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Chapter 936: The Pangolin

Chapter 936: The Pangolin


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 936: The Pangolin Who Used the Other ‘s Tricks

  If the province of Weyland is the place where the Weyland people set out to conquer, then the province of Battoa, which is separated from the province by a sea, is the first checkpoint on the road to conquest for the Weyland people.

  Analogous to the map of another world, the province of Weyland is a bit like a smaller version of the combination of the Iberian Peninsula and France, while the province of Battoa is roughly located in North Africa, and its area appears to be much “wider” than North Africa. There is

  a bay called the “Whirlpool Sea” between the two provinces, and this sea area is much smaller than the “Mediterranean Sea” in another world, about half the area of ​​the latter. The shapes of the two are even more different, with a larger opening and becoming narrower as you go east, like a buffalo horn.

  Among them, the city of Avent is located in the northwest corner of the province of Battoa, a place called Dagger Edge, facing the province of Weyland across the sea.

  The two provinces are only 200 kilometers apart at their closest point. It is a bit difficult to swim across this distance, but it only takes five or six hours by ferry, and that is the slowest case.

  Since the news of Marshal Julius’ death spread, a large number of Willant people from all over the world have rushed to Triumph City, hoping to attend Marshal Julius’ funeral. Of course,

  there are also many Willant people living in the province of Battoa.

  They will meet old friends they haven’t seen for a long time in their hometown, sit with them and chat about everything, or spit bubbles into beer, or even roll on the sheets.

  And after everything is over, some of them will stay, but most of them will return to their own homes in the New World or the eastern part of the Old World.

  If you want to spread the “death agent” to the whole world, there is no better opportunity than Marshal Julius’ funeral…

  on the calm sea.

  Captain Malok, standing on the offshore destroyer, looked at the telegram in his hand and couldn’t help but pull the corner of his mouth.

  ”…If this is true, it’s too cruel.”

  Due to the recent turmoil within the legion, Marshal Julius’s guards were also affected, and they actually lost the “gene source code” that was the lifeblood of the Weilant people.

  He was not an expert in the field of biology and did not understand those technical things, but he also knew how important this thing was, otherwise their ancestors would not have snatched it from the hands of the post-war reconstruction committee at all costs and tried their best to protect it.

  It is said that this was said by the residents of the shelter who had helped the Weilant people.

  Since the Weilant people were created based on a designed gene library, as long as the source code of the “library construction” was mastered, a gene weapon specifically targeting this ethnic group could be easily designed.

  This weapon could be a virus or something else. They could act at both the microscopic and macroscopic levels, making the planet no longer suitable for the Weilant people to survive, and eventually making the Weilant people disappear from the planet, as if they had never been there.

  In fact, the Defense Department of the Post-War Reconstruction Committee did so. Even the last folder on the server of the Willant Laboratory was the “end” of the Gene Warrior Program.

  The purer the bloodline, the easier it is to distinguish from the crowd.

  The only way to crack it is to intermarry with people of different races.

  When the Willant people are no longer Willant people, but part of the human race, the sword hanging over the heads of all Willant people can be removed. It

  is for this reason that they must keep the gene source code of the Willant people strictly confidential for at least 300 years, until the blood of other humans flows in their veins, and the blood of humans flows in their veins, so that they can be truly safe.

  But now, the Guards say that they messed up in the 172nd year!

  What a joke? !

  But things have already happened, and he can only bite the bullet and accept it, and cooperate with the orders of Triumph City to prepare for the response.

  At this time, a ferry about 100 meters long appeared on the sea level.

  Looking at the black spot emerging in the distance, Captain Malok immediately waved his hand, signaling his crew and captains to drive the destroyer over, and contacted the captain of the other side through the radio to ask them to stop the ship.

  After receiving the order, the ferry on the other side cooperated quite well and quickly turned off the engine.

  However, the passengers on the ship were not satisfied, and they gathered on the deck to ask for an explanation from the approaching destroyer.

  The ferry of hundreds of meters is not small, and there are at least three or four hundred people sitting on the ship.

  Most of these people are residents of Yavent City, and some live in the surrounding areas of Battoa Province. Among them are some half-grown children and mothers holding babies.

  Looking at the crowded crowd, Malok cleared his throat, picked up the loudspeaker and said loudly.

  ”Quiet, please be quiet for a while, I am Captain Malok, affiliated with the Triumph City Coastal Defense Fleet. There is something wrong with your flight, and I am here to explain the situation to you.”

  Hearing that someone who had something to say stood up, the people on the deck really quieted down a little.

  After a pause, Malok adjusted his speech speed and continued.

  ”Late yesterday, we received news that someone took advantage of the political turmoil in Triumph City to steal the genetic source code of the Willant people.”

  As he expected, as soon as his voice fell, the people on the deck exploded.

  The sea surface, which had just been quiet for less than two seconds, was noisy again in an instant.

  ”What does the theft of the genetic source code have to do with us?!”

  ”That’s right! Shouldn’t you check the ships that left! Could the thief turn back by himself?”

  ”Damn, the Royal Guards are getting worse day by day, and they can even lose the genetic source code…”

  ”The guys in Triumph City are really useless!”

  Most people did not realize the seriousness of the problem, but were just angry about the flight delay.

  In fact, it was normal.

  Malok himself was the same.

  Although he became more and more scared after understanding the situation, his first reaction when he first heard it was just “Ah”, and then he thought to himself, “It’s lost, so it’s lost.”

  Compared with the disintegration of the legion, losing one thing doesn’t seem to be a big deal.

  They lost a lot of things.

  It was not until the guards told him that the thing was the lifeblood of the Weilant that he became nervous.

  Looking at these noisy compatriots, Malok took a deep breath, raised his voice and continued to shout.

  ”You really should have pricked up your ears and listened to me! The gene source code was stolen a month ago. Now the latest information is that a group of evil blue gophers hiding in the desert used our gene source code to design a virus specifically targeting the Weilant people! The name of this thing is ‘death agent’. You should know what it is used for just by listening to the name.”

  ”But what I want to tell you is that things are not that simple! This virus has an extremely long incubation period of more than one month, and it is also highly contagious during the incubation period!”

  ”It starts with a low fever, then a fever all over the body, until your immune system is completely conquered, and finally your organs will fail one after another, and die in pain… The whole process will last for a full year or even longer, until you are tortured enough, until the descendants of the virus infect other people again.”

  ”So don’t think it has nothing to do with you. The province of Battoa is in the northwest corner of the Great Desert. You are the people closest to this bomb! And you may have been infected with this thing!”

  Before he finished speaking, there was an uproar on the ship in an instant, and the boiling sound seemed to overturn the bumpy deck.

  Every face was filled with different expressions, some angry, some terrified, and some panicked and suspicious.

  Some mothers have unconsciously covered the mouths and noses of their babies in their arms, or hid in places with fewer people.

  Some people couldn’t help but cough. Seeing the surprised eyes from the side, they couldn’t help but start to doubt themselves.

  ”What are you kidding! A virus specifically targeting the Weilants… How, how is this possible?!”

  ”Who would do such a thing… No, damn it, these damn guards, how could they lose such an important thing!”

  ”So there is a virus hidden on our ship? What… biological weapons targeting the Weilants?”

  People shouted and yelled in doubt, as if they were crazy.

  They instinctively felt that this kind of thing was too ridiculous. If there were such awesome weapons, the aliens would not have waited until now to use them.

  But soon they remembered that the Weilants’ genetic source code was strictly kept before, but now it was stolen.

  Everything seemed to make sense.

  Just like Malok last night, they went from suspicion to firm belief.

  After all, the one standing in front of them was a captain, and he was the captain of Triumph City.

  These guys who were extremely loyal to Marshal Julius would never joke with the Guards, and the Guards would never lie about such a thing.

  Looking at his fellows who were still making noises, Malok raised his voice and answered one of their questions.

  ”We can’t rule out this possibility, so we can only ask you to go back with regret.”

  A strong man squeezed to the front of the crowd and glared at Malok.

  ”Possibility! Just because of this so-called possibility, you stopped us from attending Marshal Julius’ funeral!”

  He had broad shoulders and rough palms, like a soldier who had been on the battlefield.

  Many Weilant people had been on the battlefield, and this was not a significant feature.

  However, at this critical juncture when the front line was in crisis, it was still difficult for such a veteran who was in his prime and had combat experience to get on a flight to Weilant Province.

  But Malok didn’t know the true inside story of the “death agent”.

  The version told to him by the Guards was that someone was going to design a genetic weapon against the Weilant people through the Weilant people’s genetic source code.

  Looking at the angry man, Malok said with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry, the funeral has been postponed.”

  Everyone on the deck was stunned.

  ”Push, postponed?!”

  Malok nodded.

  ”Yes, our respected Archon announced that the Willant Alliance has entered a state of emergency. Before the state of emergency ends, we will temporarily block the Whirlpool Sea.”

  Hearing this, everyone on the deck panicked and started shouting.

  ”What should we do?!”

  ”Are you going to let us stay on the sea forever?”

  Malok raised his hand to signal them to stay calm, and then continued to speak.

  ”You can return the same way, or you can come back to accept our resettlement… We have designated a buffer zone in the coastal area of ​​the Weilant Province and set up some tents there. We will isolate you according to the time you land, and arrange for doctors to examine your body.”

  ”The Triumph City has requested assistance from the Academy, the Alliance and the Enterprise through the Sticky Community, and they have responded to us very positively, saying that they will airlift some medical personnel and supplies to the Weilant Province to face this crisis with us… just like we once faced the crisis of the Torch Church with them.”

  The people on the deck whispered.

  Especially when they heard about the Enterprise and the Alliance, almost everyone showed a hesitant expression on their faces.

  The Southern Legion is fighting with the Enterprise and the Alliance, and no one can guarantee that these guys will not take the opportunity to do something.

  At this time, a thin old man walked to the bow, staring at Captain Malok, and asked in a hoarse voice.

  ”That virus… are you serious?”

  Captain Malok nodded.

  ”At least the Guards are serious. Including Triumph City, the Weilant Alliance has restricted the entry of people other than the Weilant people… After all, all of them may become asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic carriers of the virus. Even if it is not their intention to hurt us, we will be indirectly hurt by them.”

  Not intentional…

  The smile on the old man’s face was a little bitter.

  This is really too modest. There are too many people who want the Weilant people to die. There is at least one out of every three wastelanders.

  Malok obviously thought so, so he shrugged and made a helpless expression.

  ”So you should know how dangerous it is to run around at this juncture… We are not just targeting you. The borders in the southeast, northwest and northeast are all closed.”

  The old man sighed and it took a long time to utter a word.

  ”I hope there are no aliens in the buffer zone…”

  Triumph City closed the border.

  In this case, the Weilant Province should be much safer than the Batoya Province.

  After all, the Southern Legion has vast colonies, and most of the people living in the colonies are aliens in the great desert.

  If something really happened, the Southern Legion, which had not taken any measures so far, would undoubtedly be the most dangerous…

  Looking at the anxious old man, Malov shouted with a smile.

  ”Don’t worry about this. Even if there is, it is a researcher sent by the academy to help us.”

  ”If something goes wrong, we will not let them go.”


  The news that the Weilant people’s gene source code was lost caused a sensation in Triumph City.

  As the guards of the source code, their dignity was even more lost in this turmoil, and they were accused by all forces in Triumph City.

  In the face of those rebukes, the reaction of the commander of the Lei Ze Corps was very calm.

  Having lived for 172 years, he has long been accustomed to the ups and downs in this city. Of course, he would not be so shameless as to not play because of a few scoldings from the younger generation.

  However, although Lei Ze looked calm, the battlefield atmosphere group felt quite guilty.

  This old man is already in the age of entering the coffin, and in the end he has to bet his life’s honor on himself.

  After finishing the meeting with the ministers, he looked at the old man and said in an apologetic tone.

  ”I’m sorry… After this is over, I will clear all the grievances for you, and tell everyone that this is all my idea.”

  Looking at the apologetic Archon, Lei Ze, wearing golden armor, smiled faintly and said in a very light voice.

  ”You don’t have to worry about my feelings. Just do what you should do now.”

  After a pause, the old man suddenly changed to the tone of an elder and continued meaningfully.

  ”But I have to remind you that the real clever lie is to tell only half of the truth and keep the other half that is not in your favor. Marshal Julius is very clever in this matter, and so is your manager, but you are a little bit worse and didn’t leave yourself room to retreat.”

  The expressions of the Battlefield Atmosphere Group were a little embarrassed. They touched their noses and coughed dryly.

  ”I am far behind them…”

  Lei Ze smiled faintly.

  ”That’s for sure. They have done so many things, and you have only done a few things.”

  ”But it doesn’t matter. Everyone has gone from being unskilled to being skilled, whether it is the respected Marshal Julius or your manager.”

  ”I still have high hopes for you.”

  The last sentence gave the Battlefield guy a lot of confidence, and his heart couldn’t help but warm up.

  He really didn’t do this cleverly, but it was the best way he could think of.

  Faced with the “strange plan” of the Tyr Legion Commander, his choice was to play along.

  Since the former claimed to have stolen the gene source code and used it to persuade other senior officials of the Southern Legion to participate in his crazy plan, he claimed that the gene source code was indeed lost, but it was stolen by the Enlightenment Society in the Great Desert, and was used to make a virus called “death agent” that specifically persecuted the Weilant people.

  Based on this reason, he could naturally declare the Weilant Alliance to be in a state of emergency, and blockade the Triumph City and even the Weilant Province to prevent the Southern Legion from using the Triumph City and the funeral of Marshal Julius as a springboard for spreading the virus.

  Not only that, the Northern Empire, the Eastern Empire and the Federation of the New World who received the news would also close their borders one after another and strictly guard all incoming personnel. Regardless of

  whether they believe in the existence of the “death agent”, the news of the loss of the gene source code is not false in their eyes.

  As for what the “death agent” itself is, it is no longer important.

  Whoever publicly declares it first has the priority right to interpret it.

  The Southern Legion couldn’t possibly come out and argue that they stole the gene source code, and that the death agent was actually very harmless to the Weilants, and was mainly aimed at aliens other than the Weilants.

  Not to mention that Tyr didn’t have the Weilants’ gene source code, he couldn’t even prove that the thing was actually very harmless to the Weilants, because it was an indiscriminate weapon from the beginning.

  Not to mention explaining it.

  They didn’t even dare to let other forces find out that this thing had slipped out of their own laboratory.

  Otherwise, even without waiting for the companies and the alliance to take action, those old friends would have to come out and beat them up. But

  it was only a matter of time before they were discovered.

  If the “death agent” plan had been launched, and several old legion forces including Triumph City had closed their borders one after another, preventing the Weilants from moving to other areas, then the pathogen would be confined to the city of Yavent.

  In addition, Yongye Port had been occupied by the Alliance, and the Southern Legion’s road to the Eastern World had been cut off. Except for the primitive viruses with high mortality and low infection rates that had been put on the battlefield of the Borneo Province, there would be almost no strains that would spread out.

  At that time, Tyr will find that he has shot himself in the foot.

  And the Willant people in Avent City will gradually come to their senses and realize who their enemy is.

  In addition to the macro deployment, the Battlefield Atmosphere Group also used the power of the Civilian Group to set up some quarantine areas in the coastal border areas of the Willant Province.

  This is just the first step.

  After controlling the “death agent”, he will soon start the second step of the plan, fulfilling his duties as the Archon of Triumph City and providing relief to the Avent City that has been trapped in the plague.

  And this stage of the plan requires the help of other survivors in the wasteland, such as the Academy, the Alliance and the Enterprise.

  But this is not a difficult task for him.

  He knows the attitude of the manager very well.

  That guy has been rushing to end the wasteland era since the server was opened, and it is impossible to leave the Willant people alone.

  Just as he was thinking about this, hurried footsteps came from outside the meeting hall of the Glory Court.

  Ignoring the obstruction of the guards at the door, the man in gorgeous clothes broke into the hall, staring at the Archon sitting in the middle of the hall, and said angrily.

  ”Mr. Archon, I need an explanation!”

  This is the messenger of the Southern Legion. He is

  also the representative who came to attend the funeral of Marshal Julius on behalf of Tyr.

  The battlefield guy remembered that his name was Harogen, and his military rank was a two-star captain, one star higher than Korwe.

  But now that he is an archon, he doesn’t need to worry about these military ranks.

  Looking at the angry Harogen captain, the battlefield atmosphere team asked with interest.

  ”What explanation do you want?”

  Harogen said angrily.

  ”Postponing the funeral of Marshal Julius, closing the border when all the Weilants rushed to Triumph City to pay homage to Marshal Julius! Do you know what you are doing!”

  This guy was anxious.

  However, the battlefield atmosphere team did not think that a mere two-star captain would know the inside story of the “death agent”.

  The biggest possibility is that the commander of the Tyr Legion tried to test the reality of Triumph City through this guy, or to put pressure on himself.

  Just when he was about to speak, Lei Ze, who was sitting not far from him, spoke first.

  ”Marshal Julius has been waiting for almost two centuries. I believe that he would not mind waiting a little longer to see his children finish their final performance.”

  A sharp light shot out from the turbid pupils, which instantly extinguished Harogen’s momentum of charging the enemy with accusations.

  The legion had just completed its transformation to the Weilant Alliance, and he could not yet understand what the archon meant.

  But he could understand what the legion commander meant.

  Especially the legion commander who had fought with Marshal Julius.

  ”The most… what are you talking about? What a play…” Harogen swallowed his saliva and took a step back unconsciously, saying in a trembling voice.

  Lei Ze looked at him calmly, his eyes like looking at a noisy child.

  ”…Ask yourself, or ask your legion commander, I think he should be the one who knows best.”

  Harogen held his breath involuntarily.

  His political intuition told him that the water behind this might be deeper than he thought.

  Without saying another word, he let the guards pull him out, and then hurriedly left the door of the meeting room.

  Looking at the back that turned away, Lei Ze smiled faintly and called out in a voice that was neither light nor heavy.

  ”Tell that child for me…”

  ”The candles of Triumph City have not yet been extinguished, and the soul of Marshal Julius is still here.”

  ”His Majesty the Marshal is watching you.”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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