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Chapter 907 I am not your leader

Chapter 907 I am not your leader


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 907 I am not your leader of ten thousand men.

  Unlike the Singularity City, which has a close historical connection with the War Construction Committee, the Weifu City located in the Weifu Wasteland is a settlement built from scratch by survivors from all corners of the world.

  The only thing that can be traced here, apart from the old-time city that has disappeared, is a slave manor with a large population.

  After the Torch Church came here, the slave manor with a large population was gone, and only some mutants and the Naguo that mutants love to eat were occupied.

  The nearly complete kingdom of heaven once descended on this land, and the hyphae of Naguo once penetrated every inch of the soil here, but now the corroded soil has gradually been purified into nutrients by the mutant slime mold mother nest assimilated by Xiaoyu.

  There are vast plains and rivers with rich water systems here. In time, it may become a fertile land that is not inferior to the banks of the Tasang River in the Borneo Province.

  The only thing missing here may be people.

  Compared with the more developed Dawn City, Dawn City and Stone City, there are many deficiencies in both infrastructure and medical conditions here.

  Fortunately, this little difficulty did not stop the pioneers of the Alliance from setting foot on this land.

  The factories in Stone City and Dawn City provide a wealth of tools for those pioneers.

  They build carriage-style tents in the wilderness, install solar panels on the top of the tents, use exoskeletons with explorer plug-ins to find mineral deposits, drive agricultural machinery to reclaim land, and occasionally issue commissions to nearby players to clear out aliens, mutants or predator nests.

  In addition to pioneers from other settlements of the Alliance, there are also Willant people from the distant western world, wastelanders from the Yunjian Province, and even settlers who migrated from the Wandering Swamp, as well as the Poros from the Thousand Pillars City.

  Their specialties vary, some are good at fighting, some are good at mining, and some are good at farming or brewing.

  Of course, the most here are wanderers from the Jinchuan Province.

  With the threat of the torch eliminated, Weifu City, which has deployed a mind interference device, has become a paradise second only to Singularity City in this basin.

  Unlike Singularity City, there is no AI here that manages everything and wants to be a mother.

  They can do whatever they want as long as they do not violate the laws of the alliance and do not hinder the equality of others.

  Just like when Dawn City rose.

  The producers formed industry representatives, and then people outside the producers also nominated people who could represent themselves, and finally the Representative Council was born.

  Under the framework of the Alliance Constitution and Alliance Law, the local survivors gradually clarified their own rules and selected representatives to go to the Representative Council of Dawn City to participate in the formulation of the first two laws.

  In addition, they can also represent the citizens of the Alliance to exercise the supervisory power that every citizen naturally possesses, ensure that the administrative organs of the Alliance operate within the framework of the law, and submit them to the court for arbitration after determining that they are illegal.

  This system and the municipal system of the Alliance operate independently of each other, which is still relatively appropriate at present.

  As for what kind of rules will be adopted in the new era after the end of the “Settlement Era”, that is a matter of the future.

  By then, the Alliance will surely have a larger administrative division and a larger population, and the territory may span dozens of light years and cover several star systems.

  By then, the city lords and governors, whose functions are becoming increasingly marginalized, may withdraw from the stage of history along with the position of administrator.

  Including “shelter residents”.

  In the future, they will no longer be blue coats or blue gophers.

  Their children will become glorious Alliance members like other wastelanders and Willant children, and will not be divided into inner and outer cities like Boulder City, or use letters to divide classes and identities like the academy.

  But that will probably be a long time in the future.

  Chu Guang did not intend to plan everything for the Alliance for the next few hundred years.

  After all, even things within a few years will always be beyond his and others’ expectations.

  He believes that his children will be able to find a balance between tradition and innovation that suits them, and pass on their past to a more distant future.

  At this moment, the train stopped at the platform of the station.

  Chu Guang stood up and was about to get off the train when he suddenly noticed that Lu Bei walked in with a serious expression.

  ”Sir, there is something wrong with Settlement No. 1.”

  Although Chu Guang had just finished eating melons on the forum, he still smiled and said to Lu Bei.

  ”Tell me.”

  Looking at the manager walking towards the train aisle, Lu Bei hurriedly followed him and whispered in a serious tone what the Guards had noticed.

  Chu Guang nodded after listening and said with a smile.

  ”Is there any problem with this?”

  Lu Bei hesitated for a moment and expressed his opinion in a deep voice.

  ”You said that if we want to end the wasteland era, we must unite all the people we can unite and save all the suffering survivors. But the representative named Gu Ning is inciting others to hate the Boro people…”

  His loyalty to Chu Guang is unquestionable. After all, it was that gentleman who pulled him out of hell a long time ago.

  It is precisely because of this that he does not like that eloquent guy.

  In his opinion, that person is completely distorting the meaning of the manager, and even using people’s emotions for personal gain, instead of truly understanding the teachings of that gentleman.

  However, although he didn’t like that guy, he still remembered what Chu Guang had said to him. He just watched from the side to see if the parties in the vortex had any unusual behavior, but he didn’t take any further action.

  After listening carefully to Lu Bei’s opinion, Chu Guang thought for a moment, sighed softly and said,

  ”What you said before was very objective, but you forgot the objective principle when evaluating specific people. For example, I don’t like the word “incitement”. That Mr. Gu just expressed his opinion, and I didn’t see any hatred against specific people or distortion of facts in his expression.”

  ”I…” Lu Bei was stunned when he heard it, and wanted to explain anxiously.

  Chu Guang looked at the anxious look of the young man, smiled gently, and continued.

  ”I know you have no ill intentions, but you are just a little too anxious.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Everyone has their own ideas, and we should give them the opportunity to express their ideas. That is why, even in the most difficult times, we must select representatives born in all walks of life from the factory workshops and the farmlands of Changjiu Farm.”

  ”If the opinions of a large number of individuals are not taken seriously, we will become a wild horse that has run away from its reins, just like the former Monolith City. The survivors there, whether ordinary people or elites, are following an outdated blueprint and building a building that most people don’t like at all. The harder they work, the more painful it is, and the more they go against their dreams, except for the people living in the building.”

  ”In the end, whether it is the tenants of the building or the survivors outside, they all made the worst choice without exception and went to a lose-lose situation. It was not until the building collapsed that they were truly relieved.”

  Lu Bei whispered.

  ”We will not become Monolith City.”

  Chu Guang smiled and said.

  ”I hope not, but the ‘black card’ will not disappear because we ignore its existence. But we can distribute it to more people to spread the risks we may encounter in the future.”

  Lu Bei couldn’t help asking.

  ”Is there no way to completely eliminate the risk? For example, take preventive measures.”

  Chu Guang shook his head slightly.

  ”Even the sun will go out one day, not to mention the civilization that is only tens of thousands of years old and us who are only a few years old…Risk can only be reduced, it is impossible to eliminate it. Don’t think about those unrealistic things, which are either the bold assumptions of dreamers or the sweet talk of liars.”

  The idea of ​​foolproofness is the most vigilant. Invisible risks are more dangerous than visible ones, because they are often not really foolproof, but just burying the 10001st worst possibility in the soil.

  Once you embark on that road, everyone will passively participate in a gamble with no return.

  The final outcome of the gamblers is generally nothing new. Either they rush into the sky for a short time and exile themselves in the outer space with weak gravity, or they fall to the ground with a bang and are torn to pieces by the gravity of reality.

  Looking at Lu Bei who was lost in thought, Chu Guang stopped at the door of the carriage, patted him on the shoulder with his hand, and continued in a gentle tone.

  ”I said a long time ago that I have only one request for you, and that is loyalty.”

  ”This sentence always applies to the Guards Corps. I hope you will always remember it, and remember the second half of the sentence I didn’t finish at that time.”

  ”You should always be loyal to the citizens of the Alliance and the laws that the citizens swore allegiance to, and devote everything you have to defending their dignity and rights.”

  ”If one day I am gone, and someone tries to kidnap you in my name, that person is the enemy of everyone in the Alliance and your undisputed enemy.”

  He must not only be wary of becoming the lord of the Stone City, but also be wary of becoming Marshal Julius.

  The huge legion is full of traitors who are loyal beyond words.

  The Alliance must not become them.

  A trace of enlightenment appeared in Lu Bei’s pupils, and with a little shame.

  He lowered his head and put his right fist on his chest.

  ”I remember.”

  Chu Guang smiled at this promising young man, and stood on the platform of the train station after getting off the train.

  Just when he got off the train, Li Jinrong and the leadership team of Weifu City were standing not far from the platform, looking like they wanted to get closer but couldn’t make up their minds.

  Seeing those familiar faces, Chu Guang knew that the news of his inspection trip to the south had indeed spread.

  Although the alliance did not popularize the Internet, the speed of information exchange was different from before.

  In addition, he did not deliberately cover it up, but just turned on a holographic image when communicating with the masses, so it was possible that people saw or guessed it.

  To be honest, it was not easy to get here before the news spread.

  Li Jinrong came up with a smile when he made eye contact with Chu Guang and saw that the manager noticed him.

  ”Dear manager, why are you here?”

  Perhaps because of his experience in administrative work, this man who used to lead the Iron Tower Organization to fight guerrilla warfare with the Torch Church was much more stable than before. He

  was also more tactful.

  Chu Guang smiled and shook his hand with him, saying in a gentle tone.

  ”I haven’t been here for a long time. I just came here to take a look at how the survivors are doing after I left. Don’t be nervous, just do what you need to do.”

  Li Jinrong said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, we are all doing well. Now life here is on the right track.”

  When he said this, he smiled embarrassedly and continued awkwardly.

  ”It’s just…please let me know in advance when you come next time so that we can be prepared. After all, this is not Dawn City. It’s better to be prepared for safety!”

  Chu Guang laughed and made a joke at Li Jinrong who was still a little nervous.

  ”You don’t need to worry about my safety. There is no one in this world who can threaten my safety.”

  This is indeed not his bragging.

  People who can be stronger than X-16 in terms of individual combat power are rare in the wasteland, let alone directly taking him as an opponent.

  As for rising to the level of war machines, that is another matter.

  For example, things like tanks, planes, cannons and missiles, it is still difficult to get close to him without being noticed.

  It’s just that because the power of an individual is limited in the confrontation between systems, he rarely charges at the front like the players.

  And he also took the lead in charging when the alliance needed him to do so in the early days.

  Looking at Li Jinrong with a wry smile, Chu Guang didn’t make it difficult for him, and said in a tolerant tone.

  ”Since you are here, you can report your work. Just try to pick out the key points. I will use my eyes to confirm the rest… By the way, let’s talk about it after we leave the station, so as not to affect the passengers here.”

  He suddenly noticed that more and more people gathered around to watch the excitement.

  Among them were local residents, wastelanders, and players who came to this area to do tasks.

  Pairs of eyes looked at this side curiously.

  Compared with the curiosity about him, people were more curious about why he appeared here.

  The players were concerned about the new expansion pack, while other people living in this land were concerned about whether this meant that the alliance would make another big move in the south.

  In fact, they were not wrong.

  After the gravity well was activated, this land will soon enter a brand new era.

  Seeing that Chu Guang was really just here to take a look, and not because he had done anything wrong at work, Li Jinrong finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became more sincere.

  ”Please follow me.”


  Due to the commotion on the station platform, the news of Chu Guang’s visit to Weifu City spread like wildfire, and on the next day, it immediately became the headline of the “Survivor Daily” of the entire alliance and even the South Sea Alliance.

  Not only the survivors of Weifu City were excitedly discussing this matter, but even the survivors of Settlement No. 1 were also excitedly discussing whether the gentleman would come to their settlement to take a look.

  Although there was really nothing to see in Settlement No. 1, except for the urban area near the port. At

  the breakfast shop near the dock, white mist was floating on the big iron pot, and the dock workers wearing safety helmets were chattering.

  ”Why did the manager come here suddenly?”

  ”Could it be because of the incident at the city hall?”

  ”What the hell, how could such a small thing catch the eye of the manager?”

  ”What else could it be…no treasures have been fished out of the sea recently.”

  ”Maybe he was visiting the South Sea Alliance. I heard that Coral City has finally been fully electrified recently, and the people who used to live there and some residents of Shelter 70 have moved back. It should be this.”

  ”I don’t think it has anything to do with that. It’s probably about that elevator.”

  ”Space elevator?”

  ”And the gravity well! I heard that thing can pull down the garbage in orbit.”

  ”Hiss…I hope it doesn’t pull down the nuclear bombs left by our ancestors.”

  ”Even if there is, it has been ineffective for a long time, right?”

  Just as everyone was talking, a man in a formal suit walked to the side of the clock-in counter.

  The foreman in a safety helmet was yawning, and suddenly a pair of shiny leather shoes appeared in his eyes.

  Thinking that it was the supervisor or the manager, he quickly shook off his sleepiness and sat up straight from his chair, but his eyes met Henk’s miserable face.

  He rolled his eyes in annoyance, and the foreman leaned back in his chair again, cursing and complaining.

  ”What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Henk, who was dressed in a proper manner, grinned and put the resignation letter on the table.

  ”I’m here to resign.”

  ”Have you found a new job?” Picking up the resignation letter, the foreman raised his eyebrows in surprise.

  The work at the dock is very mobile, and none of his workers have ever written such a thing, especially those who are paid daily.

  Usually, if they can’t contact someone for several days, they will be considered to have resigned.

  Henk smiled confidently and nodded.

  ”To be precise, I have found a new starting point for my career… Wish me good luck, brother.”

  The foreman was stunned for a moment and laughed.

  ”Haha! Okay, I wish you good luck, and I hope I don’t see you here next month.”

  Henk said with a smile.

  ”No… But when I become rich, I will definitely come back to show off to you. I hope you won’t find me annoying then.”

  As he said this, he put the folded exoskeleton in the suitcase on the table, along with the work clothes and hard hat he had used some time ago.

  The foreman smiled at him, wrote him a note, and stuffed it into his hand.

  ”Go to the finance department to collect the rest of your wages… Damn, you even gave me a free meal before you left.”

  Henk took the note and said with a smile.

  ”It’s mainly because I miss you. I won’t be able to eat it in the future.”

  ”Damn, stop talking nonsense there, get out of here.”

  The foreman laughed and scolded, making a gesture to drive him away, and the latter did not continue to disturb his work and went to say goodbye to others.

  In fact, to be honest, he did not dislike the big nose, and he could even say that he liked him quite a bit.

  Although Henk was a little slow when working and often absent from work, he had a good relationship with others and was usually very good at dealing with things.

  Maybe this kind of person should not work at the dock, and he should also play his due value on a broader platform.

  His only wish was that this guy could use his intelligence and wisdom in the right way…

  Just as Henk said goodbye to his last friend and took the remaining salary to the first office that “Henk Group” had just rented in Settlement No. 1, Gu Ning of the Representative Council was taking Alman, the representative elected by the Weilant immigrants, to inspect the new home of more than 5,000 Weilant people.

  It is worth mentioning that this representative is not the same as that representative.

  Alman, who has just started to apply for the citizenship of the Alliance, still holds the identity of “supervised person”. He is not a formal citizen of the Alliance, and does not have complete political power. Naturally, he cannot propose or vote at the representative meeting. However,

  in Gu Ning’s view, with Alman’s ability and popularity, it is only a matter of time for him to join the Alliance and become a representative of the Weilant people… as long as he has this idea.

  Although he is a conservative in the representative council, Gu Ning does not oppose those “newcomers”. After all, he was not born in the Alliance. He was also attracted by the Alliance’s philosophy and later joined this organization dedicated to ending the wasteland era.

  He only disliked those who didn’t follow the rules, and those who treated the alliance as a trash can, stuffing everything into it, regardless of whether the trash was suitable for the alliance.

  He didn’t want to target the Poro people, but those guys had been making trouble more than once or twice, and the so-called progressives of the radicals were too soft on them.

  In contrast, it was the Weilants who pleased him a little more.

  They liked to drink vodka, and he happened to like whiskey. The most popular of both in Settlement No. 1 was the 40-proof one, the only difference being that one used potatoes and the other used wheat.

  At this moment, Alman didn’t know that Mr. Gu next to him had already regarded himself as a potential ally.

  If he knew, he would definitely laugh and cry.

  After so many fucked-up things, he didn’t want to touch politics at all.

  He just wanted to open ten churches to fulfill his vows for the Silver Moon Goddess and pray for peace for his family.

  ”This is the east of Settlement No. 1, an open plain. Because it is far from a water source, not many people live here… But these are not a problem. As long as the money is in place, the water pipes can be moved here at any time, including roads and so on.”

  ”In short, there is more than enough water for domestic use, don’t worry. Anyway, I don’t think you guys are farming by the sea. In addition, other necessary materials can also be imported from the South China Sea Alliance. Their factories are quite powerful, claiming that they can copy books on hair… Haha, it sounds like bragging, but I have really seen it.”

  Looking at the barren land with nothing in the distance, Gu Ning narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile.

  ”As for public opinion, don’t worry. The news of the managers going south has replaced all the headlines, including the new district of ‘Willant Street’, including the protests of some annoying people… Since you have your own start-up funds, I believe you should also want to spend this time in a low-key manner, rather than being like those guys who chatter all day and only think about begging.”

  Yarman smiled embarrassedly and looked at him sincerely.

  ”Thank you for thinking so much for us. I really don’t know how to thank you.”

  These days, his compatriots have been living on the boat. Some elderly and children have fallen ill due to inadaptability to the water and soil. Some young people want to get off the boat to find work, and there is a pregnant woman who is about to give birth.

  Problems are always proportional to the number of people.

  Settlement No. 1 has never accepted so many immigrants, and he has never taken care of so many people at the same time.

  Thanks to the help of this representative and that Henk, they got hospital beds and necessary medicines.

  Not only that, those young people who wanted to find a job also found jobs to support their families under the introduction of Mr. Gu, and lived in the staff dormitory of their workplace.

  Although the accommodation conditions are average and most of the jobs are manual labor with no threshold, it is already a good transition.

  The actual conditions are there, and the local survivors have no complaints, and they have no reason to complain.

  People with strong abilities can naturally find more suitable jobs.

  ”God helps those who help themselves. I have followed this truth when I was in the wasteland. You don’t have to thank me. We welcome all capable survivors to join us and overthrow this fucking wasteland together and send everything in the old era to the grave.”

  Gu Ning held Yarman’s hand, patted his shoulder with a smile, and continued to talk to this vicissitudes of life man.

  ”But to be honest, I have to talk about something practical. Even if you have your own streets, I hope you will try to treat your traditions and culture more as a symbol, rather than a precept to distinguish your identity, and then try to integrate into the surroundings… After all, you have seen that even those we sympathize with will also cause our disgust if they behave too unreasonably.”

  Yarman said seriously.

  ”I will pass on your advice to my compatriots.”

  Gu Ning smiled and let go of his hand.

  ”Relax, don’t be so serious. I am just your mouthpiece, not your leader.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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