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Chapter 910: The Alliance is not a wish-granting machine

Chapter 910: The Alliance is not a wish-granting machine


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 910: The Alliance is not a wishing machine

  Chu Guang stayed in Weifu City for three full days.

  Except for the first day when he listened to Li Jinrong’s work report, he basically wandered around the settlement for the remaining two days according to the “strategies” posted by players on the forum.

  Unlike the stereotyped Singularity City, every district and even every street in this settlement is full of stories.

  For example, Kun Town.

  This town, which was created by players on a whim, has now become the most prosperous neighborhood in Weifu City.

  Especially after the guys from the 100th Mountain Division of the Enterprise brought the Kun cards made by Brother Mosquito back to Ideal City, this street was crowded with “players” from Ideal City.

  No one expected that things would develop to this point, including Brother Mosquito himself.

  Although his original intention was just to make a fortune while doing something, he didn’t expect that the complex game rules and the cards full of stories would unexpectedly become popular throughout Ideal City – at least attracted some otakus.

  Analyzing the underlying reasons, this may be inseparable from the vast and barren digital desert of Ideal City.

  The excessively fast information exchange speed makes each fragmented information lose its original meaning, just like a colorful kaleidoscope that is rich and empty.

  It is precisely because of this that when they are separated from the information service provided by the endpoint cloud and the speed of information exchange slows down, they feel the joy of returning to nature.

  In short, Kun Town in Weifu City, like the next-door Singularity City, has become the spiritual home of another wave of residents in Ideal City.

  There are many backpackers who fly from the East Coast to “pilgrimage” wandering in the town.

  And because of the arrival of these guys, this town located in the wasteland has unexpectedly shown signs of “post-modern Renaissance”, and many literary and artistic works full of whimsical ideas have emerged.

  For example, derivative works about Kun cards, such as some independent works that integrate the strange brain holes of players.

  The residents of Ideal City brought not only the brain holes on the endpoint cloud, but also related technologies.

  For example, holographic projection technology that is real enough to be fake, and virtual reality technology that completely dives into dreams, etc.

  Although these art forms are a bit too advanced for the wastelanders, they unexpectedly match the brain waves of players from another world.

  More than that.

  Chu Guang heard that the professional gamers active in the local area also developed a unique system called “Super Dream” in cooperation with engineers from Ideal City.

  This system can connect with the retinal nerve, store the collected visual signals in the chip, and reproduce them through special reading equipment.

  This system greatly reduces the development cost of immersive virtual reality system image works and games, and enhances the simulation effect of the picture. Its significance is no less than that of people in the old days installing cameras on mobile phones.

  Originally, the production of virtual reality games and film and television works was the patent of professional directors, but now everyone can become a director. As long as a set of prosthetic equipment is installed and a chip is inserted, they can create their own works.

  Influenced by this invention, “Wasteland OL” has further strengthened the “death replay” and “real-time screen recording” functions.

  Before this, these two functions were mainly completed through the head-mounted camera on the action recorder, and the operation was far less convenient than this “Super Dream” system.

  As for the relevant laws and regulations, the representative meeting will naturally discuss them according to the actual needs.

  Before this, the players who developed this device also made some restrictions according to the terms in the “Player’s Handbook”, such as restrictions on the circulation of restricted images, and classification review standards.

  In addition to the progress in literature, art and science and technology, the survivors of Weifu City have also made considerable progress in the economic and industrial fields.

  One after another, neat and tidy buildings are rising from the ground like bamboo shoots after spring rain, extending along the straight streets. Just two years ago, this place was a barren land with no people.

  According to Li Jinrong’s report, there are already 170,000 wastelanders settled here.

  Among them are pioneers from Boulder City and Dawn City, wastelanders wandering in Jinchuan Province and Yuema Province, and even from the distant Yunjian Province, and even the Willant people from the west coast, as well as settlers in the Wandering Swamp.

  Especially those residents of the swamp, they brought resource exploration and mining technology inherited from the Science and Technology Committee, as well as waste recycling technology learned from the scavenger group in the north of the Valley Province.

  Relying on these technologies, they obtained loans from the banks of the Alliance and opened resource mining companies, absorbing nutrients that had been buried for two centuries from the remains of the pre-war city, and transformed them into industrial blood, transporting them to various industrial areas of the Alliance through railways.

  In addition to the use of resources, the local survivors also took advantage of the wind resources on the Ten Peaks Mountain and built a series of roller-shaped windmills on the towering mountain.

  It is worth mentioning that this is the work of the North Island Heavy Industry of the South China Sea Alliance. The survivors there are best at using sustainable renewable energy and have developed this ability to the extreme in more than a century.

  Although the electricity converted from wind energy is not as large and cheap as the electricity provided by the controlled fusion reactor, it is completely sufficient for Weifu City, which has a population of only 170,000.

  They can even export excess electricity to Singularity City in exchange for agricultural products and light industrial consumer goods produced in Singularity City.

  Compared with pulling a wire from Dawn City, this is a more economical approach. Although

  controlled fusion is efficient, the use of helium-3 resources is a little less. Before the restoration of the Earth-Moon flight, the energy of the Alliance was not rich enough to be squandered at will.

  In addition, it is worth mentioning the farmland that continues to extend along the Wei River, and the extension areas that expand to the surrounding areas along the roads and railways.

  Many of the expeditionary forces from the Borneo Province chose to stay here, and their extraordinary enthusiasm for the land has accelerated the expansion of Weifu City to some extent.

  In contrast, the pioneers from the Stone City prefer to live in a crowded city.

  Except for those guys who were mercenaries.

  In short, the locals have found a way of development that suits them, and at the same time take into account both internal and external development, combining the advantages of all ethnic groups.

  In Chu Guang’s view, this is the most valuable thing.

  If time permits, he plans to stay here for a while and see all the things that interest him before leaving.

  However, there are still ten settlements waiting for him to visit, and those places he has no time to visit can only be left to the players to pay close attention to for him.

  The train station in Weifu City.

  Chu Guang, who said goodbye to Li Jinrong and his group, sat in the waiting room next to the platform.

  Looking at the busy crowd outside the window and the thriving settlement behind them, Chu Guang had a satisfied smile on his face.

  ”Weifu City will be a good example.”

  Lu Bei asked in confusion.



  Chu Guang smiled and nodded, and continued in a relaxed tone.

  ”I told you a long time ago that barbarism will not be simply eliminated by force. They will grow again and again after being burned by fire, just like weeds after the spring breeze. However, like backward production methods, they will eventually be replaced by more advanced production methods, and our civilization was born in this process.”

  ”It is worth being proud of that we have nurtured the seeds of civilization, and the difficulty lies only in how to make it spread spontaneously to further places.”

  ”Weifu City has done a good demonstration in this matter. Wastelanders from all directions come here, witness our order and prosperity, and are attracted by it, and then take it to all directions… and our ideals will also continue to extend along the roads and railways they have walked in this process, injecting new blood into this barren land and awakening the civilization sleeping under the soil.”

  Lu Bei scratched the back of his head.

  Chu Guang knew that he didn’t understand, but he didn’t care. He just smiled kindly and ended the topic.

  ”The next stop is Settlement No. 1… By the way, we will pass by the camp of the Eastern Legion, right?” Finally,

  they talked about the area where he could get a say, and Lu Bei immediately said seriously.

  ”I have prepared for the safety work.”

  Seeing the serious look of the young man, Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”I am not worried about safety, but I am just wondering if there is a chance to go there to take a look.”

  He always heard players say on the official forum that the big nose there had been “corroded” into the shape of an alliance, and he was always curious about what the so-called shape of the alliance looked like.

  Lu Bei was stunned when he heard this, and said hesitantly.

  ”Are you talking about the control area of ​​the 370,000th Squadron? But… that is not our territory after all.”

  ”Well… that is true,” Chu Guang nodded thoughtfully, “It would be better to let Cheng Yan send a formal diplomatic document to Captain Bennot.”

  Just as the two were communicating, the station broadcast suddenly sounded.

  ”Dear passengers, I’m sorry that due to an emergency on the Haiya Province railway section, D97 train braked urgently near the old site of Haibei City. The railway line is currently suspended. The train to Settlement No. 1 will be temporarily frozen. The resumption time is to be determined…”

  ”The staff of the outpost near the accident area have gone to the area to investigate. Please wait patiently. We will notify you as soon as the fault is eliminated…” At the

  same time as the broadcast, the passengers on the station platform were in an uproar.

  Especially those passengers who were going to Settlement No. 1, their faces were first stunned, and then replaced by anger.

  People flocked to the duty booth, blocking the originally small window, and squeezed into a group and started to make noise.

  ”What are you doing?”

  ”What on earth happened? Let me be patient… Then at least tell me when the train will be restored!”

  ”Damn it! I have booked a passenger ship flight to Beidao tonight, and now you tell me that the train can’t go, and the restoration time is to be determined?! Who will compensate me for my losses!”


  Faced with the problems that came one after another, the staff at the duty booth was also very anxious.

  Obviously, the little girl sitting in front of the window didn’t know what happened in front, and she didn’t even receive the notice earlier than the passengers here.

  In fact, let alone her, Lu Bei, who was standing in the waiting room, was also confused, until a soldier from the Guards Corps trotted into the waiting room, saluted, and stopped beside him and Chu Guang with a nervous expression.

  ”Report! A train hit people 110 kilometers north of Settlement No. 1… According to the report from the nearby outpost, the cause of the accident was 120 survivors from Settlement No. 1 trying to intercept a passenger train. Although the train conductor initiated the emergency braking procedure, due to the short distance, it eventually crashed into the crowd… causing two deaths and one serious injury.”

  Lu Bei stared at him and said.

  ”What on earth is the branch over there doing? They only know about such a big thing now!”

  The soldier buried his head and explained nervously.

  ”…It happened in the wasteland, and it happened too suddenly.”

  Lu Bei said angrily.

  ”At least the people came out of the settlement, right? There is no news from the people over there?”

  The soldier hesitated and wanted to explain, but Chu Guang raised his hand to interrupt the conversation between the two.

  ”Okay, don’t embarrass him. Even I can’t know everything that happened in the settlement.”

  The branch of the Guards Regiment in Settlement No. 1 was established less than half a year ago, so it is understandable that they are not proficient in intelligence gathering.

  Moreover, the settlements that were built entirely by immigrants have too much population mobility, and the boundary between the settlements and the wilderness is not obvious. It is basically impossible to completely prevent accidents, not to mention that the incident occurred in the wasteland. It

  is not easy for them to understand the situation at the first time, so there is no need to blame them too much.

  Looking at the soldier with his head down, Chu Guang continued in a gentle tone.

  ”Raise your head, straighten your back, and tell me what happened there. Including whether the situation is under control, why those people want to stop the car, and what their purpose or demands are.”

  Hearing Chu Guang’s words, the soldier was moved, straightened his back and continued to report.

  ”The accident occurred in the control area of ​​the 370,000th Corps of the Eastern Legion. The centurion named Anthony has controlled the situation and handed over the arrested people involved to the outpost guards who rushed to the scene…”

  ”According to the guards’ investigation, those people are survivors from the Borneo Province. Most of them have obtained the citizenship of the Alliance, and the rest are supervised. After seeing the guards, they made a request and said… they wanted to see you.”

  Chu Guang was stunned.

  ”…See me?”

  The soldier of the Guards Corps nodded subtly.

  ”Yes…They have been shouting that they want to see the managers of the Alliance.”


  At the outpost near the old site of Haibei City, Anthony, who was leaning against the open-top SUV, had just finished the lunch box sent by the Alliance brothers and burped with beer. The

  centurion sitting on the hood looked at him and asked helplessly.

  ”Do we still have to stay here?”

  After handing over the “perpetrator” to the Alliance guards, theoretically, this matter had nothing to do with them.

  However, his superior was probably addicted to watching the show, and he insisted on staying here and even shamelessly got a meal.

  Hearing his subordinates’ voices, Anthony grinned nonchalantly.

  ”Why are you in such a hurry to go back? Why not wait here and take a look? Maybe we can meet the administrator of the Alliance.”

  He heard that the guy killed the Torch Church’s Forerunner wearing biological power armor with a hammer.

  And he was besieged by a group of bat-winged people.

  He has always been curious about what the guy looks like and how many arms and heads he has.

  Of course, he is more curious about how the guy plans to deal with this matter.

  These people are all citizens of the Alliance.

  And they are his most “loyal” supporters.

  Just when he was curious, two light blue arcs flashed in the sky in the distance, which should be full of dusk.

  Anthony threw the beer bottle aside, took off the telescope hanging on the inside of the car door and looked in the direction of the suspected plasma plume.

  After only a moment, his face suddenly showed an excited expression.

  ”Here it comes!”

  Not long after he finished speaking, a “Viper” transport plane flew over from the direction of Shifeng Mountain, and then slowly landed on the weed-covered wasteland.

  Anthony was not the only one who noticed the two arcs of light. The Alliance guards in the outpost noticed the incoming transport plane from a distance, including the Polos who were detained at the gate of the outpost.

  Seeing the guards jumping off the transport plane, Jeramy, who was squatting on the ground, recognized the exoskeletons on their bodies, and his originally drooping face was instantly filled with excitement again.

  It was the people around the manager!

  Sure enough, that adult cared about them!

  Ignoring the guards’ scolding, Jeramy jumped up from the ground like a rabbit jumping out of the bushes, ran to the side of the guards, and then knelt on the ground with a plop.

  ”Master Administrator… You are finally here… We… We are wronged.”

  The air was unusually quiet.

  The guards wearing exoskeletons stared at him coldly.

  Through the black eyepiece, Jeramy could not see the expressions on their faces, but he could feel the coldness in their eyes.

  He swallowed unconsciously and tried to find the azure power armor, but only saw a man in plain clothes.

  The man exuded a special aura.

  However, unlike what he imagined, it was not the majesty in his imagination, but a kind of power that made people feel at ease or convinced.

  ”Tell me, what is the injustice you are talking about.”

  Jeramie pressed his forehead to the ground and said in a choked voice.

  ”We just want to see you, but we were brought here as prisoners by those Willant people… and these rude guards.”

  While saying this, he glanced at the convertible off-road vehicle not far behind him, especially at the man standing next to the car.

  Chu Guang stood motionless, staring at the old man kneeling on the ground, and did not yell at the old man to stand up like he yelled at others.

  He knew.

  Others may bow their heads out of fear of power and authority, but this guy is out of a desire from the bottom of his heart.

  Even if he helped him up with his own hands, it would be meaningless, but it would only fulfill his humble wish.

  Chu Guang didn’t really understand this kind of feeling before, including when he was in Singularity City, he was puzzled more than once why some people would rather live like animals.

  Now someone has demonstrated it in person, and he suddenly understood it in an instant.

  These guys are sincerely longing for a sacred emperor to help them settle all the contradictions in reality, even if the great power that ignores the laws of physics is just their imagination.

  Their understanding of equality is that they can do whatever they want, and once the person who promised them equality cannot satisfy their wishes, they will blame the pain of reality on equality, believing that equality is not absolute, that is, absolute inequality.

  In fact, this cannot be completely blamed on them.

  Part of the reason is that those who brought them here deceived them with white lies, making them mistakenly believe that the Alliance is a wish-making machine that fulfills wishes, and they are the Santa Claus who rides a reindeer to deliver gifts.

  Maybe what they lack is not equality, but the suffering of inequality that they have not suffered enough.

  Chu Guang was silent for a while, then looked at him and continued,

  ”Now that you have seen me, what do you want to say to me?”

  Jeramie held his breath with excitement, tears of gratitude streaming down his face, his forehead almost bleeding on the ground.

  Not only him, but also the other Brahmans squatting at the gate of the outpost were the same.

  They were like real pilgrims!

  After that journey full of hardships, they finally saw the true God in their hearts!

  The respected administrator!

  ”The survivors of Settlement No. 1 were deceived by the representatives. For the sake of their own interests, those representatives made peace with the beasts in human skin… They ignored the interests of the alliance for their own selfish desires and eloquent sophistry!”

  ”But it’s not too late. As long as you are willing to make a call, we will unite around you, all the Brahma people you have saved will! I can swear to you with my surname that I will always be loyal to you, including my children, my grandchildren… all of us from generation to generation!”

  ”Only by disbanding that group of insects! Throwing them into prison and sentencing them to death can we end the wasteland era and achieve true equality! This is for all compatriots in the alliance, while it’s not too late…”

  The old man said with tears in his eyes, his forehead pressed tightly against the ground, like a loyal minister who was willing to sacrifice his life for the country.

  The same is true for the other Brahma people who followed him.

  I think there won’t be many normal people who can follow this guy here.

  ”In order to see me, you stopped a train that couldn’t stop at all. Two people who shouldn’t have died died, and one person broke a leg… You said it was for your compatriots in the alliance. I’ll tell you a few truths, but have you ever shed a tear for your compatriots?”

  ”Don’t talk to me about that guy who’s thousands of kilometers away and whose name you can’t even call. Just look at the track behind you and the people you can see who were alive a few hours ago.”

  Hearing the slowly drifting voice,

  Jeramie was stunned, raised his head, and met a pair of compassionate eyes.

  This should have been something that excited him.

  But for some reason, there was a sense of uneasiness in that compassion.

  That compassion was not directed at him, but at something in him.

  It felt like watching something valuable fall into a mud pit.

  It was as if his life was nothing but something.

  He tried to argue, opened his mouth, but couldn’t say a word.

  Chu Guang’s patience gradually disappeared while waiting, and he was not interested in listening to his improvised excuses.

  ”It seems that you have successfully moved yourself, but I am increasingly confused about what you are saying.”

  ”According to the laws of the Alliance, the organizer bears the main responsibility, and the participants bear the secondary responsibility. This should not be repeated by me, but now I make an exception and tell you.”

  ”Even if you probably don’t care about the safety of the two dead compatriots and everyone on the train, and have never cared about the law, since you are standing on the land of the Alliance, you must abide by the rules here and pay for your stupidity.”

  ”Save what you want to say to the judge, and if you want to kneel, just keep kneeling.”

  As the voice fell, Chu Guang’s outline gradually blurred, and then turned into star-like light and dissipated in the wind.

  It was a holographic image.

  Until the end, the adult did not respond to their prayers, and even refused to condescend to see them.

  Jeramie’s eyes were filled with despair, and his face was ashen, as if his soul had been drained out, as if he had really died.

  The guards standing not far away looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

  This farce should be over, but the subsequent impact may be far from over.

  The Guards Regiment, having finished their work, returned to the plane.

  With two plasma plumes spurting out, the Viper transport plane returned in the direction it came from.

  ”Get up, manager, you’ve seen it too. Even if what that gentleman said was unpleasant to hear, I think he actually has you in his heart… Those big noses wouldn’t be so polite to you.”

  Walking to Jeramie’s side, the director of the outpost touched him with his calf.

  After being touched like this, Jeramie finally came back to his senses, and his wrinkled old face gradually changed from fierce to panic, like a defeated rooster.

  The manager didn’t need his loyalty.

  He thought he was doing it for the good of everyone, but he didn’t expect that in the eyes of that gentleman, he was just a lunatic who disturbed the order and an irredeemable burden.

  He was on the wrong side.

  And his persistence became a joke.

  He seemed to realize the problem, but he didn’t seem to realize it at all.

  But he was really scared.

  Just a few minutes ago, he treated the law as a piece of waste paper, but he actually took the initiative to ask about the criminal law of the alliance.

  ”…What will happen to us?”

  Looking at the old man with trembling shoulders and the whole person seemed to shrink, the chief of the outpost sighed.

  ”I don’t know, there has never been such an outrageous thing before…”

  The looters who intercepted the train were usually sent to labor reform, and if someone died, they would be sentenced to death or life imprisonment depending on the circumstances… However, the human life here usually refers to the casualties caused to the train security or passengers.

  Killing oneself…

  He had never seen it before, and this probably set a precedent since the alliance had railways.

  After a pause, the chief of the outpost said again.

  ”But after all, someone died and economic losses were caused. The sentence is certain. Maybe he will be sentenced to more than ten years in prison, or he may be expelled… It’s up to the judge to decide.”

  If the judge can’t make up his mind, it may have to be handed over to the legislature for discussion. After all, this matter is really weird.

  Speaking of which, the representative who disbanded Settlement No. 1…

  What exactly did this guy think?

  Those people at least spoke for them, and they said a lot.

  Anthony, who was leaning against the off-road vehicle, put down the telescope in his hand and muttered to himself.

  ”So that guy looks like this…”

  Except that he looks handsome, there seems to be nothing special about him.

  However, for the leader of a group of people like this, it doesn’t matter what he looks like.

  What’s important is that the manager’s conversation is unexpectedly quite to his liking.

  Perhaps as a Weilant, what he hates is not the smell of mud on those people, but those guys who keep saying that they are for their compatriots, but their hands are stained with the blood of their compatriots.

  Then again, this kind of people doesn’t seem to be exclusive to the Borneo people, there are also some in the Willant people’s team… and those blue gophers still have some foresight.

  Thinking of this, Anthony suddenly envied those blue gophers.

  Their managers are still alive and kicking, and occasionally they can come out and say a few words to show their presence.

  But his most respected marshal has not been so active for a long, long time…

   (Recommending a new book, “The Years I Was Tricked into Northern Myanmar”)


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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