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Chapter 911 This is the personality charm that villains never have

Chapter 911 This is the personality charm that villains never have


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 911 This is the personality charm that villains never have

  . Although it may be difficult for others to find Zhili, Xu Quan is the son of heaven, so it is very easy for him to find a big monster. I

  just don’t know what she wants to do by looking for Zhili.

  ”You dare to show up?”

  Staring at Xu Quan, Zhili’s eyes were red, and her voice was as cold as winter.

  She almost resisted the urge to kill the man in front of her immediately, and sneered word by word:

  ”What? Are you here to stare at me?”

  ”Hehe, don’t worry.”

  ”I won’t leave until I kill you all.”


  The small lake behind her was rippling violently, and the invisible murderous intent filled the air.

  Zhili’s words were both a vent and her real intention.

  After all, after being deceived once and seeing how shameless Wei Changtian was, she would never be deceived a second time even if she was stupid.

  Zhili knew that even if she really went to Daqian Capital with Wei Changtian, the latter would not return the holy fruit.

  In this case, the only thing she could do was revenge.

  Of course, Zhili knew very well that she couldn’t do this now, and it was even hard to say whether she could escape from Linchuan.

  But as long as she could live, she would spend her whole life looking for an opportunity to take revenge on Wei Changtian.

  Including the two “accomplices” Xu Quan and Yang Liushi.

  Therefore, if Zhili hadn’t been afraid that Xu Quan’s appearance was a trap, she would have slapped him long ago.

  Even though she was a little afraid, her indescribable anger still made her slowly raise her hand, as if she would be unable to resist swinging this palm at any time to kill the man who deceived her on the spot.

  The ripples on the lake surface became more and more agitated, the white skirt swayed in the wind, and the long hair scattered on the corners of her clenched lips.

  Whether to kill one person first at all costs, or to endure and save her life for the time being, Zhili’s eyes were full of unwillingness and disgust, as if he would make a choice in the next moment.

  Facing all this, Xu Quan didn’t say a word, but shook his head slightly with a complicated expression, and then took out three purple fruits from his arms in Zhili’s suddenly stunned eyes.


  Taking a step forward, Xu Quan seemed to want to hand the holy fruit to Zhili.

  But the latter took a step back immediately, and his expression became more alert.

  ”I’ll put it here.”

  After a slight pause, Xu Quan did not approach again, but bent down and gently placed the holy fruit on the ground, and then stepped back a few steps. The

  warm summer breeze blew, and the two were about six or seven steps apart at this time.

  The three fruits emitting a mysterious aura were located right between the two, lying quietly on a white stone, reflecting a faint purple light in the sunlight.

  ”What are you playing?”

  After taking a look at the three holy fruits, her breathing became a little faster.

  But she did not act rashly, but looked up at Xu Quan and said in an extremely cold voice:

  ”This is a trap.”

  ”Demon King, this is not a trap.”

  Xu Quan lowered his head and seemed to sigh, and his tone was a little difficult.

  ”I’ve said before that I’ll do my best to do whatever I promised.”

  ”Since we’ve already agreed that I’ll return the three holy fruits as long as you bring the demon soldiers to Linchuan, I’ll naturally fulfill my promise now.”

  ”The holy fruit is here now, you should be able to tell whether it’s real or fake.”

  ”So, just take it.”

  It can be seen that Xu Quan wanted to say something else in the end, but he didn’t say it after all. After

  he finished speaking, he glanced at Zhili again, then turned around and walked away along the path by the lake.

  The man left, but the holy fruit remained .

  Zhili was stunned for a moment, and Xu Quan’s voice seemed to still echo in her ears. After

  a moment of hesitation, she quickly made a decision.

  After a moment, she carefully stimulated an internal force and slowly wrapped the holy fruit back into her hand.

  Crystal clear as jade, round like a pearl, the unique breath was weak but really


  Xu Quan didn’t lie to himself! He actually returned the holy fruit!

  Suddenly her eyes widened, and Zhili subconsciously looked up at the figure that had already walked away.

  Then, she didn’t know what she was thinking, and suddenly blurted out:

  ”Wait, wait!”

  ”You, you stop right there!”


  Without the hatred and ferocity from before, she was more anxious and confused, and even inexplicably chased the figure a few steps.

  It seemed that she also realized that her behavior was a bit “inexplicable”, and Zhili soon slowed down her pace again, and walked slowly with a stern face to the opposite side of Xu Quan who had stopped and turned back.

  ”Did Wei Changtian ask you to return the holy fruit to the king?”

  The voice became cold again, but this time it didn’t seem so sincere.

  Zhili stared at Xu Quan and asked the most critical question, and the latter was silent for a long time, and then shook his head gently.



  Xu Quan was not lying to Zhili, and all this was indeed not what Wei Changtian meant.

  It was his own decision to fulfill his promise and return the holy fruit as promised

  . There is no doubt that in the eyes of most people, this behavior is undoubtedly a “betrayal”.

  After all, Xu Quan is Wei Changtian’s man anyway. Even if the latter is a rogue, he may be able to persuade him, but he should never do anything that harms Wei Changtian’s interests privately.

  This is not a question of which comes first, “morality” or “loyalty”.

  If you have to compare it this way, it is “morality to the enemy” and “loyalty to one’s own people”.

  Then, those who choose the former are undoubtedly traitors.

  Because of this, Xu Quan did not hesitate, and it can even be said that this is the most difficult choice he has faced so far.

  But in the end he chose to keep his promise to Zhili.

  This may be related to the fact that he and Wei Changtian are not strictly “superior and subordinate” relationships.

  But the more important thing is because of his life creed of “keeping one’s word”.

  Xu Quan knew that he could not persuade Wei Changtian, so he had to do this.

  Maybe this is indeed a betrayal, maybe it will cost him a very serious price, maybe it will even drag down Xu Suisui.

  But Xu Quan never regretted it.

  Because in his opinion, he just did the right thing

  . “Monster King, go back to Changliu Mountain as soon as possible.”

  Looking at Zhili with a complicated expression, Xu Quan said softly:

  ”No matter what, you have already got the holy fruit, so don’t think about revenge anymore.”

  ”You are not the opponent of the young master. As long as you don’t seek death, I think the young master will not go to trouble you.”

  ”What about you?”

  Suddenly, Zhili interrupted Xu Quan coldly: “Return the holy fruit to me, aren’t you afraid that Wei Changtian will kill you?”

  ”Thank you for your concern, Monster King. I don’t think the young master will.”

  Xu Quan smiled and said in a relaxed tone: “Besides, this has nothing to do with you. You just need to know that not all humans are untrustworthy.”

  ”Okay, that’s it.”

  ”We’ll meet again in the future.”

  Waving his hand, Xu Quan was probably thinking about how to explain to Wei Changtian when he returned later, so he didn’t say too much to Zhili and turned around to leave.

  But the next moment, Zhili bit his lip and suddenly took two quick steps to catch up with him.

  ”Hmm? Demon King, I wonder if you still have…”

  ”I’ll go back with you!”

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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