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Chapter 917: The Southern Legion’s “Unique Tactics”

Chapter 917: The Southern Legion’s “Unique Tactics”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 917 The Southern Legion’s “Unique Tactics”

  ”Recently, due to weather problems, the Alliance managers have adjusted the itinerary of the visit to the southern region of the Alliance…”

  In the restaurant in the port area of ​​Settlement No. 1, the radio was playing the news of the day.

  The time is now four o’clock in the afternoon. Although the restaurant is open, it is obviously still a long way from the busy time.

  Sitting in front of the window, Alman glanced outside the restaurant from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

  At this time, the sound of wind chimes came from the door. He looked up and looked forward, just in time to meet Greg’s eyes.

  ”I knew you would contact me.”

  ”Why do you say that?” Alman raised his eyebrows slightly.

  Greg squeezed his eyebrows at him and continued in a humorous tone.

  ”Do I even need to ask this? Loyalty to the Marshal is the factory setting for every Weilant. We are willing to sacrifice our lives for honor and loyalty, even if our feet are far away from Triumph City. If the Alliance thinks that some small favors are enough to buy us off, they are very wrong.”

  Pulling out a chair and sitting opposite Alman, Greg looked at the waiter with a bright smile, “A cup of black coffee will be fine.”

  ”Okay, sir.”

  The Moon Clan girl smiled and her graceful figure quickly floated behind the bar.

  Alman took a deep breath and looked around a little uneasy.

  ”Do we need to move to a more secluded place?”

  ”No, the view here is wide. Once you get used to it, you will know that some things are better discussed in public than behind closed doors. After all, no matter how careful you are, you can’t stop the wall from having ears…”

  Looking at the waitress who came with coffee, Greg nodded and smiled politely at her, until the latter walked back to the bar, then looked at Alman and continued.

  ”The sound on the radio is enough to cover up our conversation.”

  ”Okay, I just said it for safety. Since you have no objection, let’s get straight to the point…” Alman spoke hurriedly, took a sip of the lemonade on the table, and concealed his nervousness.

  ”As you wish.” Greg took out a piece of paper from his arms and gently placed it on the table.

  Unexpectedly, the other party was so open and honest. Alman was stunned and followed his gaze to look at the paper, and the expression on his face became more and more surprised.

  ”This is…”

  ”Tsunami Plan,” Greg said slowly, “The Alliance has been sending aid to the Borneo Province through the two ports of Baiyue Strait and Silver Moon Bay. As long as we can take over the Baiyue Strait, we can break one of their legs.”

  Alman looked at him in surprise.

  ”But in this way, doesn’t it mean-”

  Greg smiled slightly.

  ”Declaring war on the Alliance, right? I know what you are worried about, but this is part of our strategic deployment. It is necessary to open a second battlefield in the Alliance’s homeland. Only in this way can we pull our allies into the war.”

  Looking at this crazy guy, Alman’s Adam’s apple moved and he said in a hoarse voice.

  ”…Are you working for the Southern Army Intelligence Bureau? The…legendary Second Bureau?”

  ”Yes, are you surprised? In fact, it’s not just the Second Bureau, but also the General Staff.”

  Greg hooked his index finger on the kettle next to him and gently poured water on the paper.

  I saw that the words in the places soaked in water gradually dissipated like fog melting ice and snow.

  However, Alman had taken a photo of the content on the paper, so he didn’t care too much about his destruction of evidence.

  After showing his sincerity, Greg continued to speak at a slow pace.

  ”In fact, we also got inspiration from the residents of Evernight Harbor. Since the Alliance is willing to accept the Willant people without reservation, why don’t we take this opportunity to let real soldiers infiltrate their inner circle, and then… bang.”

  While speaking, Greg opened his clenched fist and opened his right hand outward, as if it was a group of exploding fireworks.

  He had a bright smile on his face and said ruthless words.

  ”… Just like fireworks, they will be blown to pieces by us.”

  Listening to this crazy plan, Alman felt as if there was a demon sitting in front of him.

  If this plan really succeeds…

  the Willant people will probably become world-famous stinking shit.

  But this probably also fulfilled the wishes of the Southern Legion.

  Sometimes the facts are actually counterintuitive. Although each legion is using honor to bind the Willant people, this organization composed of the Willant people does not actually value honor as much as the “Willant people who value honor”.

  In fact, they even hope that the Willant people will become stinking shit.

  After all, the worse the reputation of the Willant people is, the more unpleasant others will be when they mention the name of the Willant people, and the more the Willant people cannot do without the legion.

  Just like a dung beetle cannot live without its dung ball.

  Alman swallowed his saliva.

  ”…This is a genius idea.”

  Greg smiled faintly.

  ”You’re flattered.”

  Alman: “But what about your own business? Won’t your business be affected?”

  Not at all surprised that Alman would ask this question, Greg laughed and then lowered his voice.

  ”That kind of thing is just a cover. In addition… You don’t have to worry about your business being affected. We never treat people who work for us unfairly. When our plan succeeds, I can guarantee that 30% of the trade share of French Fry Port will belong to you, and I will also grant you the title of Captain of Ten Thousands… From then on, you will no longer have to live a wandering life.” Cover


  I guess the so-called mutual aid association is also a cover.

  Alman took a sip of lemonade to calm himself down, and at the same time pretended to be moved.

  ”How many people do you have?”

  ”Two 10,000-man teams.” Greg pointed with two fingers. “Most of the alliance’s capable and skilled troops are deployed in the Borneo Province. More than 20,000 people are enough for us to take over the Baiyue Strait.”

  ”20,000 people?!”

  Alman’s mouth twitched, and he couldn’t help but continue.

  ”Are you kidding? I only have twelve ships, and 5,000 people is already the limit of my transportation capacity.”

  Greg smiled and comforted him.

  ”Don’t worry about this. In order to implement this plan, we have purchased five container ships through our own informants… We will put the soldiers in the containers, along with their weapons. I need your team to provide cover for them, and then dock at French Fries Port. When the local customs opens the boxes, our soldiers will jump out of the boxes to scare them.”

  After a pause, he continued.

  ”The warehouse at French Fries Port stores military aid sent to the Borneo Province. These equipment can be used by us. After occupying French Fries Port, we will immediately block the Baiyue Strait and drive our shallow-water heavy gunboats in under the cover of the Western Legion, establish a front-line position in the Baiyue Province, and advance along the coastline to the Death Coast… By then, the entire alliance will fall apart under our attack.” Alman

  pinched his eyebrows and said with a headache.

  ”I always feel that your plan is full of problems… And why are you so sure that you can turn the tide of the war as long as you land in the alliance? You should have seen their cohesion.”

  ”I know, of course I know. I have been observing them since I came to the alliance… Including their weaknesses,” Greg said with a smile, “For example, their managers.”

  Looking at Greg with a mysterious smile, Alman raised his eyebrows slightly.

  ”I remember he is still young.”

  ”Then let him have an accident.”

  Adding some sugar to the coffee, Greg gently stirred with a spoon and continued slowly.

  ”Under his leadership, they did unite a lot of people, but there are also many people who hate them, just like the shadows under the sun… Those guys are dormant in places where the light of order cannot shine, waiting for an opportunity to move, ready to give their enemies a fatal blow at any time. If they rely on themselves alone, they may not get this opportunity until the next life, but it will be different with our help.”

  Alman looked at him in astonishment and gradually understood his plan.

  ”…You want to copy the bone chewing rebellion?”

  ”Bone chewing rebellion?” Greg curled his lips and said disdainfully, “The reason why the Eastern Legion can’t accomplish anything big is that it wavers when it should stand firm, but we won’t make such a mistake. We will personally deploy and command them directly, and give them all the necessary weapons and equipment… The whole plan is foolproof, and they will pay a heavy price for their arrogance.”

  Looking at Alman who wanted to ask something else, Greg coughed and interrupted what he was about to say.

  ”Enough, are we off topic? The decapitation operation is the responsibility of someone else. Let’s get back to our ‘tsunami’. Your job is simple, just help our people get ashore, and leave the rest to professionals.”

  When he said this, Greg stared at Alman intently, waiting for his answer.

  Alman knew very well that if he dared to say no after knowing so much, he might not even be able to see the moon tonight. He

  couldn’t help but smile bitterly in his heart, but his face was calm. He thought seriously for a long time, and then nodded slowly.

  ”Leave it to me.”

  Hearing this expected answer, Greg’s face once again showed a bright smile.

  ”Congratulations, you have chosen the right path.”

  After leaving this sentence, he stood up, patted Alman’s shoulder gently, then picked up the wet white paper and put it in his pocket, and then went to the bar of the restaurant.

  He added a whole plate of sugar cubes to the cup of coffee, which was probably too sweet, but he didn’t drink a single sip.

  Looking at Greg who was leaving after paying the bill, Alman smiled bitterly, picked up the lemonade on the table and took a sip.

  Looking at the waitress who came to clear the plates, he took off the buttons on his collar and gently placed them on the table.

  ”You all heard it… Is there anything else I can do?”

  The girl from the Moon Clan smiled at him and cleared the things on the table.

  Even the hair that fell on the table and chairs.

  ”No need, sir, let us clean up the tableware, you can continue with today’s arrangements. Thank you for your support of our business, and I wish you a happy life.”

  Alman made a helpless expression.

  If possible, he really didn’t want to get involved in this kind of thing, and he did plan to do so at the beginning.

  The Guards did not force him to cooperate with them in the investigation. If he didn’t want to, he just had to promise to keep it confidential and not contact the people related to the mutual aid association.

  However, after thinking of the tragedy in Xifan Port, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​staying out of it.

  No one can really stay out of it.

  When the matter found him, he had already stepped into the game. Pretending that everything had nothing to do with him would not make himself and his family safer.

  He couldn’t wait until everything happened and then learn from the Borneo people to explain to other survivors who united together –

  ”Not all Borneo people are like this.”

  That pale excuse was not even a comfort…


  The “tsunami” aimed at French Fries Port was ready to go, and a container ship full of soldiers was leaving from Evernight Port.

  Under Greg’s operation, a batch of weapons had been loaded on the cargo ship of Settlement No. 1 and sent to French Fries Port in the name of military aid to the countries in Borneo Province.

  At the same time, Alman’s fleet also set off and headed straight for Xifan Port.

  They will meet at Xifan Port, and then cross the Borneo Sea to the Baiyue Strait.

  Everything went according to plan.

  At this moment, the alliance’s attention has been completely tied to the Borneo Province… At least in the eyes of the top leaders of the Southern Legion, their entire plan is flawless.

  As long as their troops can control the French Fries Port, the entire Borneo Sea can become the back garden of the Southern Legion!

  On the other side, the operation codenamed “Guillotine” was also carried out quietly.

  At the same time that Greg went to the No. 1 settlement to develop offline, another fierce general of the Southern Legion, Captain Wyatt, also arrived at the junction of the Seaside Province and the Prancing Horse Province – a ruin located in the mountains.

  This is the old site of Yanshan City, about 100 kilometers from the coastline, and the distance from here to the Alliance’s No. 10 settlement is about the same.

  Two centuries ago, this was a prosperous coastal city, but now there are only some rusty steel skeletons and a pile of broken cement boxes.

  The entire Yanshan City is not very large, similar to the lakeside Xizhou City. The city is also mainly positioned for leisure and vacation, so there are not as many high-rise buildings as Qingquan City.

  In the previous Torch War, the 101st Mountain Division of the Enterprise was stationed in this area, but it withdrew shortly after the war.

  With the evacuation of the Order, this place soon became a paradise for mutants and predators again.

  ”It’s just in front… There is no road to go up, we can only park the car here and walk forward.”

  Looking at the broken viaduct not far away, the driver turned off the engine and looked respectfully at Chief Wyatt sitting in the back seat.

  ”Well, let’s stop here.”

  Comparing the contour lines on the map with the nearby terrain, Wyatt nodded, threw down a sentence concisely, and then pushed the door and got out of the car with two other followers wearing exoskeletons.

  As the two stopped the car, the two vans following the off-road vehicle also stopped one after another, and two soldiers wearing exoskeletons and two “big guys” armed to the teeth with black metal got out respectively.

  In the Legion, these Weylanders with extraordinary physiques are guys who failed to awaken.

  The unstable fragments buried in their DNA give them extraordinary strength and tenacity, allowing them to ignore pain and wounds and fight desperately like mutants.

  The Eastern Legion usually places them directly in the purge team to serve as the main force of large-scale operations. However, in the Southern Legion, the positioning of the purge team is mainly a special forces unit. Such big guys are usually installed with expensive implants and then sent to other places outside the front line as needed.

  Especially in the enemy’s rear area.

  They are strong and never surrender. They are like human nuclear bombs. They can often burst out with the combat power of several ten-man teams with just one person.

  Unlike Greg, who belongs to the Army Intelligence Bureau, Wyatt and his subordinates are all affiliated with the General Staff of the Southern Legion, with the rank of thousand men.

  Due to his military experience, he is not only good at intelligence work, but also has a lot of experience in combat command.

  He participated in the Xifan Port Massacre planned by the General Staff.

  In the subsequent Janusz Uprising, the battle plan that the former members of the Gray Wolf Army who supported Abusek received was also formulated by him.

  It is no exaggeration to say that at least one-third of the credit for Janusz’s ability to capture Tiandu within two weeks was due to this guy he had never met in his life.

  Even Janusz himself was not aware of it, and was kept in the dark until he was shot on the throne.

  Now, in order to open up a second front in the alliance, the General Staff of the Southern Legion sent Wyatt to the Seaside Province to plot the assassination of the alliance manager.

  The risks of the whole plan are foreseeable. Once the manager dies, they will definitely be retaliated by the whole alliance, and the probability of escape is very small.

  However, for the legion, for the great success of the “Tsunami” plan, and for His Majesty the Marshal and the final victory, he does not care about personal sacrifice.

  Just as the group entered Yanshan City, a pair of greedy and covetous eyes hiding in the shadows had noticed this group of uninvited guests.

  Most of them were predators who wandered to this area following the footprints of migrating survivors.

  The alliance used radio to cheat them of the fat sheep in their mouths, and hunted them in the wilderness, so they hid in the ruins of the city far away from the settlement.

  The influence of the alliance could not expand here for the time being, so they built a nest under the shadow of the alliance’s heel.

  All the survivors or caravans passing by are their targets of robbery. Sometimes they will use the patchwork engine to build a small boat to go out to sea to rob merchant ships.

  They usually sell the stolen goods to black market merchants and exchange the silver coins they earn for supplies.

  The alliance has never stopped chasing, intercepting and suppressing them, but just as it is impossible for a person to step on his own shadow with the sole of his shoe, the predators who have existed since the era of the War Construction Committee have never been exterminated by any survivor force.

  As long as there is a no-man’s land with a lack of order, they will grow like weeds.

  However, it is worth mentioning that the alliance’s crackdown on predators is indeed rare in this land.

  It is precisely because of the alliance’s continuous suppression that the predators whose living space has been continuously compressed hate the group of nosy blue rats.

  When Wyatt and his party stepped into the territory of Yanshan City, the local predators immediately mistook them for residents of the alliance’s shelter the moment they saw the equipment on him.

  After all, in the knowledge of these predators, only the residents of the shelter would install a lot of expensive and troublesome implants on their bodies.

  As for the Legion?

  Most of the predators from the Prancing Horse Province have never heard of it, even if their titles of decapitation and centurion are actually copied from the Legion.

  Feeling the threat from the shadow of the ruins, a big man walked in front of Wyatt and protected him with his iron body like a copper wall and iron wall.

  ”Ahead, threat.”

  Listening to the humming sound from the heavy steel, Wyatt smiled lightly and did not take his subordinates’ warning to heart.

  ”That means we are in the right place.”

  After that, he signaled his subordinates to step aside and shouted loudly towards the devastated steel and concrete ruins in front of him.

  ”Do you want to be a coward for the rest of your life, rotting in this rat hole, or be brave for once, rush into the houses of those so-called civilized people, rob them of their treasures, occupy their wives and daughters, and rob them of enough wealth to last a lifetime!”

  The loud voice echoed in the ruins, but no one responded to him.

  Wyatt did not get discouraged, but raised his voice and continued to shout.

  ”Think about it carefully, or go home and find a mirror to look at your cowardly appearance. The Alliance chased you around like cockroaches, and your way of doing it was to find a ruin to hide in. I can tell you responsibly that if you can’t unite and be tough, sooner or later you won’t even have a place to hide!”

  ”At least now, the Alliance is being held back by us on the battlefield in the west, and you still have a little hope of fighting back–”

  Before he finished his speech, a figure suddenly jumped down from the ruins.

  The guy was strong, like a cheetah, but his hair was messy, as if he had fleas.

  Not only that, the wrinkled skin also looked like a hyena without hair. What

  was even more disgusting was his black teeth, as if he hadn’t brushed them for years.

  Looking at the group of people standing in front of the ruins with caution, the man let out a low roar at Wyatt, who was in the lead.

  ”Who are you?”

  The soldiers standing next to Wyatt all frowned at the same time, but Wyatt’s expression remained unchanged.

  ”Wyatt, the thousand-man captain of the legion, tell me your name.”

  ”Hunter Claw, the leader of the cannibal tribe.”

  The man stared at Wyatt intently, and then stared at the big man next to him, not hiding the naked greed in his eyes.

  Wyatt didn’t care, just looked up and down at the man named Hunter Claw, and then nodded approvingly.

  ”Hunter Claw… is a good name, I have already thought of a prosthesis suitable for you.”

  As he said that, he took out a holographic computer pen and tapped it twice with his index finger.

  A pale blue light and shadow soon emerged, and a warrior with claws on his arms appeared on it.

  The little man that suddenly appeared startled Hunter Claw, but he was soon attracted by the mechanical texture and couldn’t take his eyes away.

  ”…How can I get it?”

  Looking at Hunter Claw with greedy eyes, Wyatt said bluntly.

  ”It’s very simple, just do things for us.”

  Hunter Claw was also not vague, knowing that most people who came to the plunderer for work had the same purpose.

  ”Who to kill?”

  Wyatt said with a smile.

  ”The manager of the alliance.”

  Hearing this, Hunter Claw’s pupils shrank suddenly, and a fearful expression appeared on his face.

  Seeing the panic behind his eyes, Wyatt continued patiently.

  ”He is just one person, but we are a group of people. We will not let you act alone. We will provide you with weapons, help you make plans, and even fight alongside you.”

  ”And you, just need to show courage and stand with us, and leave everything else to us.”

  Hearing this promise, Hunting Claw’s eyes finally calmed down, and the slight fear was soon replaced by greed.

  ”You have a big appetite… If you want to kill that guy, I’m afraid you have to be prepared to go to war with the settlement.”

  ”Then go to war.”

  Wyatt looked at him.

  ”Tell me your answer.”

  Hunting Claw showed a cruel smile on his face, and then nodded without hesitation.

  ”Fuck! Deal! But you have to give us weapons and ammunition! Just a pair of claws is not enough, at least two or three thousand people have to be equipped with equipment… If you can take it out, not only the ogre tribe will listen to you, but the tribes in the whole city will listen to you!”

  Wyatt showed a happy smile on his face.

  Although the number is a little less, it is enough.

  The target of the “Guillotine” operation is only the administrator, and the real war is the job of “Tsunami”.

  The alliance certainly would not have thought that this “assassination” was an operation involving thousands of people.

  By the time they reacted, it was too late.

  Looking at the sharp-eyed hunting claws, Wyatt smiled and extended his right hand.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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