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Chapter 93: Holy Weapon Embryo

Chapter 93: Holy Weapon Embryo


Author: Mei Ke

  Chapter 93: Holy Weapon Embryo

  Qiu Buhuan’s face flushed, and he quickly covered his lips to prevent himself from screaming.

  ”You, why did you stop suddenly?”

  Luo Xian’er, who was at the back, asked in confusion, which made her tremble all over.

  ”No, nothing, it’s just that there is a small fork in the road ahead, and I didn’t remember which way to go.”

  ”Okay, you look carefully.” Luo Xian’er responded and stopped talking. Qiu

  Buhuan blushed, and didn’t dare to move his waist at all. He just carefully rubbed the back of Yang Shifei’s hand with the tip of his shoe, signaling him to move his head away quickly.


  Yang Shifei took a step back, with a very subtle expression on his face.

  The collision just now finally made him feel the softness and plumpness of this sister in person, just like a big peach that was about to ripen and juicy.

  At the same time, it was very elastic, which made his head numb and shake. He didn’t know how the skirt could support it and be so tight.

  ”I, I’ve found the way.”

  Qiu Buhuan suppressed her voice and whispered, “Remember to follow closely.”

  She began to crawl forward again, her waist swaying and twisting, crawling seductively and sexy.

  Yang Shifei didn’t dare to lower his head this time, he could only continue to look up, but looking at the fruit swaying in front of him, his breathing was slightly hot. Qiu Buhuan’s face

  was even redder, biting his lower lip tightly, but he just silently endured the heat and cried out, and unknowingly his waist and legs were half numb.

  Thinking that her life was saved by this cheap brother, it would not be a big deal if she could take advantage of him a little.

  So she was not annoyed by the constant heat along the way, just a little bit angry.

  Obviously, you can turn sideways and blow to other places, why do you always blow to that place?

  The three of them didn’t know how long they had been walking forward, and the passage became narrower and narrower, and they couldn’t even turn back.

  Until a ray of light came from the front, Qiu Buhuan suddenly showed a happy face: “The exit is almost here!”

  She secretly used her internal force in her palm, suddenly slapped forward, and the palm wind whistled out, blowing away all the gravel, dust and brick walls.

  After a while, Qiu Buhuan was the first to stick half of his body out of the secret passage and looked around.

  After confirming that there was no danger around, he climbed out of the cave and turned around to pull the two out.


  Yang Shifei took off his scarf and wiped the sweat from his forehead: “This is really the longest distance I have climbed in my life.”

  But facing Qiu Buhuan’s angry eyes, he could only smile awkwardly: “The girl has a good figure.”

  ”I hope you don’t mind my fatness.”

  ”Children think thinness is good, adults like big ones.”

  Buhuan brushed the hem of her skirt behind her, and her charming face was rosy. This little bad guy, what weird things are he saying.

  ”Now is not the time to gossip.” Luo Xian’er stood up with her skirt, and said softly: “There are still serious things to do.”

  Yang Shifei quickly became serious and paid attention to his surroundings again.

  Although he had seen it just now, he was a little surprised to see it again now.

  At that time, he was in the VIP bedroom, looking at the hundred-foot-deep pit through the glass wall, and he was shocked. Now that he was here, he could feel the hot temperature around him, just like the hot summer.

  And the rock and soil under his feet were rising with wisps of hot air and green smoke, as if boiling magma was surging in the deeper part, ready to erupt.

  ”It seems that there is no one here.”

  ”At that time, all the elders and disciples gathered in the front hall, so there is naturally no one here.”

  Qiu Buhuan calmed down a little and pointed to the giant tripod in the distance: “Below is the triple secret cave, which is the smelting room for forging holy weapons for our sect.”

  The three of them walked quickly and rushed to the bottom of the giant tripod.

  A staircase extended to the deeper underground. When they stepped into it, the red fire illuminated the surroundings, and the hot air that stung the skin rushed over instantly.

  Yang Shifei raised his arm to block it, and felt a little dry lips and tongue for a while.

  Qiu Buhuan whispered: “If you feel uncomfortable, you can stay here temporarily, and I will go in alone to forge it-”


  There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, Qiu Buhuan’s face changed slightly, and he stretched out his hand to forcefully knock away the attacking spear, which pierced into the wall next to him with a bang.

  Looking forward again, a figure stood in front of the door.

  ”Saint Envoy Yu?!”

  Looking at the tall and strong man in a black robe, Qiu Buhuan’s eyes were stern: “Why did you attack me?”

  ”This is not a place you can enter.”

  There was only indifference on the tough face of Saint Envoy Yu, and his eyes were dark: “You still haven’t become our ‘kind’, it’s time to die.” Qiu

  Buhuan’s face gradually darkened: “What do you mean by this?”

  ”The last step of the Holy Soldier will be created by me, and the Thousand Blade Weapon Pond will become the number one sect in the world!”

  Yu Shengshi gradually cracked a strange smile, and there was a creature wriggling and twisting under his skin.

  Yang Shifei was shocked: “This person, is he also possessed by the devil?”


  The surrounding caves suddenly shook.

  Yang Shifei glanced at it from the corner of his eye, and soon his pupils shrank

  slightly. The walls were covered with blood and flesh, trembling like a heartbeat. With Yu Shengshi’s order, weapons were spit out one by one, all aimed at the three people.

  ”My Xuling lineage will unify the three lines and inherit the position of the master to lead everyone to the peak!”

  Yu Shengshi’s voice became more and more dull, his body squirmed and swelled, his sleeves suddenly split, and sharp blades like bone spurs kept bursting out from his arms.

  In the blink of an eye, he turned into a demon monster that was neither human nor ghost, and roared with a distorted face!

  Qiu Buhuan’s face was solemn, and he secretly clenched his fists.

  The next moment, the surrounding attacks suddenly started!

  Dense weapons shot out from all directions, and Yu Shengshi, who had turned into a monster, also roared and attacked!

  Luo Xian’er’s beautiful eyes flashed with cold light, and she immediately drew her sword and danced, waving the cold sword light, and deflected and cut off the weapons shot from all directions one by one.

  Qiu Buhuan suddenly attacked, and grabbed the white bone double knives with both hands, and the steps under his feet exploded and sank.

  The next moment, the two sides violently clashed with fists and knives, and the clanging sound was like smelting iron and forging steel. In an instant, they fought for more than a hundred moves!

  After Qiu Buhuan roared and broke the oncoming bone knife, Yang Shifei jumped out from behind him, twisted his body and waist, and angrily punched Yu Shengshi in the face –


  Condensing the essence of the martial arts of the Six Li Ming Fist, an unreserved full-strength attack suddenly burst in his head!

  Yu Shengshi raised his head and howled, staggering back.

  Qiu Buhuan took a step forward, blood streaks bulging on his arms, and his fists seemed to be wrapped in strong winds as he concentrated his mind and breathed.

  Yin Fire’s ultimate move, cleansing blood!

  His fists were like afterimages, shaking into the opponent’s chest and abdomen, like thunder and howling wind. Yu Shengshi immediately flew backwards with blood spurting out, smashing into the black wall more than ten feet away, and his bones, flesh and blood cracked and shattered.

  ”Xu, Xu Ling. Our sect is the best in the world.”

  Seeing that Yu Shengshi was still struggling to stand up, Qiu Buhuan stepped on the ground and a long spear was raised, and he pierced his head directly with his backhand.

  Without hesitation, he was killed with one blow.


  When his breath was completely gone, she sighed softly.

  Yang Shifei and Luo Xian’er came from behind, looked at the dead body, and whispered: “Don’t take seriously what you think after you are possessed by a demon.”

  ”I understand, but I didn’t expect that after being possessed by a demon, you would really become no different from a demon.”

  Qiu Buhuan calmed down and looked around: “These flesh and blood that can spit out weapons, and…”

  ”It doesn’t seem to be his.” Luo Xian’er clenched the long sword: “There may be other possessed people who have been here and left these.”

  ”Go and see how the holy weapons are doing!”

  Seeing Yang Shifei suddenly run deep into the cave, Qiu Buhuan and Luo Xian’er were startled and hurried to follow.

  After passing through an open stone door, the three of them held their breath when they saw the scene inside.

  Dense flesh and blood were spread all over the walls like fungus carpets. Next to the felt table where the holy weapon embryo was placed, a flesh and blood palm was rising from below, trying to touch it –

  Luo Xian’er and Qiu Buhuan immediately attacked, and the fist wind and sword light swept the entire smelting room, and the strange flesh and blood entrenched around was torn and crushed in an instant.

  Yang Shifei wanted to rush forward to protect the holy weapon, but he was stunned when he saw the danger was resolved in an instant.

  The speed of the attack was really fast.

  He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but found that the green light of the holy weapon embryo in front of him was gradually brighter –


  A burst of strange light suddenly burst out, illuminating the entire smelting cave.

  In an instant, the strange flesh and blood remaining on the ground were all turned into ashes, without even a trace of residue left.

  Yang Shifei caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye, and hurriedly turned back to look behind him.

  Seeing that Luo Xian’er and Qiu Buhuan, who had just arrived, were unharmed, he felt a little relieved and looked at the holy weapon embryo in front of him again.

  And this thing seemed to have sensed something and flickered slightly.

   First update


  (end of this chapter)


Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Who Said My Wife Is A Demon!

Score 4.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese

In a turbulent world, martial arts reign supreme. Yang Shifei, armed with a marriage contract, comes to the door to marry into the family.

His wife is as beautiful as a celestial being, their home is filled with wealth and treasures, and she is as calm and gentle as water, always considerate.

The maid is as stunning as a peach blossom, yet as cold as ice, possessing extraordinary skills, able to fight and endure.

But this seemingly perfect family, praised by everyone in the martial arts world, is plagued by rumors.

“Who says my wife is a demon? Stand up and face me!” Yang Shifei shouted, pointing his sword in all directions, his face full of indignation.

Meanwhile, the martial arts heroes below can only tremble, on the verge of tears. With his wife’s claws hovering over their heads, who would dare to speak out?


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