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Chapter 913 Operation North Wind

Chapter 913 Operation North Wind


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 913 Operation North Wind

  Since the release of the “Barbarian Invasion” expansion pack, the population of the Alliance has approached the six million mark.

  The most populous and densely populated cities, Dawn City and Boulder City, have both exceeded one million permanent residents, with the former even approaching the two million mark.

  There are also Dawn City, which has the most densely populated industrial and research facilities, and Fallen Leaf City, which is a transportation hub, and the number of permanent residents is also heading for one million.

  Among them are not only immigrants from other regions, but also many newborns born on the land of the Alliance.

  After the “Bone Chewing Rebellion” ended, the Alliance had a baby boom.

  Now, the children born at that time have already gone to kindergarten, and the teenagers who joined the Alliance at that time have gradually grown into young adults.

  It is not only the population of the Alliance that has increased, but also the number of players.

  As more and more shelters are unlocked, the number of closed beta accounts has gradually increased from 100,000 to 200,000, and the number of issued accounts has reached 170,000.

  In the distant alpha closed beta period, the ratio of players to NPCs could barely maintain between 1:5 and 1:10. Now the number of players has been far surpassed by the explosive growth of NPCs.

  However, this is inevitable.

  The size of the shelter cannot support a civilization. After the harsh winter, the residents of the shelter from the old times will eventually sow the carefully cultivated seeds and hopes on the ground…

  ”Wasteland OL” official website.

  During the peak hours of going online and offline every day, the forum is as lively as ever.

  New and old cloud players exchange game strategies and experiences, and old drivers drive as usual.

  Compared with the brakes of Train No. 97 and the changes in thought and culture in the distant world, most people are more interested in what new things Mosquito Brother and Tail have done recently. It

  has been Tail for some time.

  The White Bear Knights somehow ran to the northernmost part of the continent and found a private research institute on the verge of bankruptcy in a swamp with no village in front and no land behind.

  It is said that the director claimed that he used to be an “extra staff” of the academy and learned some gene editing technology from a researcher.

  But later, he didn’t know whether the mentor was cold or forgot about him and his project. He waited for ten years but the mentor didn’t come to see him.

  Now the resources of this institute have been exhausted. This unlucky middle-aged man was planning to close the institute and wander in the wasteland, and happened to meet the kind-hearted Awei.

  Anyway, after completing a series of resource collection and specimen recovery tasks, the guy promised to help her restore some extinct species with gene synthesis technology.

  But to accomplish this, a research institute and a few DNA strands are not enough. What

  they need is an entire gene bank, and most of the gene banks in the pre-war era are scattered at the two poles of the planet.

  So, the White Bear Knights are heading towards the North Pole, which is further north than the Ice Sea City.

  It is said that part of the area there is the territory of the Northern Legion.

  No player has ever been there.

  Some people have already opened a bet on the forum to guess how long it will take to see her at the resurrection point in the Dawn City.

  Of course, there are always people who like to teach others how to do things, such as “give me the helmet”, “go to the South Pole instead of the North Pole”, “playing like this is useless”, “how did these guys get the helmets”, etc. The teacher-like

  appearance is very much like the family of the family.

  And this is also part of the ecology of the forum.

  Just like the story about the mammoth, the garbage man who fights in the wild all day, and the snake skin that is forced to do things, they are just a small episode among the many trivial matters of the forum.

  Just when the posts on the front page of the forum were refreshed in seconds, Mosquito brother suddenly jumped out and typed a line of headlines full of gimmicks even with punctuation marks on the public screen.

  ”Fuck! Guess what happened?!”

  Tail: “!?”

  Quit Smoking: “What the hell? There’s not even a prospect summary, what can we guess.”

  Night Ten: “I suspect this guy is going to fart again, let’s be a prophet first. (Funny)”

  Mosquito: “Don’t panic, brothers, listen to me slowly. At that time, I was playing cards in Kunzhen, and an NPC sat opposite me. I was playing cards and suddenly I couldn’t play anymore… Guess what happened?”

  Tail: “???”

  Rourou: “Fuck, the claws are hard!”

  The post was posted to hundreds of floors.

  Mosquito, who had been keeping people’s appetite, saw that everyone was gradually losing their temper, and immediately didn’t dare to keep it a secret anymore, and wrote the situation he encountered yesterday at the bottom of the post.

  ”That guy picked his earwax, I thought he was going to do something, but I didn’t expect that guy to become the administrator himself!”

  The post was quiet for a while, and no one continued to post for several seconds.

  Tail: “giao! Is this something a human would do?! (///~皿~)”

  Sisi: “…”

  Teng Teng: “What the hell.”

  Crow: “Huh, I thought you were going to say something. (Speechless)”

  Mosquito: “Wait, don’t you think it’s scary?! To be honest, I was almost scared to death at that time. (Terrified)”

  Kuangfeng: “If you don’t do anything wrong, you don’t have to be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door. Think carefully about what bad things you have done recently. (Slant eyes)”

  Mosquito: “?? Damn, I’m a good citizen, please don’t accuse me!”

  Ye Shi: “I guess you took out the golden legend again. (Funny)” Fengqing

  : “Speaking of which, Captain, why did you go to Jinchuan Province?”

  Guigui: “The front line needs people! Come back quickly after you are resurrected! (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻”

  Mosquito: “Hey, let me rest for a while. , I am a human, not a machine. I am tired after flying for half a year… Besides, the pilots over there have improved their skills. I can’t ask them to help them with everything. In the end, their victory will be a gift from the sky, which may not be a good thing. ”

  Edge Water”: “You, you make laziness sound so fresh and refined. (Sweat)”

  Fang Chang: “Well, speaking of it, the manager seems to be in Weifu City recently, but that guy is so busy and rarely seen. It is indeed a bit unusual for him to have time to play cards with you… Think carefully, what else did he do besides playing cards.”

  Mosquito: “…Uh, is this important?”

  Fang Chang: “Isn’t it important or not? I’m analyzing it for you. If you don’t need it, forget it. (Squint)”

  Mosquito hesitated for a while, and finally repeated the cause and effect honestly.

  Including the fact that he used the fusion card to summon [Manager on Neeko], and the fact that the “Gold Legendary Card” worth hundreds of millions was forcibly bought by the Manager with a few banknotes.

  After listening to his narration, there was a lot of booing in the post, obviously there were many people who had seen that card.

  Of course, in addition to those card players who suffered greatly, there were also good brothers who seriously helped Mosquito analyze it.

  For example, Brother Fountain.

  “Maybe the manager is warning you not to use his name to bully others. (Funny)”

  Mosquito: “Ah?! I didn’t do that either. (Awkward)”

  Fountain Commander: “Then understand it from another perspective. He hopes that you will use the abilities and status given to you by the shelter more carefully. Remember, with great abilities comes great responsibilities, otherwise your tools will be confiscated one day. (Funny)”

  Mosquito: “Fuck… is it that serious?! (Terrified)”

  Fang Chang: “Well, stop teasing Mosquito. Although the manager is sometimes a little shady, judging from past events, he is not as shady as you said.”

  “But… I’m thinking of another thing. Since you said that he understands all your jokes, including those in real life, is there another possibility that what you saw at the time was not the manager, but the planner A Guang who played the manager.”

  Mosquito: “What the hell?! Are you saying that the planner went to the big account?!”

  ”Well… Based on the existing information, the planner should be able to log in to the NPC’s account, which should not be difficult to achieve technically. What confuses me is why he did this, and whether there is any deep meaning behind it… Or as Brother Quanshui said, whether he wants to convey some information to you in this way.”

  Ye Shi: “A Guang may just see that Mosquito is too complacent, and wants to tell him through the NPC’s mouth, ‘The manager is watching you’. (Funny)”

  Mosquito: “Fuck… He really said this! (Shock)”

  Crow: “Uh, I think you are all overthinking… Maybe A Guang just wants to play cards.”

  Tail: “Woo woo woo, damn, Boss Crow is too simple, I really want to bully her. (☆▽☆)”

  Crow: “???”

  Looking at the group of idiots on the forum who were talking more and more outrageous, Chu Guang, who was peeking at the screen through the holographic computer, smiled and shook his head.

  ”These guys have too big imaginations.”

  In just a few words, he has changed from “can take over the manager at any time” to “can appear at any time and any place to take over any NPC.”

  The first guess was completely nonsense. The planner and the manager were originally the same person. A Guang and Shu Guang were both his aliases. He didn’t need to seize the other person’s body at all. He had always been in the dual-opening state.

  As for the second guess, it was a bit outrageous, and even evolved into some eye-catching inferences that even Xiao Qi was so angry about. Chu Guang could only close the post.

  To be honest, he really didn’t want anyone to use his name to forcefully persuade or oppress others.

  However, the “Golden Legend” that he confiscated from Mosquito didn’t really have that much meaning. It was simply because this guy drew himself holding a hammer so awkwardly.

  If the dogecoin had drawn him more realistically or more handsomely, he wouldn’t have spent 500 silver coins to buy a piece of paper.

  He thought it was too expensive to sell this broken thing for five silver coins.

  After buying it, he threw it to Xiao Qi to keep it for him.

  In the end, it was the broad-minded Ya Ya who understood him best.


  On the other side, in the south of the province of Borneo, on the border between Wolf State and Snake State, soldiers carrying guns were carrying large and small bags of supplies from the direction of Wolf State.

  They were dressed simply, thin, but their eyes were bright, like wolves in the jungle.

  A few days ago, under the command of General Grove, they launched a campaign called “Operation North Wind”.

  The 101st, 102nd and other nine 10,000-man teams were divided into small groups and advanced into Wolf State from the northern border of Snake State. They launched a surprise attack on the strategic facilities of the Southern Army in the southern part of Wolf State by infiltration and attack and division and encirclement of small forces.

  From a tactical point of view, this operation can be called a textbook victory. The Southern Army did not expect Shah Rukh to attack at all, and the spies stationed in Snake State did not receive any information about “Operation North Wind”. Several garrisons and baggage troops guarding the southern counties were beaten back dozens of kilometers.

  From a strategic point of view, this army from Shezhou not only severely damaged the logistical deployment of the Southern Army in the southern part of Langzhou, but also greatly shared the military pressure in the southern part of Tiandu.

  Since the Southern Army occupied Langzhou, it has been training vassal troops in the area and looking for opportunities to infiltrate the eastern states of the Borneo Province from the southern part of Tiandu.

  There are many industrial facilities and railways built by the alliance in those eastern states.

  Their safety is not only related to the economy of Borneo, but also to the supply of materials on the front line.

  Shah Rukh, who ran faster than a rabbit, seemed to have finally remembered that he was a wolf, not a dog, and took a big bite on the heels of the Southern Army.

  Although it is impossible to determine Shah Rukh’s attitude towards “Operation North Wind”, those 10,000-man teams are his people after all.

  This hearty victory not only gave a loud slap to those who laughed at him for “resting his energy”, but also greatly boosted the morale of the radicals in Jingalon Port.

  The same was true for the soldiers on the front line, especially the 101st troop led by General Grove himself. From officers to soldiers, everyone had a proud expression on their faces.

  When they left Shezhou, they were so poor that two people shared one gun. When they came back, not only did they carry two or three guns per person, but they also had a bunch of long guns, short guns and heavy machine guns.

  Not only that, they also accepted the military trucks of the Southern Corps, and together with the tricycles and ox carts that were used to transport goods, they rushed back to the mountains of Shezhou with boxes and bundles of ammunition.

  In addition to the front-line troops fighting on the front line, General Grove, who was commanding the battle, was also very excited.

  Looking at the guns and ammunition brought back from the front line, he enthusiastically patted Brother Gou’s shoulder, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to his ears.

  ”Mr. Gou Xiong is really a brilliant plan! After this battle, we will have to kill at least 20,000 or 30,000 enemies!”

  Hearing this, Brother Gou smiled embarrassedly and said modestly and low-key.

  ”No, no, it’s just a little trick in life.”

  Twenty or thirty thousand is a bit exaggerated, but it shouldn’t be much different.

  After all, he saw with his own eyes that group of Weilantes and their vassal army looked like they had seen a ghost.

  This time, those big noses were beaten up badly!

  By the way, Bear is the nickname he gave himself. After all, his ID is different from other players, and it doesn’t sound very elegant no matter how you break it down. You

  can’t just tell everyone that your name is Old Dog or Conduit, right?

  The name “Bear” should be more domineering.

  Hearing that strange statement, Grove was stunned for a moment, scratching the back of his head in confusion.

  ”Life… life skills?”

  Brother Gou coughed lightly and explained.

  ”Ahem… I mean, we fought the Bone Chewing Tribe the same way. That group of plunderers received the equipment and command personnel of the Legion, and their combat effectiveness was far superior to ours, but in the face of our continuous skirmisher tactics, they were eventually defeated.”

  After several months of training, his human language was not as bad as it was at the beginning of the year, but sometimes the words he used were still a little “unconventional”, which was a little difficult to understand for survivors outside the alliance.

  But fortunately, this little problem did not hinder their communication, and Grove did not ask more, but nodded suddenly.

  ”So that’s it… the ability to fight guerrilla warfare is a life skill for you.”

  When he said this, Grove’s eyes became more and more admiring.

  People always told him that the Willant people were a fighting race, but in his opinion, these people in the valley were!

  After all, they still have a group of people to help them, and these guys relied on their own strength to defeat the plunderers supported by the Legion.

  Brother Gou: “Well, it’s not that exaggerated… Forget it, whatever you want to understand.”

  Misunderstanding is misunderstanding.

  Anyway, it’s not a bad thing.

  As for why the players of the Alliance appeared in Grove’s army, that’s a long story.

  In the past few months, Brother Gou has been lurking in Snake State to collect information about this organization in order to find out what the Family Association is.

  However, what is intriguing is that what he saw overturned his original impression of the Family Association.

  Putting aside the criticized missionary method, compared with other monsters active in the Borneo Province, at least these family members are indeed practicing the concept of equality and fraternity they claim.

  When the warlords of Tiger State and Leopard State robbed the land and water from the self-cultivating farmers, they not only planted beans and ground bean paste themselves, but also wove cloth and dyed clothes by themselves.

  If they were bad guys, then General Jeha of Tiger State was simply bad.

  After all, what Jeha did was seen by everyone, and he was a model of lawlessness. If he had his eyes on the profits of a factory, he would not even bother to pretend to take out his pocket, but would directly send the centurion to rob the master’s house.

  Compared with what these nobles did, he really couldn’t find any faults with these poor people.

  What’s more commendable is that they are willing to change.

  After meeting Zayed, the elegant and easy-going man not only listened to his opinions carefully, but also formulated an improvement plan overnight, and called everyone to vote on the improved plan, declaring pyramid schemes illegal in the name of the law, and deeply self-examining.

  This situation is extremely rare, not to mention Tiandu, even in Jingalon Port.

  Later, Brother Gou learned that Snake State also has its own committee members, but their names are parents.

  And unlike the committee members appointed by Abusek, their parents are truly voted in a free way, one person one vote.

  In addition, for his friend from the alliance, these families also treated him as their own family, welcoming and treating him warmly.

  They would rather starve than squeeze out the few supplies to treat him with good fish and meat, which made him feel embarrassed every time. He could only share the food he couldn’t finish with the nearby children who were looking at him eagerly. In

  addition to food, there were also several young and beautiful girls who fell in love with him. Whenever they had the chance, they would talk to him about life and ideals.

  Looking at those big watery eyes, if you say you don’t feel moved at all, you are definitely cutting off your conscience and feeding it to the dog.

  But in order not to affect the lives of the locals, after a struggle between heaven and man, he finally chose to be a man and took the initiative to leave the relatively comfortable rear and go to the relatively difficult front line.

  Zayed tried to keep him again and again, and the young man who always followed Zayed even held his hand with tears and said that he wanted to ask him more questions.

  But perhaps because he was determined to leave, they finally allowed him to go.

  In this way, he met General Grove, the legendary No. 2 figure of the Gray Wolf Army, on the front line in the north of Snake State.

  Unlike Gopal, the head of the Gray Wolf Army who always had a cold face and gave people a gloomy feeling, this Grove gave him the feeling of a naive and optimistic “old guy”.

  In terms of age, this guy is also in his early thirties, but his youthful energy of daring to fight and fight is still like that of a teenager. What

  makes Brother Gou feel most valuable is that this straightforward guy doesn’t have so many twists and turns. He always says what he wants to say and dares to do what he does.

  Not only that, his strategy is not inferior to bravery.

  Brother Gou can feel that although Shah Rukh is surrounded by ambitious people like Zaid, just like the Commander’s Mansion in Tiandu, at least the guy in front of him is a true idealist.

  If we compare him to the “Jungle Rat Ishel” who was printed on the poker cards by the Weirant people in the north, he was just a little less politically talented than the latter.

  But by coincidence, Brother Gou later found out that this guy was actually a “fan” of Ishel.

  Few wolf tribesmen would worship a rat tribe member, but this guy always looked admiring and worshipful when he mentioned that name, and even publicly regarded him as a role model.

  This was quite unusual in the class-based province of Borneo.

  I’m afraid Ishel himself might not have thought that he, who was fighting guerrillas in the three northern states, would become the idol of a senior officer of the Gray Wolf Army.

  In short, when Grove learned that this “bear” was a friend of Ishel, he would talk to him all night long whenever he had the chance, and every time he chatted, he would ask about Ishel and admire him as the “Second God of War in Borneo Province”.

  As for who the first god of war was, Brother Gou never asked, and Grove never told him.

  Most of the former members of the Gray Wolf Army have extremely complicated feelings towards the Imperial War God Alayan.

  It was both their shame and their glory.

  ”…After this battle, I wonder if I have a chance to be drawn on the playing cards of the Southern Legion.”

  Putting down the telescope in his hand, Grove’s face was filled with excitement, as if he had drunk two taels of vodka.

  Brother Gou nodded approvingly and said.

  ”I think it should be enough. This time we will definitely hurt them.”

  After a pause, he continued cautiously.

  ”But it’s time to retreat.”

  Obviously, he was not the only one who thought so. General Grove standing next to him was the same. He was not at all dazzled by the victory in front of him.

  ”Yeah, I think so too. If we continue to move forward, we will be the ones who can’t keep up with the logistics. We can achieve such a remarkable result… What’s that saying? The proverb of your alliance.”

  Brother Gou said with a smile.

  ”Quit while you are ahead, and be content with what you have?”

  ”Yes! Hahaha, quit while you are ahead, and be content with what you have!” Grove was so happy that he couldn’t close his mouth and patted his good brother’s shoulder.

  It can be seen that he likes this sentence very much.

  Brother Gou smiled knowingly, but soon his expression became bitter again.

  Damn it.

  That damn old eagle tricked him into taking this unlucky name, saying that a family should be neat and tidy.

  If he had known that there was a chance to “go down in history”, he would have chosen a more normal name when choosing a nickname!

  Just as the two were discussing retreat, the sound of tank tracks was quietly rolling over the empty field next to the woods fifty kilometers to the north.

  This is the 1,000-man team of the 60th Armored 10,000-man Team of the Southern Corps, which is mainly composed of light tanks and wheeled armored vehicles.

  After receiving the order to attack, Captain Gibson took decisive action after entering Langzhou. He first sent a reconnaissance plane to search for the enemy’s movements, and then personally led a light armored force to march to Milyangs County, the fulcrum of the retreat route of the troops in the direction of Shezhou.

  This place is on the border of Shezhou. There are mostly hills to the south and plains to the north, which is conducive to the advancement of armored forces.

  He can conclude that most of the rats who stole oil have already run away.

  However, nine 10,000-man teams are advancing at the same time. With the enemy’s radio penetration rate and organization, it is impossible for all of them to escape back. There will always be one or two tails left.

  Sitting in the command vehicle, Captain Gibson squinted his eyes and looked to the south. His complex and blurred expression made it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

  The adjutant sitting next to him compared the map and said seriously.

  ”Five kilometers ahead is Miljans County. According to the intelligence of the aviation brigade, a thousand-man team is resting there… We should encounter them soon.”


  Gibson nodded with narrowed eyes, raised the telescope in his hand, but did not put it to his nose, but put it to his mouth like holding a bottle of wine.

  Noticing the strange gaze from the side, he came to his senses and realized that he was not sitting at the bar counter of the bar, but standing on the battlefield.

  With an awkward cough, he randomly grabbed the radio and put it to his mouth, put on a serious expression and gave orders.

  ”Attention, all units, target Miljans County, clear out the units in the area!”

  Hearing the sonorous voice of the superior, the young men in the communication channel roared with high morale, stuffed the shells into the barrel, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

  ”Got it!”

  They had enough of the frustration in Yongye Port, and now they can finally point their guns at the people they should be targeting.

  In the bumpy carriage, Carver, sitting under the turret, held his breath, his right index finger constantly rubbing the trigger, the sight equipped with night vision goggles was aimed at the wooden house with lights on in the distance.

  The last three kilometers!

  He even saw the man standing by the window smoking, and his face gradually changed from arrogant to panic.

  They are dead!

  Carver, who found the target, had already sentenced the guy to death in his heart, and at this time, the roar of his comrades came from behind him.

  ”High explosive bomb! Loaded!”


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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