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Chapter 927 The day of triumph is dawn!

Chapter 927 The day of triumph is dawn!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 927 The day of triumph is dawn!

  Late at night, under the steps of the Glory Courtyard, the sparks of the prairie fire were silent.

  However, the loyal voice, like a surging wave, echoed in everyone’s heart.

  The battlefield atmosphere group didn’t know how to convey Marshal Julius’s last words to his children, nor did they know how to describe the shock in their hearts with more abundant emotions.

  After some thought, he finally chose to stand under the magnificent door and replayed the recording in a louder voice.

  The Weilants are not just the Weilants of Triumph City.

  Instead of him telling them, it would be better for each of them to complete this great cause together.

  As Julius said in his last words, the cold winter that shrouded this wasteland has passed.

  There is no longer any barbarism on this planet that needs to be conquered by the Legion.

  And the monsters fed by the Weilants themselves are now gnawing on the flesh and blood of the Weilants, becoming accomplices of the plunderers, and even becoming plunderers themselves.

  It’s time to move on to a new era.

  Facing the myriad of eyes that shrank into dense black dots, the battlefield atmosphere group gradually realized their mission.

  He cleared his throat and continued the recording with a clear and loud voice.

  ”I met Marshal Julius and found these words he left on this power armor.”

  ”It turns out that a long, long time ago, our respected marshal imagined that there would be a day… when our legion expanded to the limit, and there was no longer an opponent in the world that could be easily conquered by us, this out-of-control beast would definitely turn around and try to eat all of us.”

  ”Therefore, he put a rein called loyalty around the neck of this beast.”

  ”One day in the future, when the ambitious people in high positions try to kidnap and coerce us in the name of loyalty. When one day in the future, this out-of-control beast tries to strangle all of us with the rope around its neck… that means the final moment has come.”

  ”When the survivors of the entire Triumph City are calling out his name, when the darkness above our heads is lit up into day by the torches in our hands… that means that moment is now!”

  ”In compliance with the wishes of that adult, I took this rein out of the Glory House.”

  He put his hands on his chest and slowly clenched them into fists, as if the invisible reins were in his hands.

  The abundant emotion made every cell in his body tremble uncontrollably.

  This was his 52nd speech in Triumph City.

  Unlike every time before, he did not prepare a speech in advance this time.

  ”Will it strangle you to death before dawn and be buried with it in the old era, or will it strangle its throat with this rein and go to our new era with our proud loyalty——”

  He slowly raised his clenched fists upwards, as if tightening the reins in his palms.

  ”Give an answer that follows your heart, but no one can choose for you in this matter! At this moment, you are Julius, and Julius is you!”

  ”Loyalty to the people’s choice is loyalty!”

  In fact, from the beginning, there was no suspense about the result.

  If they hadn’t had enough of those lies, those people holding torches would not be standing here.

  ”Strangle it——!”

  I don’t know who shouted the first time.

  The hysterical voice echoed in the night sky, like a stone thrown into a lake, and soon stirred up the layers of waves.

  Emotions are contagious, especially when a group of people gather together.

  That is why when people gather together and shout loyalty, the “loyalty cannot be expressed” Tyr Legion Commander will be so panicked that he even uses the power of the city defense army.

  But now, even if he wants to stop it, it is too late.

  Thousands of voices merged into one, gathering into a vast and boundless ocean.

  In front of that ocean, his clown-like tricks are like a small boat.

  Everything is just like when that adult led the Willant people to overthrow the War Construction Committee –

  even the defense department as powerful as Leviathan cannot stop this torrent!

  ”Strangle it!!”

  ”Strangle it!!!”

  ”Let those liars who deceived the Willant people with lies, let those thieves who stole the fruits of our victory, let those shameless scums who used loyalty to coerce the Willant people all go to hell!!!”

  ”The Willant people will never be slaves!!!”

  Looking at the city area where sparks are boiling, the battlefield atmosphere group put down the fists raised in front of them.

  Looking at the burning torches, he suddenly thought of the first mural in the Glory Courtyard –

  the fist made up of thousands of people.

  In the crowd, he vaguely saw Julius’ face, and a smile appeared on his lips.

  ”… I don’t know if you have seen this day.”

  He has fulfilled his duties as a “spark plug” and done everything he can.

  Today’s Triumph City is like an engine that has already started, and he no longer needs to do anything extra.

  The Willant people who made the final choice will naturally complete the path they have chosen.

  At this moment, he felt extremely relaxed, as if all the burdens were unloaded in an instant.

  The achievement of “Completing the longest task in the server” was successfully achieved.

  His task was finally completed.

  Looking at the man standing on the steps, Penny’s eyes were filled with flashing tears.

  There was excitement, emotion, joy and countless complex emotions mixed in.

  He did not break his promise!

  He really did it!

  The legend that was almost forgotten by all the Willant people and thought it was almost impossible to complete –

  they were united again!

  Standing at the edge of the crowd, Sheriff Brocket’s face was also filled with emotion.

  Not far from him, the guards of the Golden Griffin Street Law Enforcement Squad were chatting with each other.

  ”…If I remember correctly, this should be his 52nd speech.”

  ”By the way, Julius passed on the golden power armor to him. Does that mean he will be our next marshal?”

  ”There will be no more marshals… No, to be precise, there will be no more marshals like Lord Julius. Didn’t you hear that lord say that each of us is him, and each of us is Julius.”

  ”I agree. From now on, the army is the army, politics is politics, law is law, and citizens are citizens… The era of the legion is over. Just like Lord Julius said, we are going to a new era.”

  ”Then change the name… How about the name of consul? We can’t be like a company, without even a head who makes decisions.”

  ”Good idea.”

  ”But he is not a Weilant after all… Is it okay to let him be the consul?”

  ”What does it matter?”

  ”Yes, what does it matter whether he is a Weilant? It’s not just the Weilants who stood up tonight. It’s better to say that this is a good opportunity for us to resolve our differences!”

  At least, the army is still in the hands of the Weilants, and the risk of reform now is the smallest.

  When the army is no longer just the Weilants, it may not be a change, but a change.

  An old guard looked at the thousands of steps of the Glory Courtyard and suddenly sighed from the bottom of his heart.

  ”Besides… no one has ever talked to us about his plans as openly as he has, and he has talked about it 52 times.”

  A young guard looked at him and said noncommittally.

  ”I think what is said is not important, the key is what is done.”

  The old guard nodded.

  ”Yes, the guy with a silver tongue may be a liar, but one thing is one thing, the guy who is too lazy to even lie can only be a robber, and that kind of thing is not even as good as a liar… Haven’t you suffered from them yet?”

  Brocket did not participate in the discussion of his colleagues.

  Rather than expressing his own opinions, he wanted to hear their views on the future.

  However, he felt that if that guy wanted to participate in the selection of the consul, no one should be able to compete with him…

  After all, before that guy, no one had ever united so many Willant people.

  Not only the Willant people, but also the aliens living in Triumph City.

  Except Julius himself.

  By the way, those thieves who coerced the Willant people in the name of Julius were not worthy of participating in the competition.

  Standing at the door of the hall, looking at the lifelike golden armor, Lei Ze showed a sincere smile on his face.

  Suddenly, he saw the shadow of another person from the high-spirited back.

  That adult seemed to be the same…

  The turbid pupils fell into memories in an instant, and his sight passed through the mist of time.

  ”We finally meet again…”



  Embassy Street in Dawn City.

  Captain Bennot, who was sitting in the study, held his breath involuntarily.

  After listening to Quick’s statement, he was stunned in place. After a long while, he stretched out his trembling index finger, picked up the glasses on the table and put them on.

  ”So… Marshal Julius really has…”

  His heart seemed to be overturned with mixed feelings, and he was so blocked that he couldn’t speak for a while.

  If you want to say who is the most loyal, their civil service group claims to be second, and I’m afraid only the Guards dare to claim to be the first.

  After all, their interests are firmly tied to Triumph City, and they are the only ones who have been implementing Triumph City’s decrees and treating the slaves in the territory well.

  As for the viciousness and exploitation of slaves against slaves, that is another matter.

  Most civil servants are more inclined to believe that Marshal Julius must still be alive, just lying in the hibernation capsule and sleeping.

  Including Benoit, after all, this is the situation that best suits the interests of the civil service group.

  At most, he hopes that the Marshal will continue to sleep, and he has never thought disrespectfully that the lord has already fallen asleep.

  Looking at Benoit, who couldn’t accept it, Quick nodded slowly and said in a very light voice.

  ”That was a long, long time ago, and it is also the top secret of the Guards. Don’t say you don’t know, and several ministers in Triumph City are also unaware of it.”

  When he said this, he paused for a moment, leaving time for Benoit to sort out his thoughts, and then continued.

  ”…There is one thing we didn’t tell the whole truth about. Joining the Sticky Community was not the direct will of His Majesty the Marshal, but an exploration we made according to his last wish.”

  Benoit pinched his sour eyebrows and said in a hoarse voice.

  ”…Looking for that guy from the unconquered land? For that prophecy? Last words?”

  Quick nodded.

  ”Yes, this is the original intention of our risky intervention in the political situation, and it is also what I have been doing. But the final result was beyond our expectations. That person was actually by our side for a long time. Before we took the initiative to look for him, he found us first…”

  Perhaps this is the magic of fate.

  Although the original intention of the Royal Guards was ultimately in vain, joining the Sticky Community itself has become one of the few clever moves of Triumph City.

  When he said this, he paused for a moment.

  ”I have to thank you for this matter. This talent was discovered by you.”

  Benoit smiled bitterly.

  ”…Should I understand this as irony?”

  If he had known that this would be the result, he would rather have nipped the seed in the bud.

  After all, that guy is killing all interest groups.

  This naturally includes the civil service group.

  ”Please understand it as a thank you.” Quick looked at him without joking, and continued in a sincere tone, “Thanks to his appearance, our mission is finally over, and Mr. Julius can finally rest in peace.”

  Benoit was silent for a long time, and sighed after a moment.

  ”Maybe I should go back to attend the funeral of that adult… This kind of thing can’t be missed.”

  Quick nodded.

  ”Go back, you are needed there.”

  After dawn, not only will the funeral be held more than a century late, but there will also be a lot of problems waiting for the awakened Willant people to solve.

  Settling old mistakes is just the beginning, not the end.

  After sending the legion away, they still have to decide how to go in the future.

  As the ambassador of Triumph City to Dawn City, Benoit has dealt with the Alliance and other survivors in the wasteland.

  At least in Quick’s opinion, he was the most suitable helmsman, and at worst he could be a guide. After

  watching Quick leave, Benoit pondered for a while and called Dominic, who had avoided him before, in.

  Looking at Benoit with red eyes, Dominic was stunned for a few seconds, and hurriedly took two steps forward to ask.

  ”Mr. Benoit…what’s wrong with you?”


  Rubbing his sore nose, Benoit adjusted his mood for a moment, looked at him solemnly and said.

  ”Something big happened in Triumph City. I have to go back. You will be the diplomat for the time being.”

  Hearing this, Dominic, who didn’t know what happened, was stunned and at a loss for a while.

  ”I…I? But-”

  ”No buts, this is an order, I will write you a letter of appointment in a while.”

  While saying this, Benoit got up from the sofa, and his face regained a firm expression.

  Gradually realizing the seriousness of the matter, Dominic stared at him intently.

  ”Mr. Benoit, please tell me what happened–”

  ”Marshal Julius died…” Looking at the stunned secretary, Benoit said a little upset, “Not only our marshal, but our legion will probably cease to exist… I have only a vague understanding of the specific situation. If you don’t understand anything, ask Quick, and learn the rest from the news.”


  Great Rift Valley.

  In the conference hall with a grim atmosphere, the old man sitting at the obsidian long table let out a long sigh.

  ”…The young man is dead.”

  He was 79 years old.

  This is too young…

  Perhaps because life is too long, some things have obviously passed a long time ago, but he always feels like they happened yesterday.

  He still remembers the deafening questions that the young man asked him that day-

  since the Post-War Reconstruction Committee claimed to end the Wasteland Era as its mission, why are some people more equal than others?

  Today, the Ministry of Defense plans to use the technological heritage of the Prosperous Era to reverse history. What are they going to do tomorrow?

  He still remembered his answer at that time. He told Julius “You will understand”.

  And what happened later was exactly what he expected.

  After the end of the era of the War Construction Committee, the Legion, under the leadership of Julius, did not take a completely different path from the War Construction Committee. Even the final fate was so similar… forced to a dead end by its own internal contradictions.

  History will probably repeat itself again.

  However, he did not think it was meaningless.

  The War Construction Committee paid the price for its mistakes, and its collapse was not just the result of the birth of the Legion.

  Including a series of survivors such as enterprises, colleges, and even Boulder City and Free State, they are all possibilities that evolved after that incident.

  Whether the Legion’s achievements should be called a complete mistake is also a room for discussion in the special environment of the Wasteland Era.

  The same is true for the War Construction Committee.

  They abandoned some people, sacrificed some people, and went crazy in despair.

  But it is undeniable that they also saved some people and left a fire for later people. When

  a whale falls, all things come to life…

  Perhaps this is the ultimate fate of all great things.

  ”…You old bastard, calling others young men is a bit too thick-skinned.”

  Guessing that the old man was probably touching himself again, the tall man sitting at the long obsidian table glanced at him unhappily.

  The old man looked at him, but didn’t care much, just smiled faintly and said.

  ”You are still so poisonous.”

  ”I just don’t want to waste my precious time on meaningless things.”

  Dr. Conclusion laughed and continued slowly.

  ”Tell me, how many invitations did you prepare this time.”

  The old man said in a calm tone.

  ”Not many, one for you, one for the enterprise, one for the alliance, and the Free State, the South Sea Alliance and the Borneo Province…”

  When he said this, he suddenly fell silent, as if he was lost in thought.

  Conclusion, suspended in the light blue holographic image, sighed, exchanged his arms, and spoke concisely.

  ”Prepare five more.”

  ”Sorry, I was thinking about something else just now… I’m old and useless in all aspects.”

  The old man seemed to have come to his senses and looked at the conclusion, smiled embarrassedly, and continued.

  ”Then prepare five more as you said.”


  On the other side, at the Alliance’s Settlement No. 10.

  Chu Guang, who had just met with the envoy from Ideal City, suddenly received a letter from the Great Rift Valley unexpectedly.

  [… Dear Administrator, I am the recorder of the Great Rift Valley. Please allow me to express my highest respects to you on behalf of the Chief and the survivors in the Great Rift Valley. ]

  [We heard about the disaster in the Sea End Province and are shocked and regretful about it…]

  [In order to prevent the out-of-control Prosperity Era technology from continuing to destroy our common world, and to preserve the fire of civilization and allow our civilization to smoothly move into a new era, we have invited the leaders of the main survivor forces in the wasteland to attend the meeting in Origin City to discuss solutions to the crisis…]

  [We look forward to your arrival. ]

  Chu Guang glanced at the letter roughly. In short, it was an invitation letter.

  To be honest, the Alliance and the Great Rift Valley don’t have much in common, so it’s a bit presumptuous to suddenly invite me to visit.

  However, considering that the Great Rift Valley was formerly the Post-War Reconstruction Committee, their “restraint” is understandable.

  Chu Guang plans to discuss it with the company and the college later.

  If the two partners plan to attend the meeting, he might as well join in the fun and build some relationships.

  Just as Chu Guang was thinking, Xiao Qi, who was lying on his shoulder, muttered.

  ”This group of geckos lying on the glass… It’s as if the nuclear bomb has nothing to do with them. Humph, maybe it just came out of their pockets!”

  Geckos are okay…

  Chu Guang couldn’t help laughing for a while, but he thought the statement was quite vivid.

  Aren’t these guys hiding under the Holy Shield and observing everywhere but doing nothing geckos?

  ”Where did you hear this nickname?” He wanted to know who gave it to him.

  Xiao Qi raised the corner of his mouth proudly and said as if showing off.




  It’s that guy.

  Chu Guang was not surprised at all when he heard this familiar ID.

  Looking at Chu Guang who turned off the holographic window, Xiao Qi asked in a low voice.

  ”Master…are you going to go?”

  ”Yes, why not?”

  Chu Guang said in a half-joking tone after putting away the mailbox.

  ”Maybe I can meet Marshal Julius of the Legion there. I have always wanted to talk to him.”

  Hearing this, Xiao Qi was about to speak, but suddenly he said “ah” as if he had encountered some emergency, and spoke in a low and hurried voice.

  ”I’m afraid this won’t work…your player in Triumph City just sent a message saying that Marshal Julius is no longer alive.”

  No longer alive?

  Hearing this, Chu Guang was slightly stunned for a moment, and hurriedly continued.

  ”…What’s the situation? Is it the [Battlefield Atmosphere Group]? Forward the report he submitted to me!”


  Just as Xiao Qi’s voice fell, the holographic screen that had just been closed reopened in front of Chu Guang.

  I saw a new email in the column of unread emails.

  [Dear Administrator, according to your instructions, I have successfully completed my mission and liberated the deceived Weilant people from the long-standing lies…]

  [Perhaps you, who are as good as a god, have already guessed everything. Yes, Julius died a century ago. With the help of the Guards, I completed the last trial with the survivors of Triumph City and decided to move forward into a new era together.]

  [That’s the situation. Everything went smoothly… But I encountered a small problem at the end.]

  [Shortly after the ceremony, several ministers of the Civil Service Group found me and hoped that since I had done it, I would take responsibility to the end. The Guards also meant the same thing. Some of them stubbornly believed that since the marshal passed his armor to me, it meant that I inherited his responsibilities together…]

  [The legion commander named Lei Ze saw through my identity, but he didn’t think there was anything wrong with it? ! In addition to the civil service group and the Imperial Guards, the other survivors in the city are the same. They want me to be the consul, but they themselves can’t tell what the consul does, and what the specific differences are between the functions and the original marshal… It’s making me feel dizzy now. 】

  【In short, the whole story can’t be explained in a few words, but if I don’t show my cards… I’m almost the head of the legion as an undercover. 】


  (Thanks to “Han Tianming” for the reward!!!)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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