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Chapter 914: Hypocrisy

Chapter 914: Hypocrisy


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 914: Hypocritical


  A deafening explosion suddenly came from a distance, startling Grove and Brother Gou who were standing next to the field command post to discuss the retreat plan.

  The faces of the two changed at the same time, and they hurriedly walked into the field command post and stood in front of the only radio.

  The communicator sitting in front of the radio had just contacted the troops on the front line.

  Looking at General Grove and Staff Officer Gou Xiong who walked into the command post, he stood up and reported quickly without waiting for General Grove to ask.

  ”Report! The 5,000-man team under the 1,020,000-man team was attacked! The number of attackers is unknown, and it is estimated to be 1 to 2 armored units!”

  Brother Gou asked hurriedly.

  ”Where is the 5,000-man team?!”

  The communicator answered immediately.

  ”Milyangs County!”

  Hearing this familiar place name, Brother Gou’s palms were sweating.

  ”Oh my God… these guys are good!”

  They got their weak spot right away!

  What a tough guy!

  At the same time, General Grove had walked to the map hanging in the command tent.

  Looking at the lines on the map, his brows gradually twisted into a ball of hemp rope.

  In his entire strategic deployment of “Operation North Wind”, the position of Milyangs County is equivalent to the hub of logistics transit.

  Although this battle is mainly to destroy the opponent’s logistics supply line, each unit is divided into small pieces and raided forward, and there is no stable supply line, but the captured baggage cannot be buried on the spot, and it still needs to be transported by roads and transportation.

  Milyangs County is such a place.

  The supplies captured by the 101st, 102nd, and 103rd 10,000-man teams were first transported here in a scattered manner, and then concentrated by a small number of truck troops to the front line of Shezhou.

  According to the original plan, the retreating 102nd 10,000-man team would assemble in the north of Milyangs County to delay the reinforcements of the corps and buy time for the 101st and 103rd 10,000-man teams to transfer supplies.

  However, the marching speed of the Southern Corps was beyond their expectations. They actually reached Miljans County before the 1.02 million troops assembled!

  If the area was lost, it would undoubtedly be a disaster for the 1.02 million troops assembled in the area.

  They would be like water poured on a branding iron, and the scorching temperature would instantly turn them into a white smoke.

  A drop of cold sweat slid across his forehead.

  General Grove took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

  The more critical the moment, the calmer you have to be. Once you lose your sense of proportion, you will lose everything.

  The opponent’s counterattack was so fast that it was obviously not an ordinary person.

  On the other hand, although he had nine 10,000-man troops, most of their equipment was light weapons, and they were seriously lacking in anti-armor and anti-aircraft means.

  The Corps took such a bold and adventurous action, and it was obvious that they had prepared a backhand.

  If he coveted the supplies from Milyangs County and pushed all three 10,000-man troops forward, he would not only lose the benefits he had taken in, but also his capital… He

  could win by playing all or folding…

  But if he hesitated, he would definitely fail!

  At this moment, the old man who was usually a bit “naive” showed a bit of wolf-like ruthlessness on his face, and made a decision in just two seconds.

  ”Notify the 1020,000-man troop that the plan has changed… Bypass Milyangs County and withdraw directly to the border of Shezhou, and withdraw from the enemy’s strategic depth as quickly as possible!”

  ”Take as much of the captured supplies as you can! Those that cannot be taken away should be buried on the spot, hidden in nearby villages, or directly destroyed!”

  ”Yes!” The communicator saluted neatly, and then sat back in front of the radio.

  After giving the order, General Grove felt that the blood in his body seemed to be boiling. He took out a pack of wrinkled cigarettes from his arms, held them in his mouth and lit them with a match, and took a deep breath before calming down.

  He convinced himself that this was the last cigarette of the month, and only now could he take a couple of puffs.

  Based on the previous analysis in his mind, he was almost 100% sure that the scale of the Southern Legion’s reinforcements was at least more than 100,000 people!

  And this was also the reason why the other side dared to send a light armored unit to advance alone!

  It seemed that he really hurt the other side this time, and he might really have a chance to be drawn on a poker card for reward.

  Grove was not afraid at all, but excited that every cell in his body was trembling.

  ”Damn… finally it’s going to be a big one!”

  The corners of his mouth raised a cold arc, and he threw the half-smoked cigarette butt neatly on the ground and stomped it out.

  These big noses had better not let him down.

  He was almost moldy sitting on the bench on the border, and it was not a big deal to always fight small things.

  Zaid only asked him to use 30% of his strength to deal with the legion, and spend more energy on training. When the order was given to Gopal, the “offensive business” index was reduced by half.

  Even the approval of the “North Wind Operation” was thanks to the pressure from his brother in the alliance.

  He knew that his boss had political concerns and was worried that the Southern Legion would waste military power in vain, which would benefit Shahrukh, who would be eyeing his family, and he would not get any practical benefits. However, politics without unity would not save the country of Boro.

  Of course, he would not make things difficult for his boss, but would use his own method to “kill two birds with one stone” to break the deadlock.

  Wasn’t Zaid worried that Shahrukh would take advantage of the fire?

  That’s easy.

  Since the superiors expected him to use “North Wind Operation” to prove their determination to fight the Southern Legion, he would make a fake play and beat up the Southern Legion’s deployment in the southern part of Wolf State, and beat these wolf cubs thoroughly!

  Now that the legion is serious, it will definitely fight all the way to the border of Snake State. Shahrukh will no longer have any reason to turn a blind eye to the fire burning on his territory.

  By then, they will have him in their hands!

  Brother Gou, who was staring at the map, was also thinking about countermeasures, but he didn’t expect that General Grove had already made a decision.

  Although giving up Milyangs County was indeed an option, he always felt that it was not the most perfect option.

  Even if the 5,000-man team was caught off guard, it would not be a problem to hold on for an hour or two.

  If the other nine 1,000-man teams scattered in the area could be assembled, it would not be impossible to eat up this light armored unit with the advantage of numbers.

  ”…Are you going to give up Milyangs County? I always feel that there is still a chance.”

  Brother Gou tried to put forward his own ideas, but he was ruthlessly rejected as soon as he spoke.

  ”Don’t think about it, we have no chance. Moreover, I am not only giving up Milyangs County, but to be precise, I am giving up the entire logistics transfer plan.”

  Looking at the map, General Grove continued like a cold machine, expressionless.

  ”We must withdraw the front-line troops as soon as possible, and prepare for defense along the state border of Snake State, and do our best to cause casualties to our enemies! I have a strong premonition that the Southern Army will soon mobilize the main force to launch an unprecedented offensive against us.”

  ”Including bombing of strategic facilities in Snake State, including the full-scale attack of armored forces… We will soon encounter an unprecedented situation, and we must start preparing early.”

  Hearing the decisive voice, Brother Gou couldn’t help holding his breath.

  If this is the case, then his consideration is indeed a bit inappropriate.

  But thinking of the young men who call him family, he couldn’t help but speak.

  ”But the 5,000-man team in Milyangs County has been targeted by the light armor of the Southern Army. If we really leave them alone, they will have no chance to withdraw-”

  Grove said without hesitation.

  ”Then don’t retreat! Fight a defensive battle on the spot, fight as long as you can, and buy time for their comrades.”

  Brother Gou stared at Grove blankly, as if he was looking at a stranger he met for the first time.

  Is this guy still the Grove who loves his soldiers like his own sons?


  He suddenly remembered.

  This guy always treats him as a brother, and takes his words as the criterion, but when it comes to making decisions, he has never really listened to a word from his staff officer.

  Including when the entire North Wind Operation was formulated.

  Although the entire plan was reported in his own name, and Grove also intended to attribute all the credit to his “brilliant plan”, but thinking carefully, this guy always agrees with his suggestions, but when it comes to execution, he has another set of ideas.


  maybe this guy is right.

  After all, no matter what, Grove is a general, and he is just a dog-headed military advisor who gives bad ideas.

  If he really follows his arrangements completely, it might end up in a bad way.

  However, after seeing Grove’s cold-blooded expression suddenly change, he suddenly had a new understanding of this “straightforward” “old guy”.

  This guy is actually not the green-headed young man he imagined, but a shrewd fox.

  Perhaps he does have a sincere heart deep in his heart, and his worship of Isher is not false, and he desires to achieve equality and fraternity in this land from the bottom of his heart, but when it comes to making a decision, he will always choose the latter between ideal and reality without hesitation.

  Disguise and performance are like instincts engraved in his bones, becoming a part of his reality.

  Brother Gou doesn’t know if he is too hypocritical, but this guy is really a little scary.

  Looking at the stunned bear, Grove seemed to realize that his words were too harsh, and quickly put away his cold-blooded expression, held his shoulders with both hands, and did ideological work earnestly.

  ”Don’t be naive, my friend. This is a war. How can there be no death in war? Besides, I am just an ordinary person. I don’t have the ability of General Isher to go in and out of the enemy’s rear seven times. Any general would make the same choice to exchange one thousand people for the survival of ten thousand people.”

  ”I know…” Brother Gou smiled bitterly, “Maybe I am hypocritical… It’s just that they always call me family, I can’t help but treat them as my family. I wish I could exchange my life for theirs, and I wish I was the one who died tonight.”

  He would not interfere with the command here, nor did he have the right to do so. He just wanted to express his immature opinion.

  ”Hey! You think so, don’t they think so too?” Grove sighed heavily, his tone becoming heavier, “We are all ready to die, not just you and me, but also the boys of the 5,000-man team. We are all family… We should have been ready to sacrifice for our families.”

  Those boys were obviously the first to arrive at the destination, and they should have been rewarded with honors and medals.

  But now, they are going to fight a decisive battle with no retreat and no reinforcements.

  This will probably be a difficult night for them…

  General Grove took a deep breath and exhaled the foul air in his chest, then turned and walked to the door of the command tent, wanting to blow the cool breeze outside

  . He didn’t feel good about making this decision.

  Maybe the brothers in the alliance would think he was cold-blooded, but he hoped that he could really be a cold-blooded guy.

  That might make him feel much better.

  With his back to the silent bear, Grove spoke in a hoarse voice.

  It seemed like he was talking to himself, and it seemed like he was talking to him alone.

  ”Quit when you are ahead… I don’t want to use this sentence in such an occasion, but this is also your proverb…”

  ”Am I right?”

  Thinking that the casualties in Tiandu were no less than here, Brother Gou nodded silently.

  ”Maybe you are right.”


  In Milyangs County, the dim night gradually turned into a dim sky.

  Although the sound of artillery stopped in the first half of the night, the sound of gunfire rang all night.

  Everyone underestimated the resistance will of the 5000-man team, even the 5000-man team itself.

  The decapitator was killed, and the centurion took over. The centurion was also killed,

  and the thousandth man took the guards. The entire thousand-man team fought to the end, and all the senior officers were killed, leaving only Marjorie, the decapitator.

  Soaking in the pile of dead bodies, he touched a piece of broken glass and quietly leaned out of the bunker to take a look at the situation outside.

  The tank parked in the middle of the road was still staring at this side. The Willant people had no intention of leaving a tail for them at all, and were searching from house to house.

  They seemed determined to kill all of them, and would rather kill the wrong ones than let them go.

  Thinking of the elders and villagers who were implicated, Marjorie closed her eyes in pain.

  At this time, the machine gunner next to him snorted and said with a grin.

  ”Sir… It’s dawn now, when will our reinforcements arrive?”

  ”Soon.” Marjorie replied randomly, her eyes fixed on the other end of the street.


  “What? If you have something to say, come on.”

  “There are no reinforcements… Don’t lie to me, I actually knew it from the beginning.”


  “Sir… I can’t go back. If you can go back, please tell my son something.”

  ”Go ahead and tell me, I’ll remember.”

  ”Hey… I’ll tell you then…”

  Marjorie waited for a long time, but heard no sound from the side. Turning back, she saw that the young man with a black face had already breathed his last.

  That was the last soldier under his command.

  Now they were all dead…

  A surge of blood rushed to his head, and he could no longer hold it back, hugging the brother whose body was completely cold, and yelled at him hysterically.

  ”Tell me! I’ll bring it back to you! Damn it, you should tell me!!!”

  The sudden roar startled all the Willant people who were cleaning up the battlefield.

  Thanks to him, a mother and daughter who were about to be executed lived a little longer.

  ”I’m going to fight you!!!”

  Marjorie grabbed the rifle, and his whole body seemed to have strength as if it was a last gasp, and he roared and launched the final charge.

  At this moment, he was like a real awakener, or perhaps he really awakened something.

  Unfortunately, even the awakened ones could not withstand the 10mm machine gun fire with their bodies.

  ”Da Da Da–!”

  He heard the whizzing sound and felt several hot streams drilling into his body.

  Surprisingly, there was no heart-wrenching pain.

  Just like the sleepiness after a full meal, he felt his consciousness sink and then fell to the ground without a sound.

  At the same time, on the tank in the middle of the road, Carver, who pulled the trigger, swallowed excitedly and nervously, and drew a line on the turret next to him with a marker.

  ”The 111th…”

  This was the first battle in his life.

  It was so smooth that he couldn’t believe it.

  ”It should be the last one.” The commander sitting behind him let out a tired breath.

  The gunner who was driven to the driver’s seat glanced behind him.

  ”How did you know?”

  The commander said casually without much explanation.



  The battle in Miljans County lasted all night.

  Due to the enemy’s stubborn resistance, they were delayed too long on the last building.

  That was a repair shop built by the logistics troops.

  The garage of the factory was used as a warehouse by these Poros, and a lot of the stolen goods they looted were piled up.

  In order to minimize the damage to the local infrastructure, their superiors prohibited them from using the main gun to bombard the factory, and they could only use the coaxial machine guns of the tanks for support.

  But it didn’t really make any difference whether the main gun was used or not.

  These Poros had a strong fighting spirit, but that was all.

  The casualties in the entire battle were less than a hundred, and more than 1,000 Poros were annihilated.

  Gibson didn’t feel much about these numbers.

  Different types of battles have different exchange rates, and he could feel that the troops here had not fought any major battles, and they were not comparable to the troops in the north.

  By the way, compared with the casualties of civilians in Miljans County, the numbers of both were not worth mentioning.

  But it didn’t matter.

  Giving the locals a hard lesson was an order personally deployed by General Gurion.

  According to the report of the local garrison, the reason why the guerrillas were able to enter their hinterland so smoothly was largely due to the intelligence support of the locals.

  In the words of General Gullion, the locals here must remember this bloody lesson with their bodies.

  Seeing that the battle finally came to an end, the adjutant who had been worried all night finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  ”… Your Majesty, the battle is finally over.”

  Gibson, who moved a bench and sat next to the command vehicle and opened a bottle of beer, glanced at him and said with a grin.

  ”You seem to be very anxious.”

  The adjutant said with a wry smile.

  ”Aren’t you anxious? What if they withdraw the main force to support us?”

  Gibson laughed.

  ”They can plan such a brilliant move as “Operation North Wind”. The commander must be no ordinary person… According to the intelligence, it is called Grove, right? I hope to meet this guy if I have the chance.”

  Adjutant: “Uh, does this have anything to do with what I said?”

  ”It has a lot to do with it. Since their commander is no ordinary person, he must have considered why we sent an elite armored unit to boldly advance…”

  Gibson took a sip of beer and continued in a nonchalant tone.

  ”His choice was obvious. Rather than betting on that 1% probability, it is better to ‘quit while you are ahead’.”

  But to be honest, those guys who fought with him all night were indeed heroes.

  He thought that the local troops had little combat experience, and Shahrukh was a coward who dared to declare war but was not willing to fight. These guys would be defeated in an hour or two if they encountered his light armored troops. However, he did not expect that they fought to the last man, and not a single coward surrendered.

  Even the last coward turned into a tough guy. This bone is getting harder and harder to chew…

  Gibson opened another can of beer, but this time he did not drink it, but spilled it on the ground.

  ”Be a good person in your next life and don’t come here.”

  Don’t be a Velante either.

  He silently recited the second half of the sentence in his heart, and threw the empty bottle aside with a smile.

  At this time, a soldier trotted over, stood at attention and saluted.

  ”Report! Our patrol team found a village nearby, and there are our lost weapons and equipment in it. The local villagers explained that they were abandoned by the retreating troops.”

  ”You guessed it right.”

  The adjutant looked at Gibson excitedly, and finally wiped off the last sweat from his palms.

  The other side did not send reinforcements!

  Even if their main force is on the way, it will take until tomorrow to get here.

  If this bet is wrong, even if they succeed in breaking out, they will most likely leave in disgrace.

  Gibson was not surprised at all, but glanced at the soldier who came to report.

  ”Why are you asking that villager where the supplies came from?”

  The soldier was stunned, not understanding what the commander meant.

  Gibson grabbed the unfinished bottle of wine, took a big sip, and pouted his lips in boredom.

  ”Who do you think you are? Are you here to help the poor in the countryside? Listen carefully, rookie. There is only one reason why those rats hid their stolen belongings in the rat hole you found. Their relatives live in that rat hole, and they can take back the things they stored there next time they go there.”

  ”Now, I’ll tell you what to do. First, forget all the nonsense you learned in the recruit camp and the recruitment advertisements. Then find a tank and go over to pay them.”

  ”The other rats should know what the consequences of cooperating with the guerrillas are. Want to apologize? Remember to apologize as soon as possible next time.”

  Facing the fierce eyes, the soldier’s Adam’s apple moved and he saluted hurriedly.


  At the same time, on the other side, Carver, who was standing next to the tank, excitedly told the logistics officer who was counting casualties about his record of “111 kills”.

  Hearing that this rookie had killed more than a hundred people, the logistics officer looked at the slightly older tank commander with a strange expression.

  The latter nodded and said indifferently.

  ”There’s nothing strange about this. We were the first to attack. The enemy didn’t have time to dig trenches. We killed a lot of them in the first two rounds with artillery alone.”

  ”Okay, I hope the number of enemies we killed won’t be so outrageous that it would be a whole 10,000-man army.”

  The logistics officer finally didn’t bother to argue, filled in the number truthfully, and walked to the next tank.

  It doesn’t matter if the number is a little high, everyone is doing this anyway.

  The gunner looked at the logistics officer’s back with envy, and couldn’t help but smack his tongue.

  ”Damn… Carver, get back to your driver’s seat, I’ll fire the gun next time.”

  Carver smiled.

  ”Whatever, but I suddenly found that I’m quite talented in firing the gun.”

  The gunner cursed with a smile.

  ”Bullshit, I’ll show you what professionalism is next time!”

  Carver smiled and didn’t argue with this grandson.

  He was in a good mood.

  After coming here, I finally found some feeling.

  Bullying civilians in Evernight Port is not a hero, not to mention that they are facing their own compatriots.

  Sure enough, the battlefield is his destiny.

  At this moment, a soldier trotted over from a distance and saluted his driver.

  Putting down the canteen in his hand, the driver raised his eyebrows and asked.

  ”Are you here for a mission?”

  The soldier nodded hurriedly.

  ”A large amount of supplies we lost were found in a village six kilometers to the north.”

  The driver nodded seriously.

  ”I know.”

  As he said that, he reached out and patted the shell of the car, and shouted to the boys who were chewing biscuits.

  ”Get in the car!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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