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Chapter 928: Undercover Becomes the Boss

Chapter 928: Undercover Becomes the Boss


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 928: The undercover agent becomes the boss.

  To be honest, the battlefield atmosphere group was really a little panicked.

  After obtaining Julius’s “ancestral” power armor, he thought that the mission was over. He could leave the rest to the survivors of Triumph City and retire and go back to the forum to brag.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that the fanatical residents of Triumph City didn’t let him go, and put him in the position of archon.

  He thought these guys must be crazy.

  He was only a thousand-man captain at best, and he had never even commanded 2,000 people. How could he manage a survivor organization with a territory spanning tens of millions of square kilometers?

  However, other Willant people didn’t think so.

  Not to mention Lei Ze and several ministers who found him later, even Penny, his “comrade-in-arms” who had always supported him, seriously said that no one was more suitable for this position than him.

  The legion needs reform.

  They want to abolish the old unequal laws and formulate new rules… Let the Willant people in the entire settlement unite with the survivors of other ethnic groups.

  In Penny’s words, this was not only the marshal’s last wish, but also the common choice of all the Willant people who were fed up with the lies of the ten thousand commanders.

  After hearing her words, the battlefield guy was shocked.

  My goodness, the Alliance is in Triumph City? !

  This girl is even more “alliance” than himself, an undercover agent. At least he never suggested that the Willant people imitate the social model of the Alliance. He

  really couldn’t make up his mind, so he finally went offline and wrote a report of several hundred words, and reported the intelligence to the administrator through the task page of the official website, hoping that the latter could make a decision for him.

  However, what made him dumbfounded was that after waiting for a long time, he only waited for a sentence [read].

  ”What the hell! Damn it!”

  The battlefield atmosphere group sitting in front of the computer was instantly confused, looking at the screen with tears and laughter.

  This guy completely gave it to me…

  To be honest, he didn’t have a good impression of the Legion.

  Emotionally, he was happy to see those stupid extreme rightists asking for trouble. The series of misfortunes they had endured were all deserved from the root, and the funny appearance of “making fun of suffering” and “putting on a brave face” was a rare pleasure.

  However, after so many incidents, he had to admit that there were indeed many innocent people among them, and even people who rose up in resistance, and those people were worthy of their solidarity.

  Especially when thinking of Korwe, Penny, and many of the Weirant friends he met during the journey…

  The warlord scratched the back of his head and finally sighed and said.

  ”We can’t just leave them alone…”

  The house has rotted away.

  Let’s try to repair the roof and replace the broken beams so that this rotten house can at least be lived in.

  As for how to install doors and windows, what furniture to buy, and whether to decorate it beautifully… we have to wait until this matter is done before we can talk about it.

  Thinking of this, he opened a post on the forum, and wrote down in detail all the experiences he had after leaving Xifan Port, the series of problems he encountered after arriving in Kaixuan City, and his current situation.

  Because there were too many complaints and the title was eye-catching, the entire forum was instantly boiling soon after the post was published.

  Tail: “giao! Si! Pangolin really became the marshal! Σ(дlll)”

  Quit Smoking: “Fuck! So cool!”

  Sisi: “Ah this…”

  Meat Mountain Bun: “Boss!!!”

  Aoao Sesame Paste: “Ahaha… It feels really troublesome to encounter such things, such as being suddenly treated as a god or something. (–;” Sisi

  : “Emmm… Is there a possibility that he didn’t find it troublesome at all, and even enjoyed it, and came to post just to show off. (Slant eyes)”

  Aoao Sesame Paste: “Ah… Is that so?”

  Tail: “giao! So you are such a pangolin! φ(-ω-*)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “What the hell! I’m really asking for advice, okay! (Laughing and crying)”

  Lightning King Professor Yang: “MMP! The public beta hasn’t started yet, Someone has become a marshal! If he doesn’t get a cut, is he still a human being! QAQ”

  Tyrannosaurus Warrior: “It’s collapsed, the balance is completely broken, the dog planner should take care of it. TT”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Fuck! You are so ashamed to see others doing well!”

  Night Ten: “The legion’s orthodoxy has been confirmed in the Alliance. (Funny)”

  Irena: “Quickly advance to the first citizen. (Funny)”

  Elf King Fugui: “Go east! Marshal! Fight the Alliance to the death! (Funny)”

  Edge Pad: “The next expansion pack depends on you! (Squeezing eyebrows)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Be a human being!”

  Fang Chang: “Seriously, no kidding, why don’t you pick a few representatives from the civil service group, citizens and the army to hold a meeting and draft a constitution.”

  Lao Bai: “And think of a new name, don’t forget about this. (Grinning teeth)”

  Fountain Finger Commander: “Wilant Province, Wielant Laboratory… refer to the South Sea Alliance, how about calling it the Wielant Alliance? (funny)”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Well… I have discussed this issue with other Wielants, and they think it is best to fade out the symbols of the Wielants from the new regime. After all… there are not only Wielants in Triumph City, but also many foreign races who originally did not have citizenship.”

  Director Fang: “Emmm… I understand your idea, but referring to our work experience in the Borneo Province, I advise you not to do this.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Why? (dumbfounded)”

  Director Fang: “It is easy to slide into the abyss of nihilism.”

  Battlefield Atmosphere Group: “Gan! Can you speak human language?”

  Fountain Commander: “Brother Fang has been direct enough, you have to move Use your brain to understand, and don’t always wait for others to chew it up and feed it to you. Objectively existing things will not disappear because of neglect. Although there are some alien races within the legion, the Weilantes are the majority after all. They have made some changes. I suggest that you don’t be too radical and make the voice of progress lose support. Besides, Weilante can also be interpreted as an administrative division of the old era, which does not necessarily mean race. ”

  Fang Chang: “When it’s time to take the left foot, take the left foot, and when it’s time to take the right foot, take the right foot. If you stretch both feet forward at the same time, you will only fall on the back of your head. They have reluctantly thrown away a symbol that is hard to give up, so leave them one. (Laughing with squinting eyes)”

  After talking about dozens of floors, the post finally became normal, and the content of the board chat changed from the jokes of the fun people and the joke kids to technical exchanges.

  Brother Ye Ao came here to take a look, but he couldn’t find a chance to interrupt, so he threw a “laugh” and slipped away.

  Professor Yang is really like a professor, and he can talk to these big guys.

  But when it comes to specific management experience, he can’t catch up.

  Jokes aside, with the realism of “Wasteland OL”, it is no problem to manage one or two hundred NPCs in it, and one or two hundred employees in reality.

  And this is true. Niuma Group has long developed into a world-class enterprise, and its market value in reality is even higher than in the game.

  In the game, Brother Fang has managed more than one or two hundred people.

  Although management ability cannot be quantified into data, it is not difficult to get a glimpse of it by comparing the changes before and after he came to Jingalon Port.

  These experiences that have been tested in practice are more reliable than any title.

  In comparison, the Battlefield Atmosphere Group is indeed weaker in this regard.

  But these are actually minor problems.

  With past experience to refer to, and so many reliable brothers to help, even if he can’t present the glory of Julius, he will not do worse than the messy Wutu.

  After writing down the key points in his notes, the Warlord leaned back in his chair and breathed a sigh of relief.

  The disintegration of the Legion is inevitable.

  This is not only Julius’s last wish, but also the will of all the Willant people.

  However, civil war can be avoided.

  What needs to be done is already clear.

  Internally, he needs to revise the new charter with the civil service group, select representatives from the citizens, and foster new interest groups to check and balance the civil service group that stood first.

  In addition, he also needs to make good use of the Guards, the last legacy left to him by Marshal Julius, to maintain order in Triumph City and its surrounding areas, and complete the transition from the old regime to the new regime before the Guards follow Marshal Julius’s footsteps and completely withdraw from the stage of history.

  As for external affairs, he needs to strengthen the exchanges between Triumph City and the Academy, the Alliance, the Enterprise, and the Great Rift Valley, so that the Willant people can reintegrate into the world, while balancing the contradictions between the four rebellious sons to prevent the internal contradictions from continuing to intensify. After

  going through his notes, the Warlord, who had regained his spirits, took a deep breath and reached out to pick up the helmet on the table.

  Just when he was about to return to the game, he saw a small red dot on the taskbar in the upper right corner of the official website page.

  He grabbed the mouse and clicked it, but was surprised to find that it was a message from the administrator.

  Behind the [Read] message, there was another line of words –

  ”Congratulations, you have realized your mission.”

  Seeing this line of words, the battlefield guy was moved.

  Sure enough!

  The administrator has not forgotten him, and the adult still has him in his heart!

  Thinking of how he had spent the past three years, he suddenly felt overwhelmed and couldn’t help but stretched out his uncontrollable index finger and typed two words on the keyboard.


  He immediately felt refreshed and clear-minded after hitting the enter key.

  There is no more appropriate answer than this!


  On the other side, the Alliance’s Settlement No. 10.

  Looking at the [Read] reply from the Battlefield Atmosphere Group, Chu Guang laughed and turned off the holographic window floating in front of him, and put the holographic computer pen in his hand aside.

  ”This guy is starting to play with my jokes.”

  It seems that he wants to “take a knife”!

  But although he said so, to be honest, he really has not changed any player’s drop rate.

  There are indeed some European emperors in the “server” who are extremely lucky and win the first prize every time, but the functions used for the lottery are all real random, which has nothing to do with him as a planner.

  These guys are just spoiled. Blame

  him if the plot NPC dies, blame him if the mission is completed, blame him if the little brother falls, and blame him if he can’t poop.

  If you can’t afford to play, don’t play PVE, just play single-player!

  Lying on Chu Guang’s shoulder, Xiao Qi, who was searching the official website forum information, suddenly let out a faint sigh.

  ”…I always feel it’s a pity.”

  The behemoth that spans 30 million square kilometers and includes more than a dozen administrative divisions of the prosperous era collapsed just like that…

  Although it doesn’t like the Legion, it sees the shadow of its master in Marshal Julius.

  Although he is still very young now, he will get old one day…

  The same is true for the Alliance.

  That is the fate that all organisms cannot escape in the end, no matter how much it wishes to stay by his side until all the stars go out and the universe dies.

  However, Chu Guang did not realize that Xiao Qi’s “what a pity” was so far away. He just thought that the elf lying on his shoulder was regretting the fate of the Legion and Marshal Julius. There is

  actually nothing to regret.

  The train will always arrive at the station.

  Just like his little player can’t stay in the Novice Village forever to play with him in the mud.

  Or in the distant future, the alliance he is familiar with will become unfamiliar to him.

  ”Rather than saying that the disintegration of the Legion is regrettable, it is more like a miracle that this huge and deformed beast can survive for a century and a half.”

  It is like a monster that has died physically, and its limbs have long stopped listening to the brain.

  The south wants more land, the west wants independence, the east just wants to make a fortune and farm quietly, and the north doesn’t know what it is doing in the Arctic Circle.

  In comparison, the Mongol Empire, which is most similar to it, only lasted for 53 years, and then it was the era of the four Khans.

  Chu Guang reached out and touched Xiao Qi’s head, and said in a very light voice.

  ”…The Legion can’t accompany the Willant people for a lifetime. Its deadline has come, that’s all.”

  But it’s really touching to think about it.

  The radicals who have always dominated the social thoughts of the alliance, after encountering the old guards in the Borneo Province, were educated by their performance art to doubt life, and their thoughts gradually turned right.

  And the Legion, which has been standing firmly on the far right for more than a hundred years, has a large number of leftists after one foot fell into the quagmire of Borneo Province.

  Destiny is really an unpredictable thing.

  At this moment, footsteps were heard outside the room.

  Xiao Qi, who was lying on Chu Guang’s shoulder, jumped back into the pen holder very sensibly.

  Hearing the knock at the door, Chu Guang cleared his throat and said.

  ”Come in.”

  It was Lu Bei who came in from outside.

  The young man had an excited expression on his face, and he saluted respectfully with his right fist on his chest.

  ”Sir, our intelligence system just received news that an incident occurred in Triumph City! The commander of the Southern Legion, Tyr, made a public speech, angrily accusing the residents of Triumph City of betraying the frontline soldiers and all the Weilants, and also accused the civil service group and the Guards of being the culprits who killed Marshal Julius and forged Marshal Julius’s last words!”

  ”The specific information is still under investigation, but one thing is certain, there was an internal conflict within the legion! The Southern Legion’s plan to pull Triumph City into the battlefield has completely failed!”

  After listening to the news reported by Lu Bei, Chu Guang’s face was not surprised at all.

  He had already learned some of the content through the forum, even more clearly than the Guards Corps.

  As for the reaction of the Southern Legion, it was also completely within his expectations.

  ”The gamblers lost so much money that they can’t afford to play anymore. However, given their current conditions, they can only talk big and probably don’t have the energy to march into Triumph City to ‘quell the rebellion’… What about the other legions?”

  Lu Bei continued to report.

  ”The Western Legion withdrew the fleet deployed in the Borneo Sea, and the Eastern Legion is sending more troops to our border, but there are no further actions… As for the Northern Legion, the specific situation is still under investigation, but from the intelligence we have collected, we haven’t seen any signs of major actions.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”The Western Legion is probably preparing for independence, and as for the Eastern Legion, it is probably the same. However, considering the historical grievances between us, that Saren is probably worried that we will take advantage of the chaos to launch a sneak attack. We will keep our troops in place and not take the initiative to provoke them. We just need to keep an eye on their deployment on the border.”

  Chu Guang had seen the commander of the Eastern Legion. That guy was a typical oligarchic monarch.

  Although that guy was cunning, his external ambitions were actually weaker than his internal ambitions.

  As long as the internal interest groups didn’t push him too hard, this guy himself was more inclined to defend the status quo, and the external threat was not great.

  After all, why gamble when you can make a fortune quietly?

  This can be seen from the fact that they forced Griffin, who was at the end of his rope, to death and betrayed the entire Eastward Expansion Faction.

  Now that the landlords of the Eastern Legion have tasted the sweetness of trade with the Eastern World, it is even less likely that they will take the initiative to break the balance between the two sides. Otherwise,

  where would they spend all the silver coins they earned?

  As for the dramatic changes in Triumph City, it might be exactly what the legion commander named Saren wanted.

  Of course, it is necessary to shed a few tears for the deceased legion, otherwise how can his loyalty be demonstrated?

  Chu Guang suddenly looked forward to the performance of this monarch.

  I hope the “chief” of the Great Rift Valley did not miss his invitation…

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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