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Chapter 906: The Ability to Self-Correct

Chapter 906: The Ability to Self-Correct


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 906 The ability to self-correct

  Letting the Weylanders build their own homes is a compromise. After all, the authorities of Settlement No. 1 cannot create a new urban area that can accommodate 5,000 people out of thin air.

  In particular, Settlement No. 1 itself is accepting wastelanders from the eastern provinces. The expansion speed of the settlement and the growth of the population just achieve a fragile balance, and no one is willing to break it.

  Another thing is that these immigrants themselves bring a lot of money and manpower.

  The labor force needs jobs, and the funds need a suitable destination. As long as the resources are allocated slightly, the needs of both can be met at the same time.

  Henk found such an opportunity to meet the demands of all parties.

  The authorities of Settlement No. 1 only need to come up with a planning blueprint to get a high-growth new district for free. The construction site of the new district can not only boost the local economy, but also solve more problems brought about by the continued integration of the Weylanders in the future.

  And with the dinar as a guarantee, the banks of the alliance will also be happy to provide loans.

  After all, using real foreign exchange as collateral is much more reliable than using IOUs or stocks as collateral.

  Although some Poros nitpicked on the word “homeland” and shouted that this was a conspiracy of the Weilante “soft colonization”, not many people actually bought it.

  After all, in terms of numbers alone, there are far more Poros who ran to the Alliance than Weilantes.

  First, the Moon Tribe, and then the residents of Jingalon Port. These guys have been running since the Xilan period.

  In a sense, they are actually beneficiaries of the Alliance Constitution.

  People who want to tear down the bridge after crossing the river are not popular anywhere.

  In fact, after some Poros calmed down, they realized that the reasons for their protest were untenable.

  They tried to use racial narratives to gain sympathy from others, but the survivors in the eastern provinces did not buy it.

  The Alliance supported the war in the Poro Province not because of their bloodline or hatred of the Weilantes, but because of the similarity of class positions-they are also survivors suffering in the wasteland.

  They themselves suffered humiliation because of their race and fled to the Alliance to seek asylum. Now they are using racism to attack their class brothers. It is unreasonable. Moreover, it is done

  in such a violent way…

  By noon, most of the protesters gathered in front of the city hall had dispersed, but there were still a hundred stubborn guys who were still holding their ground.

  The guards of the settlement pulled a cordon around them.

  Although there were several shoves during the period, it did not turn into a conflict.

  Compared with the wastelanders in the eastern provinces, the survivors in the Borneo Province are not so aggressive and have relatively docile personalities.

  As for paranoia, that is another matter.

  Most Borneo people are only keen to reason when it is beneficial to them, and they regard the pros and cons of logic as enemies, even if this behavior that harms others and does not benefit themselves has caused them a lot of suffering in the past two centuries.

  Standing outside the cordon, looking at the excited old man holding the flag of the Mammoth Country, the young guard couldn’t help but curl his lips.

  ”Since they like Laxi so much, why don’t they go back? Now is the time when Laxi needs them the most.”

  The old colleague standing next to him grinned and said teasingly.

  ”Haha, I dare to bet you a silver coin. If he really goes to Laxi’s territory, he will be more honest than entering our prison.”

  The young guard couldn’t help laughing, but was glared at by the old man carrying the flag of the Mammoth Country.

  ”What are you laughing at! I paid taxes!”

  The young guard said with a smile.

  ”Yes, yes, your majesty, if you think anyone around here has not paid taxes, please let me know.”

  The old man’s face turned pale with anger.

  The colleague standing by quickly pulled the young guard and gave him a warning look, telling him not to make trouble.

  The latter made a helpless expression and turned back to the car.

  At this time, the mayor who did not show up seemed to finally be unable to withstand the pressure and finally sent his secretary out.

  Perhaps seeing the dawn of victory, the hundreds of Brahmans protested louder and became more and more excited.

  The mayor’s secretary, who was pushed out to block the thunder, felt a headache. He took the loudspeaker from the staff of the city hall and shouted at the hundreds of Brahmans who were shouting slogans.

  ”Ahem… friends from the Brahman Province, please calm down. No matter what you ask for, this is just an administrative agency, not a legislative or judicial agency, and it is not the Duke’s manor. We, like you, must abide by common laws. If you think that taking in those Weilant people violates the laws of the alliance, or there are any problems with our laws, you should go to the representative council or the court–”

  He was interrupted by voices before he finished speaking.

  To be honest, he had never been to the front line and this was the first time he saw such brave Brahmans. The old man carrying the mammoth flag shouted at him with a red face and thick neck.

  ”Is this a legal issue!”

  ”Then what do you say is the problem–”

  His voice was interrupted again, and the young man following the old man shouted at him.

  ”That’s right! The law is just the bottom line! It doesn’t mean it’s right!”

  ”That’s right! This law is unreasonable. Why should the Weilants share the fruits of our labor!”

  ”And they are Weilants from the Southern Legion! Who knows if there will be a few centurions or decurions among them!”

  Voices echoed in front of the city hall. The protesting Poros seemed determined to turn the cement floor here into mud and wait for someone to stir it up.

  The mayor’s secretary was dumbfounded.

  But he was a man who had seen the world after all, and his mind quickly turned around.

  ”That’s right, the law is just the bottom line. We should use higher moral standards to demand ourselves in our daily lives… But a person who doesn’t even have a bottom line, can you believe that he has a higher moral standard than the bottom line?”

  Perhaps because the players were all reasonable, he instinctively wanted to rely on reason to convince these emotional Poros.

  However, he did not realize that trying to reason with the Poros was a wrong decision.

  No Poros had ever become emperor by convincing people with reason. Without exception, they all achieved their goals by cheating, stealing, robbing, and other means.

  ”I want to see the manager!”

  ”We can’t explain it to you!”

  ”That’s right! Let us see the manager!”

  The unreasonable roars made all the clear explanations become a joke. The secretary who was still trying to reason finally understood why his superiors were unwilling to face these guys himself. The group of people at the meeting pretended not to see it. What

  they wanted was not order, but something else.

  He finally gave up and shouted in self-destruction.

  ”Okay! Go! If you don’t go, I will look down on you! Go buy your tickets and go to Dawn City to see your respected manager! Go and tell that gentleman in person, respected manager, you are wasting your energy… No one is stopping you!”

  The guards standing behind the isolation belt and watching the show looked at each other.

  ”I suddenly began to sympathize with the mayor…”

  ”It’s not just you.”

  It is worth mentioning that the Security Bureau is not a subordinate department of the City Hall. Settlement No. 1 is also in the same vein as Dawn City in this regard.

  As long as things do not develop into violent conflicts, they will not take action. If they obey the orders of the City Hall or a powerful “big man” and disperse the crowd who did not take further action, they may be punished by the Guards.

  The protesting Polans obviously understood this, so they did not block the door or occupy the road, but just shouted under the window of the mayor’s office.

  At noon, Gu Ning took a car from the port area to the vicinity of the city hall, and happened to meet another regional representative of the representative council not far from the door.

  His name is Suka. If you only look at his ID card and appearance, even the Polans can’t tell that he is a member of the Moon Tribe.

  However, Gu Ning, who is also in the regional representative council, knows his identity, and also knows that he takes out a quarter of his salary every month and sends it to the Federation of Jinjialun Port (not the one in Abusek).

  Perhaps because of the suffering they have suffered in the past, these Moon Tribe people are more united than the “snakes, rats, insects and birds” in the Polan Province.

  Gu Ning gently adjusted his collar, stopped beside him, smiled gently and said.

  ”Aren’t you going to speak for them?”

  Suka was silent for a moment, sighed and said.

  ”Mr. Gu, can you understand the love-hate relationship?”

  Gu Ning understood the complexity and dilemma in his eyes, but didn’t say much. He just smiled and patted his shoulder.

  ”Leave it to me.”

  Silently watching Gu Ning walking forward, Suka shook his head, and finally couldn’t bear to continue watching, so he turned and left.

  They were all people sitting together in the meeting, so how could he not know what was hidden in that guy’s smile?

  He was sure that what that guy was going to do might be good for the alliance, but it might not be a good thing for his compatriots.

  But he no longer had the ability to stop it, and he didn’t know whether he should stop it.

  After all, he was already a member of the alliance…

  It is worth mentioning that there have always been two forces within the alliance, radical and conservative, corresponding to the left and the right respectively. Although objectively speaking, these two forces are still very young and rarely have public debates, it does not mean that they do not exist.

  For example, Mr. Gu is a typical conservative.

  They have no dispute with the radicals on the issue of “accepting the survivors suffering in the wasteland”, after all, this is the earliest clause written in the constitution.

  However, they and the people they represent have completely different views on specific issues such as “what kind of survivors are worth accepting”, “what kind of people can unite”, and “whether uniting people who should not be united will shake the foundation of the alliance”.

  Another thing worth mentioning is that there are actually not as many people who hate the Weilantes in the alliance as the Poro and Weilantes themselves imagine.

  After all, represented by Vanus, the Weilantes have been fighting side by side with the survivors of the River Valley Province a long time ago, fighting against the Legion and the lackeys supported by the Legion.

  And the efforts of these people are seen by others.

  The residents of the shelter do not engage in racial narratives. In their view, the survivors of this planet have been the remnants of the Human Alliance for two centuries – even the Weilantes created by the Ministry of Technology use human DNA templates and the crystallization of human civilization’s biotechnology.

  In addition, the Legion’s ass is not clean, and the Empire’s is not much noble.

  Not to mention the things that Wu Tuo had done, even the countries in the Borneo Province that had distanced themselves from him had carried out a series of appalling operations such as “open assassinations in diplomatic occasions”, “exploitation of overseas workers”, and “smuggling of contraband”.

  Many people sympathized with them, and many people thought they deserved it.

  It was precisely because of this that it was difficult to gain the “favoritism” of the public in the alliance by selling misery, and it was even more dangerous to try to challenge the constitution of the alliance with such “favoritism”.

  Suka actually saw it very clearly.

  Compared with the “Southern Willant” who kept their tails between their legs and those Willant who had distanced themselves from the Southern Legion, the guys gathered at the door of the city hall were actually doing something dangerous.

  The more they emphasized their bloodline and the tragic fate attached to their bloodline, and tried to kidnap those progressive voices to go against their original intentions, the more they would awaken the backlash of conservative voices within the alliance –

  [We have helped you enough, so stop.]

  The conservatives will definitely take advantage of the issue.

  And it was too late for him to stop them…

  Seeing the people from the representative council coming, the mayor’s secretary who was standing downstairs to appease the emotions of the Brahmans finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”You are finally here.”

  Gu Ning, who rushed to the scene, didn’t waste any words. He counted the number of people present, and then pulled the secretary aside.

  ”Help me order 120 boxed lunches for them, and mineral water. I’ll pay for it… Don’t order too expensive. The budget is 200 silver coins.

  Just make sure they can eat enough.” Thinking that this guy was here to help, the secretary looked at him strangely.

  ”Send them food? If I were them, I could mess around here until night!”

  Gu Ning said concisely.

  ”People can’t listen to anything when they are hungry. It’s better to let them mess around until night than to let them come again tomorrow… Don’t forget to order one for me too. I haven’t eaten a single bite since morning.”

  The mayor’s secretary stared at him with a strange expression, but in the end he said nothing and turned back to the city hall.

  Not long after, 121 lunch boxes were delivered. The one meat and two vegetables were not rich, but not shabby either.

  The Brahma people were hungry and their voices were hoarse, but they did not refuse the food and water provided by the representative.

  Gu Ning personally distributed the food to the protesters present and ate with them.

  Perhaps he was moved by his people-friendly behavior, and the Brahma people all regarded him as a family member with whom they could talk about anything.

  In response to their praise, Gu Ning just smiled modestly, ate quietly until he was 70% full, and then waited for everyone to finish eating.

  This was not a show.

  Or to be more precise, at least the part of treating people to dinner was not.

  At most, it was a courtesy before force.

  Finally, it was time for lunch break, and the streets gradually became more populated with residents working nearby. Most of them were survivors from the eastern provinces, and there were also Willant people from the Eastern Legion. Most of them came over with the mentality of watching the fun.

  Seeing that more and more people were around, the well-fed and well-drinking Boro wiped his hands, picked up the sign on the ground again, and prepared to strike while the iron was hot.

  At this time, Gu Ning said in a gentle tone.

  ”Friends, I haven’t asked you what your demands are. Now please tell me. I can only solve your problems if I know your demands.”

  ”We don’t like the Willant people.”

  ”Get them out of the alliance!”

  ”They are the problems that were created, right? Why can’t we delete these big noses from this world?”

  Looking at those excited people, Gu Ning smiled friendly and took the loudspeaker from the mayor’s secretary.

  ”I don’t like it… That’s a good reason. I, like you, don’t like many things, such as things that are too sweet and too salty. But compared to these two things, I hate those who think the whole world has to revolve around them.”

  ”That kind of person is like a baby with a head that is too big to fit in a stroller. Today they want this person to die, and tomorrow they want that person to die. If they want to satisfy their appetite, they have to start all over again. It’s far better to sew up their stinky mouths… I want to say, since all the problems are caused by these things, why can’t they die?”

  The scene was silent.

  Including the mayor’s secretary who handed him the loudspeaker, the whole person opened his mouth in shock.

  However, not everyone had a surprised expression.

  For example, the young man who had returned to the police car earlier couldn’t help but clap his hands excitedly… in a place where no one could see.

  The Brahmans who came to their senses understood his indirect criticism and cursed at him.

  ”What the hell do you mean?!”

  ”It’s really unfair… Those big-nosed people are to blame, is it our fault?!”

  ”You betrayed the alliance!”

  They cursed more harshly than each other, but perhaps because they were full or because they were too humble, their voices were not very confident.

  Facing the overwhelming curses, Gu Ning seemed to turn a deaf ear to them, and instead continued to speak to the more people standing behind them in a louder and louder voice.

  ”I am forever loyal to the Alliance. No one loves the Alliance more than me. Those who run away with their tails between their legs have no right to judge me.”

  ”Also, I’m not targeting anyone. I’m just talking about the kind of guys I hate. If I have the chance, I really hope to build a large colony ship and send those lunatics to a planet alone.”

  ”They can just stay with themselves, just use the old tricks they are best at, kill themselves on that planet, mate with what they want to mate with, lick the toes they want to lick, just like what animals do and think about all day long, as long as they don’t get in our way!” I’ve

  never seen a representative so down-to-earth. People on the street cheered and whistled.

  A player with a prosthetic even laughed and said something to add fuel to the fire.

  ”I support you. I guess you are talking about the Legion!”

  Gu Ning pointed at him and said what he said.

  ”You’re right. The Legion is not short of those guys who want to ride on other people’s heads and shit all day long! Especially those captains, they use lies to start wars, passively or actively participate in them, use the blood of their compatriots to smear their ugly and dirty Yu Wang, and then use their marshals and their constant loyalty as a shield! Such hypocritical things are not worthy of the word loyalty, and they are not even worthy of being loyal and brave Willant people, am I right?”

  Applause rang out in the crowd.

  And the guys who applauded were the Willant people.

  Their faces were filled with red light of excitement, and that guy said what they wanted to say most in their hearts but were embarrassed to say.

  Today’s Legion is no longer the Legion that fought for the fate of the Willant people back then, but a monster that drinks human blood and eats human flesh.

  Maybe other Willant people have different opinions.

  But at least those who stand here came here because they were fed up with those lies.

  ”You’re right!”

  ”Fuck the Southern Legion! Fuck Tyr!”

  ”These idiots are the traitors who betrayed the Weyland people!”

  The Boro people standing behind the isolation line were speechless for a moment.

  It’s not that they had nothing to say, but they were suddenly “disarmed” and caught off guard by this sudden change. After

  a faint glance at the protesters who had stopped, Gu Ning looked back at the increasingly loud applause on the street and continued to speak with the loudspeaker.

  ”Very good, and congratulations to you. You have truly joined our cause. You sincerely want to end the wasteland era and are willing to dedicate your lives to liberating the suffering survivors… and it is our honor to be able to help you who have ideals.”

  ”As for those guys who cursed me, I don’t want to ask what you are here for, but haven’t you read the Alliance’s Constitution before coming here? Since you are unwilling to abide by our rules, why are you here? Instead of going back to your empire or finding a cooler place in the wasteland?”

  ”Is it because the empire and the wasteland don’t spoil you? Or is it because the people of the valley seem to be easy to talk to, and the people of Jinchuan seem to be elegant and easy-going? We try to seek common ground while reserving differences and accept your differences. Have you ever considered integrating into us for a moment?”

  ”Our respected administrator has given you too many opportunities. If you think we have violated a law, you can sue the illegal bastard. If you think the problem lies with the law, you can go to the representative meeting to express your opinion. If you think there is a problem with the enforcement of the law, then go to the Guards!”

  ”And you, insist on using the most drastic and annoying way to ask us to shake our own foundation for your feelings… Do you hate the Legion, or do you hate yourselves for not being able to be a Legionnaire?”

  ”Remember, I’m talking about those people who cursed me and wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible. I’m not targeting any normal Brahman.”

  ”The Alliance is an alliance of all survivors, not your wishing machine. Oh, I almost forgot to say, the second most hated guys in my life are those unruly bastards who love to cut in line!”

  Applause and whistles rang out at the door of the City Hall, and even the few younger guards who were standing near the isolation line to maintain order couldn’t help but applaud.

  The protesters at the entrance of the city hall became more and more ashamed, and finally glared at Gu Ning fiercely, and left one after another.

  The old man carrying the mammoth flag passed by him and said harshly.

  ”I hate you… My children and I will never give you the ticket.”

  Gu Ning returned the loudspeaker to the mayor’s secretary and looked at him and said.

  ”Then leave it to the one you love the most. I am not a silver coin. I am just myself. How can I please everyone?”

  When he said this, he paused and smiled maliciously.

  ”But old man, I still have to remind you that if you really meet someone who does everything you want, you must be careful with your wallet. Only scammers will meet everyone’s needs, even if those demands are contradictory.”

  The old man didn’t wait for him to finish his words. Seeing that the threat was useless, he left angrily.

  Gu Ning smiled and watched the last protester leave, and his face returned to his polite appearance.

  In fact, he has always been polite, even if the volume of the loudspeaker is slightly higher.

  Sitting in the car far away, Suka sighed, rubbed the ID card in his hand with his index finger, and finally stuffed it back into his arms.

  ”What went wrong?”

  He was puzzled and leaned his forehead against his clasped palms in pain.

  The premonition in his heart became stronger.

  His people were winning a war.

  But they were gradually losing another one…

  On the other side, a rumbling train passed by the platform of the Mafu Town station, carrying countless people who were full of hope for a new life and heading towards the endless wasteland.

  Chu Guang, who was sitting on the train, cast his eyes on the rolling mountains in the distance.

  There is the Ten Peaks Mountain. It is

  where the coalition forces of the Sticky Community met in Jinchuan Province.

  It was the first cooperation between the Legion, the Academy and the Enterprise in a century and a half, and it was also a turning point in the war between the survivors and the “world-destroying forces”.

  A nostalgic smile appeared on Chu Guang’s face.

  ”The Weifu City is ahead.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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