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Chapter 919 We are here to solve this problem

Chapter 919 We are here to solve this problem


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 919 We are here to solve this problem.

  The mission to stand by at the No. 10 settlement was not an official transfer order. The main force of the Storm Corps was still stationed in the Dawn City area, alert to threats from inside and outside the alliance, and to take care of the newbies. Therefore, the Fountain did not bring many people.

  In addition to more than 300 veteran players, the remaining 200 or so members of the Corps who had arrived at the No. 10 settlement were newcomers who had just joined the group for less than two months.

  After meeting the manager, the commander of the Fountain returned to the save point and prepared to save a file for himself first, then went offline and returned to the group to talk to everyone about the next arrangements.

  For example, how to play this drama of luring the snake out of the hole.

  Then at this moment, he happened to run into Izuhei who had just returned from a mission outside. His eyes suddenly lit up and he stepped forward to stop this unlucky guy.

  ”Old Black! I have a super awesome power armor here, do you want to wear it?”

  Izuhei was confused when he was stopped, and he didn’t know what Fountain was thinking.

  However, seeing that eager expression, he instinctively became alert.


  Seeing that Lao Hei had grown smarter and didn’t fall for it, the commander of the fountain hurriedly coaxed him.

  ”Don’t! The same power armor as the manager! This thing is not for sale. Don’t miss the opportunity!”

  I’m the darkest laughed and cursed.

  ”MMP! You think of me when you have good things? It must be some giant chicken pit.”

  The commander of the fountain said with great sorrow.

  ”You are slandering me. When have I not thought of you when I have good things?”

  I’m the darkest smiled unmoved.

  ”Haha, when?”

  The air was quiet for a while.

  The commander of the fountain scratched his head for a long time, and finally smiled at him awkwardly.

  I’m the darkest sighed, raised two fingers, and gave him a step.

  ”…2000 silver coins.”

  The commander of the fountain said without hesitation.


  I’m the darkest: “…”


  I always feel that it’s less!


  In a half-collapsed building in Yanshan City, a dozen of Willant people wearing urban camouflage uniforms were sitting in front of the terminal and working meticulously.

  Since Wyatt was stationed in the Yanshan City area, the Southern Legion General Staff has transferred a lot of people in addition to the equipment, and transformed this abandoned building into a temporary base for the “Guillotine” Operation Group to formulate a more detailed combat plan.

  With the support of local looters, the whole plan went smoothly.

  However, this alone is not enough.

  They not only have to send weapons to these guys who rob with iron pipe rifles, but also have to teach them how to use them and how to fight more efficiently.

  And these things have to rely on the help of “professionals”.

  Fortunately, the secret line left by the Eastern Expansion Faction of the Eastern Legion in the Free State came in handy.

  With the help of the funds provided by the Southern Legion, Captain Kondrawan easily met their requirements and sent a group of experienced instructors while sending weapons.

  Some of them were soldiers of the Eastward Expansion faction who had participated in the Battle of Sunset, and some were officers who had drifted to the Free State during the Expeditionary Force period.

  It was not realistic to make the plunderers have the combat effectiveness of a regular army in such a short time, but at least they could play the role of cannon fodder. It

  would be best if they could kill the managers of the alliance alone.

  If that didn’t work, they still had weapons of mass destruction as their last trump card.

  For this reason, the General Staff prepared two action plans.

  The first plan was to arrange for the plunderers to disguise themselves as refugees, carry nuclear warheads and sneak into the settlement, and then arrange for another two thousand-man teams to attack the No. 10 settlement.

  As for the second plan, it was to take action when the manager left the No. 10 settlement and shoot down the transport plane he was riding with a portable anti-aircraft missile.

  Both plans had their own advantages and disadvantages, but Wyatt was still not satisfied.

  He hoped to make the plan as foolproof as possible and try to leave no hidden dangers.

  The combat meeting was discussed for a whole morning.

  After the meeting, Wyatt walked to the broken window and lit a cigarette in his mouth.

  At this moment, an intelligence officer sitting in front of the terminal suddenly pushed his chair away and stood up, shouting in surprise.

  ”There’s news!”

  Hearing the noise coming from behind him, Wyatt immediately put out the cigarette he had just smoked, hurriedly walked behind the intelligence officer, and spoke anxiously.

  ”What’s the situation?”

  The intelligence officer had an excited expression on his face, and handed the headset to the superior while reporting.

  ”We monitored the news from the radio station of Settlement No. 1! According to the content of the news, Settlement No. 10 will build a new extension city in the northern forest area! The alliance manager intends to go to the area in person for inspection, and the inspection time is set at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning!”

  Standing next to Wyatt, the heavily armored adjutant Oger frowned.

  ”New extension city? The settlement with only more than 2,000 people?”

  The intelligence officer nodded excitedly.

  ”That’s right! According to the news, the new extension city is to solve the problem of the continuous influx of the Boro and Weylan refugees… I have recorded the content! Put on your headphones and I will play it for you!”

  Settlement No. 10 does not have its own radio station. The source of the news signal is Settlement No. 1, hundreds of kilometers away.

  While speaking, the intelligence officer tapped twice on the touch screen and replayed the recording he had just heard.

  Wyatt, who was wearing headphones, frowned and listened to the recording from beginning to end. His serious expression gradually turned into joy.

  After a moment, he handed the headphones to Oger with a smile on his face.

  ”It seems that even God is on our side… The previous two action plans are no longer applicable. Call our combatants immediately. I want to hold another meeting!”

  Oger, who took the headphones, was slightly hesitant.

  He did not put on the headphones immediately, but looked at Wyatt, who was beaming with joy, and whispered.

  ”I always feel that something is a little strange… We also monitored the news of Settlement No. 1 before, but we didn’t hear any relevant information.”

  ”There’s nothing strange. Settlement No. 10 doesn’t often appear on the news channel of Settlement No. 1.”

  Looking at Og, whose face was full of worry, Wyatt smiled and said.

  ”And that ambitious guy also wandered around like this when he was in Weifu City. It is reasonable to speculate that there is nothing to visit in Settlement No. 10. In order to please him, the local officials painted a pie for him so that he could cheat for funds… This is logically reasonable.”

  Og smiled bitterly.

  With his understanding of the alliance, this is more like what will happen to the Southern Legion.

  However, seeing that the commander said so confidently, he did not say anything more.

  After all, it was the same in Xifan Port.

  He always felt that it was not reliable to bet on a group of ungrateful people, but the final result was not bad.

  Even if they did not bet against Abusek, they still got Xifan Port from the civil service group and the legitimate claim to fight against the province of Borneo.

  Maybe I was overthinking it…

  Looking at his deputy who was still worried, Wyatt put his hand on his shoulder.

  ”…Listen, Og, we can’t wait until we are 100% sure before we act. If you are worried that the cooked duck will fly away, we can send an anti-aircraft force to the west of Settlement No. 10, ambush on the road to Settlement No. 9, and keep a close eye on their transport planes.”

  Og smiled bitterly and nodded.

  ”Yes, sir.”


  The next morning, when it was dawn, Settlement No. 10 suddenly opened the northern gate.

  A full six military off-road vehicles drove out from behind the gate and drove low-key to the wilderness in the north.

  Although the movement of this convoy was low-key enough, it still did not escape the eyes of the predators who had been hiding outside the settlement for a whole night.

  Kicked by his companion, the henchman lying on the back of the earth slope woke up and quickly took out a telescope to look in the direction of the convoy.

  I saw that the off-road vehicle was full of soldiers wearing exoskeletons, including the machine gun position on the roof.

  The appearance of being armed to the teeth made people feel terrified.

  If it were normal times, this group of rabble would never dare to attack such a convoy, but now is not normal times, they have the support of the Southern Legion behind them.

  As long as they win!

  These cars and equipment will all be theirs!

  Two pairs of greedy eyes stared at the convoy, and the predators lying behind the earth slope whispered to each other.

  ”In the middle! The fourth car from the front! Did you see it!”

  ”Let me see… the blue power armor!”

  ”It’s him! It’s him!”

  ”Call the boss!”

  After confirming the target, one of the predators quickly took out the walkie-talkie and reported his discovery to the boss who was ambushing in the back.

  At the same time, near the forest area 20 kilometers away.

  The hunting claw hiding in an abandoned town showed a creepy grin on his face.

  When he came here to ambush last night, he happened to run into a few mutant tigers, and with the modified combat prosthesis, he ripped them all open in a few seconds.

  At this moment, he was like a humanoid death claw, and he couldn’t wait for the upcoming battle.

  If the Southern Legion’s financiers hadn’t insisted on making that battle plan, he would have wanted to rush into the settlement with his men last night and kill people in a heartbeat!

  ”…That guy is mine, no one can snatch it from me.”

  Looking at the bloodthirsty look of the leader, the small leaders standing by couldn’t help but feel embarrassed, and immediately responded with a smile on their faces.

  ”Don’t worry, leader, we won’t snatch it from you!”

  ”We’ll help you hold down his hands!”

  The hunting claw sneered and said in a hoarse voice.

  ”You don’t need to do it, I want to fight him alone!”

  This will be the battle that will make him a god.

  Shaking his right hand, looking at the claws that popped out from the back of his hand, an intoxicated smile appeared on his face.

  At the same time, on the off-road vehicle speeding towards the north, I, who was dressed like a can, moved my neck with difficulty and couldn’t help cursing.

  ”Damn…Does the manager usually wear this? You are

  kidding me!” This is not what the manager wears at all!


  To be precise, this thing can’t be called a power armor at all! It’s just an exoskeleton with a changed skin!

  In fact, it is true.

  The standard of power armor is nuclear power battery, and this disposable iron lump is naturally impossible.

  And with someone’s frugal character, it is unlikely that he would use his equipment for such a bait plan.

  Although the power armor has three defense capabilities, I have never heard of any power armor that can withstand a nuclear bomb.

  Money is not wasted like this.

  As early as when he was in Weifu City, Chu Guang knew that someone had his ideas, and at that time he arranged for Jushi Military Industry to use the K-10 “Iron Wall” exoskeleton as the framework to imitate a reduced version of the P-10A “Order” power armor.

  And the so-called imitation is basically just an imitation of the appearance.

  Including four “Raptor-1” boost thrusters and a “Hippo-1” portable fusion reactor, all things related to the power components were deleted, and after replacing the metal hydrogen battery, it was painted with a layer of Klein blue paint, and it was considered a success.

  The appearance of the whole set of armor looks exactly the same as what Chu Guang usually wears. As for the performance, it goes without saying. They are completely different things and are not on the same channel at all.

  Listening to my darkest complaint in the communication channel, Commander Quanshui said with a smirk.

  ”Who cares if it is or not? Anyway, you can’t see it from outside.”

  My darkest pulled the corner of his mouth and complained because his butt was bumped.

  ”So what is our mission?”

  Brother Quanshui was silent for a while and sighed.

  ”… You have already done this mission so far, can’t you see it?”

  While speaking, my darkest suddenly noticed that the brothers who were riding in the same car with him were all wearing the classic “Five-style” exoskeleton of the Alliance, and the exoskeleton had the same paint and emblem of the Guards Regiment.

  Wait –

  the same style as the Guards Regiment!

  Previously, his attention was on this set of lame armor, and he didn’t pay attention to the equipment on other people at all.

  It was not until then that he suddenly reacted.

  ”Fuck! Could it be-“

  Seeing that he had guessed it, Commander Quanshui smiled and revealed the answer.

  ”It’s a small matter. When the fight starts, you will be responsible for attracting the firepower. Just don’t die too quickly. Don’t worry about the rest… Of course, it’s best to survive.”

  I’m the Blackest: “…@#%!”

  Hearing the curse, Quanshui felt a little embarrassed and coughed.

  ”Okay… drive a little further to the front and you will reach the battle area. We have detected traces of predators nearby. Now we will start radio silence.”

  ”Good luck!”

  As the voice fell, Quanshui turned off the microphone for the whole team, and Laohei’s curses were instantly cut off.

  At the same time, at the Yanshan City Operations Base a hundred kilometers away, an intelligence officer sitting in front of the terminal suddenly frowned.

  He stood up from his seat and reported to Oger who was standing by the window not far away.

  ”We detected a radio signal…”

  Oger immediately looked at him and said.

  ”Can you parse the content?”

  The man looked embarrassed.

  ”Yes, but I don’t understand what they are saying.”


  Oger was speechless for a moment and looked out the window.

  He always had a bad feeling in his heart, but there was no time to make adjustments at this critical moment.

  Wyatt had already led all the combatants to the vicinity of the ambush point.

  Including the nuclear bomb they bought from the arms dealer.

  At the same time, a container ship carrying 20,000 soldiers was on its way to French Fries Port.

  Regardless of whether the “Guillotine” operation they planned could go as smoothly as planned, a new war was already on the way.

  I hope everything goes well.

  He prayed silently in his heart.

  At the same time, on the coastline west of Settlement No. 10, a man who should not have been here was inspecting under the escort of a group of guards.

  This man was Chu Guang.

  After throwing the task of suppressing the bandits to Quanshui, he took Lu Bei to the outside of the settlement early in the morning.

  After all, no one can guarantee that there are no predators or spies from the Southern Legion in the settlement.

  It would be better for him not to show up before the plan to lure the snake out of its hole succeeds.

  And to be honest, the scale of Settlement No. 10 is too small, and there is really nothing worth seeing. On the contrary, there are many landmarks worth noting outside the settlement.

  For example, on the beach not far from the settlement wall, there is a wreck covered with seaweed.

  The ship is very complete, and the anti-rust paint on the surface has not even fallen off. There is only a huge hole on the bottom of the ship.

  The name of this ship is “Golden Coast”, which is the one that the South Sea Alliance sank by the Torch Church.

  At that time, the ship planned to land in the northeastern coastal area of ​​Haiya Province and set up an observation station to observe what the “heaven” of the Torch Church was like. As a result, it was shot by aquatic mutants before it could dock.

  Later, with the development of the Death Coast by the Alliance and the rise of the seabed salvage business, the wreck was also picked up by the scavengers of Settlement No. 10 and towed to the shore.

  The South China Sea Alliance had previously planned to buy it back and transform it into a museum to warn future generations, but considering that the area of ​​the island was too small, it was finally decided to build the museum in Settlement No. 10.

  This can be regarded as the last wish of the Golden Coast and the crew.

  At present, the workers in Settlement No. 10 are cleaning the seaweed and shellfish on the abandoned ship. The construction of the museum will probably start after this work is completed.

  In addition to the ruins of the Golden Coast research ship, there is a glittering coast several dozen kilometers southwest of here.

  Chu Guang learned from Li Jinrong before that the place was called the Glowing Sea. It is said that it was a crater left by a radioactive weapon when it carried out a strategic bombing mission on the mutant slime mold mother nest.

  It is said that the glowing ocean would be more spectacular two hundred years ago, and the endless light could fill the entire Death Coast.

  However, the radioactive substances there have decayed to the point where there is not much left.

  According to the investigation of the scientific expedition team, the current luminescence phenomenon of the Glowing Sea is mainly caused by the gathering of some mutant shellfish that like radioactive elements.

  As for the research on those mutant creatures, the Alliance’s Biological Research Institute has already established a project.

  When Chu Guang first heard the news, he was actually a little disappointed.

  He thought he could salvage some pre-war equipment or helium-3 fuel from that place, but he didn’t expect to find only a pile of shells.

  Perhaps one day in the future, the biological research institute led by Heya will bring him new surprises.

  But that’s another story.

  Walking a little further along the beach, Chu Guang saw a small wooden house located on the beach.

  The owner of the wooden house built a rain shelter and a simple fishing dock with wood.

  This should be a supply station or similar place for local fishermen to avoid storms.

  Chu Guang saw an old man drying fishing nets next to the wooden house.

  When he saw the old man, the old man obviously saw him and was stunned.

  Seeing that he had noticed him, Chu Guang did not hide deliberately, but walked straight up.

  The expression on the old man’s face was a little panic, but also a little excited and curious.

  ”Are you… Mr. Manager?”

  Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”I didn’t expect you to recognize him.”

  The old man smiled embarrassedly and scratched the back of his head with his dry hands.

  ”You’re joking. Who here doesn’t know you?”

  Chu Guang continued to ask with a smile.

  ”You are from Yuema Province, right?”

  The old man nodded and said with a smile.

  ”Liuxi Town in Yuema Province is also on the seaside. Half a year ago, I was fiddling with the radio while fishing and heard the broadcast. I came here to take a look and then moved my family here.”

  Chu Guang said in a chatty tone.

  ”How do you feel after coming here? Compared with your previous place?”

  The old man said with sincere emotion.

  ”It’s so much better. At least the fish you catch are yours, and you don’t have to share them with the mayor’s family. There are also trucks coming to the market on the side of the road to collect them regularly, so you don’t have to worry about sales.”

  “Not only fish, my two grandsons and granddaughter also go to school in the settlement’s school. Every day there are teachers teaching them arithmetic and writing, and they don’t charge any money. Sometimes I feel embarrassed… After all, textbooks cost some money, and we have them.”

  Chu Guang said with a smile as he looked at the old man’s simple face.

  ”Don’t be embarrassed. Your grandchildren will be the pillars of the alliance in the future. The future of the alliance depends on them. If we take their money again, we will be the ones who will feel guilty.”

  ”Oh, you are joking again,” the old man smiled with a red face, “My little ones are not that promising. It’s good enough that they don’t cause trouble for the alliance in the future.”

  ”That’s hard to say. There is still a long way to go.” Chu Guang smiled and continued, “By the way, old man, are there any inconveniences in your life?”

  ”Inconveniences… I really can’t think of them,” the old man frowned and thought seriously for a while, “but I heard the drivers who collect fish in the market complain that many predators have migrated from the Yuema Province recently, and they now have to bring two security guards on the road when they leave.”

  Chu Guang asked with an idea in his mind.

  ”Do you know where they are hiding?”

  The old man shook his head.

  ”To be honest, these guys are like cockroaches, everywhere, not just in one place… If you want to know where they are hiding, it’s not that easy.”

  At this point, the old man smiled embarrassedly and said.

  ”But then again, those robbers are everywhere in the wasteland, not just here… Compared with other settlements, our settlement is safe enough!”

  Looking at the satisfied smile on the old man’s face, Chu Guang said with a smile.

  ”You may think it’s enough, but I don’t think it’s enough. But old man, don’t worry, we are here to solve this problem this time!”

  While saying this, Lu Bei suddenly came over from not far away and reported in a deep voice.

  ”Sir, we found a group of unidentified armed elements in the west… They are equipped with unidentified exoskeletons and an off-road vehicle equipped with a missile bracket. According to the shape of the radar on the missile launcher, it is suspected to be an anti-aircraft missile.”

  Chu Guang’s expression was a little strange.

  ”How many people are there?”

  Lu Bei said in a deep voice.

  ”About one company has been found.”

  Chu Guang thought for a moment and said.

  ”Take me over there to have a look.”

  Lu Bei hesitated, but seeing that Chu Guang did not intend to discuss it with him, he finally nodded.


  At the same time, about 20 kilometers north of the settlement, the off-road vehicle carrying my darkest finally drove to the edge of the ambush point.

  The players of the Storm Corps had arrived at the battle position, and my darkest, dressed like a can, got off the car cursing.

  Looking at the guy’s shaky appearance, Wyatt, who was hiding in the dark, suddenly frowned.

  Hearing that the managers of the alliance are almost inseparable from the blue power armor when they go out every day, it stands to reason that they should have been accustomed to the operation of the power armor.

  However, the guy in the blue power armor in the distance walked out of the car without recognizing his relatives.

  He was still excited a second ago, but suddenly a sense of foreboding surged in his heart.

  However, there was no time for him to think.

  At the same time when the manager of the alliance appeared, an impatient guy could not help but blow the horn of attack.

  Looking at the prey so close, the hunting claws suddenly rose up and shouted excitedly.

  ”That’s the guy!”

  ”Go! Crush them!”

  ”Except for the blue can, leave it to me!”


  (Thanks to the leader “Lihuoah” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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