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Chapter 915 True and False Smart People

Chapter 915 True and False Smart People


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 915 True and False Smart People

  The creaking sound of the tracks mixed with the chirping of cicadas on the roadside, but the victorious team was dead silent.

  Not long ago, they cooperated with the infantry riding wheeled armored vehicles to raid a village at the foot of a mountain.

  There were only a few decent houses in the whole village, and the only valuable things were the diesel generators and tractors bought from the Willant people.

  It was also thanks to the brothers of the reconnaissance team that they could find this damn place.

  There is not even a decent road from Milyangs County to this village.

  Of course, the more hateful ones are those Borneo soldiers.

  Those guys left the stolen equipment and supplies here, and even instigated the villagers to attack them. They could only fire at those villagers…

  At least thinking this way can comfort them.

  Carver still remembered that on the way to the battlefield, the gunner Valk in the team kept shouting that he wanted to break his “111” record, and the communicator Jesden and the loader Joe were arguing over which bar in Xifan Port had the prettiest girls.

  But now, Valk was like a mute, not saying a word, and not even mentioning how many people he had killed.

  Jesden and Joe were still chatting casually, but the awkward topic made people unable to help but clench their toes.

  In the end, only his tank commander Buck was still silent as always, always doing what he should do and saying what he should say.

  Carver suddenly recalled that it seemed to be the same when he was in Evernight Harbor.

  Everything seemed to have changed, but it seemed that nothing had changed…

  For a moment, Carver suddenly had an idea that he had never had before. If

  he had not picked up the recruitment leaflet at that time, but walked a few more steps to the familiar farmer’s market, and used the scholarship money he had saved to buy a tractor and drive it home.

  The one at home happened to be worn out.

  His father always talked about changing to a new one, and he originally planned to give the old man a surprise, but in the end, like most of the Weyland people, he took the leaflet to the recruitment point in a hurry and shouted that he was for the marshal and got into the tank.

  However, after walking onto the battlefield in a daze, he found that what he saw and heard was completely different from what he imagined…

  Thinking about it, he was distracted unconsciously.

  Just then, a broad hand grabbed his shoulder.

  ”Watch the road.”

  The commander’s voice suddenly woke Carver up from his distraction. He stepped on the rudder to drive the tank back to the unclear road, and finally did not drive one track into the ditch.

  In order to ease the stiff atmosphere in the car, Joe smiled at him.

  ”Can you do it? Or let Valk drive.”

  ”Okay.” Carver smiled awkwardly, and he really meant it in his heart.

  However, Valk, who was sitting not far from the back of his head, seemed to have not heard it, and just sat there silently.

  The atmosphere was cold again.

  A group of people were silent.

  Carver thought that the second half of the journey would be spent in this silent atmosphere, but he didn’t expect a sharp and short buzzing to suddenly break into his eardrum.


  The flickering flames were like a dagger tearing through the jungle, dragging a long and narrow white smoke towards the wheeled armored vehicle not far in front of them.

  Sparks from the explosion flew everywhere, followed by black smoke floating from the hood of the armored vehicle.

  The rear door of the wheeled armored vehicle suddenly opened outward, and the soldiers wearing exoskeletons quickly jumped out of the car with rifles in their hands.

  At the same time, the sound of gunfire came from the forest, and the tracers shot like raindrops at the Willant team that used the armored vehicle as a shelter.

  ”It’s Iron Fist! Damn, our rocket launcher!” Carver roared and instinctively pulled the handbrake.

  The car was in chaos. The loader Joe quickly stuffed the high-explosive bomb into the gun barrel, and the communicator Jesden shouted at the radio, trying to contact the teammates in front.

  The encounter broke out in an instant, and everyone entered the combat state almost in an instant!

  ”It’s the guerrillas!”

  ”Ten o’clock!”


  Valk’s movements were still as fast as before.

  The steady and ruthless blow burst out with his roar, and exploded into a spark in the woods not far away.

  He did not stop, and fired a high-explosive shell, and then quickly adjusted the muzzle, and used the coaxial machine gun on the tank to shoot at the woods.

  In conjunction with the wheeled armored vehicle whose engine broke down, the rain of bullets fired by the two vehicles opened a death net in the dense woods!

  The gunfire of the Brahmans died down for a while, and it seemed that they had suffered a lot of casualties.

  However, soon, the gunfire that had rested for a while started again, and the momentum was even more fierce than before.

  Not long after, a rocket came out of the jungle and hit the bottom of the turret of the armored vehicle. The

  metal jet penetrated the bulletproof lining and hit the ammunition rack hidden behind the armor squarely!


  The flames of the explosion blew off the turret of the armored vehicle, followed by crackling explosions.

  Caught off guard, half of the ten-man team that used the armored vehicle as a shelter was knocked down by the exploding ammunition. The few remaining people were in a mess, and they could only desperately dive into the woods under the machine gun fire.

  ”Damn it! We have to get out of here quickly!” Buck, with a gloomy face, punched hard in the car.

  ”These Brahmans are here for revenge…” The communicator Joe was so scared that his lips turned pale and trembled.

  The loader Jesden was also confused. While stuffing shells into the barrel, he kept cursing “Damn it” in his mouth.

  ”Why is it at this time?! Why didn’t they come earlier!”

  There were no aircraft carrying out missions nearby, and they had no air support to call for.

  Even if the air force brothers took off urgently from the airport in Xifan Port, it would be too late when they arrived.

  ”Carver! Drive! Wait, what the hell are you doing!”

  ”The track is broken! I’ll go down to fix it! Cover me!”

  ”No! You stay in the car, let Joe go–”

  Captain Buck yelled, but it was too late to stop him.

  Carver, in a fit of rage, had already opened the hatch above the cockpit and went straight out.

  It might be a better choice to let the communicator go out, and it would be safer to crawl out from under the car, but he didn’t know why he did it.

  Bullets whizzed around his head, but he seemed not to hear them.

  The surging adrenaline had numbed his sense of pain and fear of death.

  War –

  this is war!

  Perhaps it was the blessing of the marshal, and none of the flying bullets fell on him.

  He struggled to pull off the toolbox hanging on the back of the tank, trying to ignore the rumbling machine gun and roaring gun barrel above his head, and rolled sideways in front of the track, trying to remove the broken segment and replace it with a new one.

  However, at this moment, his good luck seemed to have run out, and an armor-piercing shell hit the side armor of the tank, not even two meters away from him!

  The deafening explosion almost shattered his eardrums, and the hot shock wave almost knocked him unconscious.

  Fortunately, it was an armor-piercing shell!

  If it was a high-explosive shell or something else, he might have returned to Triumph City.

  ”Damn it!”

  Carver gasped as the excruciating pain in his calf made him take a deep breath.

  He didn’t dare to look at the wound, but struggled to get up from the ground, picked up the fallen segments, and reconnected the broken track almost by muscle memory.

  With his unremitting efforts, the tank finally started moving again miraculously.

  At this moment, the soldiers of the Borneo Kingdom with rifles rushed out of the jungle.



  They grabbed assault rifles, fired and strafed to attract the firepower of the tanks, and rushed forward desperately. In the chaos of gunfire, one of them even held a sparking explosive pack and rushed up like a madman, roaring.

  Carver almost instinctively pulled out the pistol at his waist and pulled the trigger at the man.

  The gun skills he learned in the military academy came in handy.

  A few bangs of gunfire were even more effective than the coaxial machine gun that was shooting, and the guy holding the explosive pack fell to the ground.

  The deafening explosion sounded again, and the spreading shock wave hit his chest directly. Carver groaned and fainted completely.

  In a trance, he seemed to have auditory hallucinations and heard the quarrels of his comrades in the car.

  ”We have to go!”

  ”Carver is still outside!”

  ”Too late!”


  Maybe they didn’t quarrel at all, but he would feel better if he thought so.

  As if it felt that it could not save him, the tank rushed forward.

  After all, it was a light tank.

  Even if the road conditions in this area were quite bad, running was much faster than two legs…

  In a trance, Carver felt his collar being grabbed.

  A group of people surrounded him and picked him out of a puddle of mud.

  A man with a bloody face took out a dagger, probably wanting to dig out his heart alive, but before he could do it, he was stopped by another Pala soldier.

  ”Enough, enough people have been sacrificed.”

  The man with a bloody face shouted at the officer-like man.

  ”But he killed my brother! My brother! And that village! How can we settle this account!”

  Carver panted as he looked at the two of them, and then glanced at the pairs of hateful eyes around him, his face full of fear.

  However, the officer’s next words made him feel warm as if bathed in spring breeze.

  ”They are also victims, and we are not the only survivors who have suffered.”

  Later, the officer said something else, and it was unknown what spell he chanted, but it actually calmed down the man covered in blood and like a demon.

  Carver watched him walk in front of him, his Adam’s apple moving up and down, wanting to say thank you, but he couldn’t say it.

  The man spoke first.

  ”What’s your name?”

  ”… Carver.”

  ”My name is Amin,” Amin looked at him and reached out to straighten his collar, “Carver, you are captured.”

  The man’s speech was not like that of a Borneo native, and Carver had the illusion that he had traveled back to Evernight Harbor for a moment.

  ”I… surrender.”

  When he said this, he didn’t feel a trace of guilt in his heart, and even felt repentant and sorry.

  He thought of the villagers he had killed. Although he had not pulled the trigger himself, he was also sitting in the car at that time. He

  thought of the young man carrying the explosive pack. Although he would be the one to die if he did not shoot, he could not help but regret it…

  ”We accept your surrender,” Amin smiled kindly at Carver, who looked ashamed, and continued in a gentle tone, “We also hope that you will cooperate with us.”


  Grey Wolf Army Headquarters.

  Gopal, the commander-in-chief of the Grey Wolf Army, who paced back and forth in front of the map, rarely got angry and cursed.

  ”This bastard! He really forgot his last name!”

  ”Operation North Wind” won a great victory, even far exceeding the initial expectations, but he was not happy at all.

  Because just now he received news that 100,000 troops were advancing towards Snake State.

  Such a fierce offensive is commonplace on the northern front, but it is unprecedented on the southern front.

  Unlike Gopal, Savar, who was standing in the command tent, had a calm expression.

  When Gopal finally calmed down, he slowly spoke.

  ”Mr. Zaid said that the Willant people will definitely retaliate with their vengeful character. But don’t worry too much, our enemies are not all in one.”

  Gopal’s heart moved, and he stopped and looked at Zaid’s follower.

  ”Then if we call the informant at this time and let the forces in the Southern Army’s logistics system operate a little bit…”

  Savar coughed lightly before he finished speaking and interrupted his unrealistic idea.

  ”No, this operation approved by General Gullion is intended to take this opportunity to hit the Southern Army’s logistics system. We have offended some informants by not playing by the rules. If we ask them for help for this kind of thing, it will only cut off the secret line we have developed with great difficulty.”

  Gopal said calmly.

  ”What should we do?”

  Savar: “Endure.”

  Hearing this unexpected answer, Gopal’s brows twitched fiercely.

  ”What if they break into Snake State?”

  Savar smiled.

  ”That’s perfect. Shahrukh is always trying to trip us up from behind. He wants to use us as cannon fodder and to squeeze money out of us. We can just use our strength to fight back and make these 100,000 people look like a million people!”

  ”If their momentum is not enough, we will build momentum for them! If Shahrukh doesn’t want to use his personal guards to fill the gap, he has to untie the rope around our necks and give us guns! Give us food! And then give us people!”

  As for occupying Snake State, that’s not the case.

  Considering strategic needs, Gurion is unlikely to spread his chips to the south where the threat is the least.

  He completely offended his own logistics system and gambled the outcome of the whole game to get a piece of tasteless chicken ribs…

  If General Gurion was a normal person, he would not do this. Only

  Grove was still fantasizing that he could reverse the general trend with his cleverness and make Snake State another focus of the whole battle.

  Real smart people go with the flow, and those who play tricks will only be crushed by the general trend in the end.

  Gopal’s eyes were suddenly enlightened and he stared at Savar intently.

  ”… Was this all Zaid’s idea?”

  Sava smiled faintly, but did not answer directly.

  ”Except for General Grove’s fake play that went beyond his expectations, the rest were deployed by him personally. Commander Abusek once gave you two difficult problems, and now these two almost impossible problems have been solved.”

  Gopal laughed loudly when he heard this.

  ”Interesting, hahaha, it’s really fucking interesting.”

  After a while, he seemed to have laughed enough, staring at Sava with ease and continued.

  ”Then what should we do with Grove? Although he is my subordinate, he doesn’t obey orders, which is a big problem. I’m afraid he will do bad things in the future. If you want to deal with him, just go ahead and do it. You don’t have to consider my opinion. You can even let me do it.”

  ”General Grove is not a bad person by nature, he just values ​​honor more. Why should we deal with such a good person? Besides, the plan he brought also has your and yours signatures. Dealing with him would be a slap in our faces and the face of the alliance.”

  Sava looked at Gopal, who was thoughtful, with a strange expression, and spoke in Zayd’s tone.

  ”A good job will be rewarded, and a big reward!”


  ”…Recently, according to a call back from our reporter stationed in Tiandu, Borneo Province, Borneo’s Southern Front Army launched a surprise attack on the Southern Army stationed in the Wolf State area in the early morning of September 11.”

  ”This operation is codenamed “Operation North Wind”. The commander is General Grove, the second-in-command of the Grey Wolf Army. The participating troops are led by Borneo’s 1.01 millionth Brigade, with a total of more than 90,000 people. The relevant combat units invested a large amount of light equipment and human transportation tools in this operation, breaking up the whole into small pieces and infiltrating nearly 100 kilometers deep into the area actually controlled by the Southern Army.”

  ”According to an interview with General Grove by the Jingalon Port branch of the Survivor Daily, this operation was a complete victory. The Southern Front, which launched the attack, achieved an impressive record of annihilating more than 30,000 enemies with only 2,000 casualties! In addition, this operation destroyed more than 50 logistics hubs and 17 production facilities, seized nearly 100,000 light weapons, nearly one million ammunition, 20 field artillery pieces and more than 200 heavy machine guns, etc.”

  ”According to public intelligence from relevant media in Xifan Port, this operation caused 500 Willant people and 3,117 vassal soldiers to be killed or wounded. Although the Southern Corps lost military supplies of up to 90 million dinars in this operation, the destroyed stations and production facilities have basically been restored to use after a week of preparation. In addition, due to the use of drone troops and new artillery, the Southern Front of the Kingdom of Borneo also suffered nearly 10,000 casualties.”

  ”Due to the large discrepancy between the casualties and damage figures of the two sides, this station only states the statements of both sides.”

  ”In addition, the Abusek authorities highly praised this action and strongly condemned the Southern Legion’s brutal behavior in Snake State and the large number of civilian casualties caused in the counterattack. The spokesperson of the Southern Legion expressed the hope that the guerrillas would not use civilians as shields. The Willant soldiers fighting on the front line will defend the alliance between the Legion and the Empire at all costs and eradicate all rebels at all costs.”

  ”At present, Shahruk, the powerful figure in the southern part of Borneo Province, which is at the cusp of the storm, has not made any statement on this action. However, according to our reporter, this action has indeed been signed and approved by Shahruk himself and the senior officials of the Gray Wolf Army.” “Previously

  , Shahruk’s move to remain inactive in the face of the fall of Wolf State has been controversial in all walks of life in Borneo Province. There are even rumors that Shahruk’s subordinates have always had interests linked with the internal forces of the Southern Legion. And now this powerful attack, to some extent, can be regarded as a response to many rumors.”

  ”Analysts in Kinggallon Port claim that Operation North Wind, as the first large-scale offensive under Sharuk, may become a turning point in the current stalemate. However, some analysts also said that no matter from the scale or the results achieved, it is difficult for this operation to have a substantial impact on the strategic deployment of the Southern Army unless Sharuk invests more of his family’s wealth.”

  ”After the incident, the Southern Army quickly dispatched the 600,000th and 610,000th troops and more than 100,000 vassal troops to the southern part of Langzhou, and deployed a large-scale military operation code-named “Falling Leaves”, which seemed to be a response to “North Wind.” ”

  ”In addition, according to sources in Xifan Port, a bust of General Grove was added to the newly issued playing cards in the Southern Army’s Borneo Province theater, and a reward of 100,000 dinars was marked. ”

  ”Currently, the person with the highest bounty for this series of playing cards is still Isher, and the Southern Legion’s bounty on him has increased to 5 million dinars…”

  ”In addition, this station reminds you again that it is illegal for any citizen of the Alliance to participate in a war not authorized by the Alliance authorities as a mercenary. Relevant practitioners should receive orders through formal channels and remember not to take risks…”

  ”The news of Dawn City reports for you!”

  In the tavern of Weifu City, the TV hanging on the ceiling of the bar is showing the news of Dawn City TV.

  Speaking of this Dawn City TV station, it has been a few years.

  I remember that when the Great Stone City was undergoing a major change, it was this TV station and the Dawn City Survivor Daily that tracked the situation in the city, and now the field of vision of this TV station has expanded to thousands of kilometers away.

  Just like the cables of the Alliance.

  Sitting next to the bar, the mercenary with a mechanical prosthesis drank beer and grinned at the picture on the screen.

  ”Grov… Another new name. There are quite a lot of second-in-command figures in this Boro province. ”

  The drunkard sitting next to him burped and said with a smile.

  ”You must have remembered it wrongly. He is the second-in-command of the Grey Wolf Army. He might not even be ranked first in the entire Borneo Province.”

  This war has been going on for almost half a year, and a big event happens almost every two days.

  In the whole Weifu City, perhaps only guys like him who spend all day in the tavern after work can remember the plot of every episode of the news program.

  Since the print media and entertainment industry of the alliance are still in their infancy, although the alliance has gradually popularized a series of print media terminals such as televisions, the people who pay the most attention to the news are the drunkards who need to drink with the news.

  The mercenary looked a little embarrassed, and coughed to change the subject.

  ”Grey Wolves… what the hell is that? I’ve never heard of it.”

  ”It’s not your fault,” the drunkard burped. “I watch the news every day, and I haven’t seen them on camera many times. This is probably their latest highlight.” As

  soon as he finished speaking, another middle-aged man sitting next to him interrupted with a smile.

  ”I think your memory is not very good. These guys were on the headlines several times last year.”

  This opened up the conversation, and the people sitting at the bar began to talk.

  ”Now that you mention it, I remember that they were the guys feeding the fish at French Fries Harbor?”

  ”And the Burning Legion that was retaliated against and drowned in the Yongliu River at Golden Gallon Harbor.”

  ”Haha, drowning in the river is a thing of the past. I heard that this army has produced many outstanding officers after being trained by McLen.”


  ”But they are still defeated by him.”


  The tavern was filled with a happy atmosphere, and there was laughter in front of the bar.

  It is said that McLen helped the Xilan Empire a lot, but after the empire became chaotic, this guy became silent, and no one knew what bad water he was holding in his stomach.

  Of course, maybe this guy has changed his ways after being transformed by the alliance.

  As for the guy named Grove, no one can remember his name.

  But this is normal.

  The second-in-command of a certain army in the province of Boro, which is thousands of kilometers away from the alliance, is not a nobody to the survivors living in the province of Jinchuan?

  If you want them to remember, you must have a nine-digit deposit or do something earth-shattering.

  The last time I heard the news about Dawn City, I’m afraid they would have forgotten the name in two days…

  The TV began to broadcast other news, especially the proposal submitted by Settlement No. 1 to establish an immigration bureau.

  This is probably the most controversial topic in the alliance in recent times.

  Although the proposal has been criticized by radicals and “supervised persons”, it is still widely supported by conservatives and citizens of the alliance.

  After all, from a realistic point of view, who doesn’t want their identity to be more valuable?

  Not to mention a series of unpleasant things that happened before.

  At present, the Alliance Representative Council has officially accepted the application submitted by the Local Representative Council of Settlement No. 1, and has publicly reviewed whether the proposal is unconstitutional.

  However, the Local Representative Council of Settlement No. 1 has obviously made sufficient preparations and is unlikely to make any mistakes in such details.

  This proposal will probably enter the voting stage soon, and there is no suspense about its passage.

  After all, the representative who proposed this proposal is said to be a radical.

  It seems that strengthening the management of immigrants has unconsciously become a consensus between radicals and conservatives.

  Just when everyone in the tavern was talking about other topics, the mercenary sitting at the bar was still obsessed with the news about the country of Borneo.

  The war there was getting more and more intense, and he couldn’t help but think about going there to make money.

  It’s not that he wants to earn the bounty, he wants silver coins, not dinars, and it’s not easy to explain the source of his property.

  He mainly thought about his combat prosthesis. It’s getting harder and harder to make money in the eastern part of the Central Continent. It’s better to go to Borneo Province to find another job. After

  taking a sip of beer, the mercenary muttered.

  ”But then again, I didn’t expect that the target with the highest bounty on the legion was actually a Borneo.”

  ”It’s called Isher, I heard that guy beat the Southern Legion in the three northern states.” The drunkard on the side said with a smile, as if he was proud of his good memory.

  Another guy next to him interrupted and said with a smile.

  ”After all, it’s a card issued by the Southern Legion’s Poro Province War Zone. If they don’t print the Poro heads, will they print you on it?”

  The mercenary asked suddenly.

  ”By the way, who is the person with the highest bounty in the entire Southern Legion?”

  ”I heard it’s our manager.”

  Everyone looked at each other and didn’t say anything. After a long while, they sighed.


  ”Damn, these Willant people are really daring.”

  ”Thinking about shit, if you want to touch that lord, step over my body first!”

  ”Hey, when that time comes, will it be your turn to show off?”

  Maybe Chu Guang himself didn’t remember those trivial things clearly, but everyone here remembered that he once swung a hammer and smashed the monster of the Torch Church into meat paste, and led the residents of Shelter No. 404 to rush to the land corroded by the plague.

  Of course, there is an element of exaggeration in this, but it’s actually not much different.

  Perhaps it is precisely because of these increasingly outrageous reputations that there are many Willant people in the alliance, but no one dares to think about the bounty of hundreds of millions.

  Of course, it may be because of other reasons.

  The manager really took those wastelanders to heart.

  Whether it is the wastelanders from the eastern provinces or the Willant people from the distant world…

  at least the people who united around him are standing together for the same goal.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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