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Chapter 930 Landing at Yongye Port!

Chapter 930 Landing at Yongye Port!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 930 Landing at Yongye Port!

  ”Brothers! For the Administrators! For the Alliance! Charge!!!”


  The vast sea was surging, and the sky above the blue waves was also filled with chirping shouts.

  With the roar of propellers and the roar of Brother Mosquito in the communication channel, planes swarmed towards Yongye Port like locusts.

  The entire attack formation consists of two parts.

  The first formation cruising above the clouds is mainly equipped with next-generation fighters with plasma engines.

  Among them, the L-10 “Thunder” is the main one, followed by the P-2 “Lightning”. The main task is to suppress the enemy’s airport and compete with today’s “Saber” jet fighters for air superiority.

  As for the second formation, it is mainly composed of the W-4 fighters of the Goblin Corps, performing ground support tasks!

  ”W-4″ is the latest propeller fighter designed by the Goblin Corps based on the battle situation in the Borneo Province.

  Its appearance is similar to La-11, equipped with two 20mm aircraft cannons, and the wings can be mounted with guided and unguided rockets and aerial bombs according to different combat missions.

  However, although the appearance of this aircraft is a classic retro style, its power components, weapon systems and airborne radars are redesigned by engineers from Goblin Technology, and the power source uses the latest metal hydrogen fuel cell produced by the Lister Group.

  In fact, with a series of high-tech improvements, the combat efficiency of this thing has risen to a higher level, but the cost performance is far inferior to the “flying stick” W-2.

  Not only that.

  Due to the faster speed and maneuverability, the requirements for pilots of W-4 ​​have also risen.

  It is precisely because of reasons such as these that this model will probably become the last propeller aircraft designed and mass-produced by Goblin Technology.

  After that, it will be the era of plasma engines!

  Perhaps in order to avoid any regrets, Mosquito gave the vertical take-off and landing “Thunder” and the faster “Lightning” fighter to other better pilots in the Goblin Corps, and he himself sat on the retro-styled old plane and led the new and old rookies of the Corps to launch the Goblin Corps’ signature charge.

  Seeing the fleet of planes swarming like locusts, the officers of the Southern Corps responsible for guarding Yongye Port were all dumbfounded.

  These guys suddenly jumped out of the calm sea like water spiders.

  Before that, they didn’t even see a slightly larger bird on their radar!

  Many people immediately thought of the Alliance’s submarine mother, which was said to be able to suddenly emerge from the deep sea with planes and had played a big role in the civil war in the southern waters.

  However, all military and logistical dispatches were completed in such a short time. This terrifying combat efficiency really made the experts present tremble with fear.

  Stanford, the commander of the city defense army who reacted first, made a quick decision and grabbed the communicator and shouted.

  ”All units enter combat status! The Second Air Squadron will take off immediately to engage the enemy!”


  Stanford finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the clean and clear answer from the communication channel. He raised his arm and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

  However, looking at the green dots approaching at high speed on the radar screen, his heart couldn’t help but beat wildly.

  So many planes…

  It seems that the Alliance has invested heavily in this strategic bombing!

  Although most of them are propellers, and only a few are more difficult plasma engines, it is still difficult for the air force and air defense forces of Yongye Port to shoot them all down.

  He now only hopes that the strategic facilities of Yongye Port can suffer less damage and not affect the logistics of the front line.

  At this moment, Stanford has not realized the seriousness of the matter, let alone that the South China Sea Alliance’s fleet and the Enterprise’s ocean-going landing ships are on the way. He even has no idea that his own fleet has been wiped out in the waters near Serik Island.

  The Southern Army Headquarters blocked all news that was unfavorable to the rule of Army Commander Tyr, so that departments at all levels were completely in the dark about the situation outside their own war zone. What they heard and saw was like two completely parallel worlds that did not intersect.

  If it was on the front line, this situation would be even more obvious.


  example, the version heard by the soldiers under the command of Captain Gibson who were fighting with the Snake State guerrillas might even be that Army Commander Tyr’s army had landed in French Fries Port and captured the drunken President

  of the South Sea Alliance in the bar. The Alliance manager wrote a letter begging for mercy but was rejected, and the leader of the Boro Kingdom,

  Abusek, had secretly fled. Information warfare is also part of the war. Similar situations are not only in the Southern Army, but also in the Eastern Expansion Faction of the Eastern Army during the Battle of Sunset.

  However, even the level of the captain …

  After all, if Stanford knew that his main fleet had been annihilated, and the company’s army had followed the South Sea Alliance’s navy to his doorstep and was ready to land at any time, it was hard to say whether he could still muster the courage to resist, or just turn his back and surrender…

  With the issuance of the battle order, planes quickly took off from the airport of Yongye Port.

  At the same time, jet planes that had been transferred to Xifan Port also took off one after another and rushed to the direction of Yongye Port.

  The roar of the machine gun sounded almost at the same time as the air defense alarm of Yongye Port, and tracers crossed in the air. Suddenly, it seemed that the clear sky was raining death!

  Although the warring parties deliberately avoided the streets with dense populations, stray bullets still fell on the streets from time to time.

  That was a 20mm aircraft cannon!

  Not to mention being rubbed, even the fragments splashed by the machine gun hitting the ground were enough to knock down a group of defenseless civilians.

  For the survivors of Tiandu, the country of Borneo, they were used to air raids and were no longer surprised, but for the residents of Yongye Port, this scene was the first time.

  The flames blooming in the sky and the falling black smoke were just like hell descending.

  People on the street screamed and ran, some ran to their homes, and some ran to the nearest air raid shelters.

  Not only the civilians were panicking, but also the officials of Evernight Harbor, who were confused by the sudden outbreak of war.

  Compared with the real situation on the front line, they knew less than those commanders who stayed in the military system.

  For example, Yahui.

  Until a few minutes ago, he was still worried about the personnel arrangements of the city hall and the pressure from the logistics department, but the air raid alarm sounded in the blink of an eye.

  At first he thought it was some kind of drill, until the black dots from far to near were reflected on the window of his office, and he came back to his senses as if awakened from a dream.

  ”Damn… Where did these guys come from?!”

  He screamed and left the window, his face full of panic and disbelief, so that even his voice was distorted.

  Just then, panicked footsteps rushed into the office.

  The secretary who appeared at the door was panting, his face was pale, and he was trembling with breath.

  ”Mr. Governor, it’s not safe here anymore… Let’s go to shelter quickly!”

  Administrative units like the Governor’s Office have always been the first choice for air strikes.

  If it was just a bombing, it would be fine.

  But this “lightning and thunder” posture, he always felt that it was not an air strike, but more like there was a backup.

  Hearing the secretary’s voice, Yahui finally calmed down a little and rushed to the door.

  The two hurriedly left the office and rushed to the underground bunker closest to the Governor’s Office.

  The war in the air has entered a white-hot stage. The planes that are biting each other are like cavalry chasing each other, and they are engaged in a close fight in the blue wilderness!

  At first, with the support of ground anti-aircraft firepower, the air force of Yongye Port has regained some advantages.

  However, as several tactical cruise missiles flying from afar broke through the blockade of the anti-missile system and smashed into the city, several anti-aircraft guns and missile racks were blown into waste. The ground anti-aircraft firepower that had been showing its strength was instantly subsided.

  The battle in the air has not yet been decided, but another battle has begun.

  Just when the city defense army was caught off guard by the sudden aircraft and was busy maintaining order and evacuating the crowd, round helmets suddenly floated up on the sparsely populated port dock.

  They were like ghosts lurking in the tide, as if a wave pushed them to the shore.

  In addition to the fully enclosed modified K-10 “Iron Wall” exoskeletons, dozens of four-meter-tall “King Crab” amphibious all-terrain infantry armors also came ashore with the Jungle Corps!

  The guards standing on the port looked at the huge monsters in horror, and felt that their hands and feet were as stiff as if they were filled with lead, and they couldn’t move at all.

  Shaking off the wet seaweed hanging on his arms, Midnight Killing Chicken strode to the nearest guard, smiled at him heartily, and then took off the trembling “small water pipe” in his hand and threw it aside.

  ”This thing is useless to me, go to shelter.”

  Looking at the gun barrel and chain saw welded on his arm, the guard was pale and couldn’t say a word, and the whole person seemed to be stupid.

  Midnight Killing Chicken ignored him and just waved to the players behind him.

  Facing this group of murderous regular troops, the guards in the port area had no ability to resist at all.

  Although some Weilantes bravely fired at them, the final result was obvious. They could not even scrape off a piece of paint on the “King Crab” armor, and were blown to pieces by the 20mm machine gun hanging on the crab’s claws. The

  surrendered guards were driven by the players to collect the bodies of those blind guys.

  Looking at the pieces of meat dragged out from the ruins, even the veterans who had been on the battlefield felt their stomachs twitching.

  And some of the young men who had never been on the battlefield vomited.

  Although most Weilantes are brave, not everyone is like that after all.

  Moreover, the truly brave people have already experienced the iron fist of the Southern Legion. The rest are either silent, forbearing, or completely ignorant. It is better

  to expect them not to cause trouble at the critical moment than to expect them to sacrifice their lives for the Tyr Legion Commander who suppressed them.

  After a fierce inner struggle, most of the guards in the port area gave up resistance. In

  less than a minute, a thousand steel muscle men armed to the teeth successfully landed at the port.

  Just like when the Burning Legion attacked the Golden Galleon Port, they first controlled the police station, then captured the nearest arsenal, beat back the militia that rushed there, and paralyzed the defense of the entire port area without any effort.

  As for how they knew where the arsenal was, it was actually very simple.

  Many good brothers in the Willant Expeditionary Force were once residents of Evernight Port.

  Not just residents.

  Among them were the customs system logistics system and veterans who had retired from the front line.

  They provided not only intelligence, but also chose to fight side by side with the players of the Jungle Corps!

  Shortly after the players of the Jungle Corps landed, they also boarded the port in landing crafts, and quickly filled the defense area that the Jungle Corps could not take care of with battalions as combat units.

  It was not until then that the commander of the city defense army, Captain Stanford, suddenly came to his senses. This was not a retaliatory air strike at all, but a landing operation under the cover of air power!

  But when he realized this, it was too late. The docks in the port area had completely fallen into the hands of the alliance.

  For the defenders of Yongye Port, this not only means that they have been cut off from the sea supply, but also means that the alliance’s army will land continuously!

  Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Stanford was completely panicked and immediately dispatched the 10,000th City Defense Army to the city area near the port, and ordered the front-line commander to retake the port at all costs.

  Although he had not heard any news about his main fleet and the Western Legion fleet until this moment, the ground forces of the alliance were in his face. Even if he was stupid, he realized that something big had happened.

  As orders were issued one after another, the soldiers of the City Defense Army quickly gathered in the direction of the port from all over the city.

  The expressions on those iron-blue faces were different, some were angry, and some were terrified.

  But no matter what expression they had, they were no longer facing unarmed compatriots this time.

  On the other side, the alliance troops landing at the port have formulated the next stage of the attack plan.

  Midnight Killing Chicken plans to leave some people at the port to guard the important docks and cover the landing of the friendly forces of the enterprise, while sending some people to attack the radio station in the northwest city area.

  According to the soldiers of the Weilant Expeditionary Force, the signal tower there can cover the entire Evernight Harbor.

  One of the officers named Kurua told him that as long as he took down the radio station, he would be able to gain the support of most of the survivors in the settlement and disintegrate the resistance of the remaining defenders.

  After discussing with several other players, Midnight Killer Chicken thought this method was worth a try, so he sent out the model worker in the regiment and gave him a company of brothers.

  With the strength of the Jungle Corps, the strength of this company is enough to be used as a reinforced battalion.

  In addition, the Weyland expeditionary force that landed with the Jungle Corps also separated a battalion-level combat unit to serve as a guide and provide fire support at a medium distance.

  The model worker who received the task was immediately refreshed and immediately called on his brothers to take action.

  Although he was considered a relatively cowardly person in the Corps, that was also compared with other brothers in the Corps who liked to rush forward for hand-to-hand combat.

  Unlike the Storm Corps, which was good at defense, the muscle guys of the Jungle Corps were all reckless men, and their fearlessness of death was second only to the Death Corps, which did not even care about experience points.

  Compared with shrinking in a tortoise shell to defend, of course, the exciting street fighting attack made his blood boil more!

  ”Brothers, follow me! Try to take down this settlement before the mosquitoes decide the winner!”

  Looking at the model worker who was shouting in the communication channel, a group of new members who had never seen the world shouted.

  ”Brother, the Enterprise hasn’t landed yet!”

  ”Aren’t we going to take the northwest city?”

  The model worker laughed.

  ”It doesn’t matter! It makes no difference! Just do it! By the way, remember not to hurt civilians!”

  ”Got it!” A high-spirited echo came from the communication channel. After the teams were assigned their respective tasks, they quickly rushed out of the bunker under the cover of friendly fire.

  Two “King Crab” amphibious armored vehicles were the first to reach the wide main road. With flexible mobility, they dodged the rockets that were rushing at them.

  Before the soldiers of the Southern Legion guarding the other end of the street could come to their senses, one of the “King Crabs” took a clean step forward and rushed directly into the safe distance of the anti-tank soldier carrying a rocket launcher, and then picked up the man with a pincer and flew him more than ten meters away.

  The soldiers hiding behind the bunker were all shocked by the monster that suddenly rushed in front of them. No one expected this guy to be so agile, let alone that he would suddenly attack them.

  The reconnaissance vehicle guarding the side retreated backwards frantically, and the 20mm heavy machine gun welded on the roof opened fire, trying to break the legs of the mechanical crab by concentrated fire.

  However, this move obviously did not escape the eyes of the experienced driver.

  The player operating the “King Crab” did not give him this opportunity at all. He caught up with the reconnaissance vehicle that was reversing crazily in a few steps, and threw out another pincer, directly overturning the reconnaissance vehicle weighing several tons.

  Faced with this overwhelming offensive, the city defense soldiers guarding behind the bunker were all stunned.

  Not to mention that they were not the front-line combat troops, even the front-line combat troops might not have seen such a battle.

  However, their fighting will and quality are much stronger than the city defense troops of the Xilan Empire, and the fighting power and fighting will of the Willant people are indeed stronger than most ordinary wastelanders, so they will not flee in disgrace because of a setback.

  A soldier of the Southern Legion took out the explosive packs and detonators from the ammunition box, dispelled the fear with a roar, and rushed desperately towards the “King Crab” armor that was killing people.

  With a deafening explosion, the hot shock wave blew him into a bloody rain, but also blew off the two crab legs of the “King Crab” armor. The

  ”King Crab” was hit and its front limbs slammed into the ground with a “crack”.

  The violent vibration made the player in the cockpit dizzy and dazed for two seconds before he came to his senses.

  Looking at the Southern Legion soldiers who were firing at him, he raised his crab claws to protect the power components while setting up the 20mm machine gun welded on the claws and firing.

  He destroyed half of the wall of the house on the roadside, and a soldier carrying a rocket launcher was crushed into minced meat as soon as he aimed at him!

  The close combat was really exciting. The player sitting in the cockpit only felt the adrenaline surge. Instead of being afraid of being surrounded, he was excited and shouted.

  However, no matter how excited he was, he was surrounded by a whole team of 100 people, and his claws were no match for hundreds of hands.

  Facing the bullets coming from all directions and the rockets that occasionally got caught in the middle, the red light on the operating panel flashed like a lantern.

  Only then did he finally feel a little panicked and shouted to the communication channel.

  ”Damn… I’m shot! Come and help me!”

  The voice of his teammates soon came from the communication channel.

  ”Fuck! Who told you to rush so far forward! Wait!”

  ”Hurry up, don’t talk nonsense–”

  Before he finished speaking, an anti-armor rocket hit the top of the cockpit. The

  hot metal jet instantly poured in, blowing away half of his body.

  Looking at the iron lump that no longer moved, the soldiers of the Southern Legion cheered for their survival.

  However, before they could count the casualties on their side, another “King Crab” of the same model, with the cooperation of more than a dozen exoskeletons, came to them.

  Looking at the murderous guys, almost everyone couldn’t help but tremble in their hearts.

  And there was no suspense in the following battle. The 100-man team guarding the entrance of the street was almost unilaterally crushed.

  However, it is worth mentioning that this group of lunatics was as bloodthirsty as the players, and no one surrendered until the end.

  Sensing the intention of the Alliance troops to attack the northwest urban area, the commander of the legion, Finan, grabbed the communicator in his hand and shouted loudly into the communicator.

  ”This is the 11th thousand-man team! The enemy is attacking the northwest urban area, and we are suppressed by the Alliance’s amphibious armor… The front line needs tank reinforcements!”

  After a short electric sound, a reply came quickly in the communication channel.

  ”… The headquarters received that the 27th Armored Team is supporting you! We will pass their communication to you now, and you must hold on!”

  Hearing that the armored troops were on their way to the front line, Finan’s heart finally settled down a little.

  The six-legged “iron crab” does look scary, but in fact it is just taking advantage of the complex terrain in the urban area.

  Even the armor-piercing shells carried by individual soldiers can penetrate this thing, and it should only take one shot to hit a real tank.

  He had no doubt about the penetration depth of the “Conqueror” No. 5 tank .

  Even if that thing was just a light tank, it was definitely not something that a so-called single-soldier armor could stop.

  However, just as he was thinking this, a sharp scream suddenly came from the sky.

  The sound was like a long air defense alarm and the scream of the god of death.


  He raised his head suddenly, and saw dozens of planes diving towards the city. The

  anti-aircraft machine guns on the ground opened fire hastily, but the tracers flying into the sky were like feathers blown by the wind, and they didn’t even scratch the shadow of the plane.

  Finan watched the dozens of planes dropping bombs, and then a deafening roar came from the block not far away.


  A turret that was blown away flew faintly in the sky, and at the same time, despair appeared on Finan’s face.

  After a moment of waiting, a half-dead gasp came from the communication channel.

  ”…This is the 27th team…We were attacked by air strikes, and the armored forces suffered heavy losses. We can’t help you.”

  How could the alliance bomb so accurately? !

  Could it be that their troops have infiltrated behind the defense line?

  The expression on Finan’s face has changed from despair to collapse.

  Of course, he couldn’t know that the people of the alliance had already infiltrated the city, and even before these troops landed, they had already fallen into an invisible war.

  And the people who started this war were those they had long ignored.

  Facing the fierce attack of the jungle corps, his men suffered increasing casualties without armored support, and the defense line finally showed signs of collapse…

  Although the battle on the ground was still tense, the battle in the sky had already been decided.

  As the South China Sea Alliance destroyers joined the battlefield, the few remaining planes of the Southern Corps fell down like dumplings.

  At this point, the commander of the city defense army, Stanford, finally recognized the reality.

  His men were not prepared for anti-landing operations at all, but the alliance’s attack was well prepared.

  Now the battle in the sky has been decided, and the South China Sea Alliance’s naval guns have also reached the edge of the port. If he continues to fight to the death in the port, soon all his 20,000 brothers will be shot on the shore.

  After a struggle, he finally ordered all units to retreat towards the northern city.

  There are the most densely populated military facilities in Yongye Port, and a large number of concrete fortifications have been built. Not only are there sufficient supplies, but they can also effectively resist the bombing of aerial bombs and naval guns.

  Of course, the most important thing is to regroup.

  Although there are only more than 20,000 city defense troops in Yongye Port, there are nearly 100,000 military personnel on

  duty. These people are not local residents of Yongye Port, most of them are from other colonies and the southern army.

  Although their organization is not here, if they are assembled, they can also become a considerable combat force.

  After receiving the order to retreat, the city defense soldiers who were fighting with the alliance on the front line finally breathed a sigh of relief and evacuated the battlefield in an orderly manner under the cover of supporting firepower.

  After two hours of fighting, the alliance has basically controlled most of the main urban areas near the coastline of Yongye Port, and compressed the resistance of the Legion in the northern urban area and the large slum called “Blackwater Alley” north of the Cartnord Prison.

  At the same time, on the other side, the landing ship of the enterprise finally approached the dock.

  After enduring the endless nonsense of the superior, a group of young men who were eager to try finally stepped on the solid land with both feet.

  However, when they landed, they were dumbfounded without exception.

  Let alone the “five-division counterattack”, they didn’t even see the shadow of a soldier of the Southern Legion.

  Looking at this group of dumbfounded young men, Midnight Killer, carrying a chainsaw, walked up to them and said with a hearty smile.

  ”You came quite in time, but it’s not a coincidence.”

  Tang Feng’s mouth twitched and he couldn’t help asking.

  ”Where are the five divisions of the Southern Army?”

  Midnight Killer patted his arm and laughed.

  ”I’ll definitely leave some for you next time.”

  I’ll definitely leave some for you next time!

  If you forget, just pretend he didn’t say anything.

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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