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Chapter 922: The Tsunami that Smashed on the Beach

Chapter 922: The Tsunami that Smashed on the Beach


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 922 The “Tsunami” that Smashed on the Beach

  On the rolling sea, a container ship sailing across the ocean was breaking the waves with Alman’s fleet towards the French Fries Port.

  They were only the last 20 kilometers away from the Baiyue Strait!

  Just at this moment, the strange and changeable weather suddenly changed from a clear sky to a storm.


  Lightning flashed above the black clouds, and silver snakes swam between the gaps in the clouds.

  The waves hit the hull one after another, causing the towering steel body to scream in grief under the heavy burden.

  At the same time, the container towed by the cargo ship was in a mess.

  Even if the hull was just a slight shake, it would be magnified several times after being transmitted to the container.

  At this moment, in those containers, half a hundred-man team was stuffed into the space of less than 18 square meters.

  The Willant soldiers sitting in the container were shoulder to shoulder, knees against the instep, and rifles and packages were held in front of their chests.

  As for excrement, they could only use a small bucket to deal with it, and pour it outside the container during the heavy rain.

  However, since there was no room to move in the container, it was impossible to do so in practice, so many people simply urinated in their pants.

  This was not the worst.

  Due to the violent turbulence, many people were seasick and vomited all the way.

  From this point of view, the Willant people were really cruel.

  Almost no one could stay in a container full of feces, urine and vomit for a week or two.

  However, this torture that ordinary people could not endure, they gritted their teeth and endured it.

  But even so, the spirits of these cruel people were almost at their limit.

  Some people were already in a trance, and those who were still awake were either cursing or praying.

  ”Damn it! When I get back alive, I must beat up the bastard who came up with this bad idea!”

  ”Hehe, let’s survive first.”

  ”…I feel like we are going to fall!”

  ”Maybe we have already fallen.”

  ”Shut up! Our ship is moving forward!”

  ”Do you remember the box on our left? I always feel like there is one missing–”

  ”I said! Shut up! We are about to win! If you don’t want all the pain you have endured in the past ten days to go to waste, hold on!”

  Struggling to stand up from the container, the centurion with bulging eyes roared with all his might, trying to cheer up his brothers.

  However, the bumpy and shaking hull made it difficult for him to stand firm, not to mention straightening his back, so he could only press both hands on the container.

  But even so, he still couldn’t keep steady in the end.

  A wave suddenly hit the side of the ship, and he easily fell on his comrades around him.

  Looking at the noisy scene in the container, Pari, who was huddled in the corner, had a stiff expression, and his pale face was full of despair.

  He was an infantryman of the 100,000th Corps, and was supposed to go to the front line of Borneo Province. But one day, his superior suddenly told him that the guys from the General Staff and the Army Intelligence Bureau had come up with a genius idea, and now they needed to implement it.

  So, he changed from a glorious army soldier to a “Marine”. However,

  the smart people in the General Staff obviously had not squatted in this container themselves.

  If there was a chance, he really wanted to stuff those guys who came up with bad ideas into the toilet and let them see how stupid they were!

  The lightning and thunder outside became more fierce, as if they were going to tear the whole world apart.

  The centurion who had fallen in the feces and urine before finally got up from the ground with a curse, but he still didn’t forget to continue to show off.

  ”It’s just ahead! We have reached the Baiyue Strait! We are almost there!”

  Pari suddenly realized that this might also be a prayer in a sense.

  If they let despair swallow them, they might not be able to make it here at all.

  But at this moment, the sound of metal collision suddenly came from under everyone.

  Before everyone could react, their bodies were shaken by the violent tremor.


  Parry heard his comrade next to him curse, and his forehead seemed to be bleeding after hitting the container.

  The machine gunner next to him was terrified.

  ”Damn… I always have a bad feeling.”

  This was the tenth time he repeated this sentence today!

  At this moment, Parry had a similar feeling in his heart. It might not be just the storm that was targeting them, but also the submarines of the Alliance or other things.

  However, it was a close call that their container did not roll from the deck to the bottom of the sea. After a violent turbulence, it finally entered a calm water area.

  Feeling the waves outside gradually calming down, everyone in the container breathed a sigh of relief.


  The unlucky guy with bleeding forehead simply treated the wound, and the machine gunner who had been muttering in a mysterious way stopped talking and closed his eyes as if he was asleep.

  Parry panted, listening to his gradually slowing heartbeat, and then a wave of sleepiness crept into his heart.

  How many times has this happened?

  He couldn’t remember clearly.

  It seemed that from the moment he got on this ship, he had lost control of his own destiny.

  And the bad thing was that the people who made all the choices for him never asked him what he thought.

  As for where this ship was going, what would happen to the people on board, and when everything would end, no one gave him an answer.

  He had had enough.

  Maybe he actually knew from the beginning where the real enemy was.

  At least, the guy who made him suffer all this bad situation was not the guy from French Fry Port…

  Time was as slow as a snail on a leaf, and the pain and torture were as long and lasting as the silk wrapped around the cocoon.

  Later, Parry probably fell asleep, but maybe he was awake, but he didn’t notice it.

  After all, before he started to feel hungry, his comrades glimpsed through the gap in the container and saw that they were close to the port.

  And the cry of the seagulls coming through the container board seemed to foreshadow this.

  ”We’re here…”

  A beam of light was imprinted on the young man’s face.

  Parry opened his eyes and saw that his face was full of excitement, as if he had seen the end of the journey.

  ”Hush! Don’t make a sound!”

  The centurion standing in front made a gesture of silence, then picked up the assault rifle in his hand and held the door of the container with his hand covered with ginger liquid.

  According to the plan, they will quickly launch an attack as soon as they land, control the entire port, and prepare for the fleet of the Southern Legion and the shallow-water heavy gunboat to enter the strait.

  A buzzing sound came from outside the container. It was made by the gantry crane installed on the port. The huge mechanical cantilever was firmly fastened to both sides of the container and lifted them from the deck.

  The whole process was very smooth, even more stable than when they were on the deck, just like taking an elevator.

  However, everyone in the container was tense and held the rifles in their hands tightly.


  The centurion clenched his left fist, and the index finger on the trigger had already picked up the safety.

  At this moment, the box finally fell to the ground, shaking everyone’s shoulders. At

  the same time, a voice that was neither light nor heavy came from outside the door.

  ”Listen, everyone inside. You are surrounded. I know you are all holding your guns tightly… But if you still want to leave an intact body for yourself and the people around you, you’d better not do something stupid.”

  Pari, who was sitting in the container, was completely stunned.

  Not only him, but also the centurion standing at the door, was stunned on the spot.

  Before everyone could react, the door of the container was pulled down with a “bang”.

  Two burly figures stood outside the container, and their steel-modified bodies were like iron towers.

  One of them was even more exaggerated, with a gun barrel as thick as a python welded on his gorilla-like arm, and a hideous chain saw embedded in the other arm.

  Pari even couldn’t help but suspect that even if a tank stood in front of this guy, he would probably be cut in two with a saw!

  ”…Jungle Corps.” The machine gunner squatting next to him couldn’t help but groan and trembled, saying, “I’ve heard of them…On Ten Peaks Mountain, a hundred of these things slaughtered all the mutants on the mountain.”

  The soldier with a bandage on his head was also stunned and swallowed hard.


  Pari stared at the door with his eyes wide open.

  Behind the two iron tower-like men, there was a quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun.

  The 20mm gun barrel was already flat, and judging from the eager expression on the face of the man sitting behind, the armor-piercing incendiary bombs were obviously loaded, waiting for them to act rashly.

  At this moment, what happened on Ten Peaks Mountain was no longer important to him.

  If he couldn’t get through this level, he might not even have the chance to fall into the sea to feed the fish.

  ”Surrender, man.”

  Midnight Killer Chicken walked in front of the centurion, stretched out his hand to take the rifle from his hand, threw it into the forklift next to him, and smiled at the man again.

  ”Look, it’s much easier to throw away the gun than to fight me, isn’t it?”

  In front of his modified body, the tall centurion was like a shivering chicken, and the rifle he threw into the forklift was like a toothpick. The centurion

  stood there with his teeth trembling. He wanted to show some backbone, but his body didn’t obey.

  Midnight Killer ignored him and handed him to the brothers waiting on the side, then shouted to the people in the container.

  ”Okay, everyone, unload the magazines of your rifles, raise your hands above your heads, and line up to get out.”

  ”We will arrange for you to take a shower… Damn, I understand what you want to do. You want to stink us to death, right? Come out quickly.”

  Looking at the officer who had not resisted from beginning to end, Parry knew that the war that had just begun was probably over.

  But for some reason, he didn’t feel a trace of frustration in his heart, but was full of relief.

  It’s over…

  Maybe he is not the only one who thinks so.

  The brother who looked at the port through the gap obviously knew what was going on outside.

  This was not a French fries port at all, but a wasteland with only a dock.

  Obviously, from the moment they boarded the ship, the Alliance had been waiting for them here, and even installed a gantry crane for them to disembark.

  Although they paid a heavy price, the suffering they suffered for this eventually became a joke.

  However, these trivial matters, like the reputation of the Jungle Corps, were no longer important to him.

  Those guys who looked ferocious did not embarrass them, but just asked them to drop their weapons, strip down to only their underwear, and then squat on the beach with a cordon.

  Although several young men who had just joined the army were scared to death, Pari was relieved.

  After all, if these guys really wanted to execute them, there was no need to go through so much trouble. It would be

  more efficient to sink them at sea or to lock them up in a container and beat them into a sieve than to let them squat on the beach…

  On the other side, the model worker took a curious look at the container with the door torn off.

  Although he had expected the situation inside, the moment he leaned his head over, he was still nauseated by the eye-catching scene.

  ”Fuck… Is this a place for people to stay?”

  The Piltover Paratrooper also had an expression that was hard to describe.

  ”Even the boats carrying livestock are not so crowded. It’s a good thing these guys can endure for a week or two.”

  He felt that this was not like capturing prisoners, but rather like rescuing a group of livestock that were sold as piglets from the hands of human traffickers.

  Xiao Xiaoxiao Bookworm narrowed his eyes and said with a chuckle.

  ”Imperialism is not the same as this. On the one hand, they coax their own people with the nicest words, and on the other hand, they press their own people into the shit pot… The guys who shouted long live the Velantes are these guys, and they are also the ones who are the most cruel to the Velantes.”

  The model worker looked at him.

  ”Wait, the Legion is the Empire? I thought Xilan was it.”

  The Piltover Skirmisher said with a grin.

  ”Come on, I said I was a superman, so if I call myself an empire, I am an empire? Then the Red River Alliance is also an alliance, and the coolies there must be equal.”

  Looking at the few people chatting, Midnight Killing Chicken said in a buzzing voice.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, the next container is coming.”

  The people who gathered together to chat suddenly dispersed and returned to their respective positions.

  ”Get to work.”

  ”I bet there will be fifty containers next time.”

  ”I bet fifty-one!”

  ”Hehe, I’m lucky, I’ll open the next blind box…”


  What happened next was the same as Pari imagined.

  With the help of two gantry cranes, the containers on the two cargo ships were emptied one after another.

  During this period, someone noticed the abnormality on the shore, escaped from the container, and jumped into the sea, but was soon chased to the shore by the aquatic alien species in the sea.

  This is still lucky.

  Some guys who swam slowly had their throats bitten off by the monsters in the sea before the speedboat that rescued them drove to the side.

  After all, this is not French Fries Port and Youtiao Port. The offshore waters are not covered with nets to isolate alien species, and it is still a bit dangerous to be too far from the beach.

  All the Willant people who came ashore were driven to the beach to squat.

  Standing next to the isolation belt, several militiamen from French Fries Port looked at the group of dusty guys with an intriguing look.

  ”… Sitting in a container to raid, what are these guys thinking?”

  ”Who knows.”

  Not long after, a man in an open-collared shirt walked up to the prisoners.

  He held a loudspeaker in his hand and shouted at the shirtless guys.

  ”Listen up, big noses on the beach, this is a coastline about 200 kilometers away from Youtiao Port, a place… uh, let’s call it Mantou Port.”

  ”As for you, you are the first residents here.”

  ”I guess some of you must want to escape into the woods, and some of you must have already taken action. Now please observe a three-second silence for these idiots who don’t wait for people to finish their words. The alien species in this forest are probably the most ferocious and abundant on the entire planet. Even if you use a mind interference device, it is difficult to interfere with so many species at the same time.”

  ”So, don’t expect to escape from here with the three-legged cat skills you learned in the recruit camp. If you really have this ability, we won’t stop you. We just hope that you can bring a camera when you leave so that we can open our eyes.”

  ”Okay, that’s enough nonsense, let’s talk about something related to you.”

  ”From the moment you detonated a nuclear bomb on our land, the war between us and you has begun. During the few days you have been drifting on the ship, our ally’s fleet has cooperated with our submarines to wipe out your fleet and shallow-water heavy gunboats in an uninhabited area 1,000 nautical miles from here.”

  ”It’s quite interesting to say that all twenty ships were equipped with artillery. It’s hard for you to produce so much steel, and now all of them have sunk into the sea. If you are curious about the course of that battle, I can bring you a newspaper another day.” ”

  Anyway, from today on, this will be your new home.”

  ”My brothers in the alliance asked me to tell you that you don’t have to build it as a prisoner-of-war camp. After all, you will live here for a long time, and even many of your compatriots will join you later.”

  ”So, you work hard for yourself… I guess this is not the first time you have heard this, but it is really true this time. As someone who has been through it, I can assure you.”

  ”In addition, there will be ships docking at the dock here every day to bring you food and daily necessities. However, in Mantou Port, besides the free steamed buns, even pickles have to be paid for. If you don’t want to eat steamed buns dipped in seawater every day, you’d better be diligent when working.”

  ”Yes, the Alliance requires employers like us to pay prisoners of war. Although I think this is a waste, there are a lot of people in my hometown who would rather work for them for free… as long as someone pays for them to buy a boat ticket and send them here.”

  ”But since we are on their territory, we have to follow their rules, right? You have no choice, I don’t need to tell you this.”

  The man said dryly, took out a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap and took a sip.

  The captain squatting in the front row stared at the man and asked in a hoarse voice.

  ”Who are you?”

  The man glanced at him and said casually.

  ”Isel, the former captain of the 30,000-man corps of the Imperial Expeditionary Force, is now the mayor of Youtiao Port.”

  The captain looked at him in astonishment, and it took a long time for him to utter a word.

  ”…You didn’t go back?”

  ”Go back? Where? The empire is dead. Are we going to be buried with that idiot Alayyan?” Looking at the captain, Isel smiled and patted his shoulder, and stuffed the unfinished mineral water into his hand. “This is a good place. You will like it here.”

  After saying that, he left the stunned guy at the original point and walked towards the direction of the next square.


  At the same time, on the other side, in the Alliance’s Settlement No. 1, a group of guards wearing exoskeletons raided a restaurant and pressed Greg, who was having a meal, to the ground.

  In fact, when Greg saw this group of people appear, he already realized that he was going to be in trouble, and stood up and wanted to escape.

  However, as a merchant doing business, how could he run away from these awakened people who were injected with genetic modification drugs.

  Almost in the blink of an eye, the soldier wearing an exoskeleton appeared in front of him, and then pressed him to the ground after he stood up.

  ”What are you doing! Let go!” Greg struggled desperately to escape, but the hand holding his arm was like an iron clamp, making him grimace in pain.

  At this moment, Alman, who was sitting opposite him, just drank a sip of black tea calmly.

  Putting the teacup back on the tray, Alman couldn’t bear to see his ugly appearance, and sighed softly.

  ”Give up, Mr. Greg, at least this will save you some pain.”

  ”It’s you…”

  Greg stared at Alman, his bloodshot eyes full of anger and hatred.

  He asked this guy out for dinner, intending to treat him to a good show, but he didn’t expect that the other party would call the police.

  At this moment, the radio played the 7 o’clock news on time, but the content of the news was very different from what he knew about the “Tsunami” operation.

  The 100th and 101st troops did not land at Youtiao Port, but at the construction site of Mantou Port.

  The contractors of Youtiao Port had already prepared the construction equipment and plastering tools in advance, and these “lucky guys” carried the bricks that were not too hot as soon as they landed.

  The guards who held Greg down did not rush to take him away, but made him listen to the news briefing on the radio, which made this guy completely give up.

  Greg gritted his teeth, wishing he could bite his teeth into pieces and swallow them.

  ”You traitor–“

  ”Traitor,” Alman looked at him, with a trace of pity in his eyes, “Who betrayed whom? Every Willant in this settlement once trusted you, and how did you repay them? Swear to the Marshal on your conscience, have you ever thought about the fate of the Willant people for a second?”

  Without waiting for Greg to answer, Alman continued.

  ”I just found out recently. That Wyatt told me that Xifan Port was the work of the General Staff…”

  Greg’s face turned pale, and he whispered with trembling lips.

  ”He confessed…”

  He didn’t actually confess.

  But the expression on his face at this moment explained everything… They were indeed inseparable from what happened that day.

  This guy…

  After they learned the real murderer who killed their compatriots, their first reaction was not anger, but fear of the news leaking out.

  Is this thing still a human being?

  Alman thought he would feel heartbroken, but he didn’t expect to feel more tired.

  ”Thank you, you satisfied my curiosity, although I knew from the beginning… the truth is actually not important.”

  The guards who were holding Greg looked at Alman.

  ”We took the person away.”

  Alman nodded.

  In addition to fulfilling his obligations as a citizen of the Alliance, that was the only benefit he got from the Guards –

  the truth that had puzzled him for a long time.

  Now he has received his reward.

  ”Well, I leave it to you.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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