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Chapter 929 Falling apart!

Chapter 929 Falling apart!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 929 Falling apart!

  In the spacious and empty hall of the towering cement fortress, the cold stone steps are covered with red carpets.

  This is the Norton Castle in the center of Norton City, where all the captains hold meetings and hold ceremonial priest activities.

  In the classical national language of the Norton Province, “Norton” means conquest.

  After the Eastern Legion occupied this place, it built this military fortress named Norton in memory of Marshal Julius.

  In the following century, this fortress located on the plain gradually developed into a large settlement with a population of over one million.

  Not only is there the most historic military and engineering and technical colleges in the entire legion, but it is also the capital of the Eastern Legion and the most traditional place in the entire legion.

  Of course, it is a bit far-fetched to say this now.

  At this moment, a group of Willant people wearing golden armor and scarlet cloaks are holding candles, facing the ten-meter-high full-length statue of Marshal Julius, with solemn and solemn expressions in their hearts, telling of their admiration for him.

  The golden color and scarlet cloak seemed inappropriate for funerals, but it was the unique way of mourning for the Weilantes, and it was the highest standard of etiquette.

  All because their marshal once said:

  ”There is no need to be afraid or sad about death, because it is the final destination of all life.”

  ”If one day I fall asleep, you should wear golden armor and scarlet cloaks, hold up torches to bid farewell to me, and scatter flowers to me, just like cheering my triumph.”

  Perhaps Julius just said this casually when he was in a good mood, but for a long time afterwards, the Weilantes held funerals in this way.

  It was not until several fires broke out in Triumph City that the local survivors replaced the torches and flowers in their hands with hot but gentle candles.

  As for the tradition of wearing golden armor and scarlet cloaks, it was retained, and there were even considerable requirements based on the weight of the golden armor and the purity of the gold.

  Generally speaking, the value of the sacrificial vessels used by people is proportional to the glory of the buried person during his lifetime.

  That is why almost everyone standing here to mourn Marshal Julius was carrying 200 kilograms of armor.

  Without the use of exoskeletons, only the Weyland people with strong martial virtues could bear such a heavy load.

  Standing in front of everyone, Saren, wearing golden armor, looked solemn and solemn, and gently placed the pure gold candlestick in his hand on the stone steps in front of the statue.

  Up to this moment, the ceremony has been halfway through.

  Next, the captains came forward one after another, placed the candlesticks in front of the statue, and “guarded” for Lord Julius until all the candles were extinguished.

  Saren quietly stepped aside and gently moved his shoulders that were a little sore from the pressure of gold.

  At this moment, a confidant walked to his side and said in a low voice.

  ”…There is no movement on the border of the alliance, it is still the same as before, but the performance of Bicester Town is a little nervous, including the troops of the Honey Badger Kingdom have also gathered together.”

  Saren tilted his head slightly and said in a very light voice.

  ”Don’t bother with them, just keep an eye on the Alliance’s actions.”

  Whether it’s Bicester Town or the Honey Badger Kingdom, they are nothing more than ants to the Eastern Legion.

  It seems that the Alliance guessed what he meant, and they really have no intention of taking advantage of the fire.

  As long as all the troops are transferred to the east, the transformation of Triumph City will not be affected by interference.

  And by then, they can be independent and even maintain a good relationship with their old employer Triumph City.

  After all, that is the starting point of the Weilant people’s expedition, and he doesn’t want to make the relationship with his fellows in his hometown too stiff.

  No civil war.

  This is the best outcome for all parties. After all, there are still many Weilant people who regard Triumph City as their spiritual homeland, even many of his ten thousand captains are the same.

  Although it is not appropriate to smile at a funeral, he couldn’t help but curl up a smile at the corner of his mouth.

  Sure enough, it is always pleasant to play chess with smart people. The

  confidant standing aside lowered his voice and continued.

  ”There is one more thing… The Southern Legion has sent an envoy.”

  Saren said casually.

  ”Leave him alone for a while.”

  The confidant hesitated for a moment and continued in a low voice.

  ”But… the envoy who came is the envoy of the Tyr Legion Commander. He brought an instant communication device and claimed that he represented Tyr himself.”

  Hearing this, Saren sighed impatiently.

  ”Tell him to wait for me in the side hall.”

  The confidant said respectfully.



  In the hall on one side of the castle, a dusty envoy was standing not far from the door.

  Seeing the legion commander Saren coming in from outside, he hurriedly bowed.

  However, Saren, who walked up to him with big strides, didn’t even look at him. He directly snatched the silver tray in his hand, pressed the button and threw it on the cabinet beside him.

  A light blue light appeared in the room, and soon a strong and powerful figure appeared not far from him.

  It was the holographic image of Tyr.

  Looking at Saren wearing golden armor, Tyr was obviously stunned.

  ”What are you doing?”

  Saren opened his arms and said as a matter of course.

  ”As you can see, I’m mourning Marshal Julius with my brothers in Triumph City. I want to ask you, what are you doing?”

  Seeing his calm appearance, Tyr couldn’t help but feel angry.

  This guy is still in the mood to hold a funeral!

  Now not only the Alliance and the Enterprise, but even the Free State, the follower of the Great Rift Valley, has declared a state of war with the Southern Legion.

  Originally, seeing that the Eastern Legion finally stood up and dispatched the combat troops to Falcon City in the east of the Great Desert, he thought that things had finally taken a turn for the better. As a result, he waited for a long time and didn’t see any further actions from these guys.

  Those troops were like decorations, which made the Southern Legion happy for nothing.

  However, thinking that he was in a position of asking for help after all, Tyr suppressed his anger and just questioned in a tough way.

  ”Is it the time to do this now?”

  Saren looked at him with a smile, and his interested eyes were like looking at a funny clown.

  In the past, he would have to pretend to maintain the decency between the two parties.

  But now, the two sides are no longer on the same level.

  He was about to open his mouth to ridicule this guy, but he didn’t expect that the Tyr Legion Commander spoke before him.

  ”Listen… our legion is facing an unprecedented threat. Triumph City has fallen into the hands of aliens, and our brothers are deeply trapped in the quagmire of war. If we still harbor grudges at this time, no one can save us-”

  ”It’s just that there is an alien archon. Look how scared you are. Is this a big deal?”

  Saren interrupted him with a sneer and continued slowly.

  ”As for the quagmire, did I push you into it?”

  Tyr’s eyes widened.


  ”Enough, Tyr, I know what you are thinking, but I won’t be fooled by you.”

  Saren’s face was disappointed and he had lost interest in him.

  ”Let’s not talk about our friends in the New World. I’ll ask you this. Even if I take a step back and take down Triumph City and restore your so-called orthodoxy, will you recognize me as the marshal of the Legion?” Tyr was speechless

  for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, Saren raised his hand to stop him.

  ”No need to answer me. You know the answer very well. It’s not just you. The same is true for our friends in the New World and the friends in the north… There is only one marshal, and that is Julius. Now he is dead, and there will be no more.”

  After a pause, he added in a cold and emotionless tone.

  ”The Legion is history.”

  Pull him into the water?

  Don’t even think about it!

  At the same time as he said this, he walked to the side of the cabinet and turned off the silver-white disc. The

  light blue holographic beam quickly shrank into a line, and then disappeared from the empty room.

  Throwing the thing back into the hands of the messenger, and seeing that the latter did not move for a long time, Saren scolded impatiently.

  ”What are you still waiting for here? Are you waiting for me to treat you to a meal? Go back to where you came from.”


  The messenger lowered his head unwillingly, but eventually turned and left.

  Watching the messenger’s back, Saren couldn’t help but curl up a hint of mockery, but soon frowned again.

  Something was wrong.

  This guy didn’t look like the Tyr he knew…

  At least in his impression, Tyr was not the kind of guy who would bow his head and beg for help.

  Not to mention

  bowing his head and begging for help. The taciturn guy actually had the patience to reason with him, which sounded like the sun rising from the west.

  But Saren didn’t take it too seriously. After all, people always change. Maybe the guy was really forced into a corner?

  Gently moving his sore shoulders, he strode back to the main hall of the castle.

  The captains who came forward one after another had completed the ceremony.

  Under the giant statue over ten meters high, bright candles were swaying.

  The funeral had entered the second half.

  When the candle went out, they had completely bid farewell to Lord Julius’s heroic spirit.

  In the end, Saren did not squeeze out a few hypocritical tears as Chu Guang had guessed.

  However, he still put away the smile on his face and walked under the statue with a swaying candle with a compassionate expression.

  This is the last moment.

  ”Lord Julius, thank you for giving your people endless bread, milk and land. We will remember your teachings and continue to move forward with the loyalty and courage you taught us…”

  ”As the first emperor and prime minister of the Eastern Empire, I will shoulder the mission entrusted to me by history.”

  ”May your heroic spirit rest in peace in the Glory Courtyard forever-”

  ”Your children will remember you forever.”


  It was not only the Eastern Legion that declared independence-or the newly established Eastern Empire.

  At the same time when Triumph City announced that the funeral of Marshal Julius would be held three days later, the Northern Legion and the Western Legion also declared independence one after another.

  The former established the Northern Empire and supported Corps Commander Water as the emperor, while the latter established the New World Federation, with the Citizens’ Assembly and the Tribune unanimously appointing Corps Commander Pompey as Prime Minister and “First Citizen”.

  So far, the Corps has been in name only, and more than 30 million square kilometers of land have been split into several pieces. Among the loyal captains, there are not even a few people who miss it. After

  all, they have always been loyal to Marshal Julius alone.

  Even Marshal Julius was relieved in his last words, so they naturally have no reason to continue to insist.

  What’s more, after so many things have happened, they have long been fed up with this awkwardness of being in harmony

  but not in harmony. Although Triumph City has not made any further moves, judging from the initial intentions reached by the consuls and various factions, it seems that it is only a matter of time before the “Villant Alliance” is officially established.

  In the end, it seems that the only one who has not taken any action is the Southern Corps.

  In addition to condemning the “Traitors of Triumph City”, the Southern Corps authorities have not taken any action.

  Obviously, they who were so focused on the gambling table of Borneo Province never expected that things would develop like this, and they didn’t expect that the other three legions would let go so resolutely and thoroughly.

  At this point, they are the only ones left on this speeding train…

  At the same time, on the west side of the vast blue Borneo Sea, a row of black landing ships are escorted by the South China Sea Alliance Fleet and sailing towards the west side of the Borneo Sea! The

  troops filled with landing ships are the 100th Mountain Division of the Enterprise.

  They have participated in the Torch War before and are one of the few combat elites of the Enterprise.

  Now the nuclear bombs launched by the Southern Legion have completely touched the reverse scale of Ideal City. Even the directors of the Endpoint Group sitting on the far left of the board of directors will no longer talk about peace.

  They will use the most thorough method to make those grinning beasts surrender!

  In the shaking cabin.

  Tang Feng, sitting in the chair, was adjusting his exoskeleton armor, trying to establish a connection with the three single-soldier drones in the backpack behind him, and testing the data port.

  After the battle with the Torch Church, the Council has further upgraded their equipment.

  Now they are not only armed to the teeth, but have become a complete war machine!

  It is no exaggeration to say that they used to need to raise their guns and aim, but now they can kill their opponents with just a thought!

  Of course, this is only theoretical, and you may encounter any situation on the battlefield.

  Sitting next to Tang Feng, a soldier chewing gum couldn’t help but grin.

  ”I didn’t expect that one day we would fight with friends who fought side by side in the past.”

  Tang Feng didn’t say anything, but the machine gunner in the team interrupted.

  ”There is still a little difference between the Southern Legion and the Eastern Legion, right?”

  Another young man sitting opposite the crowd said.

  ”Like the Alliance and the South China Sea Alliance?”

  The soldier next to him said with a smile.

  ”Haha… It seems that the difference is not that big.”

  Everyone chatted casually, dispelling the depressing atmosphere in the cabin.

  At this time, an officer stepped into the cabin and interrupted the topic of the group of young men.

  ”It is precisely because we once fought side by side, so when our friends fell into the swamp, we had to reach out and pull them out of the mud pit.”

  A soldier smiled and raised his hand.

  ”You’re right, sir, but I just want to ask, why can’t we let them get out on their own?”

  ”Because if we wait any longer, they will get us covered in mud. Next time you interrupt, remember to report it, otherwise I’ll make you swim over here.”

  The officer glared at the talkative guy, then looked at the guys in the cabin and continued to shout in a loud voice.

  ”Okay, guys, let’s stop chatting and talking nonsense. The Alliance’s Jungle Corps and the First Division of the Willant Expeditionary Force have disintegrated the defense of the port area of ​​​​Eternal Night Port and captured the landing dock for us!”

  ”They used the strength of one division to withstand the counterattack of five divisions for us. These guys are a group of tough guys, but now it’s time for the real tough guys to come on stage!”

  ”You have only one mission! After landing, immediately turn on your battlefield guidance system and cooperate with our self-propelled armor to advance along the offensive route! Advance! Advance again–!”

  ”Until those demons are sent back to hell!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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