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Chapter 91 Art is explosion!

Chapter 91 Art is explosion!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 91 Art is explosion! It was

  eleven o’clock in the evening.

  The heavy snow stopped for a while.

  In the dark, players carrying weapons spread out in the woods in an arc, using shovels to dig foxholes and simple trenches on the ground, working very quickly.

  ”Exciting! I just entered the game not long ago, and there are two waves of group battles in a row!”

  ”No one will fight with me later, I want to kill ten people!”

  ”Fuck, I have to stay away from you, don’t use me to make up the number when the time comes.”

  ”Am I that kind of person!”

  ”Who knows.”

  No one panicked, only excitement like taking stimulants.

  This game is real, and the atmosphere is so perfect.

  It’s just like a real war!

  The rustling in the woods covered the players’ whispering.

  Chu Guang, fully armed, stood with a hammer, his hands folded on the end of the hammer handle, and his dark pupils stared at the north.

  He was gambling.

  He was betting that Haien stood on the side of interests and successfully persuaded the leader of the Blood Hand Clan to march under the cover of night and send part of the troops to the small river in the northwest.

  Of course, Chu Guang also made the worst plan, that is, Haien stood on the side of morality and chose to help his former trading partner, so he would have to face the main force of the Blood Hand Clan head-on. It

  would be a tough battle with equal strength.

  But he was not worried.

  Even if it was a one-for-one exchange, it would be more profitable on his side.

  At this time, a player of the perception system ran from a distance, stood in front of Chu Guang, and reported excitedly.

  ”Dear administrator, the people of the Blood Hand Clan have left the camp and are heading in our direction!”

  Chu Guang was delighted.

  However, he did not show his emotions on his face, but said with a serious expression.

  ”Have the props been arranged?”

  ”It has been arranged!”

  ”Very good, pass my order, each team will act according to the plan!”


  The player stood at attention, put his right fist on his chest, and went excitedly.

  He was so excited when he thought of the “props” prepared nearby.

  This is too exciting!


  The north gate of the wetland park.

  There was a crowd of people standing there.

  Most of them wore animal skin coats, with homemade metal, wood or leather protective gear tied to their vital parts. There were blood-red patterns tattooed on their arms, necks and faces, and the weapons in their hands were all kinds of different.

  Although both in temperament and dress, they looked like a ragtag army of hooligans, but in fact their fighting power was not as weak as they looked.

  Everyone here is a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles, and is the elite of the Blood Hand Clan!

  A bear wearing heavy armor, riding on the back of a rhino with a nose ring, carrying a double-barreled shotgun in his hand, squinting at the dark forest.

  At the entrance of the forest, there was a sign with a skull painted on it, with the words written in sloppy handwriting –

  [Private territory, strictly prohibited from entering, if offended, the consequences will be at your own risk. 】

  The corner of his mouth curled up a little, and Xiong glanced at the minions beside him.

  The plunderer understood, and immediately stepped forward with an axe, raised his hand and swung it, splitting the sign diagonally in half.

  ”Let’s bring destruction to their heads!”

  ”Everyone, move forward!”

  Xiong laughed heartily, waved his hand as big as a palm fan, kicked the mutant rhino under him with his heel, and walked in front of the team.

  The rhino began to move forward with heavy steps, and at the same time, the fifty-five plunderers following him also pressed forward under the leadership of five centurions.

  At this time, Xiong’s heart moved, and he called the confidant who was following him.

  The man’s name was “Ma”, with a horse face, a height of 1.9 meters, much taller than the minions around him, and he was the most courageous centurion under his command.

  Xiong looked down at him and ordered.

  ”You lead your men to the west, rush to the brick kiln by the river, capture the prisoners you can, and if you can’t, rush to the south. We will wait for you there.”

  Ma clasped his hands and accepted the order.


  After saying that, the deuce captain was not ambiguous at all, and immediately took his ten men and quickened his pace to the west.

  Eleven people.

  It was more than enough to raid a camp at night.

  Then, Xiong looked at the remaining men, with a cruel smile on his face.

  ”We go south.”

  ”Wait for them in front!”


  Although the heavy snow stopped for a while, the cold air in the forest had not dissipated, especially the rustling sound made by the north wind blowing through the forest, which always made people nervous.

  Ma did not dare to be careless about the order personally given by the leader. While moving quickly towards the river in the west, he was carefully alert to the threats in the forest.


  There was no ambush here.

  Perhaps, as the merchant said, these barbaric survivors were holding their open-air meeting in the camp and did not notice that death was approaching.

  At the edge of the forest, a flickering campfire could already be seen.

  The group of looters quickened their pace and moved quickly towards the direction of the light.

  Soon, they found a row of shacks built along the river on the southwest side of the river.

  The door of the shack was covered with plastic sheeting, so the people inside could not be seen, but at the door were tools for land reclamation such as axes and shovels.

  In the center of the shack was a pile of stones surrounded by a fire, and some bones that had just been gnawed were thrown around.

  Looking at the camp in front of him, Ma’s face gradually curled up with a cruel smile, and he loaded the iron barrel rifle in his hand and inserted the bayonet into the slot under the barrel.

  ”We will sneak in quietly in a while, and don’t make any noise.”

  ”If you can avoid using guns, try not to use them.”

  ”If anyone resists, just stab them to death!”

  After receiving the order from the leader, the looters either installed bayonets on the barrels or pulled out melee weapons such as hammers and short spears from their waists, ready to slaughter the enemy in their sleep.

  A group of people approached quietly and entered the camp silently. They tacitly divided themselves into two people in each shack, one on the left and one on the right, controlling the door.

  Seeing that all the shacks were under control, Ma raised his right fist and made a gesture of action. A group of people worked together and used bayonets to pry open the door curtains of the shacks –

  and then.

  Everyone was stunned.

  There was nothing inside.

  No, it can’t be said that there was nothing at all.

  In almost every shack, there was an iron barrel covered with wood tar.


  Ma’s face changed wildly, and he shouted loudly as he was the first to react.

  However, he was still a step slow after all.

  About a dozen fire arrows with flames flew from the other side of the stream like locusts, and landed in the camp one after another.

  The plastic sheet on the shack was ignited by the fire arrows, and instantly shrank into a group of burning oil droplets and fell, and then ignited the iron barrel wrapped in wood tar and the gunpowder in the iron barrel.


  The explosions caused by the chain reaction raged in the camp one after another. The scattered and fleeing looters had just escaped halfway when they were swallowed up by the thick smoke and flames of the explosion.

  Two looters were killed on the spot! The

  remaining nine were either dead or injured!

  One unlucky one was set on fire by the splashed kerosene, and fell to the ground and rolled around wildly, screaming like a wolf or a ghost.

  The screams became weaker and weaker, and soon there was no sound.

  Seeing his subordinates in a miserable state, and another one was killed in the blink of an eye, Ma’s eyes were bloodshot, and he wanted to bite his teeth to pieces, and roared.

  ”You bunch of cowards! What’s the point of sneak attack!”

  ”If you have the guts, come out and fight me like a man!”


  The smoke choked his throat.

  Ignoring the bloody mess behind him, he buried his head and got out of the billowing smoke, firing one shot after another at the other side of the river with the rifle in his hand.


  Fire flashed, gunshots were heard.

  The rest of the raiders also fought back in the direction of the arrows, but after firing more than a dozen shots, they didn’t see a single person, and only saw arrows whizzing overhead.

  Morale began to waver.

  Not only was Ma panicking, but all his men were panicking, and began to fight and retreat.

  At this time, the players ambushed to the west of them were excitedly rubbing their hands, waiting for the right time to kill.

  ”Anxious! Anxious! Hahaha, they are anxious!”

  ”The elite monster is seriously injured! It looks like the centurion!”

  ”Fuck, centurion! Charge! Brothers, catch him alive!”

  ”The will to break through the enemy line!” ”

  You fight to the death!”

  ”Long live Demacia!”

  ”For Yaya’s mushroom soup!”

  The players shouted and shouted excitedly, and rushed out of the bushes beside them, and none of their ancestral skills were repeated.

  At the same time, the players on the other side of the river stopped shooting arrows, pulled out shovels, axes and sickles, waded through the ankle-deep shallows, and joined the friendly forces to launch a siege on the other side and join the carnival.

  There were people everywhere!

  The sound of gunfire, footsteps, and shouts of killing resounded everywhere, and under the cover of the night, it was like a tide. There was no way to know how many people there were, let alone where they came from.

  The looters who had just emerged from the firelight and rushed into the forest felt as if their eyes were smeared with ink and could not see anything.

  Ma struggled to hang down the jammed receiver and ejected the jammed shell, while shouting loudly to his subordinates.

  ”Retreat! Retreat to the south!”

  The remaining trace of reason in his heart told Ma that their only way to survive now was to join the large force in the south.


  Even he could think of something, how could someone not think of it?

  The defense line to meet the main force was on the south side. If he ran north through the burning camp, he would still have a chance of survival. Running south was almost like running into the trench with his face!

  Just as Ma and his men were being hit head-on, the elite of the Blood Hand Clan who were marching towards the outpost also heard the explosion from the northwest.

  ”What’s going on?”

  ”It seems to be coming from the brick kiln by the river…”

  ”Could it be that something happened to Ma and the others?!”

  ”No way, that’s Ma… I saw him tear a gnawer apart with his own hands!”

  The plunderers looked at each other and whispered.

  Their intuition told them that there was something wrong with these five consecutive explosions.

  Xiong frowned and looked to the northwest, his expression uncertain.

  Ma was his confidant, and he knew very well that none of his men’s equipment could make such a sound.

  In this case, there was only one possibility!

  ”Damn it! Everyone head northwest!” Xiong was anxious and angry, kicking the mutant rhino in the abdomen and urging it to roar.

  ”Everyone, run!”


  The death of the badger and the bastard was not enough to make him feel painful, but if even the horse died, not only would the Blood Hand Clan suffer a heavy blow, but his prestige in the tribe would also plummet.

  At this moment, he could not care about the formation. The plunderers were not used to lining up, and the front and back teams stretched out in an instant.

  The other four centurions felt that something was wrong, but they did not dare to make any suggestions this time. They could only bite the bullet and call on the brothers who had fallen behind to catch up.

  The distance was less than 600 meters, and support was only a matter of minutes. Even if the forest terrain was not convenient for running, it was still much better than the obstacles in the city.

  The fire in front was getting closer and closer.

  The dazzling fire, even if you looked at it from a distance, you could feel the shocking heat.

  ”Fuck! Haven’t you eaten yet? Run!”

  Up to now, there was still no trace of the horse, only the rising sea of ​​fire. Xiong was furious and cursed and urged his subordinates to speed up.

  The subordinates were dissatisfied, but they had no choice. Although they didn’t see the enemy, they still rushed forward with their weapons.

  Xiong raised his double-barreled shotgun, and Yiniu rushed forward first.

  However, at this moment, in the mud illuminated by the fire, he suddenly saw a number of human faces peeking out.

  The pairs of eyes seemed to be glowing green, which actually made the brave and invincible him panic for a millisecond.


  A sharp shout came.

  Although he didn’t understand what the two syllables meant, his fighting instinct still made him turn over from his mount, and his majestic body fell behind the tree roots as thick as pythons. The

  sound of gunfire like thunder rang out in an instant, crackling and bursting, and the shining fire seemed to surround them from all directions, and the sky was like whistling lightning.

  Xiong was terrified.

  For a moment, he couldn’t even tell how many guns there were on the opposite side. He only saw the brothers who were charging next to him being caught off guard, and their figures fell one after another.

  He didn’t know whether they were lying down or being shot down.

  ”Damn it! We were ambushed!”

  ”The first thing I’m going to do when I get back is to chop that Hain to pieces!!!”

  ”First, let’s go back first…”

  ”Fuck! How many guns are there on the opposite side?!”

  ”Why do I feel like there are at least two machine guns!”


  Hearing the frightened voices of the brothers in his ears, Xiong was also panicked.

  The mount that ran towards the opposite position had been shot to death. Its body was lying motionless beside a tree 20 meters away. Even the bullet holes on its body could not be seen clearly.

  Xiong did not dare to stick his head out to look. He did not dare to bet his head on the opponent’s shooting skills.

  But when he caught his breath and listened quietly to the whizzing sound above his head, he felt that something was wrong.

  How could he explain it?

  The thunder and lightning did not match!

  In an instant, he came back to his senses and shouted in shock and anger.

  ”No! This is not the sound of gunfire! This… This is!”

  Xiong was about to say something, but he could not think of what that thing was called.

  In fact, he guessed right. It was indeed not the sound of gunfire, but two homemade firecrackers made of waste paper, gunpowder and brick powder. In

  this era, people could not even get enough food, so who would light firecrackers to play with? It was normal that they did not know about this thing.

  However, it must be admitted that in this dark environment, the two firecrackers were set off, interspersed with rifle bursts in between, which did have a miraculous effect of confusing the real with the fake.

  The marauders were running out of breath. They hadn’t even seen the enemy yet, but they were hit head-on. They were all confused. How could they think that the enemy was cheating?

  They crawled on the ground and only felt that the enemy had brought two machine guns and fired at them.

  Especially since the teammates next to them lay down one after another, they couldn’t see who was shot. They were so scared by the sound of firecrackers mixed with gunfire that they didn’t even dare to raise their heads, let alone shoot back. Moreover

  , they were fighting against the light…

  Just when the four marauder teams were completely confused, the players squatting on the two wings of the trench had left the bunkers and, under the cover of gunfire, outflanked the marauders from the east and west sides.

  Xiong roared as he caught a glimpse of figures moving towards the two wings of his own position.

  ”Their people are scattered!”

  ”Everyone charge!”

  ”Don’t lie down, that’s not a gunshot! Everyone, come with me, charge into their trenches, and smash their skulls with the butts of your rifles!”

  He shouted for a long time, but no one listened to him.

  The continuous ambushes have brought the morale of these mobs to the brink of collapse.

  Xiong suddenly felt desperate.


  leaving the city and entering the opponent’s home court was a wrong decision from the beginning.

  ”Leader… the enemy’s firepower is too strong, charging at this time is suicide!”

  ”Fuck the firepower! Can’t you hear it?! That’s fake!” Xiong was burning with anger in his heart, and he almost bit his gums to bleed.

  But he also knew that no matter how loud his voice was at this moment, few people could hear it, and even fewer people were willing to listen. Knowing that

  the situation was hopeless, he looked to the east, made up his mind, and ordered several confidants beside him.

  ”You can only wait to die here, let’s break out to the east!”

  Several confidants nodded nervously.

  However, just as Xiong was about to elaborate on his breakout plan, a series of piercing howls suddenly came from the western position.

  Xiong raised his sight and saw tongues of fire piercing the darkness, pushing fist-sized firecrackers, pouring down on them from the night.

  In the distance came unbridled laughter.

  Although he couldn’t understand it, he did vaguely hear a hoarse tenor.


  ”Art – is explosion!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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