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Chapter 912: Seeking Innovation and Change

Chapter 912: Seeking Innovation and Change


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 912 Seeking Innovation and Change

  Just when Abuseike was lamenting that a group of “insects” were really difficult to lead, Commissioner Kabaha, who “stole the limelight” in the education reform, did not know that he had just been criticized by a “dignified insect”.

  As the saying goes, a lover sees beauty in his lover, and in the eyes of Xishi, isn’t it the same?

  If you can’t understand the positive logic, everything will be clear when you look at it the other way around.

  At least from the perspective of Commissioner Kabaha, Abuseike really has nothing to complain about.

  It is an indisputable fact that the Tiandu Federation can neither unite the conservatives nor the radicals, and this can’t be blamed on his sour and smelly head of a literati.

  Just like the huge Xilan Empire, it can’t be destroyed by women and eunuchs.

  Anyone with a discerning eye can see that from the moment Wu Tuo fled, Xilan’s luck has been exhausted.

  However, the Federation did a good job in one thing, at least giving ordinary people hope.

  And the solution that a group of people come up with is always much smarter than the trouble that a few inbred princes and nobles come up with behind closed doors.

  If the cohesion of the empire is a negative number, then the cohesion of the Tiandu Federation is always a positive number.

  While the bombers were buzzing in the sky, the most learned people in the Borneo Province were gathering together to hold a reading club to make friends through literature.

  Of course, making friends through literature is just an elegant excuse.

  The organizers, including Commissioner Kabaha and Niyang, are mainly for educational purposes, and to dig out talented people from all walks of life to serve as lecturers and professors, while gathering the power of the few scholars in the entire Borneo Province.

  Although their power is much smaller than that of other sectors of society, there are also things that only they can do and have to do.

  As for the occasional explosions that come from far or near, they just pretend not to hear them while sitting in a small courtyard.

  In just one week, everyone has gone from being reserved when they first met to close friends who can talk about anything.

  Although most of the time the opinions were different, even diametrically opposed, there was no sharp conflict that hurt the harmony.

  After all, even if there were many different opinions, everyone was united in their stance on one thing.

  That was saving the nation.

  One morning, sitting in the yard, Commissioner Kabaha looked at the “Survivor Daily” in his hand, shook his head and frowned.

  ”This slave turned over and became the master, and his airs were even more ridiculous than his master.”

  Unlike Abusek, the first thing he thought of was not the other party, or not just the other party, but also those captains who were looking at him coldly.

  These guys were just dock workers a year ago, but in just a few months, they have already regarded themselves as the masters of this country of Borneo, forgetting that they were once ordinary people.

  Sitting next to Commissioner Kabaha, a young man in a neat suit asked with a smile.

  ”Oh? Then what does Mr. Kabaha think led to this result?”

  His name is Meng Jie, formerly known as Mengqi, and he belongs to the early immigrants to French Fries Port Yue tribe, and this can be seen from his name that is full of “alliance flavor”.

  During the Xilan Empire, the Alliance expedition team had sent a research team to the Rowell Camp in Jingallon Harbor for the purpose of sociological research.

  At that time, he assisted Ms. Han Mingyue in her work as an assistant hired by her. After the research came to an end, he entered Camp 101 for further study under the recommendation of the researcher, and met Ni Yang who was still working in the embassy in Dawn City.

  There was a time when Ni Yang lacked inspiration, and he also acted as a “mercenary” to contribute to the Dawn Garden Newspaper.

  Compared with Ni Yang, who only picked things that the Duke of Galawa liked to hear, he preferred to talk about some of the actual problems of the Alliance in the newspaper.

  For example, the miraculous victory of the Boulder City Workers’ Union led to the proliferation of radicals within the Alliance, and the voices and opinions of conservatives were ignored for a long time.

  Boulder City was a wild horse that collapsed after running wildly for a century and a half, and the new Alliance was not the same?

  They were just galloping on another road, and they also needed to install a saddle and reins for themselves.

  However, this newspaper is a baby product after all, and has never been publicly issued in the Alliance.

  The real audience of the newspaper did not like his innocuous criticism.

  On the contrary, he submitted the same manuscript to the “Goblin Observer” and caused some controversy.

  But that is another topic.

  Anyway, at the invitation of Niyang, he changed his name and ran back from the Alliance to serve as a professor and president of Mammoth University.

  Niyang himself retreated behind the scenes and became a school director.

  Laxi hoped that he could serve as the Minister of Education and open more schools in Mammoth State and even the three northern states.

  As for whether there are other political intentions behind this, such as “actually controlling the three northern states”, that is also another topic.

  ”People, or the bad roots of human nature,” Kabaha lit the ash and sighed, “The province of Boro needs a thorough ideological change to destroy all the old things before it can truly and thoroughly embrace civilization.”

  ”If you don’t do this, it will be the same even if you go to the Alliance. They just moved a thousand pillars over.”

  Meng Jie smiled and shook his head.

  ”Old man, you are too extreme. The one who stopped the car was a Brahman, the one who repaired the car was also a Brahman, and there may have been Brahmans sitting in the car. How can this be blamed on the bad roots of human nature? There is a proverb in the Alliance, which probably says that everyone is born with a blank sheet of paper, and whether they can become successful depends on their acquired education. I think it is better to say that it is a lack of education rather than a bad root of human nature.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”Of course, the fact that this matter can ferment to this extent is also due to the conservative forces within the Alliance. They have ignored the conservative voices for too long, and it is inevitable that they will be backlashed now. However, it is not a bad thing for the Alliance itself to brake when it is time to brake.”

  He wrote an editorial in the newspaper a long time ago, and he was not the only one who held similar arguments.

  Although he did not oppose reflecting on his own problems, it was obviously biased to blame all the problems on the Brahmans and the bad roots of human nature, and if he changed it in this way, it would be an overreaction.

  Watching the argument between Commissioner Kabaha and Meng Jie, Ni Yang, who was sitting nearby smoking and reading a newspaper, interrupted with a smile.

  ”Although I often quarrel with Mr. Kabaha, I have to say a few words on his behalf this time. Regardless of whether there are forces within the alliance fanning the flames, it cannot change the problems we have.”

  ”The Weilantes have their own bad roots, and the Brahmas have their own bad roots. No one is lower than anyone else, and no one is more noble than anyone else. Moreover, the more severe the suffering, the more terminal the disease, and the more difficult it is to eradicate the stubborn disease. If you want to cure the disease, you still have to use strong medicine and cut from the root.”

  ”Mr. Meng Jie, we can’t always refute without establishing our own opinions when discussing issues. You are a principal after all, so let us hear your opinions on how to cure this disease.”

  Listening to Ni Yang’s ridicule, Meng Jie laughed and said.

  ”You are too flattering to me. I was chosen as the principal by you after you abdicated.”

  Ni Yang said with a smile.

  ”I dare not say that. I remember that I asked you to come here. You came to help me. Don’t underestimate yourself.”

  ”Then forgive my humble opinion,” Meng Jie smiled and continued in a casual tone, “In my opinion, the Brahmans are not much different from the survivors in other parts of the wasteland. It’s just that this land lacks equality and fraternity. I agree with part of your point of view. We need a change in thinking, but there is no need to completely demolish the thousand pillars. We just need to give them what they lack. These thousand pillars may be the load-bearing walls of the new era.”

  The bottom line is that they did not come up with new theories, and the old things were read for too long. Once they could not keep up with the needs of reality, they turned from theories into religions.

  If Niyang and Kabaha focused on “change” in this ideological reform movement, then the focus of his advocacy was “newness”.

  Although he had no confidence that he could convince them, there was nothing wrong with everyone expressing their opinions and discussing.

  ”I don’t agree.” Kabaha shook his head. “Mr. Mengjie’s views are too conservative. It might be appropriate to give us another thousand or a hundred years, but not necessarily at this critical juncture of life and death.”

  ”Excuse me for saying this is a fallacy. We still have a long way to go. In fact, we can still go slower. If we look at the timeline in a longer term, moderate reforms will not necessarily lose to radical changes.”

  Not wanting to continue arguing with the two “radicals” about this fruitless topic, Meng Jie turned the page of the newspaper in his hand and saw a celebrity who was in the limelight in the public opinion field. He smiled and changed the subject and said, “Speaking of which, Zayed has become quite famous recently. What do you two think?”

  Niyang curled his lips.

  ”The bandit leader who follows Shahrukh, his subordinates Gopal and Alayan are the same, ruthless to the enemy, and even more ruthless to their own people. I don’t even think highly of Shahrukh, why do you ask me for his opinion? Are there still one or two people in Jingalon Port who are full and have nothing to do? In my opinion, sooner or later, these guys will have to pay the price for their stupidity and naivety.”

  Kabaha frowned.

  ”I have seen this man. He is quite insightful in his way of dealing with people and talking. He is not as bad as you say.”

  Niyang looked at Kabaha in surprise, with an unbelievable look on his face.

  ”Are you serious?”

  Meng Jie closed the newspaper in his hand and shook his head with a smile.

  Unexpectedly, here, the “radicals” also have their own differences.

  Looking at the two people who were tit-for-tat, he was a little confused about whether he was on the left or the right.


  Xifan Port.

  At the command headquarters of the Southern Legion’s Bharat Province War Zone, General Gullion, standing in the conference room, was reporting the combat situation of the previous stage to the Southern Legion’s General Staff.

  Since the troops on the northern and eastern fronts entered the strategic stalemate stage, the actual control areas of the warring parties have not changed significantly. The only changes are the casualties in the battle report and the equipment loss between them.

  In general, the war exchange ratio of the Southern Corps can be controlled at about 1:3.

  This statistical figure may be different from the battle reports of the Pala Kingdom and the Mammoth Kingdom, but it is basically not too far apart. It is

  human nature to report good news but not bad news. Naturally, Gu Liong cannot avoid focusing on the casualty ratio of both sides and the bombing effect of Tiandu.

  In short, the Southern Corps has a great strategic advantage and a considerable tactical advantage.

  Due to the investment of a large number of new equipment, the casualty rate of the Southern Corps has dropped significantly, and it is no longer as caught off guard as before when dealing with the electromagnetic weapons of the Alliance.

  Everything is moving in a good direction.

  Although the Yongye Port Radio Station incident some time ago dampened the morale of some frontline soldiers, due to the timely blockade of the news and the ideological preparation work in place, it did not shake the confidence of the frontline soldiers in winning this war.

  However, just as Gullion was describing the victory after victory of the frontline troops, the chief of staff suddenly coughed and interrupted him.

  ”General Gullion, do you know how many people are born every day in an old-time province with hundreds of millions of survivors?”

  Gullion was stunned, not knowing why the chief of staff suddenly asked this question.

  Without waiting for his answer, the holographic image floating in front of the conference table continued.

  ”Ten thousand, and at least.”

  ”The poorer the place, the more fertile it is. I don’t need to remind you why. There are tens of millions of people in the Lion State under our control alone. Their fertility and vitality are like cockroaches, and their actual number may have exceeded our imagination.”

  ”So, don’t emphasize to me how many people you killed today and how many you killed yesterday. If the time is extended, the number you reported to me is not worth mentioning at all. At most, it will lower their average age.”

  ”If we get into a protracted war of attrition, our enemies will become younger and younger, and even more and more… And in turn, in this process, our excellent soldiers and generals will continue to be consumed until they are pulled to the same level by them in the protracted attrition.”

  Gu Liong’s expression was a little embarrassed.

  Of course, he knew the problem, but there was nothing he could do about it.

  Since the failure of the general offensive in Tiandu, the entire Borneo war zone lost five airships at once and retreated hundreds of kilometers in a panic. His troops have in fact lost the ability to continue the attack.

  Unless he completely ignores the casualties of his subordinates, or the headquarters sends more airships to reinforce.

  The former is not good for the long-term war situation, and the latter is even more unrealistic before the cause of the airship crash is investigated.

  Although he didn’t want to say this, the fact is that

  this war that broke out in the Borneo Province is no longer decided by the people trapped in this quagmire.

  If the Southern Corps wants to win this war completely, it may have to take a more radical approach and open up a second battlefield in the Alliance’s homeland.

  Unfortunately, however, this kind of grand strategic decision is not something he can intervene in.

  This involves not only the game between the Southern Corps and the Alliance, but also the game between Avent City and Triumph City.

  Looking at General Gurion who couldn’t say a word, the Chief of Staff suddenly put him down with a light sentence.

  ”I have basically understood the situation on the front line, and you just need to keep it up. In addition, I have two pieces of news here, which are good news for you.”

  General Gurion immediately acted respectfully.

  ”Please speak!”

  The Chief of Staff spoke slowly.

  ”First of all, our intelligence personnel have confirmed the real reason for the crash of the airship, which is suspected to be related to the gravity well technology that the Academy transferred to the Alliance.”

  Gurion’s expression suddenly became solemn.

  ”Academy… Did they also join the war?”

  This was not good news for him.

  However, the Chief of Staff did not take it too seriously.

  The conspiracy of the Academy is difficult to guess, but their ultimate goal is clear.

  What the enterprise gave up is what they have been pursuing all their lives.

  And it is easy to stop them. It is much easier

  to let a complex starship crash into the atmosphere than to shoot it into the sky.

  It is precisely for this reason that although the Academy is much more active than the enterprise in regional affairs, the upper limit of what they can do is actually very low.

  Transferring one or two technologies is close to the limit of their support.

  Looking at Gurion with a solemn expression, the Chief of Staff slowly spoke and continued.

  ”It’s not the first time that they have been playing tricks behind the scenes. However, it was beyond our expectation that those misers were willing to transfer technology to the Alliance. I think there must be other deals behind this.”

  ”However, this is not the point. The point is that we have cracked the secret of how they shot down our airship. This kind of gravity well needs to be deployed in advance, is only effective in specific areas, and consumes a lot of energy… In fact, not long after they used the gravity well, the ‘Heavenly Palace’ in Tiandu crashed.”

  ”Maybe they have deployed other gravity well devices, but these targets can be detected in advance, whether using our drones or ground troops.”

  Hearing this, General Gullion’s face instantly showed a hint of joy.

  ”In other words… our airship can be used again?!”

  The Chief of Staff nodded.

  ”I will send a few more airships to the front, but I still hope you can use them more for logistics transportation. Our opponents are different from before, and using airships to deal with them is not the most effective way.”

  ”I hope you can flexibly use the new aircraft, individual armor, lasers and guided weapons sent to the front from the rear. The opponents standing in front of us are no longer just primitive people, and we have to learn to keep up with the times.”

  ”This is not only to win the war at hand, but also to make long-term preparations for opening up a second or even a third battlefield on the territory of the alliance and even the enterprise.”

  Open up a second or even a third battlefield!

  General Gullion’s face was filled with ecstasy.

  This is undoubtedly the best news he has heard this month!

  The only problem is that the Southern Legion does not have independent diplomatic rights. So much

  so that their current war against the Borneo Province is carried out in the name of the Xilan Empire.

  It seems that the people above have an idea of ​​how to unite other Willant people to the chariot of the Southern Legion.

  Once the entire legion unites to attack the common enemy of the Willant people, all the current decline will be completely reversed!

  Looking at the excited Gurion, the Chief of Staff smiled faintly and continued.

  ”The second good news is that we have received intelligence that public opinion within the alliance is shifting as the war continues. Obviously, their resources are not unlimited, and the support from the academy and enterprises is not enough to completely fill this hole. Once their thoughts turn right and they reduce their support for the rebels in the Borneo Province, our chance will come.”

  ”That’s basically the situation… By the way, how is the development of the killing agent going?”

  ”The resident of the shelter named Martin told me that it will take some time, and… he wants the genetic source code of the Weilant people, saying that it is for more efficient enemy identification. But that thing is in Triumph City, and we don’t have it ourselves, so we can only find a few Weilant people to cooperate with him in the experiment.” Gurion hesitated for a moment, and finally reported Martin’s request.

  The Chief of Staff frowned.

  ”I’ll think of a way.”

  After throwing down this sentence, the light blue light particle disappeared in the room.

  Gullion breathed a sigh of relief, raised his arm to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and looked at the empty conference room, and his spirits were lifted again.

  The people above were studying the opening of a new battlefield.

  If this thing can be done, he will not have to shoulder all this alone.

  Just then, there was a knock on the door outside the conference room.

  Restraining the smile on his face, Gullion put on a majestic posture and coughed at the door.

  ”Come in.”

  An officer pushed the door open, stood at attention and saluted, and reported in a dark and serious tone.

  ”Report! Our logistics troops stationed in Langzhou encountered an attack from the direction of Shezhou! The enemy is not small in number, about nine 10,000-man teams, and most of our stations and logistics transfer stations in the southern part of Langzhou have been destroyed.”

  ”Due to the situation, the local garrison was forced to move north to assemble for defense.”


  Gullion narrowed his eyes and looked at the map hanging on the wall of the conference room.

  That was Shahrukh’s territory, and also the “territory” of the logistics department, so much so that he almost forgot about this corner.

  ”How many casualties?”

  ”The regular army suffered more than 900 casualties, and the vassal army suffered nearly 3,000 casualties!” The

  vassal army died a little more, but the casualties of the regular army were not serious.

  Gurion continued to ask.

  ”Who is the commander of the other side?”

  The officer continued to report.

  ”The commander is named Grove, a wolf tribe member, and is suspected to be a subordinate of Gopal, an old member of the Gray Wolf Army… However, the Gray Wolf Army headquarters has not made any moves. The staff suspects that it is Shahrukh’s test of us. If we don’t fight back strongly enough, they may judge that our rear is empty and take advantage of the fire.”

  ”Test?” Gurion sneered, “I don’t think so. It seems that there is a wolf that cannot be fed.”

  The bastards of the logistics department.

  In the past, he had turned a blind eye to those shady deals because of Shahrukh’s “low profile”, and planned to deal with them after the victory over the alliance. But these guys probably made too much money from the smuggling business and felt that they were good enough again.

  Then don’t blame him for being ruthless.

  With his back to the officer standing at the door, General Gullion gave an order in a cold voice.

  ”Notify Captain Gibson that I will give him three 10,000-man troops, 100,000 vassal troops, and an aviation brigade. Give these blind guys a good lesson, fight until the border of Snake State, and bomb until no one can be seen! Don’t worry about civilian casualties!”

  Captain Gibson was previously the commander of the 340,000-man team, under Ryan’s command.

  Due to tactical mistakes, the 340,000th Army unfortunately ran into the elite of the Alliance and was almost wiped out by the Skeleton Corps and the 110,000th Army of the Boro Kingdom in Lion State.

  After that, Gibson sat on the bench and became a drunkard in the bar of Xifan Port.

  After all, he was a soldier he brought up, and Gu Liong didn’t want to see him degenerate like this.

  It happened that the 60th Armored 10,000th Army had just finished the riot control mission in Yongye Port, so he let this guy lead the group of new recruits to practice in the south.

  Let that guy regain his confidence while giving him a chance to make meritorious service.

  The officer stood at attention and saluted, and took the order neatly.


  Just as the Alliance stopped a train, a massive offensive was quietly launched.

  The two seemingly unrelated and separated by a thousand miles, but behind the scenes, there are inextricable connections.

  The camera returns to Weifu City in the Alliance.

  Although the late bus resumed operation 5 hours after the accident, Chu Guang’s trip to the south was delayed for a whole week. On the one

  hand, this was due to the possibility of “copycats” appearing, and on the other hand, Chu Guang did not want to participate in the debate about radicalism and conservatism within the alliance.

  The citizens of the alliance are not children anymore. They should decide some things by themselves, instead of calling their parents or hiding behind him when they encounter something.

  Rather than suddenly throwing everything of the alliance to them and leaving it alone one day in the future, he prefers to complete this matter step by step.

  For example, now, he is slowly handing over the brakes and accelerators to them.

  Anyway, he is holding the steering wheel, so he is not afraid of the car turning over.

  When they learn to control the speed of the car like the players, he will gradually give up the steering wheel, just like the first generation manager of Shelter 404 slowly handed over the authority to him.

  He always has a hunch that the B5 layer that has not been unlocked may be unlocked after that incident, and all the confusion in his heart will be answered after that.

  Chu Guang was still confident that he could handle this last task.

  No one is born knowing how to drive, but everything can be learned.

  Besides, he was a manager who was forced to do something. Earlier, he couldn’t even build a house. Although his ability was not bad, it was not very strong, and his mind was not very broad.

  He still remembered that many years ago, he watched the players build houses, and was worried that the players would build strange obstacles to block his “vision” and “movement”, and do bad things behind his back, so he made a “height limit order”.

  However, as trust was established, he gradually began to find that facing a world that was so realistic that it could not be described in words, his players’ feelings for this world were no less than his new arrival. It

  was for this reason that many versions ago, he safely handed over many things to the players to handle, letting them take the natives of the wasteland to move towards a new era on his behalf.

  Facts once again proved that what they did was not bad, and it was even more efficient than deploying everything himself.

  The Alliance cannot and will not be like the Human Alliance in the past, expecting to complete all goals in one step, overdrawing the future hundreds of years later to build an infinitely great utopia, and then leaving behind a devastated ruin.

  Rather than the ups and downs, he hopes that his children will walk on a sustainable path.

  Of course, those are very distant plans, and the gravity well will not be activated until the end of the month.

  As for now, Chu Guang, who is in holographic disguise, is sitting in a tavern in Kun Town, playing the messed up Kun card with an old friend who has not seen him for a long time.

  To be honest, Chu Guang never thought that this messed up rule would become popular.

  It must be said that Brother Mosquito is indeed a genius in marketing.

  In comparison, the mole who copied the game authentically seems a little dumb.

  However, one thing is one thing, his card playing skills are really not very good, and he was actually crushed by the IQ of a newcomer who just got familiar with the rules.

  Seeing Mosquito who couldn’t come up with a card for a long time, Chu Guang couldn’t help but yawn with his right hand on his chin.

  ”Hurry up, the flowers I’ve been waiting for have all withered.”

  Wiping the sweat on his forehead, Mosquito, holding a stack of cards, smiled sinisterly, making the bodyguards of the Guards Corps hiding in the crowd nervous and couldn’t help but put their hands in their pockets.

  ”…Hehehe, buddy is quite capable, I didn’t expect that he could force me, the founder, into a desperate situation.”

  Chu Guang laughed at his words.

  ”Come on, you, accept the loss if you are willing to bet, and bet if you can’t afford to play.”

  ”Bet? It’s too early for you to be happy.”

  Mosquito laughed again, picked up three cards, and placed them on the table slowly like a villain.

  ”If I use this fusion and offer two cards in my hand to summon a manager riding Neeko… how will you respond?”

  Mosquito usually doesn’t take out this golden legendary card easily. Even if he happens to draw it, he will hide it in his hand. After

  all, it is a bit risky to tease the manager in front of the “NPCs”. It is easy to run into someone who can’t afford to play.

  But the guy in front of him can understand all the jokes he said, and can communicate with him in Mandarin. I think he is also a player.

  Since everyone is a player, it doesn’t matter whether you can afford to play or not.

  Looking at the two 8s on the attack and defense, Chu Guang threw away his hand speechlessly.


  It’s okay for the Legion to print me on the poker cards, but this bastard also learned to do it.

  He finally understood why the poker friends around him didn’t play with this so-called “founder”.

  ”Okay, okay, this is how to play, right?”

  Looking at the Mosquito with a triumphant smile on his face, Chu Guang raised his hand and tapped his ear twice.

  The holographic light and shadow covering his face shook, and ripples spread from the tip of his nose, revealing the true face hidden under the illusion.

  Meeting the half-smiley eyes, Mosquito’s smile froze on his face in an instant.

  It was as if he had seen a ghost while walking on the road at night.

  ”Manager… Shit!?”

  Just as Mosquito was trembling and waiting for the punishment from heaven to come, Chu Guang did not kick him off the line, but took away the “myself riding on Neeko” on the table. The

  light blue ripples closed at the tip of his nose again, and Chu Guang became his ordinary appearance again.

  ”The manager is watching you, do more good deeds in the future, and don’t take chances.”

  Mosquito nodded tremblingly, and his right fist was placed on his chest at the speed of light, and he almost straightened his back and stood up.

  ”As you wish!”

  Chu Guang shook the card in his hand, put it in his pocket, and threw a few hundred yuan bill on the table.

  ”I won’t charge you for the use of your image rights. I bought this card, and you are not allowed to use it again.”

  Looking at the only golden legend, Mosquito nodded with a painful look on his face.

  ”Gan… cough! What I mean is, I know.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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