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Chapter 911 Cheng Lu: Not mature enough

Chapter 911 Cheng Lu: Not mature enough


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 911 Cheng Lu: Not mature enough

  Cheng Lu quietly looked at Xiao Youran who was squatting on the ground and crying.

  It was obviously impossible to say that she had no emotional fluctuations at all.

  Suddenly knowing that Xiao Youran and Xu Xiuwen had broken up.

  She thought that she would feel happy and excited.

  After all, when she and Xu Xiuwen had not broken up yet.

  Xiao Youran had been carrying her on his back and pestering Xu Xiuwen.

  Not only that, Xiao Youran also took advantage of her going home during the National Day holiday to mess around with Xu Xiuwen in their bed.

  The moment she witnessed it with her own eyes, Cheng Lu was shocked, angry, sad, desperate…

  many emotions were mixed.

  For a long time afterwards, the scene she witnessed with her own eyes haunted her like a nightmare.

  Now Xiao Youran has ended up like this.

  It was all Xiao Youran’s fault.

  But for some reason, Cheng Lu did not feel much pleasure, but felt sorry for Xiao Youran.

  Maybe she didn’t feel sorry for Xiao Youran, but for the injured self at the beginning.

  An Shishi and Song Siyu stepped forward to comfort Xiao Youran.

  But the effect was very general.

  Just when An Shishi and Song Siyu were at their wits’ end,

  Cheng Lu, who had been silent, suddenly walked up to Xiao Youran.

  She lowered her eyes to look at Xiao Youran and said in a cold tone, “Even if you cry yourself to death, he won’t know. Besides, do you think you can win back his heart by doing this now?”

  Cheng Lu didn’t name anyone directly, but the four girls knew who ‘he’ was referring to.

  Song Siyu glanced at Cheng Lu and was very surprised.

  She originally thought that even if Cheng Lu didn’t add insult to injury and say some sarcastic words, she would be more generous and would not bear grudges.

  But she didn’t expect that she was actually going to comfort Xiao Youran?

  This generosity made Song Siyu feel ashamed.

  An Shishi was not surprised.

  She knew Cheng Lu better and more deeply than Song Siyu.

  This was also the reason why she had always been pessimistic about Xiao Youran.

  Compared with Cheng Lu, Xiao Youran’s character was still too petty.

  A more direct comparison:

  At the beginning, Cheng Lu could accept Xiao Youran’s constant pestering of Xu Xiuwen.

  Now, it was not Cheng Lu who took the initiative to pester Xu Xiuwen, but Xu Xiuwen who took the initiative to find Cheng Lu. Xiao Youran couldn’t accept it.

  After hearing what Cheng Lu said, Xiao Youran paused. Although she was still crying, her voice was a little quieter.

  Cheng Lu knew that Xiao Youran had taken her words to heart.

  She continued, “If you only know how to cry when you encounter a relationship crisis, then you are too disappointing. What about the energy you had in pestering Xu Xiuwen behind my back?”

  This sentence awakened Xiao Youran.

  When Xu Xiuwen and Cheng Lu were still together.

  Logically, she had no hope of turning the tables.

  But she relied on her persistence and refused to give up, and finally waited until the moment of dawn.

  Her current situation will not be more difficult than before.

  She should not be here to complain about herself and cry about loneliness.

  Xiao Youran quickly stood up, then turned her back to the three people and began to wipe her tears.

  After wiping her tears, Xiao Youran wanted to go directly to Xu Xiuwen.

  An Shishi didn’t know whether she should stop her.

  It was Cheng Lu who spoke up again: “He is angry now. I suggest you wait…”

  Xiao Youran couldn’t help but say: “What if…”

  She actually wanted to say, what if someone poaches her?

  But she soon thought that all the girls who had a ‘close’ relationship with Xu Xiuwen were here.

  She just had to keep an eye on Cheng Lu and Song Siyu, and at most add Shishi.

  Xiao Youran hesitated for a moment and said: “Then I will wait until he is no longer angry, and then go find him.”

  Then, she looked at Cheng Lu in confusion and asked: “Why are you telling me these words?”

  Her subtext was that I broke up with Xiao Xu. With such a good opportunity, don’t you want to get back together with Xu Xiuwen?

  Cheng Lu saw through Xiao Youran’s thoughts at a glance.

  She said lightly: “I won’t get back together with him for the time being, unless…”

  Cheng Lu didn’t continue.

  But her words lifted Xiao Youran’s heart all of a sudden.

  Unless what?

  Xiao Youran really wanted to know.

  But she knew Cheng Lu wouldn’t tell her.

  Xiao Youran bit her lower lip.

  She really wanted to condemn Cheng Lu for still thinking about her boyfriend, but she didn’t have the confidence to say such words.

  One is because she and Xu Xiuwen have broken up.

  The other is because she did the same thing at the beginning.

  Cheng Lu certainly would not tell Xiao Youran about her agreement with Xu Xiuwen.

  She is just generous, but not stupid.

  Song Siyu and An Shishi on the side listened to the conversation between the two.

  Song Siyu was secretly happy.

  As the saying goes, a good horse never turns back.


  The first breakup was initiated by Cheng Lu.

  Xu Xiuwen has been trying to save the relationship but to no avail.

  Now Cheng Lu has taken the initiative to express that he will not reconcile with Xu Xiuwen.

  Then the possibility of their reconciliation is almost zero.

  Let’s talk about Xiao Youran.

  Song Siyu knew that Xu Xiuwen was not a man who changed his mind and hesitated every day.

  He has always been firm in his mind.

  Therefore, Song Siyu was not optimistic that Xiao Youran could reconcile with Xu Xiuwen.

  The possibility of the two of them reconciling with Xu Xiuwen was ruled out.

  Song Siyu seemed to have seen the possibility of her promotion.

  How could she not be happy.

  But she still remembered that her roommates were in front of her, so she tried her best to hide her emotions.

  And An Shishi glanced at Song Siyu.

  She knew what the latter was thinking,

  but Song Siyu would probably be disappointed.

  An Shishi didn’t think that Song Siyu would be the next one to take the position.

  An Shishi was the first to regain her composure.

  She said softly to Xiao Youran, “Youran, go to the bathroom and wash your face. Look at how you’ve been crying.”

  Xiao Youran was worried that she was crying too hard, so she hurried to the bathroom.

  An Shishi followed

  . After the two left,

  only Cheng Lu and Song Siyu were left in the classroom.

  Song Siyu asked again, “Cheng Lu, are you really not going to get back together with Xu Xiuwen?”

  Cheng Lu heard the voice and turned to look at Song Siyu.

  Her observation skills were not worse than An Shishi’s, but her control over people’s hearts was not as good as An Shishi’s.

  She could only feel that Song Siyu was suppressing her emotions.

  But she remembered that Xu Xiuwen had cheated on Song Siyu before.

  So she said lightly, “Yes.”

  Song Siyu suppressed her excitement.

  An Shishi promised Xu Xiuwen to keep an eye on Xiao Youran.

  She planned to follow Xiao Youran closely.

  Xiao Youran suddenly stopped and turned to An Shishi and said, “Shishi, go tell Cheng Lu and Siyu that I will treat them to dinner later to thank them for their comfort just now. I’ll go to the bathroom and come right over.”

  An Shishi was surprised to hear this.

  But she didn’t refuse and nodded in agreement.

  Xiao Youran suddenly wanted to treat his roommates to dinner, of course not just for the sake of gratitude.

  Another purpose was to keep an eye on Cheng Lu and Song Siyu to prevent them from secretly meeting Xu Xiuwen.

  The four of them had dinner together in the cafeteria of Jiaotong University.

  This scene was not common.

  The four girls who appeared in the cafeteria at the same time also attracted the attention of many boys.

  Some of the more courageous boys took the initiative to approach them.

  What’s more interesting is that the person who was approached the most was not Cheng Lu, Xiao Youran, or An Shishi, but Song Siyu. Although

  Cheng Lu is the number one campus belle of Jiaotong University, her image is too cold and arrogant, and her iceberg aura makes all the boys dare to watch from a distance and dare not approach her.

  As the number one campus belle of Jiaotong University, Xiao Youran’s popularity has never been low, as she is as famous as Cheng Lu.

  But she cried too many times in the past two days.

  At this moment, her beautiful eyes were red and swollen.

  Anyone could see that she was in a bad mood.

  So no ignorant boy dared to come up and chat with her.

  As for An Shishi.

  In the first semester of her freshman year, she had always been in the third place.

  But later, because of many rumors, such as rumors that she was kept by someone,

  her popularity was surpassed by Song Siyu.

  Among the four girls, Song Siyu had the tallest figure and a pair of slender and long legs. Even if she wore long pants in winter, it was still difficult to hide her lethality.

  Although her breasts were not as firm as the other three girls,

  it was difficult to see them in winter because she wore more clothes.

  Naturally, it covered up Song Siyu’s shortcomings.

  In addition, she was in the best mood.

  Although she had been deliberately concealing it, her casual expression and the aura she exuded

  made many boys think that she was easier to chat up.

  However, after Song Siyu rejected several boys who approached her in succession,

  the others lost confidence and gave up.

  After dinner.

  Cheng Lu, Xiao Youran and Song Siyu were going to attend the student union meeting.

  An Shishi went back to the dormitory alone.

  Finally, she had time to contact Xu Xiuwen.

  She immediately took out her cell phone and sent a text message to Xu Xiuwen.

  After a while,

  An Shishi’s phone rang.

  The call was connected.

  ”Hello~ Why aren’t you talking?” An Shishi took the initiative to ask.

  Xu Xiuwen was silent for a while, and asked softly: “How is Youran?”

  After all, he was still worried about Xiao Youran.

  An Shishi said: “She cried for a long time, and her eyes were swollen. But after Cheng Lu’s persuasion, she is much better now. She also invited the three of us to dinner in the cafeteria in the evening to thank us for our comfort.”

  Xu Xiuwen was a little surprised to hear this.

  ”You said it was Cheng Lu who persuaded You Ran?”

  ”Yes, after school, Xiao You Ran insisted on going to Jiangning Garden to find you, and I couldn’t stop her. Fortunately, Cheng Lu persuaded her, and she gave up looking for you.”

  Xu Xiuwen: “…”

  ”Why are you not talking?” An Shishi asked.

  ”What do you want me to say?”

  An Shishi said: “Your ex-ex-girlfriend helped you comfort your ex-girlfriend. It’s worth it for a man to do what you have done.”

  Xu Xiuwen said awkwardly: “Shishi, don’t tease me.”

  An Shishi said: “Okay.”


  An Shishi asked again: “Have you decided who to choose as your next girlfriend?”

  Xu Xiuwen was stunned.

  ”Shishi… I…”

  ”Don’t tell me you haven’t decided yet.”

  Xu Xiuwen had to admit: “I plan to get back together with Lulu.”

  Sure enough.

  An Shishi also thought that Xu Xiuwen would get back together with Cheng Lu.

  She was not surprised to hear his words.

  An Shishi suddenly thought of Song Siyu’s reaction in the classroom just now.

  The corners of her mouth rose slightly.

  Song Siyu, I’m afraid you will be disappointed.

  But she didn’t plan to remind Song Siyu.

  Although Song Siyu is Xu Xiuwen’s secret lover like her, there are

  still some differences between them

  An Shishi is willing to be a lover.

  Song Siyu is forced to be a lover.

  Song Siyu’s mentality is not like hers.

  An Shishi really wants to see what expression Song Siyu will have after knowing Xu Xiuwen’s choice.

  It must be very interesting.

  In the evening.

  The other three people in the dormitory came back one after another.

  After Song Siyu washed up, she went to bed early.

  Then she took out her mobile phone.

  ”Do you have time tomorrow night?”

  Soon she received a reply from Xu Xiuwen.

  ”What’s wrong?”

  ”I miss you.”

  If it were any other time, Xu Xiuwen might ask why he missed him.

  But now he was not in the mood.

  ”I don’t have time tomorrow night, maybe next time.”

  Song Siyu was disappointed.

  She hesitated for a moment and asked, “I heard today that you broke up with Youran?”


  ”Why did you break up?”

  ”Didn’t Shishi tell you?”

  Song Siyu was embarrassed.

  She wanted to pretend that she didn’t know, but Xu Xiuwen directly exposed it.

  Song Siyu said, “Shishi said it, but I don’t know if what she said is right, so I asked you…”

  ”I still have something to do, you should go to bed early.”

  Song Siyu was very disappointed when she saw the content of Xu Xiuwen’s last text message.

  She wanted to test Xu Xiuwen’s feelings.

  But Xu Xiuwen didn’t give her a chance at all.

  Song Siyu thought that Xu Xiuwen had just broken up with Xiao Youran and was in a bad mood, which was normal, so she didn’t think much about it.

  But what she didn’t know was.

  After sending the text message to her, Xu Xiuwen sent a text message to Cheng Lu.

  ”The day after tomorrow night, leave the time for me, I will take you to meet someone.”

  Cheng Lu was sitting in a chair, reading a book.

  The phone suddenly vibrated.

  She picked it up and took a look, and saw that it was a text message from Xu Xiuwen.

  Cheng Lu was going to ignore it, but for some reason, she clicked on the text message and took a look.

  She typed back calmly: “I don’t have time.”

  ”You’re lying. It was your birthday that day. How could you not have time? Did someone else make an appointment with you?”

  ”Why can’t someone else make an appointment with me?”

  ”Because I know your personality. You never smile at any man except me.”

  Cheng Lu felt slightly satisfied after seeing Xu Xiuwen’s message.

  ”Don’t flatter yourself! Why do you think I will smile at you?”

  ”I’m not flattering myself, because I can feel that your love for me has not decreased at all.”

  Cheng Lu suddenly asked: “What about Xiao Youran? Your childhood sweethearts, will her love for you decrease? Why do you think she will transfer her feelings to someone else?”

  After sending the message, Xu Xiuwen seemed to disappear.

  Cheng Lu hesitated whether to put down the phone.

  At this time, another message was received.

  ”I said… I broke up with her mainly because of you. Do you believe it?”

  Cheng Lu’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly after seeing the content of the message.

  She had doubted it since she knew that Xu Xiuwen broke up with Xiao Youran.

  Although Xu Xiuwen’s possessiveness was very strong.

  But he would not be jealous, let alone break up because of such a small matter.

  Now it makes sense. But

  Cheng Lu was not very happy, and even felt a little disappointed.

  ”You are not mature enough to do this…”

  Cheng Lu did not have the heart to directly blame Xu Xiuwen, but adopted a tactful rhetoric.

  She did not approve of Xu Xiuwen’s behavior in her heart.

  There are many ways to break up, but because the girlfriend met a high school classmate, he took advantage of the situation and proposed to break up.

  This is a very cheap way to break up.

  Cheng Lu did think about getting back together with Xu Xiuwen.

  To get back together, Xu Xiuwen must break up with Xiao Youran first.

  But Cheng Lu didn’t want Xu Xiuwen to break up with Xiao Youran because of her.

  This seems a bit twisted.

  In fact, it is not twisted at all.

  Cheng Lu broke up with Xu Xiuwen because of the third party Xiao Youran.

  But Cheng Lu’s pride made her disdain to be the third party.

  She didn’t want Xiao Youran to think that she was the one who caused their breakup.

  So all along, she kept enough distance from Xu Xiuwen and never took the initiative to tease and entangle.

  ”I know it’s not mature enough to do this, but I don’t have a better way.”

  Cheng Lu was silent.

  ”The day after tomorrow night, I don’t have time, don’t come to me.” Cheng Lu typed to reject Xu Xiuwen.

  ”No, forget about other times, you must take time to see me that day, I will take you to see someone who is very important to you.”

  Cheng Lu saw Xu Xiuwen’s text message and felt curious.

  ”Who to see?”

  ”You will know when the time comes, I can’t tell you now.”

  Xu Xiuwen even kept her in suspense.

  Cheng Lu thought for a long time, but couldn’t think of who he was talking about.

  Finally, she had to agree.

  At night, on Xiao Youran’s bed.

  The girl lay on her side in the quilt, holding her mobile phone in both hands.

  She hesitated for a long time, but still sent a text message to Xu Xiuwen.

  ”Xiao Xu, I know you are still angry now, I really realized my mistake, when you are no longer angry, can we make peace?”

  Xiao Youran waited for a long time.

  Until she was so sleepy that she could no longer hold on, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  There was no conversation that night.

  In a blink of an eye, it was April 18th.

  This day was Cheng Lu’s birthday.

  In order to prevent Cheng Lu from seeing Xu Xiuwen, Xiao Youran deliberately said in the dormitory in the morning: “Cheng Lu, tonight, the three of us will celebrate your birthday. We will prepare the restaurant and the cake, you just need to go.”

  Xiao Youran’s sudden words made the dormitory quiet.

  Song Siyu and An Shishi both stopped what they were doing, looked at Song Siyu, and then looked at Cheng Lu.

  Cheng Lu was quiet for a second, and then whispered: “No, I have something to do tonight.”

  Xiao Youran was anxious when he heard Cheng Lu’s refusal.

  ”You are going to see Xiao Xu, right?”

  Cheng Lu said lightly: “I don’t need to tell you who I am going to see.”

  Xiao Youran became more anxious when he heard this.

  ”Anyone else can, but Xiao Xu is my boyfriend, you can’t go to see him.”

  Cheng Lu didn’t say anything.

  Xiao Youran suddenly bit her lip and begged, “Cheng Lu, I beg you, please don’t go to see Xiao Xu, okay?”

  Cheng Lu was in a dilemma.

  If she didn’t go, she had already promised Xu Xiuwen.

  If she went, Xiao Youran begged her pitifully.

  That hurt and pleading look was really hard to refuse.

  In the end, Cheng Lu still didn’t agree.

  She turned her head away, not looking into Xiao Youran’s eyes, and said, “Xiao Youran, there are some things that you shouldn’t ask me for, but you should go to him. Don’t forget, you have broken up.”

  Xiao Youran’s body trembled, and then her eyes turned red.

  She still refuses to accept this matter, and has been deceiving herself that she and Xiao Xu just had a quarrel, not a breakup.

  After Cheng Lu finished speaking, she picked up her schoolbag and turned away.

  ”Cheng Lu, you are not allowed to leave!”

  Xiao Youran was anxious again when she saw her leaving

  . It seemed that as long as Cheng Lu stepped out of this door, she would go to see Xu Xiuwen.

  But in fact, it was only morning now.

  In response to her, the dormitory door was closed.

   As a preview, the next chapter is the highlight, and it is one of the settings I thought of before I started writing the book.


  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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