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Chapter 921: The Light Blooming on the Horizon

Chapter 921: The Light Blooming on the Horizon


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 921: The light blooming on the horizon

  With the death of the hunting claw, the battle in the abandoned town has ended. The predators of the tribes such as the cannibals have died or escaped.

  Based on the direction of the predators’ escape, the commander of the spring basically deduced that their nest was in the area of ​​the ruins of Yanshan City, about 100 kilometers away from the No. 10 settlement. There are

  many ruins of the prosperous era on the northeast side of the Haiya Province. If there is no specific target, looking for these guys is really no different from looking for a needle in a haystack.

  Maybe this problem can be solved by putting a few synchronous satellites into orbit in the future. In

  short, after determining the nest of these predators, a “Viper” transport plane took off urgently from the No. 10 settlement, flew low to the abandoned town, loaded the nuclear bomb with the shielded communication module onto the plane, and carried nearly ten stubborn players to the area of ​​Yanshan City. At

  the same time, on the other side, the predators ambushed on the west side of the No. 10 settlement were still counting the clouds in the sky in a daze, not knowing that their leader was gone.

  Sitting on the hood of the off-road vehicle, Ruifu raised his “new toy” and aimed at the bird on the branch. He was about to try his marksmanship, but the bird suddenly looked around alertly, flapped its wings and flew away without warning. He couldn’t help but smacked his lips and put down the gun again.

  The Drone X-2 assault rifle, produced by Giant Stone Military Industry, was manufactured in the year 210 of the Wasteland Era. It is exactly the same as the company’s G9 “Black Swan” assault rifle.

  I heard from the people of the Southern Legion that in the Free State, as long as you have money, you can get anything.

  And the most important thing is that they don’t care whether the transaction object is a human or a ghost, and they don’t care where the money comes from.

  Although it is thousands of kilometers away from here, he really wants to go there if he has the chance.

  Looking at Litt who was sitting next to him in a daze, he said in a chatty tone.

  ”What are you going to do after this job is done?”

  Hearing the voice on the side, Litt yawned boredly and replied casually.

  ”I don’t know. I’ll just drink two bottles of wine and find a girl. I’ll just live my life as I wish.”

  Hearing this unrealistic answer, the corners of Ruifu’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

  ”Come on, don’t you have any other ideas?”

  Seeing Lit’s confused expression, he continued patiently.

  ”Listen, my friend, troubled times are coming… Just like the Southern Legion said, the entire alliance will collapse in an instant, and the eastern provinces will usher in our own era again. By then, there will be opportunities everywhere.”

  Looking at this fooled guy, Lit laughed.

  ”Come on, those big-nosed guys gave you a prosthetic body, did they secretly replace your brain? The Alliance didn’t exist two centuries ago. Before those blue rats, we didn’t have any opportunities, so we just had to make do.”

  ”How can it be the same?” Ruifu shook his head, his eyes flashing with ambition, “Those rag pickers weren’t as rich as they are now. We can get all their farmland, factories, and research institutes. We can use this wealth to build a country of predators!”

  Litt grinned.

  ”Who else should we rob?”

  Fury was stunned for a moment, scratched his head for a while, and said randomly.

  ”I haven’t thought about it yet. I heard that there is an old-time colony five light years away.”

  ”You build a spaceship to go there? Don’t be funny, man.” Litt sneered, treating this remark as pure fart.

  It’s not that no one has tried to build a country of predators, but those who tried eventually failed.

  The reason is simple.

  The plunderers don’t need a country at all.

  When there is nothing to rob, they will fight for the little bit of money left.

  He has seen too many such self-righteous fools, most of whom are dazzled by the power that fell from the sky.

  Looking at Ruifu who was still unconvinced, Lit paused and said in a tone of advice.

  ”You only need to believe half of what those big noses say, and it is best not to believe the other half… In addition, if you want to fly alone, it is best not to let the one-eyed know.”

  ”I’m just talking, I don’t think so.” Ruifu glanced behind him nervously and said with a smile.

  The Cannibal Tribe is the largest plunderer tribe in Yanshan City. The big and small leaders in it are also small tyrants who dominate the neighboring Yuema Province.

  It is precisely because of this that the rules in this gang are not ordinary strict. Anyone who dares to have second thoughts will really not know how to write the word death.

  They are with the one-eyed.

  That guy is cruel and ruthless, and all of them have seen it.

  At this moment, a strange voice came from behind the two of them.

  ”Have you ever thought about changing your way of life?”

  ”Change your way of life?” Lit turned around and saw a guy who looked similar to him sitting in the back of the car with his back to them.

  He didn’t recognize this guy, but it was normal. After all, people died in the tribe every day, and new people came in every day. The man

  ’s clear and melodious speech made him feel uncomfortable. He thought that this was another “civilized person” picked out by the leader from the captives.

  However, the man didn’t care about his cold tone, but continued in a gentle tone.

  ”That’s right, for example… go to the dock to work, or go to the construction site to pick up bricks. Of course, if you have a skill, you can do more work.”

  As soon as the voice fell, the two people sitting on the hood laughed out loud.

  ”Don’t joke around, man. Isn’t that the same as those honest fat sheep?”

  ”Saving all your life’s savings, and then having it robbed by someone? I’d rather be the one with the gun.”

  The man smiled faintly.

  ”That’s true.”

  The understated laughter seemed out of place with the two men’s unbridled laughter.

  Feeling that something was wrong with this guy, Litt frowned, reached out for the rifle beside him, and stared at the man’s back with vulture-like eyes.

  ”Hey, what’s your name?”

  ”Chu Guang.”

  Chu Guang…

  Such a familiar name.

  Litt frowned, and his pupils suddenly widened in an instant.

  ”You, you are…”

  Chu Guang jumped down from the back of the car, stood on the ground with both feet, and said in a casual tone.

  ”I’m just curious about what you think, and now my curiosity has been satisfied.”

  Looking back at the two people who were facing a formidable enemy, he paused and continued.

  ”How about you surrender yourself?”

  ”Dream on!”

  Before he could finish his words, Lit roared and raised the gun barrel that was ready to fire. He pulled the trigger without hesitation and fired a burst of bullets.

  The fierce firepower was enough to tear a steel plate several millimeters thick!

  However, in Chu Guang’s eyes, the bullets were as slow as a stuck slide.

  The whole world seemed to slow down.

  He just took a step to the side and easily avoided the hot tracks.

  He did not stop, and then took out a silver coin with the smallest denomination from his pocket and threw it at the man who shot him. The

  piercing sonic boom pushed away the heavy white fog and whizzed past the slow-motion bullet.

  Lit didn’t even see what happened clearly. He just felt a flash in front of his eyes, and then his body below the neck lost consciousness, and his vision flew up to the sky with the sky spinning.

  Ruifu, who was standing next to him, was the same, staring at his modified electronic prosthetic eyes.

  He only vaguely saw a residual image, and then Chu Guang disappeared from the spot, and then Li Te’s head flew off his shoulders.

  A chill that penetrated deep into his bones crept into his heart. Ruifu looked at the man standing not far away in horror, and his calves kept shaking.

  ”… I… I surrender.”

  Finally unable to bear the fear in his heart, he let go of the rifle leaning against the hood of the car, raised his hands and knelt on the ground, begging.

  ”Don’t kill me…”

  Chu Guang glanced at him, said nothing, and then cast his eyes on the body kneeling on the ground.

  At this time, a crisp and pleasant voice floated into his ears.

  ”You are worthy of being the master! It seems that you have unlocked a very powerful talent in the last upgrade.”

  ”It has nothing to do with talent.”

  Chu Guang replied casually.

  In fact, not only did he not open his talent, but he only used 40% of his strength.

  Maybe Heya was right.

  Although he still had 23 pairs of chromosomes, the distance between him and creatures like humans was getting farther and farther.

  Heavy footsteps came from not far away. Lv Bei, wearing an exoskeleton, carried a head and strode to Chu Guang’s side.

  Staring at the bloody head, Ruifu finally saw the face clearly.

  That guy was his leader, One-Eye!

  The moment he recognized the face, his breathing was completely frozen.

  ”The enemy unit has been cleared. We intercepted a vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missile and several portable anti-tank rocket launchers during the battle.”

  ”In the face of our advice, the enemy leader not only refused to surrender, but also planned to resist stubbornly. He has now been shot dead.”

  While speaking, Lv Bei placed the head on the car and put his right fist on his chest.

  The whole operation took less than three minutes from start to finish.

  Chu Guang nodded, satisfied with the efficiency of the Guards Regiment, and continued to give orders in a concise manner.

  ”Those who surrender will be sent to the prisoner-of-war camp, and the bodies will be dealt with on the spot.”

  Lv Bei’s face became serious and he accepted the order.


  Ruifu, who was kneeling at the front of the car, was completely frightened and wet his pants without realizing it.

  ”Reform yourself and strive to be a new person…if there is still a chance.” Chu Guang glanced at him, threw down this sentence, and turned away.

  Looking at the back of the alliance manager leaving, Ruifu was both panic and puzzled.

  Why is this guy here? !

  Didn’t he go to the forest area in the north to inspect? !

  Just at this moment, a muffled sound like thunder suddenly came from the north.

  The sound seemed to come from a far distance, and a faint light appeared in the sky.

  …What is that?

  Ruifu was stunned.

  Not far away, Chu Guang also stopped and looked in the direction of the explosion.

  ”It seems to be over.”

  Lu Bei, who was following closely behind him, was stunned for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

  ”Well…it’s over.”


  As two flashing plasma plumes passed by, the dazzling light finally descended on the sky above Yanshan City.

  The deafening roar not only pulled down the half-collapsed buildings, but also shattered the clouds in the sky.

  A burning mushroom cloud rose from the ground, and the spreading shock wave swept away the looters who were hiding and fleeing with a devastating force.

  And those looters who escaped by chance did not end up well.

  The deadly gamma rays easily penetrated the indestructible concrete and left invisible but fatal scars on their bodies.

  Only radiation disinfectants could save their lives.

  If they could explain how they got their radiation injuries, they might be able to buy them at the pharmacy in Settlement No. 10.

  But these are all later stories.

  At this moment, Yanshan City was in a mess, and there were shocking corpses everywhere under the rubble.

  Only one in ten looters survived, and those who were left were all crawling under the radioactive dust and wailing in pain.

  The fleeing soldiers who were fleeing towards Yanshan City also stopped in despair.

  Facing the Stormtroopers that were chasing them, they could no longer muster the will to resist. They threw the equipment that the Southern Legion had given them on the ground, raised their hands and knelt on the ground in surrender.

  Everything was over.

  It was not only the fleeing looters who were desperate, but also Wyatt, the person in charge of the “Guillotine” operation.

  Looking at the mushroom cloud that appeared in the opposite direction, his whole face had completely turned gray.


  He had no time to think about how the nuclear bomb ran in front of him.

  At the same time that the mushroom cloud rose into the sky, a group of soldiers wearing exoskeletons had already killed him.

  Looking at the Stormtroopers’ emblem and paint, Wyatt’s heart sank. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the pistol on his waist to commit suicide. However, before he opened the safety, an invisible hand grabbed his arm, twisted his arms behind his back and pressed him to the ground.

  ”Shoot quickly–” He opened his mouth in panic and wanted to shout, but his head was pressed down and a mouthful of mud was bitten.

  The optical camouflage soon dissipated, and a figure rode on him, holding a pistol against the back of his head.

  The six Weilant guards standing around were all stunned by the sudden change, not knowing what to do.

  Fortunately, the guy riding on their leader’s back reminded them.

  ”Put down your weapons and raise your hands, or I’ll make your leader’s head explode.”

  Grave Ghost Hunter grinned and said, holding down Wyatt who was struggling to speak with one hand.

  Facing the black muzzles of the guns around them, the six Weilant guards finally put down their weapons wisely and accepted the prisoners of the Storm Corps with their leader who was full of mud.

  At this moment, in Yanshan City, dozens of kilometers away, the shock wave of the nuclear explosion had returned to silence.

  After removing the concrete slab pressing on his chest, Wyatt’s deputy Ogg endured the severe pain of broken bones and crawled out from under the ruins with difficulty.

  The sudden nuclear strike completely destroyed their base…

  The only thing to be thankful for was that it was the aftermath of the nuclear strike that destroyed them.

  Obviously, the Alliance didn’t know their exact location, but only estimated the approximate location, and then hung their nuclear weapons on the plane and threw them back.

  Looking at his colleague struggling under the ruins not far away, a bitter expression appeared on his face, and he limped over to help the unlucky child who survived by chance to clean up the rubble on his body.

  ”How do you feel?”

  After helping the man sit down against the wall, Oger handed him a radiation injection needle.

  After the man took it, he decisively stabbed it into his thigh, took a breath and calmed down.

  ”Ahem… What happened?”

  Looking at the base of operations turned into ruins, Oger smiled bitterly and said.

  ”I don’t know, maybe I shot myself in the foot…”

  Maybe his superior was right, they really couldn’t wait until they were 100% sure before taking action.

  However, his superior didn’t tell him what to do if he lost the bet…

  Think about it carefully, their opponents in the past were either civil service groups, or the useless things like the Xilan Empire, or tribes that were not even as good as Xilan.

  When you meet that kind of opponent, you don’t have to think about those troublesome things.

  And now, as expected, they have suffered a lot.

  However, now is not the time to regret.

  The Alliance will definitely search this ruins in a while, and they must evacuate before the Alliance arrives.

  Ogg stood up from the ground and looked at his colleague beside him.

  ”Can you still move?”

  His colleague grinned and struggled to get up from the ground with the help of the wall.

  ”It’s okay…”

  The two limped out of the ruins and finally stood on the rocky street.

  And at this moment, the two people who were supporting each other saw the Viper transport plane parked on the street.

  Ogg’s heart tightened, and the colleague he was supporting reached for the pistol on his waist.

  Looking at the only two survivors left, the Fountain Commander shouted at them.

  ”Surrender, you have already lost.”

  Ogg was silent for a while.

  Finally, he held down his colleague’s hand holding the gun and shook his head at the latter with a stunned expression.

  ”It’s over…”


  On the other side, in the distant Great Rift Valley, the old man sitting in the empty conference room looked towards the south and sighed slowly.


  As expected, the older people get, the slower they feel time.

  The nuclear bomb in Luoxia Province seemed to have happened yesterday, but in the blink of an eye, a mushroom cloud of nuclear explosion rose on the distant horizon.

  Although he couldn’t see it sitting here, the gamma ray monitoring device in the Great Rift Valley would not lie.

  There was another tall man sitting in front of the long conference table carved from obsidian.

  Unlike the old man with gray hair, he looked much younger, and his pupils were more intelligent.

  ”You said this again, tut tut, it seems that your language function has really degenerated.”

  The old man looked at him with a little dissatisfaction.

  ”Your mouth is as poisonous as before.”

  The tall man laughed and didn’t take the dissatisfaction to heart at all.

  ”I’ll just take it as a compliment.”

  However, can eternal and unchanging immortality really be called immortality?

  The old man had reservations about this.

  In his opinion, the old friend in front of him had died long ago.

  However, he did not argue with this annoying guy on boring issues as usual, but changed the topic without leaving a trace.

  ”I can see that you are in a good mood.”

  ”Of course,” the tall man said with a smile, squinting his eyes and looking out the French window, “Our long-cherished wish is about to come true, and the flame of civilization will continue in our hands… Thank God, after you messed up everything, we still have a chance to start over.”

  ”The Alliance promised to help you build a starship?”


  The old man nodded.

  ”He is an open-minded young man… What about your Science and Technology Committee? Will you take them away, or leave them in the Wandering Swamp to fend for themselves?”

  When saying this, the old man used a tentative tone.

  After all, based on his understanding of the “conclusion”, this guy would never reveal his plan.

  However, to the old man’s surprise, this guy was different from the past and directly stated his arrangements.

  ”We will take away the children who are worth saving. As for the children we can’t take away, I have also thought of a way out for them. I will entrust them and the Science and Technology Committee to the Alliance.”

  The old man showed a surprised expression on his face.

  ”…Are you serious?”

  The conclusion said casually.

  ”If nothing unexpected happens, it will be, but if something unexpected happens, it will be another matter.”

  The old man was silent for a long time, and said with deep emotion.

  ”It’s hard to believe… I remember that someone regarded the technology of the prosperous era as the root of all chaos, and believed that it was the uncontrolled abuse of technology that caused this nearly two centuries of wasteland era.”

  Knowing that the “someone” was referring to himself, the tall man laughed and said.

  ”My thoughts have not changed. They are still the same as before. But I also said that we contain technology so that it can be used in the right place… and now, we think the time is ripe.”

  ”Even if we take out the achievements of the prosperous era and let the wisdom of our predecessors see the light of day again, their genius ideas will not be used by the scum who are blinded by interests to oppress the descendants of the Human Alliance, or to maintain the rule of the vested interests of the Wasteland Era over this land, or any other twisted wishes.”

  The old man nodded, as if he agreed with his words, or seemed to agree with only part of his long speech.

  But in any case, they have reached a consensus on one thing.

  ”Maybe, maybe you are right, and I hope you are right…”

  He stood up from his chair, walked around the long table made of obsidian, and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the conference room.

  It was not a real window, but a reflection of the panoramic imaging system on the wall.

  But the barren land is real.

  And the survivors struggling on that land are also real.

  ”Some problems must be solved… We can’t delay it any longer.”

  The tall man sitting at the conference table rarely put away his playful expression, stood up in awe, and nodded slightly to the former chief of the War Construction Committee and now the chief of the Great Rift Valley.

  ”A wise decision. We have waited for this day for too long, but fortunately, we finally waited for it…”

  As the voice fell, the light blue light particles dissipated from the conference table.

  A moment later, the door of the conference room opened, and the recorder in a silver robe walked in.

  ”Mr. Chief, you want to see me?”

  The old man with his back to the recorder nodded slowly.

  ”Write a few letters for me, and wipe this table for me.”

  ”It’s been a century and a half, and it’s time for us to be of some use.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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