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Chapter 916: Illusion Array “Ruins”

Chapter 916: Illusion Array “Ruins”


Author: The Bell Outside the Besieged City

  Chapter 916: The “Ruins” of the Illusionary Array

  The next morning, Yang Liushi went to find Xu Quan before dawn and told him the truth.

  There is no doubt that Xu Quan was stunned after hearing this.

  He never thought that Wei Changtian had already guessed what he had done, or that all this was in Wei Changtian’s plan. He was

  still worried about his fate and couldn’t sleep all night, but now he found that he was just scaring himself. Xu Quan looked at Yang Liushi with a dull look as she pushed the door and left, and he didn’t come back to his senses for a long time.

  While he was in a daze, Yang Liushi, who had completed the task, had already returned to the room and woke up Wei Changtian, reporting excitedly:

  ”Husband, wake up!”

  ”I just went to talk to Master Xu and made things clear!”


  Li Mengdao rubbed his eyes, yawned and asked Wei Changtian: “How was it, what did he say?”

  ”How could he say anything else.”

  Yang Liushi smiled with her hands covering her mouth: “From the time I entered the door to the time I left, Master Xu was like an idiot, just with his mouth wide open, not saying a word.”

  ”Okay, let him digest it slowly by himself.”

  Wei Changtian was putting on his clothes and casually ordered: “Don’t forget to let Zhang San release the people.”

  ”Don’t worry about Zhili for now. If she asks, just say I was just testing them yesterday.”

  ”Anyway, this matter can’t be concealed. Xu Quan will tell her the truth sooner or later.”

  ”This is all I can do to help him. Whether the two of them can succeed depends on Xu Quan himself.”

  Getting out of bed, walking to the table and drinking a sip of cold tea, Wei Changtian briefly explained a few things and stretched his body.

  ”By the way, let Xu Quan ask what the effect of the holy fruit is.”

  ”If it is really a great treasure, we will not return the remaining three.”


  Yang Liushi was originally smiling, but she was stunned when she heard this.

  ”Husband, you really won’t return it?”

  ”Do you want to return it?”

  Wei Changtian did not answer directly, but asked Yang Liushi jokingly: “After all, these holy fruits must be of great benefit to your demon clan. Wouldn’t it be better for us to take them privately?”

  ”This slave listens to my husband.”

  Yang Liushi hesitated for a moment, and it can be seen that she was actually quite entangled in her heart.

  But in the end she nodded quite seriously.

  ”If my husband doesn’t intend to return it, then I won’t return it.”

  ”Hahaha, I’m just teasing you.”

  Seeing Yang Liushi’s “recognizing relatives but not principles” look, Wei Changtian finally couldn’t help laughing and said, “It still has to be returned. Zhili will most likely follow Xu Quan in the future. We can’t even take away our own family.”


  Realizing that she was being fooled, Yang Liushi blushed and protested with shame and anger, “You have already made up your mind and you

  still ask me!” “Haha, I just asked casually.”

  Wei Changtian looked at Yang Liushi, and after laughing, he shook his head meaningfully:

  ”Didn’t you ask me last night why Zhili fell in love with Xu Quan?”

  ”You should understand now.”


  Yang Liushi’s eyes were stunned, and she didn’t react at first.

  But after a moment, she seemed to have figured something out, and nodded slowly with a complicated expression.

  ”Yeah, I understand.”

  After breakfast, Wei Changtian went out.

  Xu Quan has been released, and it is estimated that he will see Zhili soon.

  He didn’t care what the scene would be like when the two met or what they would talk about.

  Wei Changtian believed that Xu Quan must understand his “good intentions” and should be able to deal with it.

  Moreover, this kind of “love affair” is only a small matter after all, and he has more important things to do at the moment.

  Su Qi has already declared “rebellion” and is tentatively scheduled to send troops to Daqian Capital tomorrow morning to attack the “tyrant”.

  Obviously, before the troops are officially dispatched, there are still many details such as food and grass to be properly handled.

  Especially the 200,000 Daqian surrendered soldiers, although they were temporarily forced to rebel and join the rebels, but everyone knows that they are unlikely to be willing to serve Wei Changtian.

  So it is necessary to make plans in advance.

  In this way, Wei Changtian discussed with Su Qi in Linchuan government office for another day, and then reluctantly agreed on some important matters to come.

  Most of the things are with Li Zimu, so he doesn’t have to worry too much.

  The most critical thing is how to break through Daqian Capital in the shortest time, or kill Jing Guoqing.

  Wei Changtian had planned this matter long ago, and even laid out in advance before coming to Linchuan, so he was still confident at the moment.

  However, Su Qi still holds a pessimistic attitude towards all this, so let’s not talk about it here for now.

  In short, after a busy day, the preparations before the uprising have been basically completed, and we are just waiting to move the camp westward tomorrow morning.

  At dusk, Wei Changtian, who came out of the government office, did not return to the inn, but took Yang Liushi to the “ruins” of Yun’an Temple.

  A temporary fence has been built around the empty large area of ​​loess, and officials are guarding it at all times.

  Since the Yun’an Temple disappeared out of thin air, the government has blocked this place and no one is allowed to enter.

  However, Wei Changtian is definitely not within the restrictions of “anyone”, so he soon stood in the messy and desolate rocks and sand again, looking around curiously as if he was traveling. It

  was too dark the night before yesterday, and he was worried that something might happen, so he did not stay for long after breaking the formation, and immediately took Yang Liushi and Gu Paner away, without having time to take a closer look. When he

  came in again today, Wei Changtian found something wrong.

  The source of the abnormality was the black stone pillars standing among the rocks.

  These stone pillars are not “illusions”, but “entities” that actually stand in the formation, and can be seen after breaking the formation.

  At that time, Wei Changtian only thought that these were part of the illusion formation and did not examine them carefully.

  But now when he tried to smash the stone pillars, he found that these were not stones, but a kind of black wood.

  It was not dyed, but the wood seemed to be black.

  Apart from that, it was no different from ordinary wood. If there was anything to say, it was that this black wood had not rotted for three hundred years, which felt a bit strange.

  ”What kind of wood is so strange.”

  Wei Changtian looked at a piece of broken wood again and again, muttering to himself.

  Yang Liushi on the side thought for a while, then whispered:

  ”Husband, this should be ebony.”


  ”Yes, it’s also called ebony, which is black.”

  Yang Liushi nodded: “It looks like these should be, but I don’t know why there are these ebony pillars here.”


  Wei Changtian curled his lips: “Why does this name sound so creepy.”

  ”Gosh, gosh, gosh, creepy.”

  Yang Liushi explained with a smile: “Husband, this ebony is the best material for making coffins.”

  ”Make a coffin?”

  Wei Changtian’s eyes stagnated, and he lowered his head to look at the yellow soil under his feet.

  And Yang Liushi’s smile disappeared in an instant, replaced by a hint of surprise.

  Both of them seemed to suddenly think of something, and slowly turned their heads to look at each other.

  Ebony, yellow soil, small earth slope, the people of Linchuan who were deceived by the illusion array to burn incense and worship here.


  This can’t be a big tomb? !

  (End of this chapter)


I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am The Villain In The Novel

I Am Villain In The Book I Turned Out to Be the Arch-Villain of the Book 我竟是书中大反派
Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

Wei Tian transmigrated to a fantasy novel, and found out that he was the villain who was beaten up by the protagonist from beginning to end? ? ?

He has a powerful family background, but all he does is eat, drink, and have fun; he has a handsome face, but all he does is commit evil deeds; he has abundant cultivation resources, but all he does is waste them away… and he can’t even lie down properly, because the protagonist is about to come and steal his wife!

I used to want to be a good person, but now I really have no choice!


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