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Chapter 934: The Madness of the Trapped Beast

Chapter 934: The Madness of the Trapped Beast

2024-05-29 作者: 晨星LL

  Chapter 934: The Madness of the Trapped Beast

  With the fall of Evernight Harbor, the coalition forces of the Alliance and the Enterprise officially opened up the second battlefield to attack the colonies of the Southern Legion and even the mainland.

  According to the plan, in addition to transferring several major player corps from the Borneo Province, the Alliance will continue to send at least 200,000 troops to the front line.

  Half of these 200,000 people are citizens of the Alliance, and the other half are supervised persons and volunteers from various regions of the Weyland.

  Not long ago, the Alliance Representative Council passed the proposal to “raise the threshold for issuing ID cards” and tightened the issuance of Alliance citizenship.

  However, in contrast, while closing a door, the Alliance Representative Council also opened a window for those survivors who are eager to join the Alliance.

  All wastelanders who are willing to fight to end the Wasteland Era can become glorious Alliance citizens as long as they serve in the Alliance Army and have no major violations during their service.

  Although this is not the only way to enter the fast track of identity approval, compared to first obtaining the identity of Ideal City, South Sea Alliance, College, Science and Technology Committee, and completing further studies in designated research institutions and universities, fighting is undoubtedly the most reliable one in the eyes of wastelanders.

  They do this every day in the wasteland, and even transform their bodies for this purpose, installing mechanical tendons, mantis blades and other things.

  For the Alliance, the military camp can also serve as a good buffer zone.

  Through military management, literacy and professional skills training during the service period, the Alliance can help these wastelanders integrate into civilized society after retirement at a lower cost, at least let them understand discipline and master a skill to survive in society.

  However, although most of the wastelanders who join the army are rushing for the citizenship of the Alliance, not all of them are like this.

  For example, most of the people in the Weilante Expeditionary Force are just to change the fate of the wasteland and the Weilantes.

  The changes in Kinggallon Port not only let the Borneo people who grew up on the red soil see another possibility of the world, but also affected many of the Eastern Legion, the Southern Legion and even the Weilantes in the New World.

  They used to engage in slave trade there.

  Now, Kinggallon Port, where slave trade is banned, has not fallen into decline, but has become the most shining pearl on the Borneo Sea.

  It’s not even just Kinggallon Port.

  There are too many real examples that let them see the hope of the end of the wasteland era.

  Therefore, they chose to pick up guns and fight to liberate their compatriots!

  In addition to the more than 200,000 troops sent by the alliance, the enterprise will also send at least eight divisions of troops to the front line.

  Although the latter is much less than the former in terms of manpower, the enterprise is willing to assume more obligations in terms of economy and logistics.

  For example, the Council allocates funds, the factories of the alliance are responsible for production, and then the South China Sea Alliance’s fleet and transport ships are sent to the front line.

  Today, the factories of the alliance are no longer the small workshops of the past.

  Although most factories cannot compare with the mature production lines of Ideal City in terms of scale effect, after integrating various technologies and production methods, several industrial parks of the alliance have not only caught up with the pace of major corporate groups in a few fields, but have even surpassed them.

  Especially in the fields of drones and biopharmaceuticals.

  Chu Guang is not very worried about the war on the front line.

  Today’s Southern Legion is like an earthworm that has been broken into two pieces. It has lost the support of external forces and the most critical people’s hearts. Failure is only a matter of time.

  As a manager, he only needs to wait quietly in the rear for the good news from the front line, and beware of the “strange tricks” used by desperate gamblers.

  In comparison, he was more interested in the gravity well in the southern sea area, which was the thing that really opened the window for this planet.

  Chu Guang had even thought of the version number for the next update.

  However, he finally waited until the end of the month, but he heard bad news from his old friend in the north.

  ”…The deployment of the gravity well has to be postponed.”

  In the military camp outside the No. 10 settlement.

  Yang Kai, who had just come off the research ship, said this to Chu Guang with a slightly awkward expression after exchanging a few pleasantries.

  Chu Guang was obviously stunned for two seconds after hearing it, but he did not blame him, but just said with concern.

  ”Is there a technical problem?”

  Yang Kai shook his head.

  ”That’s not it.”

  Chu Guang: “Then why…”

  Yang Kai continued .

  ”Our intelligence system has received news that the top leaders of the Southern Legion have placed their hopes of turning the tide on a decisive weapon called ‘Death Agent’… I guess you should have heard of it.”

  Chu Guang frowned slightly and nodded.

  More than just hearing about it, his Guards Corps has been investigating this matter, but because the Southern Corps has done a good job in counterintelligence and the Great Desert is too far away from the core sphere of influence of the Alliance, the progress has been relatively slow.

  And to be honest, he is skeptical about whether the “death agent” can really produce the expected killing effect.

  The wasteland world is different from reality. The Weilants on this planet are not the only products of genetic modification. Almost all humans living on this planet are more or less genetically

  modified. The widespread application of genetic technology has been subtly transforming the human gene pool.

  This is a long and long-lasting work, and it has almost run through most of the prosperous era until the wasteland era.

  It’s just that the genetic modification of ordinary people is not as thorough as that of the Weilants.

  It is precisely because of this that many viruses that are enough to kill people on Earth are at most considered a flu in the wasteland.

  Betting on the virus, Chu Guang thinks that Tyr is probably crazy.

  Seeing something from the expression on Chu Guang’s face, Yang Kai continued.

  ”…I know what you are thinking. Yes, most of the viruses in the wasteland are no longer lethal to the survivors of the Prosperous Era, but artificially designed viruses are another matter.”

  ”They can use the technology of the Prosperous Era to design a virus specifically for the survivors of the Prosperous Era – or to put it another way, this virus is only useful for old humans, but it is ineffective or has limited effect on the Weilants and mutants, new humans that are completely generated by gene editing technology!”

  ”In this case, they only need to infect the Weilants with the virus, and then let the Weilants spread to the world, and then do nothing. It’s enough to watch the magic box containing the devil open and continue to ferment.”

  Worried that Chu Guang had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem, Yang Kai continued patiently.

  ”Think about how the natives of the New World died… I’m talking about the natives of the old times. Less than one thousandth died from gunpowder, and the vast majority died from the viruses that the colonists brought from the old world to the new world, and now they are planning to do the same thing.”

  But it sounds too fantastic.

  Chu Guang pondered for a moment and said,

  ”Is this kind of thing technically possible? It only works for other people, not for the Weilantes.”

  ”As long as we get the Weilantes’ gene source code,” Yang Kai stared at his eyes seriously and continued, “and according to our intelligence… just in these few days, the gene source code has been transported to Yavent City, and the preparation of this decisive weapon has entered the final stage.”

  ”So… do you think the laboratory of this lethal agent virus is in Yavent City?” Chu Guang pressed his eyebrows and continued, “This is somewhat different from our intelligence. We believe that the laboratories are distributed on the western coast of the Borneo Province and the colony of the Southern Legion in the southern part of the Great Desert.”

  Yang Kai continued.

  ”This is not contradictory. They can have many laboratories, some of which collect data on the front line, and the other part summarizes and analyzes it in the rear. Just like producing an airplane, you will also cooperate through many production lines and assemble it at the end.”

  ”I understand, but what does this have to do with our gravity well project?” Chu Guang cast an inquiring look at Yang Kai, but the latter did not directly answer his question, but just stared at him intently.

  After about ten seconds, Chu Guang suddenly read the answer he did not say from his eyes, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

  ”I understand… Do you want to wipe the city of Yavent off the map?”

  The activation of the gravity well will change the gravitational parameters of the area around the earth, thereby affecting the deployment of orbital weapons in outer space.

  There is only this one explanation.

  The academy is hinting – or instigating himself, hoping that he will take out the weapon inherited from the Boulder City in this war that is almost certain to win.

  Yang Kai immediately leaned back in his chair, spread his hands to show that he did not say that, but soon added a sentence at the end.

  ”We must admit that neutron extermination is the most efficient method known… If this ‘decisive weapon’ is finally encapsulated and carried to all parts of the world by countless Willant people who leave Yavent City, hundreds of millions of survivors will die.”

  Chu Guang stared at him intently.

  ”There are millions of residents in Yavent City, and if you count the residents in the surrounding areas, there are at least tens of millions, and there are not just Willant people among them.”

  ”Yes, I know, this is not a good idea, but can we be blamed? We have tried our best to recover the lost technology… If this hadn’t happened, we would never support you using that kind of thing in the war.”

  Yang Kai sighed and sat up from his chair.

  He crossed his fingers on his knees, looked at Chu Guang sincerely, and continued.

  ”I hope you understand that this path is not chosen by us for them. They gave up their right to live on this planet as human beings, so you don’t have to feel too guilty.”

  ”I know it’s not easy to make this choice. If you want some people to survive, you have to let others die… So we hope you can think carefully before making a decision.”

  Yang Kai stood up holding the armrest of the chair, nodded slightly, and then left the barracks and returned to the research ship.

  Chu Guang watched his back as he left, squinting his eyes for a long time without speaking.

  It was exactly the same as the last “Torch Crisis”.

  When he couldn’t make a decision and couldn’t do it, these “old guys” once again handed him the coin with shit stuck on it.

  If there was clear evidence that this super weapon did exist in Yavent City, it would be fine. History would at most give him a mixed evaluation.

  But now, let alone any clues, there was only an ambiguous hint from a B-level researcher in the academy, and those guys didn’t even give him a chance to pass the buck.

  If this button is really pressed, even if the alliance wins the war in the end, it will probably fall into another crisis.

  Chu Guang has never seen the power of that weapon, but according to the descriptions he has heard from different people, that thing is much more powerful than nuclear weapons. It is said that not even a cell will be left in the central area of ​​the strike position, and the strike depth can reach the mantle.

  But then again, if the academy really has some specific clues, rather than an illusory “possibility”, would he still need to fire a map cannon? It is

  much more efficient to directly pull a team of paratroopers over.

  And no one can guarantee that after the alliance uses strategic weapons, the legion will not have corresponding counterattack measures.

  The legion just disintegrated, not disappeared.

  Chu Guang is only thankful for one thing now.

  Fortunately, he still has a trump card in his hand.

  Otherwise, this matter is really difficult to handle…

  His index finger tapped lightly on the armrest of the chair, he closed his eyes and sorted out his thoughts for a moment, and soon opened his eyes again.

  ”Xiao Qi.”

  ”I’m here, master.”

  The energetic voice soon jumped into his ears.

  Chu Guang could feel that Xiao Qi was cheering him on in his own way.

  However, this kind of thing was not difficult for him.

  Chu Guang smiled faintly and continued.

  ”Send a private message to the [Battlefield Atmosphere Group].”

  ”Tell him that it’s time for our ‘Consul’ to appear.”


  In the real world, an ordinary three-bedroom, one-living room apartment.

  The Battlefield guy who just logged off ordered a takeaway and was sitting in front of the computer, browsing the forum and eating with the rookies’ fancy operations.

  Just when he was overjoyed, he suddenly saw a small red dot on the private message column.

  The Battlefield guy didn’t think much about it and directly clicked on the private message.

  It didn’t matter if he opened it, but after reading the content of the private message, he was shocked.

  ”What the hell?! This is even possible?!”


  [Mission Description: The desperate Southern Legion stole the Weilant gene source code stored in Triumph City, and intends to develop a virus called “death agent” to eliminate all survivors from the surface of the earth except the Weilant people, as a weapon for the decisive battle with the civilized world.

  If the Southern Legion’s plan succeeds, it is estimated that hundreds of millions of survivors will die under his conspiracy.

  In order to prevent the worst outcome from happening, the South Sea Alliance Fleet is advancing towards the city of Yavent, and the Alliance’s orbital weapons are also being deployed, ready to launch the final settlement at any time. ]

  [Mission Objective: Stop the Southern Legion’s plan at all costs before things develop to a point where they cannot be reversed! ]

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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