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Chapter 92: Blame Yourself for the Long Pre-swing of Skills

Chapter 92: Blame Yourself for the Long Pre-swing of Skills


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 92: Blame Yourself for the Long Pre-swing of Skills

  The limelight on the battlefield has been completely taken away by Mosquito.

  If nothing unexpected happened, he should be the MVP this time.

  As the fuses behind the wooden honeycomb were all ignited, fifty wooden rockets pushed the heat wave through the night sky, like meteors falling from the sky, bombarding the plunderer’s position.

  One kilogram of black gunpowder is not terrible. If it hadn’t fallen right on the side, it would probably have just been a shock.

  However, fifty rockets carrying one kilogram of combat parts were launched at the same time, which was a completely different matter.

  These rockets that were running around without any accuracy were even more than the people lying here!

  A total of fifty kilograms of gunpowder were all tilted towards the enemy’s position within three seconds, and the sound of the explosion almost shattered the eardrums of the plunderers.

  Perfect interpretation of the saying –

  as long as the quantity is sufficient, the quantity itself is also a kind of quality!

  Billowing smoke exploded instantly, and the pine trees as thick as thighs were blown to pieces.

  Falling bark, wood chips and ignited sparks flew all over the battlefield, burning the fallen villains and making them roll on the ground and run away.

  Even though only a few were killed on the spot, the chaotic scene was enough to make people despair.

  The players in the trenches were just the opposite, with excitement written all over their faces in the reflection of the firelight.

  ”Mosquito is awesome!”

  ”Fuck! Katyusha!”

  ”Bullshit, this is called Katyusha, at most it’s a swarm of bees.”

  ”Hahahaha, cool!”

  The rockets that hit the position became the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

  The morale of the looters collapsed instantly.

  Unable to maintain the collapsed position any longer, they fled from the burning bunkers one after another, ignoring the rebukes and shouts of the squad leader, and they could not hear them at all.

  No one knew when the next wave of bombing would come, and no one knew what was waiting for them behind.

  Like a group of frightened mice, the marauders threw their projectiles desperately, not caring whether they hit the enemy or teammates, and fled like crazy.

  Just as they abandoned their positions and fled in a mess, a sharp whistle suddenly resounded through the woods.

  Figures jumped out of the trenches and foxholes impatiently, waving their long and short weapons, and pounced on the fleeing marauders like hungry wolves.



  ”Long live the Alliance!”

  ”Ola Ola Ola!”


  The shouts of killing were like a tsunami, and even the order of “fighting to the death” seemed pale and redundant.

  The players who heard the whistle were like wild horses that broke free from the reins, and looking at the fleeing marauders was like seeing walking trophies.

  The marauders were completely frightened by the barbarity of these blue jackets. It was the first time that these marauders had seen barbarians more barbaric than themselves.


  They were simply not human.

  They are simply a group of gnawers who can use guns!

  ”Oh my god.”

  ”Get out of my way!”

  ”I surrender! I surrender, don’t kill me!”

  ”Boss… we can’t hold on here anymore, we have to retreat.”


  The brothers beside him fell down one after another, and those who didn’t fall down also lay on the ground pretending to be dead. Xiong, who broke out to the northeast, soon found that he was the only one left.

  Carrying a hundred kilograms of heavy armor, he couldn’t run fast at all. However, stray bullets were flying everywhere, and he didn’t dare to throw away the armor and run away. He had to grit his teeth and retreat while fighting.

  Such a big target is too conspicuous on the battlefield.

  He got up, and before he escaped a hundred meters, he was locked as an “important target” by the blue jackets who were chasing him, and surrounded him excitedly.

  Xiong was shocked and angry. These blue jackets seemed to be not afraid of death at all. There was no fear in their eyes, and they didn’t care about the casualties of their companions at all.

  He saw himself raising his hand to fire two shots, smashing a skull that was approaching, and soon two more people came up with two spears. The

  double-barreled shotgun was powerful enough, but there were only two bullets in the chamber, and there was no time to reload at such a close distance.

  In desperation, Xiong had to give up the shotgun in his hand and use his chest armor to hold the two spears. Then he waved his hand, grabbed them, and easily tore the two spears apart like pulling cotton.


  He roared with a ferocious face, trying to intimidate the people surrounding him with his power.

  If it were an ordinary survivor, he would definitely be scared silly by him.

  But the people standing in front of him were not ordinary people, but a group of players who had no martial ethics. Although he was startled by the sound, he was far more than being scared to the point of being unable to move his legs.

  On the contrary –

  more excited?

  ”What the hell?!”

  ”This BOSS is quite fierce! At least he’s a centurion!”

  ”Come and get some help!”

  ”Okay! I’ll go around and you guys hold him back!”

  Xiong was furious. He felt humiliated by the attitude and reaction of these people.

  He pulled out the long-handled battle axe stuck in his back and chopped continuously, forcing the approaching people to retreat. However, these blue coats who didn’t know how to live or die still approached him relentlessly.

  At this time, Xiong suddenly sensed a dangerous atmosphere, so he turned his head to the side and saw a man with a stern look standing there.

  The deerskin coat was hanging on a branch nearby, fluttering in the north wind.

  The man was wearing an exoskeleton, and a huge long-handled warhammer stood in front of him, with his hands casually folded on the hammer handle.

  The man’s eyes were a little provocative.

  As if saying to him –

  ”Want to try?”

  The corners of his mouth pulled up coldly, and Xiong’s angry face was ferocious.

  ”Haha, let’s try it!”

  In a showdown of strength, he has never been afraid of anyone.

  Even an exoskeleton would have to fall down in front of his strange power!

  Seeing their NPC and the plunderer boss meet eyes, it seemed that a key plot had been triggered, and the players stopped approaching.

  Since the manager had no intention of letting them get involved, it would be better to stay by and watch the plot.

  If you get involved blindly and get hurt by mistake or killed by the plot, you will lose a lot. Many of them have seen the hammer of the manager that is like a cannonball.

  ”Fuck, Jayce fighting Noxus?”

  ”What Jayce fighting Noxus, can that hammer fire? It’s obviously Poppy’s!”

  ”What are you talking about, isn’t it the Fatui’s hammer brother?”

  ”…Get lost!”


  Tsk, you idiots.

  The atmosphere I have brewed for you for half a day is just wasted.

  Forget it.

  Anyway, it’s nothing important.

  Chu Guang, who planned to fight quickly, didn’t waste any words. He directly adjusted the output power of the exoskeleton to the maximum, then adjusted the posture of holding the hammer, and put his thumb on the B mode button. After

  making all preparations, Chu Guang walked towards the bear with steady steps.

  Looking at the man walking towards him with flaws all over his body, the corner of the bear’s mouth cracked into a cruel arc.

  Although he didn’t know where the man in front of him got the confidence to dare to fight him alone, he would not let go of this wonderful opportunity.

  His intuition told him that as long as he could control this guy, he would still have a chance of survival!

  His right foot rubbed against the ground, and Xiong’s legs suddenly exerted force, just like a real brown bear, roaring and rushing towards Chu Guang.

  I have to admit that the full protective armor does look quite oppressive. Especially when charging, it is like a tank running at full power, and even the earth is trembling faintly.

  ”What a coincidence.”

  ”My hammer is going to hit the tank!”

  Mode B –


  The high-pressure nitrogen was compressed into a thin layer and attached to the curved armor surface.

  Chu Guang took a step forward, swung the war hammer and swung it hard.

  Looking at the hammer that was slowly hitting him, Xiong’s face showed a sneer, and he raised the battle axe in his hand and swung it.

  He seemed to have seen that the clumsy and funny hammer was hit away by the battle axe in his hand like hitting a baseball.

  However, something that Xiong never expected happened.

  At the moment when his battle axe and hammer collided, it was as if something exploded, and the axe blade in his hand was directly blasted and spun backwards.

  His knuckles were shaken and his finger bones were in pain as if they were about to split.

  Holding the empty axe handle, Xiong was completely confused and had no idea what was happening.


  Steadying the battle hammer that was swung away by the recoil, Chu Guang grinned and did not give him a chance to breathe. He put all his strength into it like a blacksmith and swung the hammer horizontally again.

  Dragging the re-gathered nitrogen armor, he hit Xiong’s chest hard!


  In a flash, Xiong had no time to react, and was directly blown away by the hammer.

  The two-meter-tall body was like a cannonball, smashing the thigh-thick pine tree behind him.

  ”Um… cough.”

  Large mouthfuls of blood gushed out of his mouth, and he didn’t know how many bones were broken in his body.

  Xiong stared at his chest with his eyes wide open in disbelief.

  I saw that the thumb-thick steel plate, which originally protruded outward, was cracked and sunken inwards by the impact! Even the keel that fixed the armor lining was broken!

  What on earth was it?

  That power definitely did not belong to humans!

  No, it was definitely not caused by pure power!

  Looking at the man walking towards him with a hammer, Xiong’s eyes rarely showed a trace of fear.

  He stretched out his hand that was almost broken by the fall, gritted his teeth, broke off the steel plate that almost broke his ribs, and struggled to stand up from the ground.

  Like a beast forced into a desperate situation, his eyes were red, his heavy breath was spraying white mist, and every cell in his body seemed to be trembling.

  Suddenly –

  when the emotions were condensed to the extreme, Xiong felt a feeling he had never had before surging from his chest to his whole body, penetrating every blood vessel, every inch of bone, every inch of muscle and skin. The

  broken ribs seemed to be connected in an instant, and the blood in his body was flowing rapidly. He felt unprecedented clarity and comfort.

  At the same time, thick hair began to grow wildly from his body, gradually covering his entire body.

  The players around him exclaimed.

  ”Fuck, this BOSS is going to evolve?!”

  ”What the hell is this?!”

  ”Is it moldy?!”


  Recalling the rumors he had heard from others, Xiong understood what had happened to him in an instant, and then he was ecstatic, with an ugly and twisted laugh on his face.

  ”Hahahaha, you all have to–”

  Before he could even say the word “die”, the whistling hammer hit his head. The

  exploding nitrogen smashed his brain to pieces, and pressed the broken skull into his chest, leaving behind a blur of white and blood.

  Xiong’s body shook and softened, and his huge body knelt directly on the ground, slowly leaning to the side.

  The players watching the plot nearby were dumbfounded.

  ”Damn it!”

  ”Our manager has no moral principles!”

  ”He didn’t even wait for the person to transform before he attacked!”

  ”Hahaha, love it.”

  ”By the way, is this plot over?”

  ”There must be something strange about this native. It might be related to the next expansion pack. Wait, there will definitely be a sequel, but it’s definitely gone today. Everyone is dead.”

  Hanging the hammer behind him, Chu Guang took out a piece of paper from his pocket and wiped off the “debris” hanging on the exoskeleton and collar. Looking at the body on the ground, there was no mercy in his eyes.

  ”Go to hell and repent.”

  If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for the long pre-swing of your skills.

  But the dead can’t talk, so naturally they won’t pay attention to him.

  The surrounding predators were defeated.

  Especially with the death of the leader, the remaining predators who were still resisting also dropped their weapons and completely gave up resistance.

  A total of 82 players participated in the battle, 7 died, 3 were seriously injured, and 11 were slightly injured.

  There were 56 looters in total, 27 of whom died, 10 were seriously injured, and the rest were slightly injured.

  All the seriously injured and slightly injured were captured, and none of these minions escaped under the joint tracking of the perception and agility players.

  This battle was a great victory!

  However, this battle was the most tragic one since the closed beta test, and it was also the only one with casualties so far.

  Although the players were extremely brave and fearless when charging, the stubborn resistance of some predators and the stray bullets flying on the battlefield still caused certain casualties to the players.

  Especially that “bear”.

  He killed two of the seven dead players.

  In addition, he also caused two serious injuries, one of which had his arm chopped off, leaving him with a limb disability.

  In the absence of a limb reattachment surgery, they could only persuade this little player to go offline, save his gene sequence, and then throw his remains into the active substance extractor to recycle and synthesize a new body…

  ”I don’t want it! I don’t want OB! I feel like I can still be saved!” Makabazi yelled.

  ”Okay, okay, the manager said that he will give you a pension. Your equipment will also be stored for free these days. I will help you take it back.”

  ”Fuck! Don’t steal my things.”

  ”Am I that kind of person?!”

  Seeing these blue coats knocking out their seriously injured compatriots with bricks and stripping off their clothes, the captives who were brought to the brick kiln showed fear on their faces.

  These guys…

  are simply devils!

  All the corpses, whether enemies or friends, were lifted onto carts and transported to the morgue of the outpost base one by one, waiting for the next step of processing. As for the captives, Chu Guang temporarily detained them in the brick kiln by the river, lit torches around them, and arranged several players to watch them.

  Perhaps it was the experience accumulated from the previous group battles that the work of cleaning the battlefield this time went very quickly and smoothly.

  Looking at the big guy carried on the stretcher, Chu Guang thought to himself that maybe this guy’s corpse alone could produce a whole unit of active substances.

  However, compared with the active substances on his body, what Chu Guang was more concerned about was what exactly was the hair that suddenly grew on his body?

  Could it be some kind of special ability?

  For example, when on the verge of the limit, there will be a phenomenon of atavism, resulting in an increase in all attributes or something.

  Thinking of this, Chu Guang suddenly felt a chill on his back.

  Fortunately, the talent he unlocked was still normal. If he used a skill like this, he would have grown hair all over his body. Chu Guang would rather not have this skill.

  In addition to leaving some players to clean up the battlefield, rescue the wounded, and guard the prisoners, Chu Guang summoned 20 elite soldiers who were still capable of fighting. They gave a speech.

  ”The enemy’s main force has been annihilated by us! Only the old, weak, sick and disabled are left at home, as well as those poor people they captured.”


  ”It’s time to end this war!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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