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Chapter 924 We Will Fight Side by Side

Chapter 924 We Will Fight Side by Side


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 924 We Will Fight Side by Side

  ”…At this point, only Triumph City can decide the fate of the Willant people.”

  Dawn City, Embassy Street, the study of the Legion’s embassy in the Alliance.

  Looking at the bustling crowd of demonstrators outside the window, Captain Bennot sighed softly, and coincidentally said what someone thousands of miles away was thinking.

  An hour ago, he learned from the Alliance Foreign Minister Cheng Yan that the Alliance had declared war on the Southern Legion.

  And soon after that, the declaration of war speech delivered by the Alliance manager appeared in the extra edition of the “Survivor Daily” and various television stations of the Alliance.

  The Alliance started the war machine with a terrible efficiency and cohesion.

  Just like when it declared war on the Torch Church.

  In contrast, the Southern Legion was still counting on the “unique trick” of the General Staff to turn the situation around.

  And after their opponents saw through their conspiracy, that guy was like a gambler who lost all his chips, dumbfounded and helpless.

  Now not only the Alliance, but even the companies on the East Coast have been unable to bear it any longer and have pointed their guns at them, completely abandoning their weakness and the fantasy that “peace will fall from the sky by itself”.

  The only suspense is the attitude of Triumph City.

  If Triumph City chooses to “stay together”, then the Southern Legion still has a chance of survival.

  As for the price, it is to mobilize all the Weilants on the entire planet to fight a full-scale war with the survivors living in the eastern part of the Middle Continent.

  In this way, the gamblers of the Southern Legion can be regarded as winning the bet.

  As long as all the Weilants unite, even if their final outcome is not a complete victory, they can at least retreat with the chips on the gambling table.

  But if Triumph City chooses to “behead this rebellious son”, then the disintegration of the Legion will be certain.

  This is not difficult to understand.

  If Triumph City cannot stand up when “their children are threatened”, even if it is only a symbolic flag, then Triumph City will lose its only value.

  In fact, the signs of separatism have long emerged within the Legion.

  The reason why there has been no outbreak so far is entirely due to the prestige of His Majesty the Marshal.

  At this moment, Bennott didn’t know what choice Triumph City would make, so he could only close the door and wait patiently.

  In small matters, he could make some decisions that he thought were right on behalf of the Civil Service Group or Triumph City.

  But in such big matters, all he could do was just a mouthpiece.

  Of course, compared to the distant Triumph City and what decisions His Majesty the Marshal would make, he was facing a more direct trouble at the moment.

  That was the rights and interests of the Willant people living in the Alliance.

  Just like now, the survivors of Dawn City simply surrounded the embassy of Triumph City.

  People always say that Boulder City is the old revolutionary area of ​​the Alliance, but in Bennott’s opinion, this is clearly the place.

  These guys are like fanatical believers.

  If it weren’t for the guards of Dawn City stopping them, they would probably have thrown rotten eggs in.

  Although he was full of helplessness, Bennott also understood the anger of these guys at the moment.

  After all, the Southern Legion had launched an undeclared war, and had also detonated a nuclear bomb on land that was nominally under the jurisdiction and actual control of the Alliance.

  That was a nuclear bomb…

  ”We have to find a way to protect the Weilantes living in the Alliance.” Secretary Dominic, who was sitting opposite Bennott, also had a sad expression. It was

  his plan to arm the Legion’s “old friend” Xilan Empire with the Eastern Legion’s weapons. Unexpectedly

  , just as their plan was about to succeed, the Southern Legion intervened and wiped out the entire Xifan Port and even the Empire.

  As for the subsequent series of chain reactions, it had long been beyond his control and expectations… even the entire civil service group and everyone else.

  Janus died, Abusek suddenly rebelled, the Bora Kingdom was established, and the Southern Legion joined the war in the name of the pseudo-emperor…

  and now, those idiots have gone crazy and want to overturn the entire table.

  Thanks to these idiots who gambled on the fate of the country when they disagreed, all their efforts to improve the image of the Weilantes have gone to waste!

  Hearing Dominic’s suggestion, Benoit pinched his brows and said with fatigue on his face.

  ”Protect them… How to protect them? There are at least tens of thousands of Willant people in Dawn City alone. Are we going to put them all in the embassy?”

  There are not so many rooms here, and it is very crowded just to accommodate the embassy staff.

  Dominic was speechless for a moment, and after a moment he spoke with difficulty.

  ”What if we temporarily transfer people to the Falcon Kingdom? That is our only base in the Eastern World…”

  Hearing this naive statement, Benoit couldn’t help but complain before he finished.

  ”What about after the transfer? How long will we stay there? This is a population migration of more than 100,000 people. Even the Alliance may not be able to withstand so many people influx in an instant, let alone the Falcon Kingdom with a total population of less than one million… The shrinking oasis can’t accommodate so many people at all.”

  Dominic touched his nose awkwardly.

  Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed not a good idea.

  After all, people are not animals. They can’t be moved from one place to another by just talking.

  At this moment, the TV in the room suddenly interrupted with a live news.

  The street in the camera was filled with angry people, and indignation was written on their faces.

  Facing the interview of the reporter, an emotional protester opened his voice and shouted.

  ”I said it long ago! Those big noses can’t be trusted!”

  Before he finished speaking, another head came over and snatched the camera in front of him.

  ”Nuclear bomb! How did they get the nuclear bomb! I don’t believe there is no insider to help them!”

  ”Every Willant is a potential spy!”

  ”Send them all to Mantou Port! That’s where they should go!”

  The crowd in the picture became more and more excited, and the reporter who was interviewing on the scene could only temporarily switch the live interview to the drone.

  From the picture in the overhead camera, it seems that the shooting location is in the Alliance’s No. 1 settlement, and there are at least two or three thousand people gathered on the street!

  This is the largest settlement of the Boro people on the entire Death Coast, and it is also one of the largest settlements of the Willant people. The two sides are currently at war, and you can imagine how sharp the contradictions between them will be.

  Benoit’s heart sank. It seemed that the thing he was most worried about had happened.

  But at this moment, a lame man appeared in the corner of the camera.

  His tall nose had already revealed his identity, he was a Weilant.

  In this occasion where all the Weilants consciously avoided, he took the initiative to walk in front of the crowd.

  The reporter quickly pointed the camera at the man.

  At the same time, many protesters also cast their eyes on him.

  Facing the pairs of eyes, he took a deep breath and spoke loudly in a loud voice.

  ”My name is Kuruan, I used to be a member of the Southern Legion.”

  The crowd was in an uproar, and almost all the Poros present were excited.

  The guards blocking the crowd were all nervous, wanting to pull away this idiot who “provoked” the demonstrators.

  However, Kuruan stood on a high place, straightened his back, responded to the angry eyes without dodging, and continued to speak in a loud voice.

  ”There’s nothing to hide. I’d rather be honest with you than pretend that this has nothing to do with us.”

  A protester pushed forward angrily, almost sticking to the guard’s shield, and roared at him.

  ”Do you think this is something to be proud of? Scum! Look at what you did in my hometown!”

  Kurua looked at him and shouted in a tone and volume that was not inferior to that man.

  ”Of course not, I never said this is our pride, this is clearly a shame!”

  The voice shocked some people.

  They may not have expected to hear such words from the mouths of the Weilant people.

  The guards who were maintaining order on the side also looked at him in surprise. The older old sheriff suddenly had an idea and handed him the horn in his hand.

  Instead of persuading the people on the scene to leave, it would be better to let them quarrel to their

  heart’s content. Say everything that is suppressed in your heart.

  Kurua took the horn from the sheriff’s hand and spoke loudly in a louder voice.

  ”This is a shame for the Weilant people!”

  ”We left our homes and came here because we were fed up with the lies of these shameless people!”

  ”…I believe that our marshal did not want us to oppress the survivors in the wasteland, so he led us to unite and fight against those who enslaved us!”

  ”I believe that he must want us to break our own shackles, to stop the out-of-control War Construction Committee from becoming a runaway wild horse, and to liberate all the suffering survivors in this wasteland…that’s why he led us to rise up in resistance!”

  ”The spirit of resistance, the courage not to succumb to fate, and the determination to win…I want to say that this should be our medal! Our glory! This should be what we leave on this land!”

  ”The problems of the Weilant people should be solved by the Weilant people themselves. We will not throw all the problems to you and sit here waiting for you to help us solve all the troubles!”

  ”I swear here that I, Kuran, declare war on the Southern Legion! And all of us who do not succumb to power!”

  ”We will return to Evernight Harbor and liberate our oppressed and deceived compatriots there! And other oppressed ethnic groups…even if we have to sacrifice our lives for this!”

  ”We will fight side by side with you!”

  The impassioned voice was no less than the manager’s speech on TV.

  The originally indignant crowd also split up. Some people were still shouting, while others cheered him, and even applauded him from the bottom of their hearts.

  The Weilant Expeditionary Force was established at this moment.

  A foreign race once saved them, and now it is their turn to unite and return to their homeland to save all the oppressed people.

  Not only that.

  They will also settle their previous mistakes!

  Looking at the impassioned impromptu speech on TV, Bennott couldn’t help but feel touched.

  I didn’t expect that there would be such an excellent young man at the grassroots level of the legion.

  While this made him happy, he couldn’t help but feel discouraged.

  Why is such an excellent young man silent on the land of the legion, but only began to shine on the land of the alliance?

  Putting aside the interests of the civil service group, this guy did say something that touched his heart.

  Perhaps that was what the Marshal had thought at the beginning…

  In the end, they failed him.

  ”Drawing a clear line… This seems to be the only way.” Benoit sighed softly in his heart.

  Although the ending of fratricide is heartbreaking, from that guy’s perspective, there is really no better way.

  Dominy did not speak, but his face showed a guilty expression, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

  At this time, a representative walked to the front of the crowd and shouted at the arguing crowd.

  ”If you have had enough of the trouble, just listen to me. If you really hate the Legion, then sign up for the army! If you just want to find a good excuse to massacre your neighbors, then go back to your hometown and have fun behind closed doors.”

  ”In addition, I will submit a new proposal to the representative council! Those who join the army to defend the alliance and fight for our ideals can get priority to obtain the alliance’s identity card!”

  ”This is the fairest way!”

  The live broadcast of the protesters continued, but the next part seemed to have nothing to do with the Willant people.

  Benoit picked up the remote control and changed the channel.

  At this moment, his adjutant Quick walked in from outside.

  Seeing the guy’s expressionless face, Benoit subconsciously sat up straight, with a fearful expression on his face.

  That guy was a member of the Royal Guards, and he was also the only person he was afraid of in the entire embassy.

  In Triumph City, the Royal Guards usually play the role of the marshal’s spokesperson.

  Outside of Triumph City, they who control special communication channels are the embodiment of the marshal.

  In most cases, they will not interfere with the decision-making of the people below.

  And when they come forward, it is often when they think it is critical.

  Dominic left his seat tactfully, drew the curtains for the two, and then left the study.

  Looking at Quick sitting opposite, Benoit asked anxiously without waiting for him to speak.

  ”Does our marshal have any instructions?”

  Quick shook his head.


  Benoit’s face showed a trace of disappointment, and his shoulders leaned on the sofa.

  ”Then what are you doing here?”

  Quick looked at Benoit calmly, but suddenly said something that the latter did not expect.

  ”Something happened in Triumph City recently.”

  Bennot was slightly stunned.

  ”What happened?”

  Things happen in Triumph City every day, and it is impossible for him to know everything in detail.

  Especially recently, the things about the Sticky Community and the Southern Legion have been enough to make him anxious, and he has no time to care about what happened in the rear.

  Quick glanced at the wall clock and continued in a casual tone.

  ”Some time ago… probably when this war just started, the Southern Legion sent the traitors they thought to Triumph City.”

  ”Pangolin, right? I know that guy…” Bennot nodded, but looked at Quick with more confusion, “But I remember that this matter should have ended, right?”

  It was his idea to instruct Pangolin to meet with Abusek secretly and persuade him to get rid of Janus and draw a clear line with the Heavenly King Army and the Southern Legion. This was also a response to the Southern Legion’s conspiracy to seize Xifan Port.

  This plan directly led to the birth of the Kingdom of Borneo.

  As for the Southern Legion’s anger and support for the puppet to invade brazenly, that is another matter.

  Benoit still remembered that Gullion had put Pangolin in jail and had a court from Evernight Harbor to shoot him as a traitor.

  In order to get Pangolin out, he used a lot of connections with the civil service group.

  But in the end, the guy worked hard and impressed everyone in the court with a speech in court.

  Later, the judge who presided over the case announced that the case would be transferred to Triumph City for trial.

  In Triumph City, the so-called trial was basically just a formality.

  It was the territory of the civil service group, and the Southern Legion could not reach there.

  For a small figure, he had already escaped a disaster.

  Looking at Benoit with a puzzled look, Quick nodded and spoke at a slow pace.

  ”The case is indeed over. The trial judge announced that he was acquitted in court and gave him the citizenship of Triumph City as compensation for his injustice.”

  Benoit was even more confused and asked puzzled.

  ”Then why did you mention him?”

  Quick continued.

  ”Because a lot of things happened after that, he didn’t settle down, but kept running for the survivors of Xifan Port who supported him, investigating the truth of the Xifan Port tragedy.”

  Benoit’s expression was moved.

  The tragedy of Xifan Port has always been an indelible haze in his heart.

  Although he was not the one who caused the tragedy, the more than 3,000 dead Willant people were indeed related to him.

  It was precisely because of the wrong decision of the civil service group that the Southern Corps took advantage of the opportunity to make use of the issue, causing more than 3,000 innocent compatriots to be involved in the political struggle and become innocent victims. It

  ’s not that he didn’t think about investigating the truth of this matter, but after all, it has been more than half a year since this incident, and the truth is actually not important, and even if the truth is investigated, it won’t change anything… at least in his opinion. What he

  didn’t expect was that the pangolin had been investigating this matter.

  Looking at the moved Benoit, the captain of the ten thousand, Quick suddenly smiled rarely.

  ”It’s surprising, isn’t it? The Weilant people are in need of aliens to save them again.”

  ”No… I’m not surprised by this,” Benoit came back to his senses and smiled bitterly, “but I don’t understand why a smart and capable person like him would do such a meaningless thing.”

  Quick: “Meaningless?”

  Benoit nodded silently.

  ”Let’s be realistic. It’s not difficult to investigate the truth, but even if we find out the truth, it won’t change anything. You and I are both members of the Legion. You know what I mean. There is no point in deceiving yourself.”

  ”Yes, but some people don’t think so,” Quick lit a cigarette, took a puff alone, and moved to the ashtray to light it. “He gave a total of 51 speeches, sometimes on the streets, sometimes in courts, sometimes in taverns, and in our landmark buildings…”

  ”At first, not many people listened to his speeches, only those who sympathized with him and the Willant people who followed him from Xifan Port to Triumph City… But as this work became more and more proficient, his speeches became more and more popular, and more and more people listened to him, not only fishermen fishing in the Arctic Circle, but also Willant people in the New World.” The officers

  of the Legion are not good at speeches. Civil

  servants are not good at it either.

  In the entire Legion system, communication is not a skill that the superiors must master, because in most cases information is conveyed in the form of orders.

  It is precisely because of this that when he spoke on behalf of the Willant people to speak their minds, there was no one who could stand in front of him as an opponent.

  It is not easy to hold him down or cover his mouth.

  In terms of combat power, this guy’s experience is legendary. There are even rumors that he once defeated a mother of death claws in a single fight… That’s what McLen said.

  Not only that, more and more Willant people regard him as an idol and unite around him.

  If it were in the colony of the Legion, the local guards might be able to suppress it with guns.

  However, in a place like Triumph City, if you pick up a stone and throw it out, you may hit a few ten thousand men or the father of the ten thousand men. No one dares to point a gun at them.

  What’s more, the rights exercised by those gatherers are recognized by the laws of Triumph City.

  In this regard, the Royal Guards who abide by the ancient principles are also their allies.

  As long as he is in Triumph City, no one can stop him.

  Benoit pinched his eyebrows and said tiredly.

  ”What does he want to do? Rebellion with the people of Triumph City?”

  Quick shook his head slightly.

  ”If so, he can’t convince the survivors of Triumph City to stand with him. You should know.”

  Benoit sighed.

  ”So what did he say?”

  Quick said.

  ”He wants to see the marshal.”

  Benoit was stunned and stared at him blankly. It took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

  ”See… the marshal?”

  Can the marshal be seen whenever he wants?

  That gentleman hasn’t shown up for a long time.

  Such a big fuss is just for such a reason…


  Benoit suddenly thought of a rumor.

  It is said that a long time ago, Marshal Julius said these words when he made his last appearance:

  ”… I hope this is the last time I appear in front of you. You don’t have to ask for my opinion on everything. Otherwise, our war will never end, and I will grow old sooner or later.”

  ”When the sun sets, I plan to rest for a while. Don’t disturb me unless it is absolutely necessary… For example, the whole city is calling me.”

  Later, Marshal Julius never made a public appearance again, but retreated from the glamorous stage.

  He gave the opportunity to the young people.

  In order to live up to his expectations and not let him down, his loyal subordinates built the Triumphal City under his feet into a huge settlement and conquered a vast territory outside the Triumphal City.

  Today, the Willant people have countless wealth. Although the Triumphal City is not as prosperous as the Ideal City, they have far more than just a settlement in the Triumphal City.

  If the size of the entire legion is taken into account, the wealth of ten ideal cities cannot catch up with the total amount owned by the Willant people. Every Willant person is extremely proud of the miracle they have created.

  Today’s Willant people should no longer call his name like a child who needs care…

  Benoit’s Adam’s apple moved, and his breathing suddenly stagnated.


  Thinking of the survivors in West Sail Port, he suddenly lost his confidence.

  There was even a moment when he felt the same way.

  Sitting opposite him, Quick spoke his mind in a very soft voice.

  ”…The whole city is calling his name.”

  ”This is the big thing happening in Triumph City right now.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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