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Chapter 93 No one is better at rummaging through boxes and cabinets than the players (Subscribe)

Chapter 93 No one is better at rummaging through boxes and cabinets than the players (Subscribe)


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 93 No one is better at rummaging than the players (please subscribe)


  ”Kill them!”

  The players raised their weapons excitedly and responded to the call of the administrator with great momentum.

  Very satisfied with their attitude, Chu Guang nodded and waved forward.

  A group of people passed through the north gate of the park, followed the wreckage of the elevated road out of the city all the way north, and directly killed the predators’ lair four kilometers away.

  This is an abandoned tire factory.

  Outside the wall are simple fortifications, and the walls are smeared with strange patterns and symbols with filth.

  [Mole on the Run in the Canyon] lowered his voice and whispered to [Midnight Killing Chicken] next to him.

  ”These graffiti remind me of the wild men in the forest.”

  ”Wild men in the forest?”

  ”A game, PC version.”

  ”I know…but these people don’t live in the forest, we live in the forest, right?”


  Although the main force of the enemy has been completely destroyed, Chu Guang still did not let his guard down and was still carefully guarding the surroundings and possible traps.

  But what’s interesting is that when Chu Guang and his team arrived, they found that the door to the predator’s nest was actually open.

  At the same time, just as he confirmed that the Blood Hand Clan camp had fallen, a light blue pop-up window appeared in front of him.

  [Mission completed.]

  [Access to Shelter B2 has been authorized and can be unlocked in 24 hours.]

  [Countdown: 23h59m59s]

  Tsk, I have to wait another 24 hours.

  Forget it.

  Chu Guang wasn’t in a hurry anyway. He still had a lot of things to deal with before exploring the B2 floor.

  Including the captives.

  And other spoils of war.

  At the same time, Hai En, who was standing at the gate and waiting anxiously, saw Chu Guang and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  If the person who came was not him, or if he didn’t come on foot, he might not be able to save his life.

  ”I still think that getting involved in the disputes among the locals is not a good choice.” Holding a square assault rifle, the muscular female mercenary looked at her employer and reminded him, “We have no control over the region, and they can decide our fate with just one thought.”

  ”I agree with Renna’s point of view,” another strong mercenary looked at the group of people outside and frowned, “If they choose to take all, what are you going to do?”

  His name is Wen, and his strength is the strongest among the three.

  Regarding the opinions of his subordinates, Hein said without caring.

  ”This is a problem, but it’s not a big problem. We even do business with the predators, let alone them? Believe me, it’s not a bad thing to change a relatively law-abiding trading partner.”

  ”Really?” The female mercenary whistled and said teasingly, “I don’t think they are much more civilized than the predators.” “Okay

  , shut up, stand here and wait for me!”

  Throwing away his two bodyguards, Hein quickly rolled down the stairs and greeted them out of the door with an excited look on his face, as if they had known each other for many years.

  ”My dear friend, you don’t know how excited I am when I see you appear here safely!”

  ”Me too,” Chu Guang smiled faintly, glanced at the village gate next to him, and said with a little surprise, “You took down this stronghold by yourself?”

  Hai En laughed.

  ”Of course not by myself. Unless you are a poor man with a lot of money or a gambler, no one would go so far to do business alone. Well, let’s not talk at the door, come in first!”

  ”I will introduce you to my two bodyguards and assistants later. This time, thanks to them, our plan would not be so smooth!”

  Hai En politely invited Chu Guang and his party in, and described his resourcefulness along the way, how he deceived the leader of the Blood Hand Clan, and how he took advantage of their inattention and cooperated with his bodyguards ambushed outside to take down this stronghold.

  To be honest, Chu Guang was not interested in his “heroic deeds”. No matter how exaggerated he said, the scene could not be more exciting than what he experienced in person.

  However, since the fortress had been breached from the inside, it saved him a lot of time.

  Chu Guang had originally planned to have the players act as human bombs and risk their lives to rush through the door with ten kilograms of black powder, but now it seems that this extra expense can be saved.

  The next step is looting.

  No one is more proficient in this than his players.

  After receiving the order, the players’ eyes seemed to glow green, and they rushed into the looters’ base in a swarm.

  Not to mention the cabinets in the room, even a loose floor tile would not be spared!

  ”What’s in this jar?”

  ”Yue, it stinks.”

  ”It’s probably Oli Gei.”

  ”Fuck, there’s a human head in this drawer… That’s too perverted.”

  ”I found a white plastic sheet under the floor!”

  ”What’s the use of this thing? Casino chips? Collectibles?”

  ”This? Fuck, it’s a good thing! According to the guide on the forum, you can take it to the warehouse to exchange for money. One chip can be exchanged for 5 copper coins!”

  Looking at these blue jackets who looked more like bandits than looters, Lunna smacked her tongue, and Wen next to her also had a strange expression on his face. The

  blue jackets he had seen were all more reserved, even pedantic, and it was rare to see someone like this without any airs.

  ”What language do they speak?”

  ”I don’t know, I haven’t heard of it, but they are not from this area anyway.”

  ”Are they really from the shelter?”

  ”I don’t know, does anyone care?”

  ”You are so boring.”

  ”I just don’t have as many questions as you do.”

  The two mercenaries talked in a low voice. The most vicious force in this area has been destroyed, and no one will disturb them in the second half of the night.

  Hai En and Chu Guang, who were standing nearby, were also having a friendly conversation, discussing how to divide the profits from this big deal.

  ”Seven of us died…actually eight, and one unlucky kid had his arm chopped off by the leader of the plunderers, and he lost too much blood to be saved.”

  ”Hiss…this, this is really too tragic.”

  Hai En clicked his tongue, expressing shock and regret with a dumbfounded expression.

  He didn’t know how many people there were in the outpost, but he estimated that there were less than 100. Eight people died in this battle, which was equivalent to a 10% reduction in the total population. The price was indeed high.

  ”… Don’t be too sad. People die every day in the wasteland. War losses are inevitable. Last year, I had 4 bodyguards, but this year there are only 2 left.”

  Hein sighed and said in a comforting tone, “At least their sacrifice has brought peace. The survivors, including all the survivors in this area, will thank them.”

  ”They will compensate us later, but this is not what we are discussing now,” Chu Guang looked at Hein and continued, “You probably misunderstood what I meant. I didn’t seek your comfort, but to inform you that we want to take the majority.”

  Hein looked stunned.

  He didn’t understand for a moment, and his voice was stuttering.

  ”Ah, okay… I mean, no problem. Well, this is what you deserve, my noble sir.”

  Chu Guang nodded.

  ”Very good, then we can talk about how to divide it specifically.”

  The two mercenaries looked at each other in silence, not daring to speak, only daring to communicate with their eyes.

  ’This is the first time I’ve seen such a cruel blue jacket.’

  ’I bet the boss has seen it for the first time too.’

  ’He’s a tyrant.’

  ’He’s cruel enough, just my style.’


  There are a total of 29 captives from the predators in the wetland park, 10 of whom are seriously injured. I don’t know if they can survive tonight.

  There are about 30 people in the predator’s dungeon, including the two predator’s young soldiers who have just been imprisoned, a total of 32 people. However, half of them are seriously injured, and some are only half-breathed, looking miserable, and they may die at any time.

  According to the negotiation between Chu Guang and Hai En, all predators, whether they are lightly injured or seriously injured, can be packed for them, and in exchange, Hai En needs to provide him with a batch of goods of equal value.

  There are a total of 31 predator captives.

  Without a unified currency, it was difficult to estimate the price. Chu Guang simply used the specialty “coarse salt” of Honghe Town as an equivalent, and charged him 20 kilograms of coarse salt per person.

  When Chu Guang and Sun Shiqi used dried meat to exchange for salt, it was about three kilograms of meat for one kilogram of salt. According to this calculation, it was equivalent to one person’s head for 60 kilograms of “bacon”.

  He thought it was very reasonable.

  Although Hai En did not think of the dried meat, this transaction price was barely acceptable to him.

  A strong laborer only needed a little training and sold to the mine owners in Honghe Town. It would not be a problem to double or triple the price.

  The disabled captives were not a big deal. Honghe Town lacked food but not nutritional paste. If they were kept until the beginning of next spring, someone would be willing to take the spare parts of them.

  The only trouble now was that Hai En did not carry so many goods.

  In order to make the last deal before winter, he only brought some hard currency from Qingquan City – that is, those plastic sheets.

  It’s no problem to buy two or three strong laborers with that little bit of chips, but it’s a bit of a pipe dream to eat more than 30 at a time.

  Hein tried to make a final effort and said to Chu Guang.

  ”We didn’t bring that much! I can guarantee with my reputation that I will bring what I promised next spring!”

  Chu Guang sneered.

  ”Don’t talk nonsense, if you have such a thing as reputation, we won’t stand here to talk about business. Anyway, Honghe Town is only two days away from here, you can go back and get it now.”

  Hein exclaimed.

  ”You are crazy, it’s winter now! It was snowing heavily outside a few hours ago! You want me to go back to Honghe Town and come back?”

  Chu Guang said indifferently.

  ”It’s just the beginning of winter. It was only the third snow before. The temperature on the surface didn’t even reach below zero. Is this considered heavy snow? You are not afraid of one person coming to me as a lobbyist, and you are still worried about this risk?”

  Take two or three people back, or take thirty people?

  There are not many opportunities to do such business.

  After weighing the pros and cons, Hein made a decision in less than a minute.

  In principle, no caravan is willing to do business at this time.

  But when the benefits outweigh the risks, principles are just principles.

  Chu Guang was very satisfied with his decision.

  After all, if he disagreed, the gallows of justice would be busy again.

  He couldn’t take out precious food to feed these plunderers. The benefits of doing so were far less than turning them into raw materials for summoning the fourth disaster.

  These people were naturally undisciplined, and it was common for them to be lazy at work. It would take a lot of time and manpower to tame them, and even if they were successfully tamed, they would be far less useful than the players.

  Why bother?

  He would be able to open the B2 floor soon.

  By then, there would be more closed beta qualifications to satisfy those long-awaited friends.


  After discussing the division of the spoils, Chu Guang ordered the players to go to the dungeon and vacate the space inside for the plunderers in the brick factory.

  When the door of the dungeon was opened, the fishy smell that hit them almost suffocated the two little players who followed them down. It took a long time to clear the wind before they set up torches and continued to move forward.

  The deep and dark stone walls were covered with sticky stains. Occasionally, cockroaches as big as fists could be seen crawling across the ground, and mice as big as shoes could be seen fighting each other for a rotten corpse.

  The men and women with chains on their hands and feet looked at the people who appeared at the entrance of the dungeon blankly, with no light in their eyes. There were only a few with intact limbs, and some people had bugs as thick as thumbs crawling on their bodies, but they didn’t care at all.

  [Elf King Fugui] couldn’t help but vomit on the spot.

  ”Next time I won’t do this job again.”

  [Canyon Escaping Mole] was okay, and even laughed and squeezed him.

  ”Didn’t you ask to come here?”

  ”…I thought there was an injured little Klee.”

  ”Tsk, how can we call the police here?”

  Looking at the two people walking forward, [Irena], who had walked to the door, stopped and had a subtle expression on her face, which looked very funny like she was standing in the corner in fear.

  ”I can help you stay behind. We are mainly worried about predators attacking from behind.”

  Fugui and Mole looked at each other, and laughed at the same time, looking at their good brother.

  ”Come on, brother, we are here now.”

  ”The mission reward is 5 silver coins, we have to get them out.”

  ”That’s right,” the agile Fugui grabbed Irena who was about to escape, and said with a grin, “There are no predators here, dear.”

  ”Let me go! Ah, ah, ah.”

  It took a long time to get all the captives in the dungeon to the surface, and the looting on the other side was also continuing.

  Those players who were looting loot almost turned the entire tire factory upside down.

  Not only those valuable things that can be seen at a glance, but even the pots, pans, tables, chairs and benches used by the predators to eat were collected.

  Speaking of this, there is a small episode.

  When the players were searching the room of the predator boss, they found a wooden torture device inside. Hanging on the torture device was a cold clone, with stains and scars on its fair skin.

  Chu Guang had some impression of her.

  He still remembered that it was at the door of Beth Street. When he saw Lister and Old Charlie talking about business, a gunman from the caravan led her down from the car.

  ”How could the clone bought by Old Leech appear in the camp of the Blood Hand Clan?”

  Chu Guang touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

  Four possibilities, ABCD, probably emerged in his mind, some serious, some not so serious.

  The four little players who followed him into the room whispered behind his back.

  ”Is this game really serious?”


  ”Then why is there a plot from a book?”

  ”What book plot? You only know the book! This is called background setting, do you understand setting? Hey, when I go offline, I have to go to the official website to brag about it. There are quite a lot of details in this game. I hope they won’t delete them when it’s publicly tested in the future.”

  ”Don’t think about the version number, just play on the international server.”

  ”But our manager is quite decent. In this wasteland where people’s hearts are colder than ice, it’s really rare to have such a just, fair, and kind NPC.”

  This sentence was unanimously recognized by the players.

  Without exaggeration or slander, many details can show that their manager is a leader with great charisma.

  Otherwise, why does the owner of the weapon shop always look at him secretly?

  Hearing the conversation of the players, Chu Guang laughed.


  If I were a normal wastelander, you would be the clones hanging on that torture device. Think about it, where are these “goods” produced from?

  Chu Guang pulled a piece of cloth and threw it on her, then looked at the players behind him.

  ”Take this poor person down and take him away.”

  ”The body will only feed cockroaches if left here, so why not let her contribute her residual heat to rekindling the fire of civilization.”

  ”Also, search this room carefully and report to me immediately if you find any clues.”

  ”Be careful of the traps.”

  The four players said excitedly.

  ”Yes! Sir!”


  Searching the NPC’s cabinets!

  They are the best at this job!

   Thanks to the leader “i初澈” for the reward~~~!


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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