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Chapter 918 The Root of the Contradiction

Chapter 918 The Root of the Contradiction


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 918 The Root of the Conflict

  After the agreement was reached, the group temporarily returned to the side of the convoy.

  Looking at the confident expression of Captain Wyatt, Oger, the bodyguard and deputy beside him, whispered.

  ”Can we rely on these guys?”

  Hearing the concern in the tone, Wyatt smiled lightly and said indifferently.

  ”If we wait until we are 100% sure of everything before taking action, we will not be able to accomplish anything.”

  Oger whispered.

  ”I’m just worried that these guys will betray us.”

  Wyatt chuckled.

  ”That’s actually what I’m least worried about. They won’t do that.”

  Oger cast an unexpected look at him.

  ”Do you believe in a group of predators?”

  ”No, if these scum had any sense of morality, they wouldn’t have gotten so far as to compete with rats and cockroaches for food,” Wyatt took out a wet towel to wipe his hands, threw it on the side of the road, and said slowly, “But in this matter, they have no other choice.”


  After reaching a cooperation agreement, Wyatt and his team settled down in Yanshan City and quickly arranged an operation for the leader of the cannibal tribe, Claw.

  The operation went very smoothly.

  Their prosthetic doctor not only installed a set of titanium alloy retractable steel knives and radius for Claw, but also strengthened the movement components and nerve components of his leg tendons.

  Claw was quite satisfied with the gift they provided, and other predator tribes entrenched in Yanshan City also became jealous and took the initiative to find Wyatt for cooperation, fearing that they would not get any benefits if they agreed too late.

  And Wyatt was also very generous to those predators who were willing to cooperate, and the only two operating tables were busy working overtime.

  In fact, the expensive prosthetics were only used to show the sincerity of the Legion and to bribe the leaders of the predator tribe.

  The things that really improved the combat effectiveness of the predators mainly relied on the exoskeletons, assault rifles, anti-armor rocket launchers, etc. purchased from the Free State.

  Since the Southern Legion did not have a fixed base in the Far East, they even purchased the operating tables for installing prosthetics from the Free State, and even used silver coins.

  Those guys were willing to sell anything, even weapons used against themselves, as long as they were willing to pay.

  But to Wyatt, they were obviously not smart enough.

  What other purpose could the Legion have for buying these weapons? It was nothing more than using them on their “old friend” Dawn City in the south.

  At least in Wyatt’s view, once the “Guillotine” operation was successful, regardless of whether the “Tsunami” plan could go as expected, the alliance would inevitably fall apart.

  And once the alliance disintegrated, the alliance’s currency would soon become a pile of waste paper.

  By then, they would have a pile of silver coins in their hands, and they would have nowhere to cry.

  While the operation was being arranged, truckloads of munitions were also driven to the vicinity of Yanshan City, and the raiders entrenched in the city came to pick up the goods.

  In this way, the Southern Legion successfully gathered a group of well-armed guerrillas in the east of the alliance.

  After getting the equipment, the raiders were eager to try.

  However, not everyone was full of confidence in the upcoming war.

  For example, several centurions under the Claw of the Hunter were full of concerns about whether to follow the Legion.

  It is worth mentioning that the Cannibal Tribe is only a raider tribe with a scale of 1,000 people.

  Although their leader Claw of the Hunter is called the Ten Thousand Man Captain, he does not have a team of 10,000 people under his command, and it is even more impossible for his centurion to manage 1,000 people.

  This situation is very common in the wasteland, and some tribes are even composed of decapitations and centurions.

  In fact, the only raider tribes that really gathered a team of 10,000 people were the clans of the Bone Chewing Tribe.

  After all, those guys received funding from the Legion and relied on the looting in the south to drag a lot of people.

  However, even the Bone Chewing Tribe, which had hundreds of thousands of soldiers, was eventually defeated by the Alliance.

  This is what the thousand captains were worried about.

  With the previous experience of the Bone Chewing Tribe, they really couldn’t imagine their chances of winning.

  Not to mention, compared to the Bone Chewing Tribe, their strength was a little bit worse.

  In the tent for the meeting.

  Looking at the Hunting Claw who opened the curtain and walked in, a burly thousand captain said in a hoarse voice.

  ”Boss, do we really want to cooperate with those guys? That legion.”

  His name is One-Eye. He was a wastelander in the Prancing Horse Province before. He worked as a caravan guard for a while. Later, he became interested in his employer’s goods and colluded with the plunderers to make a fortune. From then on,

  he lived a life away from civilized society. Later, the survivors of the Prancing Horse Province migrated to the settlement of the Alliance. There were fewer and fewer fat sheep around, so he followed the migrating survivors to the Sea End Province area, and drifted to the Yanshan City area, joining the Cannibal Tribe.

  As for why he was called One-Eye, that’s another story that takes thousands of words to explain.

  The Legion gave him a mechanical prosthetic eye, and now his right eye has regained its sight, and it has also added a lot of functions that it didn’t have before, such as zooming, focusing, and trajectory calculation.

  However, unlike other fanatical plunderers, he was not excited about the favor the Legion gave him, and he was not optimistic about the plan of the Weyland people.

  It would not be good for them to destroy the Alliance.

  Those civilized people are like the source of the river. Those guys who make a living by robbing must have a river to sustainably drain the pond.

  Moreover, from a strength point of view, it doesn’t seem to be a smart idea to go head-to-head with the Alliance.

  If the Legion is really as omnipotent as they say, then why don’t they destroy the Alliance themselves, and entrust their own mercenaries to do this job.

  Looking at the hesitant One-Eye, Hunting Claw didn’t take it to heart, but just said lightly.

  ”What else?”

  One-Eye said in a low voice.

  ”I heard they have a bad reputation… In the north, in the River Valley Province, there was a bunch of fools who listened to them and ended up being crushed into dust.”

  ”I can be sure that the benefits the Legion promised them may not be less than the benefits promised to us.”

  Everyone in the tent looked at each other in surprise. Many of the guys who were originally excited also showed hesitation on their faces.

  They all knew who the one-eyed man was talking about. It was nothing more than the legend of the plunderers – the bone chewing tribe that swept across half of the River Valley Province.

  The whispering sound spread.

  ”…This business is not easy to do.”

  ”Since the weapons have been given to us, it’s okay if we don’t work, right?”

  ”That’s right! We have done the business of robbing robbing robbing

  before…” “It’s not bad to sell them to the Alliance. After all, we will be wearing the skin of mercenaries, and the Alliance will not recognize what we do!”

  Looking at the whispering people, Hunter Claw sneered but did not join the conversation.

  Of course, he also knew that it was not a good idea to directly conflict with the Alliance.

  But he also knew that he had no other choice after embarking on this path.

  ”We have no choice.”

  Hearing the leader’s voice, the predators who were still chattering suddenly quieted down.

  Looking at the face that was either nervous or fierce, Hunter Claw raised his voice and continued.

  ”For us, this is not just a matter of a single transaction, it’s also about whether we can survive in this wasteland!”

  ”Think about why you came here!”

  ”The fat sheep in the Prancing Horse Province have all run away. First, one or two survivors moved away, and finally the entire settlement moved away. Without those settlements, the slave owners’ farms could not operate. These guys are either moving or preparing to move!”

  ”It’s not even just those survivor settlements. The caravans on the east coast no longer travel by land, but take all their treasures to the sea!”

  ”Think carefully about why you came here!”

  Looking at the speechless raider leaders, Hunter Claw continued to raise his voice, injecting hatred into his voice.

  ”If we sit back and do nothing, those guys who claim to be civilized people will continue to grow their strength, and then build high walls on their borders to completely isolate us from the civilized world! Let us rot together with those mutant creatures!”

  ”Listen to what they are saying! What they want to destroy is not one or two predator tribes, but to end the entire wasteland era! To start a new era without us!”

  ”Do you think you are doing multiple-choice questions? No, you have no choice at all, or rather, none of us have a choice! We only have one way to survive, and that is to destroy them, cut off their meat and chop it into stuffing, and throw their bones into the pot to stew soup!”

  ”Only after they perish, countless settlements of survivors will emerge from the wasteland again! Everything will return to the way it was before, and we will become the most terrifying existence in the entire wasteland!”

  ”For our tomorrow, they must perish!!!”

  The Hunting Claw became more and more excited and roared at the top of his lungs, and the One-Eye and the leaders of the other cannibal tribes who were standing in the tent looking at him were shocked by his roar.

  Everyone, including One-Eye, came to their senses. This deal meant more to them than just a deal.

  This was their only chance to survive –

  if the order dominated by the alliance continued to expand, sooner or later they would lose all their living space!

  ”Fight the bastards of the alliance!”

  ”Chop them up!”


  The people in the tent shouted in high spirits.

  They whistled, spit flew, and fierce light flashed in their pupils.

  Looking at the people with boiling fighting spirit in their chests, the corners of Hunter’s Claw’s mouth curled up with a satisfied smile.

  This is the effect he wanted.

  That guy named Chu Guang must die!

  He has hated him for more than a day or two, although that guy may not recognize him.

  And now with the enemies of the alliance coming to his door, he finally sees the hope of realizing his dream.

  He will use the pair of claws in his hands to personally dig out that guy’s heart!


  Just as the demons and monsters were howling, two Viper transport planes dragging plasma plumes landed one after another on the helipad outside the No. 10 settlement.

  When the transport planes landed, Chu Guang looked down at the settlement and took in the scenery of the No. 10 settlement.

  Compared with the No. 1 settlement, which already had a population of more than 100,000, this settlement with less than 2,000 people was like an inconspicuous fishing village.

  A two-person-high wall surrounded the entire settlement into a circle, and a row of bungalows of varying heights were distributed along several straight main roads. Judging from the various shapes, it seems that they were built by the locals themselves, not by professional designers.

  In the street near the sea, many houses had fish drying racks hanging at the door.

  It can be seen that fishing is the main source of income for the locals, followed by scavenging and farming.

  As for local commercial activities, they are mainly concentrated in a market near the northern highway.

  There are many local shops, as well as some trucks selling goods and purchasing products… Most of them come from Settlement No. 1.

  According to the information provided by Xiaoqi, half of the survivors living there are soldiers of the Southern Construction Corps, and the remaining half are mostly survivors who migrated from the Leaping Horse Province.

  Apart from the players who are everywhere, there are almost no survivors from Dawn City or Dawn City who come here to live.

  In fact, this is also normal.

  The population siphon effect of developed areas on underdeveloped areas is valid no matter where they are placed.

  Especially in the wasteland, development not only means prosperity, but also means safety.

  Even the survivors who migrated from the east are more willing to take a few more steps to Settlement No. 1, where there are more jobs and population, rather than living in such a relatively low-development place.

  Not to mention the survivors of the South Sea Alliance. Compared with the Death Coast, the French Fries Port in the Baiyue Strait is their “spiritual homeland”.

  However, it is gratifying that even though this is probably the most underdeveloped place in the alliance, supporting facilities such as roads, telephone poles and signal towers are still paved here.

  Two concrete docks stand on the reef-covered coastline.

  Although no container ships docked here, there were many fishing boats and salvage boats parked next to the dock that local residents had bought with loans from the Alliance’s banks.

  At this time, most adults went out to work, and the children were in class at the only school in the settlement.

  Even though Chu Guang thought the local development was not good enough, judging from the local people’s positive working spirit and the busy situation at the dock, the locals themselves were quite satisfied with life here.

  After all, in the wasteland separated by a wall, not to mention living and working in peace, even living was a luxury.

  The predators would cause trouble for them every now and then, and even if they paid tribute on time, they would still be robbed.

  Even if there is a survivor settlement similar to Boulder City nearby, don’t expect the bank there to lend them money to improve their lives.

  Weijia, who sells nutritional cream in Boulder City, Sid, who runs the settlement, and even the Blood Hand Clan and Brown Farm are all tacitly shared interests.

  Even the “Old Leech” on Bet Street, who seems to be bullied by the looters, and Lister, the merchant before he chose to be a man.

  Before the birth of the alliance, they were all on the same oil press, but in different “ecological niches”.

  Now that the alliance has successfully broken through, it is radiating the new order to the wasteland.

  This trick of cutting off the firewood from the bottom of the pot still seems to be very effective.

  Most wasteland objects have experienced the benefits of order and will no longer think about returning to the wasteland.

  Even if they return to their hometown one day, they will bring back the ideals and blueprints of the new era.

  After the plane landed, Chu Guang met a group of senior officials of the local authorities on the tarmac.

  Including the battalion commander of the No. 10 settlement militia, the squad leader of the construction corps, the director of the security bureau, the mayor of the city hall, and the only five elected local representatives and the usual committee members of the organization meeting.

  Since they were all here, Chu Guang shook hands with everyone, and then exchanged a few polite pleasantries before continuing with a critical tone.

  ”…Don’t bother with all this red tape. I’m most afraid of you using this. Li Jinrong is fine. Weifu City no longer needs the Southern Construction Corps. He has finished his work and is bored. You obviously have a lot of work to do. What are you reporting to me for?”

  ”Just do what you should do. If there is a need, I will naturally come to you.”

  Unexpectedly, he was met with a cold shoulder. The mayor felt indescribably aggrieved and explained with a wry smile.

  ”We are also worried that some work is not done well and we have failed to live up to your expectations.”

  Chu Guang: “Then you should not come to me, but go to the dock and ask the citizens of the alliance and future citizens what inconveniences they have in their lives, or if they have any good ideas for the future of Settlement No. 10. Their expectations are my expectations. Instead of asking for my opinions, you might as well spend your time on them.”

  The mayor said immediately.

  ”I’ll go to the dock now.”

  Chu Guang: “…”

  Looking at the group of people who left reluctantly, Chu Guang sighed in his heart.

  These people from the Southern Construction Corps are a little too obedient. Even after stepping down from their original positions, they still follow the rules of superiors and subordinates in their new positions.

  It’s hard to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. There are both advantages and disadvantages in the short term, but in the long run, the disadvantages will definitely outweigh the advantages.

  However, it is gratifying that even in such a situation, some young people with ideas can still be born in these settlements, even if their ideas are not exactly the same as his own.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang suddenly wanted to talk to Gu Ning, the representative who has been in the limelight recently.

  Of course, this has to be put after he has settled the current troubles.

  After meeting a group of “NPCs”, Chu Guang met the old man Quanshui, who was dressed in overseas Chinese clothes, not far from the apron.

  Meeting with players is much easier.

  Although on the surface he still shows the majesty of the faction boss to satisfy the players’ sense of substitution, he is relaxed in his heart.

  And he doesn’t need to judge the tone of his words, he can speak directly and fart directly.

  Chu Guang took Quanshui aside and said to him.

  ”According to the intelligence sold to us by the Free State’s intelligence dealers, the equipment sold by their arms dealers to the mysterious buyer has recently entered the Seaside Province. At present, it can be basically determined that the identity of the buyer is the General Staff of the Southern Legion.”

  ”Two of them have entered our field of vision. One is a thousand-man captain named Wyatt, who is a member of the General Staff of the Southern Legion. The other is Condra, the former captain of the 140,000th Squadron of the Eastern Legion. This person once worked for the Eastern Legion’s Eastward Expansion Faction, and now he is probably defecting to the Southern Legion. There was intelligence before that proved that the weapons of the Bone Chewing Tribe were provided by this guy.”

  Hearing the name Condra, Commander Quanshui was stunned and subconsciously said “Fuck”.

  This name is quite old, and it can even be traced back to the alpha version. He almost forgot it.

  Seeing that the manager stopped talking, Quanshui coughed lightly and said.

  ”Sorry, I’m just a little surprised, please continue.”

  ”It’s okay,” Chu Guang nodded and continued, “Anyway, the basic situation is like this. According to the judgment of our intelligence personnel, the Southern Legion intends to plan an attack against me, and the people involved in the attack will mainly be looters roaming around.”

  ”Fuck, attack you?! How dare they?!” Quanshui was shocked again and said in disbelief.

  It’s not that there is no possibility, but the success rate of doing this on the territory of the alliance is indeed a bit low.

  Chu Guang said concisely.

  ”…This is the most effective decision they made based on the current situation. According to the speculation of our intelligence personnel, the estimated number of people in the attack may be between two and three thousand, and the possibility of their use of weapons of mass destruction cannot be ruled out, so I plan to put the battle outside the settlement.”

  Hearing about weapons of mass destruction, Quanshui’s expression gradually became serious.

  ”…Do you have any specific plans?”

  Chu Guang said with a faint smile.

  ”The plan is simple. Since they are coming for me, I will deliberately give them a loophole.”

  Looking at the shocked Quanshui, Chu Guang paused for a moment and continued.

  ”I plan to use this opportunity to squeeze out the pus gathered in this area at once. Although it is unrealistic to rely on one or two battles to eliminate the plunderers in the northeast of Haiya Province, it is also a good method to deter them with overwhelming force.”

  Anyway, what is coming will come, so why not take advantage of the conspiracy of the Southern Legion.

  As a card master, Chu Guang is very skilled in “killing two birds with one stone” .

  After listening to Chu Guang’s plan, the commander of Quanshui showed an embarrassed expression on his face.

  After struggling for a moment, he spoke in a cautious tone.

  ”Well, although you may have considered some unexpected situations, a certain plan does not play by the routine… Ahem, I mean there may be variables beyond the plan. In short, I don’t recommend that you come as the bait yourself, the risk is too great.” No way.


  wants this guy to be the “real Quanshui”?

  The dog planner has emphasized more than once that the server will be reset immediately if the administrator dies.

  If it weren’t for the fact that this guy is also a power dog, Quanshui really wanted to come up with a bad idea on the forum and lock this guy in a cultivation tank in the shelter.

  This will not only avoid any safety issues, but will also help prolong your life.


  Thinking of this, I am so damn filial.

  Looking at the loyal brother Quanshui, Chu Guang’s eyes were a little strange, and after a long time he blurted out a sentence.

  ”…When did I say I would be the bait myself.”

  Without waiting for Quanshui to speak, he continued.

  ”When the time comes, I will lend you that azure power armor. If they really take out a tactical nuclear bomb, you can just go up and take it for me.”

  Commander Quanshui: “…#@”


  Too careless!

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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