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Chapter 911: The Aftermath

Chapter 911: The Aftermath


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 911: The aftermath of the incident

  At the same time as the train incident, the radio station “Voice of the New Era”, a subsidiary of the “Survivor Daily” of Settlement No. 1, was inviting the settlement’s representative Gu Ning to participate in a talk show in the studio.

  Since the storm that surrounded the city hall, Mr. Gu has been pushed to the forefront of public opinion.

  Some radicals believe that his behavior is a betrayal of “uniting all forces that can be united”, while many conservatives believe that his behavior is precisely to maintain the unity of the alliance.

  Facing the interview with the host, Gu Ning thought for a moment and talked about his own views.

  ”There are some comrades with radical views in our team. They believe that they can influence everything and unite everything with love…even groups with completely different values ​​from us. I don’t want to judge whether they are right or wrong, but what I want to say is that this self-righteous idea is extremely naive, and this naivety will lead us to the abyss.”

  Unexpectedly, the representative would throw out such sharp remarks in such a public occasion. The host couldn’t help but show a surprised expression on his face and continued.

  ”But the values ​​of the Weilantes are also completely opposite to ours. Why do you think they are more worthy of unity?”

  Hearing this, Gu Ning smiled and raised his hands.

  ”No, no, no, you are wrong. The Weilantes with values ​​​​completely opposite to ours will never join us. Even if they stand at our doorstep, they will spit at us viciously.”

  ”And those who choose to join us are, without exception, fed up with the evil militarism and colonialism. Not only do they share the same values ​​as us, but their courage, loyalty, faith and other beautiful qualities will become the strongest shield to defend our equality.”

  When he said this, he changed the subject again and asked the host sitting opposite him.

  ”On the contrary, I want to ask you… Why do you think the values ​​of the Weilantes must be opposite to ours? Or do you think that people are machines with factory settings?”

  Obviously, he didn’t expect him to throw his question back. The host was stunned for two seconds, and his expression gradually became embarrassed.

  Realizing his momentary slip of the tongue, he quickly denied it.

  ”Uh, that’s not what I meant… What I actually wanted to talk about was the Legion.”

  ”I understand,” Gu Ning nodded, “stereotypes are not so easy to eliminate, especially when there are a group of ‘poor people’ standing around you.”

  ”And it’s these poor-looking guys I want to talk about. I don’t want to say that the victims are blaming themselves, but are their sufferings caused by us?”

  Looking at the host who was speechless for a moment, Gu Ning continued bluntly.

  ”Until today, most of the survivors in Golden Gallon Port live in houses that don’t leak, and they even use the subway that none of us have! I know that it is an industry invested by Baiyue Company, and that this is a commercial behavior, but what we still cannot ignore is that until today there are still many residents in Settlement No. 1 living in containers, and they are also people who need unity!”

  ”You may say that we don’t have so many people and can’t use the subway, but we can always use more and more spacious houses, right?”

  ”We have helped them so much, and how have they repaid us? They throw tantrums at civilized people and are servile to barbarians… Because we are easy to talk to, they ask us to give the green light to all their unreasonable demands and tolerate them again and again.”

  ”They have just started to live a little better life, and they want to teach us a lesson, and they think it’s for our own good. Tsk tsk… I really can’t imagine what kind of faces they will have when they have money. Will they turn over and become our daddies?”

  Looking at Gu Ning who couldn’t stop talking, the host quickly coughed to stop him.

  ”I have to say that this is only a small number of people. The vast majority of people we have helped have participated in our construction. You have to see the unknown majority.”

  ”That’s exactly what I mean.” Gu Ning snapped his fingers, sat up straight and looked at him, “Excluding this small number of ungrateful guys and making room for more people who are more worthy of saving is a good way for everyone.”

  The host looked at him hesitantly.

  ”This sounds too unrealistic. How can we determine who is the ungrateful guy?”

  Gu Ning said without hesitation.

  ”It’s very simple, we don’t have to be sure, we raise our own standards and enforce them strictly! If we issue them Alliance ID cards just because they are Borneo or Wilant, it would be irresponsible to all citizens of the Alliance.”

  ”They have to work first, receive education while working, and then pass the assessment of relevant institutions! The Alliance already has a ‘supervised’ system, which is good, but not enough. We should set up a specific regulatory department instead of leaving everything to time.”

  ”They must know that the Alliance is not their shithole. They have made a mess of their hometown. They should think about why things have become like this instead of moving to another place to continue ruining it. Since some wastelanders are destined to be unable to adapt to the lives of civilized people, let them go back to their zoos.”

  Host: “Mr. Gu, I have to say that there are many objective reasons for this. The suffering they have endured is not entirely caused by themselves. If we trace it back to the problems of the Human Alliance period-”

  ”You’re right, but I’m the representative of the citizens of the alliance, and I only speak for the people I represent.” Gu Ning stared at the host and said sincerely, “Listen, we can’t wait until the alliance is in a state of despair before thinking about whether the past decisions were appropriate. Someone must come out and step on the brakes before it’s too late… No one can stop a speeding train immediately. We have to start slowing down before turning, and then judge the speed based on the road conditions behind. Do you understand what I mean?”

  The host touched his nose nervously.

  ”I roughly understand… You mean it’s time to step on the brakes now.”

  Gu Ning leaned back in his chair and continued in a relaxed tone.

  ”That’s about it. No one dares to wade into this muddy water, so let me be the brake pad. At least we can’t let those radicals continue to step on the accelerator. When we become a legion or the Boro Empire, it will be too late to step on the brakes.”

  The interview was almost over here.

  The host was about to end the show, but at this moment his assistant trotted in and stuffed a piece of paper that had just come out of the printer into his hand.

  After taking the paper and taking a look at it, the host’s face changed slightly, and he straightened the microphone on the table again.

  ”Breaking news, our radio station just received news that the train from Weifu City to Settlement No. 1 had a problem, and more than a hundred residents of the settlement tried to stop the train… In the end, two died and one was injured.”

  When he said this, the host’s expression suddenly became strange.

  Because just half a minute ago, the representative sitting in front of him just used the train as an example.

  Is this guy’s mouth blessed?

  Gu Ning’s face also showed a surprised expression, and it was obvious that he didn’t realize that things would be so coincidental.

  He took a sip of water from the cup on the table, and then spoke.

  ”I hope the people on the train are okay… and don’t tell me that it was the Brahmans who stopped the train.”

  The host coughed lightly. ”

  Mr. Gu, as a representative… please pay attention to your identity and your speech. It doesn’t matter who they are.”

  ”Nothing, I don’t mean to target anyone. This is just my good wishes. I hope it won’t be them in the end.”

  He put the cup on the table, thinking, and spoke after a moment.

  ”Maybe we should add an extra law to our trains… prohibiting the stopping of trains on the tracks.”


  In just a few minutes, the “D97 Train Incident” spread throughout the No. 1 Settlement and Weifu City.

  When it comes to the cause of the whole incident, everyone was stunned and speechless.

  Just to see the manager of the alliance, the more than 100 survivors actually came up with the trick of stopping the train. What’s

  even more ridiculous is that the manager they wanted to see was not on the train at all, but was sitting in the waiting room like other late passengers.

  Rather than an accident, it was an absurd farce.

  Especially when the reporters who arrived at the scene of the accident learned that the demands of this group of “train blockers” were to expel the Willands of Settlement No. 1 and dissolve the representative meeting of the alliance, even those who sympathized with them showed an indescribable expression.

  Are these guys a little too proud?

  Unfortunately, except for Jeramy who seemed to have come to his senses, most of the Boro people did not realize what they were doing.

  When the reporter asked them if they knew that the train could not stop immediately, they tearfully accused the ferocity of the train and showed their wounds from falling while rolling and crawling.

  When the reporter asked them if they realized that their behavior was illegal, their opinions did differ.

  Some people jumped up angrily and shouted that they were already so miserable, why should they let the law persecute them. Others pleaded with the camera, begging everyone in Settlement No. 1 to treat them leniently because the Boro people had contributed to the construction of this railway.

  In fact, if they honestly said “I don’t know”, they might be able to win some sympathy, at least it would be more meaningful than throwing a tantrum and talking nonsense.

  However, they didn’t intend to do so. When they should abide by the rules, they used all their strength to resist the rules. They were completely different from the docile sheep in their hometown.

  The reporters who interviewed were also confused by the inability to communicate and unreasonableness shown by these people.

  In fact, most journalists in the alliance were quite sympathetic to the survivors of the Borneo Province.

  On the one hand, it was because the “Survivor Daily” originated from the “old revolutionary area” Boulder City, and on the other hand, a large number of fleeing Moon Tribes actively participated in the construction of the southern region of the alliance, and a large number of media and media workers were born.

  These reporters had already asked some questions that were beneficial to them, but their performance made all the radicals who sympathized with and even supported them more or less play clowns.

  At the first moment of the accident, Suka, the representative of Settlement No. 1, rushed to the scene.

  He was a step slower than the reporters, but not for too long.

  Looking at his compatriots who were crying and accusing the Representative Council in front of the camera, and Jeramy who was standing in the crowd with a numb expression, he strode forward, grabbed the latter’s shoulders, and shouted in a trembling voice.

  ”…Are you crazy? Disband the Representative Council…Why don’t you just say disband the Alliance?”

  Jeramy turned his head woodenly and looked at Suka, the gentle and refined young man.

  He recognized this guy, and remembered that he was also a member of the Moon Clan. He even knew his original surname.

  Unlike himself, he had made a name for himself. Not only did he get the citizenship of the Alliance early, but he also became an official and became the regional representative of Settlement No. 1…


  He was really good at making a living.

  Jeramy’s face gradually regained a trace of blood, and the “all over” expression turned into hatred in an instant.

  He suddenly grabbed Suka’s arm with his backhand, and the veins on the back of his hand popped out. It didn’t look like he was grabbing the last straw, but it looked like he wanted to drag the guy who “ruined the good thing” into hell.

  ”You traitor… why don’t you help us?”

  The hand on his arm was like an iron clamp, but it was not as painful as the curse of the traitor. Suka’s heart felt like a needle piercing.

  His expression twisted, and he broke free from Jeramy’s hand and shook off the latter’s shoulder.

  He had never lost his composure since he became a representative, but for the first time he let out a hysterical roar.

  ”I won’t help you? Have I advised you not to be impulsive? I have told you more than once that impatience will only lead to bad things, and everything must be done step by step… And what did you say about me behind my back? Do you really think that only you can hear what you said? Now you blame me for not helping you!”

  Jeramy seemed not to hear it, staring at Suka with vulture-like eyes, and stretched out his hand to strangle him.

  ”You guy… you have made a name for yourself, but you forget your roots. Others don’t remember your name, but I remember it clearly, Cassidym, don’t forget that you are a Moon Clan member! You are a Brahman! I am your compatriot! I am!” The dispute between

  the two finally attracted the attention of the guards nearby.

  At first, they didn’t want to intervene because the man was a representative, but they saw that he was about to fight with the “criminals”, and they couldn’t bear to see him make a fool of himself in front of the media.

  The TV tower of Settlement No. 1 has not been built yet, but Weifu City has its own TV station.

  I heard that the respected manager is also there, maybe he is watching behind the screen.

  The guards wearing exoskeletons came up and pulled Jeramie back to the isolation belt, and pulled Suka out.

  The police officer who was handling the case on the scene came over, stared at Suka with messy clothes, and said in a warning tone.

  ”This is a crime scene, Mr. Representative, if you hinder our law enforcement again, I can only ask you to go to the car to talk, or would you rather explain to the people in the prosecutor’s office?”

  He was a Weilant, who had served in the Eastern Legion before, and later came here with the Southern Construction Corps. After retiring, he transferred to the local security bureau.

  Unlike the young man who was born as a wastelander in the security bureau, he has tolerated these people for a long time.

  There were people who wanted to kill all the Weilant people, but at least they didn’t use their mouths, but guns.

  Suka didn’t look at the sheriff who pulled him away. He just looked at Jeremy, who was like a beast and wanted to kill him, with a surprised expression, and took two steps back.

  After a long time, he finally said a word.

  ”My last name is Su.”

  Maybe the man surnamed Gu is right, and it is time for the Alliance to do that.

  At least, they have to make the identity of “supervised persons” play its due role…

  This is not just for immigrants from the Borneo Province. The Alliance needs to raise the threshold for ID cards.

  In addition to the trusted survivor forces, survivors without any background guarantees must receive a complete education and undergo regular inspections by relevant institutions before they can obtain full citizenship.

  It’s time to set up an immigration bureau.

  Whether the old man heard it or not, Suka adjusted his collar in a mess and fled from the scene before the reporters arrived.


  For three whole days, the “D97 Train Incident” occupied the headlines of Settlement No. 1 and Weifu City.

  Although some radical reporters selectively downplayed the overly eccentric words of those who stopped the train, the Alliance’s media is not just one newspaper after all, and these newspapers are impossible to be monopolized by a certain group.

  What’s more, in addition to those newspapers with a right-wing stance, there are also newspapers such as “Goblin Observer” that are run by people who “don’t care about the occasion or the air”.

  On the morning of the second day after the incident, all the survivors in the entire alliance knew that the guys who stopped the car were the Boro people.

  This farce not only caused a sensation in Settlement No. 1 and Weifu City, but also flew across the ocean to Jingalon Port and even Mammoth City.

  A total of 120 people were identified as the perpetrators.

  Among them were the two people who died unfortunately and the unlucky guy who paid the price of a leg.

  Among them, 82 people were citizens of the alliance.

  In addition to the organizer Jeramy who was sentenced to 100 years in prison, the remaining participants were sentenced to at least 10 years.

  Distribution according to the noise and the law not punishing the masses do not exist in the alliance. The prison in Settlement No. 1 is full and there are mines in Qingshi County.

  What’s more, a hundred people are nothing. When the alliance cracked down outside the Giant Stone City, it caught a whole punishment battalion. Going to the front line cured all the problems.

  As for the other 38 people, they were all “supervised persons”, which was equivalent to not obtaining citizenship of the alliance.

  After collecting their biological information, the court made a decision to send them back to their place of origin.

  Of course, this does not mean that they do not have to serve their sentences, but they will serve their sentences in a different place.

  A long time ago, the Alliance signed an extradition treaty with the survivors with whom they had good relations, and these judicial cooperations were carried out simultaneously with economic cooperation.

  According to the information provided by the labor agency and the shipping company, they will be sent to Jinjialun Port, Borneo or Mammoth.

  As for some Borneo people from Xifan Port, they will be taken over by the prison in Jinjialun Port.

  The most outrageous thing about the whole farce is that its actual influence is much greater than the direct economic losses it caused.

  The royalist old men from Borneo Province successfully turned all the radicals who sympathized with Borneo people into clowns through their unique performance art and the role of radicals, and made some Alliance people who had lived a good life for too long suddenly realize that they had made too much progress.

  Now the debate between conservatives and radicals is no longer about “shortening or extending the inspection period of the identity of the supervised person”, but starting to discuss “establishing a specific regulatory agency to implement specific regulatory details, and whether to implement a scoring system.”

  As for those extreme radicals who called for “the identity of the supervised is outdated”, they all shut up and became mute, and stopped talking.

  In fact, it is not just the radicals within the alliance who are in disgrace, but also the authorities of the Borneo and Mammoth countries who are supported by the former.

  This incident is undoubtedly a wake-up call for them.

  If the public opinion of the alliance turns right and reduces support for the resistance movement in Borneo Province, it will undoubtedly be disastrous for the Borneo Province countries that have not yet completely gotten rid of their dependence on aid… In

  the commander’s mansion in Tiandu.

  Looking at the report reprinted by the “Survivor Daily” in Jinjialun Port, Abusek’s nose was almost crooked and he threw the newspaper hard on the desk.

  ”What a joke!”

  He finally established a little image of enlightened rule for the Borneo people, and let the survivors outside see that the Borneo people can also stand up, but the group of “old guards” who ran away turned around and slapped all of them.

  But to be honest, in addition to the resentment of being disappointed in iron, he was more helpless.

  He understood these people too well.

  The people under Lasi were like this, and so was he?

  His appointed education committee member, Kabaha, was also a knowledgeable man, who wrote good articles and had unquestionable abilities. He also couldn’t get rid of the bad habit of “bullying the weak and fearing the strong”, and would bar his teeth at anyone who showed him a good face.

  If it weren’t for me protecting him, that guy would have died countless times.

  Standing in front of Abusek’s desk, Internal Affairs Committee member Wadia said solemnly.

  ”I heard that this matter has caused a big stir within the alliance. I wonder if it will affect the alliance’s support for us.”

  Abusek got up from his desk, paced around the office for half a circle, and sighed.

  ”I’m not worried about this. With the pattern and vision of the alliance manager, I don’t think it will.”

  Perhaps because he was in a similar position, he saw it very clearly.

  The gentleman never extended a helping hand to them because of feelings such as sympathy, and naturally it would not be interrupted because of simple disgust or similar feelings.

  Fighting the eastward expansion of the Legion is both a strategic need and a value need of the alliance.

  They oppose the oppression of survivors by militarism and authoritarianism, and use this as a banner to unite more oppressed survivors.

  They are determined to win this war, and the Southern Army is the same.

  After a pause, Abusek said worriedly.

  ”However, there is no guarantee that they will let us go after the war… and this is what I am most worried about.”

  The war was won.

  As pawns, they are naturally no longer as important as before.

  According to past practice, for wastelands without order, the alliance will help local survivors establish their own order.

  For lands with existing order, the alliance will let the locals decide their own destiny. For

  example, Luoxia Province is like this.

  However, Boluo Province is different from Luoxia Province. There are too many contradictions accumulated in this land of thousands of tribes and thousands of gods. Not to mention Laxi’s attitude, he has not yet dealt with several thorns under his hands.

  Occasionally, he can’t help but sigh that those guys who kowtowed to the managers of the alliance, if only they could share some of their devout faith with him.

  Anyway, the Heavenly Palace has collapsed. He didn’t have such an obsession with the throne before, and now he has given up the idea.

  In the future, everyone should take a step back and take turns to be the boss, so that time can ease the conflict.

  Looking at the worried Abusek, Internal Affairs Committee member Wadia gradually became serious and said in a deep voice.

  ”…If it really develops to that point, we have to prepare in advance.”

  Abusek nodded.

  ”Well, the sooner the better. I have to talk to Laxi when I have time and ask him about his attitude towards the three northern states. If it can be solved peacefully, we should try to use peaceful methods.”

  As he said this, his eyes suddenly fell on a line in the “Survivor Daily” – an interview with a representative named Gu Ning.

  That guy is a conservative within the alliance, and he should be considered his “enemy”.

  However, for some reason, Abusek couldn’t hate this stranger, but instead felt a bit of empathy for what he said.

  Suddenly, he spoke.

  ”Wadiyya, do you think I am a civilized person or a barbarian?”

  Wadia, standing in front of the desk, was stunned for a few seconds when he heard the commander-in-chief’s sudden question, and hurriedly said respectfully.

  ”Commander-in-chief, you must be a civilized person! Is there any need to ask?”

  Abusek laughed.

  ”No wonder.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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