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Chapter 937 “Decisive Battle Mission”

Chapter 937 “Decisive Battle Mission”


Author: Morningstar LL

  Chapter 937 “The Mission of Decisive Battle”

  After leaving the Glory Courtyard, Harogen got into the car parked at the foot of the stone steps and went straight back to his own mansion.

  Without stopping for a moment, he immediately moved to the study, turned on the panoramic conference device, and contacted Tyr, the commander of the Southern Legion, who was far away in the city of Avent.

  Looking at the holographic bust that appeared in the light blue light and shadow, Harogen immediately showed respect on his face and nodded to report.

  ”Your Excellency, the commander of the legion, the Triumph City has rejected our request to reopen the border.”

  Tyr said slowly.

  ”Did the archon mention the reason?”

  ”The reason is still the death dose. The Royal Guards insist that they have received conclusive news that the stolen gene source code has been used to make genetic weapons against the Weyland people.” Harogen’s expression hesitated slightly, and he whispered, “I don’t think Commander Lei Ze is lying… I wonder if we should pay attention to it too?”

  Although he did not doubt the ability of the Southern Legion’s intelligence department, he also found it difficult to believe that the Royal Guards would say that without solid evidence.

  Especially since his family is still in the city of Avent.

  If the “death potion” really existed, it would be hard for him not to worry about the safety of his family…

  Legion Commander Tyr looked at him silently, as if he was lost in thought, and there was no further news for a long time.

  Harogen was tactful and did not disturb him, but at this moment, he suddenly remembered something.

  ”…By the way, Legion Commander Lei Ze asked me to bring you a message.”

  Legion Commander Tyr seemed to have finally responded, looking at him expressionlessly.

  ”What did he say.”

  Harogen reported truthfully.

  ”He said… His Majesty the Marshal is watching you.”

  The moment he heard this, Tyr’s expression on his face was indifferent, but his heart trembled involuntarily.

  But that was only a moment.

  He knew that was impossible.

  The Marshal was dead, and had been dead for more than a century, so this matter could not be false.

  Trying to scare himself with the name of a dead person…

  Tyr’s mouth corners gently pulled up a cold arc, which made Harogen, who was standing in the conference room, feel a chill on his back, as if he was facing a poisonous snake waiting for an opportunity.

  What happened to his respected legion commander?

  Countless confusions flooded into his mind, especially when he thought of the meaningful look of the commander of the Lei Ze Corps.

  Harogen’s Adam’s apple moved, and he wanted to ask the confusion in his heart, but his throat seemed to be stuffed with a ball of cotton, and he couldn’t say a word.

  Tyr didn’t make any explanation, but ended the topic that made him unhappy with an expressionless face.

  ”I know.”

  Seeing that Tyr seemed to intend to end the meeting, Harogen quickly added a sentence.

  ”I will try again… Maybe there is some misunderstanding here.”


  Tyr nodded without saying anything, and the light blue holographic image disappeared in Harogen’s study.

  Obviously, the Guards had noticed something through their intelligence network, so they used this trick to turn the tables.

  Although I don’t know how the information was leaked to Triumph City, since the incident has happened, Tyr no longer has any hope of solving the problem through diplomatic means.


  if these weak guys think he will give up just like that, they are underestimating him.

  The headquarters of the Southern Legion.

  Tyr stood up from his desk and walked to the window, his eyes looking across the metal and cement-casting world of Avent City.

  Every inch of land here is flowing with the blood of the Willant people.

  Compared with the Norton City named “Conquer”, this is the real “Conquer City”!

  ”The Southern Legion will not admit defeat. Even if the old allies abandon us, we will still charge the enemies of the Willant people again as a legion.”

  He looked up at the sky, staring at the increasingly heavy dark clouds, his resolute and cold face full of determination.

  ”The final winner must be us.”

  What to do next is obvious.

  Without a trace of hesitation or nostalgia, he left the office and went straight to the 68th Institute not far from the headquarters.

  This institute is located in the center of Avent City, on the 68th floor of the “World Tower” building.

  The shell of the entire building is made of alloy, and its appearance is like a long knife piercing the ground from the sky.

  A century and a half ago, the survivors of Yavent City used the legacy of the prosperous era to cast this alloy building and used it as a “vertical processing center” to store the black boxes and other heritage they recovered from the Battoa Province, and to rebuild their imagined prosperous era.

  Later, due to realistic factors, this magnificent project was unfinished without any suspense.

  Later, the Legion conquered Yavent City, improved the entire building, and successfully transformed it into a military industrial base integrating production and research!

  The research and development projects carried out in this building are far more than just the “death agent”.

  However, at present, the “death agent” is indeed the most likely to be realized among all the decisive weapons.

  Seeing Tyr appear in the laboratory, Martin immediately put down his work and walked over.

  ”You’re here? I was just planning to report to you. According to your instructions, 476 pathogens have been deployed. When they arrive in Triumph City, it is expected that all the survivors in the city will be infected and show symptoms within 14 to 30 days… Is it really okay without the gene source code? Although it’s too late for you to regret it now.”

  Even with the gene source code, it can’t guarantee that the Weilant people will not be infected 100%, but at least it won’t be as serious as other survivors.

  In the face of his inquiry, Tyr was indifferent.

  ”No problem, that’s what I planned from the beginning… It’s better to say that this is better.”

  Just as Lei Ze guessed, he said this in a cold-blooded tone.

  Martin stared at the respected legion commander for a while, sighed and said.

  ”What a lunatic, aren’t you worried about being infected?”

  But then again, even if this guy is infected with the lethal agent, he won’t really die.

  Martin realized that he asked a stupid and unnecessary question.

  Even if it reaches the stage of organ failure, this guy can directly replace the bionic organs. If it really cannot be cured, he can lie in a hibernation cabin and freeze until he can be cured.

  Although this virus with a wide range of lethal effects has a large killing area, its killing ability to individuals is actually extremely limited.

  That is why he predicted in the infection model that the virus would eventually be blocked in Ideal City.

  Most of the residents there have bionic organs installed, and the medical security system there is also the most advanced in the entire wasteland.

  But it doesn’t matter by then.

  Ideal City is invincible only when it stands with the wastelanders. They are isolated and helpless and are not worth mentioning at all.

  ”Don’t worry about my affairs. Now we have other troubles.”

  Tyr really didn’t take his worries to heart. He ended the topic with one sentence. After a pause, he continued to talk about the latest situation.

  ”The Guards are fighting with us, and now Triumph City has closed its borders to us… I want to know if there is any other way to spread the lethal agent without using Triumph City.”

  Hearing this, Martin’s expression became solemn. After touching his chin and thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said.

  ”It’s a bit difficult… Triumph City is the most suitable, and it can even be said to be necessary.”

  Tyr continued to ask.

  ”What if we don’t use humans as carriers? For example, poultry, or fish–”

  Martin interrupted him without hesitation before he finished speaking.

  ”Impossible, there is a wasteland outside, and now it is the Wasteland Era. Do you think the Batoy Province is still the Batoy Province with thousands of flights a day three centuries ago?”

  The environment in the wasteland is full of uncertainty, so that species in the wasteland rarely leave their familiar living areas, and those species that like to migrate around have disappeared as early as the early Wasteland Era.

  At present, only humans still have the ability and motivation to migrate long distances.

  If they want to spread the virus to the east of the Great Desert, Triumph City is almost necessary for their plan.

  Because only there is a railway to the East Empire, and currently only the trade route of the East Empire leads to the east where the Alliance is located.

  After listening to Martin’s explanation, Tyr nodded solemnly, and then slowly spoke.

  ”It seems that only that trick can be used.”

  Martin, who was thinking hard, cast his eyes on him and asked curiously.

  ”What trick?”

  Tyr paused for a moment and continued in a calm and even cold-blooded voice.

  ”…The quarantine zone has a limit to its tolerance. As long as we evacuate the Willant people from Battoa Province to Willant Province in the name of ‘pilgrimage to Triumph City’ and provide them with enough ships to help them cross the Whirlpool Sea… Even if Triumph City mobilizes the entire city’s armed forces to maintain order, their defenses will be penetrated by the huge number of people.”

  Evacuating the “useless population” of Yavent City can also reduce the losses suffered by Yavent City in this crisis and increase their chances of winning the final competition.

  However, the moment Martin heard this, he was stunned. Is

  this guy crazy?

  Let all the civilians of the Southern Legion go north and charge at the spiritual homeland of the Willant people!

  This is… How crazy!

  He originally thought that his idea was anti-human enough, but he didn’t expect that the legion commander actually surpassed himself!

  Millions of old, weak, women and children left their hometowns. Hunger, cold and possible accidents on the road alone could kill more than half of them, and there was no need for viruses.

  Even if they have the blood of genetic warriors flowing in their veins, these guys are still human beings, not aliens or alien species.

  Thinking of the hellish scene, Martin’s shoulders couldn’t help shaking with excitement.

  ”You are simply a genius…”

  Tyr’s expression was indifferent to Martin’s praise.

  ”Thank you.”

  He didn’t have time to hesitate or take it slow.

  After all, the “death agent” has been released, and soon there will be infected people in the quarantine area along the coast of Avent City or the Willant Province.

  Considering the proportion of Willant people in it, there will undoubtedly be Willant people among them.

  By that time, even the high-ranking officials of the Southern Legion who were originally loyal to him will gradually realize that the “death agent” is indiscriminate.

  The reason why the clinical reactions in the laboratory affect the aliens, especially the Poros, more is simply because of the physical advantages of the Willant people. If

  an awakened person with an enhanced immune system is used to do the experiment, there is still a probability that he will be fine after sneezing, which does not mean anything at all.

  It is for this reason that he must rush to the point where things cannot be reversed before everyone notices the problem.

  Only in this way can we stop those short-sighted guys from jumping off the car…


  It turns out that Tyr was not joking.

  On the second day after the Southern Legion’s envoys failed to communicate with Triumph City about opening the border, his personal guards took to the streets of Avent City with armbands and launched a special operation code-named “Decisive Battle Mission”, shouting on the street with loudspeakers. Unable

  to sleep because of the noisy voice, an old man about 60 years old pushed open the door of his house.

  His name is Bazel.

  Due to the “strange plan” of the two idiots Tyr and Gullion, two of his four children died on the front line of the Borneo Province, and one is still missing. Only the one who went to the New World is still alive and well. If

  it were someone else, they would not dare to use force against the personal guards, but he would not indulge these running dogs.

  Bazel, who was standing at the door, was about to get angry at the patrolling soldiers, but the latter looked at him and shouted first.

  ”Why haven’t you left yet?”

  Old Bazel was stunned when he heard this, and his brows knitted together.

  ”Leave? Where to?”

  The soldier asked as a matter of course.

  ”What else could it be? Of course we are going to attend the funeral of Marshal Julius! His Majesty the Marshal has dedicated his life to us. At this last moment, we should go and see him off.”

  Looking at that loyal look, Bazel’s attitude softened, and he muttered in a low voice.

  ”Marshal Julius… we should go and see him off, but I have no relatives in Triumph City, and going there will only cause trouble for others. He will understand my difficulties, and my lover and I will mourn him at home.”

  Hearing the old man’s reason, the young man smiled and said.

  ”Don’t worry! Commander Tyr will solve your food and accommodation problems in Triumph City, including the ship to go there.”

  The old man frowned and looked at him suspiciously.


  The young man said without hesitation.

  ”Of course it’s true! How could what Commander Tyr said be false? By the way, if you insist on staying at home to show your loyalty, it’s okay, but the war and plague are approaching recently… You should have heard about it, right? Martial control will be implemented in Avent City in a few days.”

  The old man looked at him in astonishment.

  ”So sudden? Is this the order of Commander Tyr, or the unanimous opinion of the top leaders of the Southern Legion-”

  ”What’s the difference? It’s the same in my opinion.”

  Seeing that the old man was still hesitant, the soldier with the armband urged him to continue.

  ”If you want to go, you’d better do it as soon as possible. There is still a bus to the dock now. If you are late, there will be no more.”

  ”Well, at least let me pack my luggage…” Unable to resist his urging, the old man complained, closed the door and turned back to the bedroom.

  Looking at her husband who took out the suitcase, the old woman who was over fifty years old was full of worry.

  She had been listening to the conversation downstairs before, but based on her many years of experience, she always felt that things were not that simple.

  ”Dear, I always feel that there is something wrong with this…”

  The old man snorted.

  ”Of course I know that something big might happen in Avent City again.”

  The kid was too young, obviously he had never seen the world, and he could actually say such stupid words as “How could the words of the Tyr Legion Commander be false?”

  Marshal Julius, has the Tyr Legion Commander ever said a word of truth?

  He was too lazy to argue with that guy.

  After all, judging from this posture, the Tyr Legion Commander was obviously serious.

  There was no doubt that someone had pushed this guy to the edge.

  ”Then why are we still packing?” His wife walked behind him and continued worriedly, “I’m worried that if I leave this time, it will be difficult to come back.”

  The old man answered without thinking while packing his luggage.

  ”Otherwise, stay? Don’t be silly, pack up quickly… I want to think about whether there are any relatives I can contact, and then leave this damn place first.”

  While the old man was packing his luggage, the situation of every household was probably the same.

  The guards who participated in the operation did not know the real goal of the so-called “Decisive Battle Mission” special operation. They only completed the work ordered by their superiors and did their own things.

  The coordination and cooperation between the organizational units at all levels are as close as the gears on the chain.

  Some people are responsible for mobilization, some are responsible for spreading rumors, and some are responsible for coercion and inducement.

  War and plague are approaching the city of Avent!

  If you don’t want to be unlucky, go to Triumph City to attend the funeral of Marshal Julius!

  This is what the Willant people should do.

  They promised the citizens that they would reimburse their travel expenses during the journey and provide vehicles and ships to assist them to the Willant Province across the Whirlpool Sea.

  After Julius’s funeral, everything in the city of Avent will return to normal.

  As for those who stay, they need to accept the control of wartime terms and be embarrassed to the maximum extent. After all, the guards lost the genetic source code of the Willant people, and now is an extraordinary period.

  Whether out of fear of war and plague, or out of loyalty to Marshal Julius, the citizens of Avent City took the initiative to leave their homes and set off for Triumph City, without the need for the guards to talk too much.

  Most of these Willant people are related to the residents of Triumph City, or simply immigrants who moved to the south from the Willant Province.

  After hearing the news of the fall of Evernight Port, many of them had already thought about leaving Avent City.

  That is why, after hearing a series of promises made by the top leaders of the Southern Legion, they did not spend too much time on mental preparation, and quickly packed their bags and set off.

  Not only that, they even planned which relative to go to after going to Triumph City.

  However, at this moment, they did not know that Triumph City had closed its borders.

  And the transportation promised by the top leaders of the Southern Legion to provide them was probably just some rafts without even a power device.

  In just one day, one-fifth of the people in Yavent City left, and the remaining four-fifths of the people who did not leave were either queuing or waiting.

  In order to solve the shortage of transportation, the Southern Legion even transferred trucks from the military camp.

  The mighty team was like a long snake that was winding endlessly, and there was no end in sight.

  At the same time, while hundreds of thousands of residents were moving to the northern part of Battoa Province, 100,000 vassal troops also went to the northern part of Battoa Province.

  They will be responsible for building 20 camps, making transportation for the Willant civilians who migrated north, and driving those who refused to leave across the sea.

  These tasks are naturally impossible for the Willant people to do.

  After all, under the constraints of morality and honor, some Willant soldiers will refuse to execute the orders of their superiors, even those of the personal guard.

  There is a precedent for this kind of thing, and once it happens, it often causes a big mess.

  Therefore, it is most appropriate to leave it to the aliens.

  Facing the Willant people, they will never be soft.

  It must be said that the Southern Legion’s mobilization ability is indeed very strong, and its control over society is far superior to that of Xilan and the later Bora Kingdom.

  Driven by loyalty and coercion, the Willant people in the Batua Province are like devout pilgrims, flocking to the wide coastline one after another.

  Not only the Willant people, but also a few foreign races have joined the migration army.

  Some of them were driven away rudely, while others were out of fear of the several murderous corps of the Alliance in the propaganda of the Southern Legion. On

  the third day of the start of the “Decisive Battle Mission” operation, the first batch of “beach landing troops” had been forced onto the ship.

  Looking at the rafts that appeared on the sea level, Malok, who was standing on the deck of the destroyer, completely lost his face and stared with his eyes wide open like crazy.


  At this moment, there were at least hundreds of boats in front of him!

  After discovering that the ferry was not working, these guys actually adopted the tactic of breaking up the whole into pieces!

  Not to mention his mere destroyer, even if he sank all the airships of Triumph City on the sea,

  he couldn’t stop so many ships! After all, those people were Weylanders, and they had the same blood flowing in his veins. He couldn’t just shoot them down!

  Not to mention firing, if these people fell into the water, he would have to go up and rescue them!

  ”These lunatics…are they trying to kill themselves!?”

  Malok cursed incoherently, and immediately put his hand on the communicator on his shoulder, reporting the situation on the scene to the command of the coastal defense fleet.

  The news was reported one level at a time, and soon it was reported all the way to Triumph City, and then to the Glory House.

  When he learned from the phone that the next move of the Tyr Legion Commander was going to be, the battlefield guy’s eyes widened, and he couldn’t help but blurt out “Fuck!”.

  This guy is no longer just flipping the table, but killing crazy! He even used the trick of de-urbanization!

  Fortunately, the two provinces are separated by a sea that is only 200 kilometers wide at the closest point.

  If this doubles, none of these cannon fodders will be able to get ashore, and they will all drown on the way!

  Lei Ze’s brows also frowned, and his hands tightly grasped the armrests of the chair. Suddenly, with a “bang”, the armrests of the chair were crushed into pieces.

  ”This is genocide against the Weilant people. We can’t let this guy continue to mess around like this!”

  Looking at the stunned Archon, the 172-year-old man exuded a murderous aura and his voice was unprecedentedly cold.

  ”Mr. Archon, declare war on the Southern Legion!”

  (End of this chapter)


This Game Is Too Realistic

This Game Is Too Realistic

Trò chơi này cũng quá chân thật, zhe you xi ye tai zhen shi le, 这游戏也太真实了
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
Chu Guang, who had traveled to the post-apocalyptic world, discovered that he had unlocked a shelter system and was able to summon creatures named “player” from the previous world. From that day on, the whole post-apocalyptic world became like a game.


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