  Especially her own temperament, that innocent and pitiful feeling.

  If any man saw her, he would want to hold her in his hands and protect her.

  He was afraid that she would get hurt.

  To be honest.

  Xu Xiuwen is not a person with a strong desire to protect.

  But when facing Tang Weiwei, Xu Xiuwen’s desire to protect is directly off the charts.

  Apart from her appearance and temperament.

  Tang Weiwei’s figure is also surprisingly good.

  It is not an exaggeration to say that she is curvy.

  Not to mention Tang Weiwei’s three-inch golden lotus.

  Xu Xiuwen still remembers that he once asked Tang Weiwei to help him with her three-inch golden lotus in the car…

  He will never forget

  that feeling
in his life. The

  more Xu Xiuwen watched, the more excited he became.

  had just been entangled with Li Haimei for a few hours in the evening.

  Now he feels thirsty again.

  Xu Xiuwen thought for a while, leaned close to the girl’s ear, and asked softly: “Okay Weiwei, let me touch it, okay?”

  Tang Weiwei’s face suddenly turned red.

  It was red all the way to her ears.

  She didn’t want to reject Xu Xiuwen and disappoint him.

  But she was shy and embarrassed to agree.

  So she just pretended to be dumb.

  On other days, Xu Xiuwen would come by himself.

  But today he really wanted to tease Tang Weiwei.

  So he deliberately asked again: “Okay?”

  Tang Weiwei didn’t say anything, obviously acquiescing.

  But he insisted on asking again.

  Tang Weiwei mustered up the courage to hum.

  Just one hum seemed to have consumed all her strength.

  She opened her little mouth and purred.

  But Xu Xiuwen was still not satisfied and continued to ask: “Can I touch it?”

  Tang Weiwei glanced at Xu Xiuwen aggrievedly.

  Why do you always force her to say it?

  Xu Xiuwen asked several times again.

  Tang Weiwei said with difficulty: “You…you touch it.”

  Xu Xiuwen especially liked to see Tang Weiwei’s shy and lovely appearance.

  Hearing her agree with such difficulty.

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled and was full of pride.

  He smiled and said, “Then I won’t be polite.”


  Xu Xiuwen stretched his hand to Tang Weiwei’s belly.

  Just as he was about to lift up her shirt,

  Xu Xiuwen suddenly said, “No, my hands are too cold, I’m afraid you’ll freeze. Rub my hands for me, and I’ll touch them when they’re warm.”

  Tang Weiwei was dumbfounded.

  How could there be such a shameless request.

  If there was a crack now, she would definitely hide in it.

  But there wasn’t.

  Tang Weiwei was silent for a moment, then mustered up her courage and wrapped Xu Xiuwen’s big hands with her small hands.

  She rubbed gently.

  The smooth skin slid across the palm and back of Xu Xiuwen’s hand.

  The touch was so good.

  Xu Xiuwen’s hands were not cold to begin with, he just said so on purpose.

  Tang Weiwei simply rubbed them a few times, then hurriedly stopped and said, “Hot… hot.”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t tease Tang Weiwei on purpose this time.

  He directly lifted up the girl’s shirt and went in.

  As an expert,
Xu Xiuwen had

  tasted quite a few.

  Tang Weiwei was very well-fed.

  Especially in the past year or so, she had been well-nourished.

  They were no worse than the two An Shishi had.

  Moreover, because there were fewer of them, they were more fresh.

  Xu Xiuwen couldn’t let them go.


  Tang Weiwei’s cheeks flushed and her body trembled slightly, as if she had a fever.

  Xu Xiuwen showed no mercy and directly pinched the girl’s chin and kissed her.

  The situation gradually got out of control.

  Xu Xiuwen looked down at Tang Weiwei lying on the bed.

  Under the girl’s light eyebrows, her beautiful eyes were almost absent-minded. Her originally flawless cheeks were flushed, and her rosy little mouth was slightly open, exhaling hot air.

  At this time, he took the opportunity to take her.

  She shouldn’t refuse, right?

  Xu Xiuwen was hesitating whether to go all out.

  ”Xu Xiuwen, Weiwei is in there?”

  Shen Minyao’s voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

  Shen Minyao’s voice instantly dispelled Xu Xiuwen’s idea.

  And Tang Weiwei immediately sobered up a little.

  She quickly sat up and tidied her clothes.

  Feeling that it was not enough, he stood up again and deliberately kept a little distance from the bed.

  Xu Xiuwen thought to himself, “What a pity.”

  Then he said to the door, “I am coming.”

  He walked over to open the door.

  Shen Minyao appeared outside the door.

  She had just finished taking a shower, her hair was still wet, and she looked like a beauty coming out of the bath, but her eyes were sharp.

  She glanced into the room, and when she saw Tang Weiwei standing in the middle of the room, she raised her eyebrows.

  Shen Minyao said lightly, “Weiwei, it’s your turn to take a shower.”

  ”Uh… OK.”

  Tang Weiwei responded and walked out with her head down.

  From beginning to end, she didn’t dare to look at Xu Xiuwen.

  After Tang Weiwei left.

  Shen Minyao asked, “What did you do to Weiwei just now?”

  Xu Xiuwen lied without blushing or beating his heart.

  He said, “I didn’t do anything, just chatted for a while.”

  ”Are you so honest?” Shen Minyao naturally wouldn’t believe it easily.

  ”Of course.”

  ”Then why does Weiwei’s face look so red?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “If you don’t believe me, you should believe Weiwei, right?”

  Shen Minyao snorted, “I believe Weiwei, but I don’t believe you. Don’t bully Weiwei just because she’s easy to bully.”

  Xu Xiuwen still shook his head.

  ”You really didn’t do anything to Weiwei?”

  Xu Xiuwen said, “You ask so many questions. Are you worried that I did something to her, or are you reminding me that I should do something to you?”

  Shen Minyao spat immediately after hearing this.

  However, her cheeks, which had just finished taking a shower, were a little red.

  She rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen and said, “Don’t mess around.”

  Without waiting for Xu Xiuwen to speak, she said, “I’ll use the hair dryer here to blow your hair.”

  Xu Xiuwen heard this and said, “I’ll help you blow it.”

  Shen Minyao did not refuse.

  Seeing this, Xu Xiuwen said, “Minyao, sit down first, I’ll go get the hair dryer.”


  Xu Xiuwen took out the hair dryer from the bathroom, then walked behind Shen Minyao and lifted the girl’s hair.

  Shen Minyao asked casually, “Why did you think of picking up Weiwei tonight?”

  ”I just happened to pass by there.”


  ”It couldn’t be more true.”

  Shen Minyao was not very happy after hearing this.

  She suddenly said faintly, “If Weiwei didn’t call me, you didn’t want to see me tonight, right?”

  Xu Xiuwen reacted quickly.

  ”How could that be?”

  ”Sometimes, I really don’t know whether you like me or not?”

  ”Of course I like you.”

  ”Other couples just got together and they can’t wait to spend time together. You haven’t come to see me for half a month since school started. It’s harder than climbing to the sky to see you. Xu Xiuwen, what are you busy with?”

  Xiuwen was stunned after hearing this.

  Without waiting for him to explain.

  Shen Minyao suddenly apologized, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t say that.”

  Xu Xiuwen put down the hair dryer and hugged Shen Minyao from behind.

  ”You’re not wrong, it’s just that I don’t care enough about you.”

  Shen Minyao said, “I sometimes think, if the dream you said is true, you are mine alone, and I don’t have to compete with anyone.”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want to talk about the dream he told Shen Minyao.

  He changed the subject and said, “Weiwei’s birthday is coming up, what gift do you think I should prepare?”

  Shen Minyao’s attention was instantly diverted.

  ”Weiwei’s birthday is still a few days away.”

  ”I know, prepare it early so that you don’t have to rush around when the time comes. Do you have any good suggestions?”

  Shen Minyao said, “You should think about it yourself. The birthday gift you gave to Weiwei is your intention, so what’s the point of me getting involved?”

  ”Okay, then I’ll think about it by myself.”

  After a pause.

  Xu Xiuwen asked, “What about you, what gift do you want on your birthday?”

  Shen Minyao’s birthday is one month later than Tang Weiwei’s.

  She said, “I don’t want anything, as long as you accompany me that day.”

  Xu Xiuwen nodded.

  Although Shen Minyao said so, he still had to prepare the gift.

  Otherwise, Shen Minyao would definitely feel unbalanced.

  Xu Xiuwen is a mature scumbag.

  He knows that it is not the lack of time that is worrying, but the inequality of time.

  He can spend less time with Tang Weiwei, Bai Yueer and Shen Minyao.

  But he can never spend more time with one person than the other two.

  Just like tonight.

  The reason why Shen Minyao is a little “sentimental” is because he went to find Tang Weiwei first instead of her.

  ”The hair is blow-dried.” Xu

  Xiuwen said with a smile. Shen Minyao said, “Then I’ll go back to the room.”

  ”Weiwei hasn’t finished taking a shower yet.” Xu Xiuwen said tentatively.

  Shen Minyao turned her head and glanced at him, “What do you want to say?”

  ”Chat with me for a while.”

  ”Just chat?” Shen Minyao’s eyes were full of doubt.

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled, “If you agree, kissing is fine.”

  ”You are so beautiful.” Shen Minyao rolled her eyes at Xu Xiuwen and prepared to get up.

  As a result, as soon as she stood up, Xu Xiuwen came up and kissed her.

  A kiss ended.

  Xu Xiuwen whispered in the girl’s ear, “Can I take a look at you?”

  Shen Minyao was stunned at first, then she understood what he meant, and a shy blush appeared on her face.

  She neither said no nor yes.

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled and immediately began to taste it.

  He had just started.

  Shen Minyao suddenly pressed the back of his hand and said, “Weiwei is about to finish her bath, hurry up.”

  ”Got it.”

  Then the girl blushed and took her hand away from Xu Xiuwen’s hand…

  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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