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Chapter 931 This NPC is too real!

Chapter 931 This NPC is too real!


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 931 This NPC is too real!

  Blackwater Lane, an inconspicuous house.

  Meta, sitting in front of a telegraph machine, was meticulously sending telegrams based on the paper in his hand, reporting the local situation to his superior in the Snake State area of ​​Borneo Province.

  [At 12 noon today, the Alliance Army has successfully landed at Yongye Port, and the local garrison has been driven to the northern city and Blackwater Lane. According to the date when the Alliance suffered a nuclear attack and announced the mobilization for war, it took only a week from logistics dispatch to personnel landing. This efficiency is really shocking and completely subverts our previous analysis of its war efficiency. ]

  [In addition to the Alliance’s mobilization, the South Sea Alliance’s performance in the war was completely at its disposal, and the Far East Enterprise also issued a war declaration at the same time after the Alliance declared war. The kingdoms of Luoxia Province also responded. Not only is its hard power shocking, but its soft power is also shocking! If it is not necessary, you must not conflict with it. Even if conflict is inevitable, you should be careful not to touch the bottom line! 】

  【In addition, referring to the series of measures implemented by the Alliance after entering the Boulder City, I judged that it might take similar actions against Yongye Port, winning people’s hearts by rectifying public order and eliminating gangs and evil. By then, Blackwater Alley will surely set off a bloody storm! 】

  【Therefore, I took the initiative to sink all 20 tons of “cargo” into the sea and destroyed them, and ordered the offline organizations at all levels to remain silent and lurk in wait for the opportunity. 】

  After sending the telegram, Meta breathed a sigh of relief, hid the radio in the secret compartment under the bed, and took out a palm-sized wooden box from the secret compartment.

  In this wooden box, there were some things that could prove his identity, as well as some personal items he brought from the Borneo Province, such as pamphlets of family meetings, such as photos of Mahatma Zaid, etc.

  Thinking of the good times in Snake State, Meta reluctantly took a last look at them, then knelt on the ground and kowtowed to them, and then resolutely took out a lighter and burned them.

  Light and shadow always go hand in hand. If someone stands in the sun, someone else has to bear the shadow.

  Keeping these things is a hidden danger. This is

  true for both himself and his family. However,

  he did not pay attention at this moment. This scene was completely seen by his subordinates standing at the door.

  Seeing that the boss actually burned the photo of the Mahatma, the young man held his breath.

  He came to deliver documents, but he did not expect to see such a rebellious scene.

  After a struggle, he finally did not say a word, but secretly took a photo, and then restrained his pounding heart and silently backed away from the door…


  He caught the boss’ handle!


  At the same time, in the city near the port, a team of jungle corps players wearing K-10 heavy exoskeletons were patrolling.

  When the team marched to the coast, a player suddenly stopped, left the team and squatted in front of the guardrail.

  Staring at the fish on the sea with their bellies turned upside down, he muttered “Strange” in confusion.

  The team leader walked up to him, looked at the back of the guy’s head and asked.

  ”What’s strange?”

  The player pointed at the fish on the sea and said in confusion.

  ”Look, there must be tens of thousands of them… I thought we didn’t fry the fish when we landed?”

  In order to avoid civilian casualties and to kill them in hand-to-hand combat, they didn’t even use the ship’s guns. The armored forces they encountered were basically dealt with by aircraft.

  The captain looked at the guy with a subtle expression.

  ”What’s so curious about this…”

  It’s just a few dead fish… Well, it seems that there are more than a few.

  He looked up at the undulating sea and frowned slightly.

  I saw that the sea fish with their bellies turned up were connected in the waves, and they looked all kinds of strange, with all kinds of shapes and colors.

  But he was not a fisherman after all, and he could not recognize many of them.

  ”…It’s quite strange.”

  Someone is electrofishing?

  But it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with them.

  ”Really? I suspect there might be some branch line here…”

  As he was speaking, the player squatting on the beach curiously reached out his hand and moved the nearest fish to see if the group of little guys with their belly turned upside down were still alive.

  However, what he didn’t expect was that as soon as his index finger touched the slippery fish scales, the fish with its belly turned upside down suddenly awoke as if it had just woken up, and it plopped its tail towards him.

  The player was startled and quickly got up to avoid the fish lips biting his nose, but he was still splashed with the fishy smell by the wet tail.

  ”Fuck! Can this fish fly?!”

  Looking at the fish lying on the ground and flapping its tail desperately to swim towards the street, the player’s face suddenly showed an expression of discovering a new world.

  This guy didn’t seem to know that he was a fish, and he actually wanted to learn to walk like a human and squeeze into the street.

  However, the captain standing aside yawned and completely lost interest in his team’s new discovery.

  ”If there’s a branch quest, I’ll take your surname–”

  Before he finished speaking, the thousands of fish floating on the sea suddenly woke up, and jumped out of the water in a uniform fluttering sound, and landed on the shore like rain .

  They jumped out of the sea that suffocated them, as if they had a sense of mission, or imagined themselves as some kind of creatures on the shore.

  In a moment, tens of thousands of fish fluttered on the coastline that was hundreds of meters wide.

  They breathed hard, but soon spit out the last bubble in their mouths.

  The strong fish died first, followed by the palm-sized clownfish, and then the small shrimps huddled in the crevices.

  Witnessing this incredible scene, not only the players patrolling on the shore were stunned, but even the remnants of the Southern Legion hiding in the alleys ready to shoot from behind were stunned.

  ”…What’s going on?”

  The captain of the team muttered to himself in a daze. He was about to report the situation here to Brother Ji, but he saw a group of Brahmans coming from nowhere and swarming up.

  Most of them were dock workers and laundry workers nearby, and some were fishermen hired by the Willant people’s fishing grounds.

  Some of them were carrying wooden barrels, some were carrying fishing nets, and even took out pots and pans.

  ”Quick! The fish is still alive!”

  ”Don’t grab my net! It’s mine!”

  ”Damn it, don’t block my way!”

  ”I like this one! Who dares to grab it!”

  In just a few breaths, the coast was crowded with happy Brahmans.

  The scene of picking and choosing and making noise was as lively as a festival.

  Although they were afraid of death at ordinary times, they would not hesitate to die when they could get something for free.

  Perhaps they remembered that they were allies of the alliance, or that these noble guys never used force against unarmed people, or that they thought of some other reasons, which made them forget that they were still fighting.

  There were so many fish, enough to eat for several days!

  ”Wait, don’t grab them first! Damn, don’t any of you think that this fish has a problem with its brain?” The captain shouted with a smile, but no one listened to him.

  Looking at the fish that were snatched away, the player who first triggered the branch opened his mouth wide and was speechless for a long time.

  My God…

  This NPC is too real!


  The little episode that happened on the coast did not affect the progress of the whole war.

  As of noon, the battles in various districts in Yongye Port were basically over.

  Under the order of Captain Stanford, nearly 20,000 city defense troops and more than 100,000 military personnel of the Southern Legion all withdrew to the northern urban area, preparing to regroup and compete with the Alliance for control of Evernight Harbor.

  However, after learning a series of news that Triumph City had “fallen” and that the enterprise had declared war on the Southern Legion, the morale of everyone, including Stanford himself, fell to the bottom.

  At the same time, all areas where the city defense troops withdrew, including the northwest urban area, fell into the control of the Alliance.

  Although there were still some stubborn elements hiding in the urban area, waiting for an opportunity to fire at the patrolling players, the sporadic gunshots did not form a climate and were quickly extinguished on the street.

  Originally, the players of the Jungle Corps such as Midnight Killing Chicken were ready to fight a security war, but the security war did not start at all.

  Most of the Willant people here remember what these city defense troops had done.

  Therefore, when these running dogs of the Southern Legion tried to gain support from other compatriots, the eyes that looked at them were only disappointed and mocking.

  If you had known that it would become such a mess today, what would you have done?

  As for the soldiers of the Weilant Expeditionary Force, the residents of Evernight Harbor almost welcomed them into the city with cheers.

  Especially in the northwestern urban area where they had fought and protested, people even placed flowers on both sides of the road to express their welcome to their compatriots returning home.

  Walking on the familiar street, an old Weilant soldier carrying an LD-47 rifle shouted at the window on the roadside.

  ”Haha, Blatz, you bastard is still here!”

  The old man in his fifties leaned against the window and smiled at the old soldier standing on the street.

  ”I’m not going anywhere. Someone has to remember what happened on this street. Why did you change to a soldier of the Alliance?”

  The old soldier had a proud expression on his face.

  ”I said, I will come back! It’s Tyr and his pigs who should go away, not me!”

  Looking at his bear appearance, the old man leaning against the window grinned and waved his index finger at him.

  ”Hahaha! Salute to you! By the way, where’s Fili? Is that guy doing well?”

  The old soldier curled his lips.

  ”He’s old, and he can only talk nonsense now. He said that if he hadn’t had arthritis, he would definitely come to play with us.”

  The old man said with a smile.

  ”It seems like something he would say, so this coward still goes back to his old job?”

  ”No, he doesn’t play with those gold bracelets anymore. He got involved with a guy from the New World and opened a bank… That guy is a good man. Thanks to him, we have a house to live in when we land.”

  Seeing that his old friend was struggling to chat with his head tilted up, the old man patted the curtains and shouted at him.

  ”Let’s not talk through the window. Let’s come up to my house and talk. I’ll open a bottle of good wine.”

  Hearing this, the old soldier of the Willant hurriedly shook his head.

  ”That won’t work. Our superiors won’t let us enter the houses of civilians.”

  Hearing this, the old man was dumbfounded.

  ”Even an invitation from an old friend won’t work?”

  ”Discipline is discipline, no reason will work, let’s talk again when we have time.”

  After saying this, the old soldier made a farewell gesture and then returned to the team.

  Not far away on the street, watching the harmonious and friendly scene, the battalion commander of the 100th Mountain Division of Enterprise took a sip of Rick Five of Goblin Technology, squinted his eyes and smiled.

  ”They picked a good time.”

  The adjutant standing next to him tilted his head.

  ”What good time?”

  ”Before the dawn when the night was about to end, they extended a helping hand to the Willant people who were fed up with the Wasteland Era. But the most important thing is that they let the Willant people complete the final liberation themselves…”

  The battalion commander grinned.

  Maybe the Wasteland Era is really coming to an end.

  If the departure of the Pioneer was just a sign of the dawn, then at this moment he had seen the dawn of light floating on the horizon…

  At this time, the sound of a radio was heard in the distance.

  It seems that the brothers of the Jungle Corps have successfully taken over the radio station and made it work.

  ”Survivors of Evernight Harbor, I am the commander of the Alliance Jungle Corps…”

  ”A week ago, your commander Tyr detonated a nuclear bomb at our doorstep, and that’s why we are standing here with our weapons.”

  ”But don’t be afraid, we have no grudge against the Weyland people, and we are not interested in your land. When we catch the culprit, we will withdraw from here immediately.”

  ”I believe it’s not just us, you must have had enough of that asshole who did all kinds of things. If you are willing to fight alongside us, we welcome you to stand with us. If you are not ready yet, we will not force you, just don’t do stupid things…”

  Unlike Brother Fang, Brother Ji is not good at saying so many nice things, and most of the other brothers in the corps are also reserved.

  But he still made it clear what he should say, after all, the brothers on the forum will also help them with advice.

  For example, the three rules with the local residents, the eight disciplines and three precautions, and how to report if any fool is found to have violated the rules, etc.

  In addition, he also called on people of insight from all walks of life in Evernight Harbor to stand up and shoulder the task of rebuilding order together.

  Not just the Willant people.

  This also includes the aliens living in Blackwater Alley.

  Just like in the Falcon Kingdom, they will select industry representatives from the industry, and then return the local government to the hands of the local people after order is restored.

  Although he spoke very bluntly, even without any euphemism, the meaning was very clear –

  that is, they did not come here in the name of conquest, but in the name of liberation.

  After hearing the loud and simple words, the anxious faces and frightened eyes finally turned into doubts.

  This is enough.

  Midnight Killer Chicken did not imagine that he could make the locals completely trust him with just a mouth cannon.

  Time will prove everything.

  Their promises are not just promises.

  At the same time when the broadcast was repeatedly played, a group of soldiers with live ammunition surrounded the hospital near the Governor’s Mansion.

  They were soldiers of the “Kant Battalion” of the First Division of the Weilant Expeditionary Force, and they took this name in memory of Kant.

  As for their battalion commander, it was Kuran who proposed the establishment of the Weilant Expeditionary Force – the Yongye Port Customs who had a lame leg and later resigned.

  It is worth mentioning that after learning that he planned to return to the battlefield, Alman generously donated a bionic prosthesis to him.

  Now not only is his leg no longer lame, but he can also easily jump more than three meters high…if that is necessary.

  At this moment, he was following the footsteps of a warm-hearted citizen of Evernight Harbor to the door of the hospital.

  The citizen was a Weilant, and he introduced it to him enthusiastically as he walked.

  ”It’s in front, sir. I guess it should be in the basement of the hospital. There is a door that has never been used. It should be the entrance to the underground bunker.”

  After taking a look at the empty hospital hall, Kuran looked at him sideways and asked.

  ”Are you sure?”

  ”I’m sure,” the man with a red nose said proudly, “I saw Yahui run in from outside, and next to him was Captain Willoughby… If you are a resident of Evernight Harbor, you must know who they are.”

  ”Respected Governor and Captain of the Garrison,” the young man standing next to Kuhlmann whistled and grinned, “I will not forget these bastards.”

  ”They are not worthy of being bastards, at most they are the running dogs of the bastards,” Kuran loaded the rifle in his hand and waved to the brothers behind him, “Catch them alive.”


  Listening to the leader’s order, a group of Willant soldiers showed ferocious smiles on their faces and strode through the door.

  Finally, they can settle accounts with these bastards!

  After suffering so much badness before, they are so happy at this moment.

  Not long after the soldiers entered, with a deafening explosion and several gunshots, the basement was immediately filled with pig-like pleas for mercy.

  ”I surrender! Don’t kill me!”

  Yahui, who was covered in dirt, was dragged out of the hospital by two soldiers holding his arms on the left and right.

  Behind him, the equally covered in dirt, Captain Willoughby, followed.

  Compared with Yahui, he looked much worse, with blood on his legs.

  Perhaps he wanted to show off in front of the Governor, and he even wanted to draw his gun to resist after taking the wrong medicine.

  However, his superior was obviously more sensible than him, and he shouted surrender as soon as the gunshots rang out.

  Looking at these two dead dogs, Kurauan had no sympathy in his heart, only disgust.

  Standing on the street filled with sunshine, Captain Willoughby raised his head and finally saw Kurauan’s face with his bruised eyes.

  He was stunned for many seconds, then frowned and squeezed out a half-dead sentence from his mouth.

  ”You… Have I seen you somewhere before?”

  Kuran lit a cigarette and said casually without much care.

  ”Maybe I saw you at the port.”

  Hearing this, Willoughby’s pupils shrank into a dot, staring at him intently, and squeezed out a sentence from his cracked lips.

  ”Why did you betray the marshal–”

  ”I have to return this sentence to you, why did you betray the marshal?” Kuran looked at him expressionlessly, as if he was looking at a stink bug.

  Being looked at by those eyes, Willoughby felt that all his strength was drained away, and he couldn’t use his usual official authority at all, and just argued with a red face.

  ”I… betrayed? When did I betray the marshal! Don’t spit blood!”

  Kuran: “When you pointed your gun at the Willant people, when you became a dog under the power.”

  Willoughby’s lips turned pale with anger, and he wanted to raise his hand to point at him, but he was held down by the soldier beside him and couldn’t move at all.

  ”Aren’t you the same? You’ve become a dog of the Alliance!”

  ”Whatever you say, you can say horses and donkeys are the same, it’s your freedom.”

  Too lazy to argue with this guy, Kuran threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out.

  ”Cartnord Prison should have some real prisoners, not just some poor aliens who can’t pay the fine.”

  ”The residents of Evernight Port remember everything you’ve done. After we discuss the future rules, we will naturally use the law to deal with you.”

  Not only Governor Yahui and Captain Willoughby were brought out of the underground bunker, but also a group of bureaucrats and staff in the Governor’s Office and the garrison.

  Kuran did not embarrass them, but just arranged them in different rooms and asked them to honestly write down their resumes, current positions, and colleagues they usually work with.

  This is not only a requirement from the Alliance, but also the latter’s experience in King Gallon Port.

  The order of Evernight Port still needs these people to maintain, and he will select the trustworthy part from them to help the local residents transition from the old regime to the new regime.

  As for the fact that he was given a battalion commander to do this, he thought that on the one hand it might be because he was a local, and on the other hand it was because the alliance expressed trust in him.

  However, Kuran didn’t care about trust or not, anyway, he would be discharged after this war was over.

  After arranging the work, he just felt relieved.

  His adjutant put his arm on his shoulder and said in a joking tone.

  ”Finally, the bastards Yahui and Willoughby were sent in. Do you feel the pleasure of revenge now?”

  Kuran smiled faintly.

  ”It’s too early to avenge the great revenge. It wasn’t those two bastards who killed Kant, but the person standing behind them with the dog chain.”

  This war has just begun.

  Yongye Port is only the first colony they liberated.

  And there are 20 colonies waiting for them to liberate, covering a total of 2.7 million square kilometers of land on the west coast of the Great Desert!

  Even the homeland of the Southern Legion… 17 settlements including the city of Avent.

  These accounts must be settled thoroughly with the Southern Legion.

  Saying goodbye to his comrades temporarily, Kuran went to the northwestern city alone.

  In order to welcome their arrival, and also to thank the Alliance for not launching a large-scale bombing of the port, the locals placed flowers on both sides of the street as a reward.

  Picking up a bunch of tulips symbolizing glory from the street, Kuran walked to the door of the radio station and gently placed it next to the open fence door.

  ”I’m back.”

  The Weilant people will never give up their heroes, even if they don’t know each other.

  Kuran, who left the bouquet, nodded slightly in salute, tightened the rifle on his back, and then turned and left, blending into the sunset behind him that continued to extend along the street…


  (I caught a cold two days ago, and I had gastroenteritis before the cold was healed. I feel like I’ve been running to the hospital all year, and I’m about to break. TT)

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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