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Chapter 933 “Decisive Battle Weapon”

Chapter 933 “Decisive Battle Weapon”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 933 “Decisive Weapon”

  It didn’t take much effort to capture Kondra.

  The Free State Guard’s hovercraft stopped directly on the balcony of his large flat on the 33rd floor, and dragged him away from the bed in less than two minutes.

  Even the neighbors next door were not alarmed.

  That guy didn’t dare to step out of the Free State. Even if the Alliance didn’t bother him, the survivors of the River Valley Province would not let him go.

  Not to mention Lord Sigma.

  After participating in so many conspiracies, that big man would never let him go. If he wanted to live, he had to be a law-abiding pig.

  As for joining the Southern Legion, it was just to save his life, and it was also done with the tacit consent of the Firestone Group.

  After all, Lord Sigma wanted to kill the manager for a long time.

  Why not use the Southern Legion’s hand?

  The moment he was taken on the hovercraft, Kondra already understood his fate.

  It’s time to kill the pig…


  Guard Bureau detention room.

  Mayor Odo went to visit Kondra who was waiting for extradition.

  This guy has been at the center of public opinion recently.

  Firestone Group tried to use the media matrix of its subsidiaries to portray Condra as a peace fighter against the Alliance, and tried to make the residents of the Free State believe that the Free State was forced to violate its own laws under the pressure of the Great Rift Valley and handed over this brave Weylander to the unreasonable Alliance.

  At first, Odo doubted whether anyone would believe this nonsense. It was too insulting to the IQ to blow up the arms dealer into a peace fighter. In the end, he found that the guys who voted for him were even stupider than he thought, and finally he was relieved.

  Think about it.

  Otherwise, how could this pig become the mayor?

  Out of the need to pretend, he had to accompany this “tragic hero” in the detention room for the longest half hour of his life, and acted reluctant when he left.

  In order to kill the boring time, he cleared his throat and took the initiative to start a topic.

  ”…Mr. Condra, I’m sorry about your case. Under pressure from all sides, we can only hand you over to the Alliance.”

  ”This humiliating moment, the residents of the Free State will always remember…”

  He was halfway through his words when Condra suddenly laughed.

  Odo’s expression was a little embarrassed, but there was no camera here, so he didn’t care. He just shrugged his shoulders and stopped talking.

  ”Okay, you don’t want to listen…then do you have anything else to say? Or, do you need me to tell someone for you?”

  Looking at the well-dressed man in front of him, Condra, who was wearing pajamas, grinned.

  ”I don’t have much to say…I have devoted the first half of my life to the Legion, and I have been used by you for the second half of my life. Now I have been squeezed dry of my last value. Anyway, I will die on the road in the end, taking all the secrets I know with me. What can I say?”

  Odo narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at him with interest.

  ”Do you know you will die?”

  Condra curled his lips in disdain, and the arc at the corner of his mouth was like a sneer.

  ”Is this something that needs to be guessed? Everyone in this city, me, you, the guards outside, the citizens on the street, and the company’s employees… who is not Sigma’s pawn?”

  Odo’s Adam’s apple moved.


  Of course he knew.

  But so what?

  Firestone Group did a lot of bad things, but what about the order and stability it brought?

  At least the residents of the Free State can do a decent job with their own efforts, and don’t have to compete with those scavengers for garbage to eat.

  Even the garbage that leaks from their mouths feeds a lot of waste.

  To be realistic, he doesn’t think there is anything wrong with being a pawn.

  Seeing Odo’s disapproving look, Kondra chuckled.

  ”So I know my fate very well, and I don’t think there is anything unacceptable about this… You see, I didn’t even beg for mercy from you.”

  ”I’m glad you think so.” Odo took a sip of the tea on the table to hide his nervousness.

  But his micro-expression did not escape Kondra’s eyes.

  Looking at the slightly trembling index finger, Kondra grinned mockingly.

  ”Then you are too happy too early.”

  Without waiting for Oddo to reply, he continued in a slow voice.

  ”Look at your predecessor, the last head of the Free State. Have you heard any news about him? I guess you never cared about him. Think about it, who would care about a failed wild dog?”

  ”However, I am quite familiar with that guy. You know I like to collect red wine, and so does he. We occasionally exchange our tastes in this area… But suddenly one day, he disappeared from the world, and not long after he left the public eye.”

  Listening to him talking about those old stories, Oddo couldn’t help swallowing his saliva again.

  ”So? You must want to ask me this, right?”

  Appreciating the complex expression on Oddo’s face, Condra continued to speak in a happy tone, as if he was going to say what he would say in his next life.

  ”I guess you think what I said is all bullshit, and you look down on us, the fallen dogs… But I have to kindly advise you, don’t be too happy too soon, you will also have that day, what happened to me will happen to you sooner or later.”

  Odo finally couldn’t help it and interrupted him.

  ”What do you want to say all this for… expect me to save you?”


  Kondra suddenly laughed out loud, looking at the nervous Odo mockingly, and then suddenly straightened up and quickly closed the distance between the two.

  Thinking that he wanted to do something, such as biting off his nose, Odo suddenly dodged his face backwards, but saw that the man with handcuffs on his hands and feet did not make the next move, but just stared at him with bloodshot eyes.

  ”What do I want to do? Do you think I am asking for mercy? Tell you the truth? Or Sigma’s handle? I tell you that it doesn’t matter, I want to plant the seeds of fear in your heart…”

  Then what?

  Odo waited nervously for the next part, but saw that Kondra suddenly returned to his listless appearance and sat back in the chair.

  The man in pajamas put on his sleepy look again, like a lamb that had accepted his fate.

  Odo suddenly felt like he was being played, and the huge difference in status between the two made him feel even more humiliated.

  But at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the detention room, and a guard wearing an exoskeleton pushed open the thick iron door.

  ”Mr. Mayor, time is up.”

  Odo hurriedly stood up, pulled out a chair and walked to the door, glaring at the man named Condra before leaving.

  ”Take him away quickly.”

  The guard nodded.

  ”We will do it according to the procedure.”

  The iron door closed again.

  Odo took a deep breath, adjusted his mood and walked to the cameras waiting outside, showing the public a mayor who endured humiliation.

  However, he was not in the state of the entire second half of the event.

  Those bloodshot eyes always lingered in his heart, as if they really left a mark on him.

  Everyone is his chess piece…

  and the final fate of the chess pieces is roughly the same…

  Sitting in the hovercraft, his heart was pounding violently, and he stretched out his index finger to turn on the holographic TV in the back seat of the car, trying to divert his attention.

  However, the news on the screen made his heart tighten for a moment.

  ”…At noon today, the police escort vehicle that was handing over Kondra to the Alliance was attacked by unknown armed forces about 50 kilometers away from the Free State.”

  ”The identity of the attacker and the motive for the crime are not yet determined. The five guards and detainees in the car were all killed.”


  Kondra’s death shocked the entire Free State, but it was as light as a feather compared to the situation in the entire wasteland.

  The Minister of Justice of the Alliance expressed his concern and hoped that the Free State Judicial Department could assist the Alliance in finding out the truth.

  Of course, the Free State Judicial Department agreed to it. As for whether it was “no credit but hard work” or “simply too lazy to work hard”, it all depends on the mood of Lord Sigma.

  As everyone knows, the Firestone Group is the owner of the Free State.

  As for the people of the Free State, they are divided into two factions, arguing over who killed their “Willant hero”.

  As for the Weillant people themselves, they don’t remember having this hero.

  The only people who might have heard of this name, besides the Weilants living in the Alliance, might be the Emperor Saren of the Eastern Empire.

  However, he is now busy taking over the “legacy” of the Southern Legion, and has no interest in caring about the remnants of the Eastern Expansion Party.

  General Kras’s political legacy is only the Falcon Kingdom, which he had sent a governor to take over long ago.

  At the same time, the news of the fall of Evernight Harbor continued to ferment.

  It was not only the major survivors in the wasteland that were shocked, but also the Southern Legion, the victim. Even

  after many obstacles, the news quickly reached the city of Avent.

  The sudden defeat instantly shattered the fantasy of victory of millions of Weilants in the city, and also made those who were still immersed in the grief of losing Marshal Julius even more panicked in their sadness.

  It was not until then that they suddenly woke up. The war reports that their beloved Tyr Legion Commander had been publishing in the “Southern Legion Victory Newspaper” were actually lies!

  In fact, think about it…

  The enemies they killed in the newspaper were almost more than the survivors in the Eastern World combined. Where did so many cannon fodder come from in the wasteland?

  They were not moving from one victory to the next, but were walking step by step towards the center of the swamp!

  At this moment, even the most stubborn Willant people came back to their senses and finally realized that the situation they were facing might be more dangerous than they imagined.

  Like most lies.

  The only function of a lie is to borrow time from the future that is not available now, in exchange for a promise that may be fulfilled in the future.

  It is precisely because of this that it is destined to be exposed one day.

  The fall of Evernight Port is the turning point of all this.

  Losing Evernight Port means that the Southern Legion has completely lost the key to the Eastern World, and the entire Borneo Province war zone and the nearly one million troops stranded in the war zone will completely lose their logistical supply!

  Now even Mr. House can’t explain failure as victory.

  The alliance no longer needs to do anything on the front line of Borneo Province. It can even withdraw the troops there directly, hand over the defense zone to the already grown Borneo Army, and attack the homeland of the Southern Legion instead…

  If that is the case, the entire Southern Legion will be put in danger.

  They have invested too much in Borneo Province, and it is almost impossible to pull out another million-strong army in a short period of time.

  Especially without the support of Triumph City and the Eastern and Western Legions… Due

  to the bad news from the front line, the entire Avent City is in a precarious situation. The boat tickets and airship tickets to Triumph City have doubled unknowingly.

  In addition to boat tickets and airship tickets, the prices of various basic living supplies are also rising.

  On the one hand, it is because there is a real shortage, on the other hand, it is because someone is hoarding, but more of it is because of pessimism about the dinar itself. It is

  a foregone conclusion that the New World will issue its own currency. They have long wanted to sweep the bulky and difficult to issue precious metal currencies into the garbage dump of history.

  The Eastern Empire and the Northern Empire may have the same plan.

  No one can be sure whether the dinar, which has been removed from its monetary attributes, will appreciate or depreciate. There are historical precedents for both directions.

  The people of Avent City were in a panic, and so was the headquarters of the Southern Legion.

  The familiar conference table was filled with thousands of captains, and the golden medals were connected like an indestructible wall.

  However, the expressions on their faces were not relaxed, and the blue mouths were tightly closed, and no one spoke.

  As if he didn’t want to waste time in silence, Tyr, who was standing at the head of the conference table, rarely let the chief of staff start, and slowly spoke.

  ”I want to hear your opinions.”

  A whisper spread in front of the conference table, and the soldiers looked at each other, but they couldn’t come up with an idea after discussing for a long time.

  Some people wiped the sweat from their foreheads, some held their breath and looked around to find something, and some tried to come up with some ways to save the defeat, such as mobilizing another million reserves, increasing the output of clone ranches, etc. But everyone knew that this was not a solution at all.

  Leaving aside local wars, a total war is a confrontation between two systems, and now the power of both sides is unbalanced.

  Failure to kidnap the entire legion or even all the Weilants to their chariots meant that they had already lost.

  However, no one dared to tell the truth.

  Admitting failure often requires more courage than facing death. After all, the latter only loses life, while the former will not only destroy their bodies, but even the meaning of their existence will be completely denied.

  This is something they cannot accept in any way.

  If they cannot pull all the Weilants onto the chariots, then at least let the “chips” of Avent City fight to the end!

  Even if it means selling their souls –

  almost every officer present thought so in their hearts, including Tyr who had already sold his soul to the devil.

  Looking at the “mortals” who were helpless, Tyr slowly sighed.

  He seemed to see Saren.

  Many Saren.

  Mortals are always bound by the immediate interests and forget the longer-term interests and ideals, as well as the mission of being a Weilant.

  That guy could have joined hands with him to build a world that only belongs to the Weilants, but he cowardly chose to be a ridiculous emperor.

  These guys are the same.

  No one could come up with an idea that would catch his eye, and in the end, he still had to make his own decision.

  ”…I got the gene source code from Triumph City.”

  Hearing that majestic voice, the officers sitting at the conference table all fell silent, and pairs of eyes written with surprise also cast their eyes at him at the same time.

  Gene source code.

  Of course they knew what it was, but what confused them was that they didn’t understand why Army Commander Tyr mentioned it at this moment.

  Even if they strengthened the gene source code of the Weilant people now, it would be too late to produce super soldiers stronger than the Weilant people, or to make the clone soldiers who grew eight times faster grow ten times faster, and their researchers might not be able to do better than the researchers a century and a half ago.

  But from the expression of the Chief of Staff, he seemed to know something.

  The officers exchanged glances, and finally a three-star captain swallowed his saliva and stood up to ask.

  ”…Excuse me, is this useful?”

  Tyr did not answer, but clapped his hands.

  The door of the conference room opened, and a man with plain glasses and an ordinary appearance walked in from outside.

  Looking at the flat nose, the three-star captain frowned slightly.

  ”Who is this?”

  Martin, who walked to the side of Captain Tyr, stopped and nodded respectfully.

  ”My name is Martin, and I am a biologist from Shelter No. 68 in the Great Desert.”

  Hearing the word “shelter”, a trace of contempt suddenly appeared in the eyes of the three-star captain.

  ”People from the shelter…what are you doing here?”

  Facing the sharp and arrogant gaze, Martin smiled and said without changing his expression.

  ”Of course, to save you.”

  ”Save us?” The captain laughed out loud, looking at the guy with mocking eyes, as if looking at a clown, “When did we need a blue hamster to save us?”

  Martin shrugged helplessly and looked at the captain of the Tyr Legion on the side.

  ”Dear Mr. Tyr, I am not very good at talking, can you trouble your subordinates to be quiet for a while?”

  Tyr nodded and looked at the three-star captain.

  ”Sit down.”

  The cold voice carried an unquestionable majesty.

  So much so that at that moment, the three-star commander suddenly felt like he was being stared at by a wild beast.

  A drop of sweat slowly ran down his forehead, and he finally gritted his teeth and sat back in his chair.

  ”It seems I can start now.”

  Looking at the submissive officer, Martin said in a relaxed and cheerful tone, then took out a holographic computer pen from his pocket and placed it on the conference table.

  Light blue light particles floated up from the conference table and condensed into a three-dimensional image in the void.

  Looking at the confused eyes, Martin spoke concisely.

  ”This may be the first time you’ve heard of the ‘death agent’ plan, but in fact… we have been preparing for this decisive weapon for a long time.”

  ”If you want to efficiently eliminate all troublesome creatures on the surface of the earth, there is no more reliable way than viruses, except for physical means such as neutron killing.”

  ”In order to achieve our goal, we have been actively conducting experiments since the beginning of the war. For this purpose, we even sent research teams to the front lines of the battlefield.”

  ”It turns out that the Borneo Province is the most suitable testing ground. The survivors there come from the center of the world in the old era. They have far richer genetic samples than other areas in the wasteland. Thanks to the rich diversity, our experiments have gone smoothly, and now we have basically obtained the complete ‘death agent’ that is both infectious and destructive…”

  ”Wait.” Before Martin finished speaking, an officer suddenly stood up and interrupted him, “I think I understand what you mean. You plan to use virus weapons to destroy the alliance.”

  ”Yes,” Martin smiled and nodded, “Like I said, this is the simplest and most efficient way.”

  The officer stared at him and continued to ask.

  ”But how can you guarantee that this virus is ineffective against the Weilantes?”

  ”This is about the gene source code we just got.”

  Martin reached out and tapped the holographic screen, and soon the light blue particles turned into several DNA spirals.

  ”We only need to slightly modify the killing agent to make the Weilantes carriers of the virus without getting sick. Although I would like to explain the feasibility of this to you academically, I think you don’t understand. You can simply understand that… the purer the Weilantes’ bloodline, the less affected they are by the ‘killing agent’.”

  Hearing this, there was an uproar at the conference table, and the officers looked at each other, exchanging glances with different expressions.

  Some were surprised, some were excited, and some were nervous.

  Soon another officer stood up and asked, swallowing his saliva.

  ”Is this… reliable?”

  Martin nodded slightly.

  ”I can guarantee it with my life.”

  ”I have another question,” the officer who had questioned him earlier still stared at him intently, and said word by word, “You are not from the Weylandt, are you… What is the benefit for you to study this virus? In other words, what is your motivation for doing this?”

  Martin said with a smile.

  ”I have explained this to Commander Tyr many times, but since you are curious, I will repeat it again.”

  After a pause, he continued with a look of disgust.

  ”The benefit to me is that I can get rid of some troublesome cockroaches. The reason why the world has become like this is because those ugly things continue to reproduce and spread their dirty ideas and blood… This is the root of the wasteland era. If you are willing to kill those low-energy mutants, I will certainly support you.”

  ”As for myself, you don’t have to worry. Since I can make this virus, I can make a vaccine.”

  ”At worst, I will transform myself into a Weylander.”

  The Weylander Project itself is an intermediate product of the Perfect Life Project. It doesn’t matter even if the Weylanders get this world.

  At least it doesn’t matter to him.

  In fact, let alone the Weylanders, he can accept even if mutants conquer the world.

  They are all intermediate products of the Perfect Life Project.

  As long as the Perfect Life Project is completed and the original life is covered by a higher life form, human civilization can complete the final “dimensional upgrade”.

  Of course, these things are not important to the ants present, and these big noses don’t need to know at all.

  Including the commander of the Tyr Legion.

  Although these guys have advanced genes, their vision has not kept up. With their vision, they can only see the level of conquering the world at most, and have not yet risen to the level of civilization.

  For example, now, these guys are still angry about his words “at worst, I can transform myself into a Weylander.”

  But they can only be angry.

  As long as Commander Tyr is “reasonable”, his plan can continue to be implemented.

  And the development of things is the same as he expected. Tyr only thought about it for two seconds and asked the practical question.

  ”When will this decisive weapon be put to use? The Alliance’s Biological Research Institute is quite powerful. Can they also develop a vaccine for immunity viruses?”

  ”After getting the gene source code, I can complete the last brick of this building in a month at most,” Martin said with a happy smile on his face. After a pause, he continued, “As for the second question you are worried about, I can tell you responsibly.”

  ”When I designed the lethal dose, I used the biological technology unique to Shelter No. 68, which is not in their technical reserves.”

  ”Unless they can find a researcher from Shelter No. 68, they won’t be able to find a way to crack it even if they rack their brains.”

  It’s not just Shelter No. 68, there is also the technology left over from the Torch Church brought by Tianren!

  Even the academy can’t crack it!

  The officer standing in front of the conference table stared at him intently.

  ”What if they find it?”

  Martin laughed sarcastically.

  ”Found it?”

  ”My home has long been destroyed by those stupid wastelanders!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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