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Chapter 923 The End of Repeated Tests

Chapter 923 The End of Repeated Tests


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 923 The End of Repeated Tests

  On the boundless sea, burning steel connected into a piece, embellishing the clear sky after the rainstorm into a sunset.

  This is an unnamed sea area less than 500 nautical miles away from the Baiyue Strait. There is only a small island of less than a few square kilometers nearby, and its historical name is Sailik Island.

  The fleet of the Southern Army and the fleet of the South China Sea Alliance launched an encounter battle near this small island.

  Among them, the Southern Army Fleet dispatched a total of 23 ships and five steel airships.

  The fleet of the South China Sea Alliance only had one Harpoon cruiser, four destroyers and three nuclear-powered submarines, plus a land-based anti-ship electromagnetic gun deployed in advance on Sailik Island.

  The South China Sea Alliance, which had just experienced a civil war, was seriously injured, especially the battleships as the core combat power were sunk to the bottom of the sea.

  If we only look at the data on paper, the gap in strength between the two sides is huge.

  It is precisely for this reason that after discovering the fleet of the South China Sea Alliance, the Southern Army did not take it seriously at all, and directly strode forward to meet it.

  The whole battle lasted for several hours.

  But the final result of the battle surprised everyone.

  Facing the mighty and invincible fleet of the Southern Army, the South China Sea Alliance used anti-ship missiles and gun-launched drones to kite against it. After a few pulls, almost without any damage, all 23 ships of the former were sunk to the bottom of the sea!

  Not only that, two of the five steel airships supporting in the air were also shot down by land-based anti-ship electromagnetic guns, and the remaining three could only flee the battlefield in a hurry!

  To be honest…

  this battle was won a little too easily.

  In the bridge of the Harpoon, the adjutant holding a telescope looked at the flames floating on the sea and couldn’t help but sighed.

  ”I didn’t expect the Southern Army to be just like this…”

  Half of these 23 ships are diesel-powered, and black smoke burst out directly when a missile was fired.

  The staff officer on the side also had a complicated expression and nodded and said.

  ”… Twenty-three ships, two-thirds of which are offshore support ships. Except for five steel airships, which can barely be considered a threat, the others are not even a threat.”

  Compared with the surprise of the soldiers, Commander Li Minghui was quite calm about this victory.

  The Legion relied too much on airships, and this was particularly evident in the Southern Legion.

  When facing the indigenous survivors, the steel airships did have an overwhelming advantage. Whether it was the density of projected firepower or the strike efficiency, it far exceeded ground artillery and conventional flying units, and with special warheads, it could also play a miraculous effect of “one gun against ten guns”.

  However, this unconventional war tool is another matter when facing an evenly matched opponent.

  In several battles with the Legion, the Alliance has accumulated rich experience in how to restrain steel airships, and then absorbed the technology of various parties.

  When they are far away, they use anti-ship electromagnetic guns to overload, and when they are close, they use phase guns to break shields + paralyze engines. The Alliance and its allies have formed a mature system of combating airships, and now the Alliance has passed this method on to the South China Sea Alliance.

  Of course, it is worth mentioning that although the naval power of the Southern Corps gives people the impression that it is completely an appendage of the army, this is not all of the Corps.

  For example, the naval strength of the Western Corps in the New World should not be underestimated.

  Judging from those reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance methods alone, their strength is probably not weaker than that of the South China Sea Alliance.

  But perhaps it is precisely because of this that these guys did not really take action until the end.

  This may sound a little difficult to understand, but Li Minghui can understand the logic behind it. The

  imaginary enemy of the South China Sea Alliance’s ships is the airship of the Corps, so a fleet system with battleships as the core has been developed.

  And the fleet system of the Western Corps is also based on battleships as the core…

  If you say this is a coincidence, it is too coincidental.

  Those so-called businessmen never planned to board the broken ship of the Southern Corps from the beginning.

  Business is just business.

  ”After this battle, the Southern Corps is no longer a threat, and our imaginary enemy strategy should also be adjusted.”

  Putting down the telescope in his hand, Li Minghui said.

  The adjutant standing next to him knew what he was talking about.

  ”Are you talking about… the Western Legion?”

  ”Yes,” Li Minghui nodded and said seriously, “We won this time, but I have a feeling that this will be the beginning of the Legion’s awakening… The Southern Legion is the victim they pushed out, and there will be more troublesome guys after this.”

  The staff officer pondered for a long time, and suddenly remembered what he had discussed at the last seminar with the Alliance officers.

  ”Facing a combat system centered on battleships… developing aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft may be a good idea.”

  The adjutant on the side smiled bitterly.

  ”History is really a circle.”

  If he remembered correctly, things like aircraft carriers were things from the pre-prosperous era. It was not

  until the birth of space-based weapons that various aviation equipment entered the stage of history, and the battlefield was moved from the ground to the sky, that those outdated weapons were gradually eliminated.

  If the Wasteland Era cannot end immediately, maybe after their gravity well is built, these roads that have been traveled will be walked again.

  Of course, it is only a possibility.

  Li Minghui nodded and expressed an ambiguous attitude.

  ”I think the road ahead will not be a simple repetition, so let’s just take it one step at a time.”


  In the plainly decorated town hall of Settlement No. 10, Chu Guang put on his azure power armor again.

  Although he doesn’t need it much now, the significance of this armor to the citizens of the Alliance has long exceeded its own use value.

  It’s like a totem.

  Facing the camera lens, Chu Guang reached out and straightened the microphone. Under the gaze of countless eyes, he spoke in a calm and firm tone.

  ”Today is a special day.”

  ”In the past week, we have witnessed a series of horrific events.”

  ”Without any warning, the Southern Legion detonated a nuclear bomb with an equivalent of more than 10,000 tons in our actual control area recognized by the Affiliate Community.”

  ”And just when we optimistically thought that this might be a misunderstanding and no citizen of the Alliance died in the nuclear explosion, 20,000 armed Willant soldiers broke into our homes…”

  ”The detonated nuclear bomb, 20,000 soldiers, including 23 ships bound for the Baekyue Strait… It is difficult for us not to connect these three things together.”

  ”And this is undoubtedly an act of war!”

  ”After a series of false probing, a beast in human skin finally tore off its last disguise and showed us its ferocious fangs.”

  ”I believe I don’t need to explain what they want to do. Until yesterday, they were still using those lame lies and pretentious hypocrisy to whitewash their peace-loving, gentle and modest image.” ”

  But we won’t be fooled again. The war has begun.”

  ”I believe that our armed forces, relying on the determination of our people to unite, will surely achieve inevitable victory!”

  ”We will completely put an end to this mistake that has been left over for a century and a half. We will completely liberate all the survivors oppressed by the Southern Legion, including the Willant people oppressed by the Southern Legion.”

  ”On behalf of the Alliance, I declare that due to the despicable behavior of the Southern Legion in declaring war without declaration, the Alliance and the Southern Legion are already at war!”

  ”This is a formal declaration of war!”

  At the same time when Chu Guang’s voice fell, the live picture of the speech had been transmitted throughout the Alliance through the cables and signal towers laid by the Alliance.

  The Alliance officially declared war on the Southern Legion!

  The war in the Borneo Province is no longer a contest between volunteers and mercenaries.

  At the same time, the war between the two sides is no longer limited to the battlefield of Borneo Province! In

  the tavern of Boulder City, the three-minute speech was played on the TV on the bar.

  At the same time as the sonorous voice fell, the whole tavern broke out in fierce cheers and applause.

  They have been waiting for this moment for too long.

  The big noses have been trying to cross the bottom line of the alliance again and again.

  Since all the troubles are caused by these guys, why not just send this source of evil to the grave?

  A drunkard stood up and shouted in a rough voice.

  ”The manager is calling me, I will join the army tomorrow! It’s time to end this puzzle!”

  The brewery worker on the side also stood up and put his hand on his shoulder.

  ”Count me in! Since the Southern Legion wants to fight! Let’s fight them to our heart’s content!”

  This sentence touched everyone’s heart and was supported by countless people.

  Not only the workers of the brewery, but also the militiamen of the militia.

  People blew whistles, cheered and applauded these brave guys.

  They can’t always hide behind the residents of the shelter.

  Today, Boulder City has emerged from the shadow of crisis, and now it is their turn to shine.

  They will not give up their obligations, and they will stand shoulder to shoulder with everyone in the alliance.

  From the trenches on the front line to the factories in the rear!

  They will keep fighting until all the jackals on this planet who dare to bar their teeth at their brothers and sisters are wiped out!

  A drunk guy climbed onto the table and shouted at the people who were booing.

  ”I declare! The 1st Division of the Boulder City Expeditionary Force is officially established! Wait for our good news, we will follow Mr. Manager all the way into the lair of these predators!”

  The voices one after another supported the nameless person, which was also the voice of thousands of members of the workers’ union.

  ”Relying on the workers’ union to throw money around will never save the workers in the province of Borneo. We have to pick up our guns… Damn it, we should have done this long ago!”

  ”Not just the brothers in Borneo, but also those in the Great Desert! And the city of Avent!” It

  was not only the Boulder City, the base camp of the radical faction of the alliance, that responded to the call for war with great enthusiasm.

  From Dawn City to Dawn City and then to Fallen Leaf City, people who have lived and worked in peace for a long time picked up their guns again. This

  was also true for Weifu City, as well as French Fries Port and Settlement No. 1.

  Both radicals and conservatives reached a consensus on one thing at this moment –

  the methods of civilized people are only applicable to civilized people, and fire and guns must be used in the face of shameless beasts!

  As long as they still live on this planet, they can’t turn a blind eye to what is happening on this planet.

  If they want to achieve true peace, they must completely solve the problem of the Southern Legion!

  At the same time, in the Commander’s Mansion of Tiandu.

  Abusek, sitting at his desk, was staring at the TV, watching the speech of the alliance manager broadcast by the Golden Gallon Port TV station.

  When seeing Chu Guang say the last sentence, Abusek was as excited as a child. He stood up and walked around the desk three times.

  His hands were clenched into fists, and his voice was trembling with excitement.

  ”The crashed sky is above… Silver Moon Goddess help me!”

  The Alliance declared war on the Southern Legion!

  The Alliance finally officially joined the war!

  After sacrificing millions of soldiers and civilians, they finally dragged on and waited for the turnaround to come!

  As the supreme leader of the Boro Kingdom, no one knows what this means better than him!

  That energetic look scared the cat curled up under the desk and dozed off.

  Abusek looked at the National Defense Commissioner standing at the door and ordered in high spirits.

  ”Send a message to the whole army to prepare for a counterattack!”


  The National Defense Commissioner saluted solemnly, turned around and walked out of the door with a meteoric stride.

  Looking at the high-spirited commander-in-chief, Internal Affairs Commissioner Wadia’s brows floated with a trace of worry.

  Recently, the local army of Snake State has made a lot of moves.

  There is also the Gray Wolf Army, which is constantly fighting with the Southern Legion in the southern part of Wolf State. Now, like a loach, it is constantly expanding in the increasingly muddy water.

  The chess piece that the commander-in-chief had placed in the south to clamp down on Shahruk has now become a big trouble that cannot be removed.

  Compared with the Southern Legion whose offensive has stagnated, he always feels that the trouble is more fatal to the Bharatiya.

  ”But Shahruk…”

  Abusek laughed and said with high spirits.

  ”Shahruk is a sly guy. If it were the previous situation that was unclear, I would really be afraid of him. After all, he might surrender to the Legion and turn around to give us a knife. But now it is different. The war in the Bharatiya Province has become a world war. This guy is just cunning, not blind. He knows what to do.”

  Not only that.

  In this long-lasting confrontation, the military strength of the Bharatiya Kingdom has long been different from before.

  Now he has many brave generals and strong soldiers under his command, including wise generals like “Jungle Rat” Ishtar, and fierce generals like “Butcher” Pickley.


  A thing that can’t even get on the playing cards of the Southern Legion, how can it compete with him for the throne?

  It’s meaningless to just listen to your own boasting, you have to see what others say.

  Looking at Abusek who was full of confidence, Wadia smiled bitterly and nodded.


  On the other side, General Gullion, who was far away in Xifan Port, also learned from his own intelligence personnel that the Alliance had declared war on the Southern Legion, and restored the entire declaration of war speech from the intercepted radio signals.

  At first, when he heard that the war had finally spread to the Alliance’s homeland, his face was still filled with excitement.

  However, when he found that the Alliance was well aware of the series of plans implemented by the Southern Legion, and even listed the code names of the operations word for word, he finally couldn’t hold back the smile on his face.

  Looking at the officer standing in front of the desk, he stepped forward and grabbed the man’s arm.

  ”Where is our response! Has the city of Avent responded to the Alliance’s declaration of war?”

  The officer was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and said with difficulty.

  ”I… I don’t know.”

  Seeing this guy’s clueless appearance, General Gullion roared.

  ”Then what are you still standing here for! Go ask!”

  The officer nodded hurriedly and ran out of the office door.

  Gullion returned to his desk and paced back and forth, and the uneasy premonition in his heart became stronger.

  Logically, this shouldn’t be…

  Normally, if the General Staff’s plan is successful, he should get the news earlier than the Alliance.

  Whether it is the General Staff or the Command, they will definitely inform him of the next plan in advance and prepare for the next invasion of the Alliance.

  Just like the military operations after the Xifan Port tragedy.

  After Orlet sent troops to control the situation, they almost immediately dispatched a large force to complete all preparations before the invasion.

  However, the result now is that the whole plan has no follow-up at the most critical moment. The

  huge General Staff is like a mute.

  And he, the commander-in-chief of the theater, actually needs to learn the latest progress of the whole plan from the enemy’s TV news through his own intelligence personnel.

  It felt like it was not the alliance that was caught off guard, but they shot themselves in the foot. Gurion

  returned to his desk and sat down.

  Gurion took several deep breaths to calm his pounding heart, and murmured to himself.

  ”At least the advantage in the Pala Province War Zone is still in our hands.”

  Although he knew in his heart that the key to the victory or defeat in the Pala Province War Zone was not determined by the chess pieces on the chessboard from the beginning, he said this.

  At this moment, hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside the office, and the officer who was called by him to contact the headquarters ran back in a hurry.

  The man broke into the office directly and even forgot to knock on the door.

  However, after seeing his pale face, Gurion had no time to care about these trivial matters, and hurriedly stood up and asked him.

  ”What did Yavent City say?! What is the situation now!”

  The officer’s face was full of panic, his lips trembled, and he squeezed out a word for a long time.

  ”Enterprise… People from the General Staff said that Enterprise has just declared war on us.”

  Enterprise has also declared war…

  on those turtles from the East Coast.

  Hearing this, Gurion was stunned for a full minute, then sat back in his chair without saying a word, and no sound was heard for a long time.

  The situation has completely gotten out of control, and is heading in a direction he had never imagined.

  At the moment, the decision of Avent City is no longer important. Only Triumph City can decide where the fate of the Willant people will go…


  (It’s the end of the year, Dianniang is urging me to write a sequel. What characters do you want to see? I prefer to write about daily content and characters that don’t have too many main plots. _(:зゝ∠)_)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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