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Chapter 920: Cute and lovely Yue’er (Subscription required)

Chapter 920: Cute and lovely Yue’er (Subscription required)


Author: Shanqian Yuegu

  Chapter 920: Cute and lovely Yue’er (Subscribe)

  Halfway through lunch, Xu Xiuwen’s cell phone rang.

  He glanced at the number, didn’t answer, and put the phone in his pocket.

  Cheng Lu noticed this scene, hesitated for a moment, and asked softly: “Is it Xiao Youran?”

  Xu Xiuwen hesitated for a few seconds, and then nodded.

  Cheng Lu was not angry, but said generously: “It’s okay, you answer it.” Xu Xiuwen

  smiled and shook his head and said: “I have pressed it.”

  Cheng Lu didn’t say anything after hearing this.

  Soon, Xu Xiuwen received another text message from Xiao Youran.

  He still ignored it.

  After lunch, while there was still some time, Xu Xiuwen drove Cheng Lu to a nearby park.

  The two sat in the car and chatted, the atmosphere was relaxed and sweet.

  This long-lost taste made Xu Xiuwen cherish it very much.

  Time passed quickly.

  In a blink of an eye, it was 3 o’clock.

  Cheng Lu suddenly received a call from her mother.

  On the phone, Cheng’s mother said that they were almost at her school.

  After hanging up the phone, Xu Xiuwen drove to the north gate of Jiaotong University.

  After arriving at the north gate of Jiaotong University, they waited for a few more minutes.

  A car slowly stopped at the main entrance of the north gate of Jiaotong University.

  Cheng Lu took a look at the license plate number and immediately said to Xu Xiuwen: “My parents are here.”

  Xu Xiuwen followed Cheng Lu forward.

  After the car stopped, Cheng Lu’s parents got out of the car one after another.

  Cheng Lu’s father was still so low-key, wearing an ordinary jacket, trousers and leather shoes.

  And Cheng Lu’s mother next to him was eye-catching.

  She wore a dark blue sweater on her upper body, matched with a skirt, and a pair of short-heeled women’s leather shoes on her feet, looking arrogant and cold.

  Compared with the first meeting, this time the clothes are obviously more gorgeous.

  But the aura is still the same, giving people a feeling that it is not easy to talk to, and strangers are not allowed to enter.

  After Xu Xiuwen and Cheng Lu approached.

  Cheng Lu spoke first: “Dad, Mom, you are here.”

  Cheng Lu’s parents were concerned about their daughter’s situation.

  Cheng Lu did not forget Xu Xiuwen, and took the initiative to say to her parents: “Mom and Dad, Xiao Xu is still here…”

  Xu Xiuwen said enthusiastically: “Uncle, aunt, hello…”

  The last time they met, Cheng’s father was a little cold.

  But this time, he was obviously more enthusiastic than before.

  He actually reached out and patted Xu Xiuwen on the shoulder, saying: “Xiao Xu, you are very good. Thanks to you this time, I can see my sister again…”

  ”It’s all I should do.” Xu Xiuwen was humble.

  Cheng’s mother was much colder, just nodded, and didn’t even say a word.

  Seeing this, Cheng Lu felt a little nervous, worried that Xu Xiuwen would be angry.

  When she looked over, she met a pair of gentle and calm eyes.

  She was relieved instantly.

  At this time, another person got off the car.

  After Cheng Lu caught a glimpse of it, she was stunned for a moment, and her heart suddenly panicked.

  She subconsciously pinched the corner of Xu Xiuwen’s clothes.

  At this time, Xu Xiuwen also saw the person getting off the car.

  He was also stunned for a moment.

  The person approached quickly and said enthusiastically: “Xiao Lu, long time no see, you are still so beautiful…”

  This person was Chen Jin.

  When Cheng Lu went home before, Chen Jin would come to her house every other day.

  Unexpectedly, this time, he actually came to Jinling with his parents.

  Cheng Lu still remembered the last time Xu Xiuwen was jealous of Chen Jin.

  This was the reason for her panic.

  She was afraid that Xu Xiuwen would lose his composure in front of his parents.

  However, Xu Xiuwen’s reaction was much calmer than she expected.

  He even had a smile on his face.

  Cheng’s father took a look at Xu Xiuwen’s expression and saw that his eyes were clear and bright, his expression was calm and natural, and he was confident and composed.

  In addition, this time Xu Xiuwen helped him find his younger sister, and he recognized him a little more in his heart.

  Cheng’s mother said to Cheng Lu: “Xiao Jin drove us here. It was hard driving all the way…”

  Without waiting for Cheng Lu to speak.

  Chen Jin smiled and said, “Aunt, you and uncle are so kind to me. This is what I should do. Besides, I haven’t seen Xiaolu for a long time. It’s a good opportunity to come and see her. I hope Xiaolu doesn’t find me annoying.”

  Cheng’s mother said, “Xiaojin has been filial and sensible since he was a child…”

  Chen Jin said, “My father taught me since I was a child that I must be filial…” He

  didn’t know if it was an illusion, but Xu Xiuwen felt that Chen Jin had something else to say.

  Cheng Lu ignored Chen Jin.

  Chen Jin felt unhappy when he saw Cheng Lu ignored him. Then he looked at Xu Xiuwen on the side and deliberately asked, “Xiaolu, who is this…”

  Without waiting for Cheng Lu to answer.

  Cheng’s mother said, “He is Lulu’s classmate.”

  When Xu Xiuwen heard these two words, he secretly clenched his fist.

  He was not a fool. Even if he was a fool, he could see that Cheng’s mother’s attitude towards him and Chen Jin was very different.

  Chen Jin smiled and said, “So we are classmates. Hello, my name is Chen Jin, and I am Xiaolu’s childhood sweetheart’s brother…”

  Chen Jin’s original intention was to show off his relationship with Cheng Lu and that they knew each other earlier.

  He also wanted to provoke Xu Xiuwen. But

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t fall for it.

  He suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand to Chen Jin, and said: “Hello, my name is Xu Xiuwen. Since you are Lulu’s brother, I will call you brother together with her in the future…”

  The smile on Chen Jin’s face froze instantly.

  Of course he understood what Xu Xiuwen meant, and he called her Xiaolu, while Xu Xiuwen called her Lulu.

  Which name is more intimate, you know without asking.

  Looking at the smile on Xu Xiuwen’s face, how could Chen Jin not understand that this was Xu Xiuwen’s counterattack.

  Chen Jin looked at Xu Xiuwen’s outstretched hand and didn’t want to pay attention, but Cheng’s father and mother were there, and his failure to respond seemed to be impolite.

  Chen Jin had no choice but to reach out and shake hands with Xu Xiuwen, saying: “I haven’t heard Xiaolu mention you before, but I’m glad to meet you.”

  He also wanted to give Xu Xiuwen a warning, so he deliberately increased the strength in his hands.

  Xu Xiuwen’s brows moved.

  He didn’t expect that Chen Jin would take the initiative to provoke him before he even made a move.

  Don’t blame him for being rude.

  Xu Xiuwen exerted a little force in his hands.

  Chen Jin’s face flushed all of a sudden.

  He really wanted to say to Xu Xiuwen: Let go.

  But wouldn’t that make him look like he lost?

  Especially since Cheng Lu was right next to him.

  Chen Jin gritted his teeth and held on.

  Cheng Lu noticed the little friction between the two, and saw that Xu Xiuwen looked normal and didn’t seem to have suffered any loss.

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  Immediately, he hurriedly asked, “Dad, do you want to go see your aunt now, or wait for your uncle to come and see your aunt together?”

  Father Cheng couldn’t wait to say, “Let’s go now. I have been waiting for more than ten years. I don’t want to wait any longer. When your uncle comes, let him go by himself.”

  Cheng Lu nodded and said, “Okay, I know where your aunt lives. I will take you there now.”

  Father Cheng nodded and walked towards the car.

  Cheng Lu walked towards Xu Xiuwen’s car.

  Seeing this, Chen Jin hurriedly said, “Xiao Lu, you are going in the wrong direction.”

  Mother Cheng heard this and said, “Lulu, you take our car.”

  Cheng Lu shook her head and said, “No, I will take Xiuwen’s car. Mom and Dad, you follow us and we will lead the way for you.”

  Chen Jin’s face looked a little ugly when he heard this.

  He wanted to say something else. But

  Cheng Lu had already turned around and walked towards Xu Xiuwen’s car.

  Father Cheng didn’t even look at her from beginning to end, and walked straight to the car.

  Mother Cheng was not very satisfied with her daughter’s performance, but she didn’t say anything.

  Chen Jin had no choice but to get in the car with Cheng Lu’s parents.

  After Cheng Lu and Xu Xiuwen returned to the car together.

  Cheng Lu immediately smiled and said, “You performed well just now. I was worried that you would be angry.”

  Xu Xiuwen was naturally angry.

  Especially the difference in Cheng’s mother’s attitude made him very unhappy.

  But in order to get Cheng’s mother’s consent this time, he could only bear it.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t want Cheng Lu to worry, so he smiled and said, “Apart from praise, is there no other reward?”

  Cheng Lu was stunned when he heard this, and then asked with a smile, “What reward do you want?”

  Xu Xiuwen glanced at Cheng Lu’s mouth.

  Cheng Lu noticed where his eyes fell and immediately guessed his thoughts.

  She hesitated for a moment, then came over and kissed Xu Xiuwen on the right cheek, and asked, “Is this okay?”

  Xu Xiuwen chuckled, “That’s great!”

  Cheng Lu rolled her eyes at him and then laughed.

  Obviously in a good mood.

  A few minutes later, they drove to the community where Bai Yue’er’s house was located.

  Cheng’s mother looked at the community environment and said, “The environment is okay.”

  Cheng’s father hummed.

  Cheng’s mother said again, “I heard that this house was bought by your niece.”

  Cheng’s father smiled, “Yue’er is a good child.”

  After Cheng’s father learned about his sister’s situation from his daughter, he asked someone to investigate.

  Not only his sister, but also his niece Bai Yue’er.

  A girl who just went to college has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry with her own ability, which is already outstanding enough.

  Making money and knowing to buy a house for her mother shows filial piety.

  Although they haven’t met yet, Cheng’s father has a lot of good feelings for Bai Yue’er.

  Cheng Qiuyun already knew that Cheng Lu’s parents would come today, so she opened the door in advance to welcome them.

  She even stood at the door waiting, feeling anxious and expectant, and a little worried.

  Bai Yue’er also took a leave today and came back early.

  At this moment, she was with Cheng Qiuyun.

  Seeing her mother’s appearance, she smiled and advised, “Mom, don’t be nervous.”

  ”I’m not nervous…”

  Although she said this, the muscles on her face were still not relaxed enough.

  Finally, the two heard the sound of the elevator door opening.

  Then, a group of people appeared at the corner of the elevator.

  Cheng Qiuyun recognized her brother whom she had not seen for many years at a glance.

  Cheng’s father also recognized Cheng Qiuyun at a glance.

  ”Is it the second brother?”

  ”Is it Xiaoyun?”

  The two asked at the same time in a very tacit understanding.

  Cheng Qiuyun’s eyes suddenly turned red, and she called out: “Second brother.”


  Then the two walked towards each other quickly.

  After Cheng Qiuyun walked in front of Cheng’s father, she hesitated for a moment.

  But Cheng’s father took the initiative to open his arms and hugged her into his arms.

  Cheng Qiuyun also hugged Cheng’s father and choked up and said: “Second brother, I miss you so much…”

  ”Little sister, brother misses you too…”

  Looking at the warm scene after the brother and sister reunited after a long separation, everyone else was silent and did not make any noise to interfere.

  Cheng’s father calmed down first and said: “Little sister, let’s go home first…”

  Cheng Qiuyun wiped the corners of her eyes and nodded: “Okay, let’s go home first.”

  Everyone followed into the house.

  After entering the house, Cheng Qiuyun suddenly looked at Cheng’s mother behind her and asked, “Second brother, this is my sister-in-law, right?”

  Cheng’s father nodded and said, “Her name is Qin Xue, she is my wife and your sister-in-law.”

  Qin Xue smiled and said, “Little sister, your brother has been looking for you all these years. Now you are finally home. It’s great…”

  Cheng’s father was a little embarrassed when he heard this.

  ”I have been looking for you for so many years and still can’t find you, but Xiao Xu found you. Maybe I, as a brother, didn’t do a good enough job…”

  Cheng Qiuyun shook her head and said, “Second brother, don’t blame yourself. If I had listened to you and didn’t go traveling, I wouldn’t have gotten lost. It’s my fault…”

  Seeing this, Bai Yueer interrupted and said, “Second uncle, mother, don’t blame yourselves. No one wants this…”

  Cheng Qiuyun nodded and said, “Yue’er is right. Second brother, sister-in-law, go sit on the sofa first, I’ll go pour you some tea.”

  ”Little sister, don’t be busy.” Cheng’s father wanted to talk to his sister more.

  ”It’s okay. You go sit first.” Cheng Qiuyun turned and went to the kitchen.

  Cheng’s father had to agree.

  After Cheng Qiuyun left, Cheng’s father looked at Bai Yueer and said, “You are Yue’er, right?”

  Bai Yueer smiled and said, “I am Yue’er, you are my second uncle, right?”

  Having been in a high position for many years, people around him would always be cautious when talking to him, for fear of saying the wrong thing.

  And Bai Yueer, although it was the first time they met, was unusually relaxed and her tone was also particularly brisk. She

  looked even more cute and charming with a smile.

  This made Cheng’s father feel unfamiliar, but also a little more appreciative.

  He looked at Bai Yueer with an especially gentle gaze, and there was a smile in his eyes.

  ”I’m your second uncle.”

  Bai Yue’er laughed and said, “My mother told me that her two brothers are both handsome men. She didn’t lie to me.”

  This made Cheng’s father and mother slightly stunned.

  Then Cheng’s father laughed even more happily.

  It doesn’t matter whether this was said by the little sister.

  In fact, Bai Yue’er is not just flattering.

  Cheng’s father’s image is indeed good, with regular features and a tall figure.

  He is over 40 years old, but his figure has no signs of getting out of shape and is well maintained.

  And he has a good temperament and a strong aura.

  No matter from which angle you judge, Cheng’s father is a middle-aged handsome man.

  In fact, how could Cheng’s father be ugly when he can give birth to a daughter like Cheng Lu who combines the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

  After Cheng’s father learned about Bai Yue’er’s situation, he particularly appreciated this niece.

  Now that he has seen her in person, he likes this niece more and more.

  Then Cheng Qiuyun called Bai Yue’er.

  Bai Yueer said to Cheng’s father and mother, “Second uncle, second aunt, you sit down first, I’ll go help my mother.”

  ”Okay, go ahead.”

  Cheng’s father said with a smile, looking at the girl with admiration.

  Bai Yueer went to the kitchen to help.

  Several people came to the living room and sat down.

  Soon, Cheng Qiuyun and Bai Yueer came out of the kitchen with tea cups.

  Cheng Qiuyun even brought a cup of hot tea to Chen Jin.

  Chen Jin smiled and said, “Thank you, aunt.”

  Hearing Chen Jin’s address, Cheng Qiuyun was stunned for a moment, but did not ask more.

  Later, Cheng Lu’s parents chatted with Cheng Qiuyun on the sofa.

  During this time, Cheng’s mother glanced at Cheng Lu.

  Cheng Lu immediately understood what his mother meant and said, “Yue’er, I’ll go to your room. Xiuwen, come with me.”

  So the younger generations stood up and gave the living room to the three elders.

  Chen Jin also wanted to follow into the room.

  As a result, Bai Yueer suddenly blocked the door and said to Chen Jin, “I’m sorry, I don’t let strange men enter my room.”

  Chen Jin was stunned, and then his face was a little unswerving.

  He pointed at Xu Xiuwen who entered the room first and said, “Then why was he able to come in?”

  Bai Yue’er rolled her eyes at him and said, “How can you compare with him?”

  Chen Jin’s face flushed instantly.

  He was angry.

  When he first saw Bai Yue’er, her sweetness made his eyes light up.

  Compared with Cheng Lu’s cold and arrogant appearance,

  it seems that sweet and lovely girls are more to his taste.

  But he didn’t expect Bai Yue’er to not give him face at all, and even refused to let him into the room, and her attitude was quite unfriendly.

  Chen Jin felt puzzled.

  He obviously didn’t offend Bai Yue’er, why was she so rude to him?

  Chen Jin didn’t know.

  Cheng Lu had slept with Bai Yue’er one night before.

  Cheng Lu mentioned Chen Jin by chance at night.

  Although Cheng Lu was Bai Yue’er’s rival in love, Chen Jin was Xu Xiuwen’s rival in love.

  Bai Yue’er was obviously more on Xu Xiuwen’s side, so she naturally didn’t have a good temper with Chen Jin. Bai Yue’er

  closed the door after she finished speaking.

  Chen Jin was at the door, enduring again and again, but finally didn’t bang on the door with his fist.

  After all, the elders were still in the living room.

  Chen Jin tried to calm his breath, then squeezed out a smile, turned around and walked out of the house.

  In the room.

  After Bai Yue’er closed the door, she immediately looked at Xu Xiuwen.

  The girl’s expression was faintly proud and expectant, as if to say, I did a good job, come and praise me.

  If Cheng Lu was not here, Xu Xiuwen would definitely not be stingy with praise.

  Xu Xiuwen suppressed his smile and said to Bai Yue’er: “Yue’er, what if she gets angry if you do this?”

  Bai Yue’er said indifferently: “If she gets angry, she gets angry. I don’t care.”

  She turned her head to look at Cheng Lu, stepped forward and took Cheng Lu’s arm and said: “Cousin, I’ll get rid of that annoying guy for you…”

  Cheng Lu didn’t want to see Chen Jin either.

  Although she didn’t agree with Bai Yue’er’s approach, she didn’t object.

  Cheng Lu smiled.

  Bai Yue’er glanced at the two of them and suddenly asked: “Cousin, you and Xu Xiuwen… have you reunited?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect her to ask this question suddenly.

  Cheng Lu was also a little surprised.

  However, she did not deny it, but looked at Xu Xiuwen and nodded in agreement.

  Bai Yue’er knew from Xu Xiuwen in advance that he wanted to reunite with Cheng Lu, so she was not surprised.

  She turned to Xu Xiuwen and said, “Xu Xiuwen, my cousin is such a good girl, you must treat her well and don’t let her be sad again. Otherwise, I won’t let you go!” She

  raised her fist to Xu Xiuwen, as if to warn him.

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

  It’s normal for others to say such words, but don’t you feel guilty when you, Bai Yue’er, say it?

  But he obviously won’t say it.

  Xu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Don’t worry, my feelings for Cheng Lu have never changed, and I will treat her well.”

  Cheng Lu felt a little warm in her heart when she saw Bai Yue’er raising her fist to warn Xu Xiuwen.

  She smiled lightly and said softly, “Yue’er, he treats me very well.”

  ”That’s good.”

  Then the three of them started chatting.

  The three elders in the living room were also chatting.

  Only Chen Jin was smoking alone outside the door.

  When the three came out of the room.

  Qin Xue, Cheng Lu’s mother, was talking to Cheng Qiuyun.

  And Cheng Qiuyun’s face was full of joy after the reunion of relatives.

  Father Cheng had calmed down a lot. He listened to his wife and sister quietly, occasionally saying something.

  At this time, Father Cheng’s cell phone rang.

  After answering the phone, he said to Cheng Qiuyun, “Little sister, my elder brother and his family are here.”

  Cheng Qiuyun said in surprise, “My elder brother is here?”

  Cheng Lu came over and asked, “Dad, have my uncle and his family arrived at the station?”

  Father Cheng nodded.

  Chen Jin walked in from outside at this time. After hearing what Father Cheng said, he immediately said, “Uncle, I’ll go pick up Xiao Lu’s uncle.”

  Of course, he didn’t want to miss this opportunity to show off.

  Qin Xue also planned to let Chen Jin pick up Cheng Lu’s uncle and his family.

  Chen Jin thought Xu Xiuwen would compete with him for the opportunity to pick up Cheng Lu’s uncle and his family.

  As a result, Xu Xiuwen didn’t say a word.

  Seeing this, Father Cheng said, “Do you have the phone number?”

  Chen Jin nodded and said, “Uncle, yes.”

  ”Then I’ll trouble you, Xiao Chen.”

  At this time, Xu Xiuwen, who had been silent, spoke.

  ”Uncle and aunt, I have already booked a hotel. It’s getting late now. Let’s go directly.”

  Father Cheng naturally wouldn’t object.

  Then, he turned to Chen Jin and said, “You can take Uncle Lulu to the restaurant directly later.”

  Chen Jin’s face looked a little ugly.

  Xu Xiuwen, Cheng Lu’s family, and Cheng Qiuyun’s mother and daughter went to the restaurant first.

  He went to the station to pick them up.

  It was as if he had become a driver.

  Obviously, this opportunity to show off was what he asked for, but he was inexplicably unhappy. But

  now that things have come to this, he can’t change his mind and say he won’t pick them up.

  Chen Jin suddenly thought of something and said, “You only have one car, and you can’t carry so many people.”

  Bai Yue’er said, “Then you can take us to the restaurant first, and then pick up Uncle, isn’t it.”

  Chen Jin immediately looked as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis, and his face looked ugly.

  Cheng’s father thought Bai Yue’er’s suggestion was good, so he said to Chen Jin, “Xiao Chen, take us to the restaurant first.”

  ”Okay, uncle.”

  Chen Jin naturally didn’t dare to say no.

  Then a group of people prepared to go to the restaurant.

  The reason why they didn’t choose to eat at home was because Cheng Qiuyun was worried that the dishes she cooked would not suit Cheng’s father and mother’s taste.

  So earlier, Xu Xiuwen suggested going to the restaurant for dinner.

  Cheng Qiuyun agreed.

  There were two cars with seven people in total.

  The final result was that Cheng Qiuyun followed Cheng’s father and mother to ride in Chen Jin’s car.

  Cheng Lu and Bai Yue’er took Xu Xiuwen’s car.

  Chen Jin was very dissatisfied with this allocation.

  The most ideal situation in his mind was that Cheng Lu and Cheng Qiuyun would swap places.

  Unfortunately, he couldn’t make the decision.

  The hotel Xu Xiuwen booked in advance was naturally his Ruowen Building.

  After arriving at Ruowen Building,

  Liu Ruo, who had received the news in advance, immediately stepped forward to greet them.

  Then, under his leadership, they came to the box on the third floor.

  Chen Jin continued to drive to the station to pick up Cheng Lu’s uncle and his family.

  About half an hour later,

  Chen Jin picked up Cheng Lu’s uncle and his family and rushed back to Ruowen Building.

  As soon as he entered the door, Cheng Xingbang looked for his younger sister.

  Then there was another warm scene of brother and sister reuniting.

  After his emotions gradually stabilized, Cheng Xingbang looked around for Xu Xiuwen.

  He didn’t find Xu Xiuwen, so he turned around and asked Cheng Lu, “Where is Xu Xiuwen? Why isn’t he here?”

  Cheng Lu replied, “Uncle, he just went out. I’ll go find him…”

  As he spoke, Xu Xiuwen came back.

  Cheng Xingbang immediately walked up to Xu Xiuwen, patted him on the shoulder and said, “Good boy, I have been looking for my sister for so many years, but I didn’t expect you to find her.”

  Xu Xiuwen smiled, “I didn’t expect Aunt Cheng to be your sister, Director Cheng.”

  Hearing this, Cheng Xingbang raised his eyebrows and said, “Why call me Director Cheng? It’s so formal. Just call me uncle.”

  Xu Xiuwen was also very good at taking advantage of the situation and immediately changed his words to “Uncle.”

  Chen Jin, who was standing aside, saw this scene and was very envious. At the same time, he became more and more unhappy with Xu Xiuwen.

  He was even a little dissatisfied with Cheng Xingbang.

  He went to the station to pick up Cheng Xingbang in person.

  As a result, Cheng Xingbang’s attitude towards him was lukewarm, but he was so enthusiastic towards Xu Xiuwen.

  Qin Xue, who was next to Cheng’s father, also frowned slightly when she saw this scene.

  Then Cheng Xingbang introduced his wife and daughter to Xu Xiuwen.

  Cheng Xingbang’s wife’s surname was Ye, she was about 45 years old, and she was also a very charming woman. (Why yes)

  And their daughter, who is also Cheng Lu’s cousin, is a girl three or four years older than them.

  The girl’s name is Cheng Qing.

  She has long straight black hair, which is draped behind her. She has a delicate oval face, which is white and smooth. Her eyebrows are neat and trimmed. At first glance, there is a hint of coldness between her eyebrows.

  Her eyes are very moving. If you look closely, you can find the contact lenses covering the girl’s pupils. She has

  a beautiful nose and red lips like peach blossoms, which complement her fair skin like a beautiful lily, which is impressive.

  This girl named Cheng Qing is not the same type of girl as Cheng Lu and Bai Yue’er.

  Her image and temperament are definitely that of a queen.

  While Xu Xiuwen was looking at the girl, Cheng Qing was also looking at him.

  Cheng Qing had heard Xu Xiuwen’s name from her father more than once.

  The first time she heard it was the summer vacation of 2005.

  Every time her father mentioned Xu Xiuwen, he always praised him.

  In addition, she also heard that Xu Xiuwen seemed to be her cousin’s boyfriend.

  Cheng Qing couldn’t help but feel a little curious about Xu Xiuwen.

  She knew how proud that cousin was.

  Now she finally met him.

  Xu Xiuwen was better than she expected.

  Not only in appearance, but also in figure and temperament.

  Especially the confidence and sharpness in her eyes that were hard to hide, which made Cheng Qing’s heart move slightly.

  She hesitated for a moment, and then took the initiative to stretch out her hand to Xu Xiuwen, saying: “Hello, my name is Cheng Qing, and I’m Cheng Lu’s cousin.”

  Xu Xiuwen was a little surprised, but he immediately stretched out his hand and shook hands with her, and they separated as soon as they touched.

  Cheng Lu, who was standing aside, saw this scene and was unmoved.

  Bai Yue’er, on the other hand, became alert instantly.

  What does this cousin mean?

  Chen Jin, who was standing aside, felt a sense of hatred in his heart.

  Just now, when he went to the station to pick up Cheng Xingbang’s family, he took the initiative to stretch out his hand to Cheng Qing, but the girl was indifferent to him.

  Now the other party actually took the initiative to stretch out his hand to Xu Xiuwen and seek a handshake?

  The difference between before and after made Chen Jin feel ashamed.

  When had he ever suffered such humiliation?

  This time, he not only hated Xu Xiuwen more and more, but even hated Cheng Qing.

  However, he was always good at doing superficial work.

  So there was no dissatisfaction on his face.

  Cheng Xingbang was also very happy to see that his daughter seemed to be quite interested in Xu Xiuwen.

  His daughter always thought highly of herself and ignored ordinary people, but now she treated Xu Xiuwen differently.

  This also shows that he has a good eye.

  Xu Xiuwen is indeed a good boy.

  Cheng Xingbang smiled and said, “Xiao Qing, Xiao Xu is a good kid. You should contact and interact more in the future.”

  ”Okay, uncle.” Xu Xiuwen smiled and nodded.

  Cheng Qing suddenly said, “How to contact? I don’t have your phone number yet?”

  Xu Xiuwen didn’t expect Cheng Qing to be so direct.

  He was stunned for a moment, and then said, “Then save my mobile number. My mobile number is xxxxx.”

  Cheng Qing took out his mobile phone, saved his number, and then returned to his seat.

  After such a small episode, everyone sat down.

  The first step was to order dishes.

  Xu Xiuwen handed the menu to the elders.

  As a result, Cheng’s father returned the menu, “Xiao Xu, since you booked this restaurant, you order the dishes.”

  ”Uh… OK.”

  Xu Xiuwen took the menu and started to order dishes.

  How to order dishes at a dinner party is a science.

  Many people don’t know how to do it.

  Xu Xiuwen has participated in various dinner parties, big and small, so it’s not difficult for him.

  He quickly ordered the dishes and handed the menu to the waiter.

  Father Cheng didn’t have much expression, but Cheng Xingbang showed a satisfied expression.

  The protagonists of tonight’s dinner are still Cheng Xingbang, Cheng Xingguo and Cheng Qiuyun.

  The others are supporting roles.

  The three siblings talked about their past experiences.

  In the past ten years, Cheng Xingbang has been looking for his sister.

  In order to find his sister, he even took the initiative to transfer to XA City.

  But after more than ten years, he still couldn’t find his sister.

  He almost thought that he would never find his sister in this life.

  But he didn’t expect that one day he suddenly received a call from his brother, saying that his sister had been found.

  After finding his sister, he quickly found out about his sister’s past experience, and he was very distressed.

  Now listening to his sister’s past experience in person, he is even more heartbroken.

  At such a beautiful age, she was sold to the village and bound by an incompetent man for more than ten years, and even gave birth to a child for him.

  He couldn’t imagine how desperate his sister was during those years.

  But he was powerless and could do nothing.

  Cheng Xingbang hated himself for being incompetent!

  He took the initiative to grab his sister’s hand, choking and saying, “Sister, it’s my incompetence that I didn’t find you earlier and rescue you…”

  Cheng’s father also showed a guilty expression on his face.

  If they could find my sister earlier, she wouldn’t have to suffer so much.

  The only consolation is that Bai Yue’er looks very good.

  Seeing that the atmosphere was too heavy.

  Bai Yue’er suddenly smiled and said, “Uncle, this is the first time we meet, didn’t you prepare a gift for me?”

  Cheng Xingbang was stunned when he heard this.

  Looking at the cute and lovely appearance of his niece, he showed a hint of embarrassment, “I… I forgot.”

  Bai Yue’er snorted and pouted when she heard this, “Then I won’t call you uncle.”

  Cheng Xingbang was not angry when he heard this, but laughed.

  His own daughter Cheng Qing is not close to him, and his niece Cheng Lu is also cold.

  On the contrary, Bai Yue’er’s personality is very much to his taste.

  Cheng Xingbang said, “After dinner, I will take you to buy gifts. Tell me what you want and your uncle will buy it for you.”

  ”Really?” Bai Yue’er asked deliberately, “You are not lying to me, are you?”

  Cheng Xingbang laughed dumbly, “Do I look like someone who would lie?”

  Bai Yue’er stuck out her tongue and then called out sweetly, “Uncle.”

  ”Hey~” Cheng Xingbang was so happy.

  He vaguely saw the shadow of his sister when she was young in Bai Yue’er.

  The cute and simple sister in his memory will never come back.

  But she came back in another way.

  Bai Yue’er turned to Cheng’s father and said, “Second uncle, uncle has a gift, you don’t have one, right?”

  Cheng’s father immediately smiled and said, “Yes, what do you like, ask your second aunt to buy it for you.”

  ”Thank you, second uncle, second aunt.” Bai Yue’er said with a smile.

  No one present thought that Bai Yue’er was snobbish when she asked Cheng Xingbang for a gift, otherwise she would not recognize this uncle.

  It was not only because the girl’s appearance was too likable.

  At the same time, they all knew that Bai Yue’er was just joking.

  Cheng Xingbang and Cheng’s father both liked this niece very much.

  Cheng Qiuyun could naturally feel the love of her two brothers for their daughter, and she felt like crying…

   Thank you for the 10,000 starting coins from Just Want to Listen to Novels Quietly, and thank you for the support of other book friends. I wish you all a happy new year!


  (End of this chapter)


Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting my Childhood Friend

Rebirth Begins with Rejecting Qingmei, 重生从拒绝青梅开始
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Chinese
Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all!


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