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Chapter 909 Let’s meet the manager!

Chapter 909 Let’s meet the manager!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 909 Let’s meet the manager!

  In the northern part of Settlement No. 1, at the outpost near the ruins of Haibei City, Anthony, with a cigarette butt in his mouth, was sitting in the barracks, flipping through a novel he bought from a nearby settlement.

  Since he took the lead in negotiating the deal with the Goblin Corps, he has been promoted from a decapitation commander to a centurion, and now the entire area from the outpost to the camp is under his control.

  After the Torch War, the troops of the various parties of the Sticky Community did not immediately withdraw from the Hague Province, including the Eastern Legion’s expeditionary force, which had a 10,000-man team left in the Haiya Province to continue to plunder the few remaining spoils and excavate pre-war ruins.

  Although the Southern Legion and the Alliance fought fiercely in the Borneo Province, the relationship between Triumph City and the Alliance was not too bad, and the Eastern Legion followed Triumph City… at least for now. It is precisely

  because of this that the so-called outpost here is actually just a show, and both sides declare their military presence to each other.

  So far, there has not been a single military friction between the 370,000-man team of the Eastern Legion and the Alliance’s local garrison.

  They could even occasionally take on some jobs from nearby settlements to eliminate looters, mutants, alien nests, and guard railway lines.

  The Alliance usually paid them with silver coins, and those silver coins could be exchanged for a lot of good things to improve life from nearby settlements and passing merchants – such as cigarettes, happy water, and vodka.

  Anthony was not used to this kind of life at first, but he got used to it over time, and even went to the bar next door to have a couple of drinks during breaks.

  Just like usual.

  His butt was numb from sitting in the chair, so he stood up and stretched, threw away the novel he was still reading, picked up the rifle on the table and prepared to go out for a walk to stretch his muscles.

  However, just as he walked out of the barracks, a centurion trotted in front of him, stood at attention and saluted.

  ”Sir, a group of residents from the settlement in the east have come to the railway, about 120 people, almost the number of a hundred-man team.”

  Anthony yawned and said impatiently.

  ”They’re here, so why do they do that?”

  Occasionally, there would be scavengers coming to this area to pick up scraps. After all, this area was also a relic of a pre-war city, so they could still pick up some things.

  As long as they didn’t get close to their construction site and interfere with their work, Anthony usually didn’t bother to care about them.

  However, the centurion said with an embarrassed look on his face.

  ”But… they occupied the railway, and it was the patrol section contracted to us by the railway operating company.”

  ”Ah?” Anthony was stunned for a moment, and it took him a while to react. He asked in confusion, “Why are they occupying the railway?” The centurion

  said with a wry smile.

  ”I don’t know. I tried to communicate with them, but they didn’t want to communicate with us.”

  Anthony’s expression wavered.

  After pondering for a moment, he decided to go to the scene first before making a decision, so he looked at his subordinates and said.

  ”Take me there.”

  The centurion breathed a sigh of relief and saluted.


  The two hurried to the dirt road next to the checkpoint, got on the convertible off-road vehicle parked there, and drove to the railway not far from Haibei City.

  Anthony, who was sitting in the back seat of the car, saw from a distance that there was a group of people standing on the railway.

  Among them were old people, children, and even women holding babies.

  They held wooden signs and banners in their hands.

  The patrol team of ten people stood beside them, confronting the group of people in a serious battle.

  However, perhaps because of the large number of people, they did not show any fear on their faces, and their expressions and emotions were even more excited.

  Anthony took out the telescope and looked in the direction of the crowd. He happened to see the words “Wilante people get out” written on the wooden sign, and his eyebrows twitched fiercely.

  ”Damn… are these guys here to cause trouble?”

  ”I don’t know,” the centurion smiled bitterly, hesitated for a moment and said, “I feel like they are survivors of the Borneo Province… Maybe it has something to do with the Willante Street Act recently passed by Settlement No. 1.”

  Anthony had heard about that incident.

  Due to some things that happened in Evernight Port, the local Willante people fled here, and more than 5,000 people came at a time, which caused dissatisfaction among the Borneo people living there.

  To him, the alliance is still too kind.

  Under the rule of the Weyland people, how could these Poro people have so many bad habits?

  Even in Xifan Port, which was governed by weak and incompetent civil servants, these guys could only kneel on the ground and lick shoes.

  Now that they finally stood up from the ground, they wanted to turn over and be the master.

  ”…What should we do?” Seeing that the squinting officer didn’t speak for a long time, the centurion asked undecidedly.

  ”What should we do…”

  Anthony sneered, took down the PU-9 submachine gun hanging under the door, and loaded it with a click.

  ”The Alliance has spoiled these mudbloods, but I’m not from the Alliance, so I won’t spoil them.”

  After saying that, he raised the muzzle of the gun and fired at the sky.

  Hearing the sudden sound of “da da”, everyone standing on the railway was startled.

  Some people fled from the crowd, but many people still stood where they were.

  For example, one of the old men did not flee, and stared at him with both eyes in shock and anger.

  ”What do you want to do!”

  Seeing that the other party was finally willing to communicate, Anthony jumped off the open-top SUV, walked to the side of the railway with a submachine gun, and said to the old man.

  ”I should ask you this question, what the hell do you want to do?”

  ”It has nothing to do with you!”

  The old man stared at his nose, his shoulders shaking constantly, not knowing whether it was because of extreme anger or extreme fear, or both.

  The young man next to him stepped forward and mustered up the courage to say to Anthony.

  ”This is the railway of the Alliance… We are citizens of the Alliance, and we built this section of the road. We have the right to stand here-”

  ”Power… Haha, it’s really strange to hear this word from the mouth of a Brahman, but what’s the use of you saying this shit to me, I’m not a citizen of the Alliance.”

  Anthony picked his ears impatiently, looked at these people with a bad look, and suddenly thought of something and said with a grin.

  ”Let’s make a deal. I won’t ask you what you plan to do. Since you’ve come this far, why not go another ten kilometers? Once you pass a signpost, the section of road over there will no longer be under our jurisdiction. Even if you tear down the railway, no one will care about you.”

  ”But here, you want to fight for your so-called ‘power’. I advise you to go back and take your guns.”

  Hearing this, the people standing on the railway were in a commotion.

  In particular, the old guys who led the group exchanged glances and whispered to each other.

  ”We are not here to fight… It is not worth it to clash with these Willant people.”

  ”That makes sense…”

  ”Anyway, we have walked more than a hundred kilometers, and it won’t hurt to walk another ten kilometers.”

  However, some people expressed their concerns.

  ”But… Further north is the wasteland, where there is no one in the whole area. What if we encounter aliens?”

  Looking at the man with a worried look on his face, the old man who led the team lowered his voice and said.

  ”There is an outpost every few dozen kilometers on the railway, and the areas passed by are far away from water sources, so it should be safe.”

  Seeing that these guys discussed for a long time without any results, Anthony, who had finished smoking a cigarette, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stomped it out, and shouted impatiently.

  ”Hurry up, you’ve been dithering for so long, have you come up with a conclusion?”

  Seeing that the officer was getting impatient, the old man in the lead finally stood up and responded.

  ”We agree to your terms!”

  Anthony waved his hand impatiently.

  ”Then get out of here.”

  Although the attitude of the Willant people was very unpleasant, the people standing on the railway finally said nothing and continued to walk forward along the railway while cursing.

  The matter was settled, Anthony returned to the car and pushed the driver’s seat with his knee.

  ”Let’s go.”

  The driver started the engine skillfully and asked in the rearview mirror.

  ”Going back to the camp?”

  ”What camp? Follow them.”

  Anthony cursed with a smile, and hung the safety of the submachine gun next to the car door, and then looked at the group of guys in the distance who continued to move forward along the railway line.

  He didn’t know what they were going to do, but he always felt that following this group of people would be fun, and it would be much more interesting than squatting in the barracks and reading novels.

  Just as he told the driver to keep a distance and hang behind this group of people, the Boros who continued to move north were also communicating in a low voice.

  ”Those Willant people are following us…”

  ”What do they want to do?”

  ”Are they planning to wait until we reach the wasteland and quietly get rid of us…”

  ”Impossible, the Alliance is not blind! Unless they want to go to war with the Alliance!”

  ”What if the Eastern Legion really has this idea… It’s not like they haven’t fought before.”

  The pessimistic atmosphere spread silently, and some people began to retreat.

  Looking at these timid guys, the old man who led the team was very angry. It was the same

  in Maryland!

  These useless guys always fail at the critical moment. No wonder they can’t accomplish anything big.

  His name is Jeramy, from Mammoth State. He was once a veteran of the Moon Clan Resistance Army. After Laxi gained power, he left in anger. He first went to French Fries Port and later went to Settlement No. 1.

  Like Suka, who was also a member of the Moon Tribe, he also tried to take the representative route. However, due to the poor performance of the Moon Tribe resistance army during the Maryland period, he could neither convince the Moon Tribe to unite around him nor gain the trust of the Rat Tribe and the Snake Tribe.

  In fact, this is also normal. The people he tried to unite were the most difficult to unite.

  If he followed Suka’s example and tried to win over the local survivors, there might be a way out. However, he did not intend to review any problems that existed in himself. Instead, he attributed all the difficulties he encountered to the mistakes of the environment.

  In his opinion, the Alliance’s representative meeting has become a tool for manipulating politics. The guys who held the meeting did everything they could to gain people’s support…but they didn’t know what people really needed.

  No one in the Poro would agree to the Willant people going ashore. Why did the guy named Gu let them go ashore! Did

  these guys ask for his opinion?

  In his opinion, this is not order at all, but oppression of the majority by the minority!

  Unfortunately, the administrator stood too high and could not see the suffering under his feet. Maybe the original intention of that adult was good, but the people below carried it out in a crooked way.

  But it doesn’t matter.

  He would ask the administrator to dissolve the corrupt representative meeting!

  The Alliance had saved him.

  Now, it was time for him to save the Alliance!

  This was not only for the good of the Alliance, but also for the good of all the people living on this land!

  Jeramy was extremely confident in his choice, and had no doubt that he was the most loyal person.

  Looking at the tribesmen who were becoming more and more hesitant, he couldn’t help but yell.

  ”Stop arguing, can you have some backbone! You have come this far, are you going to go back now and let those weak and incompetent guys laugh at you?”

  The roar had some effect, and everyone immediately held back their discouraged words.

  However, this was not because of backbone or any other reason, but because of the latter half of the sentence –

  they didn’t want to be laughed at.

  Jeramy continued to strike while the iron was hot and shouted at those people.

  ”Think about your children and your relatives. Do you want them to live with those big noses… and those slave owners?”

  ”If that’s not enough, think about the people who died in Xifan Port and Lion City!”

  At this point, no one doubted it anymore, and the hesitant steps became firm.

  The ten-kilometer journey was long in the crowded settlement, but short in the deserted wasteland.

  They were like devout pilgrims, walking the last section of the road with firm steps.

  Finally, they left the railway section guarded by the 370,000th Corps.

  Jeramy stopped and shouted at the car behind him.

  ”Is it okay now?”

  Centurion Anthony, who was sitting in the open SUV, smiled and replied.

  ”It’s okay. From the sign in front of you, you can do whatever you want.”

  Jeramy continued to shout at him.

  ”Then why are you still following us? How long do you plan to follow us?”

  Anthony took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth and lit it with a smile.

  ”That’s our business, and it has nothing to do with you.”

  After shouting this, he looked at the centurion sitting next to him.

  ”How long will the next train take?”

  The centurion hesitated for a moment and whispered.

  ”It should be here soon… maybe half an hour or so?”

  ”Tsk, why is it still so long?”

  Anthony squinted his eyes and looked in the direction of the old man, only to see that they gathered together on the railroad tracks again.

  At this moment, a young man walked to Jeramy’s side and said with a hint of hesitation.

  ”Mr. Jeramy… I don’t want to doubt your plan, but can we really wait for the manager here?”

  Jeramy said calmly.

  ”Of course! I saw in the newspaper that the adult came by train… either today or tomorrow. We brought food and water, and at most we can camp here for one night.”

  Everyone looked at each other, and then someone asked in a low voice.

  ”But… the newspaper didn’t say which car the adult took.”

  Jeramy’s expression froze, but he soon regained his calm appearance.

  ”This kind of thing is easy to deal with. There are only a few trains in total. If you see a train, stop it and ask.”

  This idea sounds a bit crazy, but it is not the most reliable one at the moment.

  The manager can’t take a freight train to transport supplies, which has eliminated more than half of the interference for them.

  The trains coming from the north are mainly logistics trains, and there are only four or five passenger trains a day.

  Although it may cause some trouble to the people on the train, their petition to the manager is for everyone’s good.

  The group camped on both sides of the railway. Some people who were tired simply sat on the rails to rest, tore open the cans they brought and ate, just like a picnic.

  The group of people feasting made Anthony hungry, and he couldn’t help swallowing his saliva.

  However, there were only compressed biscuits on the train, and he could only take a few bites of brick-like biscuits to satisfy his craving.

  At this moment, a rumbling sound came from the distance. Although the train had not been seen yet, it was not far away.

  The young man sitting next to Jeramy threw away the can and stood up. He looked at the old man beside him with an excited look and volunteered.

  ”I’ll stop the train.”

  Jeramy nodded with relief.

  ”Go, kid.”

  Under the gaze of admiring eyes, the young man took off his shirt and ran in the direction of the train while waving it.

  As he ran, he shouted in the direction of the train with all his strength.

  ”Stop! Stop!”

  The shout was loud enough, but it was a pity that it still couldn’t penetrate the shell made of sound insulation material.

  What’s more, there was a distance of several kilometers between them…

  The two sides ran towards each other for a long time, until the distance between them was only a few hundred meters. The conductor sitting in the cockpit vaguely saw a young man waving his shirt running on the rails, and his mouth seemed to be shouting something.

  The conductor’s face changed instantly, and he quickly activated the brake device, and then blew the whistle to warn.

  The brakes connected to the wheels emitted sparks and a metallic buzz that made people’s teeth ache.

  The passengers in the carriage felt the obvious setback and their bodies shook in their seats.

  At the same time, the whistle outside the carriage sounded like an air raid alarm.

  The beeping sound was enough to scare away the death claws wandering near the railway, but for some reason it couldn’t scare away the young man waving his clothes.

  ”Damn it! What does this guy want to do?!”

  ”Is it a predator?” The security captain who rushed into the cab had already clenched his gun nervously.

  His worry was not unreasonable. After all, this is a wasteland.

  Although the military strength of the alliance is strong enough, there are many blind predators.

  Not to mention the mutants with bad brains.

  Otherwise, they would not put heavy machine guns and grenade launchers on passenger trains.

  ”I don’t think it’s… It looks like a lunatic with an abnormal brain.” The conductor’s forehead was sweating profusely. He cursed in his heart and prayed that he would not hit him.

  He had already braked as much as possible. If he went any faster, there would be a risk of collision between carriages. He couldn’t drag all the people on the train for a guy who didn’t care about his life.

  Seeing that the young man had no intention of leaving, the deputy train conductor’s face turned pale. He picked up the communicator hanging on the carriage and called the nearest sentry tower.

  At the same time, the young man running on the track was almost hoarse, but he saw that the speeding train had no intention of stopping.

  Seeing that the front of the train was about to hit him, he could only jump off the track helplessly.

  And less than two seconds after he left the track, the rumbling sound rushed past him, and the violent airflow almost pulled him back to the track.

  Looking at the train that “ignored” him at all, the young man picked up a stone and threw it at the carriage in a rage, cursing.

  ”Stop! Damn!”

  Why don’t you stop!

  The sound of the whistle rang endlessly, and it didn’t stop until the last carriage disappeared from his sight.

  The young man picked up the clothes on the ground and planned to go back along the way he came, but his face suddenly changed.

  ”It’s bad!”

  He suddenly remembered that everyone was still sitting on the rails waiting for him to go back and report the good news.

  It was only a dozen seconds from the time he saw the train to the time the train drove in front of him.

  Although he thought they should be able to dodge, there were not only young guys in the team, but also old people, children and women…

  ”No… Wait, disperse!”

  Realizing the seriousness of the problem, he hurriedly chased in the direction of the train, just like when he was facing the train before, he ran and shouted hard.

  However, two legs couldn’t catch up with countless wheels. He couldn’t stop the train before, so naturally he couldn’t catch up with the rumbling sound.

  At the same time, everyone in the cockpit of the front of the train breathed a sigh of relief.

  Although they didn’t know why the idiot stopped the train, at least the young man dodged at the critical moment.

  The next thing was the Security Bureau’s business.

  When the guards guarding the railway came over, they would naturally teach this desperate guy a lesson.

  ”The crisis is over…”

  The sweaty conductor sat back in his seat. He just raised his arm to wipe the sweat from his forehead when he suddenly saw a crowd of people on the tracks in the distance.

  ”Damn it–” His

  heart, which had just been at rest for two seconds, rose to his throat

  again, and he jumped up from his chair as if he had been electrocuted. The deputy conductor next to him was one step faster than him, and he blew the whistle that had been interrupted for only two seconds, and the brake system that had just been released.


  The people sitting on the rails were in a commotion, and some people were scared to escape from the rails, but obviously not everyone was so agile.

  Some people got up in a hurry, some people rolled and crawled to escape, some people wanted to pick up the cans on the rails, and some people were unfortunately hooked by the nails on the rails.

  After all, there were about a hundred people, and it was impossible for them to be as agile as one person.

  The three people in the cab stared with bloodshot eyes, watching the unstoppable front of the car rushing into the unsuspecting crowd, smashing an unfortunate old man into a pulp, and then crushing half of his body and one leg.


  The conductor in the carriage and Jeramy outside the carriage shouted desperately at the same time.

  The bumpy carriage and the sudden braking made the passengers in the carriage scream and curse.

  The shaking carriage finally stopped on the rails.

  The conductor got off the train with several security personnel to check the situation. Jeramy, who was almost scared to pee his pants, happened to rush up with his tribesmen.

  ”You murderer! Why don’t you stop the car! Why!”

  Looking at this unreasonable old man, the conductor slapped him in the face and slapped him on the head.

  ”Are you crazy?! Do you think this is a minibus or your tractor?”

  Jeramy is a member of the resistance army, but who here has not carried a gun?

  Jeramy, who was slapped on the head, felt dizzy and fell to the ground.

  Looking at Jeramy who was lying on the ground, the Brahmans surrounding the carriage were in an uproar, looking like they wanted to tear the conductor and the “thugs” behind him to pieces.

  Especially the young man who finally caught up with him panting, looking at the old man lying on the ground, his eyes instantly turned red, and he yelled at the conductor.

  ”I’ll fight you!!”

  The angry crowd scared the conductor, and realizing that something was wrong, he quickly retreated to the carriage, grabbed the communicator and called for reinforcements.

  Anthony, who was sitting in the off-road vehicle, had a stunned expression on his face, and the biscuits he stuffed into his mouth fell to the ground.

  ”I’m so angry…”

  He learned this sentence from the Alliance people, and now he is using it on them.

  So these guys went to great lengths to come here just to have a picnic and two people die?

  What are they trying to do?

  He thought these guys were going to do something big!

  At this time, the communicator in the car rang, and the centurion sitting next to him looked over with a strange expression.

  ”…Should we go to help?”

  Anthony glanced at the position of the locomotive, which happened to be parked in his jurisdiction, and his eyebrows couldn’t help but twitched violently.

  Although he didn’t want to get involved, he still took the communicator and pressed the button to connect for the generous “protection fee”.

  ”…Hold on, we’ll be there soon.”

  ”Damn… Hurry up! I’m afraid these lunatics will tear our car apart!”

  The conductor leaning against the door cursed and yelled, looking outside the car.

  Under the persistent pounding of the guys, the glass of the car window had been smashed into spider-web-like cracks.

  The passengers in the car were all confused, not knowing what the guys outside were trying to do.

  The security team had loaded their guns, but the people outside didn’t have guns, so they couldn’t fire the first shot.

  The conductor also regretted that he shouldn’t have knocked the leader unconscious with a slap.

  After leaving the shattered window, he yelled at the group of lunatics outside.

  ”What on earth do you want to do?!”

  One of the middle-aged men yelled at him.

  ”Let us see the manager!”

  The conductor was stunned for a moment, confused by this.

  ”Manager?! Then why are you stopping us?”

  The man who was pounding on the door was also stunned.

  ”…The manager is not on the train?”

  The conductor almost choked to death on his spit and yelled at the madman.

  ”Use your brain to think about it. If the manager was on the train, would you lie on the door and talk to me?!”

  The Guards are not here to eat dry food!

  At this moment, a gunshot was heard in the distance. Everyone surrounding the train was startled and subconsciously looked in the direction of the gunshot.

  I saw an open-top off-road vehicle parked not far away, and the annoying big nose was standing next to the car with a submachine gun.

  With a half-smoked cigarette in his mouth, Anthony glanced at the old man lying on the ground and the blood-stained locomotive, and then looked at the Brahmans who were making trouble.

  ”Okay, stop right there, I don’t care who you want to see, you are now in the territory of the Willant people.”

  The expressions on the faces of the people were still a little dissatisfied, and they didn’t even take the submachine gun in his hand seriously.

  Anthony didn’t treat them politely, and he didn’t intend to reason with them. He said impatiently.

  ”Stand in a row obediently, raise your hands above your head and put them on the car. If anyone doesn’t listen, I will treat them as looters.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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