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Chapter 932 Shocking the Four

Chapter 932 Shocking the Four

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 932 Shocking the Four

  ”Brother, this fish soup is so delicious.”

  Blackwater Lane.

  In a shack near the northern city, a skinny young man gathered around a mud-yellow pot, watching his brother scoop a spoonful of milky white fish soup into a bowl, drooling with greed.

  The slightly older man grinned at his younger brother and raised his eyebrows proudly.

  ”Delicious, right? I learned it from the guys from Silver Moon Bay.”

  As for who the guys from Silver Moon Bay learned it from, he didn’t know. It was said that it was the way of eating in the River Valley Province.

  The man’s name was Saiyi, and his younger brother’s name was Said. Both of them were from Snake State. Their home was in the west of Snake State, close to the Gray Wolf Army’s base.

  A few months ago, he heard from merchants who came to the village to trade goods that the Southern Legion was fighting fiercely with General Abusek in the north, and the front-line bullets and shells were in short supply. He could earn a lot of gold coins by working for the Willant people in Yongye Port, so he brought his brother here to make a living.

  He didn’t feel too guilty about working for the Willant people, but he was worried that his identity as a Boro would be seen through and he would be beaten when he went there.

  As a result, after he came here, he found that his worries were completely unnecessary. There were quite a few Boro people unloading shells for the Willant people in Yongye Port, and some even did business with them.

  The group of big noses didn’t care whether they were Boro people or foreigners in the Great Desert, but they discriminated against everyone except themselves equally.

  Except for the “Blue Gopher” that they couldn’t beat for the time being.

  Of course, at this juncture, few people from the Alliance would come.

  He handed the bowl to his younger brother, who couldn’t wait to taste the milky white soup. His face immediately showed an intoxicated expression, and then he drank it all in one breath.

  ”This tastes amazing!”

  Seeing his brother’s exaggerated expression, Sai Yi grinned and scolded him, “You are so ignorant.” He also tasted it, and his eyes lit up involuntarily.

  As soon as the soup flowed into his stomach, he felt a warm current rushing up from his lower abdomen to his head, and his whole body seemed to be soaked in a ball of warm cotton, which was indescribably comfortable and refreshing!

  The word “amazing” is not an exaggeration!

  Isn’t it for such a mouthful of food that people live a lifetime?

  He tasted it slowly and pondered it slowly.

  At this time, Sai De, who was still not satisfied, went to the pot to get another bowl, and drank it without stopping while asking.

  ”Brother, where did you get this fish? I’ve never seen you do it before.”

  Sai Yi said with a smile.

  ”Remember the brother from the family club across from us? He was the one who took us to the shore to pick it up.”

  Sayid, who was drinking soup, suddenly widened his eyes.

  ”Picked, picked it up? Brother, can you eat dead fish?”

  Although he was afraid, he didn’t stop drinking soup, and half a bowl of fish soup went into his stomach in

  a blink of an eye. Hearing this guy say unlucky words, Sayi reached out and slapped him on the head.

  ”What nonsense are you talking about, what dead fish! It was fine when I picked it up! And I’m not the only one picking it up, many people went there to pick it up!”

  The brother who was suddenly caught in the melon looked aggrieved, covering his forehead with one hand and hiding beside the shack.

  ”But… How could this good fish come ashore for no reason?”

  Sayi rolled his eyes at him.

  ”Who knows, the fish soup picked up for free can’t stop your mouth, why do you care so much!”

  Besides, the people from the family club also ate it, would the family club cheat their own family?

  They are all brothers!

  The two brothers didn’t say any more nonsense. They drank up the delicacies in the pot, one drinking with a ladle and the other drinking with a clear conscience.

  After they finished eating, they cleaned up the dishes and sat under the shack to rest lazily.

  The fighting was fierce during the day. The Alliance beat the Legion’s people and fled to the concrete house in the north.

  Seeing that the big noses suffered, the prisoners in the Cartnord prison ran back home, and the whole port was in chaos.

  He didn’t care who won. Anyway, it didn’t matter to him who won. He just wanted to start working again and make money as soon as possible.

  Thinking of the good life after returning home, Sayy couldn’t help but grinning with joy, as if he really lived in a house of thousands of square meters and saw the beautiful first and second wives.

  The villagers looked at him with envy. The village chief praised him for his promising future. Zayd’s father even took his hand affectionately and invited him to be a senior official. He politely asked him for advice on how to get rich.

  Saiyi smiled shyly, but in the face of those pairs of admiring eyes, he finally didn’t feel embarrassed to hide his incompetence, so he reached into his arms.

  The gold coins given by the Weilant people seemed to have cast some magic. As he slapped them on the ground, a tall building that could accommodate thousands of people rose from the ground. At

  this moment, the eyes looking at him were like looking at a living god, which made him feel indescribably happy and satisfied.

  Isn’t life all about fame and fortune?

  As the saying goes, if you learn literary and martial arts, you can sell them to the emperor. If you can make Zaid’s father show his eager eyes for talents, then his life in this world will not be in vain!

  He didn’t care whether the villagers lived well, but the “thirsty” eyes really touched his heart.

  Feeling happy, Saiyi threw a few more “gold pieces” on the ground, and there were thousands of large houses and roads on the ground.

  The faces of the villagers were all happy, and Zayd also smiled. The happy appearance was the best of both worlds.

  Although the gold was quickly spread out, Sayyid was not in a hurry at all. He just bowed to Zayd’s father.

  ”Don’t worry, sir. This big-nosed gold coin is easy to come by. I have plenty of strength. I will get you some more.”

  After saying that, he slapped his knees and stood up, staggering onto the street. In a blink of an eye, he seemed to be back to the distant Evernight Port.

  He remembered that the Willant people seemed to be in the north, so he walked towards the north.

  However, at this moment, he did not notice that there were many people like him.

  One after another, staggering figures went out on time as if they had made an appointment, just like puppets being pulled by strings, walking in the same direction.

  Night had fallen on the street, but the battle in the settlement was not over yet.

  Stanford, the commander of the city defense army, was still clamoring to fight to the death with the alliance and the enterprise, and to live and die with the legion.

  The Alliance naturally couldn’t let him go.

  The Jungle Corps and the 1st Division of the Willant Expeditionary Force were attacking the front of the northern city, while the 100th Mountain Division of the Enterprise cut off the connection between the northern city and the Blackwater Lane area to prevent the remnants of the Southern Corps from escaping.

  The crackling sound of gunfire was like a cannon, but Saiyi, who was walking towards the sound of gunfire step by step, seemed not to hear it. It was not

  until he passed through the war zone and stood in the middle of the street where the enterprise and the legion were fighting that people on both sides discovered this group of uninvited guests.

  Seeing the civilians suddenly appearing on the street, Tang Feng, who was lying behind the bunker, was startled and shouted at the staggering figure in a hurry.

  ”Hey! Go back quickly! This is the front line! You are fucking going to die!”

  However, the man seemed not to hear it, but just turned his face stiffly and asked in the direction of the voice.

  ”Villant people?”

  Tang Feng was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant, but still shouted at the top of his voice.

  ”Yes! Valant people! They are right across from us, and these wolf cubs haven’t given up yet!” ”

  On the opposite side…”

  The idiotic eyes gradually emitted light.

  As if he had found the target, Saiyi suddenly quickened his pace and staggered towards the opposite side of the street where the gunfire kept ringing.

  As he ran, he called out in a crazy voice.

  ”Hey! Do you need help? I have the strength to help you carry the ammunition!”

  He was not the only one who ran. All the people who wandered here from Blackwater Alley took steps and rushed forward desperately, fearing that if they ran slowly, it would be too late for their turn. There were

  thousands of people in the crowd, and in a few breaths, the deserted streets were filled.

  Not only Tang Feng and his team members were dumbfounded, but even the Willant soldiers lying behind the opposite bunker were dumbfounded.

  ”Get out! Damn it! Don’t these animals understand human language?”

  The Willant boy holding the machine gun had cold sweat on his forehead, and his index finger rubbed the trigger, shouting at the crowd, trying to scare away the group of desperate guys.

  If there were only one or two annoying short-lived ghosts, he would definitely not hesitate, but at this moment, there were thousands of them in front of him, and he couldn’t do it.

  However, although he still had some conscience left, his superior did not.

  The red-eyed centurion directly pulled out his gun and pointed it at his forehead, roaring at him.



  ”I told you to shoot!!”

  No one could guarantee whether this was a trick played by the Alliance.

  What if the Alliance was hiding in there?

  He didn’t dare to take the risk!

  As he said that, the centurion raised the muzzle of his gun and fired a shot at the group of people running like zombies in front of him.

  One of the unlucky guys was shot and fell to the ground without a sound.


  Looking at the red battlefield, the young Willant man lying behind the machine gun roared with red eyes, and finally used the roar to dispel the cowardice in his chest and pulled the trigger of the welded iron.

  Accompanied by a burst of “thump thump thump” gunshots, the crowd on the street instantly fell down like wheat being cut, and the ground was full of mud mixed with blood and flesh.

  People on both sides had red eyes.

  Tang Feng no longer cared about discipline, and rushed out of the bunker with the team beside him, and rushed towards the opposite position under the cover of the single-soldier drone.

  Although the equipment of the soldiers on the enterprise side was absolutely superior, the Weilant people on the opposite side were not vegetarians.

  After all, they were one of the byproducts of the Perfect Life Project, and the war factor flowing in their blood was certified by the technology of the Prosperous Era.

  In this way, the two sides opened fire across the crowd.

  Due to concerns about civilian casualties, the team led by Tang Feng was actually at a disadvantage for a while, and two teammates were shot and dragged away.

  The Weilant people did not get any benefits, and cursed the enterprise and the alliance for not being martial and driving civilians to the front line as cannon fodder.

  The battle lasted for a full half an hour, and there were no living people left on the street, or they were lying on the ground half dead and gasping.

  For example, Saiyi.

  Lying on the ground, he woke up completely from his dream, and looking at the sticky plasma around him, he felt cold all over.

  Where is this?

  He wanted to cry but couldn’t make a sound, and his mouth felt like a ball of cotton.

  Only then did he realize that there was a big hole in his chest, and his intestines were leaking out.

  The roar of artillery fire was like a wall, and there was also the sound of fighter planes whizzing past, but he gradually couldn’t hear it.

  With his remaining consciousness, he saw that it seemed that the people of the enterprise had won in the end. Those big noses raised the white flag and dropped their guns.

  The radio on the street seemed to say that the commander of the city defense army, Stanford, and his guards were captured by the jungle corps of the alliance.

  Obviously, not all the people of Willant were willing to live and die with the Southern Corps.


  Who is that?

  They were only loyal to Marshal Julius from beginning to end…

  Slowly, Saiyi couldn’t hear anything.

  At this time, an armored vehicle drove over from the direction of the port, and two high-ranking officers got off the car.

  One of them was the division commander and the other was a staff officer.

  Looking at the corpses all over the Glorious Street, the resolute division commander couldn’t help but be moved, and the staff officer standing next to him couldn’t help but say.

  ”This is too tragic…”

  The whole street was dyed red by blood, flesh and intestines, and he couldn’t even find a place to step.

  The division commander walked up to Tang Feng with an expressionless face, looked at the dusty young man and asked coldly.

  ”What did you do? Didn’t the superiors tell you to defend? Who told you to attack!”


  Faced with this barrage of questions, Tang Feng was speechless for a moment, hesitating for a long time and couldn’t explain.

  This matter was too strange to review. So

  much so that he didn’t know where to start when he was asked to retell the story.

  A group of people suddenly rushed up, and then the Willant people opened fire, and they could only bite the bullet.

  As a result, just when they were about to take down the opposite position, the allies had successfully taken down the opposite command post, and the remaining Willant people surrendered.

  As for those unlucky guys who died…

  they rushed to save people in a fit of rage, but they didn’t save any of them.

  ”…I’m waiting for your report.” After taking a look at the prisoners not far away and the wounded soldiers lying on stretchers, the division commander glared at him with a gloomy face, threw down these words and turned back to the car.

  With the sound of the engine starting, the armored vehicle drove away from the street, leaving only a few soldiers of the Weyland Expeditionary Force.

  They came here temporarily after hearing about the situation here.

  Kuran, carrying an LD-47 rifle, walked forward, squatted in front of the corpses on the ground, frowned, smeared a smear of blood on his index finger, and sniffed it under his nose.

  The soldier of the Enterprise next to him glanced at him.

  ”What do you smell?”

  Kuran stood up and shook his head.


  His nose is not a microscope, it would be strange if he could smell anything.

  But he did smell a hint of conspiracy from the pile of corpses.

  Suddenly, something emerged in his mind.

  Could it be…

  snake oil? !

  Seeing that this guy pretended to be mysterious for a long time but only farted, the soldier of the Enterprise couldn’t help but curl his lips and look away from him.

  It’s a waste to have such a big nose.

  Not far away, two soldiers guarding the prisoners were smoking and chatting casually.

  ”It’s so damn unlucky that we can’t stop them, and our captain got criticized.”

  ”You said these guys are so fearless, why don’t they go and carry guns for that Abusek.”

  ”Who knows, why don’t you wake them up and ask them?”

  ”Fuck you.”

  The soldier who was cursing and laughing glanced at the corpses on the ground next to him, and fell silent for a while.

  He really couldn’t understand why they did this.

  Many people died this time.

  But it seemed that they died in vain…


  Norton City.

  In the solemn and dignified castle, the candles placed in front of the statue of Marshal Julius have been extinguished, leaving only a golden candlestick.

  According to the tradition of the Willant people, when the last candle at the funeral is extinguished, it means that the soul of the deceased has gone to another world.

  However, people’s longing for the deceased and the pain of loss will not simply dissipate because the deceased has left.

  For example, at this moment, Salen, who was sitting in front of the statue of Marshal Julius, had a gloomy face.

  The golden armor had been replaced with silk uniforms after the funeral. His shoulders were no longer sore and his muscles no longer had to be tense. However, the weight on his heart did not lighten at all, but became heavier.

  Now he was the emperor and prime minister of the Eastern Empire, with thousands of fans and supreme power. He could be said to have gotten what he wanted…

  But for some reason, in just one day, the joy and excitement in his heart disappeared after reaching the peak, leaving only boredom and emptiness.

  He had actually gotten what he wanted a long time ago. The only difference was that the title of legion commander was replaced by emperor, and there was no longer a half-dead god on his head. There was no other difference. In contrast

  , the things he needed to worry about were more than doubled.

  People would not transfer their loyalty to Marshal Julius to him because of his death.

  Even himself.

  He could no longer blame everything on loyalty, but had to think about how to go in the future.

  Every step forward was an unimaginable path, and there was no chance of regret. It was not

  until this moment that he gradually realized what the respected Marshal Julius had taken on for them.

  ”… I thought I would be happy for a little longer, but I didn’t expect that this joy would only last for a short day. I began to doubt whether those cheers were real, and whether those who were loyal to me were really loyal to me.”

  ”Maybe my staff is right. The Empire and the Emperor are indeed not the best choices. Choosing yesterday means leaving the problem to tomorrow… Am I right, respected Marshal Julius?”

  He buried his nose between his palms and took a deep breath, mumbling to himself like a prayer.

  ”When we are ambitious to create history, we don’t realize that we have been trapped in the muddy flow of history and have become the inevitability before the inevitability… Only you can understand my troubles.”

  Unfortunately, he can only say these words to Marshal Julius alone.

  The long sigh echoed in the hall, like the sound of bells singing at dusk.

  In fact, he never had any lofty ambitions or ideals. He just wanted to be a king who maintained the status quo.

  This was also the common wish of almost all the military nobles of the Eastern Legion.

  The solemn and majestic Julius Colossus still had a sharp gaze, but its courage and wisdom would no longer be shared with anyone, and it could no longer lead his people through the fog of the future.

  That was already history.

  Just as Saren was lost in his memories, footsteps were heard at the door of the hall.

  A captain of ten thousand men walked up to him and stood still, saluting respectfully.

  ”Your Majesty, Evernight Harbor has fallen.”

  Saren, who was sitting in front of the statue, stood up and cast an inquiring look at the officer in front of him.

  ”When did it happen?”

  ”It was at noon today,” the officer said solemnly, “I heard that the alliance landed in the morning and drove 20,000 city defense troops to the northern city in just two hours.”

  Saren nodded and asked again.

  ”Where is their fleet?”

  The officer continued with a solemn look.

  ”From the Alliance newspaper… they should have been annihilated by the South Sea Alliance fleet near Serik Island.”

  Saren didn’t know where Serik Island was.

  But when he heard that the Southern Legion’s fleet had been completely destroyed, he was stunned for a few seconds.

  Seeing that His Majesty was lost in thought, the officer asked anxiously.

  ”Are we just going to watch them lose?”

  He was not an eastward expansionist, nor did he agree that a direct conflict with the Alliance was a good idea, but Evernight Harbor was, after all, a territory conquered by the Willant people.

  However, he didn’t know that the original proposal of the eastward expansionists was not a radical proposal such as conquering the Great Rift Valley, but only to expand the territory of the Legion a little further east.

  In the end, they formed a force that no one could stop, until they beat themselves to death on the beach.

  Saren looked at him meaningfully, and then looked away.

  ”They asked for it. You’d better not sympathize with them too much… However, it is really heartbreaking to see them squandering their wealth. Perhaps we should do something.”

  The officer was stunned.

  ”You mean…”

  Saren said slowly.

  ”I remember that at the end of the Zhuobal Mountains, there is a port in the southwestern corner of Luoxia Province, just south of the Falcon Kingdom.”

  The officer nodded and hesitated.

  ”There is indeed a port… But there are no resources there, and the Falcon Kingdom has not developed it much.”

  It is purely a place for transporting supplies.

  Later, because they promised the Alliance that they would no longer supply military supplies to Xifan Port to interfere in the situation in the Borneo Province, the port was once abandoned. Later,

  someone fabricated the Xifan Port Massacre. It is needless to say who fabricated it. In short, the port was even more useless.

  Looking at his subordinates with puzzled expressions, Saren smiled faintly and continued in a slow voice.

  ”People are resources, people are wealth… Hasn’t someone demonstrated it to us?”

  Whether it was Pioneer City or Bicester Town, the Alliance deliberately placed these two chess pieces at their doorsteps. Wasn’t it to “corrupt” them and subtly change their ideas about labor and creativity?

  He was not blind, and he saw all the changes in the two settlements.

  In short, the fall of Evernight Harbor was not a completely bad thing for the new Eastern Empire.

  Even the 2.7 million square kilometers of colonies controlled by the Southern Legion.

  If the Alliance really liberated those places, the Willant people living there would have to have a new place to go.

  And these immigrants would not only bring their wealth, but also their knowledge and technology, as well as methods and ideas.

  National ZBism is obviously outdated for the Alliance, but it is just right for the Eastern Empire, whose economy is completely controlled by the manor owners and military nobles.

  He was quite interested in the way those “Southerners” managed contract laborers, and he took this opportunity to learn from them.

  After a pause, Saren said again.

  ”Once the logistics hub of Evernight Harbor is lost, it is only a matter of time before the war zone of the Borneo Province collapses.”

  ”I remember that MacLen is in West Sail Harbor. Let him prepare and bring back our compatriots and their property when the change occurs.”

  ”In the future, the coastal land on the west side of the Zhuobar Mountains will be our special zone, and it will also be our outlet to the sea in the Eastern World.”

  ”Let’s call it… New West Sail Harbor.”


  In just one day, the news of the fall of Evernight Harbor quickly spread throughout the wasteland.

  It was not just the Eastern Empire that was shocked, but also the Bugla Free State to the north of the Alliance.

  Firestone Group Building.

  Looking at the report handed over by his men, Sigma, sitting at his desk, had a gloomy face like a lake in winter.

  At first, he did not regard the Alliance as a threat, and even regarded it as a new profit growth point like other shareholders. However, when he came to his senses, he found that this once babbling baby had grown into a giant that frightened him.

  What they have is not only powerful military force, but also the pervasive thinking.

  While they were trying to corrupt the Alliance’s fortress with crime, they were also being corrupted by the Alliance’s idea of ​​equality.

  When the Alliance resisted their corruption and completely filled the legal loopholes in the contest with them, leaving the profiteers of the Free State with no loopholes to exploit and only able to do business honestly, the equality advocated by the Alliance became a curse that they could not stop.

  More and more residents of the Free State realized where the problem was.

  The Great Rift Valley did occasionally come up with some absurd ideas, but it was never the Great Rift Valley that directly oppressed them, but the unrestrained and monopolistic power.

  That was the root of everything!

  And the equality that was opposite to it was like poison, penetrating into every cell of the Free State. If those cows and horses really believed the Alliance’s lies, then the Free State would be finished.

  If they had not taken advantage of the collapse of the Stone City to make a fortune, but had joined forces with the old nobles to strangle these guys in the cradle…

  Especially in the end, he had not yet obtained the weapon!

  Sigma regretted his greed more than once, but it seemed too late to think about it now.

  Even if his Firestone Group wanted to help the Southern Legion, they couldn’t change anything with their current strength, and it was even difficult to influence the political situation in the country of Boro…

  Just then, there was a knock on the door of the office.

  Sigma turned off the holographic screen, turned his office chair slightly, and said to the door, “Come in.”

  The door was pushed open from the outside, and a man with a stiff look and a straight suit came in. The man

  was Odo, the mayor of the Free State.

  Looking at Sigma sitting behind the desk, he took a deep breath and said nervously.

  ”The Alliance formally submitted a diplomatic application to us, demanding that we hand over Kondra in a strong wording, claiming that this person was involved in the nuclear explosion in the Seaside Province–”

  Sigma didn’t bother to listen to the content behind it, and said casually in a nonchalant tone.

  ”Then hand him over.”

  Odo said hesitantly.

  ”But… he knows the secret of our cooperation with the Bone Chewing Tribe and the Torch Church. I’m worried that he will reveal this part as well.”

  ”Are you a pig? How can you ask such a stupid question? Will I let him out alive?” Sigma cursed impatiently.

  Hearing this, although Odo’s mouth twitched, he was relieved in his heart, and the tense expression on his face eased a little.

  Although it was the trouble of his predecessor, it was still the shit on their butts in the final analysis.

  ”By the way, the Great Rift Valley invited me to a meeting next month… What do you think?”

  Sigma said in a flat tone.

  ”You make your own arrangements. I will contact you if you have any other requirements.”

  Odo nodded slightly, respectful like a servant.


  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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